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Approved For Release 2002' a CIA4ROK9R00890A000800070025-5'' NBC BRIEFING DISTRIBUTION OF HUNGARIAN REFUGEES UPPROXINATI =NUM Belgium 3,000 Denmark 1,000 France 9,000 West Germany 14,000 Bolland 3,000 Iceland 52 Ireland 530 Italy 3,500 Luxembourg 250 Norway 1,500 Sweden 5,000 Switzerland 11,000 Spain 4 UK 20,000 Candda 24,000 US 32.000 Argentina 150 Brazil 155 Chile 50 'Venezuela 173 Union of S.Africa 500 Israel 1,000 Australia 4,000 New Zealand 500 Rhodesia 230 Approved For Release 219riles0 : CIA-RDP79ROGNISA000800070025-5 ' 16 Nay 2937 Approved For Reifflig 28filkileti? '1"1.577717.1..- Atti 01800070025-5_ LAVIA 1. Last official stat Rent of numbers was 12 April, saying that as of 10 April 18,853 had entered, of which ,124 had been repatriated elected to stay in Yugoslavia 141j_ had gone to other countries 1,042 left in Yugoslavia Since then, 40 children have been repatriated. (Bit mix..up on whether adequate checking had been dove on validity of parents' (still in Hungary) requesta, but Lindt, UN High Commiesioner for l'efUgees, thinks Yugoslays acted in good faith. Also, possibly up to about 500 have cove on to other countr So approximately 14,500 still in Yugoslavia. 2. Limit worked out agreement with Austria to take 5,000 of these on a temporary basis, before going on to third countries. On public announomment of this, to Belgrade Yugoolava balked, but Lindt believes there had been a tangle in communications about his negotiations and that Yugoslays feared that Austrians would make propaganda about this move. ( An Austrian official recently made remarks about Austrians' xixsx* already existing problem with regular Yugoslav escapees) put Litdt has partially straightened/this mimup, and now is proceeding with arrangements for small trial group (500 . 1,000) to go to Austria He has also gained Yugoslav agreement for a USEP (UNITED States Escapee Program) crooning team to go to Yugoslavia. This will allow processing of some refugees, particularly for ones to go to Latin American countries once latter has established quotas. (ussr teams apparently to do screening for those countries not sending own screening teats., and for US if latter ever decided to admit some). 3. Permanent resettlements Agreements for about '4000 to 8,000. `,27ri,rse Approved For Release : CIA-RDP79R00890A000800070025-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RD Belgium ? 1,500 Canada ? 1,000 lastralia ? 2,000 Sweden ? 300 Norway ? 300 Israel, orMAny,France, several hundred each (Yugoslays later said 'rano* would take 1,500) Latin American ccuntriee 1,000 ? 2,000 bad teen saying must get rid of 5,000 quickly im r to relieve ties for tourist season just starting. Publicly said this at end of privately indicated to UNHCR representative that no so urgen provided financial help to support present burden.. So for, have reeeiv UNHCR plus US.densted food. (May also get 200,000 from Dutch 100,000 t fron Lord Mow of London). Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP79R00890A000800070025-5