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Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100090009-8 dPP_ TatO'MMIS1 THREAT IN BRITISH GUIANA Despatch of British troops from Jamaica to?',Sritish Guiana highlights the Communist threat in' that area. A ''victory' for the pmmun sts in British Guiana would establish a foothold for Communism in South America comparable to or possibly even more danger- than == that in Guatemala in Central Amer- fifth (about 2,000,000 tons) of the free world's supply of bauxite. 1. British Guiana produces nearly a source of US aluminum imports. ( mmiin i at ctrPnQth '.Q;`oW ' T U f!1 s 1'C6mmunist agitation among large Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79R0089OA000100090009-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100090009-8 rG4 effected 'seats ins the Asse=; D1y? Party leaders then assumed Aan n - ral posts been going on for se~veYa yea' s siic activi I16iniriant force `in ; born Comm t has been'American- J4net Jagan , aid her Liusband , helot Jaganiemer d he e Oi, Assembly saner 104 " inJ-9'5'2 And' she as as neap ?ly this s ,E. Last April the cotony eld its li.rs election ulder4 the ne ahtch institute ions itut ion ably' broadened ' the" House versal sufrage " acid codi .der- AseImbiy's authority in domestic affairs. the 1People i s Progressive' 'Party led 3 by the Jagans captur'ed 18 out ty is ~r. v si to tly Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100090009-8 r-r,'JTht`T Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100090009-8 41 agriculture, -4~,cluc~ing labor, a$ricul axe coil . . rtd local govrh'ment. education pe'et` etsis "~yar:y mei hers have nevertheless ~] ` oh t vocating' over`throw of rish colonial administration pd 'this weed demanded-curtal- r's' i'. res.._..`., 4t` f the goviri br s po r? rs to administer the defense , reign #atiintenal security Bice They also demanded an r' to to the gveriid` s right fo 'the Assembly's laws. temper the party led `the sugars industry so seve,iii,j sympathy str es al do `24' eptember these strikes w"o ically 'called off and the next of the S Y "the( 8 $arty members V u se fAsseib1y walke'd out on`Y a lii't Q- orde. _7 , A" 43, Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100090009-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100090009-8 vo ~, qFt $g has however { t been reported, III'~.t G ~A _ 0 Aacc c14 g to press report from bot 1;04 op i, OIa J m .ca ? the new +ont~.*ttan ba e ended ajad the oern0?' ranted ull !k35t pow rs.. ~ AAS. arty as I October the Governor a ad be Mtemplating using his tbrtaY da cre1~~,Qrr....~owera .u.nti4r the ae.v contt ce> . .recd on .x$ri as military forces ,. 1 .t ~.,F. ...., t his. tr th in the area TQt l $rta~st Gin police force ? -i e about 1,100; its political ? 8l ab.Ltty is uncertain. APO are where fie, e two battalion ,, SQ~ae, 6 O of. 'e , 600' troops are colonials. Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100090009-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA0001 00090009-8 Some 500 WP1s1i Fusiliers are now ti',ro,ute from Jamaica to British Gu_~-aa~,t A A. frigate was dispatched rum. txearpy Trinidad with 100 troops. - ? -,1# itF~sh Acthiralty has also at}hf?UAe.(~ the tx'amsfer of the f 4 } crui.se~r $eJfj1s from Scotland to the WestIndies, calling itf normal. stati.ot move 1eA ate outlook probably sufficient to maintain Troops and emergency powers are r, though some bloodshed ;coup U P h ;troops land. baby exploit British eme gen,cy s, res; in 'propaganda ..m? the ta=r Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100090009-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100090009-8 MMMIRNTIAL leaders will have a better,oppo Guiana is pot promptly reduced the Jagans and otter CouUis.t 3, If the Communist threat in.British ohies in t1e area,, including tunity in the other . British col strategic Trinidad and Jakmaica Colony whicP supplies the, US with about one-hal,f of its bauxite, Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100090009-8