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CORONA Copy No. of 77 241A Approved For Release 2006/T3 ? : Hl &199101709AO02300040008-6 HANULJ? VIA-1 l 1'f1Lr 1V 1 / USIB-D-46.4/23 (COMIREX-D-25. 3/ 6) 17 October 1968 Limited Distribution UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOAR D MEMORANDUM FOR THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD SUBJECT Overhead Imagery Reconnaissance of North Vietnam During a Truce REFERENCES : a. USIB-D-46.4/15 (COMIRE X-D-25.3/3), 7 May 1968, Limited Dist Memorandum for Holders ribution and thereof, 10 Ma y 1968 b. USIB-D-46. 4/ 19 (COMIRE X-D-25. 3/5) 19 July 1968, Limited Dis tribution c. USIB-D-64. 6/43, 16 Augu Distribution st 1968, Limit ed 1. The enclosed memorandum on this subject from the Chairman, Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation (COMIREX), and its attachment which is a revision of the USIB-approved national requirements for "Overhead Imagery Reconnaissance of North Vietnam during a Truce" (reference a. ), are circulated herewith for Board consideration. 2.1 notes that the principal change to the previously approved requiremen is is in paragraph 5. a. where the need to maintain coverage of Route Package I and the DMZ is specified as opposed to selected indication targets and the DMZ. He explains that this change could in the future have a marked effect on the level of reconnaissance summarized by COMIREX in its analysis of systems available during a truce (reference b. ). 3. This revision of national requirements for overhead imagery reconnaissance of North Vietnam during a truce was proposed by DIA after coordination with the JCS and has been approved by COMIREX. The HANDLE VIA TALENT/ 25X1A NRO review(s) CORONA completed. Approved For Release 2006/ 7P (S,E W 01709 GROUP 1 Excluded from automati. jod3cao8- Approved For Release 2006/~'. P: &M %01709A002300040008-6 CORONA/ I HANDLE VIA TALENT / KEYHOLE CONTROL SYSTEM USIB-D-46. 4/23 25X1A (COMIREX-D-25.3/6) 17 October 1968 Limited Distribution Committee in submitting this revision also notes that the CCPC has been charged in reference c. with developing a comprehensive intelligence plan for the Vietnam theater under either a total bombing halt or a general cease fire. Recognizing that these different conditions could result in a need for COMIREX to provide an entirely new statement of requirements within its responsibility, comments that it is possible that, after the Board has studied the CCPC paper, a further revision may be in order. USIB ACTION REQUESTED 4. Board Members are requested to advise the Secretariat by close of business 25 October 1968 of their concurrence or other views on the statement of national requirements on the subject in the attachment to I Imemorandum, to supersede the previously approved state- ment in reference a. Executive ecre r HANDLE VIA TALENT/ 25X1A KEYHOLE CONTROL SYSTEM Approved For Release 200 f4 YV AA-RDP79g0170 A002300140008-6 25X1A H- nd~ge~ ed For Rele se 20061 ftI~T1: G ' 01709A002300 M00611t6re TAL- R r- x 1-10 37E CORONA/ Q USIB-D-46.4/23 25X1A (COMIREX-D-25.3/6) 17 October 1968 Limited Distribution MEMORANDUM FOR: United States Intelligence Board SUBJECT: Overhead Imagery Reconnaissance of North Vietnam During a Truce REFERENCES: a. USIB-D-46. 4/ 15 (COMIREX-D-25. 3/3) 7 May 1.96&, and Memorandum-for Holders thereof, 10 May 1968, Y,inhited Distribution b. USIB-D-46.4/19 (COMIREX-D- 25. 3/5), 19 July 1968,' Limited Distribution c. USIB-D-64. 6/43, 16 August 1968, Limited Distribution 1. Attached is a revision of the national requirements for imagery reconnaissance of North Vietnam during a truce, prepared by COMIREX in May 1968 and approved by the Board on 10 May (reference a). The revision was proposed by DIA, after coordination with the JCS, and has been approved by COMIREX. 2. The.Chairman, COMIREX, notes that the principal difference between the original paper and the revision is the omission of the require- ment for near daily coverage of specific indicator targets. Paragraph 5 a. is revised to specify the need to maintain coverage of Route Package I and the DMZ, as opposed to selected indicator targets and the DMZ. The Chairman, COMIREX, considers the Board should be aware of this change as, if at some future date it is necessary to cover indicator targets not contiguous to the DMZ, it could have a marked affect on the level of reconnaissance, as summarized by COMIREX in July 1968 in its analysis of systems available for reconnaissance during a truce (reference b). 25X1A 25X1A CORON 5X1A Approved For Release 2006MV 709A002 -KEYHOLE Control Handle vi TOP SE TALE r se 200 1U7 NR I, B-D 46.4/23 25X1A Control (COMIREX-D-25.3/6) 17 October 1968 Limited Distribution 3. In submitting the attached revision, COMIREX is aware of the 16 August charge laid on CCPC by the Board (reference c) and the preliminary efforts of the CCPC to provide a comprehensive intelligence plan for the Vietnam theater under either a total bombing halt or a general cease fire. It is recognized that different conditions under a bombing halt or cease fire could result in a need for COMIREX to provide an entirely new statement of requirements for those aspects of overhead reconnaissance within its responsibility; and it is possible that, after the Board has studied the CCPC paper, a further revision may be in order. 4. It is recommended that the attached revision to the May 1968 requirements be forwarded to the Board for consideration. a.irm nana Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation CORONA/ Handle via 25X1A Approved For Release 2d1 118 1709A00 3. .AN ( 8 HOLE Control Handle vial TOP SECRET Attachment TAIAM19wMCFM61c3se 2006/Q d7cJA A002300 $]?-46. 4/23 25X1A Control (COMIREX-D-25.3/6) .17 October 1968 Limited Distribution SUBJECT: Overhead Imagery Reconnaissance of North Vietnam During a Truce (TS) 1. This memorandiin addresses the national requirements for imagery reconnaissance over North Vietnam during a truce. Specifically, the purpose of this memorandum is to recommend to USIB a statement of the intelligence requirements upon which the level and mix of U. S. recon- naissance required during a truce would be determined. 2. While certain political guarantees might be offered or truce commissions designated as a means of policing the truce, past experience has indicated that overhead imagery reconnaissance is an important means of detecting non-compliance with truce provisions. In the event the U. S. and North Vietnam enter into a truce agreement, U. S. reconnaissance must be maintained at a level sufficient to detect any significant attempt on the part of the North Vietnamese to take advantage of the truce to introduce new or improved capabilities, redeploy forces, or prepare for a surprise offensive. Such actions need to be identified soon enough to permit necessary and timely counteraction, whether political or military, to be taken. 3. In developing this memorandum, COMIREX has accepted, the following assumptions as the minimum necessary to complement the level of overhead reconnaissance of North Vietnam regarded as essential to police the truce: a. Reconnaissance coverage will continue over Laos as at present. b. No restrictions will be placed on aerial or surface reconnaissance conducted on or over international waters adjacent to North Vietnam. CORONA . tianctle vial Approved For Release 2006/TM*: 01709A00230AO~UIID6 KEYHOLE ontro 709A0023 %nt 1 andlA moved For Relea a 200610311`7 : - Q *4i" TALENT-KEYHOLE CORONA/ USIB-D-46.4/23 Control (COMIREX-D-25. 3/6) 25X1 17 October 1968 NRO Limited Distribution c. Satellite programs will continue to provide minimal coverage of North Vietnam on the order of 265, 000 square statute miles per year with the 7-12 foot ground resolution system (KH-4) and Satellite coverage alone would not be sufficient to meet our requirements during a truce. d. Coverage of indicator targets in South China will continue to be accomplished primarily by satellite means. 4. The extent and frequency of airborne imagery reconnaissance directed against North Vietnam during a "cease fire" or truce period must be consistent with the detection of five major categories of activitlr: a. Logistical support to, and build-up of communist forces throughout North Vietnam. 25X1 D 25X1 D b. Deployment of infiltration forces toward South Vietnam. c. Introduction into North Vietnam of new offensive weapons or other advanced systems. d. Third party involvement. e. Compliance with specified provisions of any truce agreement. 5. In addition to minimal coverage expected from satellites, it is essential that airborne imagery reconnaissance be conducted over North Vietnam as follows- a. It is necessary to maintain coverage of -/ Route Package 1 and the DMZ, as often as weather and operational factors permit., during the initial period of a truce until we are confident of North Vietnam's probable military posture as well as during any subsequent period in which other sources indicate the possibility of significant change in that military posture. 25X1A CORONA TALENT-KEYHOLE25X1A Approved For Release 2006/013/JW. A00230~0~~?p$16 .Handl vi TOP SECRET t chment r god For Rr4 se 200 (b3 1~7NC~l f09A0023b 00] -646. 4/23 25X1A TALE% Control (COMIREX-D-2 5. 3 /6) 17 October 1968 Limited Distribution b. ' For the same reasons, it is necessary to maintain at least weekly coverage of selected highways, railways and border areas of the Panhandle south of 20? north. c. It is also necessary to obtain weekly coverage of selected high priority railyards and ports in the northern segment of North Vietnam which could give preoperational evidence of the introduction of surface-to-surface missiles or other weapons into North Vietnam. d, For the remainder of North Vietnam, at least twice monthly coverage of military and logistical targets to support intelligence assessments of the nature and extent of any baild-up in other areas of North Vietnam. e. Monthly coverage of selected Air Defense Facilities. f. Coverage obtained in meeting the preceding requirements should be programmed to meet current area coverage requirements needed to search for the introduction of new weapons into North Vietnam. 6. Based on past experience, weather poses the most difficult problem in the orderly acquisition of photography of North Vietnam. It has a particularly serious impact upon satellite coverage and, to a lesser and varied degree, upon manned and drone reconnaissance coverage as well. The major factor limiting high altitude photo reconnaissance is cloud cover at the middle altitudes. While high altitude reconnaissance Handle vi CORONA TALENT -KE YHO LF 5M A Approved For Release 2006/0T%O]? 01709A00230 t Han~ff%vdl P' P' 2006/0 " 17 1709AO02300040008-6 Attachment TALENT- Control LE CORONA USIB-D-46.4/23 25X1A (COMIREX-D-25.3/6) 17 October 1968 Limited Distribution over the Hanoi area, for example, is possible only two days in June, low altitude reconnaissance is possible on:20 days in June. Similar anomalies between high and low altitude cloud patterns are found for the Panhandle area and the northwest mountainous region. The average number of days each month which are suitable for high and low altitude reconnaissance over North Vietnam are shown in Annex A. 7. A comparison of these requirements with the expected days of suitable weather shown in Annex A indicates that we will almost certainly not be able to meet them in all areas for all periods of the year by high- altitude reconnaissance alone. During periods of worst climatology, there- fore, we should retain the capability to conduct reconnaissance below cloud level or be prepared to accept the weather degradation to the adequacy-. of our imagery reconnaissance. Handle va Approved For Release 20GMAWR A, - 09A0023y~( 0U8j,_KEYHOLE 25X1A TOP S Control Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79BO1709AO02300040008-6 Handle vial TALENT- Control Average number of days each month suitable Lao Kay Hig h Jan 4. 0 Feb 4. 0 Mar 7. 0 Apr 10.0 May 6.0 Jun 3.0 Jul 2.0 Aug 3.0 Sep 5.0 6.o 8.0 10. (NW mountains) Lo w 6. 0 5.0 9.0 11.0 12.0 9 .0 9.0 14.0 14.0 18.0 12.0 1.3. Hanoi Hig h 5.3 3.5 3.8 3.6 2.8 2 .0 1.9 1.8 4.0 9.1 5.9 9.' Lo w 8.5 4.0 4.7 9.7 15.1 20 .1 21.3 18.7 19.5 20.5 15.5 15.: Dong Hoi Hig h 5.0 6.0 7.0 10.0 5.0 3 .0 4.0 4.0 4.0 7.0 7.0 5.( Lo w 8.0 8.0 11.0 17.0 20.0 20 .0 21.0 19.0 14.0 15.0 11.0 10.1 Vinh Hig h 4.0 3.0 4.0 7.0 6.0 3 .0 . 4.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 5.1 Lo w 6.0 8.0 4.0 11.0 18.0 17 .0 16.0 15.0 8.0 9.0 6.0 13.1 *Low Altitude: Less than 3/10 cloud cover at 3, 000 feet -High Altitude: Less than 3/10 overall cloud cover Approved For Release 2006/03/17 GIA-120127 B01709AO02300040008-6 CORONA TOP S Attachment - USIB-D-46.4/23 25X1A (COMIREX-D-25. 316) 17 October 1968 Limited Distribution Annex A for high and low altitude photography* Handle vi TALENT-KEYHOLE Control 'TT GJ/\ IPl Approved For Release 2006ITD/ V: MCR 9B01709AO02300040008-6. 5 6 CORONA ?py ?? of 725X1A HANDLE VIA. ALENT / KEYHOLE CONTROL SYSTEM JOINTLY 28 October 1968 Limited Distribution UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOAR D MEMORANDUM FOR HOLDERS OF US'IB-D-46. 4/23 SUBJECT : Overhead Imagery Reconnaissance of North Vietnam During a Truce REFERENCE : USIB-D-46.4/23 (COMIREX-D-25. 3/6), 17 October 1968, Limited Distribution The attached map with the following explanation of Route Package Number One which was referred to in the reference has been submitted by DIA at the request of State for information in connection with consideration of USIB-D-46. 4/23: "In order to determine to what extent the enemy uses the period of negotiations to improve the strength of his forces, it is necessary to maintain, as often as weather and operational circumstances permit, coverage of Route Package Number One (see map). Within Route Package Number One, the two specific road segments requiring such coverage are: (1) a portion of Route IA along the coastline north from the DMZ to 170471 N/ 106?26' E; and (2) a short segment of Route 15 leading southwest- ward from 18?04' N/105?50' E to the Mu Gia Pass at the border with 25X1A Laos. Executive HANDLE VIA TALENT$5X1A KEYHOLE CONTROL SYSTEM JOINTLY GROUP 1 CORONA Excluded from automatic 25X1A Approved For Release 2006/03 ftl 9A 023r0O~&~ and Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79BO1709AO02300040008-6 NORTH VIETNAM SOUTH OF THE 20th PARALLEL Ban Chieng Ha Tinh Xom Hoai ROUTE PACKAGE 1 Linh 1 Ha Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79BO1709AO02300040008-6