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Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-011144A000900010012-9 JANIS 75 CHAPTER XII DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS 0 >;(4 VECLAISIFIED 1, ES. CHANOEII TO1 TS $ 0 REXT **VIEW DATE ACTH' IR 10.2 OATS L4 o1 0 RavitWant Non-registered 25X1 SAKHALIN ? INDO- .;; JOINT ARMY-NAVY INTELLIGENCE STUDY OF KOREA (INCLUDING TSUSHIMA AND QUELPART) DEFENSES APRIL 1945 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 List of Effective Pages, Chapter XII CHANGE IN SUBJECT MATTER EFFECT Cover Page Original List of Effective Pages arid Table of Contents, Chapter XII (inside front cover) Original Text Original Figures (insert, reverse sides blank) Original Imprint (inside back cover, reverse blank) Original PAGE NUMBERS unnumbered unnumbered pp. XII-1 to XII-10 Figures XII-1 to XII-8 unnumbered Table of Contents Note: This chapter is based upon Material available in Washington, D.C. on 1 March 1945. Page 120. INTRODUCTION XII -1 121. ORGANIZATION OF ARMY DEFENSE FORCES . -1 A. Administrative and tactical functions XII -1 B. Disposition of forces XII - 1 (1) Location of identified units in Korea . . ? X [I - 1 (2) Location of identified units on Tsushima ? X [I - 1 122. SUPPLY AND MAINTENANCE . . XII -1 ,A. General - 1 B. Availability of supplies XII - 1 C. Administration XII - 3 D. Location of supply depots XII - 3 E. Supply routes XII - 3 (1) General XII - 3 (2) Roads . - 3 (3) Rail XII - 4 (4) Sea XII - 5 123. FORTIFICATIONS X [I - 5 A. Fortified areas - 5 B. Mobile artillery X [I - 5 (1) Kyongsong (KeijO), Seoul XII - 5 (2) P'yongyang (Heijo) . . .. ?5 (3) Nanam (Ranan) xii - 5 Page C Antiaircraft ixtillery XII - 8 D. Railroad artillery XII - 8 E. Air warning system, I XII - 8 F. Air raid precautions XII - 8 (1) Organization XII - 8 (2) Police XII-- 8 (3) Neighborhood associations (Tonari-gumi) XII - 8 (4) Warning . .. ... . . XII - 8 (5) Blackouts XII - 8 (6) Shelters XII - 8 (7) Fire control XII - 8 124. POTENTIAL DEFENSE AREAS XII -9 A. General XII - 9 B. Potential fortified areas . . . , XII - 9 (1) Taedasa-do (Daitasa-to, Tashitii) XII - 9 (2) Haeju (Kaishii) XII - 9 (3) Kunsan (Gunzan) XII - 9 (4) Ulsan-man (Urusan-wan) XII - 9 (5) Yongil-man (Geijitsu-wan) ^ XII - 9 (6) Changjon (Chosen) . . . ? XII - 9 (7) Hamhung-man (Kanko-wan) XII - 9 (8) Iwon Anchorage (Rigen Hakuchi) XII - 9 (9) Immyong-hae (Rimmei-kai) XII - 9 (10) Kidong-rnan (Kido-wan) XII-- 9 125. PRINCIPAL SOURCES XII -9 vestitiefor Irr Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Approved For Release 2006/0a/25 : CIA-RDP1lii44A000900010012-9 Chapter XII Page XII - 1 DEFENSES 120. Introduction Korea and the islands of Tsushima and Quelpart occupy a strategic position in the inner defense of the Japanese Empire. This area is an important military supply base for the Japanese and serves as the basic route over which military supplies pass between Japan and the interior of Asia. The Najin (Rashin) area is of strategic importance because of its proximity to Southeastern Siberia and particularly to the port of Vladivostok. (A-2) The fortifications are located so as to protect shipping be- tween the Japanese Islands and the Asiatic mainland and to guard the important ports, airfields, and industries of Korea. (A-2) While all available information on fortifications of Korea, Tsushima, and Quelpart is given in this chapter, it is based on fragmentary and often old reports. This is especially true concerning Tsushima. Pusan (Fusan) is partly covered by recent aerial photography which reveals a number of gun em- placements. Fragmentary aerial photography is available for Chinnamp'o (Chinnamp9), P'yongyang (HeijO), Inch'on ( Jinsen), Kyongsong (KeijO), Hungnam (Konan), Sinuiju (Shingishia), and Quelpart (Saisha); however, it reveals little information about fortifications in these areas. An evaluation is given in parentheses after items or para- graphs of the text.* However, no attempt is made to evaluate the estimates of strength given in Topic 121 or the estimates of capacities given in Topic 122 as these estimates are general- izations made on the basis of many items of information, and no single evaluation can be appropriately applied to them. 121. Organization of Army Defense Forces A. Administrative and tactical functions. (FIGURE XII - 1) Japanese Army forces in Korea are under the command of the Korea Army with headquarters at Kyongsong (KeijO). There are three divisional districts in Korea: Ranan, HeijO, and Keijo. It is believed that Quelpart Island (Saishil-to) is under the Korea Army and that Tsushima is a part of the Kurume Divisional District under the jurisdiction of the West- ern District Army with headquarters at Fukuoka, Japan. Japa- nese ground strength in Korea is estimated to be 127,000, of * The following system of evaluation provided for in Adjutant General letter (AG 250.05) of 25 November 1942. Subject: Intelligence Reports?Relia- bility Rating Designated by Symbol is used: Evaluation on information source A. Completely reliable B. Usually reliable C. Fairly reliable? D. Not usually reliable E. Unreliable F. Unknown Evaluation of information as to truth, credibility, or probability 1. Report confirmed by other 2. Probably true report 3. Possibly true report 4. Doubtfully true report 5. Improbable report 0. Truth cannot be judged sources which 120,000 are army ground and 7,000 army air ground troops. B. Disposition of forces. (FIGURE XII - 1) The present disposition of identified major units in Korea is shown in FIGURE XII - 1. No units have been identified on Quelpart. Estimated strength of identified units is shown be- low. (1) Location of identified units in Korea. UNIT Korea Army Hq. Ranan Division Keijo Division Heija Division Mixed Regiment? (not independent) Rashin Fortress Eilth Bay Fortress Pusan Fortress Reisiti Fortress Other minor units LOCATION Kyongsong (KeijO) (Seoul) Nanam (Ranan) Kyongsong (KeijO) (Seoul) P'yongyang (HeijO) Unlocated Najin (Rashin) Wonsan (Genzan) Pusan (Pusan) Yosu (Reisui) Total strength of identified units in Korea: (2) Location of identified units on Tsushima. UNIT LOCATION Tsushima Fortress Tsushima Total strength of identified units on Tsushima: STRENGTH 500 20,000 20,000 20,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 3,100 2,400 12,300 86,300 STRENGTH 2,400 2,400 122. Supply and Maintenance A. General. The peninsula of Korea provides Japan with a strategic military supply base and is an important source of raw ma- terials for Japanese war production. The well developed transportation facilities serve as a convenient bridge for mili- tary supply movements between Japan and her occupied areas in Asia. Large quantities of all classes of military supplies are re- ported stored throughout Korea. These supplies probably sup- port the troops stationed there and may serve as reserves for troops in Manchuria and Northern China. (B-2) Stores and facilities of Quelpart and Tsushima are probably sufficient only to maintain the troops and equipment located there. (F-3) B. Availability of supplies. (FIGURE XII - 2) Provisions and forage are believed adequate. Numerous rice-cleaning factories and rice stores in warehouses indicate a probable sufficiency in rice reserves, while coastal waters af- ford a supply of fish. The limited supply of meat and poultry available in Korea is believed to be further curtailed by the reported shipment of these items to Japan. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Page XII - 2 DEFENSES TABLE XII - 1 THE CHAIN OF SUPPLY ADMINISTRATION AND FUNCTIONS OF THE JAPANESE ARMY SUPPLY DEPOTS IN THE ZONE OF INTERIOR (KOREA). 10 February 1945 JAPAN KOREA War Ministry (Tokyo) No 1 Facto7y1 Fusan Agency (Transportation) 1 Heijo Fact] Ordnance Administration Hcf jinsen Arsenal ,1 Tech TrngTenl (Tokyo) Heijo Ordnance Supply Depot HE?.I Fuhei Branch 1 ... Kenjiho Bra7;11 Fuel Depot (Tokyo) Fusan Agency (Storage and Distribution) ...{ Branc171 Main Clothing Depot HrMukden (Tokyo) 1 (Manchuria) L s. i J Rashin Agency (Storage and Distributio_jn) Main Medical Supply Depot (Tokyo) Fusan Agency (Storage and Distribution) [Tr _{ .. Main Provisions and . Mukden Branch i Forage Depot (Toky.o) , (Manchuria) i, 4 Main Military Supply Depot (Tokyo) 4Main Veterinary Supply Depot (Tokyo) Rashin Agency (Storage and Transportation) ?1 Fusan Agency (Storage and Distribution) Fusan Agency (Storage and Distribution) Remount Depot Hq (Tokyo) ? Fusan Agency (Storage and Distribution)1 Korea remount Depot - Kainei Yuki Branch r _ designate Branch depots in area other than japan or Korea - affecting the supply administration of Korea. Hokai Agenc-71 Keiko Agenc71 Keigen Age]r Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 DEFENSES Page Xli -3 The clothing supply for Japan's armed forces on the penin- sula appears to present little difficulty. The large clothing de- pots at Pusan (Fusan) and Najin (Rashin) probably main- tain clothing reserves for supplying the troops in training, in staging areas, and those already on operational duty in Korea. (B-2) Korea is an important center for the manufacture and dis- tribution of small arms and, in general, is a transit area for the storage and distribution of other ordnance materiel. Reserves of ammunition are held in many warehouses and revetted stor- age areas, as well as at arsenals and explosives plants. Some gasoline and oil are produced synthetically in Korea and are supplemented by imports. Numerous warehouses and open storage areas have been reported to contain gasoline and oil in drums. Tank storage and distribution are facilitated by ship-shore oil pipe lines believed to be in operation at Pusan (Fusan) and Munp'yong (Bunhei-6). (A-2) C. Administration. The over-all administration of military supply is centered in the War Ministry at Tokyo. This responsibility passes through lower administrative echelons in Japan proper to administra- tive headquarters in Korea. (A-2) The functions of the War Ministry are not too clear with respect to control in the production of supplies; the procure- ment, storage, and distribution of supplies; and their trans- portation. It is believed, however, that in Korea the Army exercises a more direct control over these activities than the War Ministry does in Japan. TABLE XII - 1 indicates the various types of duties per- formed by the respective depots or agencies, as well as the chain of administrative command from the major depot in Japan to its corresponding branch depot or agency in Korea or Manchuria. A supply depot or a branch supply depot probably func- tions in the actual receipt, storage, and distribution of supplies, while an agency appears to be concerned more with the "desk work" for the processing of supplies in a local area. (A-3) D. Location of supply depots. (FIGURE XII - 2) Concentrations of speCific types of supply installations throughout Korea emphasize the strategic disposition of some types of supplies with respect to Manchuria and the Southeast Siberian frontier. Remount depots are located in the north- eastern part of the peninsula. The central and northwestern areas contain important groupings of arsenals and munitions plants with nearby stores of ammunition and ordnance ma- terials. Along the southern coast many warehouses and storage areas serve as transit points for Japanese military supplies to the interior of the Asiatic continent. It is probable that numerous arehouse areas for military supplies are conveniently located along the railroads in the interior of Korea. (A-2) The supply installations and supply points of Korea are lo- cated by coordinates in the following list. Known details of these locations are included in FIGURE XII - 2. Aoji-dong (Agochi-do) 42? 32' N 130? 25' E Ch'aho (Shako) 400 12' N 128? 39' E Chinhae (Chinkai) 350 09' N 128? 39' E Chinju (Shinshil) 35? 13' N 128? 05' E Chinnamp'o (Chinnampo) 38? 43' N 125? 23' E Ch'onan (Ten an) 36? 49' N 127? 08' E Ch'ongjin (Seishin) 41? 46' N 129? 48' E Hamhung (Kanko) 390 55' N 127? 31' E Haeju (Kaisha) 38? 04' N 125? 42' E Hoeryong (Kainei) 42? 26' N 129? 45' E Hoshui (place name cannot be confirmed) 42? 08' N 130? 04' E Hungnam (KOnan) 39? 52' N 127? 33' E Inch'on (Jinsen) 37? 28' N 126? 37' E Kapsan (KOzan) 41? 05' N 128? 18' E Kumsan (Kinsan) 36? 06' N 127? 30' E Kunsan (Glinsan) 36? 00' N 126? 43' E Kyomip'o (Kenjiho) 38? 45' N 125? 37' E Kyonghung (KeikO) 42? 37' N 130? 30' E Kyongsong (Keija) (Seoul) 37? 32' N 126? 57' E Kyongwon (Keigen) 42? 49' N 130? 09' E Masan (Masan) 350 11' N 128? 34' E Mokp'o (Moppo) 340 46' N 126? 23' E Munp'yong (Bunhei-ri) 39? 15' N 127? 23' E Najin (Rashin) 42? 09' N 130? 16' E Nanam (Ranan) 41? 44' N 129? 42' E P'ung hae (Hokai) 47? 10' N 129? 43' E Pup'y ong (Fuhei) 36? 45' N 126? 28' E Pusan (Fusan) 350 06' N 129? 02' E Samch'ok (Sanchoku) 370 25' N 129? 10' E SariWon (Shariin) 38? 32' N 125? 45' E Sinuiju (Shingishti) 40? 05' N 124? 20' E Sohojin (Seikoshin) 39? 49' N 127? 36' E Songjin (JOshin) 40? 41' N 129? 10' E Taedasa-do (Daitasa-to) 39? 54' N 124? 22' E Taep (Taikya) 35? 53' N 128? 36' E Ulsan (Urusan) 35? 32' N 129? 20' E Unggi (Yaki) 42? 19' N 130' 24' E Wonsan (Genzan) 39? 10' N 127? 26' E Yongamp'o (Ryugampo) 39? 56' N 124? 22' E Yongan (Eian) 41? 16' N 129? 30' E Yongwol (Neietsu) 37? 10' N 128? 29' E Yosu (Reisui) 34? 44' N 127? 45' E Yunai (place name cannot be confirmed) 42? 50' N 130? 09' E Quelpart (Saishii-to) Island Tsushima Island E. Supply routes. ( FIGURE XII - 3) ( I) General. Korea's rail and road network is most highly developed along the west coast, in the south, and in the extreme north- east. In general, main lines of communication run north and south with comparatively few through connections between the east and west coasts, outside the southern area. Rivers are generally shallow and are not believed to be used to any sig- nificant extent for military traffic beyond those ports open to ocean-going vessels. Good seaports are numerous along the south and west coasts, but on the east coast there has been very little development south of Wonsan (Genzan). (B-2) (2) Roads. Main highways largely parallel the rail lines and provide additional, secondary, means of transportation. However, in certain areas in which the railroads have not been extensively developed, highways perform a relatively more important serv- ice. This is particularly true in the north. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Page XII - 4 DEFENSES Confidential The main trunk highways form a large "X" with Kyongsong (KeijO) at the hub, Pusan (Fusan) and Mokp'o (Moppo) at the southern terminals, and Sinuiju (Shingishii) and Najin (Rashin) at the northern terminals. Another important high- way connects P'yongyang (HeijO) and Wonsan (Genzan). (B-2) While Korea has an extensive network of roads, only those deemed suitable for military traffic are shown in FIGURE XII - 3. They have been classified as primary and secondary highways. The primary highways (daily capacity in each direction, es- timated to be 1,000 to 1,500 short tons), usually have a hard or gravel surface and are generally capable of two-way, all- weather service. In and adjacent to major cities, they are fre- quently paved with asphalt. The secondary highways (daily capacity in each direction, 500 to 1,000 short tons), include roads generally with gravel surface, capable of two-way travel, although averaging some- what less in width than the above group, and at times im- passable during wet weather. (B-2) The daily capacity figures given above are based on the use of the standard 11/2-ton Japanese military truck loaded with military supplies. Actual loads carried will vary according to local conditions of terrain. The upper range of the estimated capacity figures are generally applicable to the coastal regions and those in the lower range to mountainous regions. How- ever, in the strategic Hamgyong-pukto (Kankyo-hokudo) Prov- ince it may be expected that mountain roads will be better than average. Rain (especially in July and August) and spring thaws hinder travel on secondary highways, while snow is sometimes a problem in the northern area. Gravel for main- tenance is readily obtainable in most areas. (B-2) (3) Rail. The main rail route in Korea extends from the port of Pusan (Fusan) northward through Kyongsong (Keijo) and P'yongyang (HeijO) to An-tung in Manchuria. It is believed to be completely double-tracked as far north as the vicinity of P'yongyang (HeijO), but between that city and the Manchurian border some points are known to be single-tracked. Between Kyongsong (KeijO) and Pusan (Fusan) an alternate route is available via Kyongju (Keishii) and Andong (AntO), but this is much inferior to the main line in carrying capacity. Out- side the extreme southern part of the peninsula there are but two lines which provide through rail transportation between the east and west coasts. These connect Wonsan (Genzan) with Kyongsong (KeijO) and P'yongyang (HeijO), respec- tively. North from Wonsan (Genzan) an important single- track line runs to the port of Ch'ongjin (Seishin) which in turn is connected by a large loop with the Manchurian rail- ways and the port of Najin (Rashin). This loop is reported to have double,track in some sections, one such stretch being lo- cated between Hoeryong (Kainei) and Sangsambong (Kami- sambO). All important ports are joined with the rail network. (B-2) The principal lines are standard gauge (4' 81/2" ) but there are numerous spur lines, most of them serving mines, which are narrow gauge (2' 6"). (B-2) In South Korea a proposed extension between Chinju (Shinshii) and Sunch'on ( Junten), with a connection to the port of Sarrich'onp'o (Sanzenho), may be completed, but re- liable confirmation ic lacking. (B-2) TABLE XII - 2 RAIL CAPACITIES FOR MILITARY SUPPLIES LINES NORTH KOREA Wonsan - Ch'ongjin (Genzan - Seishin) Paegam - Yonsa (Hakugan - Ensha) P'yongyang - Wonsan . (HeijO - Genzan) P'yongyang - Manp'ojin (Heijo - Mampochin) P'yongyang - Sungho-ri - Shokori) Kyongsong - An-tung (KeijO - An-tung) Kyongsong - P'yongyang (KeijO - Hello) P'yongyang - An-tung (HeijO - An-tung Kilchu - Hyesanjin (Kisshu - Keizanchin) Ch'ongjin. - Najin (Seishin - Rashin) Sinanju - Kaech'on (Shinanshu - Kaisen) Sinuiju - Taedasa-do (Shingisha - Daitasa-tO) Sungho-ni - Tokch'on (Sh8kori - Tokusen) Chongju - Sup'ung-dong (Teishii - Suiho-do) CENTRAL KOREA T'osong-ni - Ongjin . (Dojo-ri - Oshin) Wonsan - Kangnung (Genzan - Koryo) P'yongyang - Chinnamp'o (HeijO- Chinnampo) Kyongsong - Wonsan (KeijO - Genzan) Kwangju - Kyomip'o (KoshO - Kenjiho) Sariwon - Changyon (Shariin - Choen) Sariwon - Haeju (Shariin - Kaishii) Kyongsong - Inch'on (Keijo - Jinsen) SOUTH KOREA Pusan - Kyongju - Taegu (Fusan - Keisha - Taiky0 Sunch'on - SOnglong-ni (Junten - ShOtei-ri) Kyongsong - Pusan (Keijo - Fusan) Kyongsong - Kyongju (Keijo - Keish8.) Kumch'on - Andong (Kinsen - Anto) I-ri - Kunsan (Ri-ri - Gunzan) 1-ri - Yosu (Ri-ri - Reisui) Samnangjin - Chinju (Sanroshin - Shinsha) Taejon - Mokp'o (Taiden - Moppo) Ch'onan - Changhung-ni (Ten an - Shoko-ri) ESTIMATED PRESENT CAPACITY PER DAY NO. SHORT TRAINS TONS ESTIMATED MAXIMUM CAPACITY PER DAY NO. SHORT TRAINS TONS 10 4,000 15 6,000 5 1,700 7 2,380 10 3,500 15 5,250 5 1,700 7 2,380 6 1,500 10 2,500 30 19,800 45 29,700 25 16,500 30 19,800 5 1,700 7 2,380 10 5,500 15 8,250 s 3,900 12 6,000 8 5,200 10 6,500 6 1,500 10 2,500 5 1,700 7 2,380 s 1,600 12 2,400 6 2,900 10 5,000 10 8,200 15 12,300 10 6,600 15 9,900 10 8,200 15 12,300 8 1,600 12 2,400 8 1,600 12 2,400 15 12,300 20 16,400 8 3,900 15 7,500 8 3,900 12 6,000 30 19,800 45 29,700 5 1,700 7 2,380 6 2,900 10 5,000 10 6,500 15 9,750 10 4,900 15 7,350 10 6,500 15 9,750 10 6,500 15 9,750 s 3,900 12 6,000 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Confidential DEFENSES Page XII -5 The estimated daily capacities of the main railway lines are shown in TABLE XII - 2. Computation has been based on the grade, track conditions, sizes and types of locomotives in use, and the quantity of rolling stock available. (4) Sea. FIGURE XII - 2 Port capacities indicated in FIGURE XII - 2 have been esti- mated on the basis of known port facilities. Consideration has been given to the loading and unloading of vessels at anchor by lighters and coasters, as well as to their servicing alongside wharves and quays. Although data on the observed shipping in this area is incomplete, it is believed that the figures given for port capacities constitute a reasonable estimate. Adequate road, rail, and storage facilities are believed avail- able to handle the incoming shipments of military supplies. The significance of the proximity of Pusan (Fusan) to Japan, with respect to her problem of supply movements to the conti- nent of Asia, has warranted the expansion of the facilities at its port. The port's present capacity has been estimated at 20,000 long tons per 10-hour day. A ferry service is operating between Pusan (Fusan) and the Japanese port of Shimonoseki. Najin (Rashin) on the northeastern coast of Korea has an estimated port capacity of 13,700 long tons per 10-hour day and is be- lieved to handle shipments from the ports of northern Honshu and Hokkaido. (A-2) Along the western coast two major supply depots, Kyongsong (KeijO) and P'yongyang (Heijo), are reported being served regularly through the ports of Inch'on ( Jinsen) and Chin- namp'o (Chinnampo) respectively. (F-2) Information is lacking as to ports on the islands of Quelpart and Tsushima. A packet steamer of very low tonnage has car- ried passengers from the mainland of Korea to a small pier at the town of Cheju (SaishO) on the northern coast of Quelpart. (F-2) On the eastern coast a submarine base has been reported in operation. Tsushima Island is reported having many anchor- ages, Takeshiki, Izuhara, and Kin being three of the largest. (F-3) A torpedo boat base is indicated at Kusubo, a town on one of the smaller islands. 123. Fortifications A. Fortified areas. (FIGURES XII - 5, XII - 6, XII - 7, and XII - 8) The principal fortified areas in Korea and the islands of Tsushima and Quelpart are centered around Pusan (Fusan), Najin (Rashin), Wonsan (Genzan), and Aso-wan (Tsushi- ma Sound). Coast defenses are also at Chinnamp'o (Chinnam- po) , Inch'on ( Jinsen), and Yosu (Reisui) . The principal industrial regions are defended by light concentrations of anti- aircraft defenses. (A-2) Recent reports indicate that extensive marine minefields are in the Korea and Tsushima-kaikyo (straits) and in the Najin (Rashin) area. (B-2) The defenses concentrated around Pusan and Tsushima are intended to protect the highly strategic supply route between Japan proper and the Korean Peninsula and to prevent passage from the East China Sea to the Sea of Japan either through the Korea Strait or the Tsushima Strait. The fortifications located in the Najin (Rashin) area protect the strategic Korea-Soviet bor- der and the important ports of Najin (Rashin) and Unggi (Yuki). The defenses in the fortified area of Wonsan (Gen- zan) defend a potentially important naval station and harbor. (A-2) A comprehensive outline of known fortifications as of 10 February 1945 is presented in the following figures. FIGURE XII - 5?Korea: including Tsushima and Quelpart, Forti- fications. FIGURE XII - 6?Tsushima, Fortifications. FIGURE XII - 7?Pusan Ho (Fusan-lcO), Fortifications. FIGURE XII - 8?Wonsan (Genzan) and Yonghung-man (Eikto- wan), Fortifications. All known information on armament of the various fortifi- cations is given. However, in some instances, the specific models of weapons are not known. TABLES XII - 3 and XII - 4 contain specifications concerning weapons that may be found in Korea and the islands of Tsushima and Quelpart. TABLE XII - 3?Japanese Fixed Coastal Guns. TABLE XII - 4?Japanese Mobile Artillery. B. Mobile artillery. Mobile artillery units have been located in the general areas listed below. The normal armament of each unit is indicated in parentheses. Characteristics of individual weapons are given in TABLE XII - 4. (I) Kyongsong, (KeijO), Seoul. One field artillery regiment replacement unit (component of depot division) with 6 Model 95 (1935) or Improved Model 38 (1905) 75-mm. field guns and 6 Model 91 (1931) 105- mm. howitzers is located here. (2) P'yongyang (HeijO). One field artillery regiment replacement unit (component of depot division), with 3 Model 95 (1935) or Improved Model 38 (1905) 75-mm. field guns, 6 Model 91 (1931) 105- mm. howitzers, and 3 Model 4 ( 1915 ) 150-mm. howitzers is located here. (3)Nanam (Ranan). One mountain artillery regiment replacement unit (com- ponent of depot division) with 9 Model 94 (1934) 75-mm. mountain guns is located at Nanam. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Page XII - 6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 DEFENSES Confidential CALIBER 3 inches 3 inches 4 inches 120-mm. (4.7 inches) 120-mm. (4.7 inches) 5 inches 150-mm. (5.9 inches) 150-mm. (5.9 inches) 6 inches 6 inches 6 inches 6 inches 6 inches 155-mm. (6.1 inches) 194-mm. (7.6 inches) 8 inches 8 inches 8 inches 9.2 inches 9.2 inches 240-mm. (9.4 inches) 240-mm. (9.4 inches) 10 inches 10 inches 270-mm. (10.6 inches) 270-mm. (10.6 inches) 10.8 inches 280-mm. (11 inches) 305-mm. (12 inches) 305-mm. (12 inches) 12 inches IDENTIFICATION Model 10 (1921) dual purpose gun Model 3 (1914) naval gun Unknown LENGTH IN CALIBERS TABLE XII - 3 JAPANESE FIXED COASTAL GUNS February f 945 WEIGHT OE PROJECTILE SHELLS (POUNDS) 40 Armor-piercing 12.5 high explosive 45 High explosive 12.5 Destroyer MINEKAZE class 45 Model 3 (1914) naval gun Model 38 (1905) 120-mm. Howitzer Standard naval dual purpose gun Model 45 (1912) 150-mm. gun Unknown Cruiser IWATE class naval gun Battleship KONGO class naval gun Mark VII British coast de- fense gun on Mark II mount Mark VII British coast de- fense gun on Mark III mount Mark VII British coast de- fense gun on Mark V mount Schneider naval gun Unknown Armstrong-Whitworth naval gun (1905) Russian naval gun Armstrong-Whitworth naval gun British coast defense gun on Mark VII mount British coast defense gun on Mark V mount Model 45 (1912 howitzer) French gun, model of 1884 (believed to be a Canet gun), or Japanese copy Russian naval gun Armstrong-Whitworth naval gun Schneider 1893-96 gun Schneider 1893 gun Gun, unknown Japanese modification of Italian type howitzer 30-cm. howitzer (short) 30-cm. howitzer (long) Japanese gun 50 Armor-piercing high explosive PENETRATION EFFECT (INCHES AT 90 ? ) 1.1 at 5,000 yards MUZZLE VELOCITY (FEET PER SECOND) 2,200 2,200 TRA- MAXIMUM RANGE* ELEVATION* VERSE* * (YARDS) (DEGREES) (DEGREES) 11,600 (vertical 85 range 20,000 ft.) 45 1.7 at 10,000 yards 2,800 17,600 63 1.5 at 20,000 yards 2,900 21,000 Armor-piercing 101 high explosive 89 Armor-piercing 40 Armor-piercing 50 Armor-piercing 100 2.6 at 15,000 yards 2,800 14,000 100 2.2 at 15,000 yards 2,300 18,000 100 2,525 14,100 100 2,500 15,000 100 2,525 21,700 50 Armor-piercing 123.5 45 Armor-piercing 254 7 at 5,000 yards (estimated 45 40 Armor-piercing 45 Armor-piercing 2,854 25,000 (estimated) -5 to +20 45 -5 to +43 85 20 20 30 254 2.5 at 20,000 yards 2,600 21,000 35 380 2,825 31,300 35 (with super (with super charge) charge) 45 Armor-piercing 380 16.2 High explosive 440 Armor-piercing high explosive 26 Armor-piercing 45 Armor-piercing 9.75 at 5,000 yards 45 10.5 at 5,000 yards 40 Armor-piercing 580 45 Armor-piercing 579.1 40 Armor-piercing 16.4 Armor-piercing 880 24 Armor-piercing 880 45 Armor-piercing 16 at 5,000 yards 2,700 19,300 1,300 11,300 19,000 2,700 Over 20,000 2,600 26,000 24,000 7,300 1,310 13,080 16,570 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 360 360 3 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 265 +45 to +65 360 -5 to +38 20 25 +45 to +65 360 360 360 Confidential Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 DEFENSES Page XII- 7 LENGTII IN CALIBER IDENTIFICATION CALIBERS 12 inches English 40 14 inches Battleship KONGO class 40 naval gun 16 inches Battleship NAGATO class 45 naval gun *Maximum elevations indicated for naval guns quently, the maximum range. '*Thc traverses of naval guns are limited by ship structure when mounted on ships, and by terrain only when mounted on land. TABLE XII - 3 Continued WEIGIIT OF PROJECTILE SHELLS ( POUNDS ) Armor-piercing Armor-piercing 1400 MUZZLE PENETRATION VELOCITY EFFECT ( FEET PER (INCHES AT 90?) SECOND) 12 at 5,000 yards 6.5 at 30,000 yards 2,600 Armor-piercing 2,200 10 at 30,000 yards 2,592 TRA- MAXIMUM RANGE* ELEVATION* VERSE* * (YARDS) (DEGREES) (DEGREES) 32,000 36,000 apply to ship mounts. The character of the land mounting would affect 35 360 35 360 the maximum elevation and, conse- TABLE XII - 4 JAPANESE MOBILE ARTILLERY February 1945 WEIGIIT MUZZLE OF VELOCITY PROJECTILE ( FEET RANGE ELEVATION TRAVERSE WEIGHT IN FIRING POSITION WEIGHT IN TRAVELING POSITION RATE (ROUNDS PER WEAPON SHELLS ( POUNDS ) PER SECOND) (YARDS) (DEGREES) (DEGREES) DRAFT ( POUNDS ) (POUNDS) MINUTE) Model 98 (1938) High explosive with tracer, 0.30 2,720 Horizontal -10 to 360 Horse 836 865 120 20-mm. AA ma- self-destroying 5,450 yards +85 (without chine cannon Armor-piercing with tracer 0.35 Effective ceiling wheels) 4,000 feet Model 1 (1941) High explosive 3.37 2,722 3,900 -11 to 60 Motor truck 1,660 1,760 12 47-mm. gun Armor-piercing high explosive 3.08 (armor-pierc- +19 ing high explosive) Model 88 (1928) High explosive 14.5 2,360 15,000 yards - 5 to 360 Motor truck 5,400 6,000 10 to 15 75-mm. AA gun Shrapnel Illuminating Effective ceiling +85 High explosive pointed 22,500 feet AA High explosive pointed Model 94 (1934) High explosive 75-mm. mountain Armor-piercing high explosive gun Shrapnel 14 1,300 8,800 yards -10 to +45 40 Pack 1,200 1,100 10 Smoke Incendiary Illuminating Model 38 (1905) High explosive improved 75-mm. Armor-piercing high explosive gun Shrapnel 14 1,700 11,700 (with high explosive pointed - 8 to +43 7 Horse 2,400 4,200 10 Smoke Model 90 (1930) Incendiary 75-mm. gun Illuminating High explosive pointed 14 2,230 15,000 (with high explosive pointed) - 8 to +43 50 Tractor 3,500 4,400 10 Model 95 (1935) 75-mm. gun 14 1,700 11,700 (with high explosive pointed) - 8 to +43 50 Horse 2,450 4,250 10 Model 92 (1932) High explosive 105-mm. gun Armor-piercing high explosive High explosive pointed 35 2,500 20,000 (with high explosive pointed) - 5 to -1- 45 36 Tractor 8,200 9,600 6 Incendiary Model 91 (1931) Shrapnel 35 1,800 12,000 - 5 to 40 Horse 3,300 4,300 6 105-mm. how- itzer -1-45 Model 99 (1939) High explosive 105-mm. Moun-High explosive pointed tain gun 30 6,000 (with high explosive) 18 Horse Of Pack 1,650 1,750 2 to 4 Model 96 (1936) High explosive 150-mm. Armor-piercing high explosive howitzer High explosive pointed 70-80 1,800 12,000 (with high explosive pointed) - 5 to +65 30 Tractor 9,100 11,000 3 to 4 Shrapnel Model 4 (1915) Smoke 150-mm. Illuminating howitzer 70-80 1,300 9,500 (with high explosive) - 5 to +65 6 Horse 6,100 2 loads heavier 4,850 3 to 4 Model 89 (1929) High explosive 150-mm. gun Armor-piercing high explosive 80-100 2,500 20,000 (with high explosive) - 5 to + 43 40 Tractor 22,950 2 loads heavier 1 to 2 High explosive pointed 17,200 Shrapnel Model 45 (1912) High explosive 240-mm. Armor-piercing high explosive howitzer 440 11,300 (with armor-piercing high explosive) - 2 to +65 360 Tractor 70,000 Heaviest load 14,500 1 Model 90 (1930) High explosive 440 3,560 55,775 0 to 360 Locomotive 292,000 240-mm. Schnei-Armor-piercing high explosive der railway gun + 50 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Page XII- 8 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 DEFENSES Confidential C. Antiaircraft artillery. The following antiaircraft units have been located in Korea: 2 antiaircraft defense regiments with 16 or 24 Model 88 (1928) 75-mm. antiaircraft guns each; 1 independent antiair- craft defense battalion with 8 or 12 Model 88 (1928) 75-mm. antiaircraft guns; 1 independent antiaircraft artillery battalion with 8 or 12 Model 88 (1928) 75-mm. antiaircraft guns; and 2 independent antiaircraft artillery companies with 4 or 6 Model 88 (1:928) 75-mm. antiaircraft guns each. D. Railroad artillery. The first 240-mm. Schneider railway gun was purchased by the Japanese in 1929. It is reported that 30 of these guns are now in the possession of the Japanese. While no Japanese rail- way guns are known to be in Korea, it is probably possible to operate this or a similar gun on the main railway lines in Korea. Detailed specifications of this gun are given in TABLE XII - 3. E. Air warning system. Details pertaining to the air defense system in Korea, Tsu- shima, and Quelpart are incomplete and fragmentary. Despite this, factual information is available to indicate that an air de- fense system similar to that in Japan proper has been estab- lished and has in operation an adequate warning system to de- tect approaching aircraft. The use of airplane searches, radio search receivers, visual observers on land and in boats, and early warning radar, which is capable of detecting. aircraft and surface vessels at a distance of 70 miles, enables the Japanese to detect approaching air- planes before they are over Korea or parts of Japan proper. Information pertaining to advance detection of Allied bombers is not available. It is believed that a systematic airplane search is maintained off the southern and southeastern coasts of Korea presumably for the primary purpose of detecting surface vessels and sub- marines. These searches, which may extend as far as 100 and 200 miles out to sea, also afford possibilities of reporting air- craft. Vedette and patrol boats are stationed some distance off the coast. These are, in many cases, equipped with radio to report their observations. Those not so equipped signal visually to nearby larger boats having radio equipment. It is further believed that visual observation posts, supple- mented in some cases by sound facilities, are spotted at various points for the purpose of reporting the presence of airplanes and surface vessels as soon as they are within visual or audible range. Radar installations are known to be located on the island of Quelpart. The approximate locations of these are shown on FIGURE XII -5. Reports received by way of the various air warning facilities are promptly broadcast through the Headquarters of the Chin- hae (Chinkai) Guard District to various points within the Japa- nese Empire, including the War and Navy Ministries in Tokyo. The commUnications network available to the Japanese armed forces is very good. (A-2) F. Air raid precautions. (1) Organization. The Air Defense Headquarters, attached to the Home Min- istry, is the central body supervising civilian defense activities, establishing policy, and conducting research in air raid pre- eaution problems. It is headed by the Home Minister of Japan and includes representatives of other ministries. Members of the Home Ministry's Police Bureau hold important positions in the Headquarters, and the police in general are charged with the immediate supervision of air raid precaution functions as they are performed by the Neighborhood Associations ( Tonari- gumi) and by various volunteer groups. (2) Police. It is probable that a new police unit, the Keibitai, similar to that formed in Japan proper in April 1944 has been estab- lished for the maintenance of peace and order during emergen- 4ies. These police were not to engage in ordinary police adminis- tration business but to undergo special training on military lines. is reported that the National Defense Association maintains a raining institute at Kyongsong (Keiji)") where such training is being conducted. (3) Neighborhood associations (Tonari-gumi). . Neighborhood associations, of which everyone is a member, have been established. The members of these act as air raid wardens and are trained in fire fighting and first aid. Their activities have been largely in the hands of women, but it is now believed that men have been urged to take a larger part in neighborhood air raid activities. (4) Warning. Sirens are used, but the population has been warned to expect alarms by bells, flags, and signal light as well. There are three sirens signals: alert, air raid, and all clear, the first and last be ing similar. There is also provision for warning by local war- dens, who shout the warning and all clear through megaphones. Gas mains are to be turned off as soon as the alert sounds and the use of telephones by the general public is prohibited for five hours after the all clear. (5) Blackouts. Blackouts are known to have been practiced for a number of years. (A-1) No information is available as to the extent of their perfection. (6) Shelters. Information as to what provisions have been made for air raid shelters is very meager. There is a small number of modern buildings in the more important towns of Korea capable of affording effective shelters. The only other reported shelter is of the trench type. (A -2 ) (7) Fire control. Fire control has been recognized by the Japanese Govern- ment as a major problem in the event of air raids. Information on actual procedure is scattered and incomplete. To make sufficient- water available, a number of under- ground reservoirs have been built in important centers as prep- aration for air raids. An important measure aimed at preventing the spread of fire has been the prohibition of the construction Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Confidential DEFENSES Page XII - 9 of houses with straw roofs and the erection of any buildings at all in certain areas. (A-1) The air defense system in Korea, Tsushima, and Quelpart is believed to be far from complete. This is predicated upon the assumption that the Japanese armed forces believe that all large- scale Allied air attacks will be directed against the important and strategic areas in Japan proper for some time to come. It is further believed that the native Koreans are reluctant to give wholehearted cooperation in carrying out their duties. 124. Potential Defense Areas A. General. (FIGURE XII - 5) Several coastal areas not listed in Topic 123 as fortified are believed suitable for operations against strategically important inland areas. For this reason these areas may have coastal de- fenses or may be provided with them in the future. In addition to the antiaircraft defenses shown in Topic 123, similar installations probably exist in other areas which contain important airfields, ports, and industries. B. Fotenti al fortified areas. The potential fortified areas are listed below and are shown On FIGURE XII - 5. ( I) Taedasa-do (Daitasa-tO, T ashitO). This growing industrial are commanding the mouth of the Yalu River, contains an important newly developed port, muni- tions plants, and an airfield. (A-2) (2) Haeju (Kaishn). This area contains a large explosives plant, a cement plant, an airfield, and port facilities. (A-2) (3) Kunsan (Gunzan). This area includes a potential landing beach in the vicinity of a strategic railroad junction as well as an airport. (B-2) (4) Ulsan-man (Urusan-wan). Landings on the beach in this area would by-pass the heavy fortifications of Pusan (Fusan) and would make possible an enveloping movement toward Pusan and Chinhae (Chinkai). The east coast railroad line is only a few miles from the coast in the area. An airfield is located here. (B-2) (5) Y ongil-man (Geijitsu-wan). At the head of this bay there is a potential landing beach in close proximity to a rail center on the coastal railroad. (B-2) (6) Changjon (Chosen). This area contains port facilities and a potential landing beach. The coastal railway leading to the important port of Wonsan (Genzan), about 48 miles northwest, runs very near the sea at this point. (A-2) (7) Hamhung-man (KankO-wan). Landings along the beach in this area would permit a direct approach to the important industrial district centering in Hungnam (Konan). The port of Wonsan is 45 miles to the south. (B-2) (8) Iwon Anchorage (Rigen Hakuchi). The area at the head Iwon Anchorage (Roadstead) presents a potential landing beach between the important centers of Hungnam (Konan) and Songjin ( Joshin). Both the coastal railway and a first-class road at least 24 feet wide run very near the shore here. (B-2) (9) lmmyong-hae (Rimmei-kai). A potential landing beach is located at the northern head of this bay. Objectives in a landing here would be the port facilities of Songjin, the coastal railway which runs through the city of Songjin, and the first-class highway running south to Hamhung (Kanko) and Wonsan and north to Nanam (Ranan), Ch'ongjin (Seishin), and Najin (Rashin). (B-2) (10) Kidong-man (Kido-wan). This area includes a number of small potential landing beaches which would permit direct approach to the important ports of Ch'ongjin and Najin. (B-2) 125. Principal Sources 2. Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Area. 1941. Item No. 9683, pages 258 and 608. (Secret). 3. -U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Far Eastern Unit. 2 Aug. 1943. PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC SURVEY OF KOREA. 118 pp., illus. (Confidential). 4. U.S. Navy Department, Office of Chief of Naval Operations, Division of Naval Intelligence. Apr. 1944. JAPANESE MONOGRAPH. ONI 49, Dec. 1941 with changes. (Confidential). 5. Dec. 1944. PORT OF FUSAN. Addenda No. 1 OP-16-FE 64-44, 10 pp. (Confidential). 6. Dec. 1944. PORT OF al-.ENZAN. OP-16-FE 67-44, 12 pp. (Confi- dential). 7. U.S. Office of Strategic Services, Far Eastern Section. 5 Aug. 1942. KOREA-ECONOMIC SURVEY. 62,8 pp., illus. (Con- fidential). 8. U.S. War Department, Adjutant General's Office. 15 Sept. 1944. HANDBOOK ON JAPANESE MILITARY FORCES. TM-E 30-480, 401 pp., illus. (Restricted). 9. U.S. War Department, AAF, Headquarters 14th Air Force, 18th Photo Intelligence Detachment. Nov. 1944. FUSAN, KOREA, Spec. P.I. Rept. 47. MIPI 39920, 6 pp., illus. (Confidential). 10. U.S. War Department, AAF, Headquarters, 20th Bomber Com- mand, Intelligence Section. 1 Jan. 1945. BULLETIN NO. 8. 24 pp. (Secret). 11. U.S. War Department, AAF, Office of the Assistant Chief of Air Staff Intelligence. 12 Aug. 1944. AIR OBJECTIVE FOLDERS 84.1 TO 84.8, KOREA AREAS. 91 pp. (Confidential) 12. 13. 18 July 1944. AIR OBJECTIVE FOLDER 90.39-TsusHimA. 30 pp. (Confidential). 27 Nov. 1944. PHOTO INTELLIGENCE REPORT No. AF-12. SAISHU. A/F No. 1, MIPI 39505, illus. (Confidential). Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 25X1 Page XII - 10 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 DEFENSES Confidential 14. U.S. War Department, General Staff, Military Intelligence Division. 15 June 1943. SURVEY OF KOREA. S 30-784, 200 pp. illus. (Con- fidential). 15. Dec. 1943. JAPANESE INFANTRY WEAPONS. Spec. Ser. 19, 241 pp., illus. (Restricted). Apr. 1944. ORDER OF BATTLE OF THE JAPANESE ARMED FORCES. Revised through January 1945, 1154 pp. (Confidential). 7 Nov. 1944. MILITARY ATTACHE REPORT No. 1181?SAISHU ISLAND. 3 pp. (Confidential). U.S. War Department, General Staff, Military Intelligence Division, Captured Personnel and Material Branch. 8 July 1944. DOCUMENT No. 415-1256-MI. 5 pp. (Confidential). U.S. War Department, Office of Chief of Engineers, Military In- telligence Division. 26 Feb. 1944. Engineering Research Office Rept. 47. Vol. 1. INTRO- DUCTION, RAILROADS. 224 pp., illus. (Confidential). Vol. 2. HIGHWAYS, SANITATION, ELECTRIC POWER. 172 pp., illus. (Confidential). MAPS, GAZETTEERS, AND TIME TABLES 20. Japan, Government Tourist Bureau. 1 May 1941. MANSHU SHINA KISHA JIKANBYO (Manchuria- China Railroad Timetable). 150 pp., illus. 21. Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai (The Society for International Cultural Relations). 1937. MAP OF JAPAN AND ADJACENT REGIONS. Tokyo, Toppan Printing Co. 22. KK Ryoko Annaisha 1 Dec. 1938. KISHA KISEN RYOKO ANNAI (Train and Steamship Travel). 376 pp., illus. 23. U. S. Navy Department, .Hydrographic Office. 1944. AVIATION CHARTS. KOREA. V3 Series, Sheets V3-27, V3-28, V3-29, V3-30, V3-31, V3-32, V3-33, V3-34, V3-35, V3-36, Scale 1:218, 880. 24. U. S. War Department, Army Map Service. Sept. 1944. GAZETTEER TO MAPS OF KOREA. Map Series AMS L551, Scale 1:250,000. Two sheets from AMS L 401. Scale 1:500,000. 313 pp., illus. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 1943. MAP SERIES AMS L 401, MANCHURIA. Scale 1:500,000. Nov. 1943. PLACE NAME INDEX FOR KOREA. 63 pp., illus. 1944. MAP SERIES AMS L 551, KOREA. Scale 1:250,000. 1944. MAP SERIES AMS L 571, JAPAN. Scale 1:250,000. 1944. MAP SERIES AMS 5301, EASTERN ASIA. Scale 1:1,000,000. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 41' Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 FIGURE XII - 1 Japanese Army Dispositions JANIS 75 CONFIDENTIAL CH 9 H ryAn ao 1 (tartan-a (eh' TAE011 CIAIKTO) hinhae hink Cit'un (Ch 0 'on it (Tenvt) KYONGsoNG MOM OrOuu (gliittPtiol3 KOREA INCLUDING TSUSHIMA AND QUELPART JAPANESE ARMY DISPOSITIONS 10 FEBRUARY 1945 0Sonao (Julian) P'YoNGYANG aeju CHINNAM (CHINNAMPO) Fortress Mixed Regiment (Existence Questioned) MR _xx Divisional District Boundary BOUNDARY Or JAWS 0 10 20 30 40 _ 60 70 80 90 100 mays 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 20 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Ea0METIRS ns?-) Q Approved For Release 2006/63757CIATRI7P7rOtt**M0000,964.0 42 of the Yakl branch remount (A-2) oil plant; possible oil st (A-2) Branc4 remount depot (A-2) Gasol and oil stores (A-2) 41? Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 39 38 3730 37' 36` 35 34 FIGURE IUI - 2 Supply Installations 7 ions5 and Ports j CONFIDENTIAL Mukden (Manchuria) at and provisions and (A-2) construction equipment (F-2) Arsenal (F-D) Gasoline and ? I stores (8-2) Synthetic oil t; possible oil storage (C 3) Concrete am unition warehouses (F-3) Agency of the Yliki ranen remowat depot (A-) Agency of the ki brancn remount depot (A- ? and oil stores (A-2) and oils stored in warehouses (A-3) Mined stores In warehouses (F-2) Ion Stores (F-2) e warehouse (F-2) ntified stores in warehouses (F-2) "c OR plant; possible oil age (F-3) stores of military supplies (9-2) ge facilities at port (F-2) rY supply stores (C-2) ge facilities at port (F-2) A 31 J A P Chultpyan (Ch. amch'iik choku) Andong TAEGU YAM VU) Chinh hink Saengjan Sin (Shinh Ch'un (Ch HU GNAM. ( AN- Ch'un h' n un si(grag.i. (K ko) eN Gr ZAN) rOmurnDO (nonuouro) Cauc an vbn ?Kent") (1 i 0? I ?.. -;?,(- a , ? 61 to /11?9?40/1 17 Slili* " a part of the Pusan-Chinhae (Fusan- ChInkad) Fortified Zone is defended by coast defense and-antiaircraft -) 9 5. , 3S .., _ ? ??,,,..._. ,_ e . At . iijfil - k . tiv - ,-..?.,,,,,, , . a ,...,.,,,i4o ,.., 19 a 5,,,--..,-- guns which are concentrated on Mok- to (Makino-shima) and the adjacent mainland. Forty-five antiaircraft ea ea ??44. ?,....,) , 4,.c--.1 411tbas ? \ , 4,2% *4 # i " 32 I 1671 0 a la 1 c -N guns and eleven searchlights recently have been encountered in the Pusan- ho area, but the locations 1-1-.7-:- - Maki To C-ci- ?,,,,_ 1..----vAs, VC=------. at . . , la.? -4 . a . a -)a-,--, 61 41 ' 5 et 011.2?,_,,, ..."--IC (11 Sean-Might. (A-2) exact ca them all have not been determined. The waters of this area are mined, but details are not 'mourn. ?arc ` 1--1-- r" 1 9 0 o medium coast defense guns. (A-3) STATUTE MILES .. _ 5 ? f) -- Four-gun emplacement, apparently Nr .._ ? ri.. 1,.;._. 7) .. ( _C. At sa.6..tC al i -- \ ' ? nb. ZIS ? 0.,_____,-....____, ftratb '-?-? V .-q kJ Fu f--- I?. .. ? ? . ? Pabollat a a 8 6 . . 9 61 .2 I USAN HI i "1 11, > it ins. 23 4..) .95 capable of being re-occupied. (A-2) Searchlight and two antiaircraft positions with six heavy AA guns at each position. et I a i 1 i 1 a a au A 1 ),- . _s.i ef. 475V-.1 ' ?1 ? s 7..." SS , ,o N Ka) m- "sr ft-i i MOK TO--- sw. a ta . lagARK 7 . ' MAKINO SHIMA +2, 11 ' ..? , .0, - ? iee Searchlight. (A-2) 1 1 ? rilag-- 1 4 2 g I ...- - "17 ? 2g 1 4 6- a . a ? ,- 4- sa ,_ wart,v, ? . ? - 0 8 9 / .. , 19 ? anon Koala ? ?' ,, ? o ? a 6 0 ? saa,Kaa. . t 6 9 0 2 24 S / ( 0 Th /2 PO q- i EICh r oast defense pins. (F-3) our heavy AA guns. (A-2) s ? ' T 41 KI:10K 7 8 6 .1 KATOKU SOM , a _ , '141 -'4 1 &I.' I i Cith 1 IL -- 'FL 4: ,4 479/ Th' '? ax ta 4i s A MO ic. c: ity - ? 2-* . u tti NA KUTOGUv PO 1.1 61 , , 7 ? Chu:am To 1 4 a s 13165 o 1 7 til 8 8 ? 8 a 0 . ? . 944 5 17 2 NO a 12 * 4:75 ai o a 'I 4 *., 2? 45 46 a is s 3.6.4. , ?119 2 22 A 13 0 a 7409. 21 s ? al a " 32 4o 44 46 * a 1.- so Four light AA guns. (A-2) Four neavy AA guns. (A-21 Throe unoccupied gun Eimplacements, apparently abandoned, but believed capable of being re-occupied. (A-2) ? _a 7 8 ? .422 a tivit " 4, ? 7 . 3 41 . 0 20 0 SB IR a 4 9 ft- 7- 6 13 8 ?I IN SI ? J..t.... o li ' ',I? ? /.._ ,,, a: - --- 7 - I. 4 15 a a 22 a- 0 S 4 : . m 25 ? a .' 1 36 88 V a a a " 4 27 38 a 22 ? ? ./ a 29 36 0 An older report shows two 10-inch coast defense guns at this position.(F-3) Two heavy coast defense guns. (A-3) . IS a * i ID 8 a ? *) 17 , 21 ? 44 77 * a * ? a ? Iv ? ? 21 21 o , 4 ao * a ? * a 17 a * 15 ra 2? A a a a 0 0 s a a 0 ?? 26 25 *ay a 20 ? 21 A 17 .4, 20 * a .942 17 9' ?6.2:16"96. * 22 a a a ' 26 22 23 22 lo ? . ? ao aa ? . ? 2? 23 n V 26 a 77 29 i \ 5 a 26 44 ? tr? 26 29 a 35 40 45 9?97 94. a n 49 a " 37 ?2 0 . A 13 x 40 47 ly9Y 0 46 49 !Nr- alt Vfil 44 40 taro An older report shows one 6-inch coast defense gun at this position. (F-3) Searchlight and six heavy AA guns. (A-2) Seal-chill-art and four light AA guns. 51 t2W S4140 carraolansfroatva 14c '41 +mama Is Itanners 160-46 tom ?Nor mono Waakingten,D77..publakadtlaa. MT, cads" ByeagrapAia 66.2. snows& or ou sacesnoor OP raw 161I7 Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 EDITION. 2nd.No41999 Base Map-U H 0 Chad 5460 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Three' small 'guns. (F-2), Four 8-inch guns. (F-2) Three sroall guns. (F-2) JANIS 75 FIGURE XII-8 WoNSAN (GENZAN) and YoNGHIJNG-MAN (ETKO-wAN) FORTIFICATIONS 10 FEBRUARY 1945 LEGEND my Battery ? Fortified Position p Observation Post AA Antiaircraft Gun General. Wnsan (Genzan), headquarters for the defense command of Yeinghring-man (ika-wan), Is defended by coast defense and antiaircraft guns which are concentrated on the Hodo (Kotb) peninsula and the large islands in the bay. It is quite probable that the defenses as here shown have been materially strengthened. The waters of this area are mined,but the details are not known. SC: LE o 1/ STATUTE MILES 214,01.111. Battery; no details. (F-2) hreg small guns. (F-2) SignalBtation. (F-2) ?our large guns. (F-2) Y6NGHUWG-11/IA N (ENO-WAN) Fou,r , :44' afte py) ? no ;ietkit41 s . 7 (.2.4, 11.:2T211,1"gliji8Vi (!-2) 61 Four Arian gahs. cF-2) Three sms11 guns,. 7 ? Si WAN rn , i . ....,474r, iS ,: t. - ..,... ..-, $0 Va corr. front Mew, 2 'Sven .901.V.C.2 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A00091301:1119"--- ase Map-U H 0 Chart Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP79-01144A000900010012-9 Published by ? THE JOINT INTELLIGENCE STUDY PUBLISHING BOARD Military Intelligence Division, G-2 Division of Naval Intelligence Office of Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence Office of Strategic Services T WASHINGTON, D. C. Approved For Release??16%aiNetag-06159-01144A000900010012-#