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Approved For ReleasQ 999/09/0I -~lMl l9-010961 0400010005-6 MONTH== M WORT FOR THE PHOTO INT.LSGENCE DIVISION MONTH OF MARCH 1955 A. Acil tshments 1. Reoorts,_,and,,,;,, ro cot a. Top priority requirements in support of the DCT, current intelligence support for OCI and support of D/3 expended' 77.6% of total project time, most time being required by the first two. In addition, six projects for other requesters were completed. Of the total man hours expended by the division, including leave, 62.1% was devoted to projects. Response to and use of intelligence support on the current situation in China by CIA and military cor?. ponents of the Watch Committee: has been- particularly gratifying. Work accomplished by rec!ueeting component is noted below. b. M: Special project support (70,159). 25X1 A2g c. AD RR: short term special support for the AD/RR, was accomplished (70.180) . 25X1 A2g d, OR a c A e, ea; Project 72.157, in support 25X1 A of 1)/Ga for was completed. The Rumania/Yugoslavia Border Study (724155) , due 1 May, is 80% completed. e. PER. Economic Area: As listed in the accompanying S t gL Pr three projects, one a priority requirement on a new Soviet Tank "'T-SL"), were completed. Work also was accomplished on B1ectlio Parer Installations of North Korea (71.101), at present our number four priority project, and Dairen Iinitions Facilities (719119). Arrangements were made for AFOIN to contribute to Project 709181, a h gh priority project in support of D/3, involving photographic resources held by AFOIN. f. M: Five reports were issued on high priority continuing projects concerning Chinese Communist capabilities opposite Formosa and the Nationalist Off-Shore Islands, and other information was supplied on a continuing basis. This work has had high utility. g. tSz: Project 71.173. concerned with documenting a Cormuni- c: r';:i ens Institute in the USSR, was completed and work was accomplished on documenting the Friedrich Loeffler Research Institute in East Germany (Project 71.179). Work was also accomplished on (70.1?8) 25X1A2g Approved For Release 1999/09/ 1096A000400010005-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08: @t *lW 01096W400010005-6 h. Office 91 _Trinnin: Pending completion of a new ORR exhibit 25X1 A2g for the an interim exhibit of photo intelligence applications was prepared on a crash basis for the 15 March d.spLL,-ye i. D P ? : Six assists to DD/P personnel separately involving problems of existing photographic coverage and procurement and the briefing of personnel in photographic intelligence resources available and methods of ground photography intelligence reporting were made. 2. -Other a. A special paper on the Importance of Photographic Inttelligence was prepared for the Chief, Geographic Research. 25X1 A9a b. St/I, was briefed on photo intelligence of common interest a ne to DD/P, ORR and the intelligence ca-munity, c. USAF officers from Griffins AFB, Rome, New York were briefed on photo intelligence matters of cannon concern. d. The division was consulted by and assited Lt. Cmdr. Neasham, USE, Lt. Omdr. Butler, and It. E. F. Wolf, USN, officers of the Second Fleet, on intelligence mattars of mutual interest, and the chief of the division lectured to the Naval Intelligence School on "Special Techniques of Intelligence Ground Photography". e. Two departing Dept. of Defense attaches were briefed on photo intelligence matters. B. Cearlina~, tieing 25X1 A9a 1. ISssrs. separately met in eight conferences with representatives of OCI, 03I, DD/P, USN and AFOIN on problems of photographic procurement and toward establishing procedures for exploiting aerial photography. 2. The Chief organized and chaired the third meeting of the Working Committee on Intelligence Ground Photography, including representatives of the Air Intelligence Center, ,IFOIN, ATIC, USN.ONI, FBI, State and CIt. 25X1 A9a 3. ttended two meetings of the Task Force on Aerial Photography recently organized by the Office of Strategic Information of the Department of Commerce. Approved For Release 1999/09/0,_ - 1096A000400010005-6 Approved For Release4999/09/08 : Cq f9x01096AQW400010005-6 25X1A2g 4. The Chief attended a ATIC briefing at ONR on the latest state of USAF investigations of and re orted evaluations of the Unidenti:`l Flying Object Program 5. The monthly meeting of the Graphics Research Coordinating Croup was attended. 25X1 X7 6. The Chief briefed on photo intelligence subjects on common interest. 25X1 A9a 7. conferred with D/GL and OCD/OR in regard to exploring possible procurement of via the 25X1 C Geographic Attache in the Far east. 8. The Chief presided and concluded duties as president of the American Society of Photogrammetry at the consecutive annual, meetings of the ASP and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Washington, D. C.. Munch 7-9. 9. The Chief attended a meeting of the International Geophysical year Committee at the National Research Council, C. Pr 1. Problems of procurement of recent aerial photography when the various components of the IAC community are involved in urgent projects on the same area remain acute with interim "crash" solutions. 2. Lack of availability of Tactical Target Materials and USAF Da,eic Target Studies because of lack of personnel in D/aL remains a major problem which progressively worsens. These little known materials, the fester prepared largely in the f.eld, are of basic utility to several CIA components. D. erso 1, Thee members of the division participated in two Industrial Plant Tours arranged by OCD/IR. 2. For contributions to photo intelligence while serving at the USN Photographic Interpretation Center has received the Navy 25X1A Meritorious Civilian Awardo i Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79-01096AO004DO0' 00005-6 Approved For Releas99/09,,;DP79-01096A j400010005-6 Photo In eU{pence Avifilon STATUS OF PROJECTS 31 March 1955 I, ReDOrta W Pro Jg 1$W ink during dr2 r N~ie pct Rqos~ er Classification ap/1-66 S. E. China Airfields OCI Secret (Project 71.164) GP/I-67 "T-54" Tank Study I/tWA Secret (Project 71.176) OCI CJ'/L.68 Quemoy Situation Study I OCI Secret (Project 71.174) GP/I69 Communications institute at OSI Secret Mytishchi, USSR (Project 71.173) GP/I?7O Moscow Experimental Aircraft I/AR Secret Engine Plant No. 300 (Project 71.118) GP/I?71 Quemoy situation study II OCI Secret (Project 71.174) aP/I?72 Mosaics of Chinese Off-Shore 001 Secret Ia1 nda (Project 70.160) GP/z_73 S. Z. China Airfields II OCI Secret (Project 71.164) 25X1A2g GP/I?74 Exhibit for 0/TR AD/RR Secret (Project 70.175) GP/1-75 F25X1A2g D/GQ Secret roject 72.1,57) OP/I.76 Matsu Situation Study OCI Secret (Project 71.174) a`/I-77 Vladivostok Shipyards 2) I/SH Secret (Project 71.18 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79-01096A000400010005-6 . Approved For Releas 999/09/ . &ff P79-01096AJ0400010005-6 II, !'rc~icct_ s in Proms Project .i-m IWO Batals 70447 Intelligence Ground Photog- raphy Guidance Study TSS Dm/P Open In process 70.51 Ch/0 Open Continuing project 70.67 25X1A2g Self- Init. Open Continuing project 70,70 OSI Open Continuing project 70.79 Current Aerial Photography Self- Init. Open Continuing project 70.100 Text: Introduction to Photo Intelligence TSS DD/P Open 80% completed 70.159 25X1A2g DD/I Open In process 70.166 Target Support for SAC SAC Open Continuing project 70.171 25X1A2gTSS-DD/P Open Continuing project 70,177 Instrumentation for Document Intelligence Collection D/A Open In process 70,178 OSI Open In process 70.180 25X1A2g AD/RR 3 April In process 70.181 D/S Open In process 71.38 Train Lengths in the USSR S/TR Open Deferred to higher priority 71.101 Electric Power Installation, North Korea M/EP 1 July In process 71.119 Dairen Munitions Facilities I/IP Open 90% completed 71.164 Southeast China Airfields OCI Open Continuing project 71.24 Current Situation maps of Quemoy and Matsu Areas OCI Open Continuing project 71.1',9 Friedrich Loeffler Institute, East Germany OSI Open In process Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79-01096A000400010005-6 Approved For Release '1099/09/08 : CIA-RDP79-010960400010005-6 S..F.-C-1tw-3-T II, (Continued) Project XUA ~, ~: ~.$ wdx.~ J and 6 Ames -Due PA2 sglatus 710183 Selected Shanghai Industries OCI 1 May 50% completed 72.54 Evaluation of a Report on M/AG Open Deferred to gain Warehouses, USSR higher priority 72.151 Northeast Korea Railroad Study OCI Open 90% completed 720155 Rumanian/Yugoslavian Border D/GG 1 May 80% completed Study 72.172 S. E. China Supply Routes 11 OCX Open Continuing project IAL Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79-01096A000400010005-6 T-T T