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roved For (ease 2005/11/29 q.'`r(:1 CIA-RDP79M0098'. 00150007000 4
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 25 May 1977
Page 3
10. LIAISON Received a telephone call
from Robert B. Boettcher, Staff Director, Subcommittee on International
Organizations, House International Relations Committee, who wanted. to come
to the building this afternoon to review F_ I 25X1
earlier. I told him I would have to check back to see if the information would
be ready for him and I did this with I where I was informed the 25X1
information would not be ready until 26 May. I called Boettcher back and
advised him of this, indicating he could review the files as early as 26 May
if this would be convenient for him. Boettcher advised -me that he and
Mike Hershman, Deputy Staff Director of the Subcommittee, were going
out of town the following day and would be away for the rest of the week.
We agreed that he would call me later in the day to set up a date for one,day
next week.
11. LIAISON After checking with the I I 25X1
telephone Mike Epstein, -Senate 5el Comrxi .t .: xk.Intelligencestaff., to
inform him that the practice off"' oprifig ei' rM6' "documnit"s vbT-b'xm. by type-
writer is not acceptable, but that he is welcome any time to make normal notes
from the Agency' files. I told Epstein that a decision had been reached
at the highest level of the DDO that the documents in which the Select Committee
is interested cannot be given to the Select Committee in their entirety, first
because they are extremely sensitive, and secondly, because we are dealing
with several committees and subcommittees of the Congress plus the Department
of Justice on this same material. We have established ground rules with these
groups which stipulate the taking of normal notes only. Since we feel we must
treat with all the groups equally, Epstein should reckon with only the taking
of normal notes. Epstein said that he would check the matter with Staff
Director, Bill Miller, and come back to me later. I reported the foregoing
tol and George Cary, in that order.
(See Mem - 79M00983A001500070004-2
Fo ReleaULf
I RDP79M00 3A001500070004-2
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday 24 May 1.977
to the Committee on intelligence activities involving Americans. Karalekas
wants the memorandum to be the basis for further discussions on this matter.
7-7 -0 602.-I;-
Page 6
LIAISON Met with Anne Karalekas,
ce staff, who informed me that she
v __...__._...~n..y~+.w.Cmu+R:......r..-.. --......-.-.:
+.4'a?;J ~J:Y?~.
and John Elliff, also of the Committee sfaf , had prepared a memorandum
regarding our 17 May meeting on CIA and Department of Justice reporting
25. BRIEFING Bill Jordan, Senate
Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations staff, called to check
on the possibility of having so-called S. Res. 60 staff members (those
staffers on the staffs of individual members of this Subcommittee) sitting
in on the Director's briefing of this Subcommittee on 7 June. I discussed
with Jordon the implications of this situation, especially as it related to
compartmented information. I told him I would check with
Congressional Support Office, concerning the classification level of the
briefing and be back in touch with him.
After checking with I told Jordan that we could pitch
the briefing at whichever level Chairman Daniel Inouye (D., Hawaii) wished
and it was decided that we would go ahead with the briefing at a non.-
compartmented level with S. Res. 60 staff members in attendance. Jordan
said that if any of the questions required answers at the compartmented
level, Chairman Inouye would clear the room of these S. Res. 60 staffers.
25X1 26? LIAISON John Waller, IG, called to
advise me that he had updated his "IOB report" for passage to the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence and we discussed the problem of -
getting an answer from Robert Lipshutz, Counsel to the President, on
this subject. I conferred with Tony Lapham, General Counsel, about
updating his pre.senta.tion .as well and the Lipshutz problem. Lapham
said he was discussing this situation with the Department of Justice in the
hope that they could facilitate a response to the question we had raised
with Lipsbutz regarding '"IOB -type reporting" to the Select Committee,
as well as reports on intelligence agreements pursuant to the' ,Case Act.
27. BRIEFING Accompanied the Director,
William Wells, i)DO, Congressional Support Office,
and of this office, to a briefing of the Subcommittee
on Intelligence and Application of Nuclear Energy, House Armed Services
Committee. (Se Memorandum for the Record.)
Approved For Release 2005/11/29 : CIA-RDP79M00983A001500070004-2
Approved Fore
Tuesday - 24 May 1977
ssCI .I Z
77- c Z t/B/z~9
1. (Internal Use Only - PG) LIAISON As agreed, Robert B.
Boettcher, Staff Director, Subcommittee on International Organizations,
House International Relations Committee, and Michael J. Hershman,
Deputy Staff Director, arrived at visitors' reception at 0930 this morning.
They were placed in contact with
STAT and interviewed him for approximately four and
one half hours. We had luncheon together in the building and. Boettcher
and Hershman left shortly after 3:00 p. m. (See Memorandum for the
Record. )
2. (Internal Use Only - PG) LIAISON Received a telephone call
from Michael Epstein, Senate Sel ct .oxn ce staff,
inquiring about the status of notes taken by Epstein on documents made STAT
available to him. These "notes" were in fact verbatim copies of documents
made by an SSCI steno ra her to ether with Epstein and the-"notes" had been
STAT withheld by until a determination could be made
as to whether Epstein can have his "notes". I inquired o and STAT
found that a decision in this matter must await the return of STAT
STAT on the morning of 25 May. I got back to Epstein an a vise
him that I would have a' decision for him prior to COB on 25 May.
3. (Unclassified - RJK) LIAISON Spoke with Greg Moore, in
the district office of Representative Charles H. Wilson (D. , Calif. ),
in connection with a request from the Congressman concerning "discretionary
grants" available to the public from the Agency. Moore explained that
what is meant by this term are funds available to the head of an agency
to use at his discretion or for contingencies. He apologized for the lack
of clarity in the letter. I explained to him that Agency funds were reviewed
by appropi~ iate committees of Congress but were not disclosed to the public.
He requested that we state that in our response to the Congressman and I
said we would do so. s
Approved Fo4 Release 2005/11/29: CIA-RDIP79M0098
Approved For Rye
Addendum to ,Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel ~-'+~~"'`""' Page 2
Friday - 20 May 1977.
6. (Internal Use Only - RJK) LIAISON Accompanied Marls
Gitenstein and David Bushang, enate Fct Committee on once
STAT staff, to a meeting wit OS SSC,. ze puxpcise was Eo
review selected reports of damage assessments from leaks to the z~ledia...
" I alsca showed them a paragraph on the 1-~;vni- ~~ Gt ! rnc-Fd Ire and. an 1a,gency
regulation on the marking of classified information. Gitenstein, had. '
' asked far these items at an earlier meeting with Robext Gaxnbina, I~/OS.
Gitenstein indicated that Senator Daniel Inouye (D. , Hawaii), Ghairxnan
" of the .Committee, has asked him to get completely informed on the
Boyce-Lee case and Gitenstein requested a copy of the Agency
report. Mr. Gambino's office has been advised of this request. `The
two items that they reviewed will be forwarded to the Committee by
?. (Internal Use Only - RJK) LIAISON Spoke with Dan. Goulson,
Congressional Relations, FBI, concerning the status of the clearances
far John W. Nields, House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct
staff. Coulson indicated that because a Memorandum of Uxlderstandi~xg
had not yet been signed by the Bureau and the Committee, no action was
being taken on clearances of any staff members. He indicated that the
Bureau had provided t3ields with everything that he needed. to camzn.ence
a working relationship but that Nields did not seem interested in
Acting Legislative Cau.nsel
Ex. Sec.
Mr. Lapham
Mr. Hetu
IC Staff
Comptroller .
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az: '~ ~ ~ ~
lease 20~~~~~Z9>A-~~P79M00983A001500070004-2
Journal - office af.Legislative Counsel ra'm'' ~
SS+Cl-3-~ Page ~~
Friday .~ 20 May 197?
5? LL4ISC7N Met with Messrs. Gordaaz
Malfeldt and Frank Frausan, FBI, at their offices to discuss the FBI
Public Tour Program as an input to the Agency UIJTREACH prograrrx.
The dimensions of the FBI tours are staggering. Five thousand people
per day tour the facility. An additional 500 people per day tour the
facility under the Congressional tour program. witfa. each Cangreasianal
office permitted an unlimited number of "reservatians.'? {See 1Vlem.orandcxrn
for the Record.)
6? LIAIS?N Met with Stan Taylor, xenate
Select Com=ruttee on Intelligence staff, an several matters. Taylor gave
me an itinerary of Senator Jake Garn's (R. , I7tah) tri to Mexico.
Senator Garn wants an int ~~X~
ay. Senator Richard G. Lugar (R. , Ind.) will probably also attend
both the meetings.
I told Taylor I would have a NIE on Mexico and a I7DI report on
narcotics to him on Monday as he requested.
`Taylor informed me he had been requested by the Cornmittec to
prepare an analysis of the recent Agency study on Soviet oil. production,
This will become part of the overall study of the Subcommittee on Collc:c:f:ioix?
Production and Quality regarding the quality of intelligence.
Taylor and I discussed .further arrangements for the lecture at the
.P,.gency for a group of interns from. Brigham Young I7n.iversity. We are
offering to provide bus service fo.r the students and Taylor agreed to
provide me a list of those attending.
LIAISON Accompanied Elliot Maxwell$
ommittee an Intelligence staff, to a lecture before the. Senior
Sexri.inar on riew ir.C e b ~ ~ of the questions centered on th.e
proposed structure of the Intelligence Commurs.ity, paz-ticularly the post of
Director of National Intelligence.
.Maxwell gave me draft secrecy agreements to cover Caxnmittee
staff access to compartmented inforrnatian.
Approved For Rele~a
se 2005/11/29 :CIA-RDP79M00983A001500070004-2
Approved For'~elease 2005/11/29: 00070004-2
Tuesday -? 17 May 1977
~oiix?nal ~- C7ffice of Legislative Catzttsel SS~CI.,j"~-~
77- ~~~' ~
25X1 19. LIAISON ILer.eivecl from I;velyz. Chavoor,
5r--.Hate Select Goxnm.ittGe on Intelligence stalE, a copy of Senator Daniel I{,
Izlouyc~'s (I.7., Hawaii} 2 May 1977 address before the .An-.~c:rican Socir.,ty of
News`peipei? I~ditors entitled '"The .Aixxericd.ti Intelligence Conz~.x~unity and its
staff, an interim x?esponse Lo Senator Clia.rles McC:'. M~:thias (TL. , Md, }
Al7tiz;[lVIS7:IL~.T_IV~ - v:E~:.I.,zvr~.I~,s
Delivered to Martha MacDonald, Senate Seioct Con-zrx~~.ttee on. I~iif:ell-i.gence
I asl~c;d 25X1
Ms. MacDonald i:o be sure that ,lean Evans, a sa o t ~.e Com.rrtittee sf:aff, secs
the respoz-tse and she said that she would.. kzis izlcluiry from constituent
25X1. 21. LIf~ISON Met at Length with Jahn Llliff,
Senate~Selc.ct Coxnzrtittee an Inte;lli~Yen.r.e staff, to discrzss tl~zC aetivitic~s -
of the:.~ct~c.o'~n.xnt~y~`ue ari ti'c;gence an ~'~rlsrts~ of .Axrzerica.ns. L1Lif:E has
assumed the principal sl:aff role of this Subcozxxrnittee. li:lliff cited the
Coxrzxriittee;'s 3 NovernbPr L~}76 l.ettc:r to i:he..l~t:torrzey General as].tizxg far
regular clc:tailec~,~ i.nformatiorz arz I'F3I activities and i.ndicate;d that such a rec]uesL-
wouLd be forthco-,.nin g to CI1i. In order to worlc out son~.e of t:he details
in advance, however, he, Annc Yara7.e.kas a.nd Milce I;pstc.izx, also of the
Committee staff, are rrz.c;eting with 'I"ony Laphaxn, General Counsel, and
DDO officials on 19 May to discuss the Coxrzxrxittec.'s,;rest. T].xe
Subcommittee wants to assure that it understands the standards and procedures
for counterintelligence investigations :involving ~,xnericans, clandestine
colleetiaxz. operations involving llxxzex?i.c~tns, and the Lase of l.~_xnez-ican citizens
far intelligence operations. In a.dditiozi, the Subcommittee watzts to assure
that it has aclecluate inforxnaf.ion to insure that the standards a.n.d procedures
a.rc being adhered to.
25X1 22,. IMI'z.C~~YMI~NT IZ]=,.~~UEST5 Receivec! a
call from the office of SenaL-or. Wzlliazn S. Cohen (IL, , rMa%xxe}, f?e:g~z:rclzxzg ~~
const:itczGnt request for informa.tio.n on e.z7zplayxzien.(: with i:hc .l1.?;ency. L;mployz~-rc~zxl:
brochtt.r4s were forwarded L-o his office,
For Release 2005/11/29 :CIA-RDP79M00983A001500070004-2
Approved Fo Release 2005/11/29 :CIA-RDP79M00983A001500070004-2
i jj ' .,.. , ?,~ i ,~ i,? d
Journal ?~ Office o.~ L~e:gislat:ivt: Counsel.
Monday ~ lfi May 197"1
SSeCt T ~.~
2G. I312IE1~'ING Called Jack Ticer,
Pa`,:c 7
~~ /
Senate l~.rr~~ec .~ex?vxces omtxzx ~ ce sta:Ef, anal confi t?zned the Soviet civil
dc:funsc, bri.c:fi.n~; of Clzairxna'n Jolzn C;. Stennis D. Miss. arZC1 T'rank
Sta.llivan, Chief Counsel, t-a be gi.vrzz by in
Scnatcsr Stennis' office at q:00 a. rn. tnrriorrow. C; allecl IthetL? Da~vsoz~,
of i:he: CaxYirrzittee stiaff,~ arzcl ari-arzgecl for .r,~l xne to brief
hixxa Qn t11e recez3.t intelligence an Sovi:eE l~asc,rnezzt _sheltc~r. s Fo11c~~~~;i.;~.j `
~ clct:~xlc:cl a. lc~~v-up _
~li:rzefitzU.~o:i ~tl-i:~_:~;hairzxian. `.C7~i.s a.s
_ -- - . _ _
to~the iaifc~rmation :[ liad liven to Dawson wc,c~}.c.
cL8).CL'd I~aWSOYl if h.e roul.d give. xne a rundown of t).ie authari~ation
#'igures on Defense intelligence programs in the Defense, ~ut1-iarization
bill as reported by the Sc:n.ate Services Comxnii:tee. IJe said he
would dig t1~r~rn out r.~ncl get them i:a rxxc in a day or two. The figures
were rcciuestecl by OLC, for tkze Intelligence Ganztnunity
27. LIAISON C~i.lled ,7ac:kie: ;Johnson, in
th::~ office of Represc~ntativc: ViWi.llia~r:n l~'. i~Valsh. (It. , N. Y. }, anc! discussed
#urthe.r with }zer the Boyce/I~ee trial:: in Los Ms. ,:fahnson vas
trying t.o .respor~cl to a constituent svho had written Lt Walsh
expreu~six~.g concern about espionage ag
~~3, LI.AISON /Lnne l~aralc;lcas, Senate
Select Cazxlmi.ttee an ZnLell.ifr~c nee; ~ talf. CalleCi t0 ingv.ire a1~aut~3~?i~a~~u-s~~
~,. } t _ 46's iari3~:~+84e:A~'.~'ekt-~tia'.ars"4i~;+~'1i!~~ii? w?-.y.
~zc~ ~ec~" orrrn~it{;ee's rocluc:st for xnfarnn.ation on ineiclents reported
'to the Intelligence Oversight J3aard. I talcl her we 1~ad r7ot yet )ward franz
the Wlzite house an the matter and she; indicated the Co77~rnif:tec znay ~:~~Ynt
to deal directly with the White House on this.
29. LIIa.ISON ':Calked to :Bill Miller, Staff
Director, Senate Se-.1.ect Camrrr.:tttc~e on, ?,.nd Denny Childs,
Senate Selecf. ConimitteF: az1 Intelligence si:aff, ret; i:he Carr.Ytizi~tc r:`:.
work on the 13ud~;c:t lluthorirat:ion bill. !~.t the oi:~ {:1~c~ clay C;l.xilds .vas
a.blr. t:o give me an t:lzr seci~rr-, p}lone a broad oti.tli.rze of 1:h c. Conirni.ttee's
action on f:7.ze T'residenL's Lruclr;et: recluc~st.
Approved F
5 1
~~' ~~,~+,~DP79M00~3A001500070004M
Addendum to Journal -Office of Legislative Co~nse
Wage 3
12. LIAISON Jack Brady, Chief of Staff,
House International Relations Cainxnittee; called to say that a mexxzber _..~
of the National Security Council staff had informed l~epre;sentative ~lizabefh:. (D. , N.X. } that the Agenc~r sent the National Intelligence l~ai~l~J
(NII~) to the t-louse International Relations Committee along with six
other comxnittees_af the. Cax~g~ess ~.nd Ivtrs. ~:I~ltzxxxa,.x~.r~ o~f:~zceMk~za.s nor
_ .,.
~izerx.ed hirzz-as,to_.its.au4-~.ic~.~ilit~r fcr~_'~/Irs< -1~oltzrzi~n?s.ravieti~ (,5cre _ :. ~ ..
_ ...
Memorandurrz far'the ~Rece~rc?C. }
14. L:CAISON anal :t had lunch 25 1
with Sam. I=toskinsan, NSC staff, and reva.ewed a number of items of
current interest beti~veen our two offices, including the President's meeting
with the 1-rouse leadership torn.orrow and his meeting with the Se~~.a~e~~S~e1_e~t::
on Intel i~ xxce.o .Friday. ~Ve also talked. akxout the fact that we~
have yet to receive a respons~`~':rom Rabext Lipshutz,: Counsel to t:he
Presidexrt, ret;a.rding the Intelligence Oversight :F3oaxrt ~.nd .Case Act
queries wc~ had madc to him. ~~Te advised 1-Zoskinsan of olz~- :relatl0'n--
ships witkz the Subcamrriittee on International Organizations, 7Iouse
Intexnatiana:l Relations Committee, the house Coxxirnittee on Standards o:L
Official Conduct and the house Select Camrrzittee on .!\.ssassin.atiarr.s as weal
as our. i.n.tcre:st in the Derwinskci amendment.
Annr~For Rele0.~11,/29:CIA-RDP79M00983A001500070004-2
1.3$d~ 3~3r1 i1 4 $r~ ~y ~r~. ~'"'i:
Approved Four Release 2005/11/29 :CIA-RDP79M00983A00150 04-2
Journal -Office of Le?islative Counsel
Monday - 9 iviay 1977
Page 6
' 26. LIAISON Received a call. from
.Joe ICirchheimer, a consultant to the Senate Select Committee oz~ Intelligence,
who asked if fie could see a list of OED. reports from I9"12 to 1975. I told
him I believe I already had such a list and I would bG glad to show it to hixn.
bigot lists, far copies of carrespandence between the DepartxnenL of Justice
and the Agency an respective responsibilities far leaf.:, investigations, for
access to any CIA regulations pertaining to the .use of eaxnpartmented
inforsnatian, for the damage assessment an the fioyce-Lee and Moore
espionage cases, and for additional inforrnatian an secure ~ u ~ of
Gavernx~.e~t ~~~..Qe Gitenstein also said he tivanL-ed to set up a briefing
or 4members of the Subr-amsnittee on Secrecy and Disclosure on Government
security problems but .wanted to meet vrith Mr. Robert Gambino, Director of
Security, before malting plans for such a meeting.
requests, which he apparently made during the meeting, far access to
a "leak data>base", for a meeting with Eloise. Page, fJBO, to disnuss security
~vx `~R.ob~'rt`Gam. ana, irec~a:c of Security, on 6 May. Gitenstei;n reiterated _
.. Senate elect Conaxn.ittee on Irate ~-u~ - ~f, as a fallow up to his meeting
? Zq, I I LIAISON Met wish NoA will Jones,
Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and discussed the recent
letter from Senator Dick Clark (D. , Iowa) requesting. information on Agency
activities with respect to- mercenaries. I told hixn that ~,vhile we Yiad no such
activities, we wanted to avoid if passible, a formal response to Senator Clark
since it was our practice not to comment on press allegations like the ones
which spawned Senator Clark's request. I e:cplained to Jones this would be in
the area of covert action and, as he knov~rs, we are not engaged tIxerein.
He said. he would handle the ratter directly with Senator C).arlt and until
we heard further, no tixrritter. response ti-%ould be IIGCCSSar}*.
I noted bricfl;? our nrohlems ~.~ri:'~ the I?Iouse t?ez?sic~r~ of the .l~.rms
Control and Uisar:n