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'tl Approved For Release 200510 1pl t U .i PrI ~00983A0 500060Qq -q iA" Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 28 July 1977 ssci 3 /5/ 17- d(v~b 3S Page 3 11. LIAISON Called Jim Fellenbaum, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, in connection with his call yesterday to George Cary on language for incorporation in the Appropriations Act to assure that CIA funds are available for obligation only for one fiscal year. I suggested that he delete all the language after the colon, and substitute language so that the provision would read as follows: "None of the funds appropriated in this Act for programs of the Central Intelligence Agency shall remain available for obligation beyond the current fiscal year; with the withdrawal and restoration of unobligated balances being treated in a manner consistent with applicable statutes, including 31 U. S. C. 701 et seq and 50 U. S. C. 403g. " This language was coordinated with Comptroller, Office of Finance, and OGC. 12. I I BRIE; ING Accompanied and NE, to a pre-trip briefin session of g o Sena tor James B. Pearson (R. , Kansas) and David Bushong, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff. The briefing went very well. EUa25X1 13. BRIE= ING Mark Moran, staff of Senator Frank Church (D., Idaho), called in response to my earlier suggestion and asked if we could arrange a breakfast session with the DCI and Senator Church for sometime next week as a prelude to the Senator's trip to Cuba. 14. LIAISON Dave Newhall, in the office of Senator Richard Schweiker (R. , Pa.), called to register a mild complaint that Mary Francis Lowe, the Minority staffer on the Senate Human Resources Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, was not permitted to review the MKULTRA material on the basis that she didn't have a clearance. After checking, I ca1re-Z Newhall back explaining that the preliminary arrangements contemplated including a Minority staff member of the Subcommittee, and the individual designated had been Spencer Johnson, Minority Counsel of the Committee, but he had never showm up. I indicated that if Senator Schweiker, as the Ranking Minority Member of the Subcommittee, wanted to have Ms. Lowe involved, we would have no objection, but that it was too late in the day to verify her security clearances with DOD, which apparently holds them. It was agreed that we would check on the clearance status first thing in the morning and Lowe would call toz--orrow to verify that everything is in order before visiting the Agency to review the documents. Approved For Release,2005/06/30 : CIA-RDP79M00983AO01500060007-0 Approved For Release 20 " QO 79M00983A0M50006003&o ' MWATI. aila~: A 10 V. , r Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 28 July 1977 ssCi 33 7-7- 60 Page 7 30. AGENCY VISITS In the absence of Earl Eisenhower, Minority Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, talked to Dot Roberson, also of the Committee staff, about a luncheon for Senator Barry M. Goldwater (R., Ariz.) hosted by the Director. We settled on 1 August at 12:30 p.m. at Agency Headquarters. Roberson informed me Senator Goldwater also wanted to bring General Quinn, who will be a consultant to the Committee. I offered to have Mr. Cary, Legislative Counsel, pick up Senator Goldwater between 12:00 p.m. and 25X1 12:10 p. m. and bring him to the Agency. and the Senator accepted. 25*1 32. BRIEFING Accompanied Jean Evans 25X1 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, to a meeting withl regarding the current state of counterintelligence. also attended. was unable to complete the session because of other business but agreed to meet Evans again next week. There are a couple of follow-up items relating to the existance of histories of the. 25X1 counterintelligence activities of the DDO divisions. Approved F br Release'2OUY/O6iHc CIA-RDP79M00983A001500060007-0 Approved or Release 5/06/30 : CIA- &-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel) Wednesday -- 20 July 1977 77 3~~~17 _ Page 4 LIAISON Randy Teague, in the office of Representative Jac Kemp (R., N. Y. ), called to say he had not yet received the FBIS transcript of his interview on Radio Moscow which I had advised a few days ago that we had acquired. I said we would get it up to him as soon as possible. 14. BRIEFING No Spalatin, on the staff of Representative Clement Zablocki (D., Wis. ), called to ask if the DCI briefing of the .House International Relations Subcommittees on Europe and the Mir'. dle East and International Security and Scientific Affairs on ATVACS was still scheduled for 21 July, at 1300 hours, and if the DCI would send up in advance or bring with him a text of his prepared opening remarks. I referred the matter to 15. LIAISON Fred Simmermon, DDI/Office of Geographic and Cartographic Research, called to ask if we could get a copy of th.e.transcript from House Post Office and Civil Service Suhcornmmnittee on Census and Population hearings in April and May 1977 in which the Bureau of the Census and AID differed on who should publish figures on population. Kerry Kramer, of the Subcomr_zittee, said the transcript had not yet been published, but a ;reed to send copies of the prepared Census .Bureau and AID testimony now and a copy of the transcript when available. 25X 25X1 Approved or Release 205/06/30 `1 6 i' - P0T0,M00983A001500060007-0 1 71 `- U~ We -sI2005'fl6/3b: tfk- UP79MO D983A' Ot5O e -77`o &77 Addenduu11i Lo Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Friday -- 1.5 July 1977 8. LIAISON Met with Elliot Maxwell, Senate II Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who asked me for an annual breakdown of the number of employees terrzinated under the Director's statutory authority (Section 102c of the National Security Act). Marvell would also like a generic discription of the circumstances involved in the term.ina.tions. `). I A.DMENISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Delivered to Char"te.i Horner, on t'-he staff of Senator Daniel P. Moynihan (D., N. Y. ), "Directo c?y of Soviet Officials, Volume I : National Organizations". Horner asked about the possibility of being put on permanent distribution for this 2 sort of unclassified publication and I agreed to inquire for him. 5X1 Approved For Release 2005/06130;:;CAA=:Ftt~pfi$IVl d983A001500060007-0 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY ' U!1JFj d Approved For Release 2005/06/30: CIA- i 25X1 25X1 25X1 Journal .ifice of Legislative Counsel Friday - ' . July 1977 ssCt I~1 af;e LIAISON Talked with Norvill Jones, Chief 01 ; ff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee;- and expressed conc w?rr- f 'g.Lrdxng the attendance of various personal staff representatives at this oirx;'s hearing.. Jones and I discussed this in some detail and he mentioned that the problern is greater that just S. Res. 60 designees. It also c~~?r; rs other personal representatives which members may have. I told l~iu ;.leis was a matter o concern to us, as I was sure it was with the Coxnrirdittee. We agreed to talk with our principals about this problem and suggest that they take the matter up the next time they met on a covert action briefing. I also advised Miler Unat there were several types of documents involved in our recent file discovery and some of them did not pertain to the subject of drug testing, mere fore, we would separate those documents which did not pertain to clru ;_, :J and make them available to the Senate Select CoxYmitte staff separately from those pertaining to drug testing which will probably be rna de available to both the Senate Select Committee staff and the is r~:~te licirran i?.esources Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research ,staff. Miller said this procedure made sense to him. t : h so confirmed with him that the Director was not expected to' be at. +-;o cutive session meeting of the Senate Select Committee with General Counsel, on the subject of electronic .surveillance -;der y, 27 July. 25X1 LIAISON Attended the weekly meeting; of pr i-, con res:sional liaison officers at the White I-louse this of ernoori. Thor;: no ilex. of particular concern to CIA or the DCI: taken up at this r. Approved For ReleasT;20P5106130.:. PIA-RDP79M00983A001500060007-0 vf{ 25X1 Approved For Releo Cs~-ka 4414-,% -Lj se 2005/06/30 : CIA-RDP79M00980015000t-' /I 7..007 33 STAT Addendw i t to Journal -- Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesd i y -- 13 July 1977 11. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Met with David BushongSenate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, to discuss the activities of the Subcommittee on Secrecy and Disclosure. Bushong said he and Mark Gitenstein, who also works on the Subcommittee, were meeting with Senators Joseph R. Biden (D,. , Del.) and James B. Pearson (R. , Kansas) that afternoon to get further direction for their staff work. As Bushong saw the Subcommittee activities, they are pointing toward approximately a week of hearings in the fall to deal. with some or all of the following matters: classification (a new Executive-. Order replacing r.,- n- 11652-is expected by 1.5 September 1977); compartxx:ientation, 'declassification, unauthorized disclosure, and espionage. I told Bushong that Legislative Office, NSA, had passed to me liiorig's request for DCID 3. Bushong said it wasn't DCID 6`/3 that they needed, but rather the annex to it. He said it was possible the Committee already bad this document and he would check before asking me for it. 13vl.shong gave me a page from a David Wise book on intelligence which included It cite to an OGC paper done in the mid-1960's on unauthorized disclos3tire. Bushong asked for a copy of this OGC paper. 25X1 Approved For Rel se 2005/06/30 : CIA-RDP79M00983AO01500060007-0 CIA I id' C fi p4 A1I3pP'o i dW ease 2005/06/30 : CIA-RDP79M009 01500060007-0 SSC1 J - // Journal ?- Office of Legislative Counsel I - I Page 3 Monday 11. July 1977 8. (Unclassified - PLC) ADMIN{STRA.TIVE - DELIVERIES Left: with Barry Berkoff, in the office of Senator Frank Church (D., Idaho), a letter from Mr. George Cary, Legislative Counsel, responding to an inquiry questioning the Director's recently stated policy as to the hiring of military retirees. 9. (Unclassified - PLC) ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Left with Michael Straight, in the office of Representative John Seiberling (D., Ohio), a letter .f:rorn Mr. George Cary, Legislative Counsel, responding to an inquiry questioning the Director's recently stated policy as to the hiring of military retirees. 10. (Confidential - PLC) BRIEFING Kathy, in the office of Representative Larry P. McDonald (D. , Ga.), called to reschedule the briefing of Mr. McDonald concerning his request to review the It is set for 11:30 a. m., Wednesday, 13 'July, .in Mr. McDonald' ;s office, of this office, was advised and will contact STAT Counter Intelligence staff, who will conduct the briefing. U. (Unclassified .. DFM) LIAISON Ben Marshall, Security Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, called to ask my cooperation in so .v>rzg a. C:ommzttee i zn m. Marshall said that letters with attachments could more easily be handled by the Committee if covering letters were separately classified from their attachment. Marshall admitted that CIA letters are separately classified but that letters from some other elements, such as the FBI, are not. I agreed to talk to representatives from other Agencies to relay this point for Marshall. 12. (Unclassified - LLM) LEGISLATION Called Mickey Mauldin, Legislative Assistant to Representative Trent Lott (R., Miss. ), and provided additional information concerning the safeguards for incorporating in H. Res. 658. It was their view that Representative Richard Bolling (D. , Mo.) was the key to ad favorable outcome and it was recommended that the Director call Rc izJ:'c tentative Bolling, making the points that the Director had made in his 5 1977 letter to Representative Lott. CIA I NTE 'i~A~ p~d9 r elease 2005/06/30 : CIA-RDP79M00983A001500060007-0 Approved Fo`'2elease 2005/06/30 : CIA-RDP79M009A001500060007-0 INTERNAL USE ONLY Journal -? Office of Legislative Counsel SS'cIT`'2 `r Page 6 Thursday - 7 July 1977 77- ((12 /3 25. (Internal Use Only - DFM) LIAISON Called Stan Taylor, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and asked him to look at the reports supplied Tom Moore, also of the Committee staff, on Agency personnel recruitment and hiring. I told him Moore had indicated some dissatisfaction with the amount of material in the reports and I was looking for another opinion. Taylor agreed to this. 26. (Unclassified - GLC) LIAISON Spoke with Barbara Daniel, Appointment Secretary for Representative J. Kenneth Robinson (R. , Va..), and arranged an appointment for the Director to meet with the Congressman on 1.3 July at 9:00 a. m. 27. (Unclassified - GLC) LIAISON Spoke with Sharon, in. the office of Representative Jack Kemp (R. , N. Y. ), and arranged an appointment for the Director to meet with t :30 a. m. A 1zng Legislative Counsel CC: DD CI Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&T Mr. Lapham Mr. Hetu SA/DO/O IC Staff Comptroller NIO Approved For Release 2005/06/30 : CIA-RDP79M00983A001500060007-0