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September 30, 1976
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Approved For Base 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M00461&000400040007-7 3U September 1976 Executivve Registry #BMOfANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence 1A 1A Deputy Director for Operations Deputy Director for Intelligence Office of Legislative Counsel pecla s s an for Coordination of Foreign Narcotics information SUBJECT: CIA Testimony in Executive Session Before the House Select Committee on Drug Abuse and Control 1. Action Rctr u fired: `.ehis memorandum is primarily for the Director's information. As noted in paragraph three below, staff and operational elements are initiating necessary action to respond to requests made by the Select Committee. 2. Background: a. After the DCI concluded his public testimony before the House Select Committee on 29 September 1976, the hearing went into executive session. Representing the Agency in sworn testimony at the executive session were Mr. George Cary, Legislative Counsel; Mr. Theodore G. Shackley, Associate Deputy Director for Operations;. Mr. Paul V. y Director for Intelligence and Special Assistant for Interne ions Narcotics Information. h. Mr. Walsh opened the testimony by pre- senting a summary (at the suggestion of Chairman Wolff) of the main points contained in the classi- fied statement prepared for the Director. (Copies of the Director's prepared unclassified and classified statements which were submitted to the v 2 II4PDET Approved For Release 2004/12/01 CIA-RDP79M00467A00 25 Approved Fo lease 2004/12/0-1-; CIA-RDP79M004S000400040007-7 SUBJECTS CIA Testimony in Executive Session Before the House Select Committee on Drug Abuse and Control Page 2 Committee are attached.) After this presentation, the executive session developed into a useful dis- cussion of the Agency's role in the government's international narcotics control efforts and how it might help the Select Committee. The major points that developed in this question and answer session are summarized below. A copy of the full tran- script is being obtained from the Select Committee and will be forwarded once it has been received. 25X Approved For Release 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7 25X9 Approved For Release 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7 Approved For ase 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M0046,W0400040007-7 OPEN SESSION STATEMENT by Mr. George Bush Director of Central Intelligence before the House Select Committee on Drug Abuse and Control 1000 hours - Room 210 Cannon Building 29 September 1976 Approved For Release 2004/12/01 CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7' Approved For Release 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7 Mr. Chairman: I am happy to appear before this newly established Select Committee to discuss the role that the Central Intelligence Agency plays in our Government's efforts to stop the flow of illegal narcotics into the United States. We are fully. aware of this menace to our society and s.are the concern of the Congress and of the country. In accordance with Presidential directive, the CIA is supporting the law enforcement agencies which have primary responsibility for narcotics control - the principal agency being the Drug Enforcement Administration. Mr. Chairman, it should be made clear at the outset that the CIA's basic charter, the National Security Act of 1947, expressly provides that the Agency has no law enforcement or police powers. Accordingly, CIA's role is limited to providing appropriate agencies with intelligence identifying the flow of international illegal narcotics traffic into the United States. Such collection is not intended to include information for use as evidence in criminal prosecutions. More clearly stated, the Agency cannot be directly involved in any criminal investigative efforts to develop evidence needed for arrest and prosecution. This important point must be understood as I believe there have been serious misconceptions as to the exact role of the Central Intelligence Agency in this effort. Approved For Release 2004/12/01.: CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7 Approved IFo,elease 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M004000400040007-7 The CIA did not become formally tasked to develop intelligence concerning international illegal narcotics traffic until October 1969 when President Nixon established a White House Task Force on Narcotics Control, Prior to 19691 CIA provided informational support on its own initiative and on an ad hoc basis to Federal agencies responsible for. international narcotics control, The White House Task Force was given the mission to formulate and implement a program to stem the flow of heroin and opiates into the United States. A representative of the Director of Central Intelligence was appointed to fie Task Force, and the'CIA was requested to use its existing intelligence gathering apparatus, to the extent. possible, to provide foreign narcotics-related intelligence to other agencies which were involved in diplomatic, enforce- ment and treatment and rehabilitation initiatives coordinated by the Task Force. In September 1971, the President elevated international narcotics control to a higher priority and established the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control (CCINC) to succeed the Task Force. The CCINC was made responsible for coordinating all United States diplomatic, intelligence and enforcement activities aimed at curtailing the flow of illegal narcotics and dangerous drugs into the country.. The Director was appointed a member of the CCINC, and the Agency was delegated the responsibility for coordinating all United States - 'clandestine foreign narcotics intelligence gathering with respect to narcotics.. Approved For Release,2004/12/01: CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7 Approved F6r (ease 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7 The CIA provides CCINC member agencies with a wide range of foreign intelligence information to help the United States achieve two basic objectives: --to obtain the cooperation of foreign governments in curtailing the production and trafficking of narcotics; --to .provide foreign and appropriate United States enforcement agencies with the identities and methods of major foreign drug traffickers. Executive Order 11905, issued on 19 February 1976 by President Ford, discusses United States Foreign Intelligence Activities and sets forth the authorities and responsibilities of the intelligence departments and agencies.'. It confirms the role of the CIA in this area by expressly making the Agency responsible for the collection and production of intelligence on foreign aspects of narcotics traffic. Subsequent. instruction from the White House has made it clear that this respon- sibility is limited by the proscription in the National Security Act of 1947 which I previously mentioned and that the Agency's efforts concern only "strategic" intelligence relating to international narcotics -traffic such as identifying major source countries for narcotics and predominant international routes for transporting narcotics. Mr. Chairman, any further discussions of CIA's activities in this field involve classified matters. Therefore, I would respectfully request, that any further testimony be given in Executive Session. Thank you. 3 . Approved For Release 2004/12/01 CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7 Approved Foilease 2004/Msl1A-RDP791V1004 00400040007-7 EXECUTIVE SESSION STATEMENT by rd. Mr. George Bush. Director of Central Intelligence before the House Select Committee on Drug Abuse and Control 1000 hours - Room 210 Cannon Building 29 September 1976 Appr'oved For Release'2004/12/01 :~CNA RQIj79M00467A000400040007-7. 25X9 Approved For Release 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7 ~~.ASS111 F,.If#pyoveLJ ci yr SAMM& 2004/12/01: CIA-RDIMM 40007-7 ] SECRET ONLY ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) CIA Testimony in Executive Session Before the House Select Committee on Drug Abuse and c'o~ o1 FROM: C/OPS/NARC 2 E 14 Hgs TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DDO 7 E 22 Hqs. DDI 7 E 44 Hqs. OLC 7 D 35 HC DCI 7 E 12 Hqs. 30 OFFICER'S INITIALS 3. For your information. and forwarding. 5. For your information and forwarding. 7. The attached memorand is forwarded for your information. rT30 September 1976 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. For your information and forwarding. 1A Approved For R - - FORM USE PREVIOUS INTERNAL UNCLASSIFIED 3-62 61 0 EDITIONS [:1 SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL [:I USE ONLY ^ ase' 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M00467 00400040007-7 Approved FTV MEMORANDUM FOR: w p (spy ~u, 0 nmo Executive Reg .t.y .V Ilk it. Ak~ Date `b STATINTL Approved For Release 2004/12/01 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000400040007-7