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Approved For Releaq&2000/06%4Nf lPt ~ L1590A00031 140001-8 18 April 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training VIA: Chief, Intelligence Institute FROM: SUBJECT: Course Report: Preparing for Overseas Assignment (4-6 April 1977) and Special Overseas Orientation (7-8 April 1977) P'4- -77 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT 50'0 I d 77 1. Preparing for Overseas Assignment (POA) was conducted on 4-5 April with 36 participants, including 10 25X1C s ouses. Ten employees expecting attended the third day's lectures on 25X1C actions. 2. The majority of the participants indicated that the course objectives were satisfied. On a scale of 1 (slight) to 7 (highly satisfactory), they assigned an average rating of 5.12. (The average rating in the February class was 4.5.) The segments on "Living in a New Culture" 25X1A by Mrs. Joan Wilson, Foreign Service stitute, Department of State, and "Good Health--Your Fir riority" by Dr. Richard Office of Medical Services, received the highest praise. Changes 3. The problems stated in POA Course Report No. 1-77, 3 March 1977 (copy attached), have been fairly well resolved. The class divided into groups according to regional assign- ments. Support officers from the respective areas, including Europe, Africa, Near East, and East Asia, addressed such topics as shipment of household effects, automobiles, and overseas housing. These small groups focused on the specific concerns related to the unique problems found in the contrasting regions. Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001 H. CONFIDENTIAL ,il;ct_IMPDET CL BY.4VA Approved For Relea 000/06/0 ji -J9 N 90A0003 -140001-8 SUBJECT: Course Report: Preparing for Overseas Assignment (4-6 April 1977) and Special Overseas Orientation (7-8 April 1977) Problems and Recommendations 4. Two new problem areas evolved from the Europe session which would be of general interest to POA attendees. location. Deputy Chief, Cover and Commercia Staff, has agreed to have someone from his staff address this subject at the next running, emphasizing the problem areas that came to the fore in this class. 5. The second question was in regard to Credit Union transactions overseas. In response to the apparent confusion over procedures, a Credit Union representative will be invited to speak in the next running. SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION 1. Special Overseas Orientation was conducted on 7-8 April with M participants, including =spouses. 25X1A 2. The majority of the participants indicated that the course objectives had been met to a high degree. On a scale of 1 (unsatisfactory) to 5 (outstanding), they assigned an average rating of 4.47. (The average rating in the February class was 4.03). The Office of Medical Services' session on "Dealing with Terrorists and Terrorism" received the best response. Problems and Recommendations 3. There was considerable repetition in a couple of presentations. Some of this can be attributed to the fact that one new speaker from Latin America Division wandered from his designated topic. All speakers in the next running will be reminded to stay within the parameters of their scope notes. The other major criticism was that the "Modus Operandi of Terrorist Groups" centered exclusively on Latin America and the Middle East. The International Terrorism Control representative will be asked to cover other areas in subsequent runnings. Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 COINF F'NTI Approved For Release?,2000/06/OO nRV90A00039ii140001-8 SUBJECT: Course Report: Preparing for Overseas Assignment (4-6 April 1977) and Special Overseas Orientation (7-8 April 1977) Attachments: 1 - Course Report POA and SOO No. 1-77, 7-11 Feb 77 2 - POA Schedule 3 - POA Roster 4 - POA End-of-Course Data Sheet 5 - POA Evaluations 6 - SOO Schedule 7 - S00 Roster 8 - S00 End-of-Course Data Sheet 9 - S00 Evaluations Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 CONFIDENTIAL UV ASSIFIED ,fir. INTERNAL Lnrn\/P Fnr PP 14nM ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Course Report: Preparing for Overseas Assignment (4-6 April 1977) and Special, -Ove-r-se-a.s-- Orientation- FROM: EXTENSION NO. Orientation Coordinator 926 C of C TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) C/IMB 926 C of C C/II 926 C of C 3. C/TSS C/ /-t (,. 826 C of C ; f 5 4. C/PPG G Rs, 1016 C of C 5. DD/OT 1025 C of C 6. EA/TR 1026 C of C 7. A/DDTR 1026 C of C 8. DTR 1026 C of C 9. C/II 926 C of C 10. C/IMB 926 C of C Orientation Coordinator 21M 2 3 51 -- OFFICER'S INITIALS DATE 18 April 1977 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) p'4 -77 S'6 o G -77 Approved For Release 200)/06/07 :1 CIA-RDR79-0159gA000300140001-8 FORM 61 O USEDITPREV IO S El SECRET ? CONFIDENTIAL ^ USE E 3-62 ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Relea. 2000/06/01%() P $ 1590A00 140001-8 OFFICE OF TRAINING INTELLIGENTCE INSTITUTE PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT ~.~ ;]j -2-77 4-5 April 1977 ROOII 1A-13 HEADQUARTERS Ro omTI 1 MOM Chamber of Commerce Extension 2452 TRAINING ASSISTAT- 4 25X1A loom 921 Chamber of Commerce Extension 2452 CONFIDENTIAL E2 IIIPDET Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001t8j BY 018124 Approved For Release 20b/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A000300101-8 `CONFIDENTIAL COURSE OBJECTIVES overseas Service for CIA Par;;icipants are expected to: 1. learn about the administrative, medical, and leg al factors that a-~ fect CIA employees serving abroad; and increase their ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Approved For Release 2000/06/07: CI ~Pj7jf?AA000300140001-8 tf-R Approved For Release.Q0/06/07 CIA- 000300 01-8 Preparing for Overseas Assignment No 2-77 Ionday, 5 April 1977 0900-0930 Registration and Administration Orientation Coordinator 0930-1000 Reading: Transplanting Your Household. Presentations throughout the program will give you an opportunity to ask questions on this subject. 1000-1100 Central Processing An overview of the organization and Branch functions of this Branch will assist you in your overseas processing. 1115-1215 Legal Responsibilities Chief, Central Processing Office of General An Agency lawyer will review the legal Counsel documents, including the will, power of attorney, insurance policies, etc., that you should have in hand prior to your departure. Ile will also alert you to the responsibilities, such as federal and state tax returns, that you will have during your tour. 1315-1400 Drug Abuse Operations Division The Agency's Drug Abuse Program will Office of be discussed as well as various drugs and the ;problems encountered throw ?l- out the World. 1415-1530 Living in a New Culture Joan Wilson Foreign Service Culture shock is a very real Institute, Department phenomenon. Our speaker will suggest of State some of the more difficult areas of adjustment and indicate ways in which we can better prepare ourselves for living and working abroad. CONT IDFNTIAL Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release "2000/06/07.: CIA-RDP79-01590A000 140001-8 R NFIDENTIAL uesday, 6 April 1977 0900-1.030 Discussion wit_i Area Divisions Support officers from the Area Divisions will discuss with you practical information on your parti--ular proposed overseas station and will be happy to answer euestions. it 5-1145 Overseas Benefits and Services Benefits and Services This secment covers the benefits and Staff, Office of services, including Federal Employees Personnel Life Insurance and Federal Coliipersation, that you can erect to have while living abroad. 1400-1500 Good Health - Your First Priority Off ice of "iedical !..experienced overseas officer will Services suggest how you can best insure good raental and physical health, and attempt to set some old myths straight. 1500-1530 Course Evaluation Approved For Release 2000/06/0O C~1A Rq R7,-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 se e!A -R-u r- -1 9 - - - a: a: 41 a: V? rr w a) C a u) a) LL O a) G a) O tt ' ? Z n O al } Y~ N R sP O J YI ppr t v@-d- g(r ede se 2 QQ/ 6[Q7 Q1 -I D 7q 19 " 3" rj ~~ in - - I - N N N N N N N m m m m AD:uur1ISTRATIVE-INfLR:!AL USE ONLY Approved For Rose 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A00140001-8 Prpoarino for Overseas /Issignrnent 1 .2 Employee or Dependent Piave Date xf - Phase I Evaluation Directorate Division A. Have you previously lived overseas? How long? !'!here? B. As far as you are aware, to what decree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect. CIA employees serving abroad; Sl inht S3tisfactor 4 (0p-t na Satsfactory 2) increase ability to cooe with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. .Li~ Satisfactory highly ' Satisfactory 1 2 3 41 6 7 C. hat coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. Your convents are welcomed (use reverse side) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIlTERpp,, RRQP79- 9 .Y03001 ADi9INISTMTI`IE-Ii~l.~L USE lt STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 AD:IIIIISTRATIVE-INCER:',AL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300-W001-8 PrpDarino for Overseas -lssinnrient Phase I Evaluation Employee or Dependent flame_______ up ti ona Date `A/5-/_7 Directorate Division A. Have you previously lived overseas?__________ How long? here? C. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; ,, y Satisfactory Slight S 3 t i sfecto ? 1 2 .3 4 0. 6 7 2) increase ability to cone with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Ali hly Slight Satisfactory Satisfactory; 1 2 4, 6 C. !That coverage would you: Add? 64-ui-A 7 dn) ~xP/-~f~A D/S Delete? 1'7,RUG 4,0v54' - 7a? L-,T7Z6 .Z, w,rM 7drts Change? D. Your comments are welcomed (use reverse side) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01 90US0E0 "f0L40001-8 ATD 11MISTR.ATI~IE-INTERfl L . STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 AD:1I1IISTRATIVE-INFL,1:!AL USE ONLY Approved For Release 4000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A00030 0001-8 Prooarina for Overseas '\ssictnrzent Phase I Evaluation Employee or Dependent Date J A. Have you previously lived overseas? How long? !There? B. As far as you are aware, to what decree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; S1inht Satisfactor .2 .3 4 !lame ------ p t i ona1T Directorate b Division Hi Dill!. Satisfactory 2) increase ability to cooe with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Sl ijht Sati sfactory_ 1 2 3 41 C. !that coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. Your courents are welcomed (use reverse side) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590,an 0 40001-8 AD11I "! I STRAT ICJ E- I i !TERNAL Mafl 'Highly Satisfactory' 7 AD.1INISTRATIVE--INrER;!AL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2MD/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA00030014 O01-8 PrQoarinc for Overseas .Assignment Phase I Evaluation flame Optiona ~ r Date-/7 7) Directorate Division C- F's A. Have you previously lived overseas? How long? Where? No C. As far as you are aware, to what decree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slinht Satisfactor ., Satisfactory 1 2 ?3 4 6 7 2) increase ability to cooe with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slit Satisfactory 1 2 3 4. 5 C. !-That coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? Highly Satisfacto 7 D. Your comments are welcomed (use reverse side) Approved For Releas 0 IA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 SV r..(~~f 'R.~'TIIE-INTERNAL USE ONLY STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 AD:IIflISTR~ATIVE-INCL%.!AL USE ONLY Approved For Releaser`2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A0003W140001-8 Pr~oa r i na for Overseas +lss i nnnent Phase I Evaluation . Employee or Dependent x flame -- ~( p-til ona Date ' 5 47 Directorate () D S T Division O rs A. Have you previously lived overseas? NO How long? !,!here? M. As far as you are aware, to what decree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slinht Satisfactory 2 .3 4 High ' Satisfactory 6 7 2) increase ability to come with cultural differences that may b encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactor 1 2 L C. !Shat coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? cli hly Satisfactory' D. Your convents are welcomed (use reverse side) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For RelA ttM/bVZ-KdK~zbft8-~4990)ibg03O6140001-8 Pr,poarina for Overseas ^,ssinnrlent Phase I Evaluation . Employee or Dependent Date game (3ptto an s Directorate _~js P7" Division O:; A. have you previously lived overseas? h_.4~ How long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Sl i nht Sati sf actor` 1 2 .3 4 Satisfactory 7 2) increase ability to cone with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory. 1 2 3 4' C. Mat coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? Approved For Release 2000/06107 : CIA-RDP79-015 04000300140001-8 0. Your comments are welcomed (use reverse s e !Lighly Satisfactory .7 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 AD:uI11ISTRATIVE--INfi: %,!AL USE ONLY Approved For Relea 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000&140001-8 Preoarina for Overseas Assinnrlent Phase I Evaluation ee or Dependent l E fame -.-. mp oy ___-__,- o) p t Date il_ 'S;5 Directorate . Division A Have you previously lived overseas? /1/0 . How long? !There? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Sl i nht S3ti sf'ctoi` Nigh. ' Satisfactory l 3 4 06 7 / / / / 2) increase ability to cone with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Sl i_q_ht Satisfactory 1 2 3 4'. C. !!hat coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. Your conents are welcomed (use reverse side) Approved For ReleasAEI' 1 e QR'1/ff4}, 11 .IAI ff,?f' W8Q 100140001-8 aighhly Sati sfactory' 7 AD:1IUUISTRATIVE-IN1LR:!AL USE ONLY Approved For Releasw'2000I06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A0003WM40001-8 Prpoarinc7 for Overseas Assi(inr1ent Phase I Evaluation Employee or Dependent t-_ flame -- `-(bptiona Directorate Division A. Have you previously lived overseas? 7Z-o How 1 ong? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what decree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slinht S3tisf-ctory Satiisfactor 1 2 .3 4 1 2 3 2) increase ability to cone with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory C. !?that coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. Your convents are welcomed (use reverse side) 01 ? 00140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP71AL l AD ?iI^!ISTRATIVE-IMTER Highly Satisfactory' 4. ' . . 5 6 , . 7. AD:IIUUISTRATIVE-INrLZ!AL USE ONLY Approved For Releasw2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA00031 40001-8 Prsoarina for Overseas \ssinnment Phase I Evaluation Employee or Dependent flame --optional Date Directorate U Division W E A. Have you previously lived overseas? How 1 ong? !-!here? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Li t i ~. Slight Satisfactory Satisfactory 1 2 .3 4 6 7 2) increase ability to cooe with cultural. differences that may be encountered in host countries. Y- Slight Sati s-Pactor Satisfactory' 1 2 3 4' U5 6 7 C. !that coverage would you: Add? Del ete? Change? D. Your comments are welcomed (use reverse side) Approved For Release 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-0159 Q 00140001-8 AD~9INISTRATIVE-INTERW\L US ! Approved For RelEssUi84 b 7dYEddKrl.&lk-U 9 0 140001-8 Prpaarina for Overseas 'lssinnment Phase I Evaluation Employee or Dependent___, ' flame ptiona Date 6 1-1 7'7 Directorate JJ JJS (iT Division 07-S A. Have you previously lived overseas? How long? Mere? J11 B. As far as you are aware, to what decree did the course fulfill objectives: l) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slinht Satisfactory 2 .3 4 Hig ' Satisfactory 2) increase ability to cone with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory 2 3 4- C.. Vhat coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? Approved For Release 00/06901 : CIA-RDP79-01 0 000300140001-8 D. Your comments are welcome use reverse s e Highly Satisfactory .7 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rel&"s U?66i 7d'YE1J)lfl [ 9-4 8 03 `'140001-8 PrQoarina for Overseas Assignment Phase I Evaluation . Employee or Dependent flame [pti ana Date Directorate Division A. Have you previously lived overseas? How long? Eihere? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slinht Satisfactory 1 2 "3 4 5 Higfi ' Satisfactory 2) increase ability to cone with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory 1 2 3 4" C. !"that coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? Highly Satisfactory .7 Approved For Release 2900/06107: CIA-RDP79-01 n A000300140001-8 D. Your comments are welcomed use reverses e STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 9 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 AD:1IUISTRATIVE-INf R AL USE ONLY Approved For Rele ' 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA00c1 140001-8 Pr?oarino for Overseas Assinnrtent Phase I Evaluation Employee 1/ or Dependent flame 70p ttona I77 e Directorate ~DG L Dat Division Have you previously lived overseas? A MO . How long? !!here? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slinht 1 2 3 Satisfactory 2) increase ability to cone with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slig_ Satisfall; tor 1 2 3 4' C. !-Shat coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? _ m crx D. Your conments are welcomed (use reverse side) Approved For Release 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-. 1 9 0140001-8 AD" INISTRATIVE-I`1TER;lA S 1 1Ii h1y Satisfactory' 7 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Ruse 2000/06ZMTEM~M 79-01590A0j,}p300140001-8 Special Overseas Orientation Schedule IA13 i ieadquarters General The purpose of this two-day training program is to sensitize p rti.cip'Vats anc! their dependent spouses to the need for following good personal and physical security practices overseas. 'fhile it is realized that some people by ha:Li.t, instinct, or experience are more aware of potential security threats than others, we can. a.ll improve our security status if we are aware of the risks involved and make a conscious effort to m.iniriize them. This Orientation is only a broad overview and an introduction to the subject and offers no specific skills for coping.: with the terrorist threat and related criminal problems abroad. Orieii.tation C7b'eE.tives On completion of this Orientation, participants will be able to: 1. Assess their personal and family situation in. terms of the nature and variety of security threats abroad. 2. cogn_Ize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing abroad. 3. izelate the suggestions and experiences of Agency officers and other U. S. p ersonuiel who have served overseas to their on need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or_ other ciises. Orientation Coorcdinator Flo C of C 3096 : Approved For Release 2000/06/(6l7DU]AP9-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/07: CIA FNFT&PA~~A000300140O'8 Schedule 7 April 1977 (Thursday) 0900-0925 Introductory Comments Deputy Director for Operations Training Orieiitation Coordinator 0945-1015 mature of the Terrorist Threat, Piternational f'srfOverv~ew Terrorism Control (ITC) Scoi)e of threat, international aspects, principal groups, and current trends. 1025-1115 Hostage Survival Office of Aeciical services. (OP-IS) Film, P'~(idnarp, Executive Style," ? and coiments. Potential victims and -.Li, )ort asice of preplanning and adaptive bcaavior. Suggestions on iow a nostage victim sniould conduct hin:.oif. . 1125-1215 Deming with Terroristsiand Terrorism OiiS Terrorist personality types and factors in Ueal,ing with terrorists in hostage s i cuat ions . 1215-1315 Lurch 1315-1355 Bomb Threat Office of Technical Services (OTS) Marc; l an" package bombs and otlier exolosive devices. 1400-1630 Physical, Residential, and Personal Office of Security l ty Co3:ll:ion sense suggestions for protecting residenc;s, vehicles, and installations against terrorists as well as criminal threats, managing the family overseas, ;i,umd_1ing servants, travel safeguards, an.! suggested. precautionary measures clc~=: iE the conduct of social and recreational activities abroad. Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-Rb '1 1' 000300140001-8 Approved For Release 400/06/07 : UA;RD 1b90A0003OOWOO1-8 9 April 1.977 (c rich M:1 0900-1000 F .l:a,. " flae Time of t w Jackals - Carlos 1000-111 i~io .- ; f)perandi of Selected Terrorist i'dL and 14\ Gr cups Resprese:f ta=t:iv:: disc."-ss..o:u and question period 1130-1200 Covr Cover vulnerabilities, measures being taken to improve cover of Agency pedsoi)ae?.., mutual responsibilities for :maintaing cover. Central. Cover Staff (C ,rte:) 1100-1300 Lunch 1300-1340 Terrorism Threat Assessment Groin? C/S jU/DiJO A discussion of the, devel.opmeat of t,"iss p' ogram and related guidance material. 134 J 425 Cczt:i.rbge,?.cy Pla.ming for Urban Sur vival. Sugges teal. preparations, planning, and actions for urban survival in the. ev';3:it of a crisis. 1430-100 Film, "Countering the Vehicular ~mnbush," and comments. 1515-1545 Final Panel D:Lsculssinn oc Case Histories and i2el -at:ed Overseas Security Problems. n c, OS, Uis Approved For Release 2000/06/07: CIAcO7g4bA000300140001-8 Course Evaluation 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Relea 000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A00030Q#40001-8 SECRET Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation General The purpose of this two-day training program is to sensitize participants and their dependent spouses to the need for following good personal and physical security practices overseas. While it is realized that some people by habit, instinct, or experience are more aware of potential security threats than others, we can all improve our security status if we are aware of the risks involved and make a conscious effort to minimize them. This Orientation is only a broad overview and an introduction to the subject and offers no specific skills for coping with the terrorist threat and related criminal problems abroad. Orientation Objectives On completion of this Orientation, participants will be able to: 1. Assess their personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats abroad. 2. Recognize the need for effective security practices while"living, working, traveling, and socializing abroad; and 3. Relate the suggestions and experiences of Agency officers and other U.S. personnel who have served overseas to their own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crises. le._ __rrrPDET CL .103949 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA0003 140001-8 SECRET Approved For Relea 000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA0003d 40001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 1 2 3 4 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Relea 000/06/07 : CIS ?9-01590AOOO3QU140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date 41-/.f Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or Nq (Yes or No) Optional Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Releac ,2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000 W40001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel. the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 2 3 4 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : J"bP79-01590A000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele i 2000/06/07 : CI&Bj w9-01590A000 140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employee Spouse_ Signature (Yes or No) (Yes or No (Optional) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 SECRET Approved For Rele* 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000'SOd140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I- 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: 1 3 4 (-5 Objective 2: 1 2 3 4 Objective 3: 1 2 3 4 5 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele+2000/06/07 : C79-01590A000i'140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date --=)g4?,gency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or No (Yes -o-r--75) Optional Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Relellap 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A00 140'001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employee Spouse Signature - - - - 5 ) (Optional. (Yes (Yes or Nom o r 56 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Relei 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000 140001-8 SECRET SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met. (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: 1 2 3 Objective 2: 1 3 4 Objective 3: 1 ---2 3 4 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : &ULIDP79-01590A000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 SECRET Approved For Rele' 2000/06/07 : C A-RDP79-01590A000W140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 (51 1 2 3 4 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele2000/06/07 : CIP179-01590A000140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Agency Date q~i I loyee Spouse Signature - (Yes or No (Optional or Nom Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Rele&2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A0001'140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: 1 3 4- Objective 2: Objective 3: 1 2 .3 4 ( 5 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. 1. Do you.have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : MEMP79-01590A000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For ReledW2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000aW40001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? ~J 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employee e5 Spouse No SignatuMM"M"N'- .1 (Yes or o (Yes or No Iona Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Rele 2000/06/07: CIR79-01590A000W0140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION Objective 1: 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover. sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 2: Objective 3: 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? TZ Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Rele' 2000/06/07 : ClAEq Y9-01590A000 140001-8 S012& / /L /),75 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or. N07 (Yes or No (Optional) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Relee 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 SECRET SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover- sheet, please evaluate how well you feel. the objectives were met: (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "net to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: 1 2 3 5 Objective 2: Objective 3: 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, - would you please continent why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? TO M (4 ": D Ile t--1 a P )* s a bl e 1~0- C-t I- le-~5 Approved For Release 2000/06/0~~'Q IATRDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For ReleArp-+'2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000~fQ140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Biiployee Spouse Signature (Yes or Nom- (Yes -or--N-o) (Optionai) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Rele02000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000,*140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 1 3 1 37 4 5 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? p / AS ,,cv 14l/ ~ = 7 - / / 5 1 6 TI-IrV 71k , ?Ae' 7- hllqY 114V9Xi1--'- 7-AZ Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : UI5P79-01590A000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele 2000/06/07 CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? 25X1A Date Agency Employee Spouse Signatu (Yes or No (Yes or No Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000 140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? (optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employee Spouse Signatu (Yes or No) (Yes or No 1 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rely 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover- sheet, please evaluate how well you feel. the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? S i7 l? 14 '," A TIC / TS 1,-V 7-r 6/? O q DYES PtC f Approved For Release 2000/06/0 'L"i4W-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele '2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A000 140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or No) (Yes or No (Optional) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Releal~pr2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA0003 40001-8 SECRET SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met- (I - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 1 2 3 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? L. C AI'Lt' u Approved For Release 2000/06/07: 1DP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For ReleSW2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000 140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Ql/t-a~ .1 ( 4 w4j- (Yes or No) (Yes -677-6-) (Optional) Agency Employee(eS Spouse Signature Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele% 2000/06/07 CIA-RDP79-01590A000 140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel. the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 1 2 3 4 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you.have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : $ IDP79-01590A000300140001-8 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000 140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: 1 2 3 5 Objective 2: 1 2 3 ( 4 Objective 3: 1 2 3 4/ 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : ilW6P79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For ReleW 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? V I/ Date Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or (Yes or No (Optional) Approved For Release 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 . SECRET SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 1 2 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, . would you please comment why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : FAA P79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Relea*002000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A0003140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date / gency Employee Spouse V05 Signature (Yes or No) . (Yes r No (Optional. Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Relea~W 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000 140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? :Date -77 Agency Employecg5l Spouse Signatu (Yes or N) (Yes or No) (Optional Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele* 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A0003Q0140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover- sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: 1 Objective 2: T -2 Objective 3: 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? s Approved For Release 2000/06/0~I:C RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 3 5 IC*I Approved For Rele 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or No) (Yes -or--N-o) (Optional Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Rele 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000 140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 2 3 4 S 1 2 3 T 4J' S 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : P79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Rele4W2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000 140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employee Spouse Sigl~ature (Yes s or r NooT es or No (Optional.) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele6W2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A000 40001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. 1. Do you.have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? .1 cis Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : $1t IDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date 9 Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or Nom- (Yes or No Optional. Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Relea'2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A0003W140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 1 3 5 3 5 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you.have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : I IDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Releit 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? -In 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date 7 7 Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or No) (Yes or Igo (Optional Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For ReIeW 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover- sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: 1 2 3 5 Objective 2: U4 Objective 3: 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, - would you please comment why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/OfLQTRDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Rele 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A0003II0140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or Nom- (Yes or No (Optional. Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Relep- 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover- sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: 1 2 3 5 Objective 2: n 1 2 3 4 5 Objective 3: 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/0-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For ReleAW2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000,*140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? C/ I gency 13mployee Spouse Signature (Optional) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For ReleAp+'2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA0003~640001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 SECRET Approved For Rele 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000 0140001-8 2. W ;rere there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? 25X1A Date Agency Employee "Spouse Signatu (Yes or No) (Yes or No Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For RelAW 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1. - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 1 2 3 5 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1.. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/OF'A-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Date YZY~22 Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or N?off- (Yes or Igo (Optional) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A000,4U0140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Approved For ReleW 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000'l140001-8 SECRET S 'FCTAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 2. If-any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : X79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Releal /2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A000:i 140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (( tional) I?a.s this Orientation charged your e;:s or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date ~ lam. ,/ `~ Agency loyee Spouse Signature - (Yes or No Optional r No Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For ReleAW 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000 e140001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date "Ii aI Agency Employee 'i Spouse Signatu (Yes or No).) . (Yes or No) SECRET Approved For Release 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Relea 000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA0003W40001-8 SECRET SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 2. If-any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. PART II 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : %tPCIW79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For ReleaF000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A00040001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or No) (Yes or No (Optional) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Rele %2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A000NW140001-8 SECRET SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met. (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: 1 3 Objective 2: 2 3 4-_ ('S Objective 3: 1 2 3 4 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07: ULIkMP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Relea 000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A00034WO40001-8 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? Date Agency Employeev-Spouse ~Signature (Yes or Nog ' (Yes or No 1 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Relea 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000 40001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? 25X1A .Date Agency Employee Spouse Si (Yes or No) (Yes or No) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Relea2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 SECRET SPECIAL, OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover- sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: rt % 1'i 2 3 l Objective 3: 1 2 4) 5 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please continent why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/OfT:-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For ReleAg 2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-01590A0003Q0140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? A~ IL~Irl eq~j tz Z- ~ Date Agency Employee Spouse Signature (Yes or No) (Yes -or-N--o-) (Optional) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Rele 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA0003 140001-8 SECRET SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: 2 3 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would. you please comment why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : C8 79-0159OA000300140001-8 Approved For Rele 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A0000140001-8 SECRET 2. Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? 3. (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? `- fAgency Employee Spouse Signature C 9- __~L Date it /"I l O ptiona (Yes or No (Yes or No SECRET Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000300140001-8 Approved For Relea*&2000/06/07: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000 140001-8 SECRET SPECIAL OVERSEAS ORIENTATION EVALUATION PART I 1. In terms of the Orientation objectives listed on the cover sheet, please evaluate how well you feel the objectives were met (1 - "unsatisfactory and not met" and 5 - "met to an outstanding degree"). Objective 1: 2 3 4 1? Objective 2: 2 3 4 5 Objective 3: Y 2. If any or all objectives fell short of your expectations, would you please comment why. 1. Do you have any specific comments for improving the Orientation? Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8 SECRET Approved For Rele-+2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000140001-8 Were there any presentations which you felt were important but for some reason missed the mark? (Optional) Has this Orientation changed your views or attitude in any significant way about your overseas assignment? ice? off' c~-r-- Date - ~ - rl4ency loyee Spouse Signature r No) (Yes or No) Optional Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300140001-8