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August 9, 1976
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ApproSFor Release 2002/01/15: CIA-RDP7*0467A00030001001;4C- 0fl Ef Elf 1S1LL ARBETSGEMENSKAP FOR MELLANFOLKLIG FORSTAELSE OCH RATTSKULTUR FForkingcooperation for understanding and culture of right Idegiving central fi Johanneshov 9th of August 1976 To the director of the CIA-organization, WASHINGTON USA Dear director of CIA ? We herewith have the pleasure to hand you a copy of our to-days letter to President Ford and beg you kindly to very carefully take note of the contents. We presume that the Authorities of Health of Pensylvania are not in possession of that great material of evidence as to one of the greatest murders of justice, that took place in 1950 in the Orphans Court of Philadelphia. Since that time the cadaver of that murder has had a splendid opportunity to on the running line spread out the microbes of its rottenness into the religious very sensible air of the people living in Philadelphia without there could be found one only?Personor authority, that took care of the cadav.r, in spite of a great lot of eyeopeners cE w -- furnished the whole senate of USA with as to the great murder of justice in the Garrett-lawsuit, where 30 Million of dollars with a forgery fi.la-Hitler ware dirigated into the money-bag of the United States.-. It is no wonder, that after this huge negligence and inaccuracy of the culture of health, the piggishness of Hitler-Germany now after 25 years resulted in an epedemi in Philadelphia.- We think this information can serve as a reply to all the people of USA, who are at a loss to understand, why it was just. Philadelphia where the epedemi started. It was just the city Philadelphia, were the great American idealist Walther Garrett and his wife Henriette was living, who donated whole his fortune of 30 millions of dollars to the poorest people who to-day are dying of hunger. Henrietta Garrett.tleceased in 1930 and now 1976, when the epedemi breaked out there have passed 46 years, indeed a long time during which the cadaver had the opportunity to produce the microbes of its own rottenness.- We are sending you this letter, as we are of the opinion, that this has something ddy# with the own security within your own country and the bad moral of right.; With best regards secretary, Enclesure one copy of letter to president Ford. SEKRETARIAT: SKONTORPSVAGEN III, N. B., 121 65 JOHANNESHOV-STOCKHOLM TELEFON: 03/91 67 92 BANK: SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BANKEN, JOHANNESHOV -IJ Approved For Release 1002/01/15: CIA-RDP79M00467A000300010012-5 Appro' or Release 2002/01/15: CIA-RDP7p467A000300010012-5 Johwr zeshov as?i.~t 9th 1976 To the honorable President of UNITTU S'T..' ES, Uerhald F o r d, bite House, VV'ASiUNGTOr USA. .Dear President Ford Referring to my last letter with regard to the eoedemi at Philadelphia we see that the' Authorities of Health are unable to find what kind of virus it is, which has caused the epedeYi..- The only result, which their investigations have reached at is, that they are concentrating the matter to the congress of war- veterans, which some time ago took place at PhIladelphia.- even as per our opinion, the slow insidious poison has been transplantated by the soldiers from the war with Germany, At that time, when the small itlers governed Germany they produced a great lot of poison by the many forgeries, with which they intended to ockupy more important inheritances comming from USA and other foreign countries. one of these legacies was the fortune of Walther Garrett, the great American idealist, who donated whole his fortutae of 30 mil- lions sweet dollars to our humanitary activity by transplantation of one of Henriette Garrette blodrelations of Hamburg in.order to save the millions from Adolf Hitters attachment.- This poison was transferred already in 1942 to USd when the mili- tary powers of,USA took care of Walther Garretts humanitary donation for the poorest of the poor people in the world. In 1950 the orphans Court of Philadelphia took care of this forgery-poison and construc- ted one of the greatest murders of justice of the world; of it. Later on even the Supreme Court of Philadelphia confirmed that murder of justice.- Now this dead body of the murdered justice, this carcase'durin g 25 years since the murder took place has produced a great lot of roten- ness that all the time was spreading its microbes into~the mentally, spiritual air of Philadelphia, which on account of its religieeus character. is very sensitive and susceptible for such-prison from foreign countries.- Sorry 'to say, there never has been-on - e only hum=an being in US:, who was willing to take care of that rotten carcase in spite of the many eyeopeners, which we have sent to the senators of USA, so that it is your own fault if the cadaverous smell last not least resulted in an epedemi.- Even if the congress is granting president Ford that great amount of dollars in order to vaccinate tine whole American people, it will be necessary to take care of the cadaver and recompensate us for the robbed money for the ooor:people.- Approved For Release 2002/01/15 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000300010012-5 ~pprav}td For Release 2002/01/15; iCIA-}21SP7-gIf60467,Q0030001.i?12-4 NFIDENTIAL -. " : SECRET: 'EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Routing Slip : I I ? ` . 1 _-ACTION, 1. -. INFO I .. DATE 1: INITIAL 3 D/DCt/IC 4 .S/MC 5 DDS&T 6 DDI 7 DDA?=: 8 DDO 9 D/DCI/NI 10 GC 11 LC . 12 IG 13 Compt 14 D/ Pers - 15 D/S . . 16 DTR 17 . Asst/DCI I8 AO/DCI 19 C/ I PS 20 Approved For Release 2002/01/15.:- CIA-RDP79MO Approved For Release 2002/01/15 : CIA-RDP79M00467A000300010012 SEN ER WILL CHECK C FICATION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED ONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS I Executive Secretary 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: Two previous letters received from Anna Marie Sonnhal. Both sent to DCI/SS for action and info copies to DDO. ER 76 - 7415 FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE ER 13 Al 3-Q 7 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL . SECR ' Ap i l 2gr7Rche&sP6oAO 2 Os1/15 : CIA-RDP79M00467A0003000f1fJ012