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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 24, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 16, 1968
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79-01153A000100070010-3.pdf56.96 KB
d ~rso~ ~- y d For Release-.~A00/08/29 :CIA-RDP79-01153A~10007~~~THEDIRECTOR. A F MMERCIAL FISHERIES UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES WASHINGTON, D. C. 20240 The request for Fiscal Year 1969 is for iless than in recent years because with the abbreviated coverage proposed for three countries, I believe our present reduced staff can deliver the seven fishery sections you require, The request for 1969 also covers grade raises proposed to bring the Branch of Special Studies up the grade structure of other Branches in the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. As last year, however these reallocations are still subject to personnel audit and to the outcome of present thinking on reorganization of this Bureau. The request for Fiscal Year 1970 is for ~ an increase over F~:scal Year 1969 to cover within-grade raises. The Fiscal Year 1970 is also based on the assumption that the reports required will be similar to those for Fiscal Year 1g6~. The enclosed tables provide more details for Fiscal Year 196g and Fiscal Year 1970. Yaurs truly, 25X1A 25X1A9a Confidential April 16, 1g68 *DOI Waiver Letter In ERU File* Mr. James A. Brammell Director of Basic Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 This is in reply to your letter of 5 April requesting information on budgets for Fiscal Years 1868, 1969, and 1970. We request no change in the current projection of funds and 25X1A1 personnel for Fiscal Year 1868. We expect however to return aver because the GS-11 vacancy was not filled and the .proposed grade raises were not granted. cc : Breamn.el.1. 0~'good R. Smith, Acting Chief Branch of Special Studies Division of International Affairs ~^6r R~Iease~000/08/29 :CIA-RDP79-01153A000100070010-3 Mme 1 Apr