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Approved For Fuse 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79R00603AQOP2900 1001 6 I ou Secret Interagency Intelligence Re. pone to NSDM 289: Arms Shipments to India and Pakistan During the Second Half of 1976 Top Secret NIO IIM 76-047 TS 761516 December 1976 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79R00603A002900010016-6 1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79R00603AO02900010016-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79R00603AO02900010016-6 Approved For Rase 2007/01 CMET00603A 2900010016-6 3n December 1976 INTERAGENCY INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM* SUBJECT: Arms Shipments to India and Pakistan During the Second Half of 1976 KEY POINTS India's military imports during the last half of 1976 raises the total for all of 1976 to $207 million for India and $164 million for Pakistan. The USSR remained India's major supplier and this relationship is likely to continue. significant Indian imports were India's first receipt of this system -- and the craft. The Soviets are IMIG-21 Bis air- also suspected to have ap- proved New Delhi's request to produce MIG-21 Bis fighters under license in India. This Memorandum is one of a series produced semiannuaZZy in response to NSDM 289. It has been prepared jointly by the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense InteZ- Zigence Agency, and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State. The most SA-6 missiles low altitude missile 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/CBQUTA +% 603A002900010016-6 Approved For R se-f"Ti03~ QjE-1 DP79R00603A1 2900010016-6 China remained Pakistan's key military supplier, but France has become an increasingly important source of sophisticated equipment. France re- cently supplied Pakistan with its first surface- to-air missiles. Pledges by Middle Eastern coun- tries to provide funds to Pakistan for military purchases rose sharply, but few purchases have yet been made with these funds. Both countries continue to develop their overall nuclear programs, but in the last six months neither has made significant new progress toward a nuclear weapons capability. Some important de- velopments, however, have occurred: Heavy water imported by India from the USSR this past fall is for use in the second Rajasthan reactor and will almost certainly be subject to IAEA safeguards. Nevertheless, these imports will enable India to save domestically produced heavy water for the CIRUS reactor and for certain reactors under construction which are not safe- guarded and are therefore potential sources of plutonium for weapons. There have been discussions about possible can- cellation or postponement of the sale of a re- processing plant by France to Pakistan. The deal, however, is not yet dead. Such a plant would be an essential acquisition if Pakistan were to construct its own nuclear device. - 2 - Approved For Release 200VI 06~-EfA1Rt 9R00603A002900010016-6 Approved For Re1se 2001lO J : N - EtI R00603A0Q900010016-6 -- The net impact of the military equipment received by India and Pakistan in 1976 has not significantly affected India's overwhelming military superiority. - The 110 A-7 fighter bombers Pakistan has asked to buy from the US would improve Pakistan's ground support and air interdiction capabilities, but not significantly enhance its position vis-a-vis India.* Indian modernization programs already underway in the air defense field largely negate the increased threat that Pakistani A-7s would pose. The Indians, moreover, probably would further improve their low altitude defense system and intensify their efforts to purchase deep penetration strike aircraft from either Britain, France, Sweden, or the USSR. (India has been considering such purchases for several years.) The Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, does not believe that the brief accompanying commentary is sufficient to support the judgment that Pakistan's acquisition of A-7s would "not significantly enhance its position vis-a-vis India." The subject requires, in the opinion of State/INR, more compre- hensive consideration of the psychological and poZiti- cal implications in both India and Pakistan. State/INR notes, moreover, that the response called for by NSDM 289 does not include discussion of hypothetical sales but is limited to discussion of cumulative arms ship- ments, deliveries, and contracts during the previous six months. Approved For Release 2007/TYF: CIA- DP79R00603A002900010016-6 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79R00603AO02900010016-6 Next 10 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79R00603AO02900010016-6