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Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010003-7 VVI V DRAFT: 20 Nov 72 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Plans' Deputy Director for Science and Technology Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT: Acquisition of ADP Equipment and Services REFERENCES: (1) Memo dated 21 Apr 70 to DD's from ExDir, same subject (2) ExDir's Program Execution Procedure dated 25 Sept 72 (3) Para 2 (15c) of my memo dated 22 Feb 72 subject: Information Processing Recommendation 15 STATINTL 1. This memorandum consolidates and seeks to clarify instructions for requesting Executive Director approval and for submitting "Notice of Imminent Action" (NIA) concerning ADP procurement actions. This memorandum superc(des Reference (1), corroborates Reference (2) and (3), and constitutes a new authority on approvals for ADP acquisitions. 2. Thresholds for ADP Approvals and NIA's The thresholds for Executive Director approval and for NIA's regarding ADP procurement actions are specified in Attachment A. [These thresholds stem from. Reference (2). ] Coordination with the Office of Computer Services (OCS) will be carried out prior to seeking Executive Director approval for acquisitions of computer hardware or ADP contract services which meet or exceed the thresholds shown in Attachment A. [This coordination with OCS derives . . from Reference (3). ] OCS, in coordinating such ADP procurement requests, Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010003-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010003-7 I%W will provide written comments as it deems relevant, including answers to the questions shown in Attachment B. 4. ADP Approval Procedures Requests for approval of ADP acquisitions may be incorporated into the spring Program or submitted on an ad hoc basis throughout the year. In either case, the information submitted will cover the questions shown in Attachment C, together with any other specifics deemed relevant. Requests for ADP approvals contained in the spring Program submission may relate to acquisitions planned for either of the two upcoming fiscal years. Ad hoc requests for ADP approvals will be submitted to the Executive Director at least ninety (90) days prior to the proposed procurement action. An OCS coordination statement (para. 3, above) will be attached to any request for Executive Director approval .of ADP acquisitions. 5. "Notice of Imminent Action" Procedures NIA's should be furnished to the Executive Director not less than five (5) working days prior to a planned ADP procurement action. NIA's will cover the topics indicated in Attachment D, supplemented by any other specifics deemed relevant by the requesting component. W. E. Colby Executive Director-Comptroller Attachments: A - Thresholds for Executive Director Approval and NIA's Concerning ADP Acquisitions B - Coordination With OCS of ADP Acquisitions C - Questions to be Answered in Requesting Executive Director Approval of ADP Acquisitions D - Guide for Preparing "Notice of Imminent Action" Concerning ADP Procurements 2 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010003-7 Attachment A Approved For ReleaAlt 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-01577A00d'W010003-7 Thresholds for Executive Director Approval and NIA's Concerning ADP Acquisitions Approval NIA Computer Hardware Initial System(b) $ 50k(a) (no minimum,; report all initial systems ) Upgradings (c) 1501, (a) $150k ADP Contracts (d) 50k 50k (a) Hardware thresholds are shown in terms of purchase cost. Equivalent annual rental thresholds are one-third the amounts shown. (b) Any CIA-funded initial computer system (i. e. , new or changed CPU plus Ally %_,.u-1-funded upgrading of an existing computer system (e. g. , additional perxp orals, etc. ) whether used as a stand-alone processor or as an integral element of some larger, computer-controlled system and whether used on Agency premises or elsewhere. (Small desk calculators, whether or not of electronic design, are excluded. ) core, input/output! devices, etc. ... but no change in CPU). ?(df A CIA f d y .- un ed contract the principal purpose of which is to acquire software or other ADP services. (Hardware maintenance contracts are excluded. ) Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010003-7 Approved For Relea 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP79=01577A000 01000&Vtachment B Coordination With OCS of ADP Acquisitions Questions to be answered by OCS? 1. Can OCS (or other internal ADP facility) more effectively provide the support requested? If so, recommend manner of proceeding. 2. Does OCS believe the proposed acquisition will meet the need? 3. Does OCS see any significant shortcoming in the proposal (e. g. , feasibility of concept, hardware, software, vendor, down-the-road -- compatibility, maintenance)? 4. Does OCS view the costs as representative for the support specified? Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010003-7 Attachment C Approved For Reldft~ 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-01577A000610010003-7 Questions To Be Ans-~,vered In Requesting Executive Director Approval Of ADP Acquisitions 1. What is the proposed acquisition? Identify hardware systems, software, or service to be procured; specify vendor. 2. What operational needs and objectives are to be served by the acquisition? Explicitly, what benefits are expected to stern from this acquisition? 3. What is the expected delivery date of the acquisition? 4. What is the cost of the proposed acquisition? What costs (and savings) can be anticipated for future years as a result of this acquisition? If funding of the proposed acquisition is not expressly designated in your program plan or budget, explain proposed manner of funding. 5. What feasible alternatives are available and why is the recommended action preferred? 6. Does the proposed acquisition have consequences which will be of interest to or affect other components? If so, briefly outline the coordination effected with the components concerned? (Attach coordi.nation statement by OCS. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010003-7 Attachment D Approved For Rele 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP79-01577A000010003-7 Guide For Preparing "Notice of Imminent Action" Concerning ADP Procurements 1. Reference prior approval of the procurement by the Executive Director or state "not required.." . State briefly the function or purpose of the procurement. 3. Identify the vendor or contractor, the hardware. or service to be procured, the date of obligation, and the expected delivery date. 4. Explain changes, if any, in specifications subsequent to Executive Director approval. 5. Specify the cost of the procurement and identify the organization and project (FAN) to be charged. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010003-7