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Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79B01737A002000010007-2 Secret DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Intelligence Memorandum Disposition and Strength of Communist Combat Units in South Laos, Southern North Vietnam, and South Vietnam's Military Region 1 Secret 3 February 1971 -olay 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79B01737A002000010007-2 Approved CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 3 February 1971 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM Disposition and Strength of Communist Combat Units in South Laos, Southern North Vietnam and South Vietnam's Military Region 1. This memorandum describes the current disposition and strengths of Communist ground combat units in the immediate environs of Tchepone and the adjacent areas of the Lao Panhandle, southern North Vietnam, and South Vietnam's Military Region 1 from which the enemy could reinforce the Tchepone area. The time required to deploy troops to the Tchepone area could vary from several days to as much as a month depending on a unit's place of departure, its combat readiness, the availability of trucks, the amount of disruption from bombing, and the weather. However, given optimum conditions, it is believed that most of the units discussed could be redeployed within a week. Obviously, iuuiiy of the N VA units could not be used to reinforce the Tchepone area because of the Communist need to maintain a viable military posture elsewhere. Given the.limited data available on the location and strength of enemy units, many of the locations ascribed to specific units are approximate and the strengths assigned to most units are orders of magnitude only. 25X1 Copy 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79B01737A0020p0010007-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BO1737AO02000010007-2 BACKGROUND 1. The Tchepone area in Savannakhet Province is the hub of the Communist-logistical supply system in the upper Panhandle of Laos. Logistic units-in this area receive supplies from North Vietnam via several entry routes -- the Mu Gia Pass about 100 miles to the north, Ban Karai Pass 65 miles to the north, and the western DMZ corridor about 35 miles to the northeast. The general Tchepone area, which bears the Allied designator of Base Area. 604, is also the operatin location of an important NVA command center. SOUTH LAOS 2. Within south Laos* there are an estimated 28,000 combat troops -- about 22,000 NVA (including ad- visors and fillers) and more than 6,000 PL* About 11,000 of the NVA combat troops are located within the environs of Tchepone. 3. Distance factors would not prevent the assembly in the Tchepone area of some considerable proportion of the remaining 11,000 combat .troops located elsewhere in _.._ southern Laos within a week or so. The large concentrations of NVA forces in the adjoining provinces of Saravane and Khammoua.ne could probably make the move in a few days I Ins cludes the area from the northern-border of.Khammouane Province south to the Lao-Cambodian border. Approved For Rel :1-se goo-suniF137 - 10007-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BO1737AO02000010007-2 Disposition and Strength of Communist Combat Forces -1 February 1971 thin Nape 1, A Pass NORTH HA TINH QUANG BINH `.\ San Karr, Pass Muong Phalane SA VA NNAKHB t ' a THAILAND CAMBODIA VINHUNH SPECIAL ZONE Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BO1737AO02000010007-2 Approve 000010007-2 4. As yet, however, we. have seen no evidence of any such movement despite the evident Communist concern over an attack toward Tchepone by the ARVN. It may be that they.. are constrained by the threat posed by friendly guerrilla units operating in South Laos. Any large- scale deployment of NVA forces.out of an area inlwhich such forces are currently operating seems un e y. 5. It seems unlikely at this time that the Communist would willingly-reduce-their pressures- on the Bolovens Plateau or-leave-the rest of South Laos vulnerable to friendly assault. We cannot predict .with any accuracy the extent to which Hanoi would be willing to redeploy these forces. But barring the prospects of a calamitous defeat in the Tchepone area we would judge that Hanoi would tend to draw its reinforcements from North Vietnam or Military Region I in South Vietnam. NORTH VIETNAM 6. There are nearly-40,000 NVA combat forceSThe located between Vinh and the DMZ. Vinh- cut-off-is somewhat arbitrary. It was c osen because of the large number of NVA forces south of Vinh, It is-from this area _._ m s P t inforce -its forces _-- - o A in --Laos if the nee aLose. There are. currenl L.1 LV V Infantry Divisions located within this area, an elements of a 1.t xeo-Have.- had combat experience against Allied forces. In addition to these units, there are a number of independent NVA infantry and artillery regiments in--the area, which also- have had some experience against Allied forces and which could be used for reinforcement. 25X1 25X1 Approved Fo 10007-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For R 2000010007-2 8. Despite the fact that there is a relatively large pool of units in North Vietnam which Hanoi could draw upon,. Hanoi clearly does not-haves an. unlimited capability to reinforce the Tchepone area. This has-become pa-rticularly evident in recent weeks with North Vietnam's increasing concern about the possibility of Allied incursions -'into'the homeland 9. The size of the commitment Hanoi is willing to make cannot be quantified with high assurance. Hanoi is obviously determined to fight and to make things as difficult as possible for the South Vietnamese. Hanoi could,. for example, decide to send some troops directly across the DMZ in a flanking.mane:uveragainst the forces. deployed along Route 9. But'assuming a decision to reinforce Tchepone, we would estimate, given the large number of forces currently deployed north of the DMZ, that a reinforcement of as much as a division 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BO1737AO02000010007-2 25X1 Approved For Relea equivalent -- some 10,000 men -- could be made without seriously impairing North Vietnam's.defensive capabilities. Whether Hanoi would be willing to raise the ante even further depends on a number of considerations. Foremost among-these are Hanoi's view of the urgency of keeping the Laotian supply route operative and its readings of US intentions north of the DMZ. SOUTH VIETNAM 10. Within the physical borders of South Vietnam's Military Region (MR) 1, there are nearly 19,000 NVA and 25X1 VC combat troops. This figure excludes several thousand troops in independent companies and platoons, who are assumed to be unavailable for rein- forcement principally because of their essentially defensive role and their relative lack of combat readiness. While the Communists in MR 1 have the, capability to reinforce the Tchepone area with additional forces, they already have dispatched some 6,000 during roughly the last half of 1970. If they are to maintain any kind of a military posture in MR 1 against the Government of Vietnam's pacification efforts, it seems unlikely that they would draw down much further on their force levels and we see no indication as yet that they intend to do so. 215X1 11? YYC 11aVe liL)L alloWeL ,I,VL L 1.1e u.77_.LkJ_L_L_LL of all reinforcement from MR 2 to the Tchepone Area. Because of this and tmime factor involved in deploying MR 2 forces up to the Tchepone area and considering the large number of the forces more readily available, any further drawdown on the remaining relatively small MR 2 25X1 force levels seems most unlikely at this time. . Approved For Release 4 07-2 25X1 Approved For RO SUMMARY 12. The current deployment of enemy forces in the immediate Tchepone area and the adjacent areas of the Laos Panhandle, southern North Vietnam, and GVN MR 1 is given below: Strength and Disposition of Combat Forces Tchepone areas Total 11,000 Adjacent areas Total '70`,00-0 - South Laos (outside Tchepone areas) 11,000 Southern North Vietnam 40,000 GVN MR 1 19,000 If Hanoi.. is, to maintain a. viable- military .presence- in Military Regioi I and ensure adequate security for its------- logistics system in south Laos, few of the troops in these areas could be used to reinforce the Tchepone area. Thus, the-major-burden--of reinforcement would-- seem to fall on the 40,000 combat forces-deployed in southern North Vietnam. Given the strengthof these forces, probably the equivalent of a division, or-10,000 men could-be-quickly-redeployed without seriously weakening North Vietnam's defensive capabilities. Whether Hanoi would be willing to commit additional forces depends on whether it sees itself capableof maintaining a viable supply` system in. Laos- and' its -reading of the - likelihood of Allied ground-incursions into North Vietnam. 25X1 25X1 Approved For R~ Iease 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BOl737A002000g10007-2 25X1 L Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BO1737AO02000010007-2 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BO1737AO02000010007-2 Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BO1737AO02000010007-2 Secret Secret Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BO1737AO02000010007-2 STAT Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BO1737AO02000010007-2 Approved For Release 2005/01/31 : CIA-RDP79BO1737AO02000010007-2