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Approved For Release 200 11V9R00890A000800010012-5 NBC BRIE FING 15 November 1966 IMPACT ON ASIA I. With few exceptions, Asia has been tar more affected by Egypt than by Hungary. A. Egypt is deemed an Asian brother, fighting old, common enemies of freedom. B. Hungary is considered remote and essentially a white man's problem. . Nehru's statements in last two weeks reflect the thinking of most neighboring leaders. Be quickly condemned Hritish-Yrench action its "naked aggression," but delayed comment on Hungary several days. A. When Nehru finally got round to Hungary (9 Nov) he linked it with Egypt as another of "small countries made to suffer because of the rivalries of great powers." B. But Nehru took edge off this small expression of sympathy by observing that fighting in Hungary appeared merely "civil conflict." C. In VII, moreover, Me on was only Asian who voted &gains 9 Nov resolution calling for Soviet withdrawal from Hungary. 1. Hints by Indian officials imply that Wen= misinterpreted his instructions in so voting. DOC.MVENTNO. xc r /e& . F7i0o-W Firl-vre.,,F_R? 372044 Approved For Releas 9R00890A000800010012-5 Approved For Release 200 08/14 CI -RDP79R00890A00080001 d y and Afghanistanalso concentrating attention o aleost o exclusion Hungary. A. Pakistan president airs& called 84 Nov meeting of Moslem of the Baghdad Pact: meeting demandedthat forsign pa leave Sgypt, and Pakiatan even talked of leaving Commonwealth. Rovever, no mention made of MUngary. N. Afghanistan was the first country to answer Ilgypt's call for volunteers. Your of the five Colombo Powers (India, Ceylon Surma and Indonesia) now paying more heed to Hungary, although leaving issue in second place. A. In 14 Nov joint statemenmeetingt afterin New Delhi, inisters first called for BK-French withdrawal d then "noted with distress" events in Hungary. Jour ed Soy forces should withdraw "speedily" and Hungarians should "decide own future" without external intervention "from any quarter." ndonesia both executive and parliament have violently ked British,Trench and Israelis as aggressors in Itgypt. tish and trench embassies have been mobbedlabor unions fusing to service British and /tench planes or ships, and waiters in Djakarta hotels even refusing to serve Mt and French nationals. President Sukarno publicly suggested Anglo-French action was forerunner of a. Dutch attempt to retake Indonesia Approved For Release 200 00890A000800010012-5 Approved For Release 20 1A-RDP7914610490*017080b-0-1001"2-5 C. Indonesian Foreign Sinister told Parliament that Government disapproved Soviet action in Hungary, but emphasized that events in Hungary should not divert Indonesian attention from the tar. more serious Anglo-French 'aggression" in Egypt. 'VI Other Southeast Asian reactions also highly critical on Zgyp loose concerned with Hungary. A. In Burma, news coverage of B eve shadows Hungary.How- ever, Premier Be ewe stated that Soviets--as well as British and French?were "scuttling the VB." In Thailand four minor political parties issued a Joint condemnation of British and Trench and march through Bangkok demanded Thai withdrawal from SEATO. Our Embassy reports that Asian SEATO representatives are showing tension and will have difficulties explaining their treaty ties with UK and France to home public "for some time. . Exceptions to general Asian attitudes are South Korea, Taiwan and Japan. A. first two, strongly anti-Communist, are being greatly stimulated by Hungary. At first saw revolt as beginning of collapse of Communist world. B. Taipei has criticized other Asian countries for condemning British and French aggression, while remaining silent on Hungary. C. Japan has been more oncommital. Little said on either Hungary or Egypt, while press has expressed disapproval of both Soviets and Anglo-French. officials Approved For Release 2004103/14 : CIA-R 673064000 10012-5 Approved For Release 200 /08/14 : CIA-RDP79R00891A000800010012-5 In tion, prestige of Britain and France in Asia undoubtedly at iv* low and probably will not recover quickly. A. USSR's prestige also tarnished, but strong Soviet threats to Britain, Francs and Israel have had balancing effect* Stock of UB, so far, has risen high, although local Communists working hard to link BB with British and French, and to give USSR credit for Egyptian coase-fire, Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00890A000800010012-5 - 4 -