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19 March 1976
: Comments by NOC Officers on Videotapes of
"CIA: Today & Tomorrow" Course
1. In late 1974 created a centralized
program to provide briefings and training to NOC officers
assigned to field stations abroad. Among the many subjects
covered, the videotapes from the "CIA: Today & Tomorrow" course
play a major role in bringing the NOC officer up to date on
major developments in the Agency and in reinforcing his morale
and sense of career identification. Since the inauguration of
this program, we have collected comments from the NOC officers
who have seen the tapes and believe you will be interested
in their reactions. Almost all of the NOC officers quoted
fall within the GS-12 to 14 range with considerable field
2. "The presentations on CIA as it is today were
highly informative. They provide the NOC officer with what
is usually missing in his professional life: the relation to
the total objective. The videotapes offered excellent materials
for briding that gap."
3. "The whole training program has certainly helped
me to keep abreast of the changes and activities of the Agency,
but an even greater feeling is that one is not so isolated from
the mainstream and kept in the dark as to what is going on
inside. The videotapes of the Director and other senior officers
provide a feeling of attending the live presentations and add
considerably to their effect."
4. "The videotapes of Chief, EUR Division, and others
were the best teaching aids available. The discussions of the
25X1A videotapes with officers were the most instructive
sessions in the course."
5."I found the videotape series from the 'CIA: Today
& Tomorrow' course very worthwhile. It touched on many questions
about the future of the Agency in which I have an important
stake as a Career Associate. The series also provided a good
review of the Intelligence Community as it stands and highlighted
some of the activities of the Community including the ST field.
This portion of the training program would, in my opinion, be
; ,L
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greatly appreciated by anyone who has been in the field for
an extended period of time."
6. "Good overall background information. Without
doubt the videotape of the Director was magnificent. In the
first place not everyone has a chance to meet the speaker
personally; the tape serves the purpose and allows the viewer
to evaluate for himself the quality of our most senior leader."
7. "It is good to hear facts about one's own
organization directly from the top and not only from the media
and books by disgruntled former employees. It is also a great
morale booster to feel that we are finally accepted as members
of the family. We NOC officers are not members of an odd-ball
family, an underprivileged minority, which operates on the
fringes of the Agency."
8. "The videotape lectures by the Director and other
senior officers were of particular benefit for they showed me
where an officer stands within the system with regard to his
work, achievements, problems and management. The videotapes
are an excellent instrument of learning. To me, it was just
like finding out more about the house where I live and the
family that I am a member of."
9. "The videotapes were outstanding and very timely
during these morale-shattering periods of investigation and
adverse publicity. It was encouraging and tremendously
gratifying to see and hear the Director, the DDO, and all the
others talking to us about our very real problems. NOCs worry
and fret about our public image no less than anyone else, and
even vicarious sharing through videotape is an exeecise in
reassurance that we all need. The materials brought me up
to date, answered questions that had been in the back of my
mind for a long time, and helped me to feel more intimately a
part of the organization."
10. "I detected a feeling of self-confidence in the
professional competence of the Agency's personnel and organiza
tion...quite remarkable during this difficult period. Senior
officers address themselves to the problems with candor and not
evasiveness. The use of the videotapes was highly effective.
Time and funds permitting, they could be improved technically but
I doubt it would be cost-effective. Even the less polished
speakers on unedited tapes got the message across. Particularly
impressive were: the Director, the DDO, the DDSU, and Chief,
EUR Division."
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11. "The videotapes provided just the right amount
of feeling for the trends today in the Agency."
12. "For myself the Intelligence Community content
of the course could be waived. I have already had sufficient
background in this topic through previous formal training
courses. If at all possible we should expand coverage of the
topic 'the station of the future' as presented by Chief, EUR
Division. It would also be interesting to have a senior
officer speak to the course on the subject of the possible
organization and employment of NOC officers in the future."
13. "Before arriving at Headquarters I was uncertain
what training and orientation would be given. Since my original
JOT training and other courses, I have been exposed to a variety
of subjects. I had not, however, had anything of the sort that
this program provided. Had time permitted, I would have liked
to have seen the entire 'CIA: Today & Tomorrow* course on
videotape. The videotape is a particularly felicitous method
of instruction and the caliber of the speakers was what could
be expected given their positions. What made the tapes invaluable,
25X1A however, was the availability of a IMME officer to amplify
and discuss the various concepts and issues before and after 25X1A
each presentation. The presentation by MMMMIwas excellent
in his candor and approach. The questions he raised about the
conflicts and problems within the Community and elsewhere are
disturbing and not easily answered. The presentations by the
DDO, the DDS&T, and Chief, EUR Division, were truly stimulating,
particularly that of Mr. Duckett."
14. "The entire coverage of the 'CIA: Today & Tomorrow'
course was excellent and effective. I have been out of touch
for a long time and I now have a much better feel for the
organization and policies."
15. "Perhaps the most valuable aspect of my program
were the videotapes. Of particular interest was the tape by
Chief, EUR Division."
16. "It was a comfort and reassurance to a NOC officer
just returned from overseas to hear from the videotapes that
there is indeed a tomorrow for the Agency. The worldwide
publicity has to a certain degree affected the thinking of those
who serve overseas, especially in the area of security as a
result of the exposure of classified information. I hope that
other NOC officers will be as fortunate as I in gaining this
reassurance in times of crisis."
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17. "Of all the briefings and presentations I found
most enjoyable the 'CIA: Today & Tomorrow' videotapes, especially
those by Mr. Duckett, The entire
training program is an ego-building experience and one result
of ego-building is that it triggers and fuels operational
18. "The videotapes provide the NOC case officer an
opportunity to learn about the Intelligence Community and
future developments in the Agency; all are excellent and enable
the officer to feel a part of the organization and not alone,
out in the cold. The use of the videotape is an excellent
training vehicle and impresses materials in the mind much more
clearly than slides, graphs or charts."
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I discusse
wih a DO
UKPIASS481W-411- Relea
2c19501.0: CIA-RDP79-015904DOZONQPIRRIAL
SUBJECT: (Optional)
NOC Officers Comments on "CIA: Today & Tomorrow" Videotapes
II GG 2709
19 March 1976
TO: (Officer designation, room number, and
COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom
to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.)
- -
.....4 i?,
to SI Some NOC officers
have now gone through
the preparation program
organized and managed
by , one part of
which is the videotape
series. Not all chose
to comment specifically
on this segment of the
program, but this paper
includes the comments
of all those who offer-
ed substantive judgment
in their overall course
critique on the "Today
& Tomorrow" tapes.
I.\ ? c
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2. D Do /TR 0
1025 C of C Bldg
926 C of C Bldg
8. ,
"....Z.,-C. 9 qr.
?179- 77
10. - .-
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Approved For Release 2.1)D0/06/14 : CIA-RDP79-01590A000200140003-6
26 February 1976
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Training Services Staff
SUBJECT : CIA: Today & Tomorrow #2-76
1. As discussed, I will appreciate your arranging to
videotape the following presentations in the 2-4 March "CIA:
Today & Tomorrow:"
iem Perment r
William Nelson
iiii 1
Duckett if he is not replaced)
George Bush
2. I understand that you may not be able to videotape
MT. Parmenter but hope you will find some way to do it.
3. It is important to the success of the course that
the videotaping be as unobtrusive as possible and that the
lighting be normal--that is, bright enough for the audience
to see the speaker but not so bright as to blind the speaker.
4. We have scheduled the film of the swearing-in
ceremony of Mr. Bush for the lunch hour on 4 March. I will
appreciate your supplying the film and a projectionist, as
well. May I know as soon as possible the exact length of
the film so that I may set a time for its showing? Thanks
so much.
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Approved For Release 2001106/1,4;Q1A-RI)P79-01590A00020015(1003-6
26 February 1976
MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Officers, DDA, DDO, and DDSU
Chief, Executive Staff, DDI
Administrative Officer, DCI Area
1. Mr. Bush will speak to the participants in the
"CIA: Today and Tomorrow" course on Thursday, 4 March,
at 1515 in the Headquarters Auditorium. In order to make
it possible for a larger number of employees to hear
Mr. Bush, we are enclosing tickets for distribution in the
four Directorates and the DCI area (including the Intel-
ligence Community and NIO staffs.)
2. We will appreciate your assuring that tickets go
to a cross section of the employees. Please urge ticket
holders to be seated by 1500.
Special Programs Officer
Office of Training
50 tickets to each
25 tickets to DCI
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Approved For Releasft2000/06/14 :
0TH Registry Registry 76-6158
25 February 1975
MEMORANDUM FOR: Special Assistant to the Director
FROM Director of Training
VIA : Deputy Director for Administration
? ,j
2 tW '1976
Invitations to Address Training Courses
1. This is to confirm the invitations recently extended to the
Director to talk to three Agency training courses. Attached are
brief descriptions of the courses and the schedule for the CIA: Today
and Tomorrow course.
2. Mr. Bush is scheduled to be the concluding speaker for CIA:
Today and Tomorrow in the Headquarters Auditorium at 1515 on Thursday,
4 March. About 200 employees are now enrolled in the course. As
the Auditorium holds many more, I have taken the opportunity to widen
the audience and plan to invite an additional 225 employees. In
addition, I hope he will agree to having his appearance videotaped
for use in other courses.
3. The next Chiefs of Station Seminar will be held 22-30 March.
We have scheduled the Director as the final speaker for the Seminar
on Tuesday, 30 March, 1400-1500 hours, in his conference room at the
Headquarters Building.
4. The current Operations Course began on 2 February and will
conclude at the
on Friday, 9 April. We
have scheduled the Director for the evening of Thursday, 8 April, at
Alfonso Rodriguez
Director of Training
Orig & 1- Adse.
1 - DDCI
i- 4M
OTR/PRS nd )25 Feb 76>SECRET
Cover Memo & Os Course abstract revised:DDWFBlake:nh (I Mar 76)
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CL BY 056292
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Time and Place: Thursday evening, 8 April,
and Schedule :
Presentation :
We suggest that Mr. Bush fly down to thillIllarriving at
approximately 1730 hours. Cocktails will be served
1800-1845, dinner at 1900, and Mt. Bush could begin
his remarks around 2000 hours.
The Operations Course is a 10-,week, full-time course
currently given three times a year a It
is designed to prepare junior officers from the
Operations Directorate to serve as case officers in
the field for most types of intelligence operations
in a variety of operational climates. The course
makes wide use of practical exercises to simulate a
diversity of requirements and problems at a field
-station. The current class consists of 25 officers
in the GS-08 to GS-12 range.
We would like the Director to speak about 20-30
minutes and then answer questions from the class.
We suggest that he discuss his role under the
President's new guidelines and give his views of
the U.S. intelligence effort in the future.
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pp S
ace: Tuesday, .30 March, 1400-1500 hours, Headquarters,
DC1 Conference to
Descriztion_ This Seminar, usually held in February, March and
June, is a seven-day course for Chiefs of Station,
Deputy Chiefs of Station and Ease. Chiefs who are
about to depart for their new posts. The emphasis
is on management of CIA Stations abroad and the
latest changes which will affect their mission.
The class members range in grade from GS-12 to
0S-18,-and there are usually from 12 to 20 students
in each running.
Presentation It is particularly appropriate for the Director to
meet with the group on the last day of the Seminar,
as it permits him to meet with those officers who.
will represent him abroad. Words of encouragement,
-.together with a statement of what the.Director
expects of his overseas stations and personnel,
would be most relevant.
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Approved For Releaue2000/06/14 : CIA-R6079:01599A00021&150003-6
Thursday, 4 March, 1515 hours, Ileadquarters Auditorium
CIA: Today and Tomorrow, Vaieh runs three or four
times a y-r, is desiFned to acquaint enployees with
the. views of senior management and ulldate them on
recent developments in the Acency. The enrollees
. are drawn from all Directorates and are employees
who have not participated recently ia other
orientation courses. Grades range from G5-04. to
GS-15. Many are recent returnees from overseas.
Presentation The schedule gives the Director's presentation the
? same title as the course with the thought that this
will permit him wide latitude for his remarks. A
? 25-30 minute presentation with an additional 15
? minutes for questions Is scheduled. The employees
will be especially interested in his view of
organizational and management changes resulting from
OW -President's Executive Order. .iiia views ap to
the steps the Agency must take to enlarge under-
standing of intelligence acid to reflect the goals
and Values of the AMerican people would be welcome.
Changes the DCI perceives in his role as head of
the Intelligence Community would be a useful topic
? also.
Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-01590A000200150003-6
. Approved For Releaseht2000/06/14 : CIA-14tiP 9-01590A00020W0003-6
25 February 1976
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, OTR/Intelligence Institute
25X1A ATTENTION Chairman, CIA Today and
Tomorrow Course
SUBJECT Request for Videotaping of Selected CIA
Today and Tomorrow Presentations
1. Pursuant to the discussionsIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,
25X1A had with , Chairman of the "CIA Today and
Tomorrow" course, this memorandum will confirm our request for
the videotaping of several presentations in the upcoming "CIA
Today and Tomorrow" course, 2 - 5 March 1976.
2. We have orally informed that we wish to 25X1A
have the remarks of following speakers videotaped: Messrs.
25X1A Parmenter, , Nelson, Duckett, and Bush. We have 25X1A
25X1A also asked assistance in obtaining permission
from each of these speakers to be videotaped.
25X1A 3. As has explained to is 25X1A
charged with tfle responsibility of managing and directing
preparation programs for nonofficial cover personnel. The
videotaped presentations from "CIA Today and Tomorrow" play an
important role in the training and briefing of nonofficial cover
personnel (Agency employees, not field agents) who, for the
security of their cover and ofh-Fr reasons, are not allowed to
attend the regular Agency courses. For the last sixteen months,
we and the NOC officers who have participated in preparation
programs have found the videotapes from "CIA Today and Tomorrow"
to be an invaluable part of the overall program. The presentations
provide an excellent update for a NOC officer on home leave or
between assignments in the Washington area.
4. In order to keep the updates current and pertinent, we
must from time to time request the re-videotaping of speakers
in the "CIA Today and Tomorrow" course. The videotapes we now
hold from this course were recorded in March 1975 or before
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(except for two presentations). Considering all the recent
changes within the Agency, we believe it is particularly
important to have the comments of the speakers listed in
paragraph 2 of this memorandum videotaped during the up-
coming course.
5. The videotaped presentations will be used and
controlled under secure conditions by the Preparation
Section of the NOC Branch. We have already alerted Mr. Roy
25X1A Chief, OTR/DTSG, who is responsible for the logistics
otTrIT. videotaping, that we would be requesting the videotaping
of several presentations during 2 - 5 March. We have asked
25X1A directly for the approved
list of speakers to be videotaped, the times and dates of
their presentations, and any other details he requires for
the taping sessions.
25X1A 6. We very much appreciate all the assistance OTR has
given and continues to give on this matter. If you
cc: DDO/TRO (111111111111
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Director of Training
Deputy Director for Administration
Your Address to "CIA: Today and Tomorrow'
1. I am delighted that you have agreed to speak to
the employees who are participating in the course we call
"CIA: Today and Tomorrow," which runs from 2-4 March in the
Headquarters Auditorium. You would be the concluding
speaker at 1515 on Thursday, 4 March,
2. The schedule gives your presentation the same
title as the course with the thought that this will permit
you wide latitude for your remarks. A 15 to 30-minute
presentation with an additional 13 minutes for questions
would seem in order. The employees will be especially
interested in your view of organizational and management
changes emanating from the President's Executive Order and
your view of the steps the Agency must take to enlarge
understanding of intelligence and to reflect the goals and
values of the American people. Changes you perceive in your
own role as head of the Intelligence Community would be a
useful topic also.
3. About 200 employees are now enrolled in the course.
Since the Auditorium holds a great many more. I would welcome
an opportunity to widen what I can assure you will be a very
responsive audience. With your approval, I would plan to
invite an additional 225 employees. In addition, I would
hope you would agree to having your appearance videotaped
for use in other courses.
4. "CIA: Today and Tomorrow." which runs three or
four times a year, is designed to acquaint employees with
the views of senior management and update them on recent
developments in the Agency. The enrollees are drawn from
Downgraded to A-IU0 when
attachment is removed.
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all Directorates and are employees who have not participated
recently in other orientation courses. Their grades range
from GS-04 to GS-1S. Many are recent returnees from overseas.
S. I an enclosing the schedule for the 2-4 March
running and the previous running as well.
Alfonso Rodriguez
Director of Training
0 1 - Adse
2 - DDA
1 - DTR
1 - OTR Registry
2 - II/SBO ,
UTR (24Feb76)
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