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January 26, 1968
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ic / e p, A3 066W6
Minutes of Meeting Held in Room 1D918
1300 -1600 , 26 January 1968
Purpose of Meeting
25X1A 1. The Chairman expressed that Chairman COMIREX, had asked
that a review be made of the MC& requirements for satellite data over the
next few years. To procee toward this objective, future requirement papers `"u^4
prepared by DIA as a portion of a DCI study dealing with Intelligence Aspects
of Mapping, Charting and Geodesy had been distributed to Working Group members
on 19 January 1968. While it was not definite as to what specific papers
should be prepared, it was thought that these papers would serve to get the
work underway.
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Plans for Future Meetings
2. The Chairman mentioned that it was planned to have a predominantly
briefing meeting in the very near future which would include items of gen-
eral interest to the Working Group. It was planned that the briefings in-
25X1A a. A presentation by on Navy use of special data in MC&G.
25X1A b. A briefing by of US Geological Survey outlining plans
for development of a production capability and indicating their proposed
production program.
c. An up-to-date presentation by Army Map Service as to the accom-
25X1D plishments of the more recent KH-4 -missions.
d. Statement by NRO as to the progress on meeting world-wide position-
ing requirements.
Chairman further indicated that also in the near future an MC&G Working Group
meeting would take up the subject of satellite
for MC&G purposes and collection requirements related to the
for target positioning.
Discussion of Future MC&G Requirements for Satellite Data
25X1A 3. described the background of the textual data forwarded
each member for discussion. He mentioned that it was written in the context
of the study for the DCI, but contained the principal substantive information
relating to future plans and requirements. As a point of procedure, he recom-
mended that the Working Group review and discuss the information presented
from a substantive standpoint and then, assuming agreement, information could
be selected and formatted to meet COMIREX needs. further men-
tioned that papers circulated for discussion had previously been reviewed
with Army, Navy and Air Force and substantive modifications had been incor-
m mi- ;Ypnared In support of this view, NRQ was now wor inS on several
no new papers involving potential solutions for world-wide positioning require-
of NRO commented that the information needed to be
presented differently, possibly using indexes.. He further recommended that
d he objective of providing recommendations in about a couple-
of months for meeting the positioning problem. However, since t ese approaches
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were still being refined "in-house", he was not prepared to discuss them at
this meeting. indicated the solutions cited in the discussion
papers with regar to the point positioning problem were tentative, based on
DIA understanding of the more likely solutions; these were, of course, sub-
ject to change as NRO worked on the problem. After discussion, it was agreed
that no paper should be prepared on the solutions to the positioning problem
at this time.
comments and related discussion follows:
a. suggested that it might be well to go the route of
a separate system to meet mapping requirements because of the potential prob-
lems of using a system basically designed for intelligence purposes. It was
commented that MC&G would still need the large scale panoramic detail in any
event for the mapping operations, particular) with respect to interpreta-
tion and delineation of features, brought out that going for a
separate MC&G system could be expecte to e much more costly, based on NRO
b. indicated that the planning for the MC&G area re-
quirements for NEW SEARCH photography for the maintenance of cartographic
products should be much more detailed and related more specifically to car-
tographic ??
revision programs which are based on the use of the satellite data,
During the ensuing discussion, it was brought out by Do;Dr;ep:r;e__:t_J:v~ee, entathat
satellite photography for maintenance purposes would nee acquired under
a data bank concept for the same reasons that a data bank was needed for the
initial production to produce a satisfactory geometric base. It was cited
that the US and the rest of the world could not possibly maintain all large-
scale maps up-to-date, but needed to be able to do this work on a quick
response basis. During the next several years, very little effort will be
available in the MC&G community for updating existing MC&G products, since
there is so much to do toward producing once-over coverage to produce a geo-
metric base. However, even though the principal effort is on initial coverage
production, the MC&G community must be prepared to revise and bring up-to-date
any products on a timely basis. Utilizing the criteria advanced for recover-
e for updating purposes, it had been determined t a ese crer eria ha~Ic"re= {
duced the o mi ion-s ware mi nua requiremen e -
Soviet in COMDR D-13/65 to 3 to 5 million s es annual y a ter t e
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first year or two. Eventually, possibly in 1 to 2 years, it would be possible
to eve op 1imlted maintenance programs for updating cartographic products
which could be integrated with all other factors for establishing the optimum
MC&G collection program. Except for relatively local instances, it would be
impractical to undertake this task at this time.
c. raised other questions of a clarification nature and
commented that he thought indexes and tables or listing might be necessary in
presenting future requirements.
It was concluded that perhaps some future discussion was necessary to
consider the substantive information in the future requirements papers cir-
culated for discussion by the Working Group, but that the Chairman, Colonel
COMIREX, as the next step.
COMIREX MC&G Working Group
Copy 1,2 DIA TCO
3,4 Army TCO
5,6 Navy TCO
7,8 Air Force TCO
- 9,10 CIA Member
11,12 NRO
14 State TCO
16,17 NPIC
[19,20 CR SUBCOM
-25 Ch/MCGWG
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