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Approved For4peq fff 2fill Ell%0046&0#0010013-4 ARBETSGEMENSKAP FOR MELLANFOLKLIG FORSTAELSE OCH RATTSKULTUR IYVorkingcooperation for understanding and culture of right Idegiving central C /ss Johanneshov 8th of April 1976 To the Director of the C.I.A.-organization WASHINGTON USA. Dear Sir Herewith we have the pleasure to send you a copy of our to-day's letter to consul Hausett of the American Embassy of STOCKHOIY. Our intention is to push the diplomatical negociations here in Stockholm, that.have lasted some time without any result. As per our opinion our Swedish King together with out Swedish Foreign .minister on their visit of USA will have a splendid opportunity to wipe out that disagreeable situation for the American Governmet.t to have hunted the famous Garrett-millions into the Hitler war. in spite of the fact, that the war is no place for a humanitary activity. Just this was the reason why the only heir at law, Mrs. Elisabeth Holzberg transplantated her claim on our Swedish humanitary activity.- We understand that the American Government has been cheated by the Hitler-lawyer August Dietrich to accept a faulty father of Henrietta Garrett, as without that forgery Bad Nauheim it had been impossible to attach the fortune for German indemnificationm of war, as the only heir as per law, the cousin-child Elisabeth Eolzberg of H amburg already 3 years before the outbreak of second world's war trans- plantated her claim to the war-neutral country Sweden, just to s a v e the humanitaryy purpose of the rivers of the fortuaz. We do hope that you understand, that this was a very lucky solva- tion of that somewhat complicated Garrett-problem, lucky not only for us and all the poor hungry people of the world, who already 25 years ago could have received a very well needed help from the humanitary Garrett-donation.- Please note, that the crime to accept a faulty father is prescribed long time ago, so that the respective forgery-makers and criminals scarcely can be punished to-day, but we have all the names noted in our correspondence and it would be a very disagreeable matter for them to have their names in all the newspapers of the world I We esteem it necessary to inform the CIA-crganization about these facts and remain with best regards Sincerely yo9~,A COOPERATION FOR UNDERST U/ ND CULTj3RE Q? RIGHT Approved For Release 2002/01/15 : CIA-RDP79M00467A0DA.3C'0~1 t 41-'`L( Encl. 1 copy. Secretary. L.L- i s- . Approved For Release 2002/01/15 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000300010013-4 To the Honorable Consul Frederick Hassett, c/o American Embassy, Strandvdgen 101 STOCKHOLM Dear consul Hassett I Re the humanitary Garrett-donation that by a nazi-forgery was hunted into the war and by'the American Government attached for Hi?tlers war-indemnifications Referring to our `negociations with you on the diplomatical plan, we regret that we never have been informed by you about the result of your. intervention in Washington.- We do hope that you understand, that this in high grade criminal management of an international problem of right by two American Court-instances is a matter, that cannot be swept under the carpet without leaving many smarting hearts behind it. As the main point of to-day's American politics is to reach a good understanding with both the more important and even the smaller countries, we think that it is of greatest interest for the leading powers of USA, to clear those unagreeable gangster-lawsuits as we have the Garrett lawsuit detected to represent.- As we have just now the honour to have our Swedish King at a visit in USA we have applied to him to help those many poor people in the world, who registrate under Walther and Heariette Garretts humanitary aim, as the American milliondrs themselves cannot be willing to take the last little piece of bread from the poor people in the world, who already 25 years ago when the Courtdestributed this fortune were dieing of hunger.- Furthermore, we think that our Foreign minister Sven Anderseon, who accomponies our King, has something to make good again, as it at that time was not acted so beautiful to force us with the secret-stamp, so that the truth had to keep the mouth, whilst too Bad Nauheim- forgery took the victory III Taking into conside- ration that our socialdemocratia Government is fired of the same parol as the grandfather of Henriette Garrett, who sacrificed his life on the battlefield of Russia for the parol "Liberty, unity and brothership", it is incomprehensible that our Foreign Office could make this f a d a i s e t In case this our last hope should be crossed, we have nothing otherwise do f3R1 pC t Nffbj0%AW' ` P a world about Approv@d Sgt 8 1/ h1S11 srgntc is not Approved For Release 2002/01/15 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000300010013-4 To the i onmwable Cao~~sl a seri+ot re1a*tt TOC. 7.4.1976 ~111 0~~Y1 Sm"ope and there gar! many of the lending genttiamea, who ws guiding the Americas polities before president Si."m aasrifised hi a hi* mieeica, who will be blao 4 for their doings in favour at the soaey s of the amermnuit of the United State...w ire hsVW on%. responded di ng 931 this with a greet Part of than and their' let-tars are e1&ud with their, n s.. Yes, dear ecuoa Unmet, we thing we h done what is is ow to be at yaw s ae with a of let? di tables oentsining all criminal deliaatemmew, that have hap en d and am it Per on im i+Q destine, eberl r ya a trill in aretllity ao that say of fe'3.tnshi aarrmneprr *$ of whet haw been dam arms or The late a ree s$ at lelsjngfors bet esa USA Gerwseoy and the 3eatfdioeiiaw Hof Ursa f utt a t~ri e-t ahi pay s t of all inte"Oft , paroblaxeao?- The question now to oeay whether' the w t of United States is willing to reps: to as the Gavrett fortme, that a rsadf 3 yaw* before the outbre" of owl t id's var has been confidesesd in om k nit esprit, in Swedes as thaw was no poaadbilUtf to in other say aars the foartnne from the attaebment of Adolf >Iltleae at that timr.. However nobody could met at that time that even the -Ameicm Salmi' vies timatsd of the aam@ bad coral of rUft as t 2sit3_ .. icesaxely With beet rem. in tor. 9l~ ~ d EZ ti Z I HdV Approved For Release 2002/01/T5 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000300010013-4 DDCI -? 5/MC. DDS&T DDA> DDO . D/DCI/IC DJDCI/NI Compt f D/Pets,. Asst/DCI Ab/DCI