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February 25, 1976
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Approved For Release 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP,Z.~M00062A000800040019-9 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 :CIA-RDP79M00062A000800040019-9 5X1 ? ~~" SECRET Appro~pl' For Release - DP70062A000800040019-9 COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Washington, D.C. 20505 CFI-M-2 25 February 1976 Minutes of Second Meeting Committee on Foreign Intelligence East Building, at 1500 Hours, 25 February 1976 Director of Central Intelligence Mr. George Bush Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Robert F. Ellsworth, Deputy Secretary of Defense Mr. William G. Hyland, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affair s ALSO PRESENT Mr. Thomas Latimer, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) Mr. E. H. Knoche, Acting Deputy to the DCI for the Intelligence Community Mr. Richard Lehman, Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence Exempt from general declassification schedule of E.??~~ 17652 exemption category 56(1),il2Y,(3) Automatically declassified on 25X1 Approved For Release $~/~ :CIA-R ~P7~PV~d001~~$t~400'~ 25X1 SECRET CFI-M-2 Appro~pd For Release 2 IA-RDP~00062AOO~Ob~~y 1976 COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Washington, D.C. 20505 MEMORANDUM FOR THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT Draft Minutes of the 25 February 1976 Committee on Foreign Intelligence Meeting 1, The minutes of the 18 February 1976 meeting were approved. 25X1 z? of the IC Staff gave a status report on current ICS- DoD e orts to evelop a paper for CFI consideration next week defining the National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP), the process and cycles to be followed with regard tv CFI attention to NFIP budgets and programs, and re - programming guidelines to be adopted by the CFI. 3. In regard to the national-tactical definition problem Mr, Ellsworth noted that many differing points of view would be encountered. Distinctions between national and tactical intelligence resources can hardly be expected to be agreed by all but he would be supportive of the CFI's efforts to define the NFIP as constructively as possible. The Chairman advised to prepare the paper, complete with pros, cons, agreements and isagreements, in recognition of general intent to give the CFI resource control over the intelligence budget, less tactical intelligence. 4. The Chairman reported his favorable impression of NRP arrangements and facilities and said he wants to insure that CFI machinery and processes will not bog down program managers and rob them of flexibility and effectiveness. 5. Mr. Bush noted there have been some requests by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Committees for access to intelligence budgetary data. He pointed to jurisdictional Congressional problems in this regard and said he thought it best to hold off until the House and Senate have resolved current approaches to intelligence oversight and until Appropriations Chairmen McClellan and Mahon have conferred with Budget Committee counterparts. It was agreed that the Director would talk to Senator McClellan and Representative Mahon about this. Mr. Knoche noted that there have been CBO requests for substantive briefings on Soviet and Warsaw Pact military capabilities and expenditures. It was agreed that substantive briefings are a separate question and can be provided. 25X1 Approved For R lease 2004/09/ 3 : CIA-RDP Exempt from general declassification schedule of E. 11652 exemption catogory SB(1),~ (3) 9 M Q~g1`~'~~019- 25X1 25X1' Appr~y~ed For Release RDP~M 00062A000800040019-9 25X16? of the IC Staff gave a brief description of progress made to date, and remaining to be made, with regard to improving awareness by tactical commanders of the nature of national collection systems. It was pointed out that continuing attention to this problem could in time lead to significant resource issues of concern to the CFI. The IC Staff is willing to continue its work in this area but needs to know which parts of DoD or JCS to work with. Mr. Ellsworth said he would advise. 25X1 7. of the IC Staff gave a brief status report on the study of NSCIDs, DCIDs, et al and haw to revise or rescind them in accordance with the Executive Oxder on intelligence. It was agreed: -- That NSCIDs would be revised with appropxiate classification to insure conformity with the E.O. ; -- There will be no attempt now to devise and issue an omnibus NSCID; -- Some NSCIDs can be rescinded, where the subject is over-taken by the E.O. In answer to the Chairman's question, said he thought some revised NSCIDs could be put before the CFI at its meeting next week. CFI directives. and memoranda will be issued serially rather than by a numbering system keyed to subject categories. Two draft CFI Memoranda (CFIM No. 1 and No. 2) were approved. 8. Discussion of this subject led to a question from Mr. Hyland as to how to arrange for directives on intelligence topics that may be the DCI's responsi- bility but that are beyond the scope of the CFI. For example, the CFIM on USIB could imply CFI powers in an area of DCI concern. Mr. Ellsworth noted the phrasing in the E. O. charging the CFI with setting "policy priorities for collec- tion and production, "phrasing indicating the CFI will have some kind of role in matters of previous concern to USLB. The discussion culminated in agreement that the Staff should develop for next week's CFI meeting a paper defining and delineating the distinctions between CFI, DCI and USIB -type concerns. 9. The proposed CFIM on IRAC's IR&D Council was not approved. Mr. Ellsworth felt it more advisable to subordinate this body to a USIB follow- on rather than to the CFI. 10. Mr. Knoche reported to the CFI on his conversations with two drafters of the E. O. in connection with the CFI xesponsibility to set "management policy" for national programs. The short of it is that it was intended to provide -2- Approved For Release 2~~/fit CIA-RDP79M00062A000800040019-9 25X1 25X1 SECRET 25X1' Appr~red For Releas 2004/09/23: IA-RDP~M00062A000800040019-9 the CFI with guidance powers that could go beyond narrow resource matters. The CFI, aver time, can define the extent to which it may want to issue guidance on such matters, for example, as intelligence personnel develop- ment or external contracting. 11. After a short executive session, the meeting adjourned at 1615 hours. 25X1 Summary of Actions a. Chairman to contact Senator McClellan and Representative Mahon re Congressional Budget inquiries. b. Joint ICS-DoD paper on NFIP definition, cycles, and reprogram- ming to be ready for next CFI meeting. c. Mr. Ellsworth to advise the IC Staff on DoD/JCS points of contact for work on the "national-tactial problem. " d. IC Staff to table a paper for the next CFI meeting defining distinctions among CFI, DCI and USIB-type concerns and responsibilities. Approved For Release 200419'/23 :CIA-RDP79M00062A000800040019-9 SECRET 25X1