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2003-/05/14: CIA-RDP794'I~A00 0001001 ?5 Thrs r c u ner ant , information affecting the national dTe of t ense tine meanr g o the Espionage Act Sb U.S.C..31 and 32, ded~ revelation of cant nts in any manner to :z is p CHANGE IN CL . CLASSIFIED C SS. CHANGED TOt Ti S 0 tI XT REVIEW DATE: Approved for Release 2003/05/14 79 01144A000 O T[ 1 IS 41 REVIEWEtI h e United States wit in Its traion or the rohibited lav., p0 E O Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES, CHAPTER XIII CHANGE IN SUBJECT MATTER EFFECT Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Original List of Effective Pages and Table of Contents, Chapter XIII (inside front cover) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Original Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Original Text (reverse blank) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Original Imprint (inside back cover) . . . . . . . . . . . Original PAGE NUMBERS unnumbered unnumbered pp. XIII-:L to XIII-44 p. XIII-45 unnumbered TABLE OF CONTENTS Note: This chapter is based on material available in Washington, D. C., on 17 May 1948. Page 130. GAZETTEER . . . . . . . . . . XIII - 1 131. MAP APPRAISAL . . . . . . . . . XIII -1 A. General topographic maps . . . . . XIII - 1 (1) First era . . . . . . . . . . XIII - 1 (a) :Maps at scale of 1:420,000: European Russia, 1:420.,000, K.V.T. . . . . . . . . XIII - 1 (b) :Maps at scale of 1:126,000: European Russia, 1:126:,000, K.V.T. . . . . . . . . XIII - 2 (c) Maps at scale of 1:84,000: European Russia, 1:84,000, K.V.T. . . . . . . . . XIII - 2 (d) :Maps at scale of 1:42,000: European Russia, 1:42.,000, K.V.T. . . . . . . . . XIII - 2 (e) Maps at scale of 1:21,000: European Russia, 1:21,000, K.V.T. . . . . . . . . XIII - 2 (2) Second era . . . . . . . . . XIII - 2 (a) :Maps at scale of 1:1,000,000 . XIII - 3 :L. European USSR, 1:1,000,000, General Staff, Red Army . XIII - 3 2. Europe, 1:1,000,000, GSGS 2758 . . . . . . . . XIII - 3 3. Special Edition, 1: 1,000,000, General Staff, German Army . . . . . . . XIII - 4 (b) :Maps at scale of 1: 500,000 . . XIII - 4 L. European USSR, 1:500,000, General Staff, Red Army XIII - 4 2. Deutsche Weltkarte,. 1:500 000, General Staff, Ger- man Army . . . . . . XIII - 5 (c) Maps at scale of 1:300,000 . XIII - 5 :L. Special Edition, USSR, 1:- 300,000, General Staff, German Army . . . . XIII - 5 2. Military Geography Map, Eastern Europe (Mil-Geo- Karte), 1:300,000, General Staff, German Army . . XIII - 6 (d) :Maps at scale of 1:200,000: European USSR, 1:200,000, General Staff, Red Army XIII - 7 (e) Maps at scale of 1:100,000 . XIII - 8 1. European USSR, 1:100,000, General Staff, Red Army . XIII - 8 Page (f) 2. European USSR, 1:100,000, General Staff, German Army, Troop and Spe- cial Editions . . . . XIII - 9 Maps at scale of 1:50,000 . XIII - 9 1. European USSR, 1:50,000, General Staff, Red Army XIII - 9 2. German Army Map, Troop Edition (Deutsche Heer- eskarte), USSR, 1:50,000, General Staff, German Army . . . . . . . XIII - 10 (1) The Aeronautical Planning Chart series, 1:5,000,000; USAF Aero- nautical Chart Service . . . XIII - 10 (2) The :Long Range Air Navigation Chart series, 1:3,000,000; USAF Aeronautical Chart Service . . XIII - 10 (3) The V-30 Air Navigation Chart se- ries, 1:2,188,000; U. S. Hydro- graphic Office . . . . . . XIII - 10 (4) The World Aeronautical Chart se- ries,, 1:1,000,000; USAF Aero- nautical Chart Service (5) Chart Service . . . . . . . XIII - 11 The USAF Pilotage Chart series, 1:500,000; USAF Aeronautical (6) Europe (Air) series, 1:500,000; GSGS 4072 . . . . . . XIII - 11 (7) Europe (Air) series, 1:250,000; GSGS 3982 . . . . . . . . XIII - 11 (8) USAF' Equidistant Chart Centered near Sverdlovsk, USSR ZD9 (ZI)9N - Nomograph) ; 1:24,327,- 708, September 1946; USAF Aeronautical Chart Service . . XIII - 11 (9) Special Air Navigation Chart, S-140 England. - India, 1:5,000,- 000 along 40?N; USAF Aeronau- tical Chart Service . . . . . XIII - 11 (10) Special Air Navigation Chart se- ries, 1:1,000,000 along 56?N; USAF Aeronautical Chart Serv- ice . . . . . . . . . . XIII - 12 C. Hydrographic charts . . . . . . XIII - 12 (Table of Contents, continued inside back cover) Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Wi 04 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 ED11 01 ' ~v~ ?o MAP APPRAISAL Prepared by Map Research Section, Army Map Service, Office of the Chief of Engineers; and by Map Intelligence Division, Research and Intelligence Organization, Department of State 130. GAZETTEER Names of physical and cultural features appearing in JANIS 40, European USSR are those recommended by the United States Board on Geographic Names. These names are incorporated in the Preliminary NIS Gazetteer: USSR. 131. MAP APPRAISAL Cartography in Russia may be divided into two eras: 1) The period under the Tsarist Regime prior to 1919, and, 2) The period of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic dating from the revolution to the present. Political disruptions in Russia have resulted in many changes of cartographic policies. The year 1919 is selected as the dividing line of mapping eras inasmuch as that year marked the beginning of the first major change-over in Russian cartographic, geodetic, and topographic policies. A. General topographic maps (1) First era For nearly a century (1816-1910) prior to 1919, mapping of Tsarist Russia was desultory, uncoordinated, and with- out far-sighted planning for continuity. Triangulation was performed by the Tsarist Corps of Military Topographers, only as required sectionally, with- out planned consideration for the preservation of network bench marks. Apparently a vast majority of the bench marks, developed over scores of years, were completely lost because of improper security. About 28,000 miles of triangulation leveling were accom- plished and 3,900 astronomical positions were determined; yet of this considerable volume of data collected, probably less than 2,000 miles of leveling was usable later and only a few astronomical definitions have survived *. It is claimed that the only survey data taken over and used by the Soviets were those of the last ten years for certain areas including the triangulation network in the Caucasus. Included in the following study are topographic maps published under the direction of the Corps of Military Topographers (known as K.V.T. prior to 1919), with longi- Page XIII-1 tudes variously based on Pulkovo, Paris, or Ferro. Be- cause of the general obsolescence of the older verst ** sheets, series published contemporarily by other than Rus- sian authorities are not mentioned. (a) Maps at scale of 1:420,000: European Russia, 1:420,000, K.V.T. 1. DESCRIPTION.-This ten-verst set covered all of European Russia. As the series was constructed on Gauss's conical projection using Meridian Pulkovo with standard parallels 40? and 59?, there is considerable dis- tortion of distances near the sheet edges. Individual maps cover an area of approximately 3?30' E-W and 2'N-S. The actual source of the compilation and of the survey base is not indicated. Probably the old 1:42,000 one- verst survey was used because the required reduction of sheet lines fitted exactly. Originally the maps were steel-engraved monochromes, but as early as 1875 certain ones were printed in five colors. Relief is shown by hachures, augmented with spot eleva- tions. The vertical datum was based on the tide gage at Kronshtadt. Vegetation is portrayed by solid green overprinting with- out classification. Hydrography is shown in the usual manner with water-lining added. Urban areas are outlined and line-striped to scale. Buildings are shown in solid black. The population break- down, shown in legends of earlier sheets, is classified ac- cording to size and style of type, as well as by the number of buildings in communities. Later editions show popula- tions of communities in figures on the face of the map. Transportation facilities and utility lines are classified. The individual maps were originally designated by Arabic numbers, but as the series expanded, the addition of Roman numerals and capital letters was required. The lower margins of the maps include fairly compre- hensive general symbol legend and the verst-fractional scale. 2. EVALUATION.-Several facts contribute to the obsolescence of the above series : the impracticability of reconciling sheet lines and distance values to modern pro- jections, the haphazard methods of Tsarist sectional sur- veys, the differences in control datum values, the poor physical representation, and especially the general an- tiquity of the series. * According to a report by the Soviet State Geodetic Service, 1944. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Chapter X111 Page XIII-2 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 (b) Maps at scale of 1:126,000: European Russia, 1:126,000, K.V.T. 1. DESCRIPTION.-The three-verst maps were an in- dependent series from several viewpoints. Having been constructed on Bonne's projection, with Meridian Pulkovo, distances were true only at the intersection of the central parallel which was 550 N. Individual sheets cover an area of approximately 1?20' E-W and 27'N-S. Original nineteenth-century editions were steel-en- graved monochromes, while later Soviet-revised editions were multicolored lithographs. Meridians referring to Paris are ticked along the north and south neatlines of each map. Original coverage included most of the territory within the scope of this report with the exception of a few large areas in the northeast. Relief is shown by hachures with occasional spot heights given in sazhens*. Hydrographic drafting is orthodox. Vegetation is sym- bolized without classification. Urban areas are outlined to scale with population fig- ures added. Buildings are shown in solid black. Roads and railroads are indicated without classification. Later editions show a substantial amount of revision, particularly in communication alinement and hydro- graphic positions. 2. EVALUATION.-As can be seen from the above de- scription, the reliability of this set is very doubtful. The unequal values of the Bonne projection, together with hachured relief and general inaccuracies, make the map series a questionable source of information. (c) Maps at scale of 1:84,000: European Russia, 1:84,000, K.V.T. 1. DESCRIPTION.-This set is a two-verst intermedi- ary scale map series, originally published just before and during World War I. The maps were compiled from the older 1:21,000 and 1:42,000 K.V.T. sheets, in conjunction with a special survey made by Mende covering eight administrative areas. The projection was polyhedric, as described in 131, A, (1), (e), 1. Two sheet sizes were used, covering areas 20' N - S by 30'E-W and15'N-Sby27'E-W. The first editions were monochromes, followed later by multicolor printing. Relief is shown by contours at intervals of four sazhens, controlled by spot elevations and triangulation points. The general representation agrees. with that of the 1:126,000 series described in 131, A, (1), (b), 1. Sheets published during and after World War I carry a military grid. No legend is given. 2. EVALUATION.-Inasmuch as more accurate and informative sheets of much later date were published and are available, the two-verst series is interesting only from a historical viewpoint and does not hold a front-line posi- tion in the array of modern, reliable maps. (d) Maps at scale of 1:42,000: European Russia, 1:42,000, K.V.T. 1. DESCRIPTION.-The one-verst maps were con- structed on the polyhedric projection and covered an area 15' N- S by 10' E - W. Originally the printing was in monochrome; however, the productions revised by the Soviets were multicolored and were later used as a base for the 1:50,000 set described later in this study. Relief is shown by contour lines at intervals of two and four sazhens, coordinated to spot elevations and triangu- lation points. Source for compilation is not indicated, but, inasmuch as the one-verst scale was one of the primary survey bases, it is assumed that the sheets were compiled directly from field work. The general representation is similar to that of the 1:84,000 series described in 131, A, (1), (c), 1. 2. EVALUATION.-Time has definitely nullified any reliability of the original one-verst map. Probably the relief and drainage of many of the revised maps published later by the Soviets were fairly well done, but here again, the value of this set is overshadowed by later highly re- vised 1:50,000 maps covering the same area. (e) Maps at scale of 1:21,000: European Russia, 1:21,000, K.V.T. 1. DESCRIPTION.-These maps, known as the one- half-verst field sheets, were constructed on a polyhedric projection. The sheet corners were calculated separately for each map, which produced an overlap on the adjoin- ing sheet. The essential difference between this and the polyconic projection is that the north and south lines are drawn as a straight line connecting sheet corners, rather than following a true parallel. Individual maps of this set cover an area 7'15" E - W by 5' N - S. While the base source is not explained, they were probably compiled from original surveys of the same scale. The maps do not appear in continuous series, but ap- parently were prepared for important areas near large cities. Relief is shown by contours at intervals of two sazhens, supplemented by spot elevations and triangulation points. The general presentation, while embracing more detail, is comparable to the description of the 1:84,000 set given in 131, A, (1), (c), 1. 2. EVALUATION.-While the polyhedric projection used is sound and presents no difficulty in recompilation, physical changes over the long lapse of time, plus doubt- ful accuracy of the original preparation, relegate this se- ries to the collector's folio. (2) Second era On March 5, 1919, following the historic revolution, the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree, signed by Lenin, creating the Supreme Geodetic Administration (V.G.U.). It was the task of this organization to make an exhaustive topographic study of all of the USSR, with the idea of bringing about a definite improvement in the development of economic possibilities. The highly optimistic decree authorized the V.G.U. pro- gram as follows : 1) Unification and coordination of the geodetic activity of all agencies of the republics. 2) Unification of all surveys in order to compile and publish maps of nation-wide importance at various scales. This necessitated elimination of duplication, and the collection, and collation of all data resulting from astronomical, geo- detic, and topographic surveys. 3) Formulation of specifications and policies for the stand- ardization of cartographic methods, computations, prepara- tions, and publications. The Administration was unable to support the decree by providing modern cartographic equipment or experienced specialists, nor would it give V.G.U. top authority for the project over equally powerful agencies which also sought recognition. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP.APPRAISAL As a result, the intent of the original edict was lost amid the ensuing struggle for control, and no single top agency was able to make cartographic headway until many years later. In the meantime, starting with V.G.U., one after another of the various top cartographic administrations suc- cumbed in the scramble for power. Eventually, in 1939, all map-producing agencies employ- ing civilian personnel were placed under the jurisdiction of the Chief, Administration of Geodesy and Cartography, (G.U.G.K.). Parallel to this political group, the Military Topographic Division of the General Staff, Red Army, functioned independently. Obviously, during World War II and in the period preceding it, these two top authorities worked, and still work, in full cooperation. While some standard-scale sheets appeared that were of necessity compiled from old material, generally, from 1939 forward General Staff Red Army maps of European USSR are of sound basis, apparently the result of able cartography. Many of the maps described later may have a good re- liability rating, but it must be remembered that certain military or critical information has likely been withheld. This is evidenced by a comparison of German photo- and field-revised sheets with their USSR prototypes. This policy of withholding critical information in map compila- tion is further confirmed by the secret Soviet order of 5 September 1940 entitled, "Chief Administration for Ge- odesy and Cartography, General Instructions on Map- Making." Because of the magnitude of an exhaustive map ap- praisal of all scales by all authorities, it will be the policy in this section to review only later-date standard maps which show a substantial coverage available in the AMS library. Maps published by other than USSR authorities will be appraised according to a selection based on com- parable value. (a) Maps at scale of 1:1,000,000 1. EUROPEAN USSR, 1:1,000,000, GENERAL STAFF, RED ARMY a. Description.-The State Map of the RSFSR, published by G.U.G.K. and the General Staff, Red Army, after 1939, is constructed on the altered polyconic projec- tion, Prime Meridian Greenwich, in accordance with standard International Map of the World practice. The maps cover an area 6? E - W by 4? N - S, excepting those falling above the sixtieth north parallel, which are usually printed in pairs to include 12? E - W. Individual maps are identified with a letter according to latitude and a number according to longitude. They are also named after the most important urban area within the sheet lines. Example: The sheet falling in area 56? to 60? N and 30? to 36? E is named Leningrad and is numbered 0-36. In the color representation black indicates culture sym- bols, nomenclature, communications; brown, first-class roads; blue, hydrography; gray, relief; green, woodland; orange, graticule grid net. Relief is shown with labelled contour lines at 50-meter intervals, augmented by first-order triangulation points and occasional spot elevations. Hydrographic representation is orthodox. Shorelines and narrow streams receive the dark blue color; large rivers and lakes are light blue. The break-down includes canals and swamp areas. Vegetation appears in solid green tint, classified simply as woodland. In the legend, urban areas are classified in eight cate- gories, according to a combination of symbols and type, Original Page XIII-?3 which indicate urban population ranging from the small- est villages through cities of more than 75,000 inhabitants and which distinguish administrative centers. Communications are classified as follows: four types of railroads are indicated : double track, single track, narrow- gage lines, and those under construction. Three classes of roads are shown : main highways, gravelled and irri- proved dirt roads, and dirt roads. Maps are line-cut with a numbered and referenced graticule net coordinated to the geographical grid. Boundary lines include political and administrative de- marcations from international down to okrug. In the border of each map, aside from the sheet desig- nation and publishing authority, are found: a compre- hensive symbol legend, an index to adjoining sheets dia- gram, a standard kilometer bar scale, an index to bound- aries diagram, and a credit note which, in many cases, lists all source compilation material. Type face and style used in nomenclature is a fairly legible, roman bold variety in both verticals and italics. The above description applies directly to the later sheets of the series on file at Army Map Service, published be- tween 1939 and 1944. Previous editions, published by various civilian agencies somewhat responsible to the Gen- eral Staff, Red Army, present some differences in represen- tation, but are, in general, of the same type. A few sheets published directly by G.U.G.K., during this time, have hypsometric layer tints as a relief feature and indicate a variety of vegetation cover. Also, the nomen- clature is completely revised by the use of modern gothic type faces. In production of this wartime series, drafting skill was sacrificed to speed, and the poor quality of paper stock used in printing did not add to the quality of the finished maps. b. Evaluation.-This so-called State Map received special consideration from the topmost Soviet cartogra- phers. Under their influence it was developed from a com- mon general-utility map to the top spot of all Soviet carto- graphic work. While certain vital information such as airfields and communications has been omitted, as a base source at the scale involved, the USSR 1: 1,000,000 Red Army Mal) stands alone. 2. EUROPE, 1:1,000,000, GSGS, 2758 a. Description.-This topographic million set, compiled under the direction of the Geographical Section, General Staff, British War Office, was published provision- ally in several editions at the start of World War II. Occasional differences in cartographic policy, no doubt activated by wartime expediency, account for noticeable inconsistencies between editions. However, the genera[ description in this section pertains to the majority of sheets in the Army Map Service library. Individual sheets were plotted on standard I.M.W. modi- fied polyconic meridians and parallels, and covered a geo- graphic area of 6? E - W by 4? N - S. Those sheets above the sixtieth north parallel were extended E - W to include two or more standard maps. Sheets are designated by name and number according to I.M.W. practice. Representation, in four colors, uses: black, for symbols, railroads, nomenclature; red, roads, graticule grid references; blue, hydrography; and brown, for relief. Contoured relief is shown at 1.00-meter intervals for al- titudes under 200 meters, and at 200-meter intervals for altitudes above. Occasional spot elevations and triangu-. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-4 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 lation points are indicated. Inasmuch as maps were com- piled primarily from smaller-scale sources, contouring is, of course, well generalized. First- and second-class urban areas are outlined to scale. Five other symbols indicating relative population are shown, including one which denotes administrative im- portance. Three classifications each of roads and railroads are shown. Soviet place names are transliterated. Generics and modifiers are romanized from original Russian form and are translated in a glossary of topographical terms and abbreviations appearing in the border of each sheet. Boundaries are referenced back to the year 1.914. Besides the usual legend, bar scales, and imprinting, the sheets carry an index to adjoining sheets diagram, an in- dex to boundary diagram, a glossary, and a credit note listing compilation sources. Sources given, which are entirely of non-modern Russian vintage, include : 1:420,000 Special Series 1:1,050,000 Strategic Set 1:1,680,000 Hypsometric 1:2,000,000 Atlas 1:2,520,000 Communications Guide b. Evaluation.-Comparison of individual sheets of this set with highly revised recent Soviet works reveal that factual representation is strictly outmoded. Relief is substantially inconsistent; hydrography shows much variance in alinement and shapes; communications are either missing or inaccurate, and much detail is lack- ing for the scale used. In short, the British Million set, published prior to the modern revised series, which is in compilation stage at this time, should be used with caution except as reference ma- trial. 3. SPECIAL EDITION, 1:1,000,000, GENERAL STAFF, GERMAN ARMY a. Description.-The maps of the Special Edition follow the sheet lines of the International Map of the World, with the geographic net drawn in full degrees of longitude and latitude. Each sheet covers an area of 6? longitude and 4? latitude. In maps of the far north, two adjacent sheets were frequently printed as a single map. In certain areas, probably deemed strategic, Zusam- mendru'cke-sheets were published, which consisted of four sheets incorporated into one. In this case a footnote qualifies the format as a combined reproduction of the four basic 1:1,000,000 Special Editions. Individual maps are identified by name, letter, and number. The USSR 1:1,000,000 State Map was the basic source material used for all maps in the European USSR area. However, in practically all cases, this source was aug- mented by the use of larger-scale Soviet topographic maps and smaller-scale Soviet atlas sheets. Relief is represented by contour lines and gradient tints. The contour interval used is 100 meters for irregular ter- rain and 25 meters in low areas. Numerous spot eleva- tions appear, as well as occasional trigonometrical points. Color representation carried by the Special Edition is: sepia for cultural features; blue, hydrography; red, roads; green, woodlands; brown, contours; and violet for bound- aries. Layer tints are shown by light green, shading to dark red-brown. USSR place names, as well as other notations and ab- breviations, have been replaced with German translitera- tions. Six categories of urban population are designated, also six types of administrative centers. Population symbols range from one for villages of under 10,000 to one for cities of over 100,000. Railroad symbols represent multiple track, single track, industrial or narrow gage, and lines under construction. Roads are shown by five categories, ranging from motor- express highway to winter trail. Symbolic representation for the scale used is more com- prehensive than in other series, including such features as factories, telegraph lines, ruins, mounds, and forest breaks. In this set, occasional vital information appears which is omitted in the original Russian sources. While the veracity of such information is not particularly doubted, no explanation of source is quoted. In fact, it may be assumed that the revised areas of these maps are a direct result of the vast amount of aerial photography completed by the Germans over the western portion of European USSR. Material in the map borders is comparable to that of the General Staff, Red Army, maps described in 131, A, (2), (a), 1, a. b. Evaluation.-As a supplementary general source of information, the Special Edition German Mil- lion may be considered fairly reliable. If used for re- drafting maps, however, caution should be used, because the Germans in recompiling from Soviet sources were not too accurate in portraying gages of symbols, such as width of streams, etc. In certain. areas, where aerial photography was avail- able, communications and other planimetric information may be accepted as being more reliable than on the origi- nal USSR base maps. (b) Maps at scale of 1:500,000 1. EUROPEAN USSR, 1:500,000, GENERAL STAFF, RED a. Description.-Primarily known as the Military Operational Series, the 1:500,000 maps were conceived in 1933 as the result of a demand for something comparable to the outmoded but popular 1:420,000 ten-verst sheets. The special requirements of the 1:500,000 map which was finally evolved were that it must fit modern sheet lines and projections; it must be sufficiently elaborate to suit the highly technical problems of the new army; and it must serve as a basis for economic development. The area covered by each map is 3' longitude by 2 ? lati- tude. Constructed on an improved polyhedral projection, Prime Meridian Greenwich, each sheet covers one-quarter part of the I.M.W. 1:1,000,000 area in which it falls and is correspondingly named and numbered. Example: Sheet NO-40-B would be the northeast quarter of the 1:1,000,000 sheet NO-40. Various sources for base compilation were used, depend- ing on available material, but generally source maps at scales between and including 1:10,000 and 1:500,000 were used. Maps are lithographed in colors: black indicates culture symbolization, roads, shorelines of bodies of water and of wide streams, railroads, nomenclature, elevations, bound- ary lines, sand areas; brown, contour lines; orange, main highways, graticule grid; blue, hydrography; and green, woodland. Relief is indicated by contour lines at intervals of 40 meters. To aid in quick reading of relative relief, the lowest contour line in a series is numbered. Size and shape of urban areas, which are drafted rather generally to scale, indicate their relative population. On later sheets, figures placed under city names apparently indicate population in hundred-thousands. Size and style Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14 ? CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL Page XIII-5 of type face used for names of smaller towns indicate their administrative importance. Population break-down of urban areas includes nine categories ranging from cities over 500,000 to those of less than 20,000, and towns over 2,000 to those under 100. Cultural symbolization includes important industries, agricultural works, economic institutions, collective farms, and churches. The road symbolization break-down includes all-weather highways, improved dirt roads and those of lesser im- portance such as plain dirt roads and trails, all without structure or width analysis. Double track, single track, and narrow gage or indus- trial, are categories of railroads which are indicated. A noticeable variance from the usual method of depict- ing shorelines of lakes and double-line streams appears in this set, in that these appear in black. Otherwise, general delineation of hydrography is orthodox. In this set of maps it seems quite apparent that an un- cluttered appearance and legibility were more desirable than excessive naming of smaller urban areas and river tributaries. Generally, the maps are quite easy to read. Many of the maps show a military grid system. Heavy orange lines enclose an area 1 ? longitude by 30' latitude, which in turn is subdivided, with light lines, into nine small numbered rectangles. At the top border of the maps, from left to right, appear: 1) The administrative oblasts covered. 2) General Staff, Red Army, publishing authority. 3) The sheet title. 4) The sheet letter, number, and section. At the lower border, from left to right, appear: 1) The legend, apparently tailored for each map. 2) An index to adjoining sheets diagram. 3) A bar scale, usually of 30-kilometer length. 4) The contour interval. 5) A magnetic variation note. 6) An index to boundaries diagram. 7) A credit note, indicating compilation dates and source material information. b. Evaluation.-The planning and development of this set directly reflect its value. Within the limits of the reproduction scale, it is a well-organized general plan- ning and military operational series. Allowing for prob- able Red Army omissions, the individual sheets may be considered generally reliable. 2. DEUTSCHE WELTKARTE, 1: 500,000, GENERAL STAFF, GERMAN ARMY a. Description.-This set is evidently redrafted from captured USSR 1:500,000 maps, with the same sheet lines used. The Gauss-Kruger projection was used, with Prime Meridian Greenwich, which for all practical pur- poses is similar to the modified polyconic projection used on the original Soviet maps. Individual sheet names have been romanized and trans- lated into German, and in the sheet-numbering system, NO, NE, SO, and SE, have been substituted for the Soviet quarter-sections, A, B, C, D. While the maps are copies of captured USSR originals, scattered revisions or additions were made by the Germans just prior to printing, probably from intelligence or air reconnaissance sources. Maps are lithographed in color: black indicates culture symbolization, roads, shorelines of bodies of water and wide streams, railroads, nomenclature, elevations, boundary lines; orange, main highways and urban areas; brown,: relief; blue, hydrography and names thereof; green, wood-11 and pink, graticule grid. Contour lines at intervals of 40 meters portray variations of relief. As on the original USSR maps, the lowest con- tour line in a series is numbered. The only material differences in the German portrayal of urban areas lie in the drafting, which has been some- what generalized, and in the color. All urban areas of populations between 2,000 and 500,000 are shown by red fill. The population break-down varies slightly from sheet to sheet, but generally indicates classification down to villages of less than 100 inhabitants. Roads are classified as motor highway, motor highway under construction, road with substructure, dirt road, village road, caravan route, track-trail, winter road, or forest road. Classifications of railroads are electrically operated, double track, single track, narrow gage, under construc- tion, planned, or abandoned. The Germans have retained the Soviet method of show- ing shorelines in black for bodies of water. The single deviation from the original USSR maps lies in the names of hydrographic features, which are printed in blue in this series. The superimposed military grid reference system is similar to the Soviet type; however, a different key refer- ence numbering method is used. Quite a radical change was made in the composition of map marginal information. The Germans have placed a very comprehensive symbol legend, consisting of 117 separate items, in the right-hand margin. Below the legend appears a list of abbreviations used on the face of the map. The lower margin carries the usual credit note, index to boundaries, 30-kilometer bar scale and index to ad- joining sheets diagram. In addition, below the bar scale is a list of Gauss-Kruger grid values for the four corners of the sheet. b. Evaluation.-It is probable that, in many in- stances, the Germans were able to make spot revisions of the existing USSR cartography from intelligence data or photography; however, the source used is not listed in the credit notes. In general, spot revisions may be accepted as authentic, particularly on maps falling west of a rough line drawn as follows: beginning at a point at the extreme northwest tip of Kandalakshskaya Guba, above the Arctic Circle, run- ning southward along the west shore of Lake Onega, veer- ing west of Leningrad, thence generally southeasterly skirting west of Moscow, making an are to include Stalin- grad, then southward nearly to Groznyy, then veering di- rectly west at this point to Novorossiysk on the Black Sea. Not only were the Germans in prolonged possession of much of this area, but their engineers and terrain special- ists were systematically engaged in revising the mapping of the area of conquest from on-the-spot observation. German air reconnaissance supplied a great deal of ma- terial for map revision, even some distance east of the area of ground control, but to what extent is not known at this time. Generally the information supplied in this map series can be accepted as reliable. (c) Maps at scale of 1:300,000 1. SPECIAL EDITION, USSR, 1:300,000, GENERAL STAFF, GERMAN ARMY a. Description.-This main strategic map series used by the Germans during the invasion of the USSR was published under the control of the German General Staff, in several varieties of Special Editions. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XI-II-6 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 Inasmuch as all these later editions used similar geo- graphic sheet lines, numbering systems, and base mate- rial, this description can be generally accepted for all edi- tions under such general titles as Deutsche Heereskarte Osteuropa, Ubersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa, Sonderaus- gaben Nordeuropa and Osteuropa, and subtitles as Flie- gerausgabe, Fuhrungskarte, or Zusammendrucke. Together the sets cover a solid block area of European USSR extending from the western USSR boundary to 64?20' E of Greenwich between the 44th parallel on the south and the 70th parallel on the north. Individual sheets are constructed on a Gauss-Kruger projection according to full degrees of latitude and longi- tude, and cover an area 2 ? E - W by 1 ? N - S. However, since the original structure of the basic 1:300,000 set was projected on Prime Meridian Ferro (17?40' W of Green- wich), the Germans apparently converted the geographic values for the later sets to fit a projection based on this meridian. The result was that the longitudinal values of each sheet fell 20' east of even degrees Greenwich. Sheet names were taken from the most prominent popu- lated place within the sheet lines. Sheet number indi- cates the latitude north of the equator in degrees, and a sheet letter indicates its longitudinal position on an arbi- trary grid index. The extreme westerly limit of this ar- bitrary grid, labeled A, was set at 11 ? 40' W of Greenwich, apparently allowing sufficient longitude to clear the west- erly land limits of Europe in case of an extension to the series. Example : the map designated as Leningrad, V-60 oc- cupies a geographic position 28?20' E to 30?20' E and 59? to 60? N. In printing the Zusammendrucke edition, several sheets were joined and published as a single map. Individual sheets of several other published sets were combinations of four or six smaller sheets. In all cases, the Zusam- mendrucke was named and numbered according to the names and number of the upper left and lower right base sheets. Examples: sheet designated X52 - Y-50, Kono- top - Charkow, comprised of six base maps covering an area 32?20' E to 36?20' E of Greenwich and 49? to 50? N. The usual multicolor lithography is: sepia representing culture, communications, boundaries, general nomencla- ture; brown, relief; blue, hydrography and names thereof; green, woodland; and orange, main highways, urban areas, military grid. Apparently the Germans selected a sepia tone instead of black to preclude overemphasis of any par- ticular color. General nomenclature of the map bodies has been trans- literated into German and all abbreviations are listed in the sheet order. However, a tendency to overname that has resulted from the anxiety to depict every possible strategic feature, necessitates a wide variety of type sizes. Wherever it was justified from source material, a 20- meter contour interval was standardized for this set. Even though the base material was taken occasionally from 1:1,000,000 or smaller-scale maps having 100-meter contour intervals, the Germans interpolated for 20 meters. This usually occurred, in areas above the 60th parallel. Substantiating their contour scheme, a selected number of bench marks and triangulation points were sufficiently interspersed on the sheets to provide fairly good control. Apparently the 1:100,000 standard USSR topographic maps were considered the ideal base for the structure of this set and were used wherever obtainable. However, the larger-scale maps at 1:50,000 and 1:200,000 were used in considerable number, supplemented with smaller-scale topographic, political, economic, and Soviet Atlas maps including 1:5,000,000 for areas where larger-scale cover- age was not available. - Ground cover has been indicated, wherever known, in twelve classifications including such features as forest, tundra, sand or rocky wastes, grasslands and marsh. Road classification, conditional to area, includes through highways, roads with good substructure, roads with little substructure, improved dirt roads, other roads, paths or forest trails, winter roads, and corduroy roads. Rail communications include multiple and single track in standard USSR broad gage, industrial and secondary rail lines, narrow-gage lines, railroads under construction or abandoned, and station sites. A simplified break-down of populated places indicates large cities above 100,000, medium cities between 30,000 and 100,000, small cities between 5,000 and 30,000, small towns under 5,000, and large and small villages. The size of type face naming urban areas indicates the position of each area in the above break-down. All urban areas have been outlined and accentuated with an orange fill. Iso- lated buildings are shown in solid sepia. Depiction of streams, waterways, lakes, etc., is entirely comprehensive in standard treatment, larger bodies of water being shown by solid light-blue fill. Wells, springs, water tanks, canals, and dry river beds are included in this picture. Besides a standard 10,000-meter military grid showing on all sheets, the Filegerausgabe maps include a rose- colored flight grid based upon a 1 ?-square geographic graticule, which in turn is numbered and subdivided to show 10' E - W by 5' N-- S reference squares. The top border gives the series number, a special edition classification, the general set name, an edition number, and the sheet number and name. Material in the right and lower borders is exceptionally comprehensive. In the right border appears a symbol legend including 91 sepa- rate items. Below that is printed a list of other items used on the map proper. Next, a coordinate scale for the army grid is shown with instructions for use in designa- tion of control points. From left to right in the lower border the following items are shown : source material credit note, base map data diagram, base map correction diagram, political bound- aries diagram, 15-kilometer bar scale, map authority and date, index to adjoining sheets diagram, declination pro- tractor scale, declination diagram and note. b. Evaluation.-Within certain limits, particu- larly where a combination of late Soviet large-scale sources was used together with intelligence and aerial photog- raphy, these sheets may be used with considerable con- fidence. - The supply of good source material diminished as the Germans extended this set toward the east and north; the reliability of the set reduced accordingly, particularly where physical features are concerned. Yet in mapped areas where the relief portrayal is strictly unreliable or even non-existent, the planimetric portrayal is considered fairly reliable, probably due to capable intelligence. In general, any use of these maps should be primarily based on an individual examination of source material listings. 2. MILITARY GEOGRAPHY MAP, EASTERN EUROPE, (MIL-GEO-KARTE) 1:300,000, GENERAL STAFF, GERMAN ARMY a. Description.-Basically this set is identical with the Special Edition, 1:300,000, described under 131, A, (2), (c), 1, a. In fact, the Mil-Geo material was simply overprinted on the latest available sheets of that set. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL As an adjunct to the aforementioned set the Germans simultaneously assembled and compiled military geo- graphic and intelligence material particularly adaptable to a substantial number of standard sheets. This mate- rial was assembled on a single color plate and applied by purple overprint on the map proper, the enlarged border, and the reverse side, including separate legends and city plans. The overprint type was designed as a large, single- stroke, futura style to assist reading over the type of the original base map. Inasmuch as the greatest value of individual maps in this set is based entirely on the German portrayal of im- portant military information by combining text and sym- bols, the following description concerns this method of portrayal. As the policies and symbolization specifications for the Mil-Geo maps were developed, the Germans published ex- planatory booklets regarding the use of signs and symbols for use both by the map compiler and by the user. Three of these are noted: 1) Kartenzeichen fur Militargeographische Sonderkarten, Entwurf 1941. (Conventional Signs for Military-Geograph- ical Special Maps, Plan 1941). 2) Signatures fur Militargeographische Sonderkarten, vor- laufiger Entwurf 1943. (Symbols for Military-Geograph- ical Special Maps, Provisional Plan 1943). 3) Kartenzeichen fur Militargeographische Karten mit An- hang: Verzeichnis von Abkilrzenyen in Mil-Geo-Texten, Entwurf 1944. (Conventional Signs for Military-Geograph- ical maps, with Supplement: Index of Abbreviations in Mil- Geo Text, Plan 1944). A more intelligent interpretation of the set as a whole is possible through the use of the above booklets, par- ticularly the latest edition which supersedes the two pre- vious editions. Following is a classified listing of Mil-Geo signs and symbols which appear, where applicable, in the purple overprint : 1) Land forms and vegetation. 2) Coastal features. 3) Harbor types. 4) Waterway obstructions. 5) Water feature detail. 6) Bridge types. 7) Highways, roads, railroads, and traffic features. 8) Military, buildings. militarily useful, and public establishments or 9) Utilities (supply establishments). 10) Cultural features (an exhaustive grouping of economic and agricultural features). Primarily, the border material on the individual map is the key to its interpretation; without it the map would be a confusing mass of numbers and symbols. This map- qualifying information is listed in order of appearance on the border of each map : 1) General Description: a) Agricultural organization. b) Land forms description. c) Soil description. d) Vegetation description. e) Climate data. f) Water features. g) Populations and settlements. h) Agriculture. i) Communications. 2) Coastal Description: under this heading certain lengths of coast are located and described. 3) Town Description: under this heading the largest, or often a group of the largest or most important urban areas, are described textually. These areas will also be found on the reverse side of the sheet in large-scale blowups. Original Page XIII-7 4) Numerically Keyed Military Object Gazetteer: under the German heading, Objectverzeichnis appears a listing of numbers together with accompanying text, followed by an atlas coordinate reference. These numbers appear once in the map proper next to a special symbol, and the text describes the object at that position. The atlas reference is simply the German military grid squares which have been referenced in standard form along the map neatlines with a letter on one side and a number on the other. Apparently the Germans considered bridges of top im- portance for this type of detailed map, because all bridge locations were exhausted in the first section of this keyed list before descriptions of other types of objects were in- troduced at the end. This listing was of such length, often running into hundreds of objects, that it was con- tinued to the reverse side of the map. As mentioned above, the reverse side of these maps usually carries at least one large-scale city plan of the im- portant cities in the area. These were not always com- piled from up-to-date sources, but they do include a sub- stantial amount of military information in the purple overprint. Each city thus represented has its own nu- merically keyed text for locating sites and objects. Other indices include : 1) A general legend of symbols most frequently used; 2) A legend of economic symbols peculiar to each separate map; and 3) A glossary of ab- breviations used in the text. The reader should bear in mind that, in many cases, the Germans were unable to compile exhaustively informative maps; therefore, while some sheets are literally covered on both sides with purple overprint, others show little ad- ditional information or are lacking city plan back-ups. b. Evaluation.-In view of the fact that field- check verification is impossible and that available aerial photography (out-of-date) has not been subjected to a careful comparison with the German 1:300,000 Mil-Geo set, a precise evaluation is withheld and a probable evalu- ation submitted. It is believed that certain characteristics are portrayed accurately, such as agricultural organization, land forms description, soil and vegetation, climatic data and other characteristics that develop over the years and do not change suddenly. Neither do road networks nor other communications de- velop or disappear overnight; however, their condition may change quite rapidly, which is highly important from a military viewpoint. Probable or even certain location of bridges may be ac- cepted simply by inspecting the drainage pattern, yet the characteristics of construction, load values, etc., are not permanent, particularly in an area where general military destruction has occurred. When positive military knowledge is sought, however, such facts, together with descriptions and locations of economic structures such as typed industrial plants, heavily based on intelligence reports during a time of war, should be accepted as probabilities only. (d) Maps at scale of 1:200,000: European USSR, 1.200,000, General Staff, Red Army 1. DESCRIPTION.-The Soviets apparently produced this intermediary-scale set for strategic and economic as- sessment purposes. Compilation incorporated surveys dated from 1932 to 1942, also 1:100,000 and 1:50,000 USSR maps dating from 1924, with corrections and printing proceeding from 1939 to late 1942. Based on a modified polyconic projection, the set uses Prime Meridian Greenwich. The Gauss-Kruger military grid is used in 10,000-meter intervals. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-8 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 The standard maps cover an area 1 ? E - W by 40' N - S, following I.M.W. sheet lines, thereby assuming a geo- graphic area equal to 1/36th of a standard I.M.W. sheet. During the early period of World War II, many standard sheets were combined to form double and quadruple maps, probably for strategic planning purposes.- In the usual lithographic representation brown repre- sents relief; blue, hydrography; red, roads; green, wood- land; black, cultural. symbolization, communications, and nomenclature; and purple, boundaries. Maps published in 1942 carry a red fill for main high- ways and a yellow fill for secondary highways; other roads are shown in black. Relief on earlier sheets is shown by contours at 10- and 20-meter intervals, tied to triangulation and astronomic points and survey markers. Contouring of later sheets is shown at 40-meter intervals with 20-meter auxiliaries. A comprehensive classification of vegetation is shown, as well as peatbog, marsh, swamp, sand, and steppe. For- ests are portrayed by symbols for deciduous and conifer- ous trees, with distinction made for burned and cut-over areas and scrub growth. Streams, as well as ferries and fords are indicated, and wells, springs, deep and shallow navigable canals, glaciers, intermittent streams, irrigation canals, and above-ground and underground water conduits complete the hydro- graphic portrayal. Roads are fairly well classified as two classes of high- ways, improved and regular dirt roads, corduroy roads, tracks, and.winter trails. Railroads, include single- and double-line trackage, nar- row-gage, lines under construction or dismantled, and electrified lines. Populated urban areas are classified by symbols and type sizes into eight groups, ranging from settlements of under 100 inhabitants to cities of over 100,000. Conventional symbols are used to indicate location of isolated buildings or objects, high-tension lines, mines, airdromes, factories, etc. Aside from a very representative symbol legend, the sheet borders are not especially informative. The lower border contains information regarding the map author- ity, a 10-kilometer bar scale, an index showing the map position in reference to the million-scale map in which it falls, and occasional information regarding boundaries, but base source material used in compilation is seldom indicated. 2. EVALUATION.-Since this is the only topographic set at 1:100,000 scale covering a major, portion of Euro- pean USSR, it is considered valuable for general reference and for the factual data within limits of the scale. Some caution is advised in the use of sheets of earlier date as the Soviet compilation was not particularly ac- curate. However, the compilation of maps published about 1942 is apparently well-executed and may be used with a considerable degree of confidence. While individually the maps do not portray the wealth of information found in the German 1:300,000 set, from a topographic standpoint they do bridge the gap between the Soviet 1:100,000 and 1:500,000 sheets. (e) Maps at scale of 1:100,000 1. EUROPEAN USSR, 1:100,000, GENERAL STAFF, RED a. Description.-This set was produced mainly for military use at close range and was intended for dis- tribution to lower-ranking officers during real or simulated warfare. Surveys dating from 1875 through 1929 were used in the compilation of this set. A substantial number of the sheets of later date simply quote the USSR 1:50,000 (1926 to 1941) as source base, but many sheets give compilation credit to available aerial photography. However, included in the make-up of this set is material drawn from 1:25,000 and 1:42,000 topographic maps, together with a mixture of smaller scale 1:126,000 and 1:250,000 political and planimetric sheets of 1883 vintage onward, plus revision data from 1916 to 1941. As with the USSR 1:200,000 map, a polyhedric projec- tion based on Prime, Meridian Greenwich was used, to- gether with the Gauss-Kruger military grid net. These maps include an area 30' E - W by 20' N - S and fit standard I.M.W. sheet lines, being numbered from 1 to 144 under the parent I.M.W. designation, such as N-36-144. Relief is shown by contours at 20-meter intervals with 10-meter auxiliaries in flat areas. While the accuracy of the contouring is not proven, it is well supported by numer- ous trigonometrical points and a variety of bench marks which suggest a well-controlled mapping process. The description in the succeeding paragraphs will also apply to the German 1:100,000 and both the Soviet and German 1:50,000 maps, which are appraised further in this study. In order to make an intelligent reading of the map proper, the user should have access to one of the published explanatory-symbol pamphlets prepared particularly for this scale range. Because of the abundance of symbol classifications used, it was impossible to include a symbol legend in the map border. Three pamphlets are available in the Army Map Service library. 1) Uslovnyye Znaki i obraztsy Shriftov dlya topograftcheskikh Kart, Masshtabov 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000. Photostat of 1940 Soviet publication. 2) Zeichenerklarung fur Russische Karten, 1942. Photostat of German edition of 1). 3) Russian Map Symbols. Army Map Service Technical Man- ual No. 17. 1st ed., November 1946. On distribution to authorized agencies. While many monochromes were published, these maps are predominantly in four colors: black indicates culture, communications, nomenclature; blue, hydrography; brown, relief; and green, woodland. A complete catalog of all abbreviations used in the maps will be found in the original Soviet or German explanatory symbol pamphlets. The following paragraphs list the principal symbol classifications with a brief description of features that may be included in each category. Populated Places: In this category may be found cities of all description, rural and scattered settlements, indi- vidual dwellings, camps, state farms, homesteads, nomad settlements, permanent fort sites, barns, and ruins. Industry, Agriculture, and Other Objects: In this cate- gory may be found numerous examples of industrial and economic plants, mines, storage tanks, radio stations, air- ports, tractor stations, meteorological stations, rocks, caves, volcanos, monuments, churches, cemeteries, etc. Orientation and Fixed Points : A wide range of geodetic control is included in this grouping as well as many fixed objects such as chimneys, towers, pinnacles, buoys, light- houses, submerged rocks, wells, windmills, etc. Boundaries and Enclosures: In this grouping are found national, administrative, and rayon boundaries, telephone and telegraph lines, low and high-tension lines, oil lines, fences, walls, hedges, embankments, and trenches. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL Railroads: A selection is indicated here in a category of nineteen railroad and railroad-qualifying items, such as trackage and gages, motive power, tunnels, fills and cuts, passes and bridges, spurs, cable lines, lines dismantled, etc. Motor Highways and Roads: In this category roads are analyzed as to classification, surface material, sub-struc- ture, gradients, bridges and obstructions, fences, walls, and trees along right-of-way. This category also includes tracks, trails, winter trails, and caravan trails. Gardens, Industrial Plantations: Included here are parks, orchards, vineyards, nurseries, and larger planta- tions of rice, cotton, tobacco, etc. Forests : Besides showing the location of the two main genera of trees, burned-out or cut-over areas are indicated, as well as age of forests, swampy forests, brushwood, glades, etc., together with an indication as to the degree of passability. Meadows, Marshes, Steppes, Sandy Deserts: Various combinations of symbols in this grouping qualify the above break-down into areas showing actual terrain conditions. Rivers and River Crossings: A very exhaustive symboli- zation under this heading gives a complete picture of all types of rivers, canals, ditches, conduits, etc., including widths, navigability, obstacles, etc. Also shown are bridges, ferries, landings, docks, shoals, rapids, etc. Soils and Terrain Formations: A fairly complete listing of relief configuration and types is indicated here. Sym- bolization encompasses contour lines, spot elevations, soundings, karst, areas of perpetual snow, glaciers, slopes, rocky formations, ledges, gorges, sand and gravel condi- tions, and mountain passes. In the top border of the 1:100,000 scale map is usually found the edition number, the responsible authority, sheet number and the administrative area of the map. Appear- ing in the lower border are the names of cartographers and editors who prepared the map, a gradient-key diagram, occasionally an index to adjoining sheets, a 6- or 8-kilo- meter bar scale, a declination diagram and a short credit note of source material. b. Evaluation.-Considering the extent of avail- able coverage, the exhaustive symbolization and the com- pilation material involved, the 1:100,000 USSR map is the best large-scale map for over-all topographic purposes. In any case, the user should consider the economic changes which have occurred since these maps were published. To date, the accuracy of contouring has not been checked, but it seems that errors probably exist, inasmuch as all the original surveys were not based on the same geodetic data. In their eastern advance, the German Army surveyors were able to check a portion of the USSR 1:100,000 map with the following results: Trigonometric points . . . . ? 20 m. Remainder of the point field . , . -?- 40-60 m. Accuracy, of contour lines . . . . ? 2.5 m. 2. EUROPEAN USSR, 1:100,000 GENERAL STAFF, GER- MAN ARMY, TROOP AND SPECIAL EDITIONS a. Description.-In the German attempt to pro- duce an outstanding troop map of the USSR, at 1:100,000 scale during the early stages of World War II from good captured base maps, it was necessary to use odd-scale mis- cellaneous maps for preliminary compilation. The result- ing maps, called "Special Editions," were used until such time as newly captured USSR maps, gradually made avail- able, enabled the Germans to supplant this edition with well-based Troop Editions. Original Page XIII-9 The maps are geographically similar to their Soviet counterparts, with the same type of projection and mili- tary grid net. The original Special Editions were compiled of necessity from all types of map sources, including USSR 1:100,000,, 1:200,000, 1:500,000, 1:84,000 and 1:420,000. Finnish maps at 1:50,000, 1:100,000 and 1:400,000 were also used. in border areas. The early Troop Edition consisted of hasty, pirated im- pressions of newly captured USSR maps,without transla- tion. Gradually these sheets were revised, transliterated, and published for troop operations. Later-dated sheets generally indicate a USSR 1:100,000 source with occasional sheets based on 1:50,000 maps. , As the frontier advanced, German aerial photography .came into use and many cap- tured maps show complete photo revision. By and large, these maps might well be called duplicates of the USSR 1:100,000 sheets in color and symbolization. The only practical difference lies in the transliteration of Russian names and abbreviations into German. Until the Germans were able to reproduce a symboliza- tion pamphlet guide for these maps, they printed a partial symbol legend in each sheet border. However, the borders of later 1943 and 1944 maps contain only source credit note, revision area diagram, declination diagram, 6-kilo- meter bar scale, index to adjoining sheets diagram, contour diagram, and publisher's note. In addition to the Troop Edition (Truppenausgab,e) and Special Edition (Sanderausgabe) this set includes the Zusammendrucke (combined maps) of both editions. Aside from slight variations in border information, the Zusammendrucke sheets carried identical information and simply covered a greater area; strategic planning, no doubt, was the reason for their appearance. b. Evaluation.-Wherever possible, ,these maps should be compared individually with the Soviet originals in order to avail a selection of desired pertinent informa- tion. Where the Germans simply made a photo-lith copy of the original captured USSR map, the latter should be given primary consideration, inasmuch as some detail was lost and original drafting became somewhat indistinct in re- production. When only the German map is available, it should be used with caution determined by the extent of-information given in the credit note. In many cases, through control of territory or aided by aerial photography, the Germans were able to improve on the factual and planimetric representation of the original Soviet maps; however, this may best be judged after an individual sheet examination. (f) Maps at scale of 1:50,000 1. EUROPEAN USSR, 1:50,000, GENERAL STAFF, RED a. Description.-This is the largest-scale set pro- duced by the Soviets as a correlated series prior to 1938, published for practical military application at close range. It is still in production. Individual maps were compiled from combined surveys and available material dated from 1891 to 1933 with many later revisions and recompilations. Survey bases used in compilation included material at scales of 1:21,000, 1:42,- 000, 1:25,000, and 1:50,000. Certain sheets were revised from 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 field reconnaissance, and others were photo-corrected from interpolations at the, scales of 1:10,000, 1:50,000, and 1:100,000. The map series was constructed on the Gauss-Kruger projection, using Prime Meridian Greenwich, together with Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-10. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 omw a 1,000-meter military grid pattern. Geographically the individual maps cover an area 15' E - W by 10' N - S, fitting I.M.W. sheet lines. At this sheet size it requires 576 1:50,000-scale maps to make one standard Million Map. Portrayal of general relief is by contour lines at 10-meter intervals with 5-meter auxiliaries in flat or steep areas. Geodetic control, particularly on later maps, is profuse. Some sheets, compiled during the transition from the old verst maps, and published by U.V.T. (Administration of Military Topographers) about 1934, retained the orig- inal contouring at 4-sazhen (8.53 meters) intervals. How- ever, these maps carry a metric conversion graph in the border to facilitate altitude reading. In the body of the map, the contours are labeled to the nearest meter, such as 213 or 222. These maps are mentioned because an occasional one is needed to fill a gap in the standard set. For description of the map proper see previous descrip- tion for the 1:100,000, USSR maps, 131, A, (2), (e), 1, and 2. The only material difference in the sheet border is the bar scale which in this case is for two and four kilometers. b. Evaluation.-For clarification of topographic detail the 1:50,000 set is a valuable companion to the 1: 100,000 scale close-range sheet. It is also possible, in some cases, that the 1:50,000 sheets may contain later revisions than indicated on the available smaller-scale maps covering the same territory. 2. GERMAN ARMY MAP, TROOP EDITION (DEUTSCHE HEERESKARTE), USSR, 1:50,000, GENERAL STAFF, GERMAN ARMY a. Description.-The first 1:50,000 maps of USSR territory, published by the Germans, were monochrome printings of original captured maps, mostly of early vin- tage. In their haste to print them, the Germans were able to insert only a few name transliterations, a warning re- garding the military grid, and a reproduction date. Gradually an improved series of maps was compiled. using USSR 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 bases dating mainly from 1923 to 1929. Communications were corrected from 1:500,000 maps of later date, and a substantial amount of photo-revision was done from air-photo data up to the end of the war. The Gauss-Kruger projection and military grid were re- tained with the addition of 'an orange overprint accentuat- ing grid lines. Nomenclature of the maps of later date has been entirely transliterated.. For a comprehensive description of the character of the map proper see that written for the USSR 1:100,000 map previously appraised, 131, A, (2), (e), 1, and 2. The sheet border is substantially similar, in detail, to the border of the smaller-scale German 1: 100,000 map, with the exception of the bar scale, which is of 4-kilometer length. b. Evaluation.-The value of this series as a whole is not great. Individual maps may be of extreme importance, primarily when the Soviet counterpart is not available. Certain sheets which carry revision detail of later date, particularly when obtained from acceptable sources such as aerial photography, may well have a positive value beyond any other available map, depending entirely on the type of information sought. B. Aeronautical charts The USAF Aeronautical Chart Service is responsible for all aeronautical charts of western USSR produced in the United States, except the V-30 series of the U.S. Hydro- graphic Office. The Army Map Service, however, has re- printed the British Europe (Air) series at 1:500,000 and 1:250,000, but these large-scale charts provide only partial coverage of the area. The most useful aeronautical charts are three series published by the Aeronautical Chart Serv- ice: the World Aeronautical Chart series at 1:1,000,000 for large-scale coverage, the Aeronautical Planning Chart series at 1:5,000,000 for strategic planning, and the USAF Equidistant Chart Centered near Sverdlovsk, USSR at 1:24,327,708 for its highly specialized use. In the following discussion aeronautical charts are listed according to scale, the smallest scale being considered first. German and locally produced air charts are omitted be- cause they add little to the information given on the maps selected. Any additional information they may contain is being used in the revision or recompilation of USAF maps at all scales. (1) The Aeronautical Planning Chart series, 1:5,000,000; USAF Aeronautical Chart Service These sheets described-Russia 5W, base compiled July 1945; aeronautical information September 1945; isogonic data 1945 and Iran 12W, base compiled March 1945; aero- nautical information February 1946; isogonic data 1943- are on the Lambert conformal conic projection with a 1-degree grid. The base shows hydrographic features in excellent detail, gradient tints, spot elevations in feet, rail- roads, roads, international boundaries and boundaries of union republics as of 1937, cities classified roughly by size, and a table of geographic equivalents. Airports are classi- fied as land or sea bases and according to administration, facilities, and length of longest runway. The quality and extent of railroads and roads is somewhat exaggerated. Original USSR maps without supporting trimetrogon air surveys were used for most of the Soviet Union. Re- vised editions of the 1: 5,000,000 series are planned, but not for release in the immediate future. The new editions will be compiled from the World Aeronautical Chart series at 1:1,000,000. (2) The Long Range Air Navigation Chart series, 1:3,000,000; USAF Aeronautical Chart Service This series contains the following maps: No. 5, Scandinavia; base data compiled February 1944, revised April 1945; aeronautical information July 1945; Lambert conformal conic projection, magnetic variation for 1943. No. 6, Novaya Zemlya; base compiled March 1944; aeronauti- cal information April 1944; Lambert conformal conic pro- jection. No. 14, Western Europe; base compiled January 1944; aero- nautical information May 1944; Mercator projection with true scale along 50? N. No. 15, Caspian Sea; base compiled March 1944, aeronautical information April 1944; Mercator projection with true scale along latitude 50? N. Detailed radio and airport information is presented on a base showing contour gradients, spot elevations in feet, 1938 international boundaries, towns classified by popula- tion, railroads, and generalized hydrography. The draft- ing is poor, especially for the larger rivers, newly estab- lished Soviet cities are omitted, and the alignment of recently constructed railroads is inaccurate. (3) The V-30 Air Navigation Chart series, 1:2,188,800; U. S. Hydrographic Office These naval plotting charts, sheets 4, 6, 14, and 15, are on the Mercator projection. The base for sheets 4, 6, and Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL 15.was compiled in 1943; that for sheet 14 in 1946. Aero- nautical data are for the period 1943-47. Shorelines and elevations show conspicuously on a background giving rivers, contour lines at 1,000-foot intervals, cities, and in- ternational boundaries. Magnetic variation is shown. Twelve types of land and seaplane bases are indicated and described according to length of longest runway and radio facilities. (4) The World Aeronautical Chart series, 1:1,000,000; USAF Aeronautical Chart Service Twenty-eight sheets on the Lambert conformal conic projection cover the entire area. The base was compiled in 1944-45; the aeronautical data, 1944-47. Spot elevations in feet and gradient tints give elevation in western USSR with the exception of relatively small areas in the northeastern part of European USSR, where hachures are used. In addition to navigation lights, radio stations and detailed aiifield data, all sheets show rail- roads, three types of roads, and towns classified by popu- lation. International and union republic boundaries as of `1937 appear on all sheets and oblast boundaries on some. The sheets are not consistent with each other or within themselves. On a single sheet the legends and contents of the map do not always agree. Internal boundaries should be given on all sheets of the set or on none. The Murmansk railroad, shown on the other sheets, has not been continued on sheet 51. This error is corrected on the new base as of 1946. Town classification of smaller places, alinement of newer railroads, and road classifi- cation are not adequate. In spite of these criticisms, a high degree of selectivity has been maintained throughout the set; and, for the most part, recent large-scale source material has been used in compilation. The latest edi- tions show considerable improvements in the presentation of physical as well as cultural detail. Since no trimetrogon photography or flight checking is available for the USSR, it is difficult to evaluate relia- bility of these charts. The program of chart revision now in progress involves a .careful. evaluation of all new source material and the inclusion of whatever data seems pertinent. (5) The USAF Pilotage Chart series, 1:500,000; USAF Aeronautical Chart Service The 24 sheets of this set cover all European USSR south of 56?N and west of 38?30'E; base compiled 1943-45; mag- netic variation for 1943; aeronautical data 1945-46; Lam- bert conformal conic projection. Hydrographic features and contour gradients are shown in considerable detail. Spot elevations are in feet; towns are classified according to population; and distinction is made between single- and double-track railroads, and between primary and second- ary roads. Type and symbols used in the legend to desig- nate different classes of towns are not always consistent with those used on the charts. Except for Memel, which is shown as part of East Prussia, international and repub- lic boundaries shown are as of 1937. Although these sheets at 1:500,000 are not being cur- rently revised, they are of great value because of their large scale, the large extent of area covered, clarity, and high degree of reliability. (6) Europe (Air) series, 1:500,000; GSGS 4072 This set covers the Baltic States together with the area south of '56?20'N and west of 38?20'E. Fifteen sheets of Original Page XIII-11 the Baltic States and the area west of 28?20'E were pre- pared by the British War Office, 1942-44; the others in July 1944 by Palestine Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers. All 27 sheets were published as. GSGS 4072 and reprinted by the U. S. Army Map Service, 1943-45. Four classes of roads and three of railroads, gradient tints, and spot elevations in meters are shown. Isobaths, with depths in fathoms, cover the coastal waters west of Narva. Woods are indicated only for the Baltic and other areas west of 28?20'E. Sheets covering the area south of 56?20'N between 30?20'E and 38?20'E are enlargements of the 1:1,000,000 maps. On these eastern sheets, drainage and other physical features are crudely presented, and the town-classification and internal-boundary symbols given in the legends differ radically from those shown on the maps. Throughout the set, roads are classified as major or minor in the legend but not on the maps. Interna-' tional boundaries are for 1937 except on the Danzig sheet, which uses 1939 boundaries, and on a few other sheets, which omit the Poland-USSR boundary. On these latter sheets use of Polish and USSR names follows the pre-1939 territorial alinement. Air information is more detailed for sheets west of 28?20'E than for those farther east. In general, presentation is not clear and the entire series is deficient in aeronautical information. Magnetic dec- lination and British military grid are carried throughout. (7) Europe (Air) series, 1:250,000; GSGS 3982 Only a small area along the current Poland-USSR border north of 50?N is covered by these 10 sheets, pre- pared by Great Britain, War Office, 1938-43; published as GSGS 3982 and reprinted by Army Map Service, 1942-44. The series has been discontinued and is not being replaced by air maps at a similar scale. All sheets show gradient tints, spot heights in meters, woods, magnetic declination, and pre-1939 international boundaries. On the Bialystok sheet, boundaries are given on an inset. All except the Danzig sheet have military grids. The three northern sheets distinguish four types of roads and three of railroads. Other sheets give two classes of roads and of railroads. Towns are classified according to relative importance or population, but the difference between the two types of classification is slight. The legend on many of the sheets includes an impressive amount of detailed air information, but data actually shown on the maps are scant for the Baltic coastal region. (8) USAF Equidistant Chart Centered near Sverdlovsk, USSR ZD9 (ZD9N-Nomograph); 1:24,327,708, September 1946; USAF Aeronautical Chart Service This azimuthal equidistant chart covers the territory within a radius of 5,300 nautical miles from 57?N, 60?E. International boundaries are for 1946 and in most cases favor the powers currently in control of disputed areas. Detail of hydrographic features and cities shown becomes increasingly sparse toward the periphery of the chart. Great Circle courses and distances between two points remote from the center of construction may be determined with the nomograph made for the chart. ZD9-1 shows 1,000-mile concentric circles around Sverdlovsk. This overprint is omitted on ZD9. (9) Special Air Navigation Chart, S-140 England-India, 1:5,000,000 along 40? N; USAF Aeronautical Chart Service The base for this chart was compiled November 1944, aeronautical information December 1944, isogonic data 1943. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-12 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 The Mercator projection with a 1-degree grid is used. The chart extends northward to 53?N.. Both hydro- graphic features and gradient tints are highly generalized. International boundaries given are for different dates in the late 1930's: Spot elevations in feet, railroads poorly selected and in many cases inaccurately located, and towns classified by population are included on the base. Al- though aeronautical and radio facilities are presented in considerable detail, these data are to a large extent out of date. (10) Special Air Navigation Chart series, 1:1,000,000 along 56? N; USAF Aeronautical Chart Service The two charts described are, S-122 Kiev to Berlin: base compiled June 1944, aeronautical information June 1944, isogonic data 1943; and S-123 Budapest to Sevastopol': base compiled August 1944, aeronautical information, May 1944, isogonic data :1944. Both of these, charts are on the Mercator projection with 10' grids. Detailed hydrographic features, gradient tints of form-line accuracy, spot elevations in feet, single- and double-track railroads, mines, towns classified roughly by importance, and international boundaries as of 1937 are shown. Special air information given consists of three types of air bases, marine navigation lights, and radio broadcasting stations. C. Hyrographic charts Th,hydrographic charts described in this section are limited in general to the official charts of the countries responsible for the most recent surveys or corrections. As a result, USSR charts predominate except for the Baltic area. The U.S. Hydrographic Office, however, has issued emergency reproductions of the British Admiralty charts and a few original charts. Together they cover the Mur- man Coast, and the White, Baltic, and Black Sea coasts of the USSR (including major harbors). Since these charts follow the standard pattern and are listed in the catalog of the Hydrographic Office, only those based on recent Soviet surveys are noted specifically. Current cor- rections, use of the English language, and ready availa- bility make the U.S. charts particularly useful. In some cases, it may be advisable to compare these charts with their foreign counterparts, especially for geographic posi- tion and cultural features. The British, in addition, issue some large-scale charts of Soviet ports, which are based on older, unrevised Rus- sian surveys. Consequently the charts are of doubtful value. The same is true of the older, unrevised Russian charts. Both have been omitted from this discussion. A large number of German, Finnish, Latvian, and Esto- nian charts are listed for the Baltic area, partly because annexations in the area have been too recent to permit extensive Soviet surveys and partly because the USSR has shown an unwillingness to share information with other countries. Comparatively recent, small-scale charts of the entire Baltic coast have been issued by the USSR and Germany. Medium-scale German charts at 1:500,000 and 1:400,000 and larger-scale German charts at 1:200,000 and 1: 150,000 also cover the entire coast. Finnish charts at 1:285,012 are limited to the Gulf of Finland. The Latvian and Estonian charts listed are all at large scale and cover only comparatively small sections of the south- ern Baltic coast. Except for Gavan' Pyarnu (Parnu Harbor), 1:10,000, USSR No. 4129, and Dantsigskaga Bukhta (Danzig Bay), 1:100,000, USSR No. 4064, the Soviet charts are less de- tailed than those of ' other nations. The first of - these charts shows considerably more detail than Latvia No. 9 from which it was taken. The additional material may have come directly from the Latvian Hydrographic Office after the Soviet seizure of that country. The second chart shows topography in great detail. If similar information is available for other Soviet areas, it has been carefully concealed from Americans. Actual evidence of Soviet restrictions concerning infor- mation on their territorial waters is provided by the Ger- man reprints of Yuokankskiye Ostrova (Yuokankskiye Island), 1:25,000, USSR No. 2523, and Yugorskiy Shar (Yugovskiy Strait), 1:50,000, USSR No. 1570, as well as by the large-scale German compilations for the Leningrad area. The details shown on all of these charts were taken from Soviet charts that have never been listed in Soviet hydrographic catalogs or exchanged with the United States. Another type of restriction is illustrated by Dvinskiy Zaliv (Dvina Gulf), 1:200,000, USSR No. 1660, corrected 1943. The chart omits the port of Molotovsk, although American merchant marine captains were using the port at the time the chart was issued. All of the nautical charts described in this section have some features in common. All show aids to navigation, such as lights. Heights and depths are given in meters unless otherwise noted. Sounding in Arctic waters are reduced to lowest low water, except on small-scale charts where such reductions would be lost in generalization and on charts of the Vaygach island sector, for which all sur- veys seem to be preliminary. In other waters, tides are of little or no significance and soundings are reduced to average mean low water level. All charts carry subma- rine contours. For at least a short distance inland, they include drainage, place names, towns, and on the larger- scale charts individual buildings. Absence of cultural fea- tures on charts indicates that they are non-existent, as in the more remote parts of the Arctic coast. International boundaries given are those used by the issuing country at the date of issue or correction. Unless otherwise indi- cated, all of the maps described use the Mercator pro- jection. The charts described in TABLES XIII-1 to XIII-5 cover the USSR coastal waters but do not include Novaya Zemlya or Franz Josef Land. Because the coastal waters are not continuous, they have been divided into five major areas-the Arctic Ocean (TABLE XIII-1), the Baltic Sea (TABLE XIII-2), the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov (TABLE XIII-3), the Caspian Sea (TABLE XIII-4), and the inland lakes (TABLE XIII-5). Because of the great number of large-scale charts available, the Arctic is further subdi- vided into the Murman Coast, the White Sea, and the coast east of the White Sea. Each of the inland lakes is considered separately. Under the major and minor subdivisions, the charts are grouped first by the country of issue, and then listed according to scale, the smallest-scale charts being con- sidered first. Each chart is described according to scale, title, pub- lisher, date of compilation or latest edition, date of latest correction, language used, date of magnetic variation, method of presenting terrain, area covered, and source material used in compilation. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL TABLE X111 -- 1. ARCTIC OCEAN HYDROGRAPHIC CHARTS Page X111-13I Mag- Scale Title . Issue ` Correc- netic Surface Description tion varia- features tion 1. U. S. IIYDROGRAPHIC CIIARTS:* 1:226,290 Mezenski Gulf. No. 2271 at 66?30' 1946 1947 1946 Cliffs, hachure spot cleva- Area 65?45' to 67?20'N; 42?15' to 44?45" E. From Soviet charts to 1946. 1:226,290 The Gorlo. Inset: Sosnovskaya Strait, 1944 1947 1946 tions Hachures, spot elevations Area 66? to 67?N; 38?45' to 42?45'E.. From 1942 Soviet charts, corrected to 1:225,000 White Sea, Sheet II. Inset: Tri Ostrova, 1946 1947 1946 Hachures, spot 1944. Area 66?55' to 67?55'N; 40?15' to 44?20" at 67?30' 1:50,000. No. 2270 elevations E. From Soviet charts to 1946. 1:208,060 Chyorny Point to Bol'shoy Gorodyetski at 68? Point. No. 2269 1:206,000 Mali Oleni I. to C. Cherni. Insets: Voronya Spot elevations Area 67?35' to 68?32'N; 38?35' to 42?37'' E. From Soviet charts to 1941. Area 68?17'30" to 69?18'30"N; 34?33' to at 68?50' and Gavrilovskaya Bays, 1:30,000; Pod- pakhta Bay, 1:25,000; Teriberskaya Bay, 1:25,000; Rinda Bay, 1:12,500; Bol'shoy Oleni Road, 1:50,000; Semiostrovski Road, 1:100,000; Shelpinskaya Bay, 1:25,000; Vostochnaya Litsa Bay, 1:25,000. No. 2334 38?44'E. From Soviet charts to 1935. 1:200,000 Majakkaniemi to Bol'shoy Olyen I. No. 1942 1942 1942 Form lines Area 68?57' to 70?5'N; 31?50' to 36?46'.E. at 69?30' 2318 From 1939 Soviet charts corrected to 1942. 1:196,000 Va ranger Fjord to Mali Oleni Island. No. 1939 1946 1939 Hachures, spot Area 69?13' to 70?12'N; 30?47' to 34?50'E. 2. SOVIET CHARTS:** a. Small-scale charts of entire Arctic Coast: 1:2,200,000 Barentsovo more of Shpitsbergena do 1939 1944 1945 Area 66? to 83?N; 10? to 68?E.. From at 75? Novoy Zemli (Barents Sea from Spitz- Soviet charts. Glaciers. bergen to Novaya Zemlya). USSR No. 2529 1:750,000 Ot mysa Nordkap do mayaka Gorodetskiy 1936 1943 1940 Area 67?30' to 72?N; 25? to 44?30'E. at 69? (From North Cape to Gorodetskiy From Soviet expeditions to 1933 and 1:750,000 Light). USSR No. 1565 Beloye More (White Sea). USSR No. 1934 1943 1940 Spot elevations Norwegian charts corrected to 1933. . Area 63?45' to 68?45'N; 31?40' to 45?10'E. at 66? 1333 From Soviet surveysto 1933 and topo- 1:750,000 Ot mayaka Gorodetskogo do Yugovskogo graphic maps to 1934. Railroads. Area 66?40' to 71?37'N; 40?55' to 60?36'E. at 69? Shara (From Gorodetskiy Light to Yu- From Soviet charts incorporating sur- b. Medium- and gorskiy Strait). USSR No. 1666 large-scale charts of the Murman Coast: veys through 193.6. 1:200,000 Ot mayaka Makkaur do mayaka Tsypnov- 1934 1942 1940 Ilachures, spot Area 69?3.0' to 70?45'N; 28?30' to 33?25'E. at 69? olokskiy s Varangerf'ordom (From Mak- (the elevations From Soviet, ii orwegian, and Finnish kaur Light to Tsypnovolokskiy Light last charts. Roads, railroads. , with Varanger Fjord). Insets: Ostrova two Varde (Vardo Island), 1:50,000; Pod- khody gorodu Vadse (approaches to the town of Vadso), 1:50,000; Cavan' Liinakhamarin Satama (Liinahamarin Harbor), 1:20,000; Bukhta Potsamon- insets com- piled in 1939) L :200,000 vuono (Petsamonvuono Bay), 1:60,000. USSR No. 1320 Ot mayaka Vaydagubskogo do ostrova Area 68?52' to 70?10'N; 31?50' to 36?45'E. at 69? Bol'shoy Olcniy (From Vaydagubskiy From Soviet surveys to 1930. Light to Bol'shoy Oleniy Island). USSR No. 1434 1:100,000 Ot mayaka Tsypnavolokskogo do ostrova 1940 1942 1940 Spot elevations Area 69?10' to 69?45'N; 31?50' to 34?25'E. at 69? Kil'din s Motovskim zalivom (From From Soviet surveys and charts. Roads, 1:200,000 at 69? with Motovskiy Gulf). Insets: Vkhod v gubu Vichany (Entrance to Vichani Bay), 1:50,000; Yakornoye mesto v ostrovakh Vichany (Anchorage on .Vi- chani Island), 1:25,000. USSR. No. 2514 Ot mayaka Gavrilovskogo do Svyatogo Nosa (From Gavrilovskiy Light to Svatoy Nos). Inset: Guba Zolotaya (Zolotaya Bay), 1:10,000. USSR No. 1341 Area 68? to 69?20'.N; 35?45' to 40?40'E. From Soviet surveys to 1934 with addi- tional work to 1940. Prohibited areas. * United States IIydrographic Office emergency reproductions of British Admiralty charts. Only those compiled from recent Soviet charts are listed. See U. S. II. 0. catalog for charts based on older source material. Depths are in fathoms below lowest possible low water and heights are in feet., Special tidal data tables are carried on each chart. ** All charts published in Russian by the Gidrograficheskoye Upravleniye Voyenno-Morskogo Flota Soyuza SSR (Ilydrographic Administration of the Soviet Navy). Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-14 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 _01111 PFFFMOM Mag- Scale Scale Title Issue Correc- netie Surface Description tion varia- features Lion SOVIiT CHARTS (Continued): b. Medium- and large-scale charts of the Murman Coast (Continued) : 1:100,000 Ot mayaka Tsypnavolokskiy do ostrova 1940 1943 1940 Relief shading, at 69? Kil'din s Kol'skim zalivom (From spot eleva- Tsypnavolokskiy Light to Kil'din Island tions with Kola Bay). USSR No. 2515 1:100,000 Ot ostrova Kil'din do ostrova Bol'shoy 1940 1940 1940 Relief shading, at 69? Oleniy (From Kil'din Island to Bol'shoy spot eleva- Oleniy Island). USSR No. 2516 tions 1:50,000 Semiostrovskiy reyd (Semiostrovskiy 1933 1942 .... Hachures, spot at 69? Road). USSR No. 1142 elevations 1:25,000 Yuokanskiye ostrova (Yuokankskiye 1939 .... 1940 at 69? Island). USSR No. 2523 c. Medium- and large-scale charts of White Sea: 1:250,000 Vostochnaya chast' Belogo morya, Dvin- 1933 1941 1940 at 66? skiy zaliv (Eastern part of the White Sea, Dvina Gulf). Inset: Ust'ye reki Varzugi (Mouth of the Varzuga River), 1:50,000. USSR No. 1216 Inset: Pod- f One lf g a) . u o ea an d G S khod k seleniyu Lyamtsy (Approach to the village of Lyamtsa), 1:25,000. USSR No. 1159 1:200,000 Ot mayaka Svyatoy Nos do mayaka Sos- at 66? novetskogo (From Svyatoy Nos Light to Sosnovets Light). USSR No. 1460 at 66? Keretskogo (From Voronovskiy Light to Keretskiy Light). USSR No. 2511 at 66? Navolok (From Sharopov Light to Ukht-Navolok Light). USSR No. 2545 1:200,000 Kandalakshskiy zaliv (Kandalaksha Gulf). at 66? USSR No. 2504 1:200,000 Dvinskiy zaliv (Dvina Gulf). USSR No. at 66? 1660 1:200,000 Gorlo Belogo morya i mezenskiy zaliv at 66? (The Throat of the White Sea and Gulf of Mezen). Insets: Reyd ostrova Sos- novets (Sosnovets Island Roadstead), 1:50,000; Tri Ostrova (Three Islands), 1:50,000. USSR No. 2547. 1:50,000 Ot mysa Kostyleva do ostrova Sidorova at 66? (From Kostylev Cape to Sidorov Island). USSR No. 2502 1:50,000 Ot mysa Ostrovskogo do ostrovov Salina- at 66? Ludy (From Cape Ostrovskoy to the Salma Luda Islands). USSR No. 2539 1:50,000 Ot ostrova Kondostrov do ostrova Mya- at 66? gostrov (From Kondostrov Island to Myagostrov Island). USSR No. 2538 1:50,000 Ot Ponomareva Nosa do mysa Sosnovyy at 66? Navolok (From Ponomarev Nos to Cape Sosnovyy Navolok). USSR No. 2540 1:50,000 Onezhskiy rcyd i vkhody v reku Oncgu at 66? (Onega roadstead and entrance to the Onega River). USSR No. 1803 1:50,000 Farvater po yuzhnuyu storonu ostrova at 66? Zhizhginskogo (The channel along the south side of Zhizhgin Island). USSR No. 709 1:50,000 Ust'ye rck Mezeni i Kuloya i podkhody k at 66? nim (Mouths and approaches to the Mezen and Kuloy Rivers). USSR No. 1358 at 66? skiy zaliv (Western part of the White 1937 1942 1940 1940 1943 1940 1.937 1943 1940 Cliffs 1941 1943 1940 Ilachures, spot elevations 1939 1943 1940 1940 1944 1945 Ilachures 1940 1944 . 1945 IIachures 1940 1941 1940 Ilachures 1940 1943 1940 Hachures 1939 1941 1940 Hachures 1934 1935 1935 Cliffs Area 68?52' to 69?45'N; 32?46' to 34?26'E. From Soviet charts. Vegetation, zones of prohibited anchorage and trawling. Area 69?3' to 69?38'N; 33?56' to 36?26'E. From Soviet surveys to 1930. Area 68?36' to 68?54'N; 37?9' to 37?55'E. From Soviet surveys 1930-31. Area 67?59'30" to 68?6'30"N; 39?24'30" to 39?39'30"E. From Soviet surveys of 1935. German print gives alternative names and explanations in German, and table of Russian symbols and abbrevia- tions translated into German. Area 64?30' to 66?40'N; 36?45' to 40?50'E. From Soviet surveys to 1932. Vegeta- tion. Area 63?45' to 66?N; 34?10' to 38?25'E. From Soviet surveys to 1931. Vegeta- tion. Area 66?30' to 68?15'N; 39?35' to 42?40'E. From Soviet surveys and charts. Area 65?19' to 66?35'N; 37?46' to 42?20'E. From Soviet surveys and charts. Vege- tation. Area 65?5' to 66?31'45"N; 34? to 38?43'E. From Soviet surveys 1937-39 and charts printed in 1940-41. Area 66?12' to 67'11'N; 31?56' to 35?23' E. From Soviet surveys of 1933-38. Area 64?25' to 65?40'N; 36?40' to 40?50'E. From Soviet surveys of 1936 with addi- tional detail on Onezhskaya Guba (Gulf of Onega) shoreline for 1939. Vegeta- tion. Area 65?57' to 67?21'N; 40? to 44?43'E. From Soviet surveys to 1940. Area 66?21'15" to 66?41'N; 32?46' to 33?55'20"E. From Soviet surveys of 1933 and 1935. Area 64?:11' to 64?33'N; 35?32' to 36?13' E. From Russian surveys of 1895- 1908. Vegetation. Area 64?7' to 64?23'N; 36? to 36?54'E. From Russian surveys of 1895-1908. Vegetation. Area 63?53' to 64?9'N; 36?6' to 37?E. From Russian surveys of 1896-1911. Vegetation. Area 63?52'44" to 64?6'N; 37?38' to 38?8'E. From Russian surveys of 1886- 90. Roads, vegetation. Area 65?8' to 65?17'N; 36?41' to 37?2'E. From Russian surveys of 1905 and Soviet surveys of 1937. Vegetation. Area 65?49' to 66?20'N; 43?30' to 44?20'E. From Soviet surveys to 1934. Vegeta- tion. Conversion table-meters, sazhen, and feet. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL Page XIII-15 Mag- Scale Title Issue Correc- netic Surface Description tion varia- features tion c, Medium- and large-scale charts of White Sea (Continued) : 1:42,000 Ot ostrova Salma-Ludy do Shuyostrova 1916 at 64?30' (From Salma-Luda to Shuvostrov). USSR No. 955 1:21,000 Ostrova Kuzova (Kuzov Islands). USSR 1910 at 64?56' No. 777 1:21,000 Farvatery k seleniyu Shuya (Channel to 1905 Shut' village). USSR No. 659 1943 1943 1940 1940 Hachures Form lines, spot elevations in feet Area 64?30' to 64?46'N; 34?45' to 35?39'E. From Russian surveys of 1.887-1906. Soundings in feet. Conversion table- feet to meters. Vegetation. Area 64?53' to 64?59'N; 34?56' to 35?20'E. From Russian surveys of 1890-1906. Soundings in feet. Conversion table- feet to meters. Vegetation. Area 64?41' to 64?54'N; 34?42' to 35?8'E. From Russian survey of 1904. Sound- ings in feet. Conversion tables-sazhen, feet and meters. Area 64?33'30" to 64?36'42"N; 39?42' to 39'48'36"E. This chart is classified as confidential. It was compiled about d. Medium- and large-scale charts of coast cast of the White Sea: :1942 from Soviet surveys of that date. 1:250,000 Kaninskaya Zemlya s severnoy chast'-yu 1032 .1943 1940 Hachures, spot Area 67?7' to 68?55'N; 42?35' to 48?55'E. at 69? Chcshskoy guby (Kaninskaya Zemlya 1:250,000 with the northern part of Cheshskaya Bay). USSR No. 1143 Podkhody k prolivam Karskiye Vorota i 1942 1944 1940 Hachures, spot Area 69?20'to 71?13'N; 54?20'to 62?30'E. at 75? Yugorskiy shar (Approaches to Kara elevations From Soviet surveys to 1940. 1:200,000 and Yugorskiy Straits). USSR No. 2549 Ot m.ysa Russkiy Zavorot do o-va Mat- 1940 1941 1940 Relief shading, Area 68?25' to 69?40'N; 53?44' to 58?58'E. at 69? veyev s Pechorskim zalivom (From Cape spot eleva- From old charts and surveys to 1930. Russkiy Zavorot to Matveyev Island with the Gulf of Pechora). USSR No. 2522 lions. 1:200,000 Ot ostrova Varandeya do Yugorskogo shara 1939 1944 1940 Hachures Area 68?47' to 69?43'N; 57?48' to 61?10'E. at 69? (From Varandey Island to Yugorskiy From Soviet surveys of 1934-35 and old 1:200,000 Strait). USSR No. 2617 Yuzhnaya chasC Karskogo morya of 1936 1944 1940 Hachures charts. Area 69? to 70?45'N; 60?25'to 67?25'E. at 75? Yugorskogo shara do Baydaratskoy From Soviet surveys to 1936. guby (Southern part of the Kara Sea from Yugorskiy Strait to Baydaratskaya Bay). Inset: Podkhod k ust'yu reki Marre Yaga (Approach to the mouth of .the Marre Yaga River), 1:25,000. USSR No. 2608 1:150,000 Reka Pechora. Ot ust'ya do goroda 1940 1941 1940 Hachures at 69? Nar'yan-Mara (Pechora River. From the mouth to the town of Naryan Mar). USSR No. 1095 1:50,000 Bolvanskaya guba v limane reki Pechory 1939 1943 1940 Cliffs Area 68?8'S" to 68?20'5"N; 54?28'48" to at 69? (Bolvanskaya Bay in the Pechora estu- 54?58'40"E. From Russian surveys of ary). USSR No. 492 1894. 1:50,000 Yugorskiy shar (Yugorskiy Strait). USSR 1936 .... 1935 Contours Area 69?30' to 69?55'N; 59?55' to 60?55'E. at 70? No. 1570 From Soviet surveys of 1934-35. Ger- man reprint of Soviet chart with all names also in German. Conversion table-- meters, sazhen, and feet. List of Russian abbreviations explained in German. 1:50,000 Bukhta Lyamchina (Lyarnehina Bay). 1939 1941 1940 Cliffs Area 69?41' to 69?58'N; 58?53' to 59?45'E. 69?49'30" . USSR No. 2614 From Soviet surveys of 1935 and older charts. 1:25,000 Plan bar a guby Kolokolkovoy (Plan of the Bar of Kolokolkova Bay). USSR No. 1937 1940 1940 Hachures Area 68?32' to 68?38'N; 52?3' to 52?23'E. From Soviet surveys of 1936. Myu- 2605 fling projection. 1:25,000 Proliv Morozova i ostrov Mestnyy (Moro- nova Strait and Mestnyy Island). 1936 1943 1940 IIachures Area 69?48'22" to 69?52'14"N; 61?6' to 61?19'9"E. From Soviet surveys of USSR No. 1747 1935. 1.:10,000 Podkhod k Amderme (Approach to Am- 1936 1943 1940 Area 69?45'5.47" to 69?46'52.84"N; derma). USSR No. 1749 61?39'7.9" to 61?40'34.54"E. Various Guba Dyrovataya na z. beregu ostrova 1939 1943 . 1940 Cliffs, spot ele- The first plan is on Vaygach Island and the scales Vaygach (Dyrovat Bay on the western coast of Vaygach Island), 1:20,000 at 70?12'; Guba Bclush'ya (Belushya Bay), 1:40,000 at 71?30'; Bukhta Samoyed v Belush'yey gube (Samoyed Bay within vations other two on Novaya Zemlya. From old Russian surveys. Belushya Bay). 1.:10,000 at 71?32'. USSR No. 2618 Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-16 JANIS' 40' BALTIC SEA HYDROGRAPHIC CHARTS Mag- Scale Title Issue Correc- netic Surface Description tion varia- features tion 1. SOVIET CHARTS:* a, Small-scale chart of entire coast: 1:1,200,000 Baltiskoe morye (The Baltic Sea). USSR 1936 1944 Russian at 60? No. 1569 1945 b. Medium-scale charts: 1:200,000 Ot porta Ventspil's do porta Memel' (From 1933 1944 1945 at 60? the port of Ventspils to the port of Memel). USSR No. 1229 1:200,000 Ot mayaka Ovizi do mayaka Takhkuna 1943 1943 1940 at 60? (From Ovizi Light to Takhkuna Light). USSR No. 4148 1:200,000 Rizhskiy zaliv (Gulf of Riga). Insets: 1943 1943 1940 at 60? Port Pyarnu, 1:25,000; Gavan' Virtsu (Virtsu Harbor), 1:10,000. USSR No. 414.9 1:200,000 Ot ostrova Khiiumaa do goroda Turku 1940 1944 1940 at 60? (From Khilumas Island to the town of Turku). USSR No. 2154 1:200,000 Ot ostrova Degere do ostrova Gorland 1940 1943 1940 Cliffs at 60? (From Degere Island to Gorland Island). USSR No. 2153 1:200,000 Ot ostrova Gorland do Leningrada (From 1941 1942 1940 at 60? Gorland Island to Leningrad). USSR No. 2152 c. Large-scale charts: 1:100,000 Dantsigskaya Bukhta (Danzig Bay). 1942 1943 Russian Contours at 60? USSR No. 4064 1940 1:10,000 Gavan' Pyarnu (Parnu Harbor). USSR 1940 1943 Russian at 60? No. 4129 1940 2. GERMAN CHARTS:** a. Small-scale chart of entire coast: 1:1,500,000 Die Ostsee (The Baltic Sea). Germany, 1937 1945 German at 53?50' No. 98 1940 b._ Medium:-scale charts: 1:500,000 Die Ostsec von Oland bis Helsinki ('.rho 1930 at 58?35' Baltic Sea from Oland to Helsinki). Germany No. 52 1:400,000 Finnischer Meerbusen (Gulf of Finland). 1931 Germany No. 79 1:400,000 Die Ostsee von Jershoft bis Stoinort (The 1930 Baltic Sea from Jershoft to Steinort). Germany No. 240 1:200,000 Der Rigaische Meerbusen (Gulf of Riga). 1942 at 57?45' Insets: Hainasch (Ainahi), 1:50,000; Pornau.(Parnu), 1:40,000; Hafen Mark- grafen (Mersraga Harbor), 1:10,000; Ilafen Skulte (Skultes Harbor), 1:7,500. Germany No. 15 1:150,000 Danziger Bgcht and Frisches Ilaff (Bay of 1942 Danzig and Frisches Haff). Germany No. 51 Area 53?30' to 66?N; 9? to 31?E. From Soviet, Finnish, Swedish, and German charts. Area 55?30' to 57?31'N; 19?20' to 21?35'E. From Soviet, Swedish, and German charts. Vegetation, roads, railroads. Area 57?27' to 59?12'N; 20?30' to 22?45'E. From Soviet charts. Roads, railroads. Area 56?55' to 58?43'N; 22?5' to 24?33'E. From Soviet charts. Roads, railroads. Area 58?35' to 60?30'N; 21?20' to 24?E. From Finnish and Estonian charts. Roads, railroads. Area 59?12' to 60?35'N; 23?29' to 27?15'E. From Soviet charts. Roads. Area 59?19' to 60?43'30"N; 26?50' to 30?35'E. From Soviet charts. Pro- hibited zones. Area 54?10' to 55?N; 18?18' to 20?13'E. From German charts and Soviet topo- graphic maps. Nearly all the land area is covered with detail, including roads and railroads. Area 58?21'19" to 58?23'33"N; 24?26'44" to 24?30'35"E. Enlarged from Esto- nian chart No. 9 but additional detail not on the 1934 edition. Street pattern. Area 53?50' to 66?N; 9? to 30?30'E. Rail- roads. Earlier printing has corrections to 1943, includes magnetic variation curves. 1945 German Hachures Area 56?40' to 60?30'N; 16?1.5' to 25?E. 1937 In two sheets. Railroads. The three- mile limit of Sweden is overprinted in red. Non-German geographic terms are translated into German. 1946 German hachures, spot Area 58? 51'30" to 60?45'N; 22?34' to 1944 elevations 30?23'E. From German charts. Rail- roads, vegetation. Glossary of non- German terms. 1944 German Hachures, spot Area 54?16' to 57?N; 15?42' to 21?19'E. 1946 elevations From German and Swedish charts. Railroads, vegetation. 1945 1946 Lachures Area 56?55' to 58?35'N; 22?25' to 24?40'E. From German, Latvian, Estonian, and Soviet charts. Railroads, vegetation, index of larger-scale German charts of same area, glossary of Estonian and Latvian terms. Hachures, spot Area 54?10' to 55?8'N; 18?15' to 20?33'E. elevations From German surveys. Railroads, vege- tation, index of larger-scale German charts within the area; wrecks over- printed in green. * Published by Gidrograficheskoye Upravleniye V.M.F. 1:200,000 charts from Klaipeda (Memel) to Leningrad only. Russian language used ex- clusively. ** Complete coverage of Baltic Coast by Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine Charts at 1:500,000 and 1:400,000, and at 1:200,000 and 1:150,000. Charts at 1:500,000 and 1:400,000 include index maps of charts at larger scales. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL TABLE XIII - 2 (Continued) Page XIII-17 Mag- Scale Title Issue Correc- netic Surface Description tion varia- features tion b. Medium-scale charts (Continued) : 1:150,000 Ktiste von Ostpreussen and Kurisches Haff (Coast of East Prussia and Kurisches Haff). Germany No. 45 1:150,000 Kiiste von Kurland, Memel bis Steinort (Coast of Kurland, Memel to Steinort). Inset: Pappensee, 1:10,000. Germany No. 17 at 55?46' (Coast of Kurland, Steinort to Lyserort). Insets: Hafen von Windau (Ventspils Harbor), 1:20,000; Pauls Hafen (Pavil- osta Harbor), 1:25,000 and 1:5,000. 1927 1944 1945 Hachures, spot Area 54?52' to 55?56'30"N; 19?43' to elevations 21?23'E. From German surveys. Topographic maps, and Memel harbor plans. Vegetation, railroads, index of larger-scale German charts of area; wrecks overprinted in green. 1919 1944 1944 Hachures Area 55?43' to 56?55'N; 19?47 to 21?23'E. From German surveys and topographic maps, Soviet charts and topographic maps, and Latvian charts. Roads, rail- roads, vegetation, index of larger-scale German charts of area. 1944 hachures Area 56?46' to 57?41'N; 20?46' to 22?21'E. From German surveys; ?Latvian and Soviet charts. Roads, railroads, vege- tation. 1:150,000 at 57?56' Germany No. 16 Westliche Einfahrt zum Rigaischen Meer- busen (Western Entrance to the Gulf of Riga). Inset: Hafen von Rojen (Roja 1.:150,000 at 58?48' Harbor), 1:10,000. Germany No. 10 Nordliche Einfahrten zum Rigaischen Meerbusen (Northern Entrances to'the Gulf of Riga). Insets: Hafen von Hap- sal (Haapsalu Harbor), 1:40,000; Rohu- kiila Hafen (Rohukula Harbor), 1:12,000; Worder Hafen (Virtsu Harbor), 1:12,000; Orjaku Hafen (OrjakuHarbor), 1:12,000; 1942 1944 1940 Lehtma Ilafen (Lehtma Harbor), 1:10,000; Kuivaste Hafen (Kuivaste Harbor), 1:8,000; Taaliku Hafen (Taa- liku Harbor), 1:8,000; Heltermaa Hafen (HeltermaaHarbor), 1:8,000; Hafen von Kertel (Kardla Harbor), 1:8,000; Tiefen- hafen (Suur Harbor), 1:8,000. Germany No. 9 1:150,000 Finnischer Meerbusen, Hanko bis Helsinki (Gulf of Finland, IIanko to Helsinki). Germany No. 150 1935 1944 1937 Hachures 1:150,000 Finnischer Meerbusen, Helsinki bis Suur- Saari (Gulf of Finland, Helsinki to Suur- saari). Germany No. 151 1936 1942 1937 Hachures 1:150,000 Finnischer Meerbusen, Suursaari bis Seis- kari (Gulf of Finland, Suursaari to Sois- kari). Inset: Hungerburg (Narva- JOesuu), 1:50,000. Germany No. 152 elevations 1:150,000 Finnischer Meorbusen von Seiskari bis Leningrad (Gulf of Finland from Sciskari Hachures, spot elevations to Leningrad). Germany No. 153 c. Large-scale charts: 1:100,000 Nordkiiste von Estland, Kokskar bis Koft at 59?40'. (Northern coast of Estonia, Kokskar to Koft). Insets: Loksa, 1:15,000; Kunda, 1:30,000. Germany No. 118 1:75,000 Danziger Bucht, Ostlicher Teil and Frisches Haff (Danzig Bay, Eastern Part and Frischos Haff). Insets: Seekanal, Pey- ser Krummung (Sea channel, Peyser Bend), 1:20,000; Seekanal, Widitter Krummung. (Sea Channel, Widitter Bend), 1:20,000; Seekanal von Naut- zwinkel bis Konigsberg and Konigsberger Rinne (Sea channel from Nautzwinkel to Konigsberg and Konigsberg Narrow Channel), 1:20,000. Germany No. 23 Original 23?15'E. From Soviet, Latvian and Estonian charts. Roads, railroads, vege- tation. Area 58?16' to 59?19'N; 21?4' to 23?15'E. From Estonian charts. Roads, rail- roads. Area 59?12' to 60?13'N; 22?50' to 25?6'E Railroads, index of larger-scale German charts of area. Seamarks not carried along Finnish coast. Area 59?25' to 60?31'N; 24?53' to 27?E. From German and Estonian charts. Roads, railroads, index of larger-scale German charts of area. Seamarks not given along Finnish coast. 28?31'30"E. From German, Soviet, Finnish, and Estonian charts. Roads, railroads, vegetation, index of larger- scale German charts of area. Seamarks not carried along Finnish coast. Area 59?43' to 60?30'N; 28?20' to 30?25'E. From Finnish and Soviet charts. Roads, railroads, vegetation, index of larger- scale German charts of arek. 1942 1944 German Hachures, spot Area 59?26' to 60?N; 24?54' to 26?36'E. 1946 elevations From Finnish and Estonian charts. Roads, railroads, index of larger-scale German charts of area. 1937 1944 German Hachures, spot Area 54?17' to 54?44'N; 18?56' to 20?32'E. elevations. From German surveys. Woods, roads, railroads. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-18 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 Mag- Scale Title Issue Correc- netic Surface Description tion varia- features Lion GEanrAN CHARTS (Continued) : c. Large-scale charts (Continued) : 1:75,000 Nordkiiste von Estland, Baltisch Port bis 1943 1944 German Hachures, spot at 59?30' Kokskar (Northern Coast of Estonia, 1945 elevations Baltisch Port to Kokskar). Insets: Baltisch Port, 1:4,000; Reval, Neuer Hafen (Tallinn, Newer Harbor), 1:15,000; Reval, Alter Hafen (Tallinn, Older Harbor), 1:7,500. Germany No. 81 1:70,000 Kurisches Haff, Nordlicher Tell (Kurisches 1945 1945 German Contours, spot Heff, Northern Part). Insets: Die At- 1944 elevations math Miindung (The 1Vjouth of the Atmath), 1:35,000; Hafen von Memel (Memel Harbor), 1:20,000. Germany, No. 94 1:50,000 Kap Juminda his Vergi (Cape Juminda to 1942 1943 German Contours, spot at 59?40' Vergi). Germany No. 1305 1945 elevations, cliffs 1:50,000 Vergi bis Aseri (Vergi to Aseri). Germany 1942 1944 German Contours, spot at 59?35' No. 1306. 1946 elevations, cliffs 1:50,000 Narva Bucht, Aseri his Toila (Narva Bay, 1942 1944 German Contours, spot at 59?30' Aseri to Toila). Germany No. 1307 1946 elevations, cliffs 1:50,000 Narva Bucht, Toile his Hungerburg (Narva 1942 1944 German Contours, spot at 59?30' Bay, Toila to Hungerburg (Narva- 1946 elevations, Joesuu)). Germany No. 1308 cliffs 1:50,000 Kronstadt Bukhta (Kronshtadt Bay). 1929 1942 German Hachures at 60?3' Germany No. 181 1939 1:50,000 Newa Bucht, Kronstadt his Leningrad 1929 1941 German Hachures, spot (Neva Bay, Kronshtadt to Leningrad). 1938 elevations Germany No. 154 1:50,000 Wulf his Kap Juminda (Wulf to Cape Ju- 1942 1944 German Contours, spot at 59?35' minda). Germany No. 1304 1945 elevations, 1:40,000 Die Newa, von Leningrad his Schlussel- 1942 1942 German cliffs Hachures at 59?51' burg (The Neva from Leningrad to 1947 Shlisselborg (Petrokrepost'). Germany No. 1330 1:25,000 Hafen von Riga' (Riga Harbor). Ger- 1941 1941 German at 57? many No. 13 1944 1:20,000 Hafen von Libau (Liepaja Harbor). Ger- 1943 1943 German Hachures at 56?33' many No. 18 1944 1:10,000 Pillau,. Einfahrt and IIafen (Pillau (Bal- 1939 1945 German Hachures tiysk), Approach and Harbor). Ger- 1941 many No. 20 3. FINNISH CHARTS:*** a. Medium-scale charts of Gulf of Finland: 1:285,012 Uto-Glosholm; Suomenlahden lansiosa 1922 1945 Finnish, (Gulf of Finland-western part). Fin- land No. 7 Swedish 1940 1:285,012 Glosholm-Kronstadt; Suomenlahden 1922 1945 Finnish, itaoisa (Glosholm-Kronshtadt; Gulf of Swedish Finland---eastern part). Finland No. 8 1945 b. Large-scale charts: 1:50,000 Seivasto-Seiskari. Finland No. 11 1942 1945 Finnish, at 60?20' Swedish 1945 1:50,000 Viipurin Lahti (Viipuri Bay). Finland 1943 1945 Finnish, Swedish 1945 *** Published by Merikarttalaitos (Hydrographic Service of Finland). within its area. Area 59?15' to 59?44'N; 23?55' to 25?6'E, From Estonian and Soviet charts. Roads, railroads, vegetation. Area 55?16'48" to 55?44'42"N; 21? to 21?20'20"E. From German surveys. Roads, railroads, vegetation. Area 59?31' to 59?47'N; 25?41' to 26?12'E. From Estonian charts. Roads, rail- roads. Glossary of non-German terms. Area 59?29' to 59?45'N; 26?2' to 26?50'E, From Estonian charts. Roads, rail- roads. Glossary of non-German terms. Area 59?22'30" to 59?38'N; 26?48' to 27?36'E. From Estonian charts. Roads, railroads. Glossary of non- German terms. Area 59?21' to 59?36'N; 26?30' to 28?16'E. From Estonian and Soviet charts. Roads, railroads, vegetation. Glossary of non-German terms. Area 59?54' to 60?12'N; 28?55' to 29?50'E. From Soviet charts. Roads, railroads, vegetation. Area 59?50' to 60?7'30"N; 29?31' to 30?25'E. From Soviet charts and plans of Leningrad. Roads, railroads, named buildings, vegetation. Area 59?28' to 59?44'N; 24?45' to 25?33'E. From Estonian charts. Roads, rail- roads. Glossary of non-German terms. Area 59?45' to 59?58'N; 30?21'54" to 31?4'12"E. From Soviet charts, Roads, railroads. Area 56?55' to 57?7'N; 23?52' to 24?9'E. From chart Latvia No. 2, which was based on local surveys of 1930-37, plus later corrections. Railroads, streets, vegetation, trigonometric points. Area 56?29'30" to 56?34'30"N; 20?51' to 21?5'E. From a Latvian chart. Roads, names of buildings, railroads, woods. Area 54?36'18" to 54?39'48"N; 19?50' to 19?59'E. From German surveys, topo- graphic maps, and town plans. Rail- roads, streets, vegetation. Area 58?54' to 60?20'N; 22?21' to 26?E. Railroads and 1944 international bound- ary changes. Abbreviations explained in both languages. Area 59?20' to 60?44'N; 25?44' to 30?21'E. Railroads and 1944 international bound- ary changes. Abbreviations explained in both languages. Area 59?59' to 60?18'N; 28?13' to 29?8'E. Roads, railroads. Area 60?18' to 60?45'N; 28?13' to 28?51'E. Roads, railroads. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL Page XIII-19' Mag- Scale Title Issue -Correc- netic Surface Description tion varia- features tion b. Large-scale charts (Continued) : 1:50,000 Someri-Ristniemi. Finland No. 14 1031 1045 Finnish, at 60?20' Swedish 1945 1:50,000 Porkkalanselka, Porkkalafjard-Kyto. Fin- 1934 1945 Finnish, at 60?20' land No. 20 - Swedish 1945 4. LATVIAN CHARTS:t 1:100,000 Ventspils-Kolkasrags-Roja. Inset: Vent- 1939 .... Latvian, at 57? spils Osta (Ventspils Harbor). Latvia English No. 1 1940 1:50,000 Roja-Berzciems, Insets: Rojas Osta (Roja 1935 .... Latvian, at 57?25' Harbor), 1:10,000; Mcrsraga Osta, English (Mersraga Harbor), 1:10,000. Latvia 1935 1:50,000 No. 7 Abragciems-Bulduri. Inset: Ragaciems, 1936 . Latvian, at 57?5' 1:10,000. Latvia No. 8 English 1937 1:50,000 Garciems-Skulte. Inset: Skultes Osta 1939 .... Latvian, at 57? (Skultes Harbor), 1:5,000. Latvia No. 9 English 1939 1:10,000 Harbor of Liepfija. Latvia No. 3 English Latvian, at 56?32' English Area 60?7'30" to 60?34'30"N; 27?38' to 28?15'E. Roads. Area 59?44' to 60?11'N; 24?6' to 24?43'E,. Roads, boundaries of Soviet leased terri- tory. Area 57?21' to 57?55'30"N; 21?25' to 22?49'E. From Latvian surveys and. Soviet charts. Roads, railroads, vege-? tation. Area 57?14' to 57?35'N; 22?46'30" to 23?17'E. From Latvian surveys of 1932-35. Roads, railroads, vegetation. Area 56?56'30" to 57?14'N; 23?10' to 23?52'E. From Latvian surveys of 1934-36. Roads, railroads, vegetation. Area 57?5' to 57?24'N; 24?5' to 24?29'E. From Latvian surveys of 1937-38. Roads, railroads, vegetation. Area 56?46' to 56?59'N; 23?34' to 23?45E. With continuation of river to Jelgava. From Latvian surveys of 1927-28. Roads, railroads, vegetation, buildings with names. Area 56?30' to 56?34'30"N; 20?57' to 21?3'30"E. From Latvian surveys of 5. ESTONIAN CIIARTS:tt 1931 1923 to 1930 and a Soviet chart. Com- plete land coverage with streets; names of buildings, railroads. Table of abbre- viations. 1:70,000 Tallinna Laht (Tallinn Bay). Insets: 1926 1932 Esto- Hachures Area 59?21' to 59?43'N; 23?59' to 25?6'E. at 59?35' Aegna Kanaal (Aegna Channel), nian Railroads, vegetation, table of abbre- 1:15,000; Vana Sadam (Tallinn Old Harbor), 1:7,500; Uus Sadam (Tallinn New Harbor), 1:7,500; Bekkeri Tehase Sadam (Bekkeri Harbor Development), 1:7,500; Vene-Balti Tehase Sadam (Balti Harbor Development), 1:7,500; Tallinna Kalasadam (Tallinn Fishing Harbor), 1:5,000. Estonia No. 17 1926 viations. 1:20,000 Tallinna Reid ja Sadamad (Tallinn Road 1022 1932 Esto- Hachures Area 59?25'30" to 59?31'30"N; 24?33' to at 59?27' and Harbors). Insets: Tallinna Vanasa- dam (Tallinn Old Harbor), 1:7,500. Estonia No. 20 nian 24?51'30"E. Railroads, streets, vege- tation, named buildings. t Published by Jiirniecibas Departamenta (Latvian Marine Department). tt Published by Sojazagede Staaei Topohudograafia Osajand (Topographic and Hydrographic Section of the General Staff of the Army). Mag- Scale Title Issue Correc- netic Surface Description tion varia- features tion SMALL-SCALE CHARTS: 1:1,314,852 Chernoye i Azovskoye morya (Black Sea 1903 1943 1940 Hachures, spot Area 40?30' to 47?20'N; 27? to 42?20'E. at 44? and Sea of Azov). USSR No. 1839 elevations in Based on Russian Black Sea hydro- feet graphic expeditions 1871-90. Sound- ings in feet to 30 feet; greater depths in sazhen. Conversion tables-sazhen, meters, and feet. Distances listed from Sevastopol'. 1:750,000 Zapadnaya chast' Chernogo morya (West- 1935 1943 1940 Spot elevations Area 40?40' to 47?N; 27?20' to 34?20'E. at 44? ern portion of the Black Sea). USSR From Soviet, British, and German No. 1522 charts. Prohibited zones indicated. * Published in Russian by the Gidrograficheskoye Upravleniye Voyenno-Merskogo F1ota Soyoza SSR (Hydrographic Administration of the Soviet. Navy). Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-20 Mag- Scale Title Tssue Correc- netic Surface Description tion varia- features tion SMALL-SCALE CHARTS (Continued) : 1:750,000 Vostochnaya chast' Chernogo mory.a (East- at 44? ern portion of the Black Sea). USSR No. 1523 1:500,000 Alushta-Mangaliya. Inset:. .Port Kon- at 44? stantsa (Port Constanta), 1:20,000. USSR No. 2310 1:500,000 Azovskoye More (Sea of Azov). USSR at 44? No. 2212 MEDIUM- TO LARGE-SCALE CHARTS: 1:175,000 Ot Kerch'-Yenikal'skogo proliva do goroda 1936 1943 1940 at 44? Genicheska (From Kerch-Yenikale Strait to Genichesk). USSR No. 1468 spot eleva- From Soviet charts and topographic tions maps of the General Staff of the Red Army to 1935. Railroads, woods, and other general features cover land area of chart. Table of distances for Sea of Azov ports. 1:172,200 at Taganrogskiy zaliv (Gulf of Taganrog). 1900 1943 1940 Hachures, spot 46?57'30" Inset: Gavan' goroda Taganroga (Port elevations in of the city of Taganrog), 1:21,000. feet USSR No. 1800 1:150,000 Ot Dnestrovsko-Tsaregradskogo. mayaka 1940 1941 1940 Cliffs at 44? do Dneprovskogo limana (From Tsarc- gradskoye Lighthouse to the Dnepr estuary). USSR No. 2391 1:150,000 Ot mysa Tarkhankutskogo do mysa Sarych 1940 1942 1940 Form lines at 44? From Cape Tarkhankut to Cape Sarych). USSR No. 2329 Area 45?12' to 46?18'N; 34?45' to 36?55'E. From surveys 1896-1934. Area 46?30' to 47?25'N; 37?12' to 39?20'E. Based on surveys from 1880-98. Sound- ings in feet. Area 45?38' to 46?40'N; 30?20' to 32?20'5" E. From Soviet charts. Area 44?5' to 45?25'N; 32?21' to 33?45'E. From Soviet charts. Area 43?52' to 44?52'N; 33?10' to 35?8'E. From Soviet charts. 1:150,000 Ot mayaka Meganom do Kerch-Yenikal'- 1940 1943 1940 Form lines; spot Area 44?20' to 45?19'N; 34?57' to 36?54'E. 1:150,000 Ot mysa Khersones do mysa Meganom 1940 1943 1940 Relief shading at 44? (From Cape Khersones to Meganom). Insets: Reyd Alushta (Alushta Roads), 1:10,000; Port of Yalta, 1:10,000. USSR No. 2398 at 44? skogo proliva (From Meganom Light- house to Kerch-Yenikale Strait). Inset: Bukhta Koktedel' (Koktedel' Bay), 1:25,000. USSR No. 2397 1:150,000 Ot mysa Tarkhan do Beysugskovo limana 1940 1943 1940 Relief shading at 44? (From Tarkhan Cape to Beysugskiy estuary). Insets: Akhtarskaya bukhta (Akhtarskaya Bay), 1:50,000; Temryuk- skiy port, 1:25,000. USSR No. 2385 1:109,536 Chast' zapadnogo berega Chernogo morya 1896 1943 1943 Hachures; spot at 45? of Tsaregradskovo girla Dnestrovskogo elevations in limana do ust'yev Dunaya (Part of the feet Western coast of the Black Sea from the Tsaregradskoye Branch of the Dnestr estuary to the mouth of the Danube). Inset: Ostrov Figonisi (Serpent Island), 1:8,400. USSR No. 1768 1:16,800 Bukhta Akmanay (Akmanay Bay). 1888 1943 .... Ilachures; spot at 44? USSR No. 252 elevations in feet Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 iwlm~ Area 45?14' to 46?16'30"N; 36?00'25" to 38?23'E. Compiled from Soviet charts. Area 45?9' to 46?6'N; 29?35'28" to 30?29'28"E. Based on Russian Black Sea hydrographic expeditions o' 1882- 86. Soundings in feet to 30 feet; greater depths in sazhen. Area 45?16' to 45?21'N; 35?27' to 35?35'E. Based on Russian Black Sea expeditions. Soundings in feet. Conversion table- feet to meters. Mag- Scale Title Issue Correc- netic Surface Description tion varia- features tion - SMALL-SCALE CHARTS: 1:1,388,520 Kaspiyskoye more (Caspian Sea). USSR 1879 No. 1665 1:800,000 Severnaya chast' Kaspiyskogo inorya 1933 1943 1940 at 42? (Northern part of the Caspian Sea). USSR No. 1168 55?50'28"E. From Russian surveys of 1858-71 and 1874 with supplementary work of 1925-29 and 1933-36. Roads. Area 43?55' to 47?55'N; 46?35' to 54?50'E. From various Russian surveys to 1936. Areas dangerous for navigation noted. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 1935 1942 1940 Spot elevations Area 40?40' to 45?25'N; 33? to 42?10'E. From Soviet and German charts. 1940 1942 1940 Spot elevations Area 43?45' to 47?N; 28?20' to 34?4TE. From Soviet charts. 1943 1044 1945 Relief shading, Area 44?35' to 47?25'N; 34?23' to 40?8'E. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP, APPRAISAL Page XIII-211 Mag- Scale Title Issue Correc- netic Surface Description tion varia- features tion LARGE-SCALD CHARTS: 1:193,662 Ot Chistoy banki do o. Chechen' (From. 1872 at 44?30' Chistoy Bank to Chechen' Island). USSR No. 1667 1:190,008 Ot ostrova Biryuch'ya Kosa do Serebrya- 1876 1940 Hachures ., at 45? kovskoy pristani (From Birych'ya Kosa Island to Serebryakovskoy Landing). USSR No. 1687, 1:190,008 Ot goroda Astrakhans do Chistoy banks 1877 1930 Hachures at 45? (From Astrakhan' to Chistoy Bank). USSR No. 1727 TABLE XIII - 5 INTERIOR LAKES HYDROGRAPHIC CHARTS Area 43?43'46" to 45?17'30"N; 1?2' to 2?32' west of Baku (49?52' east of Greenwich). From Russian surveys of 1861-63 with supplementary work to 1937. ' Area 44?39'45" to 45?52'15"N; 1?10' to 3?10' west of Baku. From Russian surveys of 1869-72 with supplementary work to 1937. Area 45?8' to 46?40'N; 0?53' to 2?23' west of Baku. From Russian surveys of 1872-73 with supplementary work to 1929. Soundings in feet at mean water but they are not stable. The chart has been tied into the Volga triangulation. Mag- Scale Title Issue Correc- netic Surface Description Lion varia- features tion LAKE ONEGA: 1:100,000 Ot goroda Medvezhegorsk do o-va. Khed at 60? (From Medvezhegorsk to Khed Island). USSR No. 4346 1:100,000 Ot Petrozavodska do Mysa Besov Nos at 62? (From Petrozavodsk to Nos). USSR No. 4348 Cape Besov 1:100,000 Ot Mysa Besov Nos do Voznesenkoy pris- at 62? tani (From Cape Besov Nos to Vozne- senke Landing). USSR No. 4349 LAKE LADOGA: 1:150,000 Severnaya chast' Ladozhskogo ozera at 60? .(Northern part of Lake Ladoga). In- sets: Bukhta Sortanlakhti (Sortanlakhti Bay), 1:15,000; Podkhod K seleniyu Konovets (Approach to Konovets vil- lage), 1:15,000. USSR No. 2106 1:50,000 Podkhod k gorody Sortavala (Approach to at 60? the town of Sortavala). USSR No. 4304 LAKES CIIUDSKOYE AND PSKOV: 1:150,000 Chudskoye i Pskovskoye ozera (Lakes k oye an d P k I nse s: F ar- u d s s ov . t ) ' Ch at ? 58 30 vater (channel) Eesti Vyarav, 1:30,000; Podkhod k seleniyu Praaga (Approach to Praaga Village), 1:30,000; Gavan' Vasknarva (Vasknarva Harbor), 1:15,000; Gavan' Mustvee (Mustvee Harbor), 1:12,000. USSR No. 2188 D. Special maps This section includes all maps covering subjects of gen- eral interest that are not classified as' topographic sets, general atlases, aeronautical charts, or hydrographic charts. Specialized atlases and books containing a large number of maps on one subject are listed under the sub- ject mapped rather than in the section on general atlases. The special maps are classified as: 1) physical; 2) polit- ical or administrative; 3) peoples; 4) transportation, tele- communications, and power; and 5) economic. If a map shows several features, such as administrative divisions and terrain, it is classified in this report according to its Original 1942 1943 1940 Form lines Area 62?24' to 62?56'N; 34?12' to 35?55'E. From Soviet charts. 1943 1943 - 1940 Form lines, spot elevations Area 61?26' to 62?3'N; 34?20' to 36?6'E. From Soviet charts. 1943 1943 1940 Form lines Area 60?51' to 61?42'30"N; 35?16' to 36?34'E. From Soviet charts. 1937 Area 60?48' to 61?46'N; 29?52' to 32?50'E. From Finnish charts corrected to 1937 and Soviet surveys to 1934. Roads. 1941 1944 1945 Form lines Area 61?32'54".to 61?42'48"N; 30?39'36" to 30?53'E. From recent Finnish charts and old Russian surveys. 1941 1942 1940 ...... Area 57?45' to 59?5'N; 26?45' to 28?20'E. From Russian surveys of 1895-1934. probable major use. Only maps of major significance are cross-referenced between sections. Unless otherwise noted all maps are available in the Map Branch, Central Intelligence Agency. (1) Physical maps (TABLE XIII-6) Physical maps are classified as general, geologic, ice, climate and vegetation, soils, and military.. All of the general maps have gradient tints and include major cul- tural features. A large number are wall maps for class- room use. The area as a whole is described first, fol- lowed by its parts, arranged in geographic order from west to east and north to south. Mineral deposits are Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-22 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 listed with the geologic maps. The best maps of vegeta- tion are to be found in atlases, notably the Bol'shoy Sovetskiy Atlas. The Mil-Geo series emphasizes the geo- graphic features of military significance, and the Ostland Atlas includes detailed geologic maps of the Baltic states and White Russia. TABLE XIII - 6 PHYSICAL MAPS GENERAL MAPS: SSSR Evropeyskaya Chast', Fizicheskaya Karta (USSR European Part, Physical Map) Hohen-und Gewasserkarte von Ost-Europa (Relief and Hydrographic Map of East- ern Europe) Fizicheskaya GeografeyaSSSR, Europeyskaya Chast' i Kav- kaz (Physical Geography of the USSR, European Part and the Caucasus) Map Polski i Krakow 09cien- nych (Map of Poland and Adjacent Countries) Belaruskaya SSR, Fizichnaya Karta (White Russian SSR, Physical Map) Ukrainskaya SSR, Fiziche- skaya Karta (Ukrainian SSR, Physical Map) Fizichna Karta Chornomors'- kikh Krayiv (Physical Map' of the Black Sea Area) TsentriZapad Yevropeyskoy Chasti SSSR (Central and Western European Part of the USSR) Kirovskaya Oblast', Udmurt- skaya i Mariyskaya ASSR, Fizicheskaya Karla (Kirov- skaya Oblast', Udmurt ASSR, and Mari ASSR, Physical Map) Tatarskaya ASSR, Fiziche- skaya Karta (Tatar ASSR, Physical Map) Povolzh'ye Fizicheskaya Karta (Volga Region, Physical Map) GEOLOGIC MAPS: USSR Minerals Series Skhematicheskaya Karla Pri- rodnykh M'ineral'nykh Vod SSSR (Schematic Map of Natural Minerals Waters of the USSR) Publisher Scale, language, and date Glavnoye Upravleniye Geo- 1:2,500,000 dezii i Karlografii (Prin- Russian cipal Administration of 1945 Geodesy and Cartog- h ) * rap y Generalstab des Hecres 1:1,500,000 (General Staff of the German Army) 1943 Gosudarstvennoye Ucheb- Various scales no-Pedagogicheskoye Iz- Russian datel'stvo (State Text- 1941 book Publishing House) Wojskowy Instytut Geog- 1:1,000,000 raficzny (Military Geo- Polish graphic Institute), Edin- 1943 burgh G. U. G. K. 1:750,000 Belorussian 1940 G. U. G. K. 1:1,000,000 Russian 1940 Ukrayins'ke Vidavnitstvo 1:1,500,000 (Ukrainian Publishers), Ukrainian Krakow 1942 G. U. G. K. 1:1,500,000 Russian 1939 1:500,000 Russian 1940 1:400,000 Russian ? 1939 1:1,500,000 Russian Gradient tints, towns classified by popu- lation, boundaries of union republics and generalized transport routes. 4-sheet reprint of color-separation draw- ings of the 20-sheet Gipsometricheskaya Karta Evropeyskoy Chasti SSSR (Hyp- sometric Map of European USSR), G .U. G. K, 1941 Gradient tints, topo- graphic names, administrative divisions to oblasts, railroads, roads, and towns classified by population. Maps of physical features, geomorphology, vegetation, and land forms of European USSR, chiefly at 1.:10,000,000 (Crimea at 1:1,000,000); many black-and-white maps throughout the 321-page text by B. F. Dobrynin. Volume in Library of Congress. Gradient tints, towns classified by popu- lation and administrative function, de- tailed transportation data, powiat (dis- trict) boundaries as of 1 January 1938. Western border area between Latvia and Bessarabia covered. Gradient tints, topographic names, oblast boundaries, towns classified by popula- tion, minerals, roads, railroads, canals, heads of navigation. Gradient tints, town classification by population and administrative function, mineral deposits, railroads, navigation routes. Gradient tints, towns classified by popu- lation, railroads, names of geographic areas. Gradient tints, towns classified by popu- lation, and administrative function, oblast boundaries, transport routes, mineral deposits. Gradient tints, town classified by popu.- lation and administrative function, mineral deposits, railroads, navigable rivers. Gradient tints, towns classified by popu- lation and administrative function, mineral deposits, navigable rivers. Gradient tints, towns classified by popu- lation and administrative function, 1939 oblast boundaries, mineral deposits, transport routes. Insets of climate, soils and vegetation. Department of State, Div. 1:25,000,000 11 maps on a general Base giving location of Geog. & Cartography English of principal mineral deposits. Process- 1944 ing plants for the major metals and Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Is- 1:10,000,000 sledo-Vatel'skiy Geoo- Russian gicheskiy Institut, Konii- 1945 tet po Delam Geologii (All-Union Soviet Geo- logic Scientific Research Institute, Committee for Geologic Affairs) their capacities are shown. As some of the data are old, the series must be used with caution. The USSR is divided into 3.1 provinces based on prevailing types of mineral springs. Important springs are located and classified as to kind of water. Towns, railroads, union republic bound- aries, and hydrographic features on base. Wall map stressing physi- cal features. Planning map with em- phasis,on topography. Physical features, areas annexed in 1939-41, and details of Crimea. Latest Polish map of the area annexed by USSR in 1939. Physical features of White Russia, wall maps. Physical features of the Ukraine, wall map. Physical ,features of area south of Orel. Physical features of area from Leningrad to the Ukraine, wall map. Physical features of Kirov- skaya Oblast', Mari ASSR, and Udmurt ASSR, wall map. Physical features of Tatar ASSR, wall map. Physical features of Volga region below Yaroslavl', wall map. Location of mining and smelting centers. Location and types of mineral waters. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 mmhW6 MAP APPRAISAL GEOLOGIC MAPS (Continued): Geologicheskaya Karta SSSR Komitet po Delam Geologii 1:2,500,000 (Geological Map of the pri SNK (Committee for Russian USSR) Geologic Affairs attached 1940 to the Council of People's Commissars) Geologicheskaya Karta (Geo- Komitet po Delam Geologii ~1:1,000,000 logic Map) (Committee for Geologic Russian Affairs) 1936-46 Baustoff-tlbersichtskarte des Wehrgeologenstab Wannsce 1:1,000,000 europaischen Russland (Military-Geologic Gen- German (General Map of Building oral Staff, Wannsce) 1943 Materials in European USSR) Baustoffkarte des europai- Wehrgeologenstab Wannsee 1:300,000 schen Russland (Building (Military-Geologic Gen- German Material Map of European eral Staff, Wannsee) 1942-43 USSR Page XIII-23 Scale, language, and date ICE MAPS: Ice Atlas of the Northern U. S. Hydrographic Office Various scales Hemisphere English 1946 Atlas der Vereisungsverhalt- nisse Russlands und Finn- lands, ihrer Kustengewasser sowie wirtschaftlich and militarisch wichtigen Bin- nenwasserstrassen mit text- lichen Vorbemerkungen and Tabellen (Atlas of Russian and Finnish Ice Conditions, their coastal waters and inland waterways of eco- nomic and military im- portance, with preface and tables) Deutsche Seewarte Ober- kommando des Kriegs- marine (German Naval Observatory, Navy High Command) Various scales German 1946 CLIMATE AND VEGETATION MAPS: Klimatichoskaya Karta SSSR? G. U. G. K. (Climatic Map of the USSR) Poland's Possible Contribu- tion to Future Air Trans- port Polish Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Shipping, Aeronautical Depart- ment, London Zenon Gleicher IIumiditkt and Ariditat in der Ukraine (Zones of Equal Humidity and Aridity in the Ukraine) Die Natiirlichen Vegetations- zonen der Ukraine (The Natural Vegetation Zones of the Ukraine) Original 1:5,000,000 Russian 1939 Chiefly 1:4,000,000 English 1944 Petermanns Gcogr. Mit- 1:3,000,000 teilungen, Vol. 90, No. German 3-4, 1944, Map 9 1944 Petermanns Gcogr. Mit- 1:3,000,000 teilungen, Vol. 90, No. German 3-4, 1944, Map 8 1944 Map shows geologic age, types of in- Complete geologic map. trusive, glaciers, and maximum limits of continental glaciation on a base giv- ing roads, railroads, 1940 international boundaries, and towns classified by administrative function and by popu- lation. 1942 German reprint adds German legend. 34 sheets give nearly complete geologic Detailed geologic data. coverage including minute stratigraphic detail on a general base map. Each sheet is accompanied by a short de- scriptive pamphlet. Base map is taken from the planimetric plates of the Gosudarstvennaya Karta SSSR 1:1,000,000 (see topographic section for description), the Soviet equivalent of the International Millionth Map of the World. Sheet layout of the I. M. W. is used. Shows distribution of 13 kinds of build- Location of building ma- ing material, and factories, chiefly for terials. construction rigaterials; overprinted on Generalstab des Hecres topographic set map. About 30% coverage is avail- able. Shows distribution of 14 kinds of build- Detailed location of build- ing stone with reliability index and 7 ing materials. types of factories for construction ma- terial; overprinted on Generalstab des Hecres topographic set map. Only 10% coverage, distributed between CIA and AMS, is available. 106 pages with many large, clear charts. Duration and extent of Effect of ice on navigation is empha- ice. sized, heavier ice conditions being given in cases of conflicting information. When the North Pole is included a Polar projection is used, otherwise Mercator. Bibliography of 1,700 items. 94 maps and 17-page text giving extent, Ice conditions, greater de- duration, and kind of ice in Finnish and tail on the Central Bal- Soviet waters, excluding the Baltic tic than is given in Ice coast south of Ventspils (Windau). Atlas. Maps generalized; emphasis on the northern and central Baltic. 10 rainfall isohyets with layer tints, Jan- Climatic wall neap. uary and July mean temperatures at- mospheric pressure, limit of ocean ice, permafrost boundary, polar weather stations, and selected railroads. 25 maps mainly of climatic conditions Climatic- features of cen- pertinent to commercial flying over tral portion of western Poland. Descriptions accompany most border area. maps. Atlas was part of the London Poles' bid for favorable consideration in postwar air traffic. Zones of various degrees of moisture ex- Detail of critical climatic cess and deficiency on base showing factors of Ukraine. selected railroads and oblast boundaries for all Ukraine and surrounding terri- tory. 5 general types of vegetation on base Vegetation of Ukraine. showing selected railroads and Oblast boundaries for all Ukraine and sur- rounding territory. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-24 SOILS MAPS: Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 Scale, language, and date - Description 20 general soil types, several subdivided Wall map of soils. according to texture. SSSR Pochvennaya Karta Glavnoye Upravleniye Go- 1:5,000,000 (Soils Map of the USSR) sudarstvennoy S'yemki i Russian Kartografii (Principal 1938 Administration of State Survey and Cartography) Bodenkarte des Europaischen Generals tab des Heeres,_ 1:2,520,000 Teils der Sowjet-Union Abteilung fur Kriegskar- German and (Soil Map of the European ten and Vermessungs- Russian Part of the USSR) wesen (General Staff of 1942 the Army, Military Map and Survey Section) International Soil Map of International Society of 1:2,500,000 Europe Soil Science. Edited by English, French, H. Stremme, Danzig and German MILITARY MAP: Mil.-Geo.-Carte Polen & Mil.-Geo.-Carte Ost Europa (Military-Geographic Map of Poland & Military-Geo- graphic Map of Eastern Europe) Oberkommando desHeeres, Abteilung fur Kriegskar- ten and Vermessungs- wesen (Army High Com- mand, Military Map and Survey Section) German color-separation reprint of 1929- Detailed soil map of much 30 Soviet Academy of Sciences map, of area, with supporting names in Russian and legend in Ger- cultural features. man. Shows 50 kinds of soil based on combination of type and variety. Towns, railroads, and roads given. Only European USSR as of 1930 is covered, northeastern corner left blank. 47 soil types, 16 varieties, and various Detailed soil map cover- combinations. Base shows interna- ing most of area. tional boundaries but no towns. Only 1925-1937 the northeastern corner of the JANIS area is blank. Bodenkarte des Europ- aischen Teils der Sowjet-Union was used in compilation of this more de- tailed map. 1:100,000 and Topographic sheets with military-goo- Physical features of mili- 1:300,000 graphic information overprinted. tary significance. German Sheets of the 2 sets at AMS give about 1940-45 40% coverage of entire area. (2) Political maps (TABLE XIII-7) Political maps are grouped according to the following administrative divisions : the area as a whole, union repub- lics or recently independent countries, and autonomous republics and oblasts. Under the first group the maps are listed in order of their value, whereas maps in the other two groups are arranged alphabetically by the Eng- lish names of the political areas. TIIE AREA AS A WHOLE: Publisher Two maps in series (1616 G and 1629 G) show 1926 and 1939 administrative divisions. CIA has limited number of distribution copies. International boundaries for 1937 and 1946, Oblast boundaries and adminis- trative centers for 1946. Oblast boundaries, towns classified by population and administrative function, transportation routes, relief shading. Current oblast boundaries are adequately covered. Maps published within the last ten years cover most of the rayon (county) boundaries or corresponding minor civil divisions within the areas recently annexed by the USSR. No attempt has been made to show the village soviets, although the Army Map Service has a number of rayon maps giving boundaries of village soviets. Scale, language, and date Population of the Soviet Union: League of Nations, Geneva 1:25,000,000 History and Prospects by English Frank Lorimer (289 pp., 1946 22 maps, bibliography) European USSR Administra- Dept. of State, M. I. No. 1:5,000,000 tive Divisions, July 1, 1946 10414.1 English 1946 Politiko-Administrativnaya Glavnoye Upravleniye Geo- 1:5,000,000 Karta SSSR (Politico-Ad- dezii i Kartografii (Prin- Russian ministrative Map of TJSSR) cipal Administration of 1946 Yevropeyskaya Chast' SSSR Geodesy and Cartog- raphy) * G. U. G. K. 1:3,500,000 Politiko-Administrativnaya Russian Karla (European Part of 1945 USSR Politico-Administra- tive Map) Verwaltungskarte (Adminis- Wirtschaftsstab Ost (Eco- 1:1,000,000 tration Map) nomic Staff for the East- German ern Areas), Berlin 1943 Oblast boundaries before August 1945 re- vision of USSR-Poland border, towns classified by population and adminis- trative function, transportation routes. Soviet rayon boundaries and administra- tive centers for the area from the 1943 Rumanian and German boundaries east to Rostov and north to Leningrad. Corresponding German administrative boundaries are given for the area under Axis control. The map is black and white. Administrative bounda- ries. Clear, concise presentation of current Oblast bound- aries. Most recent official map showing Oblast bound- aries. Early 1945 official map showing Oblast bound- aries in greater detail than previous map. Rayon boundaries for a large portion of Euro- pean USSR,and German administrative detail for 1943. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL Page Xllt-25 Scale; language, and date Ton AREA AS A WHOLE (Continued) : Verwaltungskarte des nord- Rcichsministerium des In- 1:1,500,000 westlichen Europhischen nern (Reich Ministry of German Russland (Administration the Interior) 1941 Map of Northwestern European USSR) Verwaltungskarto der Ukraine Karten-Abteilung des Den t- 1:1,500,000 and der 5stlich angrenzen- schen Ausland-Instituts German den Gebieto (Administra- ' (Map Section of the .1941 tion Map of Ukraine and German Foreign Insti- the Eastern Border Areas) tute), Stuttgart UNION REPUBLICS AND RECENTLY INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES: Belaruskaya SSR, Adminis- G. U. G. K. 1:1,000,000 tratsyynaya Karta (White Belorussian Russian SSR, Administra- 1940 tive Map) { Podrobny Pfehled Politick6ho Vojensk~ Zcmepisny V Stay 1:360,000 RozdSleni Zem6 Slovensk6 (Military Geographic In- Czech a Podkarpatorusk6 (De- stitute) 1936 tailed Survey of the Politi- cal Divisions of Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia) Ravensteins Btirokarte Nr. Ravensteins Geographische 1:300,000 10: Provinz Ostpreussen Verlagsanstalt u. Druc- German (Ravenstein's Office Map kerei, Frankfurt-am- 1941 No. 10: Province of East Main Prussia) Goneralbezirk Estland (Gen- Eesti Statistika Valitsuse 1:400,000 eral Map of Estonia) (Estonian Statistical German and Office) Estonian 1943 Latvijas Karte ar Attalu- Ernest Plates, Riga 1:500,000 mien Kilometros uz Sose- Latvian jam un Lielceliem (Map of 1938 Latvia with Distances in Kilometers along Main Roads, and Other Roads) Die Verbreitung der Dcut- Publikationsstelle, Berlin 1:300,000 schen in Litauen (The Dis- German tribution of Germans in 1935 Lithuania) Carte Routi6re do Lithuanie Lietuvos Automobiliu 1:500,000 (Road Map of Lithuania) Kliibas (Lithuanian Lithuanian, Automobile Club), German, and French 1939 Mapa Gmin Rzeczypospolitej G16wny Urzad Statystezny 1:1,000,000 Polskiej (Map of Communes (Main Census Bureau), Polish of the Republic of Poland) Warsaw 1938 Verwaltungskarte der Ukrain- Reichsamt fur Landesauf- 1:1,250,000 ische Sowjetrepublik (Ad- nahme (Reich Land Sur- German ministration Map of the . vey Office) 1942 Ukrainian Soviet Republic) AUTONOMOUS REPUBLICS AND OBLASTS: Administrativnaya Karta Glavnoye Upravleniye Go- 1:500,000 Arkhangel'skoy Oblasti: sudarstvennoy S'yemki i Russian (Administrative Map of Kartografii (Principal 1938 Arkhangel'skaya Oblast') Administrativnaya Karta Administration of State Survey and Cartog- raphy) ** G. U. G. K. 1:300,000 Chuvashskoy ASSR (Ad- Russian ministrative Map of Chu- 1939 vash ASSR) Administrativnaya Karta G. U. G. S. K. 1:500,000 Krymskoy ASSR (Admin- Russian istrative Map of Crimean 1937 ASSR) 1926 rayon boundaries with comparable Rayon boundaries for most administrative boundaries of areas an- of USSR west and north nexed to the USSR 1939-40, popula- of Kursk. tion distribution generalized by larger areas, and Oblast boundaries for 1941. 1926 rayon boundaries of the Ukraine and Rayon boundaries for most adjoining regions, boundaries of com- of European USSR parable administrative units outside south of 52?N. the USSR, and Oblast boundaries for 1941. Population generalized by large areas. Boundaries to rayons, towns classified by Administrative divisions of population and administrative function, White Russian SSR. transportation routes. File copy at AMS. Administrative divisions. to obecni (town- Minor civil divisions of ship), towns classified by population, the former Czech por- roads, and railroads. Marginal coordi- tion of USSR. nates based on Ferro, 17?40' W of Greenwich. Administrative boundaries to Land and Minor civil divisions of Stadtkreise; 4 types each of roads and northern East Prussia. railroads, towns classified by popula- tion, spot elevations, and woods. Administrative boundaries and centers to Minor civil divisions of minor civil divisions, two railroad Estonia. gages, two classes of roads, cities classi- fied by population, gradient tints. Administrative boundaries and centers to Minor civil divisions of minor civil divisions, two railroad gages, Latvia three types of roads with distances indi- cated, marginal gazetteer keyed to atlas-grid. Detailed location of German settlers as of Administrative divisions of 1923 on a base showing apskrieiu (dis- Lithuania. trict) boundaries, woods, and swamps. No coordinates. Apskriciu boundaries and administrative Administrative divisions of centers given but somewhat obscured Lithuania. by detailed road pattern and woods symbols. Internal boundaries and administrative Detailed internal divisions centers to the ymina (commune) as of of the former Polish 1 April 1938. After incorporation into area of USSR. the USSR, these internal boundaries underwent such extensive changes that they may have little current signifi- cance. Boundaries to rayons as of September Rayon boundaries of 1940, towns classified by population Ukraine. and administrative function, transpor- tation routes. Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Rayon boundaries of Ark- population and administrative funs- hangel'skaya Oblast'. tion, transportation routes. Inset: Nenetskiy Natsional'nyy Okrug, 1:3,000,000. File copy at AMS. Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Rayon boundaries of Chu- administrative function, transporta- vash ASSR.. tion routes. Inset: Cheboksary, 1:25,000. File copy at AMS. Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Rayon boundaries of Cri- population, transportation routes, trac- mean ASSR (now Krym- tor station. File copy at AMS. skaya Oblast'). Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-26 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40. .. Publisher Scale, language, and date. AUTONOMOUS REPUBLICS AND OBLASTS (Continued): Gorkovskoy Oblast' G. U. G. K. Administrativnaya Karta G. U. G. K. Ivanovskoy Oblasti (Ad- ministrative Map of Ivan- ovskaya Oblast') 1:500,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- 1940 tion, transportation routes, tractor sta- tions, state farms. Inset of Gor'kiy, 1:100,000. File copy at AMS. 1:500,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- tion, transportation routes, tractor sta- tions, state farms. Inset of Ivanovo, 1:50,000. File copy at AMS. Verwaltungskarte der Auto- Kreigskarten and Vermes- 1:600,000 Rayon boundaries as of June 1939, towns nomen Kalmilcken Repub- suogsamt (Military Map German classified by administrative function, lik ASSR (Administrative and Survey Office), Khar' 1942 transportation routes, tractor stations; Map of Kalmyk ASSR) kov and telephone, telegraph and postal Kirovskaya Oblast' G. U. G. K. Karta Komi ASSR (Map of G. U. G. S. K. Komi ASSR) Administrativnaya Karta G. U. G. S. K. Kuybyshevskoy Oblasti (Administrative Map of Kuybyshevskaya Oblast') Administrativnaya Karta G. U. G. K. Leningradskoy Oblasti (Ad- ministrative Map of Len- ingradskaya Oblast' Mariiskaya ASSR (Mari G. U. G. K. ASSR) Mordovskaya ASSR, Admin- G. U. G. K. istrativnaya Karta (Mord- vian ASSR, Administrative Map) Karta Moskovskoy Oblasti Moskovskaya Oblastnaya (Map of Moskovskaya PlAnovaya Kommissiya Oblast') (Moskovskaya Oblast' Planning Commission) Murmanskaya Oblast' (Mur- G. U. G. K. manskaya Oblast') Administrativnaya Karta Orlovskoy Oblasti (Admin- istrative Map of Orlov- skaya Oblast' Administrativnaya Karta G. U. G. K. last') Penzenskoy Oblast:t (Ad- ministrative Map of Pen- zenskaya Oblast') Rostovskaya Oblast' Admin- istrativnaya Karta (Ros- tovskaya Oblast', Adminis- trative Map) Ryazanskaya Oblast' Admin- . Karta (Rya- zanskaya Oblast', Admin- istrative Map) Skhematicheskaya Karta Sar- atovskoy Oblasti (Sche- matic Map of Saratov skaya Oblast') stations. German completion in mono- chrome of G. U. G. K. map. File copy at AMS. 1:500,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- 1940 tion, transportation routes, tractor sta- tions, state farms. File copy at AMS. 1:1,000,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- 1938 tion, transportation routes. Inset of Syktyvkar, 1:30,000. 1:500,000 Rayon boundaries, 'towns classified by Russian administrative function, 50-meter con- 1938 tour intervals, transportation routes, tractor stations. File copy at AMS. 1:500,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- 1940 tion, transportation routes, tractor sta- tions, collective farms, mines, health resorts. 1:400,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- 1939 tion, transportation routes, tractor sta- tions, state farms. Inset of Yoshkar- Ola, 1:40,000. 1:500,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and by administrative func- 1939 tion, transportation routes, tractor sta- tions, state farms, woods. Inset of Saransk, 1:25,000. 1:300,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- 1939 tion, transportation routes, tractor sta- tions, state farms, reliability diagram. 1:750,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- 1940 tion, transportation routes, tundra, forests, lighthouses,- telegraph and postal stations. File copy at AMS. 1:500,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- 1939 tion, transportation routes, tractor sta- tions, state farms. File copy at AMS. 1:500,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- 1939 tion, transportation. routes, tractor sta- tions, state farms. File copy at AMS. 1:500,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian population and administrative func- 1939 tion, transportation routes, tractor sta- tions, state farms. File copy at AMS. 1:500,000 Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Russian administrative function, transporta- 1939 tion routes. Kartpredpriyatiye Otdela 1:1,000,000 Zemleustroystva Saratov- Russian skogo Oblzo (Carto- 1939 graphic Service of the .Land Regulation Divi- sion, Saratovskaya Ob- Rayon boundaries, towns classified by administrative function, roads, rail- roads, navigable rivers. Rayon -boundaries of Gor' kovskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Ivan- ovskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Kal- myk ASSR, most of which has now been in- corporated into Astrak- hanskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Kirovskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Komi ASSR. Rayon boundaries of Kuy- byshevskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Len- ingradskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Mari ASSR. Rayon boundaries of Mor- dovian ASSR. Rayon boundaries of Mos- kovskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Mur- manskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Or- lovskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Pen- zenskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Ros- tovskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Rya- zanskaya Oblast'. Rayon boundaries of Sar- atovskaya Oblast'. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL AUTONOMOUS REPUBLICS AND OBLASTS (Continued) : Smolenskaya Oblast', Admin- G. U. G. K. istrativnaya Karta (Smo- lenskaya Oblast', Adminis- trative Map) Tatarskaya ASSR, Adminis- G. U. G. K. trativnaya Karta (Tatar ASSR, Administrative Map) Tulskaya Oblast', Adminis- G. U. G. K. strativnaya, Karta (Tul- skaya Oblast, Administra- tive Map) Udmurtskaya ASSR, Admin- G. U. G. K. istrativnaya Karta (Ud- murt ASSR, Administra- tive Map) Administrativnaya Karta G. U. G. S. K. ASSR Nemtsev Povolzh'ya (Administrative Map of Volga-German ASSR) Voronezhskaya Oblast' Ad- G, U. G. S. K. ministrativnaya Karta (Voronezhskaya Oblast', Administrative Map) Page X11127 TABLEXIII /(Continued) Scale, language, and date 1:500,000 Russian 1040 1:500,000 Russian 1940 1:500,000 Russian 1939 1:400,000 Russian 1939 1:250,000 Russian 1938 1:500,000 Russian 1938 Administrativnaya Karta G. U. G. K. 1:500,000 Yaroslavskoy Oblasti (Ad- . Russian ministrative Map of Yaro- 1940 slavskaya Oblast') (3) Maps showing distribution of peoples (TABLE XIII-8) This section includes maps showing the distribution of population, ethnic groups, religions, languages, and health. The maps are listed roughly in order of their Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Rayon boundaries of Smo- administrative functions, transporta- lenskaya Oblast'. tion routes. File copy at AMS. Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Rayon boundaries of Ta- population, transportation routes. tar ASSR. Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Rayon boundaries of Tul- administrative function, transporta- skaya Oblast'. tion routes, mines, tractor stations. File copy at MS. Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Rayon boundaries of Ud- population and administrative func- murt ASSR. tion, transportation routes, tractor sta- tions, state farms. This black and white copy may be a preliminary edi- tion of map designed for issue in color. File copy at AMS. Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Rayon boundaries of Ger- population and administrative func- man Volga ASSR that tion, transportation routes, industrial have become rayons of and agricultural enterprises, tractor sta- Saratovskaya Oblast'. tions, hospitals, sanatoria. Black and white file copy at AMS. Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Rayon boundaries of Vor- population and administrative func- onezhskaya Oblast'. tion, 40-meter contour intervals,.trans- portation routes, tractor stations, mines, flour mills. Inset of Voronezh, 1:50,000. Monochrome coyp at AMS. Rayon boundaries, towns classified by Rayon boundaries of Yaro- population and administrative function, slavskaya Oblast'. transportation routes, tractor stations, state farms, peat bogs. Inset: Yaro- slavl', 1:50,000. File copy at AMS. value. Except for the German studies of ethnic distribu- tion in the northwestern part of the area, all of the maps are highly generalized. The subject of health is limited largely to incidence of malaria and infant mortality., TABLE XIII - 8 MAPS SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF PEOPLES Scale, language, and date European USSR (excluding the CIA 1:10,500,000 Caucasus), Population Den- No. 10455 English sity 1948 European USSR (excluding the CIA 1:8,500,000 Caucasus), Ethnic Groups No. 10443 English (Before :1939) 1948 The Population of the Soviet League of Nations, Geneva 1:25,000,000 Union: History and Prospects, English by Frank Lorimbr (289 pp., 1946 22 maps, bibliography) 1:8,750,000 Groups No. 10118 English October 1946 Original Distribution of population shown by 7 Population density. rural density groups and 6 town size symbols. Oblast boundaries for 1946 and international boundaries for 1937 and 1946. Based 'on latest official cen- sus figures and Bol'shoy Sovetskiy Atlas. Distribution of population according to Distribution of national- 26 nationalities; 1946 Oblast boundaries, . ities. 1937 and 1946 international bounda- ries. Distribution of peoples in western border areas not clear. Of the 22 maps prepared by the Depart- Demographic problems ment of State and drawn by the AGS treated carefully. to illustrate text, 17 show various as- pects of population density, change in density, migration, literacy, infant mor- tality, reproduction ratio, etc. Data are given by administrative and census areas. CIA has limited number of dis- tribution copies (1616G-1619G, 1621G, 1623G-1635G). Location of dominant religious groups, Distribution of religious with indications of appreciable minor- groups in the area ac- ities. 1937 international boundaries quired by the USSR and selected cities provide orientation, after 1939. Outside the USSR, data are for the 1930's. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page- XIII-28 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 11 JANIS 40 Map of Poland and Adjacent Dr. Bogdan Zaborski 1:4,000,000 Countries Showing National- English ities, Languages and Religions 1943 Die Bevolkeruny Estlands and S. Hirzel, Leipiig 1:1,000,000 Lettlands (The Peoples of German Estonia and Latvia), by K. 1940 von Maydell Die Bevolkeruny des -nordwest- Reichministerium des In- 1:1,500,000 lichen europaischen Russland nern (Reich Ministry of German in ihren nationalen Gefuge the Interior) 1942 (The People of northwestern European USSR in their National setting) Map of Distribution of Peoples Northern Tribes Assistance 1:5,000,000 of the Far North of USSR Committee of the All- Russian Central Execu- English and Russian tive Committee 1033 Karla Ukrayins'kikh Hovoriv Ukrayins'kiy Naukoviy In- 1:4,000,000 (Map of Ukrainian Dialects) stitut (Ukrainian Scien- Ukrainian tific Institute), Warsaw 1933 European USSR, Malaria Mor- CIA 1:13,250,000 bidity and Control Stations No. 10454 English 1947 (4) Transportation, telecommunications, and power The location of transport routes is shown most accu- rately on the latest official topographic sheets of the area. Some of the general atlases also contain significant infor- mation not found elsewhere. The Mil-Geo study of Euro- pean USSR includes a railroad map that shows single, double, and multiple tracks; and indicates whether the lines handle heavy or light traffic. This same study in- cludes a waterways map that gives periods of frozen water, areas subject to flooding, and other data pertinent. to the Distribution of 35 combination groups of Religion and nationality nationalities and religions in Poland distribution in the and surrounding area, with 1938 inter- USSR-Poland border national boundaries as a background. area before 1939. The map is black and white. Distribution of population according to Details of ethnic distribu- 11 nationalities or religions by minor tion for - Estonia and civil divisions; percentage of total popu- Latvia. lation indicated by 3 degrees of shading. Overprinted on detailed administrative base map. Statistics for 1934-35. Distribution of 17 ethnic groups by 1939 Peoples of northwestern rayons or comparable subdivisions for ' European USSR. the northwestern quarter of European USSR; percentage of total population indicated by 4 degrees of shading. Jews are omitted. Oblast boundaries for 1941 have been added. Distribution of 23 northern peoples of the Distribution of peoples in USSR, with density of each indicated. the Soviet North. Distinction is made between permanent settlers and nomads. For towns estab- lished between 1926 and 1933, the figures are-for the latter year; elsewhere for 1926-27. Distribution of 14 Ukrainian dialects pre- Breakdown of Ukrainian sented on map and explained in 20-page population by language. pamphlet published in Ukrainian with French summary. Distribution of incidence of malaria and Distribution of incidence location of control stations on a base of malaria. showing generalized incidence of ma- laria by 1929 oblasts. Data was taken from the 1936 Soviet Medical Encyclo- pedia. planning of overland military movements. The Ice Atlas of the Northern Hemisphere (TABLE XIII-6),. Ostland- Atlas, and the Atlas of Finland also give useful informa- tion on waterways. Yevropeyskaya Chast' SSSR, Politiko- Administrativnaya Kart'a, 1:3,500,000, has the most recent information on railroad lines. (See TABLE XIII-7.) In TABLE XIII-9 communications maps are grouped as follows : railroads and waterways (and time zones) ; roads; telecommunications; and power. Within each group the maps are arranged in order of their value. TABLE XIII - 9 TRANSPORTATION, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, AND POWER MAPS Scale, language, and date Title Scale, language, and date RAILROADS, WATERWAY'S, AND TIME ZONES: - Railroads of Western USSR CIA Nos. 6173-4 1:3,700,000 English 14 February 1945 Railroads of Western USSR, CIA Nos. 3157-8 1:3,700,000 Showing Railroad Adminis- English trative Divisions 11 December 1944 Skhema Zheeznodorozllnykh Narodnyy Komissariat i Vodnykh Putey Soobsh- Putey Soobshcheniya cheniya Soyuza SSR (Plan (People's Commissariat of Rail and Water- Com- of Ways of Communica- munications of the USSR) tion) Same as CIA No. 3157-8, but omits rail- General map of Soviet road administration districts and uses railroads. stub in place of full coordinates. Rail- roads shown clearly but map contains minor errors. Railroad gage, number of tracks, electri- Railroad administration fied-lines, lines under construction, pro- districts. jected lines, and railroad administra- trative districts for 1941 are shown on a base giving rivers, towns, and inter- national boundaries for 1937 and 1941. Insets of Leningrad, Moscow, and Don- bass give additional detail. Cases of doubtful accuracy are explained, but there are many minor inaccuracies. 1:2,800,000 -Railroads with administrative districts Latest detailed official map Russian and centers, stations, distances, canals, of railroads and water- 1941 navigable rivers, ocean steamer routes, ways. and river ports are shown on a base giving hydrographic features in detail. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 _ Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL RAILROADS, WATERWAYS, AND TIME ZONES (Continued): Narodnyy Komissariat 1:1,500,000 Putey Soobshcheniya Russian (People's Commissariat 1929 for Communication) Eisenbahn-Atlas Russland (Railroad Atlas of the USSR) No authority No scale German No date Pyatiletniy Plan Vosstanov- Supplement to Zheleznodo- No scale leniya i Razvitiya Zhelez- rozhnyy Transport v novoy Russian nodorozhnogo Transporta Stalinsicoy Pyatiletke by 1946 (?) na 1946-1950 god (Five- I. V. Kovalyova Year Plan for the Restora- tion and Development of Railroad Transportation for 1946-1950) Railroads in the USSR dur- The American Review on the 1:21,000,000 ing Fourth Five-Year Plan Soviet Union, Vol. VIII, English No. 2, pp. 40-41 March 1947 Ud. SSR,Wirtschaftsatlas Ver- kehr, Binnenschiffahrt (USSR, Economic Atlas, Transportation, Inland Waterways) Skhematicheskaya Karta Zheleznodorozhnykh, Vod- nykh i Automobil'nykh Putey Soobshcheniya SSSR (Schematic Map of Rail, Water, and Automobile Routes in the USSR) Reichsverkehrministeriums, No scale Binnenschiffahrt Ost and German Statistischen Reichsamt, 1944 Zentralreferat Ausland- forschung (Eastern In- land Waterways of the State Transport Ministry and the Foreign Research Center of the State Sta- tistical Office) Narodnyy Komissariat 1:2,250,000 Putey Soobshcheniya Russian (People's Commissariat 1933 for Communication) Karta Vnutrennikh Vodnykh Putey Yevropeyskoy Chasti SSSR (Map of Inland Waterways of the Euro- pean Part of the USSR) Atlas Komandira RKKA (Commander's Atlas of the Workers and Peasants Red Army) ROADS: Europaisches Russland Stras- senkarte (European USSR Road Map) Strassenzustandskarte der besetzten Ostgebiete (Road- Condition Map of Eastern Occupied Territory) Map of Road Building Ma- terials in the European Part of USSR Original General'nyy Shtab RKKA (General Staff of the Workers and Peasants Red Army), Moscow Page XIII-29 Scale, language, and date Schematic maps of 47 railroad districts, Location of railroad sta- including rail divisions, stations, dis- tions. tances, and projected lines. The Polish area transferred to the USSR in 1939 is included. A 92-page gazetteer locates all stations by atlas-grid. German transliterations of Russian names and the schematic nature of the maps re- strict their usability. Schematic presentation of restored double- Summary of recent and track lines, recently built lines, those proposed railroad de- to be completed by 1950, electrified velopment in the USSR. lines, and those being electrified. More reliable but less clear than Railroads in the USSR during Fourth Five- Year Plan. Railroad lines to be built, double-tracked, Summary of lines built or electrified during 1946-50. Exist- during war and railroad ing double tracks, and new and other construction planned for lines are shown in relation to selected 1946-50. towns and 1946 international bound- aries. Insets of Leningrad and Mos- cow. No coordinates. 50 pages of bar graphs analyzing Soviet Analysis of freight move- inland waterways by river and by com- ment on USSR rivers. modity carried. 11 maps cover Euro- pean USSR rivers giving freight move- ments by commodity and the adminis- strative divisions for shipping. All maps are schematic and in black and white. Information is for 1938. River ports and railroad stations shown Location of minor river in detail, with distances between selec- ports. ted points. Railroads are divided by gage, number of tracks, and adminis- trative districts. Navigable rivers with regular and irregular steamer service are also shown. Road informa- tion is entirely out-of-date. Rivers are divided according to naviga- Detail on inland water- bility by boats or rafts. 4 classes of ways. ocean ports, river distances, elevations along river routes, navigable and drain- age canals, steamer routes, and water- way districts with their administrative centers are also shown. 14 insets give greater detail, especially as to locks, dams, and rapids in critical areas. Various scales World atlas of 39 plates, with 69-page Time zones of the USSR Russian gazetteer. Most useful map is that of (to some extent out-of- 1938 the time zones of the USSR superim- date). posed on the 1:10,000,000 transporta- tion map. Generalstab des Herres, Ab- 1:2,500,000 teilung fur Kriegskarten German and Vermessungswesen January 1944 (General Staff of the Army, Military Mapping, and Survey Section) Generalstab des Herres Ab- 1:1,000,000 teilung fur Kriegskarten German and 'Vermessungswesen 1942 (General Staff of the Army, Military Map and Survey Section) Central Scientific Research 1:1,500,000 Institute for Highways English and and Road Building Ma- Russian chinery 1935 5 types of roads, road distances, passes, Most recent road map of and 4 types of railroads are shown on a entire area. base giving rivers, towns, forests, and 1944 international boundaries. This map, which is a later edition of the Mil-Geo road map, incorporates many corrections in road and railroad align- ment. 8 types of roads and 1942 international Reliable detail on road boundaries overprinted on German conditions. operations map of southwestern Euro- pean USSR. 23 types of road building material, limit Location of road-building of glacial boulders, and limit of frozen material and govern- ground. Roads are classified as paved mental jurisdiction over and unpaved, and by governmental roads. unit responsible for maintenance. Other transport routes shown on the base. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-30 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 Publisher TABLE XIII 9 (Continued) Scale, language, and date TELECOMMUNICATIONS: European USSR (excluding CIA No. 10425 1:7,000,000 Telephone and telegraph lines, stations, Telecommunications. the Caucasus) Telephone English domestic and international cables. In- and Telegraph Net 1947 ternational boundaries are for 1937 and Skhema Telegrafnykh i Tele- fonnykh Liniy . . Belo- russkogo Osobogo Voyen- nogo Okruga (Diagram of the Telegraph and Tele- phone Lines of White Rus- sian Special Military Dis- trict) POWER: Belorusskiy Osobyy Voyen- No scale nyy Okrug (White Rus- Russian sian Special Military Dis- 1 October 1938 trict) List of Power Plants of the USSR Intelligence Division, U. S. War Department Various scales English 28 October 1946 Atlas Energeticheskikh Resur- Gosudarstvennoye Ener- Mainly sov SSSR (Atlas of Power geticheskoye Izdatel'stvo 1:1,500,000 Resources of the USSR) (State Power Publishing Russian House) 1933-34 Ekono"micheskaya Geegrafaa Akademiya Nauk, SSSR, Chiefly SSSR (Economic Geog- Institut Ekonomiki 1:30,000,000 raphy of the USSR) by (Academy of Sciences of for European Balzak, Vasyutin, and the USSR, Institute of USSR and Feygin. Economics), Moscow 1:1,000,000 to 1:4,000,000 for selected regions. Russian 1940 1942-44, includes all of Part 2 and much of Part 1. Most of the maps are in Russian. An English translation of Part 1 with a complete redrafting of all maps prepared under the auspices of the American Council of Learned So- cieties, is now in process of publication. (5) Economic maps (TABLE XIII-10) The best economic maps of western USSR are found in the atlases, particularly the ' Bol'shoy Sovetskiy Atlas. Regional atlases also present a large amount of valuable information for the areas covered. Mineral deposits are 1947. Information on cables has been revised from recent intelligence sources, but other telecommunication data has been copied from a 1941 German map. Various kinds of telephone and telegraph Detail of telecommunica- lines and stations are shown for the tions in the White Rus- Belorussian Military District, which sian area. includes all of the White Russian SSR as of 1938 and the area eastward to Kalinin and Bryansk. Black and white. General and sectional maps give electric Information on electric power plants and lines according to power plants and lines. size. Coordinates appear only on the general map; all are black and white, with a minimum of detail. Extensive text gives description of individual plants. Translation of German report of 1 April 1944. Potential solar and wind energy of the Comprehensive picture of USSR given on maps at 1:10,000,000; energy resources. 7 other forms of energy are presented in detail on 16 sheets. Except for forests, exploitation of sources of energy is included. The Severnaya Dvina- Pechora and the Ukraine-Crimea sheets are missing from the CIA copy. Part 1 of volume contains 60 economic Comprehensive economic maps of European USSR and Part 2, maps. 90 regional maps of the area. Both parts are essentially reworkings in monochrome of the Bol'shoy Sovetskiy Atlas, with a complete text. The German translation, Wirtschaftsgeo- graphie der Ud. SSR (Economic Geog- raphy of the USSR), Berlin-Dahlem, listed with geologic maps in the section on physical maps. The first two works described in this section are actually reworkings of the economic maps in the Bol'shoy Sovet- skiy Atlas. The last map, on the economy of Kirovskaya Oblast', is probably one of a series of Soviet regional eco- nomic maps, but no others are available. Scale, language, and date Wehrgeographischer Atlas der Reichsdruckerei (State Pub- Chiefly without 226 maps, 6 pages giving name changes, Comprehensive series of Union der Sozialischen Sowjet- lishing House) scale and 1 on pronunciation of Russian place economic maps with republiken (Military Geo- German names. Most maps are black and some 1940 production graphic Atlas of the Union of 1941 white, without coordinates, and cover figures. Socialist Soviet Republics) either the entire USSR or the European part. The bulk of the material appears to be a reworking in monochrome of the economic maps of Vol. 1 of the Bol'shoy Sovetskiy Atlas, although addi- tional strategic maps show production in 1940. Some physical and historic maps of military significance are in- Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 1' MAP APPkAISAL Wehrgeographischer Atlas, etc. (Continued) Scale, language, and date U. S. Office of Military No scale Government for Ger- English many, Berlin 1946 Al'bom Kart-Skhem Ekono- micheskikh Rayonov Soyuza SSR (Album of Plans of the Economic Regions of the USSR) Die Wehrwirtschaft der Union der Sozialistischen Sowjet- Republiken (The Military Economy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Promyshlennost' SSSR na na- chalo 2y Pyatiletki, Geografa- cheskiy Atlas (Industry of the USSR at the beginning of the Second Five-Year Plan, A Geographic Atlas) Glavnoye Upravleniye Geo- Chiefly dezii i Kartografli (Prin- 1:2,000,000 cipal Administration of Russian Geodesy and Cartog- 1944 raphy) Oberkommando der Wehr- 1:4,000,000 macht Wehrwirtschafts- German uncl Rustungsamt (High 1941 Command of the Army, Military Economy and Preparations Office). Vsesoyuznyy Kartograf- Chiefly icheskiy Trost (All-Union 1:7,000,000 Cartographic Trust) Russian 1934 Polen and seine Wirtschaft Institut fur Osteuropaische No scale (Poland and Its Economy) Wirtschaft (Institute for German Eastern European Econ- 1937 omy), Konigsberg (now Kaliningrad) Ekonomicheskiy Atlas Murman- Murmansk Filial Geografo- Various scales skogo Okruga Leningradskoy Ekonomicheskogo Nauch- Russian Oblasti (Economic Atlas of the no-Issledovatel'skogo In- 1935 Murmansk Okrug of Lenin- stituta Leningradskogo gradskaya Oblast') Gosudarstvennogo Uni- versitota (Murmansk Branch of the Economic Geography Research In- stitute of the Leningrad State University) Ekonomicheskaya Karla Ki- Glavnoye Upravleniye Geo- 1:500,000 rovskoy Oblasti (Economic dezii i Kartografii (Prin- Russian Map of Kirovskaya Oblast') cipal Administration of 1939 Geodesy and Cartog- raphy) (6) City plans (TABLE XIII-11) Town plans are listed alphabetically, using. Soviet names except for the Baltic States, where the local spellings have been preserved. The names of towns are cross-referenced to alternative forms, if town names have undergone recent change. Plans appearing in books as well as on indi- vidual sheet maps are included. Where several plans are given for one city, each plan supplies some pertinent data not found on the others. Plans copied from topographic Description Page XIII-31 eluded. Dr. Ritter von Niedermayer, an outstanding military geographer, edited the atlas. 33 maps of greater Germany without co- Strategic raw materials ordinates show raw material resources and industrial plants. and industrial plants of primary im- portance to the war effort. Three com- plete maps and parts of a number of the other sheets cover the German- occupied portion of the USSR. These maps were compiled in 1944 for Reichs- marschall Goering. Index map and one sheet each for the 13 Base maps for economic: economic regions of USSR. Maps are regions. unbound and without coordinates. Major transport features and oblast boundaries are shown. The set has been reproduced in monochrome with boundaries revised to 1946 (CIA Nos. 10472-85). These sheets are satis- factory except that railroads in use cannot be differentiated from those projected. 16 unbound maps, including 9 of Euro- Strategic economic factors. pean USSR, without coordinates. Pop- ulation and the major economic aspects of military significance are covered. 3 small, thoroughly cross-referenced volumes of tables and text supplement the maps. 64 unbound maps from GOSPLAN ma- Quantitative production terial to 1 January 1933 present Soviet figures which on more production by industry according to recent Soviet maps are units of production or number of usually hidden by ruble workers. File copy in USSR Division, values. Office of International Trade, Depart- ment of Commerce; Japanese edition in CIA. 350 black-and-white maps with coordi- Economy of Poland. nates, supplemented by 60 pages of text. Economy constitutes the bulk of ma- terial but some attention is given to physical setting, population, history, culture, and military strength. 26 maps and charts, 35 pages of descrip- Economy of Murmansk tion and tables. area Area is divided according to intensity of Economy of Kirovskaya cultivation of grain and flax, or type of Oblast'. forest cover. Details are given of minerals, industries classified by value of product, rayon boundaries, towns classified by population and adminis- trative function, roads, railroads, and inland waterways. Insets at 1:3,000,000 give additional data on geology, soils, climate, light industry, livestock, and culture. sheets without the incorporation of new information are omitted. In the selection of town plans, those in western European languages are given preference wherever prac- tical. Hydrographic features, roads, and railroads are shown on all maps. Additional features are noted for each plan. Since geographic coordinates are rarely shown they are mentioned specifically wherever they occur. Plane grids will also be noted if they enhance the value of a map. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-32 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS, 40 Arkhangel'sk 64?30'N, 40?40'E a. Arkhangel'sk b. Plan Arkhangel'skogo porta (Plan of the Port of Arkhangel'sk) - c. Stadtplan von Archangelsk mit Mil.-Geo.-Objekten (City Plan of Arkhangel'sk with Military- Geographic Objectives) Astrakhan' 46?20'N, 48?E a. Stadtplan von Astrachan mit Mil. Geo. Objekten (City Plan of Astrakhan' with Military-Geo- graphic Objectives) b. Stadtplan Astrachan (City Plan of Astrakhan') Borisov 54?14'N, 28?34'E a. Stadtplan von Borissow (City Plan of Borisov) b. Plan G. Borisova B. S. S. R. (City Plan of Borisov, White Russian, SSR) Brest 52?05'N, 23?43'E Brzesc nad Bugiem (Brest) Cernauti. See Chernovtsy. Chernigov 51?29'N,31?19'E Stadtplan von Tschernigow (City Plan of Chernigov) Chernovtsy 48?18'N, 25?56'E Stadtplan von Czernowitz (City Plan of Chernovtsy) Chisindu. See Kishinev. Daugavpils 55?53'N, 26?32'E 'Stadtplan von Dtinabu:rg (City Plan of Daugavpils) Dnepropetrovsk 48?28'N, 35?02'E Stadtplan von Dnepropetrowsk (City Plan of Dnepropetrovsk) Publisher and date Armee Karten Stelle (Army Map Depot) 464 January 1943 Gidrograficheskoye Upravleniye (Hydrographic Administration) 1933 Gencralstab des Heeres, Abteilung fiir Kricgskarten and Vermcss- ungswesen (General Staff of the Army, Military Map and Sur- vey Section) March 1942 Scale and language 1:25,000 File copy Good detail of individual buildings, probably German AMS from aerial photos. Names of suburbs but no street names. Over 200 military ob- jectives numbered but legend missing. 1:25,000 File copy Depths of channels and cable crossings. Russian HO Street names appear on insets (1:5,000 and 1:10,000) covering important port areas. 1:13,300 File copy 94 military objectives and street names are German Map Branch given, with index of names and location CIA by plane grid on the back. Vegetation, streetcar tracks, ship channels, and indus- tries by type. Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. u. Verm.-Wesen Druckereibatteri (Reproduction Company) 520 September 1942 1:16,500 German 1:16,500 German File copy Map Branch CIA File copy Map Branch CIA 56 military objectives and street names, with indexes based on plane grid. Inset: Wolga-Mundungsgebiet (Volga Delta), 1:250,000, locates. Astrakhan' in relation to the mouth of the Volga, Long list of military objectives named and indexed. Differs somewhat from preced- ing map. Streets named but not indexed. Map shows full coordinates for geographic grid based on Greenwich and military grid. Reichsamt fiir Landesaufnahme 1:10,000 File copy Street names indexed according to plane (Reich Land Survey Office) March 1941 German Map Branch CIA grid. Belgosproyekt (White Russian 1:10,000 File copy Streets named but not indexed. Triangula- State Plan) AMS tion points, topography, vegetation, mili- 1936 tary grid. Railroad right-of-way is left blank. No buildings are shown. Detail taken from 1934-35 surveys. Gencralstab des Heeres, 9 Abteil- 1:20,000 File copy Street names in Polish. A few military ob- ung (General Staff of the Army, German AMS jectives added in German. Military grid, 9th Section) Polish vegetation, spot elevations, through routes. [ca. 1941] Ortskommandantur Tschernigow (Office of the Commander of Chernigov) September 1941 Reichsamt fur Laidesaufnahme March 1941 1:10,000 German Russian 1:12,500 German File copy Map Branch CIA File copy Map Branch CIA Street names in Russian; principal streets and military objectives in both languages. Copy of Rumanian map with streets and about 100 buildings named. Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:15,000 File copy Street named in Latvian and 22 buildings in March 1941 German Map Branch German; both located by plane grid. Latvian CIA Vegetation. Loss in reprinting of Latvian map more than compensated for by addi- tion of building names in German. Kriegskarten and Vermessungs- 1:20,000 File copy 1934 Soviet surveys corrected by German air wesen Amt. Dnepropetrowsk German AMS photos. Streets and public buildings (Military Map and Survey Of- named. Through streets, streetcar lines, fice, Dnepropetrovsk) contours, geographic coordinates. De- August 1943 stroyed buildings indicated in legend but not on map. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL Engel's 51?25'N, 46?10'E Stadtplanskizze von Engels (Sketch Map of Engel's) Gomel' 52?25'N, 31?1'E Plan Goroda Gomelya (City Plan of Gomel') Gor'kiy 56?15'N, 43?58'E Stadtplanskizze von Gorkij (Nishnij Nowgorod) mit Mil.-Geo.-Objeck- ten (Sketch Map of Gor'kiy with Military-Geographic Objectives) Grodno Scale and language Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:20,000 u. Vertu.-Wesen German August 1941 Comit6 gbologique, Leningrad, 1:8,000 Materiaux pour la Geologie Gener- Russian ale et Appliquee, Vol. 63, 1927, Pl. VI Gen.-St. d. H., Abb. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:12,250 u. Verm.-Wcsen German November 1941 Availability Page .XIII-33 File copy 16 military objectives located, others named AMS in the margin. Vegetation but no street names. Map is highly generalized. File copy Streets and a few buildings named. AMS File copy 60 military objectives located; 28 additional Map Branch listed but exact location unknown. Streets CIA named; table of name changes. Rayon boundaries. 53?40'N, 23?50'E a. Stadtplan von Grodno (City Plan ................ 1:10,000 File copy of Grodno) 1937 German AMS b. Verkehrsplan von Grodno (Trans- Generalstab des Heeres, 9 Abteil- 1:10,000 File copy portation Map of Grodno) ung German AMS [ca. 1937] Polish c. Stadtplan von(Grodno City Plan Reichsamt fiir Landesaufnahme 1:10,000 File copy of Grodno) Haapsalu March 1941 German Map Branch CIA 58?56'N, 23?32'E Stadtplan von Hapsal (City Plan of Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:5,000 File copy Haapsalu) Ivanovo German Map Branch CIA 57?01'N, 40?59'E a. Stadtplan von Iwanowo (City 1:15,000 File copy Plan of Ivanovo) German MapBranch CIA b. Mil.-Goo.-Planskizze von Iwan- Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:16,000 File copy owo (Military-Geographic u. Verm.-Wesen German Map Branch Sketch Plan of Ivanovo) July 1941 CIA c. Plan g. Ivanovo (City Plan of Rabochiy Kray 1:20,000 File copy Ivanovo) Jelgava 1935 Russian AMS 56?38'N, 23?43E Stadtplan von Mitau (City Plan of Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:10,000 File copy Jelgava) Kalinin March 1941 German Latvian Map Branch CIA 56?51'N, 35?57'E Plan g. Tveri (City Plan of Kalinin) Goskartogeodeziy (State Adminis- tration of Cartography and Geodesy) 1:10,000 Russian File copy 'AMS ca. 1927 Kaliningrad (Konigsberg) 54?42'N, 20?31'E a. Town Plan of Konigsberg, Great Britain, General Staff, Geo- 1:15,000 File copy GSGS 4480 graphical Section English Map Branch 1944 German CIA b. Port of Konigsberg CIA No. 5413 1:12,900 Distribution December 1944 English copies, CIA c. Konigsberg Plan of Port and Naval Staff, Intelligence Division 1:9,000 File copy Town October 1937 English Map Branch CIA Original Main streets and important buildings named. Rayons, vegetation, topography. 1937 base information. Streets and important buildings named in Polish, streets located by plane grid. Through roads, vegetation, topography on 1937 base. Inset: Stadtkern (Center of City), 1:4,000. 75 buildings named, streets indexed by plane grid. Based on 1937 Polish map, with vestiges of original spellings remaining. 24 buildings named, streets indexed by plane grid. Based on air photos of January 1943. Vegetation shown, but no streets named. Major streets and 36 military objectives named. Vegetation shown. Map lacks much of the detail shown on Stadtplan von Iwanowo. Street names, topography Streets named in Latvian and located by plane grid. Buildings named in German. Based on surveys of 1922-27. Street names, topography, military grid. No buildings shown. No legend. German map with English legend. Street and building names indexed by plane grid. Corner numbers, streetcar and bus lines, vegetation. Inset: Heart of city, 1:8,500. Main street and buildings named. Empha- sis on harbor installations, with corrections from aerial photographs. Insets: Port of Pillau (Baltiysk), 1:15,000; and Konigsberg and Pillau, 1:31,000. Streets named. Fuller industrial informa- tion than on two preceding maps. (Orig- inal at 1:8,500). Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-34 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 Publisher and date Scale and language Availability i Description Kaluga 54?30'N, 36?16'E Kalugi (City Plan of Kaluga Kaluzhskiye Otdel Gorodskogo 1:10,000 File copy Plan g From surveys of 1924-28. Streets named, . Kommunal'nogo Khozyaystva Russian AMS (Kaluga Division of City Ad- blocks numbered. Map is incomplete. ministration) 1928 Kandalaksha 67?12'N, 32?34'E Kandalakscha Armee Karten Stelle 464 1:10,000 File copy 39 military objectives and 4 streets named. German AMS German legend partly obscured by in- French complete French legend. High-tension lines, topography, and detail of individual buildings from air photos. Kaunas 23?54E 54?53'N , Stadtplan von Kowno (City Plan of Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:15,000 File copy Street names in Lithuanian located by plane Kaunas) Kazan' March 1941 German Lithuanian Map Branch CIA grid; building names in German. 55?48'N, 49?10'E Mil.-Geo.-Planskizze von Kasan Gen.-St. d. H., f. Kr.-Kart. 1:22,000 File copy Street names, detailed list of military ob- (Military-Geographic Sketch Plan of Kazan') Kem' u. Verm.-Wesen October 1941 German AMS jectives, vegetation. 34?40'E 64?59'N , Kem Khar'kov Armee Karten Stelle 464 October 1943 1:10,000 German File copy AMS Military objectives located by plane grid. Major streets named; buildings shown in detail, probably from air photos. 36?11'E 49?58'N , a. Stadtplan Charkow (City Plan of Kriegskarten and Vermessungs- 1:15,000 File copy Based on 1932 Ukranian City Plan, corrected'kov) wesen, Amt Charkow (Military Map and Survey, Khar'kov Office) August 1942 German AMS from air photos of 1941. Street names, throughway streets, and streetcar lines. b. Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Charkow Gen.-St. d. II., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:15,000 File copy Large number of military objectives located (Military-Geographic Plan of U. Verm.-Wesen German. Map Branch by plane grid. Streets and buildings Khar'kov) Kherson September 1941 CIA named. 46?38'N, 32?36'E a.. Mil.-Geo.-Plan von. Chersson Gen.-St. d. H.,. Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. u.. Verm.-Wesen November 1941 1:15,000 German File copy Map Branch CIA Military objectives and streets named. b. Stadtplan von Cherson (City Plan Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:15,000 File copy 74 military objectives and streets named. of Kherson) Kiev March 1941 German Map Branch CIA Objectives lack the selectivity of the pro- ceding map. 50?28'N, 30?31'E a. Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Kiew (Mili- Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:25,000 File copy Detailed list of military objectives, streets tary-Geographic Plan of Kiev) u. Verm.-Wesen German Map Branch named and located by plane grid. 1941 CIA b. Stadtplan Kiew (City Plan of Kriegs-Karten and Vermessung- samt Kiew (Military Map and Survey, Kiev Office) April 1943 1:25,000 German File copy AMS Street names, vegetation. Includes suburbs, with corrections from aerial surveys. c. Stadtplan von Kiew (City Plan Kr.-Kart. u. Verm.-Amt Warschau 1:25,000 File copy Street names, streetcar and bus routes, of Kiev) (Military Map and Survey, Warsaw Office) German Map Branch CIA rayons, throughway streets, hotels, and vegetation. Based on unpublished local May 1942 map of 1941. Kirov (Vyatka) 58?35'N, 49?42'E Stadtplanskizze von Kirow (Sketch .Gen.-St. d.. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:27,500 Map of Kirov) u. Verm.-Wesen German Kirovograd (Kirovo) 48?31'N, 32?15'E Plan derStadt Kirowograd (City ............... Plan of Kirovograd) Kirovsk 67?32'N, 33?39'E File copy 23 military objectives and main streets Map Branch named. Topography. CIA 1:10,000 File copy Streets and buildings named. German AMS Kirowsk Armee Oberkommando, Abteilung 1:11,000 Ic German November 1943 File copy 25 buildings and 2 streets named. High- AMS tension lines and detailed outline of indi- vidual buildings, probably from air photos. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL Page XilI-35 Scale and language Kishinev (Chisindu) 47?02'N, 28?52'E Stadtplan von Kischinew (City Plan Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:10,000 File copy Over 60 buildings and streets named. Based of Kishinev) November 1941 German Map Branch on Rumanian map. Klaipeda 55?42'N, CIA 21?10'E Lagepla n der Stadt Memel (City M. Gelzinis 1:5,000 File copy Streets and public buildings named in both Plan of Klaipeda) 1943 Lithuanian AM.S languages and located by plane grid. German House numbers complete. Kola 68?51'N, 33?08E Kola Armee Oberkommando, Abteilung 1:10,000 File copy 39 buildings named, with detail probably Ic German AMS taken from aerial photographs. High- September 1943 . tension lines but no street names, Konigsberg. See Kaliningrad. Kostroma 57?46'N, 40?59'E Stadtplanskizze von Kostroma Gen.-St. d. II., Abt, f. Kr.-Kart. 1:10,500 File copy 4 military objectives located and others listed (Sketch Map of Kostroma) u. Verm.-Wesen German AMS without exact location. Streets named. Map generalized from material of 1931 or earlier. Kremenchug 49?04'N, 33?29'E a. Stadtplan von Krementschug (City Plan of Kremenchug) b. Stadtplan Krementschug (City Plan of Kremenchug) Krivoy Rog 47?56'N, 33?21'E Stadtplan Kriwoi Rog and Umge- bung (City Plan of Krivoy Rog and Vicinity) Kr. K. u. Verm. Amt. Charkow (Military Map and Survey, Khar'kov Office) November 1942 Verm. u. Kart. Abt. 633 (Map and Survey Section 633) November 1941 Kr.-Kart. u. Verm.-Amt Berdit- schew (Military Map and Sur- vey, Berdichev Office) November 1943 1:10,000 German Ukrainian 1:10,000 German 1:15,000 German File copy AMS File copy Map Branch CIA File copy AMS Kursk 51?45'N, 36?09'E Gored Kursk (City of Kursk) Kurskaya Oblastnaya Planovaya Komissiya (Kurskaya Oblast' Planning Commission) No scale Russian File copy Map Branch CIA 1935 Kuybyshev 53?10'N, 50?10'E Mil.-Geo.-Planskizze von Kujby- schew (Military-Geographic Sketch Plan of Kuybyshev) Leningrad 59?55'N, 30?20'E a. Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Leningrad (Military-Geographic Plan of Leningrad) Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. u. Verm.-Wesen July 1941 Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. u. Verm.-Wesen April 1941 1:17,500 German 1:25,000 German File copy AMS File copy Map Branch CIA b. Plan Leningrada (City Plan of Leningradskyy Oblispolkom i Len- 1:25,000 File copy Leningrad) ingradskyy Sovet (Leningrad Russian Map Branch District Executive Committee CIA and Soviet) 1936 c. Plan des Leningrader Hafens Gen.-St. d. II., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:15,000 File copy (Plan of Leningrad Harbor) u. Verm.-Wesen German Map Branch 1941 CIA Liepaja 56?30'N, 21?00'E a, Liepajas Plans (Plan of Liepaja) P. Mantnieka Kartografijas Insti- 1:20,000 File copy tuts (P. Mantnieks Cartographic Latvian Map Branch Institute) CIA 1935 b. Stadtplan von Libau (City Plan Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:10,000 File copy of Liepaja) 1940 German Map Branch Latvian CIA Original 24 industrial targets named in both languages. No street names. City limits shown. Many streets and several buildings named. Vegetation. Streets and important buildings named and located by plane grid. Topography, vege- tation. Streets named in downtown area. Indus- tries classified in legend but not on map. 19 military objectives and streets named. Streetcar lines, vegetation Street names in Russian, major street names transliterated. Plane-grid index covers main streets, buildings, and military ob- jectives. Rayon boundaries are slightly in error. Copied from 1936 Soviet map, Plan Leningrada. Streets and buildings named and located by plane grid. Bus, streetcar and local river boat routes, corner numbers, and rayon boundaries. Streets and buildings of harbor area named. 1935 information. Streets and buildings named and indexed by plane grid. Corner numbers, vegetation, streetcar lines. Streets named in Latvian and buildings in German. Both indexed by geographic co- ordinates. Detail is better on above map but this one contains later information. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page.XIII-36 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 Scale and language L'vov 49?49'N, 24?02!E Stadtplan von Lemberg (City Plan Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:15,000 of L'vov) March 1941 German Polish Minsk 53?55'N, 27?35'E Plan der Stadt Minsk (City Plan of Armee Karten-M Stelle 533 (Army 1:10,000 Minsk) Map Depot 533) German January 1942 Mogilev 53?54'N, 30?20'E Plan Goroda Mogileva (City Plan of Mogilev) Monchegorsk 67?55'N, 32?59'E Montschegorsk Moscow 55?45'N, 37?36'E a. Moskau Atlas c. Moskau Verkehrsmittel (Trans- portation Map of Moskua) d. Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Moskau I (Military-Geographic Plan of Moscow I) e. Atlas of Geological and Hydrologi- cal Maps of the City of Moscow f. Plan G. Moskvy (City Plan of Moscow) Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Moskau II (Military-Geographic Plan of Moscow, II) Murmansk 68?50'N, 33?10'E Murmansk Narva 59?22'N, 28?08'E a. Mil.-Geo.-Plan Narwa (Military- Geographic Plan of Narva) b. Stadtplan von Narwa (City Plan of Narva) Armee Karten Stelle 464 1943 File copy 252 buildings and streets named and located Map Branch by plane grid. Topography shown. Map CIA is essentially copy of Polish original. File copy Streets, 107 military objectives, and 42 public AMS buildings named and located by plane grid. Throughway streets, ghetto limits, parks, and destroyed parts of town shown. ...... File copy Streets named. Russian AMS 1:12,500 File copy Streets and 29 military objectives named and German AMS located by plane grid. Detailed building French outlines, probably based on air photos. Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:83,000 u. Verm.-Wesen German 1941 Russian Gen.-St. d. II., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. u. Verm.-Wesen 1941 Gen.-St. d.. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. u. Verm.-Wesen 1941 Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. u. Verm.-Wesen 1941 File copy Atlas of 25 maps of Moscow, essentially a Map Branch systematic military-target study reduced CIA from Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Moskau, 1:25,000 and using the same plane grid. Indexed target tests in German, minor names in Russian. Throughway streets named; 16 types of industries shown. ca 1:65,000 File copy German Map Branch CIA 1:35,000 File copy German Map Branch Russian CIA 1:25,000 File copy German Map Branch Russian CIA Streetcar, bus, and subway routes with servicing facilities. Streets named in Russian. Inset of projected subway lines. Hundreds of military objectives named in German and streets named mostly in Russian. Both located by plane grid. Throughway streets, rayon boundaries. Based on 1940 Soviet material. Transactions of the All-Union 1:25,000 Scientific Research Institute of Russian Economic Mineralogy and of English the Moscow Geological Ilydro- logical and Geodetical Trust. 1935 G. U. G. K. (Principal Adminis- 1:20,000 tration of Geodesy and Cartog- Russian raphy) 1940 Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:10,000 u. Verm.-Wesen German 1941 Russian Fabrika Kartolitografiya Mosk. 1:10,000 Obl. Kom. Otd. Moskva (Mos- Russian cow Cartographic Plant) 1935 Fabrika Kar tografiya Mosk. Obl. 1:5,000 Kom. Otd. Moskva (Moscow Russian Cartographic Plant) 1935-36 Armee Karten Stelle 464 Gen.-St. d. II., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. u. Verm.-Wesen July 1941 Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1941 File copy 5 maps and geologic cross-sections of Moscow, Map Branch unbound and all without coordinates. CIA Geology, relief, and water table. Street names in Russian only. File copy Street and railroad names, corner numbers, Map Branch vegetation. Index and most military CIA objectives omitted. File copy Enlarged version of Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Map Branch Moskau I, 1:25,000. Same grid used for CIA both maps and for Moskau Atlas. File copy Streets and railroads named; street corners AMS numbered. High-tension lines, vegeta- (18 out of tion, topography. Buildings divided into about 42 public, stone, and others, but not named. sheets) Based on official surveys of 1926-35. File copy Streets and railroads named. Three types AMS of roads, streetcar lines, topography, (46 out of vegetation, and fances. Buildings classi- about 140 fied as wood or stone, with number of sheets) floors of latter. Based on surveys of 1926-35. 1:10,000 File copy Shows 133 military objectives, street names, German AMS and destroyed sections of town. Revised from air photos. 1:10,000 File copy Street names in Estonian; 38 military ob- German AMS jectives in German. Topography, prop- Estonian erty lines. 1:10,000 File copy Streets named in Estonian and 100 buildings German Map Branch in German; both located by plane grid. Estonian CIA Based on 1939 Estonian map. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL TABLE XIII 11 -(Continued) Nikolayev 46?58'N, 32?01'E Stadtplan von Nikolajew and Umge- bung (City Plan of Nikolayev and Vicinity) Nomme 59?23'N, 24?39'E a. Nomme, Linna Plaan (City Plan of Nomme) b. Stadtplan von, Nomme (City Plan of Nomme) Novgorod 58?32'N, 31?18'E Plan goroda Novgorod (City Plan of Novgorod) Odessa 46?27'N, 30?48'E Stadtplan von Odessa (City Plan of Odessa) Orel 52?56'N, 36?05'E Gorod Orel (City of Orel) Parnu 58?22'N, 24?30'E Stadtplan von Pernau (City Plan of Parnu) Pechenga 69?33'N, 31?12'E Petsamo, Liinahamari, Plan of Port; GSGS 4437 Pinsk 52?07'N, 26?07'E Stadtplan von Pinsk (City Plan of Pinsk) Polotsk 55?29'N, 28?48'E Stadtplan von Polozk (City Plan of Polotsk) Poltava 49?36'N, 34?35'E Poltawa Proskurov 49?29'N, 26?58'E Proskurow Pskov 57?48'N, 28?19'E Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Pskow (Mili- tary-Geographic Plan of Pskov) Rechitsa 52?21'N, 30?25'E Plan g. Rechitsy (City Plan of Rechitsa) Reval. See Tallinn. Original Reichsamt Mr Landesaufnahme March 1941 J. Mannik ca. 1936 Reichsamt Mr Landesaufnahme April 1941 Scale and language Availability Page XIII-37 1:25,000 File copy A few buildings but no streets named. German Map Branch Topography. CIA 1:10,000 File copy Streets named and indexed by plane grid. Estonian AMS Corner numbers, bus lines. 1:10,000 File copy Streets and buildings named, with latter German Map Branch indexed by plane grid. Based on 1937 CIA Estonian map. Otdel Voyenno-Topograficheskaya 1:7,500 Sluzhba, SFZ (Military Topo- Russian graphic Service of SFZ) ca. 1942 Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme March 1941 Kurskaya Oblastnaya Planovaya Komissiya (Kurskaya Oblast' Planning Commission) 1935 File copy Streets named; individual buildings classi- Map Branch fied according to amount of destruction. CIA Revised from aerial photographs and Soviet material to October 1941. 1:15,000 File copy German Map Branch CIA ...... File copy Russian Map Branch CIA Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:15,000 March 1941 German Estonian Great Britain, Inter-Service Topo- 1:6,800 graphical Department English 1943 Streets and buildings named and indexed by plane grid. Topography. . Streets named. In Rayony Kurskoy Oblasti (Rayons of Kurskaya Oblast') p, 60. File copy Streets and 30 buildings named in Estonian Map Branch and German, all located by plane coordi- CIA nates. Map based on 1932 Estonian city plan. File copy Buildings named. Inset: Trifona, 1:27,000, Map Branch with stub coordinates based on Greenwich. CIA Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:5,000 File copy Kartenstelle II, Abt. 10 (Map De- 1:10,000 pot II, Section 10) German Streets and public buildings named and located by plane grid. Vegetation. From 1929 Polish map. File copy 35 buildings but no streets named. Vegeta- AMS tion, topography Corrected from air photos. Kr. Kart. u. Verm.-Amt, Kiew 1:20,000 File copy (Military Map and Land Survey German AMS Section, Kiev) September 1942 1:10,000 File copy Streets and buildings named. Map un- German Map Branch finished, CIA Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:25,000 u. Verm.-Wesen German 1941 Belgosproyekt (White Russian 1:5,000 State Plan) Russian 1935-36 File copy Major streets and military objectives named. Map Branch Base material from USSR 1:50,000 map. CIA File copy Streets named and a few buildings located: AMS Vegetation, topography. Excellent detail but map appears to be unfinished. In 10 sheets. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-38 Riga 56?58'N, 24?05'E a. Rigas Plans (City Plan of Riga) Spiestuve- Valstsparpiru 1033 b. Stadtplan von Riga (City Plan of Reichsamt fur Lan.desaufnahme Riga) March 1941 c. Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Riga (Mili- tary Geographic Plan of Riga) d. Rigas Ostas Centrala Dala (The Central Section of the Port of Riga) e. Riga Romny - 50?46'N, 33?31'E Plan Mista Romen Romny) Rostov-na-Donu 47?12'N, 39?42'E a. Rostow (Rostov) b. Mil.-Geo.-Plankizze von Rostow am Don (Military-Geographic Sketch Plan of Rostov-on-the- Don) Rybinsk. See Shcherbakov. Saratov 51?30'N; 45?55'E a. Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Saratow (Mil- itary-Geographic Plan of Sara- tov) b. Stadtplan von Saratow (City Plan of Saratov) Sevastopol' 44?35'N, 33?32'E Stadtplan von Sevastopol Plan of Sevastopol') Shcherbakov (Rybinsk) 58?01'N, 38?41'E Rybinsk Simferopol' 44?57'N, 34?04'E Stadtplan Simferopol (City Plan of Simferopol') Smolensk 54?45'N, 32?01'E Plan Goroda Smolenska (City Plan of Smolensk) Sovetsk (Tilsit) 55?03'N, 21?54'E- Pharus-Plan Tilsit Stalingrad 48?40'N, 44?30'E Plan of Stalingrad Industrial Region Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200.010013-5 JANIS 40 No scale File copy Streets and important buildings named. Russian AMS Vegetation. Unfinished World War II map in 6 sheets. Publisher and date Scale and language' 1:25,000 File copy Streets and buildings named. U. S. Lega- Latvian AMS tion. Corner numbers, building zones, and streetcar lines. Inset: Vecpilseta, 1:10,000. 1:25,000 File copy Streets named in Latvian and 118 buildings German Map Branch in German; both located by plane grid. Latvian CIA Corner numbers, through routes, vegeta- tion, streetcar lines. Inset of center of Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:25,000 u. Vertu.-Wesen German July 1941 Latvian A. Osins & P. Mantnieks Karto- 1:15,000 grafijas Instituts, Riga English ca. 1930 Latvian A. Osins & P. Mantnieks Karto- 1:25,000 grafijas Instituts, Riga. English ca. 1930 Latvian Gen.-St. d. 3I., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:15,000 File copy Streets and many military objectives named. u. Verm.-Wesen German Map Branch From 1934 Soviet map, highly generalized. File copy Streets named in Latvian, 250 military ob- AMS jectives listed in German. Corner num- bers, vegetation, streetcar lines. Inset of center of town. File copy Street names in Latvian. Good detail of AMS harbor and installations. File copy Street names in Latvian. Important build- AMS ings named in English also. Detail of entire harbor, with emphasis on naviga- tion facilities. 1:4,200 File copy Streets named Unfinished manuscript map Ukrainian AMS of World War II. 'Gen.-St. d. II., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:10,000 u. Verm.-Weser German August 1941 Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:20,000 u. Verm.-Weson German February 1942 Russian Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme April 1941 File copy Military objectives and streets named. AMS Streetcar lines, vegetation. From 1926 city plan. File copy Streets named in Russian, 100 military ob- AMS jectives in German. Streetcar lines, vege- tation, topography. From 1935 Soviet map. Lacks detail for center of town shown on preceding map. 1:10,000 File copy Streets and buildings named. German Map Branch CIA Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:25,000 File copy Military objectives and individual buildings, u. Verm.-Wesen German AMS but no street names. Base information July 1942 undated but later than completion of Rybinsk reservoir. Karten Batterie (Map Division) 613 March 1943 1:10,000 File copy Streets named and indexed by plane grid. German AMS Vegetation. Comite Geologique, Leningrad, 1:20,000 File copy Streets and more important buildings named. Maieriaux pour la Geologie Gen- Russian AMS Topography, vegetation. erale et Appliquee, Vol. 63, 1927, Plate II Pharus-Verlag No date Stalingrad newspaper, Bor'ba ca. 1926 1:16,000 File copy Street names and corner numbers. German Map Branch CIA 1:20,000 File copy Streets named in Russian, buildings in English AMS English. Streetcar lines, topography, high- Russian tension lines. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL TABLE XIII - 11 (Continued) Stalino 47?59'N, 37?48'E Stadtplan Stalino (City Plan of Stalino) Stanislav' (Stanislawow) 48?54'N, 24?44'E Stadtplan von Stanislau (City Plan Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:10,000 File copy. Streets and 125 buildings named and indexed. of Stanislav') March 1941 German Map Branch by plane grid. District boundaries. In- CIA set of center of city, 1:5,000. Taganrog 47?12'N, 38?57'E Stadtplanskizze von Taganrog Vermessungs and Kartenabteilung 1:15,000 (Sketch map of Taganrog) (Survey and Mapping Unit) 602 German No date Tallinn 59?26'N, 24?46'E a. Mil.-Geo. Plan von Revel (Mili- Gen.-St. d. II., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:12,500 tary-Geographic Plan of Tal- u. Verm.-Wesen German linn) July 1941 b. Stadtplan von Reval (City Plan Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:2,500 of Tallinn) March 1941 German Estonian c. Tallinna, Linna Plan (City Plan J. Mannik & E. Linholm of Tallinn) 1934 d. .................. [Title missing] ca. 1920 Tambov - 52?45'N, 42?30'E Stadtplan von Tambov (City Plan ................ Tartu 58?24'N, 26?48'E a. Mil.-Geo.-Plan von Dorpat (Mili- tary-Geographic Plan of Tartu) b Stadtplan von Dorpat (City Plan of Tartu) c. Tartu Linna Plaan (City Plan of Tartu) Tilsit. See Sovetsk. Tula 54?12'N, 37?39'E a. Tula b. Plan Goroda Tuly i Prilegayush- chikh k Nemy Zemel' (City Plan of Tula, with Surround- ingArea) Uman' 48?44'N, 30?12'E Uman Uzhgorod 48?38'N, 22?19'E Uzhorod (inset on), Podrobny Preh- led Politickeho Rozdcleni Zeme Slovensk6 a Podkarpatorusk6 (Detailed Survey of the Political Divisions of Slovakia and Ru- thenia) Original German AMS power lines, public buildings, streetcar lines, and mines. File copy Streets and 65 buildings named. Based in. Map Branch part on air photos of October 1941. CIA File copy Streets and 85 military objectives named. AMS Vegetation based largely on 1939 Estonian map. File copy Streets and important buildings named in. Map Branch Estonian; both indexed and located by CIA plane grid. Vegetation. Based on 1939 Estonian map. 1:15,000 File copy Streets and important buildings named, Estonian AMS indexed, and located by plane grid. Pro- jected streets, streetcar lines. Inset of center of town. More detail than two pre- ceding German maps but less recent. 1:2,000 File copy Streets and important buildings named. Estonian AMS . Corner numbers. Detailed but probably (5 out of printed during 1920's. 14 sheets) 1:15,000 File copy Individual buildings and other information German Map Branch from air base photos of October and CIA November 1942, but only one name appears on the map. Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:7,500 u. Verm.-Wesen German July 1941 Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:7,500 March 1941 German Estonian J. Linzbach No scale No date Estonian ................ 1942 Zemel'no-Planirovognoye Uprav- leniye Tul'skogo Gorodskogo, Kommuna Phyye Otdel (Tula Municipal Planning and Ad- ministration Division) File copy 26 military objectives and streets named, AMS indexed, and located by plane grid. Vegetation. File copy . Streets named in Estonian and 80 buildings Map Branch in German; both indexed and located by CIA plane grid. Based on 1937 Estonian map. File copy Streets named and listed on reverse side, Library of corner numbers, names of buildings, 4 Congress quarters of town. Does not cover as much area as the two preceding German maps, and information is.assumed to be: older. 1:25,000 File copy Unfinished German military map, compiled German Map Branch June 1942. Excellent detail, Legend. CIA omitted but symbols are similar to those appearing on many other, German city plans of same year. Place names omitted. 1:15,000 File copy Street names, block numbers. Less detail Russian Map Branch than on the more recent German map CIA above. 1933 1:10,000 File copy Streets and a few buildings named. Prob- German AMS ably a World War II German Army map. Vojensky Zemepisny Ustar (Mili- 1:12,300 File copy Streets and important public buildings tary Geographical Institute) Czech . Map Branch named. 1936 CIA Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Scale and language Page XIII-39 .... . ........... 1:20,000 . File copy Street names, rayon boundaries, topography, Page XIII-40 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS 40 TABLE XIII - 11 (Continued) Ventspils 57?24'N, 21?36'.E Ventspils Viipuri. See Vyborg. Vil'nyus 54'41'N, 25-17'E a. Wilno Plan Miasta (City Plan of Vil'nyus) b. Stadtplan Wilna and Umgebung (City Plan of Vil'nyus and Vicinity) Vinnitsa 49?12'N, 28?31'E Stadtplan Winniza (City Plan of Vinnitsa) Vitebsk 55?11'N, 30?11'E Stadtplan von Witebsk (City Plan of Vitebsk) Vladimir 56?08'N, 40?22'E Mil.-Geo.-Planskizze von Wladimir (Military-Geographic Sketch Map of Vladimir) Vologda 59?11'N, 39?51'E Stadtplan von Wologda (City Plan of Vologda) Voronezh 51?40'N, 39?10'E Vyatka. See Kirov. Vyborg (Viipuri) 60?44'N, 28?42'E Karta afver Wiborgs Stad ach am- gifnirigar (Map of the City of Vyborg and Vicinity) Yaroslavl' 57?38'N, 39?53'E Stadtplanskizze von Jarosslawl mit Mil.-Geo.-Objekten (Sketch Map of Yaroslavl' with Military-Geo- graphic Objectives) Yefremov 53?08'N, 38?05'E Umgebung Jefremow (Y efremow and Vicinity) Zaporozh'ye 47?45'N, 35?11'E Stadtplan. Saporoshje (City Plan of Zaporozh'ye) yL.). vj~ Scale and language A. Oginl & P. Mantnieks Karto- 1:20,000 File copy grafijas Instituts, Riga English AMS ca. 1930 Latvian Polish General Staff, War Office, 1:15,000 File copy London GSGS 4435 Polish AMS 1943 Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1:15,000 File copy March 1941 German Map Branch Polish CIA Kriegskarten and Vermessungs- 1:10,000 wesen Amt, Winniza (Vinnitsa German Map and Survey Office) August 1943 14 buildings named in English and Latvian; a few streets named in Latvian. Harbor details, with explanations and legend in both languages. Streets and 166 buildings named, indexed, and located by plane grid. Vegetation and topography. Streets named in Polish and 66 buildings in German; both indexed and located by plane grid. Legend and abbreviation table in German and Polish. Stub co- ordinates based on Greenwich. From Polish city plan. File copy Streets named, indexed, and located by plane AMS grid. Buildings named. Contours at 5- meter intervals, vegetation, city limits. From 1932 Soviet city plan, with recent corrections from local German map and survey office. Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme March 1941 Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. u. Verm.-Wesen July 1941 1:7,500 German 1:20,000 German File copy Map Branch CIA File copy AMS Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:15,500 File copy u. Verm.-Wesen German Map Branch August 1941 CIA Voronezhskiye Gorsovet, Kom- No scale File copy munal'nyye Otdel (Voronezh Russian Map Branch City Soviet, Municipal Divi- CIA (2 out sion) of a prob- 1931 able 6 sheets) Wiborgs Bak & Stentrycker i 1:6,000 File copy Aktiebalag Swedish AMS 1913 Finnish Gen.-St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr.-Kart. 1:10,000 File copy u. Verm.-Wesen German Map Branch December 1941 CIA Vermessungs and Kartenabteilung 1:15,000 File copy (Survey and Mapping Unit) 620 German Map Branch November 1941 CIA Armes Karten Stolle 1:10,000 File copy 521 German AMS Streets and 132 buildings named. Main streets and buildings named. Essen- tially a copy of 1928 Soviet city plan, with improvements in cartographic presenta- tion. 22 military objectives located, and 6 of the main streets named. Streets named within city but not in sub- urbs. Vegetation and topography. Streets and important buildings named. City subdivision limits, property lines and numbers of each holding, and buliding numbers. Important street names, with table of changes under Soviet regime. Military targets noted. 15 public buildings but no streets named. Built-up areas incompletely shown. To- pography, vegetation. Most streets named, public buildings num- bered. Streetcar lines. Legend missing. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Original /Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 MAP APPRAISAL E. General atlases This section is a discussion of national and regional atlases of either a general or a statistical nature, and of comprehensive German military studies, which are essen- tially regional atlases (TABLE XIII-12) . An atlas whose major contribution is on a special subject is considered with the maps on that subject. Several national atlases warrant special attention. The Bol'shoy Sovetskiy Atlas Mira is, the major work of this type and the most important single source for maps of the USSR within its pre-1939 boundaries. The Atlas Republiky Ceckoslovenske and the Latvijas Statistikas Atlas also represent important contributions in the field of cartography. The older Atlas of Finland is still of con- siderable value. The Atlyas Ukrayini likewise shows car- tographic skill of a high quality although produced by a staff in exile. Only minor portions of the Czechoslovak and the Finnish atlases cover areas now incorporated into the Soviet Union but such atlases present important in- formation not readily available elsewhere. (1) Bol'shoy Sovetskiy Atlas Mira, Tom I i II (Great Soviet Atlas of the World, Volumes I and 11), 1937-39 The Great Soviet Atlas of the World was published in accord with the Decree of 17 December 1933 of the Central Executive Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Soviet of People's Commissars. It was to consist of three volumes: Volume I-world cov- erage and small-scale synoptic maps of the USSR; Volume II-survey and economic maps of the Republics, Krays, and Oblasts of the USSR; Volume III (not yet pub- lished)-survey, physical, administrative, and economic maps of continents and foreign countries. A special institute was created to undertake the task of publication; Nauchno-izdatel'skiy Institut Bol'shogo So- vetskogo Atlasa Mira pri Tslk SSSR (Scientific-Publishing Institute attached to the Central Executive Committee [of the All-Union Communist Party-Bolsheviks], USSR). Volume II was compiled by the Nauchno-Redaktsionnaya Kartosotavitel'skaya Chast', Glavnoye Upravleniye Geo- dezii i Kartografli pri SNK SSSR (Scientific-Editorial Map Compilation Section, Principal Administration of Geodesy and Cartography attached to the Soviet of People's Com- missars, USSR). Volume I, in two parts, was published in 1937. It is less detailed and of earlier date than Volume II (1939). Part I includes physical, economic, and sociological maps of the world. Part II consists of 96 colored maps of the physical geography, geology, climate, soils, mineral re- sources, vegetation, zoogeography, 'commercial hunting, power, manufacturing (heavy and light), agriculture, ani- mal husbandry, collectivization, transportation, and for- eign trade of the USSR as a whole.' In spite of the wide range of subjects and large number of maps, serious gaps are noticeable. There are no maps on the density or ethnic composition of the people; the climatic map series is incomplete; and maps on several important aspects of agriculture are lacking. Quantita- tive data are limited almost entirely to productivity meas- ured in rubles. The value of Volume I lies in its com- prehensive scope and generalized presentation of economic and physical data. In 1940, a 180-page gazetteer to Vol- ume I was published, which gives the location of all places mentioned in Parts I and 2 of the volume. Size of Soviet Original Page XIII-41 cities with populations above 50,000 are given, as well as, statistics on physical character of the USSR. This is the only atlas gazetteer that has been published to date, but it does not include places mentioned in Volume II. An English translation of the titles and legends of maps ap= pearing in Volume I, made under the direction of George B. Cressey, was planographed by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann,Arbor, Michigan, 1940. Volume II of the Great Soviet Atlas of the World was published in September 1939. It consists of: 1) physical and, 2) economic maps of the USSR by administrative areas. The maps of both series have full geographic grids based on Greenwich, usually at 1-degree intervals. (a) Physical maps.-Terrain is carefully presented by contours and layer tints, with the contour intervals selected for each plate to bring out the most significant terrain features of the area covered. A relatively dense pattern of spot heights is given. Terrain features are named and, in some cases, unusual features such as preci- pices are shown by symbol. The drainage pattern, includ- ing the courses of intermittent streams, is detailed and carefully drawn. Fresh and saline lakes are differenti- ated, and water depth is shown by isobaths, layer tints, and spot depths. On all the physical maps, railroads are classified as trunk, electrified, and other lines, and lines under con- struction. Roads are divided into highways, dirt roads, and trails. No differentiation is made between crude oil and kerosene pipe lines. Water transportation features include shipping routes, ports, landings, and navigable canals. Reclamation canals also are shown. All admin- istrative centers are located and populated places are classified according to seven population categories. Ad- ministrative boundaries include Union Republics; Auton- - omous Republics, Krays, and Oblasts; Autonomous Oblasts; and Administrative Okrugs. In spite of some deficiencies, the physical maps are a valuable source of information, since they show a remark-. able amount of detail in relation to the scale. Probably no other maps, with the exception of the large-scale topo- graphic sets, give as large a number of place names. No gazetteer to Volume II has been published or as yet planned by the Soviets. The physical maps must be used with great care. Their consistently neat and technically- advanced appearance implies uniformly high reliability. At the time of their compilation, however, Soviet topo- graphic surveying was far from complete and was not of uniform quality. Furthermore, it is difficult to compare maps of different areas because they are not at the same scale. (b) Economic maps.-The economic maps in Volume II usually face or follow the corresponding physical maps. The two maps for a given area are at the same or nearly the same scale to facilitate comparison. The economic maps show a large variety of minerals and mineral springs by symbol as well as reserves of gas, coal and petroleum. Additional data on coal and petroleum deposits in exploitation and in reserve, and on areas un- dergoing exploration, are sometimes shown. Power stations with capacities of 100 kw. or more are shown by proportionate symbols and the source of power is identified. If stations are undergoing expansion or are under construction, their status is indicated. Distinction is made between central power stations generating for general distribution and other stations. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-42 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 JANIS. 40 A large number of manufacturing centers whose annual production amounts to 100,000 rubles or more (1926/27 price index) are shown by symbols proportionate in size to the production (1935). Bar graphs and pie charts give comparative data for 1913 and 1937 for selected products. The maps in Volume II of the Great Soviet Atlas of the World are the only recent Soviet maps that show land use. Cropland, sand areas, marshes, pastures (summer, winter, and alpine) and wasteland are outlined. Comparative bar graphs give the areas under selected crops for 1913 and 1937. Areas of stockbreeding are indicated and transhu- mance is shown by :routes of movement. State farms (sovkhozy) are identified by type of farming. Motor-tractor stations are located, and some of the maps have comparative bar graphs showing the increase in the amount of horsepower on farms between 1913 and 1937. Fishing grounds for commercial species are located, as well as fishing ports, with their catch shown by propor- tionate circles. In order to emphasize Soviet achievement in the expan- sion of transportation, all railroads and some canals and oil pipe lines are classified as constructed before or after the Revolution. In other respects, the presentation of railroads, as well as highways, resembles that on the physi- cal maps. Maritime shipping routes are shown with dis- tances between ports given in kilometers. Air lines are indicated as regular, seasonal, and nonperiodic. Although the base maps for the economic series have a relatively complete drainage pattern of important streams and their principal tributaries, it is less detailed than on the physical maps. Populated places have been selected to include all centers with notable industrial pro- duction, state farms, machine-tractor stations, and the more important villages in areas of sparse population. The data included in Volume II of the Great Soviet Atlas of the World are for 1935, with some additional statistics for 1937 and 1938. The large number and variety of items shown on the maps in relatively great detail has been achieved by excellence of design and high quality of tech- nical reproduction. Nevertheless, the large variety of data and the details of distribution for the more important economic regions of the USSR, makes some of the maps cluttered and difficult to read. Many of the symbols over- lap each other, and the distinctiveness of some symbols is dependent upon small dot or line differences that are barely legible. As a result the general patterns of dis- tribution of economic elements become almost or totally imperceptible on some of the more complex maps. In spite of the large amount of data shown, much infor- mation is deliberately omitted or masked. For some time it has been known that the Soviet Union has deliberately restricted the dissemination of information about its re- sources and productive facilities. Furthermore, nearly all industrial and agricultural production statistics are given in rubles. This is adequate for such industries as the chemicals and machine construction, whose diverse pro- duction is best expressed in terms of value. It is prac- tically meaningless, however, for such industries as steel production and mining. In all cases, interpretation is difficult because of the complexity of the Soviet price structure. The use of proportionate circles for the total production of multiple-industry centers makes it difficult to estimate production by individual industries. Among the major purposes for which the Great Soviet Atlas of the World was published were the propagandizing of socialism in the USSR and the demonstration of the superiority of socialist economy over capitalist economy. Consequently, the Atlas does not present an objectively balanced picture of Soviet economy. In comparison with manufacturing, agriculture is greatly under-emphasized, whereas the value of industrial production is given for all centers whose manufactures are valued at 100,000 rubles or more per year, no comparable agricultural statistics are given. The advancement of agriculture is shown by the increase in area under the cultivation of selected crops rather than by increase in crop production. A study of economic interrelations between manufacturing and agri- culture is, therefore, impossible. The selection of economic information for presentation appears to be arbitrary and is confusing to anyone using the Atlas. Quantitative data concerning livestock, for example, are entirely lacking, probably because such sta- tistics would reflect losses incurred during the period of collectivization. In spite of these criticisms and although much of the information is already out of date, the economic maps in Volume II of the Atlas serve as an excellent reference source on the location of mineral deposits, production centers, and land use. (2) Militargeographische Angaben uber das Europaische Russland. (Military-Geograpichal Studies of European USSR) The Mil-Geo (Militargeographische) series for European USSR, Finland, and Rumania presents a wealth of infor- mation. (For details, see 131, A, (2), (C) 2.) These vol- umes were assembled by a large staff of German geogra- phers for the use of the German Army in its drive east- ward, and consist of brief and concise texts, booklets of photographs, maps (including city plans) and gazetteers. Atlas Leningradskoy Oblasti i Karel'- Geografo-Ekonomicheskiy Nauchno-Is- skoy ASSR (Atlas of Leningradskaya sledovatel'skiy Institut Leningradskogo Oblast' and the Karelian ASSR) Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (Eco- Language and date Russian 65 unbound sheets. Physical, economic, and cultural English maps at 1:1,000,000 for Leningradskaya Oblast' and Finnish at 1:2,000,000 for Karelian ASSR. Atlas includes nomic Geography Research Institute of 1034 the Leningrad State University) Atlas Moskovskoy Oblasti (Atlas of Moskovskoya Oblastnaya PlanovQya. Russian the Moskovskaya Oblast') Kornmissiya, Nauchno Issledovatel'- 1933 skiy Ekonomiki (Moskovskaya Oblast' Planning Commission, Economic Re- search) maps of administrative districts showing rayons, soil, ethnic structure, and distribution of cultural centers. Use of English and Finnish is limited almost entirely to map titles. 67 pages of maps and 36-page explanatory text. Maps at 1:500,000 for the entire oblast and at larger scales for its parts show rayon boundaries, and physical, economic, population, and cultural features. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003105/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 lw~ MAP APPRAISAL Page XIII-43 Atlas Republisky Ceskoslovenske (At- Ceskd Akademie Vcd a Umeni (Bohemian las of the Czechoslovak Republic) Academy of Sciences and Arts), Prague Description Suomen Maantieleellinen Seura (The Goo-, English Atlas issued as a single edition with all explanations graphical Society of Finland), Helsinki Swedish in 3 languages. Separate texts are issued for each AtlayasUrkayiniySumeahnikhKrayiv Ukrayins'kiy Vidavnichiy Institut, (Atlas of Ukraine and Adjoining (Ukrainian Publishing Institute), Lwow Countries) Bol'shoy Sovetskiy Atlas Mira (Great Nauchno Izdatel'skiy Institut Bol'shogo Soviet World Atlas) Sovetskogo Atlasa Mira (Scientific-Edi- torial Institute of the Great Soviet World Atlas) and Glavnoye Upravle- niye Geodezii i Kartografli (Principal Administration of Geodesy and Cartog- raphy) Language and date Finnish language; the English text constitutes Vol. 48 of 1925-29 Fennia. Atlas contains 38 double pages of maps, and 320-page text. Covers physical, economic, and. social features of Finland based largely on 1925 statistics. Other significant maps included give:: streams used for floating logs, 1:3,000,000; rapids, including potential power sites, 1:3,000,000; and 7' detailed studies of geographic regions of Finland. Czech 55 double pages of maps and 35-page text. Maps French with scales ranging from 1:1,250,000 to 1:5,000,000, 1935 cover a large selection of special subjects, each with English considerable distributional detail. Geographic co- text ordinates have been omitted from most of the 1936 small-scale maps. Ukrainian 63 double pages of maps and 42-page text edited by English the Volodimir Kubiyovich. Most maps are at 1937 1:5,000,000. Physical, economic, and cultural maps are limited largely to the area from Warsaw to Groznyy. Some information on Ukrainian migra- tion to other areas. Population and agricultural maps comprise the bulk of the atlas. Ten maps selected from this atlas were published in German translation in the unbound Atlas der Ukraine and benachbarten Gebiete, edited by O. Kossmann, Berlin, 1943. Russian Vol. 1, Part 1, contains world coverage of no signifi- 1937-39 cance to this study. Part 2 has 85 colored plates of physical and economic maps of the USSR, iiiclud- ing many of European USSR at 1:7,500,000. The 180-page gazetteer to Vol. 1 includes population and area statistics to 1940. Vol. 2 is composed of 125 colored plates giving detailed general and economic coverage of the USSR by regions. The more highly developed portion of European USSR is shown at the scale of 1:1,500,000, with a number of larger-scale city and vicinity insets. This atlas was produced for internal planning coincident with the Third Five-Year Plan as well as "to impress the capitalist world with the superiority of Communist achievement in the field of cartography." The most conspicuous omissions are maps of ethnography and minor administrative divisions. Scant attention given to western annexations, which were not com- pleted at the time of publication. Production figures are based chiefly on ruble values, which makes actual quantitative production difficult to determine but does permit rapid comparison of the output of different types of industries. An English translation of the titles and legends of Vol. 1, made under the direction of George B. Cressey, was planographed by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1940. 63 pages of maps and graphs and a 59-page text, mainly in Latvian, cover various aspects of Latvian life. Population, agriculture, industry, and com- merce receive most attention. 0 Latvijas Statistikas Atlass (Statistical Valsts Statistika Parvalde (State Statis- Latvian Atlas of Latvia) tical Bureau), Riga French 1938 Militargeographische Angaben fiber Generalstab des Heeres, Abteilung fur das Europaische Russland (Military- Kriegskarten and Vermessungswesen Geographic Plans of European (General Staff of the Army, Military USSR) Mapping and Surveying Section), Berlin German 13 volumes each with descriptive text (which includes 1941-42 small-scale maps), photographic supplement, and several unbound maps, cover European USSR as of 1941. These studies, prepared for the German invasion of the USSR, emphasize trafficability and military targets. Maps of nationalities and minor civil divisions are given for a few regions. The large number of city plans include a 25-map atlas of Moscow. Militargeographische Angaben Ober Generalstab des Heeres, Abteilung fur German This report includes a descriptive text illustrated by Finnland (Military-Geographic Plans Kreigskarten and Vermessungswesen, 1941 small-scale maps, photographic supplement, place- of Finland) Berlin name gazetteer, throughway town plans, standard plans for the largest towns, a set of 12 road maps with minor civil division boundaries, and 11 addi- tional unbound maps on land use, population, traffi.cability, and industry for Finland in 1940. Boundaries given are for both before and after 29 April 1940; full information is given for the ceded areas. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-44 JANIS 40 Language and date Militargeographische Beschreibung Generalstab des Heeres, Abteilung fur German von Rumanien (Military-Geographic Kreigskarten and Vermessungswesen, 1940 Description of Rumania) Berlin Reichskommissar fur das Ostland (Reichs German Commissioner for the Eastern Area), 1942 Riga Rayony Kurskoy Oblasti, Karto- Kurskaya Oblastnaya Planovaya Komis- Russian graficheskiy Material (The Rayons siya (Kurskaya Oblast' Planning Com- 1935 of Kurskaya Oblast', Cartographic mission), Kursk Material) Rzeczpospolita Polska Atlas Staty- Gl6wny Urzad Statystyczny Rzeczpos- Polish styczny (Statistical Atlas of the politej Polskiej (Central Statistical 1930 Polish Republic) Office of the Polish Republic), Warsaw The Polish Ministry of Information, English London 1942 or later Statistiline Album (Statistical Atlas) Riiga Statistika Keskburoo (Central Bureau of National Statistics), Tallinn 132. PRINCIPAL SOURCES Text, throughway town plans, photographic supple- ment, and unbound maps of administrative divi- sions, geographic regions, economy, transportation, telecommunications, and peoples show conditions in Rumania immediately prior to the Soviet an- nexation of Bessarabia in 1940. One of the general maps carries the new Soviet boundary of 30 August 1940. 48 folded maps give internal boundaries, population, economy, and transportation on a 1:1,500,000 base showing republic boundaries, hydrographic features, towns, and railroads. 12 additional maps-mainly on climate, vegetation, and history-were planned but not published. On most of the maps the in- formation is complete for the three Baltic States and White Russia; the physical and some of the transportation maps include surrounding areas. The maps on geology and navigable waterways have especially good detail. 166-page statistical supple- ment. 92 maps at 1:200,000 of individual rayons (meridian Pulkovo) show village soviets, collective farms, chief tractor stations, ravines, and transportation. Two city plans (no coordinates) and administrative map of entire oblast (Meridian Greenwich) are included. The volume, published to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the restoration of Poland, includes 42 plates of maps and graphs illustrating statistical tables of the Polish Statistical Office. Only a few of the largest-scale maps have geographic co- ordinates. A dot map at 1:2,000,000 shows distri- bution of population and minor political divisions, but recent migrations have altered the situation. Social and economic statistics for Poland between the two Great Wars are clearly illustrated by maps and graphs, which with explanations cover 120 pages. Maps are at 1:4,000,000 or smaller scales; all but one lack coordinates. Statistics are given by voivodship (province), but two population maps are based on powiaty (districts). Esthonian Vol. I covers territory and population of Estonia in 36 French plates, including a hydrographic map at 1:1,200,000 1925-28 which indicates navigable rivers and streams used for floating logs. Vol. 2 consists of 24 plates cover- ing Estonian economy. Vol. 3 has 112 pages on agriculture, with many text illustrations and graphs. Map of composition of soils, 1:1,200,000, is note- worthy. In all three volumes, geographic co- ordinates have been omitted from most of the maps. Statistics are frequently presented on the basis of minor administrative divisions. 3. USSR, Chief Administration of Geodesy and Cartography A. General Detailed cartographic information, both technical and historical, may be obtained through an examination of the 4. following publications available at the Army Map Service. Most of the titles and articles are translations from the Russian; others are translations made from German trans- 5' lations of the USSR originals. 6. B. List of references (1) Instructions for mapping 1. CONSTRUCTION OF CONTOURS ON INTERMEDIATE-SCALE, 1:420,000 7. (1:500,000) MAPS. Pp. 16-40. 2. Gerasimov, A. P., Kassin, N. G., and Nevskiy, A. A. INSTRUCTIONS ON COMPILING GEOLOGIC-ECONOMIC MAP. Order 8. #247 issued by Head of the Chief Geological Research Ad- ministration. 1931. (G.U.G.K.). INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONSOLIDATION OF CARTOGRAPHIC, SURVEY- ING, AND GEODETIC DATA FOR UNION-WIDE REQUIREMENTS. 1938. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TOPOGRAPHIC WORK, PLANE TABLE SURVEY, SCALE 1:25,000. 1939. INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING THE METHOD OF PRODUCTION OF TOPOGRAPI;IIC-GEODETIC, AIR-SURVEY, AND CARTOGRAPHIC MA- TERIALS, ETC. 1940. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUBLISHING THE 1:1,000,000 USSR MAP. 1941. MANUAL FOR PREPARATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL PLANNING FOR MAP PUBLICATION. 1941. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 9. USSR General Staff, Red Army, Military-Topographic Adminis- tration. INSTRUCTION FOR RECONNAISSANCE OF LARGE-SCALE MAPS, 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000. 1941. (2) Description of sets and general processes 1. Albrecht, Capt. O. WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED CONCERNING MODERN RUSSIAN CAR- TOGRAPHY FROM THE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF THE USSR? Chief of the Military Map and Survey Service, Reports, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 3-10. 1943. 2. Durnev, A. I., and Sudakov, S. G. LAYOUT AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ASTRONOMICAL-GEODETIC BASIC ACTIVITIES IN USSR. Twenty years of Soviet geod- esy and cartography. Pp. 29-45. 1939. 3. Germany, Army High Command, Military Cartographic and Survey Division (III). COMPILATION OF STATEMENTS OBTAINED FROM PRISONERS CONCERNING THE CARTOGRAPHIC AND SURVEY SYSTEM OF THE SOVIETS. 1942. 4. Germany, General Staff. PLANHEFT, RUSSLAND. 2d ed. 1942. 5. Germany, General Staff, Office of the Chief of Military Maps and Surveys. GERMAN MAP, 1:100,000. 1942. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14 ; ,CIA-RDP79-O1.144A000200010013-5 Page XIII-45 6. Kroemke, Bruno. THE GREAT SOVIET WORLD ATLAS. Zeitschrift fur Geopoli- tik, XIX, Heft. 7, pp. 332-334. 1942. 7. MAPPING OF THE AREA OF THE USSR. Geodesist, No. 11, pp. 1-7. 1939. 8. Shlepniev, N. PROGRESS OF CARTOGRAPHIC AND GEODETIC WORK IN TRANSCAU- CASIA. Translation. from Geodesist, No. 3, 19 pp. 1939. 9. Steppe, Maj. Ja. Ja. THE NEW MAP, SCALE 1:500,000. Translation from Geode- sist, Nos. 8 and 9, 28 pp. 1936. 10. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF STATE GEODETIC SERVICE IN USSR. So- viet State Geodetic Service, 1919-1944. Geodesist, pp. 3-24. 1944. 11. USSR, Chief Administration of Geodesy and Cartography (G.U.G.K.). FUNDAMENTALS OF MAP-MAKING: HISTORICAL PART. Pp. 166?- 217. 1943. 12. Vinogradov, N. V. DESCRIPTION OF THE MAPS READY FOR PRINTING OF THE FIRST VOLUME OF "THE GREAT SOVIET RUSSIAN WORLD ATLAS". Translation from Geodesist, No. 4, 17 pp. 1937. Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Contin.ued) Page D. Special maps . . . . . . . . . XIII - 21 (1) Physical maps (TABLE XIII-6) . XIII - 21 (2) Political maps (TABLE XIII-7) . XIII - 24 (3) Maps showing distribution of peo- ples (TABLE XIII-8) . . . . . XIII - 27 (4) Transportation, telecommunica- tions, and power maps . . . XIII - 28 (5) Economic maps (TABLE XIII-10) . XIII - 30 (6) City plans (TABLE XIII-11) . . . XIII - 31 E. General atlases . . . . . . . . XIII - 41 (1) Bol'shoy Sovetskiy Atlas Mira, Tom I i II (Great Soviet Atlas of the World, Volumes I and II), .1937-39 . . . . . . . . XIII - 41 Page (2) Militargeographische A n g a b e n fiber das Europaische Russland. (Military-Geographical Studies of European USSR) . . . . XIII - 42 132. PRINCIPAL SOURCES . . . . . . XIII - 44 A. General . . . . . . . . . . . XIII - 44 B. List of references . . . . . . . . XIII - 44 (1) Instructions for mapping . . . XIII - 44 (2) Description of sets and general processes . . . . . . . . XIII - 45 Produced by Department of State Department of the Army Department of the Navy Department of the Air Force Published by THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D. C. Original Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013.-5 N UI 41 U. 9. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE '2695-STATE=1949 Approved For Release 2003/05/14.: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 Produced by Department of State Department of the Navy Department of the Army Department of the Air Force Published by THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington, D.C. i Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-01144A000200010013-5 ApprovedF&r Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP79-0112 A 00200010013-5 dr Release 200 5/14 i,M'i 11 1 5:11!~-APV~,~.I~f O"~Rb !17?4 D0010013 5