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-Approved For Relea,,, 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP79-015781 000100020003 43l-1 - 3 M S 17 OCT 1958 EQUIPM IT BOARD 25X1A Meeting nut tier 10 of the Equipment Board was held on 14 October 1958 at ?lo0 hours in roam 2035 "'I" Building. Present were : I. Old Business 1. The Minutes of Meetin. Number CPL 8-0 were n roved as written. 2. 4'C> dig n Centel a. After discussion by the Board members it was decided that there was no requirement for additional. VC-I Signal Center Vans as presently 25X1 A 4,ioued. moved that a new set of requirements be prepared by Operations in liaison with OC-L. seconded the motion 25X1 A which ta$ then approved by the Board. 11. New Business 1. CR-lB. 25X1A 25X1A a. The procurement of CR-lB receivers was discussed and adequate arrangements for production have been made by the responsible divisions. 2. EWneer_i,nj Report on DICORE. a? of OC-E gave the Board a brief tecbnical description of DICORE, Digitally Integrated Coherent Rece tion. Dicore is a proposal submitted by the which proposes the development of a coo unications system which would represent an advance in the State of the Art. b? The potential advantages of the Dicore were discussed and'compared with existing systems, AS4, AS5, etc. It was generally agreed that while Dicore represented a logical, technically feasible, approach to the problem, there may be other Conies that could submit proposals which m1 Or even greater a vantage0. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP79- 1578A0001000200O SET I , U iL KRET I- w PAU Approved For Rele 20011031Q4 AN_A - -0157 0AA 00020003-5 ~v1Y gg ??~ A wi,'Al c. OC-E wiU.l solicit additional, proposals for consideration of the Board before a final decision is recamaended. 3. Report to the OC $quipment Board On the DD1PTechnical Requirements Board mee tiRS, 3O September 195. 25X1A a* made a brief report to the Board and then suggested that this item be postponed until the next Board meeting, when who attended the 25X1A TR Board meeting could be present to discuss it more fully. 4. iechanicel Teleprinter. 25X1 A I t) a. , ,.LJI was prepared to discuss this item. Eowever, 25X1A assured him that OC-E is working an this matter at the present The meeting was adjourned at 1645 hours. The next meeting of the Board will be held on 22 October 1958. A11 items for this Agenda are requested by 17 October 1958. 25X1A Recording Secretary CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA- 157'8'A000100020003-5