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PDF icon CIA-RDP79B01594A000100040007-8.pdf51.61 KB
Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP79B01594A000100040007-8 SECRET/NOFORN 14 September 1971 OFFICIAL ENGLISH VERSION ...that the ties between the west- ern sectors of Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany will be maintained and developed, taking into account that these sectors continue not to be a constituent part of the Federal Republic of Germany and not be governed by it. AGREED GERMAN TEXT ..-;dass die Bindungen zwischen den westsektoren Berlins and der Bundes- republik Deutschland aufrechterhalten and entwickelt werden, wobei sie beruecksichtigen, dass diese Sektoren wo wie bisher kein Bestandteil (konstutiver Teil) der Bundesrepublik sind. EAST GERMAN VERSION ...mass die-Verbindu-ngen zwischen den westsektoren Berlins and der Bundesrepublik Deutschland aufrechterhalten and entwickelt werden, wobei sie beruecksichtigen, das diese Sektoren so wie bisher kein Bestandteil der Bundesrepublik Deutschland rind. NOTE: The East German version carried footnotes giving the English, French and Russian words for "Verbindungen" (in English "ties") and "Bestandteil" (in English "constituent part"). The differences in application of the word "Bindungen" and "Verbindungen" are`not reflected'in the English word "ties." In German, "Bindungen" is most often used in the sense of "bonds," while "Verbindungen" suggests a looser connection, as in a communications link. The fact that ."konstitutiver Teil" was inserted in the agreed German text to augment "Bestand- teil" and that the East German version carried the original English, French and Russian of this same word indicates some unhappiness by both sides with the suitability of "Bestandteil" in defining the relationship of West Berlin with the Federal Republic. SECRET!NOFORN Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP79B01594A000100040007-8