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Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100380001-4 25X1 C3b1 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100380001-4 Approved FUL.RVIUM"AIMIM02 way, and the deer t n was shared by the leaders of all the major parties, in and out of government. Despite the gang's failure, suspense continues to build up. The four principal terror- ist leaders are to be tried on charges ranging from forgery and bank robbery to kidnap- ping and murder. (A fifth de- fendant died last November in a hunger strike.) The new Stuttgart prison. is the most secure penitentiary yet devised, and the court room has been fortified against sur- prise raids, yet the most care- ful precautions are not al- ways proof against the kind of resourcefulness and ferv- or that unite. the terrorists inside with their comrades at liberty. Who are the four leading actors in the drama, and why have their exploits proved so bewildering and unsettling to a public opinion that had faced far graver national is- sues, such as the division of Germany. with relatively so- ber equanimity? Ulrike Meinhof, now 41, is the daughter of two art his- torians who died early, leav- ing her as the foster child of an idealistic academic who guided her to leftist causes. A gifted journalist, an affection- ate mother and an ebullient star of West Germany's radi- cal-chic (or Schickeria, as the Germans call it), she has trans- formed herself into a ruthless urban guerrilla by some pro- cess that has defied analysis by police psychologists and political pundits. A measure of the revolu- tionary elixir was doubtless supplied by Andreas Baader. Now 32, Baader turned his back early on the temptations of middle-class educational ideals-his father was a his- torian - and he intoxicated many of those who ventured close with -his Promethean mission of fire and immola- tion. His "revolutionary bride" was the 34-year-old Gudrun Ensslin, who tempered his faith in the cult of action with the theological propensities of her religious upbringing. (Her father is a Protestant pastor.) The picture of a loyal and gave a romantic tinge to the gang's steely concern with the destruction of German capital- ism. Indeed, to `some on the far left it seemed that she was compensating for her earlier liaison with the son of a fa-. mous Third Reich Nazi writer. (She bore his child; he later committed suicide.) The fourth in the quartet is Jan-Carl Raspe, now 31, whose degree in sociology marked him so strongly that even in the gang's inner circle he was regarded as a "typical intel- lectual." I t was hard to say which the Germans found more shocking in the kidnap- ping of last Feb. 27, the cool efficiency of the opera- tion or the honorable way the terrorists kept their prom- isc, not to harm their hostage if all their conditions were ful- filled. Each phase of the spec- tacle-the negotiations over the terms, the release of the kidnapped politician, Peter Lorenz, and the freeing of the five prisoners-was fol- lowed by tens of millions of Germans on television. If this could happen, if the authori- ties were up against an ene- my as scrupulously profes- sional as that, how long be- fore all others in jail for po- litical terrorism were similar- ly released? The Germans congratulated themselves on putting one man's life before the interests of the state. "And how often," one German said to me, "have we done that in our history?" Privately, they pitied them- selves for their helplessness. How could they, in affluent, unendangered peacetime, go in for a hard "Israeli strategy" at the risk of bloody shoot- outs in the streets? Wouldn't going in for toughness move them precariously toward an- other police-state? "Humiliation was the order of the day," a writer in West Berlin solemnly recorded. "Perhaps never in history, since a medieval Holy Roman Emperor went penitently to Canossa, hAs a proud nation debased itself so abjectly...." Even the liberal Hamburg weekly, Die Zeit, in rejecting Approved For Release 1999/09/02 CPYRGHT f r o i i c 1d or police reprisal, could not help but note the historic na- ture of the decision. Where had the old traditions gone? There was a time, the paper's chief editor, Coun- tess Marion Dbnhoff, sadly recalled in her commentary, when King Frederick of Prus- sia left orders that should he be captured by the enemy, no concessions whatever should be made on his behalf to the blackmailers. The national TV network was hijacked, in effect, to serve the kidnappers' master- plan. "For 72 hours," one TV editor told me, "we just lost control of the medium. We shifted shows to meet their timetable. Our cameras had to be in position to record each -of the prisoners as they boarded the plane, and our news coverage had to include prepared statements at their dictation. There is plenty of underworld crime on our screens, but up until now Ko- jak and Columbo were always in charge. Now it was the real thing, and it was the gangsters who wrote the script and pro- gramed the mass media." Noteworthy in the political uproar that followed - it ranged from angry demands that all the Baader-Meinhof prisoners be shot by drumhead firing-squads to weary sugges- tions that the whole gang be dumped on some Saharan air- strip-was a poll indicating that German opinion approved of the exchange as "right" by a 75 per cent majority. (An- other 24 per cent thought it was "wrong.") But a clear majority also felt that no such exchanges should be counte- nanced in the future, and that a return to capital punish- ment would help reinforce do- mestic security and law and order. Where did this new German extremism come from? Why had it survived. to become such a formidable issue in a great nation's politics? How is it that a few hundred young revolutionaries, acting in the name of an outmoded Marxian ideology and on behalf of the "oppressed masses" with whom they had no personal contact or organizational con- nizaticn Fbhl CIA-RDP79-01194A000100380001-4 challenge f r - so long the most prosperous) self-confident state in Europ . Once, on a West German program, I was asked wheth r I thought that. "Communi t gold" - covert funding from East Germany, from the Ru - sian secret services, etc. played any role In the efflore - cence of the German New Le t in the nineteen-sixties. I tended to pooh-pooh the ide . There are those who always think that an indigenous radi- calism must be manipulated b foreign string-pullers-- But sometimes it is tru , and occasionally it is decisiv We know now that Lenin i exile received millions fro . the Kaiser's secret politic fund and that the mono helped finance a plethora Bolshevik publications. In the emergence of th German New Left in the nin - teen-sixties, a Hamburg mag - zine called Konkret, brilliahtl edited by Klaus Rainer Roh, played a central part. Its sI ganeering was ingenious, i editorial style modern and a - venturous (it preferred th! methods of Playboy to tho of Pravda), and it attracted wide following of agitators, students, anarchists, poet, terrorists and assorted dis- enchanted spirits longing ft r a new Utopia. The magazire was instrumental in the m ' - itants' achievements- e capture of West Berlin's F University, the tens of tho - sands of student marchers d scending on Bonn, the prof - eration of militant factio s proposing to take pow r through the barrel of a gu . Among the latter, the Baad r- Meinhof group is the most n torious. Rohl was married to Ulrie Meinhof. Both were sec t members of the German C - munist party. Their magazi e, Konkret, was financed by e- cret Communist funds tained by Rohl and Meinhof in East Berlin and filtered in through Prague. It was, 'l Rohl confessed it all in is recently published memo' s, almost unbelievable. The R s- sians are known to finar :e good, reliable Communist d- res, enrolled in the party or in some controllable front o a- f, CPYRGHT despite their ApprqMO Q 4Ste cards, could only represent for Moscow what Lenin had de- nounced as "the infantile left." Yet they went ahead. For a couple of million marks, or less than $1-million-the cost of a few nuts and bolts in a sputnik-they helped disrupt whole areas of West German society, turn the German youth movement into a mass force of anti-Americanism, and re- habilitate the theory and prac- tice of Marxian revolution (though at the price of hereti- cal anarchist trimmings). RohI and Meinhof were giv- en extraordinarily wide lati- tude. No hard political line was ever obvious. They often bit the hand that fed them. They were free to thrash about in the subcultures of West German radicalism-the nouveaux riches of the Ruhr, titillated by the idea of capi- talism dying; the pop and drug communes; the pill and prom- iscuity cults; the Brechtian avant-garde. It became a very popular front, uniting practi- cally everyone on the left- except the proletariat Like the New Left everywhere in the West,- it was essentially a middle-class phenomenon. It went in for abstract idealism, fun, excitement and impas- sioned commitment, until it wearied of its own excesses and grew frightened of the random violence of the hard core of true believers who be- gan to practice what they preached- The story of Ulrike Meinhof, not unlike the cases of Patty Hearst and Bernardino, Dohrn in the United States, sums up the extremism of a historic decade. But the Meinhof case is more illuminating, for it sheds light more vividly on the major institutions of West- ern Europe's most prosperous and powerful society. How did they become gunmen and gun- women? The talk about force and vi- olence as the essential ele- ments in the transformation of an evil society had been, at first, the same theoretical chit-chat that had animated the fantasies of Marxist rev- fingered a gun or fired a sin- gle shot? Soon a real weapon, with a shiny barrel and a full cylin- der, had its premiere on the German New Left. RbhI bought himself a small=caliber pistol called a Landmann- Preetz. (it later became the favorite handgun of the Baad- er-Meinhof gang, just as the B.M.W. automobile became their favorite getaway car, partly because it was fast and elegant, partly because of its acronymic coincidence.) One winter evening in 1968, in Rbhl's villa in Hamburg, he ex- hibited his gun to his editors and visiting student revolu- tionaries. It was marveled at' and passed from hand to hand "like some newly forged weap- on at a gathering of primitive tribal chieftains." One disciple fondled it in his lap and wanted to know, It really shoots? Real bullets? And they can really knock somebody off?" They all had their first target practice later that eve- ning, firing wildly in the Ham- burg garden at bottles and lamp bulbs until the neighbors threatened to call the police. Ulrike, though, still found horror in the idea-and the noise-of guns going off. She was walking in the woods one day with her brother-in-law, Wolfgang Rohl, then 16, when, with youthful bravura, he sud- denly drew a pistol and fired a few shots in the air. Ulrike broke down in a paroxysm of tears. Her husband ascribes her reaction partly to the "Christian pacifism" that had originally pushed her into cru- sading politics, partly to her "constant terrible head pains" after a brain-tumor operation, which left her with a "panicky fear" of even the bang from a child's toy pistol. A few years later, the un- derground arsenals of the Baader-Meinhof group con- tained the most formidable private collection of ordnance in postwar Germany, deriving -like the weapons used by the Japanese "Red Army" in its hostage-taking action in The Hague last September- from a raid on a West German NATO munitions depot. And olutionarics for a century, the targets were no longer from Engels to Bebel and bottles. The list of victims reading room hit by a bullet: a night watchman blown up by a bomb; two policemen in Hamburg shot down while walking their night beat: a detective torn apart by dum- dum bullets; 17 employes wounded by bomb fragments in an explosion in a Hamburg newspaper office; an American officer and two sergeants killed by a bomb in the United States Army headquarters in Heidelberg; West Berlin's Chief Justice, a lifelong So- cialist, assassinated on his birthday by gunmen carrying bouquets of flowers. Ideology traindd them to justify "the necessary mur- der," From the example of Ho Chi Minh, whose name they chanted in the streets of Germany, they drew a sense of cunning counterattack. In- fatuated with the Black Power romanticism of Stokely Car- michael and Eldridge Cleaver, they learned the catechism of "Burn, Baby, Burn," and their German conversation and manifestoes were studded with American slang like "cool" and "right on" and "off the pigs." When two innocent by- standers were killed by rocks in a Munich radical demon- stration, Horst Mahler, one of the members of the gang, commented, "When I drive off in my car, I can't know beforehand if a tire will go flat." The bnitalization went on apace. One memberr, Dieter Kunzelmann, released from a Berlin jail a little ahead of time so he could campaign as a local Maoist candidate, had a ready explanation of why he had planted a bomb in Berlin's Fasanenstrasse Synagogue, re- built after the Nazis burned it down in 1938. lie and his comrades, he said, had to get over their Judenknax, their "thing about the Jews"-i.e., their postwar pro-Jewish lib- eralism. One of his collabora- tors, Georg von Rauch (later killed in a street shoot-out with the police), argued that in eliminating political ene- mies "we must, I must, simply liquidate human feeling." It took Ulrike a number of years to learn to take joy in her unerring marksmanship. her machine gun in somethin under 90 days, but in Califo pia everything develops fast Ulrike had to be sure tha Hegel and the True Laws 0 History were on her side; thLate Capitalism with all i Imperialist Contradictions wa now in its final stage and th end was nigh; that the work ing class, with its reformi trade-union leaders, was a I potential, and that a sma I remnant of the faithful had t rise up and act on their o She studied the writings Herbert Marcuse, she followe the financial pages on the co tradictory movements of cap tat, and, reassured of the trut of these propositions, she a cepted them as articles faith. Two souls, in Goethe phrase, dwelt within Ulrike breast. A struggle was taki p!ace between Old Left earr - estness and New Left libe - tion- Konkret was a mixtu of sex and politics. Rohl w a kind of ideological Hug Hefner, alternating nude pi - ups, lightly disguised as "se) - ual enlightenment" for th young, with modish left-win propaganda. What secret guilt complex must this mixture of sex an revolution have induced i Ulrike! She took her $10, a year for a dozen brief co - umns (they were worth it, f only for their decent gramm and vocabulary); and s bought herself boutiq dresses and fancy jewelry an was seen at the cocktail pa - ties, but she longed for day when she could strike % pure and uncompromisin blow . for the oppresse masses. - Finally, in 1968, she mar- aged to make the break. Ta - ing her twin daughters, the 6, with her, she left her h band and moved to West'Be - lin. There she began a new life, devoting herself to thE! plight of the underprivileg from orphans to convicts, r cruiting for the Revolution she went along. Although s missed the old world of te artists and poets and wit y millionaires, she was soon n established figure in the milt u of shabby, zealous, blue-jean conspirators. Approved E or QeleaCe 1999109109 ? CIA_Rr1D7Q_01 d 94A000100 380001 _4 PARAt learned to fondl CPYRGHT Klaus Rohl still ed back-both as his wrl s Konkret's star Kolumrtist_ She wrote a savage attack on the fortnightly's editorial policies and forced it to be printed in the magazine. Rohl wrote a lame and rather loving reply. Unappeased, she infiltrated the paper with- her cronies, who eventually were to take over the magazine by a "democrat- ic vote." The coup barely failed to come off, and she re- signed from the paper, de- nouncing it as an "organ of the counterrevolution." The magazine survived, but another symbol of the shame- ful past of "sex and politics" was easier to ravage. A group of her Berlin friends pro- ceeded to her old home in a fashionable section of Ham- burg. They sacked the prem- ises, smashing the lamps, fur- niture and stereo and painting a phallus on the front door. Before leaving, they collec- tively urinated on the double bed. U Irike Meinhof had met Andreas Baader in 1968, some time before she left her husband. Andreas and his girl- friend Gudrun had been arrest- ed for setting fire to two Frankfurt department stores.- Ulrike interviewed him, and caused a stir by writing in her Konkret column that the acts of arson were politically "pro- gressive" -not so much be- cause they destroyed the shoddy goods of a rotten con- sumption society but because they represented audacious defiance of the law. Now, in 1970, she joined in a plot to spring him from jail. (He and Gudrun had been re- leased on a technicality after serving 14 months of their sentences, but he had been re- arrested and imprisoned in West Berlin as a suspect in new incidents of arson and bombings.) "We needed Baad- er," Ulrike later testified, "to set up the urban guerrillas." Although the wardens knew that some kind of escape plan was afoot, they let Andreas visit various libraries, under guard, to pursue his "socio- logical research." He claimed to be writing a book on youth problems for a radical Berlin publisher, and the authorities ~ S02 seno view o is project. On May 14, 1970, he was in a reading room of the Free University when Ulrike and - four. accomplices; dis- guised in wigs, burst in. firing pistols and discharging tear gas. There was an exchange of fire; several .guards and librarians were wounded, one of them seriously. The guer- rillas got away unharmed. An- dreas and Ulrike escaped by jumping out of the first-floor window and racing off in a stolen silver-gray Alfa Romeo. Before going into hiding they picked up Ulrike's twins. An alarmed Rohl alerted In- terpol, and after months of search the girls were found in Rome.- They had been hidden away in Sicily, where they learned to si.,g "Bandiera ros- so" and other revolutionary ditties. "Evviva communismo liherta!" they chanted. But they had found Italian rice bitter, and they didn't really care for the occasional pull on a joint to which their hash- smoking guardians would treat them. The plan had been to take them on to Jordan and place' them in a Palestinian orphan- age, rot far from the guerrilla training camp where Ulrike, Andreas. Gudrun and others of their group were now in resi- dence, taking lessons in marks- manship. The Germans joined the Palestinians in a little Jew-hating, but their drinking, smoking and sexual habits were found offensive, and their contingent was expelled and. returned to Germany. Ul- rike's children were thus stranded in mid-passage. Today, the twins appear to be relatively well-adjusted to their middle-class Hamburg environment- But their father, who won legal custody of the children in a divorce action, told me they came home one day with cuts and bruises; when asked what had hap- pened, they said, "Well, we were playing 'Baader-Meinhof Gang' and we hurt ourselves trying to make a quick get- away." Irike joined Andreas and Gudrun in the underground, learn- ing to disguise her et4 [ P7V T949ft automobiles, breek through roadblocks, rob banks and escape to secret hideouts. Now, starting-in 1970, the public was jolted by a new terrorist offensive, attributed henceforth to the "Baader- Meinhof gang." Hardly a day went by without the police re- cording some new incident. American installations were fire-bombed; some 130 police- men were hospitalized after an attack, with thousands. - of bricks and rocks, on a court- house; judges' chambers were gutted; Molotov cocktails, af- fectionately called "Mollies," wrecked public offices, and a substantial treasury for terror was built up by one bank rob- bery after another. Was the Republic ever in danger? Hard- ly. But the spectacle of young people ready to shed blood for a cause reminded too many Germans of another tragic generation of fanaticized youth. Opinion was polarized; many liberals despised the cry for "law-and-order" and of- fered nothing but kind words for the disciples of. violence. How could there be enemies on the left? The old distinction between democratic Socialists and authoritarian Commu- nists, between meliorists and militants, between reform and revolution, had been blurred in the nineteen-sixties. A sur- prisingly high percentage of young Germans indicated in a poll that they "liked" the idealism of the guerrilla move- ment and probably would help Ulrike and Andreas hide or get away if asked to. A campaign to "save Ulrike Meinhof" before she came to harm at the hands of the police arose on the left. Among the voices raised were those of Nobel Prize-winning -novelist Heinrich B611 and Klaus Rohl, still loyal to the mother of his children. Kon- kret ran a long open letter from Dr. Renate Rierneck, her foster-mother, pleading with Ulrike to give herself up. Bblt demanded an official safe-con- duct pass for Ulrike to protect her, as lie put it, from the vicious hysteria of 60 million Germans now hunting witches as they once hunted Jews. The 109t3~'Oe4ay and indigna- tion at this comparison almost destroyed B611's reputation as a crusading liberal intellectual, Rdhl tried to arrange to get her out of the country. But Sweden, troubled enough by American Army deserters, and Cuba, doubtful of the ideolog- ical purity of "infantile an- archo-terrorists," both turned her down. A Cabinet Minister in Bonn was requested secret- ly to let her cross from West Berlin into East Germany, but she was unwelcome there too. Even ROhl's old contacts in the Communist apparatus of the nineteen-fifties cold-shoul- dered the scheme. Early in June of 1972, act- ing on a series of tips, the police trapped most of the hard core of the gang. Andreas, .Jan-Carl Raspe and another leader, Holger Meins, were captured in a 5 A.M. raid on their hiding place, a garage in a well-appointed Frankfurt apartment house; Andreas was wounded in the shoot-out. Gudrun was picked up shop- ping in an elegant Hamburg boutique with her revolver showing. Ulrike was still at large. She had been using "safe houses" provided by an exten- sive network of sympathizers. But now a 33-year-old teacher in Hanover named Fritz Ro- dewald began to have doubts. A number of mysterious guests had arrived in his apartment, "warmly recommended by friends." Rodewald was con- cerned lest all this terrorism play into the -hands of the German right, enabling the re- actionaries to defame the genuine New Left. Should he call the police? For a day and a night he wrestled with his dilemma. Then, on June 15, he dialed 1:0 from a phone booth and spoke to the inspector in charge of the special Baader- Meinhof Kommando. (Such task forces had been set up in all major West German cities.) By the time he capre home, the police had made their raid, and the guests had been removed. The haul in- cluded weapons, smuggled messages from comrades in prison, boxes of cartridges, false identity papers. In a bright red-leather cosmetics Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100380001-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100380001-4 CPYRGHT package containing a 10- pound home-made bomb. The police promised Rodewald im- mediate payment of the re- ward. The conscience-stricken teacher promised himself to donate the money to the Ul- rike Meinhof defense fund. The underground career of "the most hunted woman" in German history was over. In the pictures taken of her that day in the Hanover police sta- tion she was almost unrecog- nizable. "No one here has touched her," a detective ex- plained, but her entire face is puffed and swollen because, like some enraged trapped animal, she has been strug- gling and screaming and weeping for hours." They did hold her firmly by her hair in the police line-up, a doctor tried to examine her Caesare- an scars and a medical assist- ant wanted an X-ray picture of the metal clip that had comp'eted her brain tumor operation of a decade earlier. The German police are not especially bureaucratic these days, but "an identity must be established properly." Ul- rike resisted savagely. She was afraid of being "brain- w,-.shed." You want to kill nie!" she cried. "You're all next on the list!" She refused to touch the coffee and cigar- ettes they offered her, for fear that they might be poisoned. Protests began to be or- ganized. Heinrich Btill suspect- ed police brutality. The left fringements of due process. Rohl raised his voice to warn against a witch-hunt, declar- ing that Ulrike was more Joan of Arc than red-haired sorceress." Newspaper fea- ture-writers mused on her childhood-on the pretty little girl who liked to read classical poetry and do the boogie- woogie. Theologians specu- lated on the elements of youth- ful Catholicism in her make-up. Her foster-mother half-re- gretted that her ward had "put aside her Proust and Kafka to mess about with politics." The Baader-Meinhof guerrillas who were placed in a dozen jails of Western Ger- many- and West Berlin devel- oped an extraordinary commu- nications system for keeping in touch with each other. Ul- rike continued to write her manifestos; Andreas wrote de- tailed memorandums on five different ways of effecting his escape, and all these exhorta- tions and instructions were distributed regularly among other incarcerated comrades- and the accomplices on the outside. Their strategies were all coordinated: when to begin a hunger strike, when to end it, how to put pressure on backsliding comrades. One wo- man prisoner was kept, ficti- tiously, on the medical "dan- ger" list by the prison authori- ties for fear of consequences if the others found out thatl p tasting with: out "official" approval. When a young militant who was still at large talked secretly to the West Berlin police, copies of the police report on his testi- mony were found circulating in the Baader-Meinhof cells. lie was subsequently found dead in a Berlin park--"ex- ecuted" by a bullet in the head by order of the gang's 1c'aders. All this was possible be- cause the gang took brilliant advantage of the fairly liberal German prison regulations. There can be no doubt that not a few of the Baader-M.ein- hof lawyers, including some young law-school graduates, have been smuggling docu- ments in and out. Surprise searches of the cells have turned up circulars, escape plans, research assignments, leaflets and lists of Bonn pol- iticians to be targeted. To what avail? Nothing is so unloved in Germany today as a lost cause. The urban guer- rillas, in their mounting fren- zy, have isolated themselves completely from German pub- lic opinion. They have become nothing but an embarrassment to the German left. 1s martyr- dom in limbo all that is left to them now? Holger Mcins, a former stu- dent at the Berlin Film Acad- emy, who was captured to- gether with Baader and itaspe, persisted in f hunger strike that reduced him after two months to 84 pounds. He died ast fall, at the age of JJ, de- . pite the authorities' efforts to keep him alive with intraven- ous feeding, "We will struggle on, Holger" cried an aging student .leader at his funeral, andthe terroristswho stormed the embassy in Stockholm identified themselves as the "Holger Meins Commando." Yet his death, almost deliber- ately embraced, dramatized the self-destructive element in the terrorists' mystique. As the triai date approached, the defendants' lawyers rec- ommended that they put aside their agitprop and concentrate on preparing their cases. But it would be altogether out of character for Ulrike Meinhof and Andreas Baader to confine themselves to what they hold in contempt as "juridical cret- inism." For months, police, press and public shared the conviction that another ran- som-and-rescue operation was in the offing -and, as last month's abortive coup in Stockholm demonstrated, they were wrong' only in weighing the probabilities of success. Other desperate attempts by the remnant of the net- work are regarded as prob. able. After standing firm, it will be hard for the Bonn Gov- ernment to do anything but continue to refuse to negoti- ate. In that way, the Govern- ment hopes to withstand what Chancellor Schmidt calls "the most serious challenge in the 26-year history of our democ- racy." ^ Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100380001-4