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4terg-7r( Approved For Release 2002/02/12 9-01155A000100010030-5 963 Chief, Adninistrative Staff, ORR ph c Research Budget stinte f the Chief Sr cii ic Research Area, es in personnel strength would depend. upon a realignment or prozrans, either currently assigned to other compo- Office or not done at all. If, for example, we have to equirements coordination function in GRA, I will need sonnet to accomplish this. Hopefully, one additional e care of all of the work which might be involved. on Beyond the ositioris requested for PI 1965, it ditiona ositions maybe required between 4 1 establis a capability to carry on mapping under t oject for China and possibly other Par East areas,. onemould be at the 08-12 level. COntraetual Services ed 5 25X1A1A 1. for continuation of external research on Africa. 25X1A1A This project has barely tapped the store of sociological infornation needed =Africa south of the Sahara. The 11111111 permite a return to the level of production originally intended, now that the initial taffing-up prOblem appears to be eliminated. 25X1A1A 2. Mifor initiation of external researchon the USSR involving search and collation of fral4entary Soviet information on Soviet Central Asia related to Collation Project needs and. chemica) - biclical-radiological (CBR) locational revirememats. The funds rObably be obligated through the existing OST contract with The endemic overtime situation in USSR Branch in Special Research Trench makes it impossible 25X1A5A Approved For Release 2002/02/12 :aa y9-01155A000100010030-5 ri t,:agr^ tr;:L Approved For Release 2002/02/12: 9-01155A000100010030-5 fy the requireeient on an in-house basis. Disallowance of proposed research would, make it almost imposafble to achieve ion and ad.euate understanding of the more elusive features military geography. 25X1A1A for initiation of external research on Latin Aaarica This project envisions a program of supported research on ethad and social groups and cultural landscapes in critical countries of Win America. It has been budgeted for previously but vas not 25X1 X4 implemented-because manpower was not available in Geography Division 25X1X4 to 40 the detailed and deve ant needed. 25X1X4 25X1A1A 25X1A1A There are no ex et ? g programs satis e of the program will hamper essential intelligence and reduce ORR's already insufficient capabilities on the 4, IIIIIIIIfor anticipated ad449., support of acadenic foreign earch. It is desired to rescue ',rejects of interest to g.oihtc intelligence that do not get adequate funds from normal acm44mi ourees or support. The project recognizes the great value to intelligence of the informational input represented by academic h. The research involved would. be that for which in-house ties do not exist. Its disallowance would eliminate a very ixe tool for assuring completion of significant research. 5. for expense associated with anticipated establishment of substantive consultant group. The consultants will provide an evert 'source of data, analysis and opinion for which government sources prove inadequate. The concept recognizes the paralleling events of increased academic research production on foreign areas and. a decrease in intelligence analyst time available for general research and intelligence maintenance. With one or more consultants to call en, D/CG'z overburdened branches are more likely to have the eapdbility and responsiveness that increasingly urgent damn& on them require. 25X1A1A Approved For Release 2002/02/12 ? tiA-RD 79-01155A000100010030-5 Approved For Release 2002/02/12 Africa, Iatin Amer hoo nZitants =AI Div toll, CS 7970.11VA000100010030-5 25X1A1A 25X1A1A 25X1A 967 end 1968 it is highly unrealistic to estimate per- utrients since Cartography Division workload and. size of related directly to the support demanded of the Division. reasonable way of Tostking an intelligent estimate for an personnel beyond that requested in n 1965 and. 1966. liquAment sion is investigating an *uttion systen t in Pnglsknd that viii be of tremendous use rk. Generally, it is a machine which will properly generalized to the scale of presentation from rototype of the machine will be demonstrated at the earto&raphic Association meetings in August 1964. The being developed by a swell cartographic outfit tit Oxford Approved For Release 2002/02/12 : pm- DP7:9-01155A000100010030-5 Approved For Release 2002/02/12 : CD d is especial use in the t estimate the *lit is amount in the bu4je of not being realized uat ?01155A0QR100010030-5 the facility. Thus, vision is bi2r practical. A been obtained from the poten- 25X1A uld be desirable to start tee for rt 1966, with the 1967. 25X1Al2A sport 25X1Al2A 25X1A5A1 25X1A5A PareOnnel of service and support to be gtven by the Nap Library 1966 - 1968 is so remote that it is pctica.11y 0 estimate additional personnel requirements, with the on of several desk officers for the Proeurement Branch to requirement for several additional personnel may develop out of imentation now being conducted to determine the feasibility of piacin the File Copy Collection of maps on film. The problem of Ppe.e required by the Pile Copy Collection has plagued the Map Library for the last two years or more. if the experimentation shows better aip coverage can be made available at the State and Headquarters Branch Libraries, as well as at the Depository, it is conceivable that one or two a.it1ona1 personnel maybe required to provide processing until the conversion project is completeC Contractual Services qeF149" Btport may be required in the PY 1966-1968 period for a Map Library project involving the review of geographical source materials and conversion of the information into a form which can be used by a number of components in the Agency. This will r? uire the use of 25X1A5A1 time be Las a possible contract . It is project. Distribution: (Al - Addressee 1 - Ch/D/GG 1 - Ch/D/GC 1 - Ch/D/GL Appreve - - - its 471 ORR:Ch/G: Imated that no more than 25X1A9A 77 e"CIA-RDP79-01155A000100010030-5 5 Apr 1963) uld be spent for 25X1A