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Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDF79-01 093A00060001.0003-9 PROVISIONAL INTELLIGENCE REPORT PLANT STUDY OF THE IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY OF THE USSR: ECONOMIC REGION III CIA/RR PR-69 roC IN CLASS. 11 [- DFC4 A w ~j- CLASS. GG TS (~ (ORR Project 2'3.176) WDAT _.__~---- 27 August 1954 DAIS. ~ R .ViEwr-r,: 37z The data and conclusions contained in this report do not necessarily represent the final position of ORR and should be regarded as provisional only and subject to revision. Comments and additional data which may be available to the user are solicited. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, USCG SECS. 793 AND 794, THE TRANS- MISSION OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Office of Research and Reports,- Approved For Release 1999/ 3A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T This report covers those plants in Economic Region III which pro- duce metallurgical coke, pig iron, and steel ingots, as well as steel castings and other types of finished steel. Region III is one of the .2 most important steel-producing regions in the USSR, accounting for 51.1 percent of the metallurgical coke, 5!-.8 percent of the pig iron, 29.1 percent of the steel, and 29 percent of the finished steel pro- duced in the USSR. The industry is centralized in two industrial concentrations: (a) the Middle Dnepr, including parts of the Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhtye Oblasts, and (b) the Donets Basin, including most of Stalino Oblast and the southern part of Voroshilov- grad Oblast. The entire peacetime economy of the USSR is integrated closely with the industry of this region. Although it contributed little during World War II, the region has the potentiality of becoming a source of vast quantities of materiel if the need arises. The primary intelligence value of this report lies in the basic evaluation of the plant capacity of this region as a contribution to the capabilities of the USSR in the production of metallurgical coke, pig iron, steel, and finished steel products. The localization of industrial centers and individual plants and the evaluation of their importance in the Soviet iron and steel industry furnish valuable target information. Regional production estimates of the Soviet iron and steel industry also serve as a check on Soviet statistics. This report is one of a series of regional provisional reports that will provide basic research data for a comprehensive study which is to be made on the iron and steel industry of the USSR. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T CONTENTS Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page I. Stalino Oblast . . . . . . . . . 13 A. Zhdanov Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1. Azovstal Metallurgical Plant imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2. I1' ich Steel Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 B. Makeyevka Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 3. Makeyevka Metallurgical plant imeni Sergei M. Kirov . . . . . 61 4. Novo Makeyevka Coke-Chemical Plant No.+4 . . . . ? 76 5. Staro Makeyevka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 5 . . . . . 79 C. St alino Complex . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 81 6. Chumakovo Coke-Chemical Plant . 81 7. Mushketovo Coke-Chemical Plant No. 9 82 8. Novo Smol'yaninov Coke-Chemical Plant . . . . . . . 85 9. Rutchenkovo Coke-Chemical Plant No. 2 imeni Kirov 87 10. Stalino Iron and Steel Works imeni I.V. Stalin 90 D. Kramatorsk Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 11. Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 12. Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Kuybyshev . 105 13. Novo-Kramatorsk Machinery Building Plant imeni I .V .Stalin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 14. Staro-Kramatorsk Machinery Building Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 E. Gorlovka Complex . . . . . . . . ? ? ? ? ? ? 122 15. Kirov Machine Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 16. Novo Gorlovka Coke-Chemical Plant ivo. 3 imeni Koksakhim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 F. Konstantinovka Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 17. Konstantinovka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 17 . . . . . 126 18. Konstantinovka Metallurgical Plant imeni Frunze . . 129 G. Single Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 19. Debal'tsevo Steel Foundry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 20. Nikitovka Coke-Chemical Plant . . . . . . . . . . . 141 21. Shcherbinovka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 11 . . . . . . 144 22. Toretsk Machinery Factory imeni Voroshilov . . . . . 145 23. Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze . 149 II. Voroshilovgrad Oblast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 24. Almaznaya Iron Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 25. Bryanskiy Coke-Chemical Plant No. 14 . . . . . . . . 174 26. Irmino Coke-Chemical Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 27. Kadiyevka Coke-Chemical Plant . . . . . . . . . . . 178 28. October Revolution Locomotive Plant . . . . . . . . 181 29. Olkhovsk Coke-Chemical Plant No. 12 . . . . . . . . 186 30. Parkhomenko Heavy Machinery Building Plant . . . . . 188 31. Voroshilovgrad Pipe Rolling Mill imeni Yakubovski 191 32. Voroshilovsk Metallurgical Works imeni Voroshilov . 194 III:. Dnepropetrovsk Oblast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 A. Dnepropetrovsk Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 33. Dnepropetrovsk Coke-Chemical Plant No. 20 imeni Kalinin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 34. Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Equipment Plant DZMO imeni Khat ayevich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 35. Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Rolling Mill imeni Lenin . . . . 223 36. Komintern Steel Combine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 37. Nizhnedneprovsk Metallurgical Plant and Tube Mill imeni Karl Liebknecht . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 38. Nizhnedneprovsk Wire and Nail Plant . . . . . . . . 258 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 39? Petrovski Metallurgical Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 40. Spartak Metal Goods Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 B. Dneprodzerzhinsk Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 41. Dneprodzerzhinsk Coke-Chemical Plant imeni Kamen . . 283 42. Dneprodzerzhinsk Coke-Chemical Plant No. 24 imeni Ordzhonikidze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 43, Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Dzerzhinski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 C. Single Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 44. Krivoy Rog Metallurgical Plant imeni Stalin . . . . . 302 45. Nikopol' Pipe and Tube Mill . . . . . . . . . . . 320 46. Novomoskovsk Sheet Mill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 IV. Zaporozh' ye Oblast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 47. Zaporozh'ye Metallurgical Combine imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 V. Odessa Oblast: Odessa Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 48. October Revolution Agricultural Equipment Plant . . . 359 49. Odessa Rolling Mill imeni Dzerzhinski . . . . . . . . 361 50. Odessa Wire and Nail Factory imeni Ivanov . . . . 363 51. Pervomaysk Metallurgical Plant imeni 25th Oktyabr . . 365 VI. Nikolayev Oblast: Nikolayev Complex . . . . . . . . 368 52. Dormashina Tractor Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 53? Marti Shipbuilding Yard No. 444 imeni Andre Marti . . 371 VII. Kharkov Oblast: Khat'kov Complex . . . . . . . . . . . 377 54. Kharkov Experimental Coke-Chemical Plant No. 26 . . 378 55. Khar'kov Locomotive and Tank Plant imeni Komintern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C -R-E-T Page VIII. Crimea Oblast: Kerch' Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 56. Kerch' Coke-Chemical Plant imeni Kirov . . . . . . . 385 57. Kerch' Metallurgical Plant imeni Voykov . . . . . . 388 Appendixes Appendix A. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 Appendix B. Gaps in Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 Appendix C. Sources and Evaluation of Sources . . . . . . . . . 397 1. Estimated Production and Percent of Total Soviet Production of Iron and Steel in Region III of the USSR, 1953 ........................... 2 2. National and Regional Shares of Production of Iron and Steel in 2 Areas of Region III of the USSR, 1953 . . . . . 2 3. Estimated Production of the Iron and Steel Industry by Oblast in Region III of the USSR, 1953 4 ....... . . . . . 4. Estimated Plant Production of Iron and Steel by Oblast in Region III of the USSR, 1953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Map USSR: Economic Region III, Iron and Steel Plants, . . . Inside Back Cover S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 CIA/RR PR-69 (ORR Project 23.176) S-E-C-R-E-T PLANT STUDY OF THE IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY OF THE USSR: ECONOMIC REGION III* Summary Economic Region III** consists of the Ukrainian SSR and the Moldavian SSR; however, there is no iron and steel industry in Moldavia. The Ukraine industry produces over one-third of the metal- lurgical coke and pig iron and approximately one-third of the steel supply of the USSR. Before World War II it was the most productive region of the Soviet Union, but at the present time it is second to the fast-growing Urals in the output of steel and semifinished steel products. The large yield of metallurgical coke and pig iron not only supplies consumers in the Ukraine but also supplements the coke oven and blast furnace production of other steel-producing regions of the country. The Ukraine iron and steel industry is based firmly on large re- serves of raw materials within the area. Abundant quantities of coking coal are available in the Donets Basin, there is a large supply of iron ore in the Krivoy Rog and Kerch' regions, the Nikopol' manga- nese deposits are nearby, and there is an ample supply of limestone and dolomite within easy access to all plants. Region III has a good rail transportation system, supplemented by some water transportation on the Donets and Dnepr Rivers, the Black Sea, and the Sea of Azov; over this network raw materials are moved to the plants and finished steel pro- ducts are distributed to the consuming industries of the USSR. Table 1X' contains the estimated 1953 production of metallurgical coke, pig iron, steel, and finished steel in the Ukraine. It also shows the region's share of Soviet production for those commodities. The largest iron- and steel-producing area in Region III is in the Donets Basin and includes the adjoining oblasts of Stalino and Voroshilovgrad. The Middle Dnepr is the second largest concentration * The estimates and conclusions contained in this report represent the best judgment of the responsible analyst as of 1 Feb 1954. ** The term region in this report refers to the economic regions de- fined and numbered on CIA Map 12084, 9-51, USSR: Economic Regions. Xxx See the map, USSR: Economic Region III, Iron and Steel Plants, inside back cover. ** * Table 1 follows on p. 2. S-E-C -R -E- T, Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated Production and Percent of Total Soviet Production of Iron and Steel in Region III of the USSR 1953 Product _ Region III Production (Thousand MT) Soviet Production (Thousand MT) Percent of Total Soviet Production Metallurgical Coke 17,905.0 35,000.0 51.1 Pig Iron 15,018.5 27,400.0 54+.8 Steel 10,980.1 37,700.0 29.1 Finished Steel 8,016.9 27,600.0 29.0 and is composed of Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozh'ye Oblasts. Table 2 shows national and regional shares of production of each of these two areas. There are minor steel industries in Odessa, Nikolayev, and Kharkov Oblasts. National and Regional Shares of Production of Iron and Steel in 2 Areas of Region III of the USSR 1953* Metallurgical Coke Pig Iron Steel Finished Steel Donets Basin (Stalino and Voroshilovgrad Oblasts) National Share 32.9 31.1 14.2 14.5 Regional Share 51+.4 56.9 50.2 50.3 Table 2 continues on p. 3. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 2 National and Regional Shares of Production of Iron and Steel in 2 Areas of Region III of the USSR 1953 (Continued) Percent Metallurgical Coke Pig Iron Steel Finished Steel Middle Dnepr (Dnepro- petrovsk and Zaporozh'ye Oblasts) National Share 15.5 23.7 13.9 14.4 Regional Share 30.2 53.1 47.7 47.4 With the nationalization of industry by the Soviet government fol- lowing the Russian Revolution, the Ukraine became the nucleus for the expansion of the iron and steel industry so necessary for the planned industrialization of the USSR. The expansion of Ukrainian industry was made one of the primary targets of the First Five Year Plan (1928-32), which provided for the acceleration of the production of raw materials, the construction of new coke-chemical plants and steel plants, and the expansion and modernization of existing plants with the addition of new blast furnaces, open hearths, electric furnaces, and finishing facili- ties. Before World 'ar II the Ukraine was the largest iron and steel producing region of the USSR. Upon the threat of the German advance into the area in the spring of 1941, the USSR systematically destroyed iron and steel facilities. Coal and iron mines were flooded, plant equipment was largely evacuated or destroyed, and heats were allowed to freeze in furnaces. Only a few plants were left in a semiworking condition. German occupation of the area began in the summer of 1941 and continued for over 2 years. The plan of the Reich to operate an industry in the Ukraine to supplement German production in support of the war effort was a complete failure. Soviet destruction was never repaired, and the Germans were never able to allocate enough equipment from their own supply to replace that which had been evacuated by the USSR. With the German retreat in 1943, further stripping of equipment from plants took place, and a large part of the existing structures was dynamited. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T The USSR at once began the gigantic task of rebuilding the steel in- dustry of Region III. Thousands of Soviet workers and prisoners of war were put to work at clearing rubble and rebuilding structures. Some of the equipment evacuated by the USSR was returned and installed, furnaces were reconstructed and reinstalled, and new facilities were added. Pre- war plants for the most part were rebuilt to former sizes and capacities. Reconstruction was complete by the end of 1949, and it was claimed that production was back to prewar levels. Some new plants were built and some new installations were added to existing structures. No attempt, however, was made to expand the plants to the sizes contemplated in the prewar five year plans. The operating efficiency of plants was improved in the postwar years by the modernization and mechanization of equipment, the introduction of new working techniques, and by improving the skill of workers through extensive training programs in most of the plants. Table 3* shows the estimated 1953 production of metallurgical coke, pig iron, steel, and finished steel in each of the oblasts of Region III which contain plants, and the share of each oblast of USSR production and of regional production. Table 4** lists 1953 production of metallurgical coke, pig iron, steel, and finished products by political division and by complex or single plant within the division. Production in 1951, 1952, and 1953 for metallurgical coke, pig iron, steel, and finished steel has exceeded outputs of the preceding years. Early in 1954 it was announced that the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy as a whole had not reached its planned outputs and that some of the larger plants in the Ukraine, among which were Azovstal Metallurgical Plant and Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Plant, had not achieved -their planned targets. Failure of these plants to reach planned production targets may have been the reason for the establishment of a new organization in the Ukraine. On 8 February.l954 the Kremlin announced that a Union Republic Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy in the Ukraine SSR was being formed. It is probable that the purpose of this organization is the closer super- vision of the iron and steel industry in order to secure the accomplish- ment of production targets. It is possible, however, that the function Table 3 follows on p. 5. Table 4 follows on p. 7. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 3 Estimated Production of the Iron and Steel Industry by Oblast in Region III of the USSR 1953 Metallurgical Finished Oblast Coke Pig Iron Steel Steel Stalino (Thousand MT) 8,722.5 7,295.7 5,367.1 3,822.4 National Share (Percent) 24.9 26.6 14.2 13.9 Regional Share (Percent) 48.8 48.6 48.9 47.7 Voroshilovgrad 2,800.0 1,242.1 153.3 203.4 Thousand MT) National Share (Percent) 8.0 4.5 Negligible 0.6 Regional Share (Percent) 15.6 8.3 1.3 2.6 Dnepropetrovsk 3,220.0 4,850.3 4,041.3 2,948.6 Thousand MT) National Share (Percent) 9.2 17.7 10.8 10.7 Regional Share (Percent) 18.0 32.3 36.9 36.8 Zaporozh'ye (Thousand 2,187.5 1,630.4 1,180.7 850.1 MT) National Share (Percent) 6.3 6.0 3.1 3.7 Regional Share (Percent) 12.2 10.8 10.8 10.6 - 5 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated Production of the Iron and Steel Industry by Oblast in Region III of the USSR 1953 (Continued) Odessa (Thousand MT) National Share (Percent) Regional Share (Percent) Nikolayev (Thousand MT) National Share (Percent) Regional Share (Percent) Metallurgical Finished Coke Pig Iron Steel Steel 3L1-.0 81.3 Negligible Negligible 0.3 1.0 138.0 75.0 ,. Negligible Negligible 1.3 0.9 65.7 36.1 :E ar'kov (Thousand MT) N.A. National Share (Percent) Regional Share (Percent) Crimea (Thousand MT) National Share (Percent) Regional Share (Percent) N.A. Negligible Negligible N.A. 0.5 0.4 975.0 N.A. 2.7 5.4 Total (Thousand MT) 17,905.0 15,018.5 10,980.1 8,016.9 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 C~ o u\0 0 0" N o - oco 10 8 .8 O O O O 0 0 0 0 O H o y H ,-1 Y O O~ +' U] U~1 CU C " trfj r Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 HO Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 ci u E1 I wi R H O ~ o 1 ~ UI 1 H N O W I o m w 1v rn I r-I H No b H ri 1 It U, Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 0 CO M M C-7 u~ O N N -; o o NM N 0 0 H N 00 u , M u - m m c v o c 0 8 Sao .# u\~ L -c o~ O ri N N N N N N N M M M Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 \D ~o moo m t0 N N - N - CP\ N M rl_- z N \,D rl v~ mH c- C N- ti 0 u ao M o m H D 0 4- 4- +1 U i- q 0 a k a w a a ~.-i w m ci w ~ r-I P, a) N q w N F7 .P q O bD ENO O ~ U w~ q W ri ?C .k rl c7 ~ ri .k Y~? ?'. N N .~ m w q (].~ m rl N N N } rl } +' rl ?rl o } q} } +~ O O w ,q O O 0 0 O U] H H +~ . N 0 H d H c H P4 P4 ?: v Nqq H q p q k1 N P~ P, H P, ~4 P~ o" td ' q~!! q d H W 4~ 0) . 41 ~ O ,G NO N q q q ?.i 4 ?ri M q ,q q N y rl ,[7 ,C N N H H rrriii H 0 O O N c i N a' q r P N P+ q p po p OH f~ Q 03 o o p 7 z W aQ Q7, nq W P. 7. nq PiP Z N i ' \D t - CO O\ O ri N M nq M m m M M M M.3' ..3 ~' CMR - - . - .-? Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 O O UI\ 'ri N ti ti r u, 0 0 0 0 m? o~ cIj H I m Ln N H H N i m m m H o 0 m O + ,+ m a M -H -P 4 g)g H Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 aw V N N t) V Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T of the new ministry is of a larger order. With the realization that no area in the USSR -- not even the Urals -- is safe from modern air war- fare, a decision may have been made in the Kremlin to develop the Ukraine, with its wealth of raw materials, efficient transportation system, and wide range of fabricating plants, into the No. 1 steel-pro- ducing area of the USSR, the position it held before World War II. Stalino Oblast is one of the largest and most important producers of iron and steel in the USSR. Estimated 1953 Production of Stalino Oblast Metallurgical Coke Pig Iron Steel Finished Steel Total Production (Thousand MT) 8,722.5 7,295.7 5,367.1 3,822.4 National Share (Percent) 24.0 25.7 13.6 13.5 Regional Share (Percent) 47.1 46.8 44.1 1+5.5 There are six steel complexes within Stalino Oblast. The largest of these is the Zhdanov Complex, which contains the largest integrated steel plant in Region III, the Azovstal Metallurgical Plant. The Makeyevka Complex contains the important Makeyevka Metal- lurgical Plant imeni Sergei M. Kirov, which produces pig iron, steel, and finished steel, but which has no coke facilities. Adjacent to the Makeyevka plant are the Novo Makeyevka and Staro Makeyevka Coke-Chemical Plants, which, though not under the same management as the metallurgical plant, supply it with coke and make the complex an integrated unit. The Stalino Complex is a large producer of metallurgical coke, con- taining five coke-chemical plants, which not only supply the needs of the Stalin Iron and Steel Works imeni I.V. Stalin, but also furnish a S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T surplus for shipment to other consumers in the Ukraine and to other steel producing areas of the USSR. The Kramat_orsk Complex is self-sufficient, except for metal- lurgical coke. Coke inputs are shipped into the area from other coke-chemical plants in the Ukraine. There are two important machinery building plants in the complex, Novo-Kramatorsk imeni I.V. Stalin, and Staro-Kramatorsk imeni Ordzhonikidze. The Gorlovka Complex has a large coke-chemical plant, Novo Gorlovka imeni Koksakhim, the production of which is consumed out- side of the Gorlovka area. Among the single plants in Stalino Oblast is the important Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze, which is a completely integrated steel plant. Summary Tables -- Stalino Oblast 1. Production and Capacity Azovstal Metallurgical Plant imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 4 Batteries - 276 Ovens 1,700.0 Pig Iron Production 6 Blast Furnaces (BF's) 2,449.2 Steel Production 9 Open-Hearth Furnaces (OH's) and 2 Electrics 1,383.1 Rolling Mill Capacities Blooming Mill 1,000.0 Rail and Structural Mill 700.0 S-E-C-R-E-m Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-.T 1. Production and Capacity Azovstal Metallurgical Plant.imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze 1953 (Continued) Thousand Metric Tons Finished Steel Production 995.8 Power Plant Capacity N.A. Production and Capacity. I1'ich Steel Plant 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 0 Pig Iron Production 2 BF's 408.0 Steel Prtluction 17 OH's and 1 Electric 654.0 Rolling Mill Capacities N.A. Finished Steel Production 470.0 Power Plant Capacity N.A. Production and Capacity Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant imeni Sergei M. Kirov 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production 4 BF's S-E-C-R-E-T 1,656.4 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant imeni Sergei M. Kirov 1953 (Continued) Thousand Metric Tons 4. Steel Production 13 OH's and 2 Converters Rolled Steel Capacities 1,150-mm Blooming Mill 600-mm Billet Mill 660/630-mm Bar Mill 630/600-mm Bar Mill 450/850-mm Continuous Mill 850-mm Rail Structural Mill 250/350-mm Wire Mill Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity 1,320.4 1,000.0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 950.6 25,000 kw Production and Capacity Novo Makeyevka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 4 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 4 Batteries -- 184 Ovens 1,100.0 Pig :Cron Production 0 Steel Production 0 Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Staro Makeyevka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 5 1953 6. Metallurgical Coke Production 4 Batteries - 242 Ovens Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Chumakovo Coke-Chemical Plant 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity S-E-C-R-E-T N.A. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093AO00600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Mushketovo Coke-Chemical Plant No. 9 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 2 Batteries - 76 Ovens Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Novo Smol'yaninov Coke-Chemical Plant 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 4 Batteries - 190 Ovens Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity 61+0.0 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093AO00600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Rutchenkovo Coke-Chemical Plant No. 2 imeni Kirov 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 7 Batteries - 282 Ovens Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Stalino Iron and Steel Works imeni?I.V. Stalin 1953 1,100.0 Metallurgical Coke Production 300.0 1 Battery - 47 Ovens Pig Iron Production 4 BFTs 907.6 Steel Production 8 OH's 576.0 Rolling Mill Capacities N.A. Finished Steel Production 414.7 Power Plant Capacity 25,000 kw - 19 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacities Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Kuybyshev 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 1 Battery - 50 Ovens Pig Iron Production 3 BF's Steel Production 5 OH's Rolling Mill Capacities 276.8 Blooming Mill N.A. 620-mm Bar Mill N.A. 280-mm Bar Mill N.A. Sheet Mill N.A. Structural Mill N.A. Wire Mill N.A. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Kuybyshev 1953 (Continued) Power Plant Capacity Thousand Metric Tons 199.3 N.A. Production and Capacity Novo-Kramatorsk Machinery Building Plant imeni I.V. Stalin 1953 Thousand Metric Tons 14. Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production Steel Production 4 OH's and 2 Electrics Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity 250.6 0 137.8 N.A. Production and Capacity Staro-Kramatorsk Machinery Building Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Staro-Kramatorsk Machinery Building Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze 1953 (Continued) Thousand Metric Tons Steel Production 2 Converters and 1 Electric Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Kirov Machine Plant 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production Steel Production 4 Converters and 4 Electrics Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity 62.0 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 16. Production and Capacity Novo Gorlovka Coke-Chemical Plant No. imeni Koksakhim 1953 1,x+50.0 17. Metallurgical Coke Production 4+ Batteries - 233 Ovens Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Konstantinovka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 17 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 1 Battery - 4+0 Ovens 300.0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production 0 Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-F-T Production and Capacity Konstantinovka Metallurgical Plant imeni Frunze 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 0 Pig Iron Production 3 BF's 260.1 Steel Production 5 OH's 2+5.9 Rolling Mill Capacity N.A. Finished Steel Production 177.0 Power Plant Capacity N.A. 19. Production and Capacity Debal'tsevo Steel Foundry 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production Steel Production 1 OH and 1 Electric Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity S-E-C-R-E-T 14.6 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 20. Production and Capacity Nikitovka Coke-Chemical Plant 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 2 Batteries - 80 Ovens 150.0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production 0 Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Shcherbinovka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 11 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Toretsk Machinery Factory imeni Voroshilov 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production 2 OH's - 6 Converters 96.4 Rolling Mill Capacity 0 Finished Steel Production 53.0 Power Plant Capacity N.A. Production and Capacity Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 4 Plus Batteries - 31+0 Ovens Pig Iron Production 1,300.0 6 BF's Steel Production 1,097.3 5 OH's and 3 Converters 463.6 Rolling Mill Capacity 1, 100-mm Blooming Mill N.A. 800- or 850-mm Rail and Structural Mill N.A. Thin Sheet Mill N.A. Wire Mill N.A. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant ?imeni Ordzhonikidze 1953 (Continue,d) Thousand Metric Tons Finished Steel Production 383.0 Power Plant Capacity N.A. Plant Studies - Stalino Oblast A. Zhdanov Complex. 1. Azovstal Metallurgical Plant imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. 25X1A2g Southern Magnitka; Mariupol' Metallurgical Plant). 470 061N - 370 36'E, Zhdanov, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine, SSR. The plant is located approximately 2 kilometers (km) south of the center of the town, approximately 500 meters (m) northeast of the port of Zhdanov, and 500 m south of the main. railroad line, Zhdanov-Stalino. A branch line crosses the Kal'mius River on the north side of the plant. The plant is on an island near the shore of the Sea of Azov, separated from the mainland by the Kal'mius River. At this point the Kal'mius runs east-west, with Zhdanov on its northern bank and Azovstal on its southern. The river is not navigable beyond the bend. The western boundary of the plant borders on the open sea. There is a small harbor on the Sea of Azov which is used for the delivery of raw materials, and although its entrance was blocked by a vessel sunk during World War II, it is open for use at the present time. /* * Footnote references in arabic numerals are to sources listed in Appendix C. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T b. History and Development. Plans to build a steel mill at Mariupol' (now Zhdanov), consisting of a byproducts coke plant, blast furnaces, open-hearth furnaces, and rolling mills were formulated in the late 1920's. Variances in reports on the planned capacities of the plant are shown in the following tabulation: Planned Capacities of the Azovstal Metallurgical Plant Thousand Metric Tons Product Source Source 3 Source Pig Iron 2,208 2,500 1,500 Steel 1,068 3,300 1,400 Rails 650 1,000 850 Rolled Products 800 The plant site was surveyed in 1931 and construction began in 1932. The sum of 468 million rubles was earmarked for investment in the building of Azovstal, and it was planned to have the plant in full operation by the end of 1938. By 1 January 1935, blast furnaces No. 1 and No. 2, each with a capacity of 930 cubic meters (cu m), were in operation; they had produced 480,000 metric tons (MI') of pig iron in 1934. During the first quarter of 1935 the first tilting open-hearth furnace was placed in operation, and two other furnaces were under construction,. On 1 January 1936 it was announced that over 291 mil- lion rubles had been invested in capital equipment and facilities at the Azovstal Metallurgical Plant. According to an authoritative source, the following were in operation just before World War II: 4 blast furnaces, each with a capacity of 930 eu m; 2 blast furnaces, each with a capa- city of 1,300 cu m; and 6 to 8 tilting open-hearth furnaces, with daily capacities ranging from 250 to 400 MT. In addition, some sources reported the following installations in operation: a coke- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T chemical plant consisting of three batteries of coke ovens, a flota- tion plant, sintering facilities, a blooming mill, a rail and structural mill, and various intraplant facilities and installations. There are no reports available on the amount of destruction accomplished by the USSR in the face of the advance of the German Army. During German occupation the plant was operated by Krupp of Essen, Germany, and some production was realized. Upon the German retreat, blast furnaces, open hearths, rolling mills, and other installations were destroyed or damaged. With the re- occupation of the area by the Red Army, the reconstruction and re- storation of Azovstal began immediately. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Prewar. Iron ore and vanadium were shipped by water from Kerch', and apatite came by rail from the Kola Peninsula.. At Present. Little information is available, except on the sources of iron ore used in the plant. During World War II a 2,000-ton ship was sunk in the harbor entrance, and until approxi- mately mid-1949 Azovstal was dependent upon rail shipments of iron ore from Krivoy Rog. After the harbor entrance was cleared, the plant continued to use Krivoy Rog ore, but Kerch' ore again is being shipped to the plant. J d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Before World War II, coal was shipped to the plant by rail from the mines around Stalino and the Donets Basin, and it is assumed that the same sources are being used at present. J Prewar. Before World War II there were three coke batteries in operation at Azovstal. As a result of bombardment two of these batteries, the byproducts plants, and the auxiliary shops were destroyed completely, and the third coke battery was damaged seriously. Reconstruction Period. Reconstruction of the coke plant was of primary importance in the rebuilding of the steel mill. In S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T October 1946, it was announced that No. 2 coke battery, consisting of 69 ovens capable of producing a total of 1,200 MT of coke per 24 hours, had been placed in operation; and that gas was being utilized at the steel plant and in the city of Zhdanov. In April 1947, Soviet newspapers carried the story that No. 3 coke battery was being restored and that when completed it would satisfy the steel plant's requirements for coke and gas and would also provide a surplus of gas for use in neighboring enterprises -- particularly in the I1'ich steel plant, to which a 15-km gas line was being built. The battery went into operation in January 1949. Coke battery No. 1 was recommissioned in January 1949. The construction of coke battery No. 4, a new installation, was announced early in 1949, and it is assumed that it is now in operation. 9/ At Present. An authoritative source LO/ made the following estimate of present coke-chemical facilities at Azovstal: Number and Type of Coke Batteries Number of Ovens 4 Becker 276 Volume of Oven (Cu M) 19.8 Width of Oven (Millimeters) 4o6 Normal Coking Time (Hours) 16 Coal Charge Per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) 15.1 Total Daily Carbonization Capacity (MT) 6.9250 Annual Carbonization Capacity (MT) 2,250,36o Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) 1,710,000 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 1,750,000 Refined Benzene Capacity (MT) 14,175 Refined Toluene Capacity (MT) 3,325 Crude Tar Capacity (MT) 65,713 Ammonium Sulfide Capacity (MT) 23,258 e. Ironmaking Facilities. Prewar. The following blast furnaces were in operation at Azovstal at the time of the German occupation of the Ukraine: Number of Blast Furnaces Working Volume (cu m) 4 930 each 2 1,300 each S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T There is no information on the amount of destruction accomplished by the USSR in the face of the German advance into the Ukraine, but upon the retreat of the German Army, at least four blast furnaces were destroyed and the others damaged seriously. 11 Reconstruction Period. Blast furnaces were restored, modernized, and enlarged at Azovstal during the postwar period. Work on blast furnace No. 3 began early in 1944, and by July 1945 it was in operation with a reported daily output.of 816 MT and a working volume of 1,300 cu m. Blast furnace No. 4 was partially destroyed by the Germans. The destruction caused the furnace to settle 3.5 m and to shift 1.3 m to one side, resulting in a list of 20 degrees. The furnace was not dismantled by the USSR, but it was eased into posi- tion and raised through the efforts of Soviet engineers, for which they received wide acclaim. No. 4 was fired for the first time on 10'September 1946, and the announcement was made that it weighed 1,360 MT, had a working volume of 1,300 cu m, and consumed 2,500 MT of iron ore, 1,300 MT of metallurgical coke, and 800 MT of lime- stone daily. Yearly capacity was claimed to be 450,000 MT. Daily production was announced as ranging from 1,000 to 1,100 MT, or, estimated on a yearly basis, 340,000 MT to 375,000 MT. In a letter to Stalin on 20 September 1946 from the blast furnace workers at Azovstal, it was claimed that not only was the blast furnace in production but also that the airblowing station, the gas purifier, and all transportation facilities were in operation. In February 1947 it was announced that 2 of the 930-cu m furnaces would be rebuilt and the working volume increased to 1,300 cu M. In April 1948, 4 blast furnaces were in operation and 2 were being reconstructed. In September 1948 it was announced that the first all- welded blast furnace in the Donbas and the second in the Soviet Union, No. 2 at Azovstal, was being welded and was scheduled to start production in April 1949. The furnace was blown in ahead of schedule in February 1949. In October 1948 it was announced the No. 1 furnace was under construction. In November 1948 it was claimed that No. 3 blast furnace at Azovstal was being rebuilt and that it would be the second all-welded furnace at the plant. It was scheduled for operation on 22 December 1948. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T The chief metallurgist of a leading US steel company was visited by a group of Soviet blast furnace experts in 1947. The chief of the delegation claimed that Azovstal had the finest turboblowing equipment in the world. He said that there were 5 new furnaces at the plant which were served by 5 turboblowers arranged in tandem, any 1 of which could be shut down for repair without disrupting the operation of the other 4. The turboblowers were of Skoda (Czechoslovakia) de- sign and construction. The blast furnace utilization coefficient for the first 6 months of 1948 was claimed to be 1.07, an improvement over the planned utilization of 1.10. 13 At Present. Six blast furnaces are believed to be in operation at Azovstal. Estimated 1952 Blast Furnace Production at Azovstal* Blast Furnace Number Volume Cu M) Coefficient Operating Days Production Thousand MT) 1 930 1.0 340 316.2 2 930 1.0 340 316.2 3 1,300 1.0 340 442 4 1,300 1.0 340 442 5 1,300 1.0 340 442 6 1,300 1.0 340 442 Total Pig Iron Production 2,400.4 Estimated 1953 Blast Furnace Production at Azov stal* Blast Furnace Number Volume Cu M) Estimated Coefficient Operating Days Production (Thousand MT) 1 930 0.98 340 322.6 2 930 0.98 340 322.6 3 1,300 0.98 340 451.0 4 1,300 0.98 340 451.0 5 1,300 0.98 340 451.0 6 1,300 0.98 340 451.0 Total Pig Iron Production 2,449.2 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient production. S-E-C-R-E-T in estimating Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. In 1941-42 all open hearths at Azovstal were of the tilting type. Furnace Number Hearth Area (Sg.M) Capacity (MT) Year Completed 1 65.0 250 1935 2 59.4 250 1935 3 59.4 250 1935 4 59.4 250 1936 5 400 1939 6 40o Under Construction in 1940 7 Under Construction 8 Under Construction In addition to the open-hearth furnaces, there were 3 Thomas converters.of unknown capacity which were built in 1935 and 1 Thomas converter which had a capacity of 40 MT, or a total of 7 converters. A 3-ton electric furnace went into operation in 1935. Two hot metal mixers, each with a capacity of 1,300 MT, worked in conjunction with the open hearths. One source claimed that it was the prewar plan to operate 12 open-hearth furnaces, each with a yearly capacity of 180,000 MT, or a total of 2,160,000 MT per year. 14 Considerable damage was wrought by the Germans to the steelmaking facilities of Azovstal, but the extent is not known. Reconstruction Period. Reconstruction of steelmaking facilities began at Azovstal shortly after the Germans left the area of Zhdanov. In the spring of 1944 it was announced that the electric furnace which had been in operation before the war had been restored and that other electric furnaces were under construc- tion. Work on the restoration of the open-hearth furnaces seems to have lagged. There was no mention of reconstruction until September 1944, when it was announced that three large furnaces were in the S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T process of being rebuilt. It was not until April 1947 that the first open-hearth furnace, No. 3, was placed in operation. It was :a tilting furnace with a capacity of 350 MT. The slowness of plac- ing steelmaking facilities back into operation was acknowledged in the press in May 1947 with the statement that restoration at Azovstal was behind schedule and that, of the 3 furnaces slated to be in operation by the end of 1946, only 1 had been completed. In March 1946 it was announced that when the reconstruc- tion and modernization program was completed, Azovstal would have a total of 9 open hearths, 1 more than were in existence or under con- struction at the plant before World War II. In July 1947 it was announced that 2 250-ton capacity furnaces would be rebuilt, starting in July and August. No. 4 open hearth was fired for the first time on 15 August 1947. In October 1947, the Chief Engineer of the Azovstal Trust, Engineer (fnu) Ioborchy, made the statement that 4 large tilting open-hearth furnaces had been rebuilt and that, although the Five Year Plan called for the completion of No. 5 in March 1948, workers at the plant had decided to complete it by Nov- ember 1947- On 4 November, No. 4 furnace, completely mechanized and with a capacity of 300 to 400 MT, went into production. In September 1948 it was announced that No. 6 open hearth, a tilting furnace with a capacity of 350 MT, had gone into production and that restoration of the prewar open-hearth capacity at Azovstal had been completed. This statement is interpreted to mean that the 5 furnaces which were in operation before the war and which had been restored, as well as No. 6, were in production; and that the 2 open hearths under construction at that time had not yet been brought into production. In October 1948, it was stated that another electric furnace had been placed in operation. In January 1949 it was announced that open-hearths No. 7 and No. 8 were being rebuilt; a few days later it was stated that one of these had been placed in production. In February 1949, workers at the plant promised to complete two more open hearths during the year. There was no mention of the restoration of the Thomas converters mentioned by one source as being in operation prior to the war. 15 Improvements in Practices. The following press an- nouncements throw some light on improvements in open-hearth shop practices at Azovstal. - 34 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Output of Steel Per Square Meter of Hearth Area. Calendar Period Nominal Period No. Open Hearths 1936 1937 1938 1936 1937 1938 4 4.70 4.89 5.51 5.41 5.47 6.1o The average hearth area of the four furnaces was 60.8 sq m. 16 It was stated in April 1946 that accelerated heats had systematized production at Azovstal. The 350-ton tilting furnaces at the plant were operating on coking gas instead of oil, and the normal time for a heat was 18.5 hours. On 15-16 April, 2 steelworkers produced a heat of 341.7 MT in 12 hours, and from each square meter of hearth area, 11.5 MT of steel were taken. L7/ In May 1948, Azovstal was testing a dolomite. machine for filling the back walls of the open-hearth furnaces, a task which previously had been done by hand. L8/ During the first 6 months of 1948 an average of 6.2 MT of steel per square meter of hearth area was realized. The plan was 5.87 MT. 19 In June 1949 the operation of the plant was criticized. It was claimed that the excellent work of the open-hearth section was being delayed because of a lack of molds and by the poor quality of the molds available. Improvement of the repair section of the shop was also considered a necessity. 20 It was also announced in June 1949 that since October 1947 the open-hearth workers had won the title of the best steel smelters in the USSR, 12 out of 13 times. Prior to the war the planned melting time was 19 hours. In 1948 the norm was 18.5 hours, but smelting was attained in 17 hours and '42 minutes. In February 1949 the average smelting time was 16 hours and 6 minutes, and in April it was reduced to 15 hours and 42 minutes. The May average of 15 hours and 30 minutes was reduced to 15 hours in June. In spite of the accelerated speeds in melting time, the life of the furnaces was improved. One hundred and forty melts could be made before it was necessary to overhaul the open-hearth furnaces. 21 In Sep- tember 1949 the normal yield of raw steel per square meter of S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T hearth area was 7.1 MT, but the shop was obtaining 7.2 MT. Workers were attempting to reduce the melting time to 14 hours. 22 In June 1950, it was announced that production of steel per square meter of hearth area had been increased to 9 or 10 tons, as compared to a prewar average of 4.5 MT. 23 In December 1951 a new method to indicate the weight of each pouring of molten steel into molds was introduced at Azovstal. Previously the weight was calculated and in order to avoid under- weight ingots, up to 300 kilograms (kg) of metal were added in ex- cess of the required weight. Later in the rolling process this excess had to be removed and resmelted. Engineer (fnu) Zhemchuzhnikov constructed a device which measured the exact weight of each pouring. 24 At Present. Nine open-hearth furnaces, with capacities estimated at approximately 150 MT, and 2 electric furnaces are in production at the present time at Azovstal. 1952 production is estimated as follows: Estimated 1952 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Azovstal* Prewar Estimated Open-Hearth Hearth Estimated Production Furnace Area 1952 Hearth Estimated Operating (Thousand Number S M) Area (Sq M) Coefficient Days MT) 1 65.0 65.0 7.0 325 147.9 2 59.4 59.4 7.0 325 135.1 3 59.4 59.4 7.0 325 135.1 4 59.4 59.4 7.0 325 135.1 5 59.4 7.0 325 135.1 6 65.0 7.0 325 147.9 7 65.0 7.0 325 147.9 8 65.o 7.0 325 147.9 9 65.o 7.0 325 147.9 Total Open- Hearth Steel Production 1,279.9 .X See Appendix C. Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. -36- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Electric steel production is estimated at 6,000 to 8,000 MT. Estimated 1953 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Azovstal* Open-Hearth Furnace Estimated Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production Number (SCI M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 65.0 7.2 325 159.1 2 59.41A 7.2 325 145.4 3 59.4 7.2 325 145.4 4 59.4 7.2 325 145.4 5 59.4 7.2 325 145.4 6 65.0 7.2 325 159.1 7 65.0 7.2 325 159.1 8 65.0 7.2 325 159.1 9 65.0 7.2 325 159.1 Total Open- Hearth Steel Production 1,377.1 1953 electric steel production is estimated at 6,000 to 8,000 MT. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. Before the war, Azovstal Metallurgical Plant had a large blooming mill, which was destroyed by the Germans upon their retreat from the Ukraine. Under Lend-Lease terms, the Soviets purchased from a US concern, at a cost of $11 million, a blooming mill and a rail and structural mill, which were supposed to be erected in a plant in the Urals. The mills were shipped to the USSR in 1945, and instead of installing them in the Urals it was decided to erect them in the reconstructed Azovstal plant. The blooming mill went into operation on 25 July 1948. The mill was designed for an annual capacity of 1 million MT of blooms and * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. - 37 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T slabs, on a basis of 7,000 operating hours, and to roll the following sizes L5/: 200 x 200 mm, 250 x 250 mm, 300 x 300 mm, and 100 x 700 mm. Steel ingots are delivered from the soaking pit by an ingot buggy, which has a speed of 850 feet per minute, to an ingot scale and turner and on to the blooming mill. The blooming mill is 46 x 100 inches and is driven by a 7,000-horsepower (hp) motor, which is connected directly through a pinion stand to the mill. There is a scale pit located alongside of the mill. The blooms pass through a bloom shear which is driven by two 350-hp motors and which has the capacity of making 9 cuts per minute. Crops are carried away on a crop conveyer to the quenching pits. Slabs are routed to two slab pilers. From this point the slabs can be taken off the line for shipment to other mills for further processing. Blooms are pushed off by two bloom pushers across bloom transfer and cooling beds to the lifting cradles, which pile them on a bloom transfer table. Blooms are transferred from this table to bloom pushers, which deliver them to three reheating furnaces. Blooms may continue to the 35 x 92-inch, 2-high, 5,000-hp, direct-drive roughing mill without passing through the reheating furnaces, maybe delivered through the furnaces, may be pushed off to a shear approach table, or may be transferred off the line. After passing through the roughing mill, the steel con- tinues to the 32-inch rail and structural mill. 26 h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. A rail and structural mill, which was in production before World War II, was destroyed by the Germans. Reconstruction of the building to house a new mill was begun in early 1947, and on 23 October 1948, a rail and structural mill purchased from a US concern was placed in operation. This mill was designed to pro- duce 700,000 MT per year, operating on a basis of 6,400 hours, to make the following products 27,,/: Rails 43.5 kg/meter Beams 240 mm Beams 360 mm Beams 500 mm Squares 127 x 127 mm - 38 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T The rail structural mill consists of three stands. There are 2 3-high mill stands, 32 x 76 inches, which are driven by a 6,000-hp motor, and one 2-high mill stand, 32 x 76 inches, which is driven by a 2,500-hp motor. After leaving the rail and structural mill, the steel proceeds to the saw tables. At the saw table are 5 saws with 54+ inch diameter saw blades, which operate at 1,690 revolutions per minute (rpm). A conveyer is placed in front of the first saw, which delivers sawn rail ends to an impact test machine and rail breaker. Rails and structurals proceed to three cooling beds and are racked across these beds to rail trans- fer and loading tables. Cranes deliver rails from the loading transfer tables to 32 rail cooling pits. Rails may be delivered from the cooling pits to the rail delivery table, which leads to rail finishing equipment consisting of gag presses, rail turners, rail drilling machines, rail ending machines, and end hardening units. Facilities are available after the cooling beds, and separate from the rail finishing department, for sawing, shearing, weighing, and delivery of structural shapes. 28 Drop Forge Shop. In February 19+9 a drop forge shop with several steam hammers was in operation. 29 Stamping Department. A stamping department was in operation in October 1946. 30 i. Intraplant Services. Electric Power. A coal-fired power station is located on the Sea of Azov, east of the blast furnaces. 31 An electric power transformer plant is located approxi- mately 60 m south of the rolling mills, 700 m north of the Sea of Azov, and 3 km east of the blast furnaces. Power is received by overhead high-tension cable from Kurakhov GRES, approximately 110 km north of Zhdanov. The power is 120,000 volt (v), 3-phase alternating current (AC). There were also 3 main transformers -- 3 x 3 x 5 to 6 m, each weighing 110 to 115 MT -- which were mounted on railroad trucks in the open and which were located on the north side of the transformer house. These were of oil called step-down type, re- ducing the 120,000 v to 12,000 to 2,000 v. Two were in constant use, and the third transformer was held in reserve. All were of S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T US manufacture, and the source heard that two more such trans- formers would be installed at a later date. On the floor of the transformer house were 16 smaller step-down transformers. These were painted black, were 2 x 1.5 x 1 m in size, and were cooled by a noncirculating system. These transformers stepped down the voltage from 12,000 v to 3,000 v and 1,000 v. ,Another bank of these step-down transformers was located in the western part of the transformer house and was held in reserve. These trans- formers could be placed in operation by throwing a switch. From the transformer house, power was distributed as 12,000-v line to Iltich Steel Plant, 10,000-v line to the Azovstal Metallurgical Plant, 6,000-v line to the coke-chemical plant, and 3,000-v line to the Azovstal rolling mills. Current was AC, and line voltages were stepped down to 440 v by transformer stations located in various parts of the plant. The main building of the transformer plant is T-shaped, approximately 35 m long and 6 m wide. It is constructed of cement- faced brick and has a flat concrete roof. On the ground floor is a 1 x 1 x 1-m battery, which delivers 220-v current for emergency use. East of the battery room is a 2 x 2-m room containing acid bottles for use in the battery. In the southwest corner of the ground floor is a laboratory. Switch installations are located both on the main and second floor of the building. On the south side of the main building were 4 oil containers, 5 m in diameter and 9 m high -- 6 m underground and 3 m above ground. These were connected with each other and with the transformers by a pipe line, and there was a pumping installation. Cleaning devices were lo- cated on top of each oil container. 32 Water Supply. In early 1949 there were two water filter stations within the plant area. In 1. filter station there were 6 brick-built filters, 3 of which were 20 to 25 m high and 20 m in diameter, and the others were 10 m high and 10 m in dia- meter. Six more were under construction. The source believed that the filters were packed with soda. Sea water was pumped into these tanks, filtered, and then pumped to the rolling mills. The other S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T filter plant proceed filtered and distilled water, which was used for human consumption. Three concrete reservoirs were located just outside of the plant area and held 5 million liters of fresh water which was piped from Maltshik, approximately 15 km east of the plant. 33 It was announced in June 1948 that the blooming, rail, and structural mills consumed 10,000 cu m of water per hour. 34 Boiler House. In April 1948 the boiler shop contained 4 boilers, 20 x 15 in. Three or 4 more were under construction. 35 Refractory Plant. It was announced that a shop for making brick from blast furnace slag would be placed in operation early in 1941. 36 Telephone Exchange. A telephone exchange was placed in operation in August 19 5. 37 Laboratory. In July 1948 it was announced that the "Palace of Metallurgists" was being restored. 38 j. Products and Production. Products. The following products are being produced at Azovstal Metallurgical Plant: metallurgical coke, pig iron, open- hearth steel, electric steel, rails and accessories, and various types of structural steel. 39 In 1947 an article appeared in the press which stated that steel mills at Mariupol' (now Zhdanov), namely the plants imeni Kuybyshev, Il'ich, and Azovstal, were producing graphitized steel, which was successfully replacing nonferrous antifriction metal in heavy duty bearings. This steel was claimed to have high tensile strength and was resistant to wear. It was also suffi- ciently ductile to resist impact loads, as in the bearings of rolls of steel rolling stands. One percent copper was added for duc- tility. The bearings underwent only thermal treatment after being cast. Bushings cast for roll gangs of the pipe piercing stands cast from this graphitized steel were replacing the former bronze bearings. 40 In October 1951 it was announced that a new product was being produced at the mill, sheet piling in flats and channels. 41 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production. Production at Azovstal Selected Years, 1934-53 Metallurgical Year Coke Pig Iron Steel Rolled Products 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 19"1 1946 1948 1950 1951 1952 1953 475.5 43 533.6 132.0 L9/ 317.4 318.0 50 423.9 476.7E 1, 500.0 450.0 7/ 2,000.0` 1,015.0 51 1, 700 42 1, 700 / 2,449.2 5~ 1, 383.1 t___/ 995.8 L U/ In February 1946 it was announced that steel was being sent to the Ii'ich Steel Plant imeni Kuybyshev, which was making pipe for the Baku oil industry. 53 In March 1947, some pig iron was reported as being sent to I1'ich Steel Plant. 54 In September 1947, a press item stated that the first pig iron produced in the No. 3 blast furnace had been shipped to the Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Stalin. 55 Two sources stated that in June 1948 the Azovstal blooming mill was supplying not only the rail mill at the plant but also rolling mills in the Donbas. 56 Prisoners of war reported that in February 1949 semi- finished armor plate was sent to Il'ich for further processing. 57 Another source at the same time reported that two-thirds of pig iron production was shipped to Zaporoshstal and Ii'ich. 58 S-E-C-R-E-T i Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 . S-E-C-R-E-T In October 1950 it was announced that the rolling mill was producing I-beams and channel bars for the Kuybyshev and Stalingrad hydroelectric power stations. 59 In November 1950, the Moscow Radio broadcast the in- formation that Azovstal had shipped a train load of steel lath to the Kuybyshev power station. 60 It was also announced that in 1950, steel girders for the Volga power station projects and rails for Kuybyshev had been produced. 61 In January 1952, Azovstal was shipping a new type of wide flange steel beam for the construc- tion of bridges and for the framework of large buildings to the Dnepr projects and to Moscow. Each beam was over 15 m long and weighed nearly 1.5 MT. It was stated that this was the eighth new type of production which workers had begun during the year. 62 1. Plant Efficiency. In January 1947 the stamping department of Azovstal was a-carded the Red Banner and first prize in the December 1946 All Union Competition of the VTsSPS and Ministry of Ferrous Metal- lurgy. 63 In August 1947 a Kiev newspaper criticized the plant, saying that the plant transportation system, which was the nerve center of this important establishment, was not working satis- factorily. Because of the poor work of the railroad division, the plant had accumulated large piles of finished goods and was suffer- ing great losses. Nearly one million rubles were paid in fines for the demurrage of freight cars between January and June 1947- In January and February, hundreds of cars were standing idle every day at the plant. This situation was caused by the plant's locomotives, unsatisfactory conditions of the tracks, and the lack of a simple means of snow removal. The article went on to say that winter was approaching again and that no steps had been taken to accumulate coal and ore and to prevent the recurrence of the same conditions. Only 700 out of 3,000 sections of snow fence and 9,000 out of 49,000 sleepers were available. There were no snow shovels at the plant, the depot and railroad tracks had not been repaired, and the plant's rail signal system was out of order. The newspaper claimed that the plant's locomotives were the real bottleneck in the in- stallation and that both blast furnace and open-hearth production were being held up. It claimed also that the underlying reason for all this inefficiency was the lack of political indoctrination in - 43 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T the transportation division, as a result of which more than 50 workers were not fulfilling norms. L4/ Another source claimed that in March 1949, 70 percent of the rails produced were unservicable. Production was hampered by mechanical failures in the rail mill, which occurred on the average of once a month and which took 2 weeks to rectify. The larger part of the equipment was American or German, and it was poorly serviced; rusted parts were painted with preservatives with- out first removing the rust, and lubrication was inadequate and improperly applied. 65 Early in December 1949, it was claimed that the 1949 quota of production under the Five Year Plan had been completed on 30 November in the rolling mill. 66 In May 1951 it was announced that several engineers at Azovstal had devised a new method of preventing rust of pivot journals in mill rollers. This permitted the extension of the length of service of the rollers and decreased the amount of idle time in the rolling mills. 67 During the pre- October Anniversary drive, probably in 1950, furnace workers at Azovstal put into operation a new high-speed method of furnace charging which enabled all furnace brigades to increase the smelt- ing output of pig iron by 10 to 12 MT of metal per shift. The plant's open-hearth shops were also applying high-speed methods and carried out 150 smelting processes in October, saving enough time to produce 1,000 MT of metal. The plant's rolling mill shop switched all blooming mills to high-speed methods, and production increased 10 percent. 68/ In 1938 the plant was under the administration of GUMP., Chief of Administration of the Metallurgical Industry. In 1941 it was administered by NKChM, People's Commissariat for Ferrous Metal- lurgy. At present the plant is under the direction of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. 69 n. Personnel. Number of Workers. Reports of the number of workers vary with each source, ranging from 10,000 to 35,000 workers. It is believed that approximately 20,000 workers, 40 percent of whom are women, are employed in the plant on a three-shift basis. 70 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Managerial Personnel. Director of Azovstal Metal- lurgical Plant in July 19 was P. Kogan. 71 Manager of Azovstal Trust, in charge of construction, in July 19 8 was (fnu) Poborchi. In October 1948, the manager was A.V. Tishchenko. 72 Foreman of Azovstal Stamping Department in January 1947 was (fnu) Gaichuk. 73 Engineer-in-Charge of Installing Heavy Machinery in the Rolling Mills in October 1948 was N.A. Sevalkin. 74 Engineer-in-Charge of Reconstruction of No. 4 blast furnace in October 1948 was P.A. Mamontov. 75 The plant is surrounded by a brick wall approxi- mately 2 in high. All entrances are guarded, and a pass is required for admittance to the plant area. 76 2. Il'ich Steel Plant (Zartana or Sartana Metallurgical and Pipe Works; former name, Nikopol-Mariupol- Metal- lurgical Plant-; includes the Kuybyshev Pipe Mill former name Mariupol' Pipe Factory/ and the Zhdanov Tank Car Plant). 25X1 A29 The Il'ich Steel Plant is divided into two parts, Lenin Zavod A and B. which are separated by a road. Zavod A includes 6 open hearths, 1 electric furnace, the Kuybyshev Pipe Mill, and the Zhdanov Tank Car Plant. Zavod B contains 10 open hearths and rolling mills, and produces bars, rods, structural shapes, plate and sheet, tank turrets, and so on. Reports and observations of the two sections of the plant are confused and obscure; so, for the purpose of this plant study, the steelmaking facilities and finishing facilities have been combined and considered as a whole. 470 o8'N - 370 351E. Zhdanov, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. Zhdanov formerly was called Mariupol'. The plant area is located about 4 km north of the mouth of the Kal'mius River and the Azovstal Metallurgical Plant in a surburb of Zhdanov called Sawodskoi. J b. History and Development. Il'ich Steel Plant was in existence at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution, after which it was known as the Nikopol'- Mariupol' Metallurgical Plant. It was constructed originally with - 45 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T the help of Belgian engineers, and was administered by the "Belgian S.A. of the Russian Providence," headquarters of which were in Petersburg. In 1933 a seamless pipe mill was built and installed by the German firm Demag, of Duisberg. During World War II, in the face of the German advance, the USSR destroyed many buildings and installations and evacuated machinery and equipment to Nizhne Tagil, Chelyabinsk, and Magnitogorsk. The most essential installations were rebuilt by the Germans, who operated the plant on a limited scale and who inflicted considerable damage on their retreat from the area. Estimates of war damage to the mill varied from 50 to 65 percent. With the Soviet reoccupation of the Ukraine, reconstruction of I1'ich began immediately, and at the time of the departure of the last group of prisoners of war in September 1949, the rebuilding of the plant was approaching completion. In June 1947 it was announced that during the Fourth Five Year Plan (1946-50), Il'ich would not only be restored but would be greatly expanded. 2J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Prewar. Iron ore for the charging of blast furnaces which were in operation before World War II came from Krivoy Rog. At Present. It is claimed that there is an abun- dance of raw materials necessary for the operation of a steel plant within easy rail distance of this plant. Scrap in 1949 was imported principally from Germany, and also came from scrap collection centers in the Ukraine. One source estimated that 180 to 200 MT of scrap were received daily. According to one source, pig iron in 1949 was received from Stalino; however, in 1949 it came by rail from Azovstal Metallurgical Plant at nearby Zhdanov. One source claimed it was received at the rate of 200 MT per day. Manganese, according to one source, was re- ceived by rail at the rate of 120 MT per week. Oil, probably fuel oil, was arriving at the rate of 200,000 liters per day in Sep- tember 1949. Dolomite, although it was prepared within the plant area, did not meet consumption requirements, and production was supplemented from an unknown source. Steel ingots, a source stated in September 1949, were being shipped into the plant from Dnepropetrovsk at the rate of 1,500 MT per day. J S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coal is received by rail from the Donets Basin. Requirements are not known. J Coke. It is not believed that there are any facilities for the production of coke at the I1'ich Steel Plant. Two prisoners of war reported the existence of a small coke plant on the extreme edge of the plant site, which was destroyed during World War II, but both observations are considered erroneous. Coke and coke-gas are probably received from the large coke-chemical plant in operation at Azovstal Metallurgical Plant, located a few kilometers to the south. In March 1946 it was announced that before World War II, installations at Il'ich received as much as 15,000 cu m of gas an hour from Azovstal by gas line. During hostilities, the Germans destroyed many kilometers of the gas line and the gas sta- tion, and in early 1946 reconstruction of these facilities was under way. A statement was published in April 1947 that the re- construction of the No. 4 coke battery at Azovstal had begun, and that when completed the coke-making facilities would not only satisfy the coke and gas requirements of Azovstal but would also create a surplus for the use of neighboring enterprises. The article also stated that a 15-km gas line to Il'ich was under con- struction. J e. Ironmaking Facilities. Two blast furnaces, with capacities of 530 and 510 cu m respectively, were in operation at Il'ich before World War II. These furnaces were destroyed during the war. In May 1947 it was announced that the Leningrad Branch of the Steel Institute of Planning of Metallurgical Works (GIPROMEZ) had worked out, under the supervision of A.N. Ram, the Director of Technical Services, a plan for the reconstruction of the blast furnace installations at I1'ich. In September 1949, 2 furnaces, each with a capacity of 600 MT, were estimated to be 70 percent complete. It is believed that they are now in operation at the plant. - 47 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated Annual Pig Iron Production at Il'ich 1952, 1953 No. Blast Furnaces Daily Capacity (MT) Operating Days Production (Thousand MT) 1 600 340 204 1 600 340 204 Total Pig Iron Production f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. Before World War II, I1'ich Steel Plant had a total of 16 open-hearth furnaces, 10 of which were probably in Zavod B and 6, plus 1 8-MT Heroult electric furnace, were in Zavod A. Some information is available on individual open hearths, as follows: Furnace Number Hearth Area (Sq M) Date Placed in Operation 4 20.75 to 25.0 23 November 1930 5 18.4 to 25.0 10 July 1933 12 32.0 28 March 1940 In addition to the above, the hearth areas of the other furnaces were known, as follows: Number of Furnaces Hearth Area Sq M) 1 19.7 4 19.8 4 20 , 75 1 26.7 2 26.8 1 27,4 During World War II the open-hearth shops and in- stallations suffered considerable damage, estimated to have been as high as 80 to 90 percent. J S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Reconstruction Period. Restoration of steelmaking facilities at Il'ich began shortly after the Soviet recapture of the Ukraine. One source claimed that in January 1947, 5 open- hearth furnaces and 1 electric furnace were in operation. Four of the furnaces which were in Zavod B had a capacity of 70 MT each, and were tapped twice each day. In Zavod A there was 1 small open hearth which had a capacity of 7 MT and which was tapped 3 times each day, and 1 5-MT electric furnace, which was tapped 4 times each day. This source estimated daily production of all furnaces at boo MT. By November 1948, no additional open-hearth furnaces had been placed in operation in Zavod B, but a second open-hearth building was nearing completion and one 150-MT furnace was being built. It was planned to have three additional furnaces finished by the end of April 1950, none of which had been started. Early in 1949, raw steel production at Il'ich Steel Plant was estimated at 630 MT per day. Little progress had been realized in the com- missioning of open-hearth furnaces by the end of September 1949, when the last German prisoner of war left the area to be repatriated. From prisoner-of-war observations, it is believed that 5, and possibily 6, furnaces (open hearths Nos. 11 to 16) were in operation in Zavod B, and 1 small open-hearth furnace and an electric furnace were in production in Zavod A. All furnaces in Zavod B were oil (mazut) fired. Two cupola furnaces, each with a capacity of 40 to 50 MT per day, were in operation in. the foundry, which produced molds, large gear wheels, bearings, and crane wheels for use in the plant. There were no Bessemer converters in the plant. In September 1949, ingots were cast in two grades: raw steel for the rolling of construction materials used in the restoration and construction of the Il'ich plant, and raw steel for the production of armor plate, part of which was processed in the rolling mills of Zavod B and part of which was shipped by rail to an unknown destination. 9/ .Improvements in Practices. In June 1947 it was an- nounced that a movement for the speeding-up of processes of steel- - 49 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T making in the Il'ich open-hearth shops had been inaugurated in May 1946. At that time the duration of a melt was reduced from a norm of 10 hours and 42 minutes to 7 hours and 55 minutes, and output was raised from a norm of 6.3 MT per square meter of hearth area to 10.1 MT. Using these practices, the production goal for the year had been reached on 7 November 1946, and 21,000 additional metric tons were produced over the plan by the end of the year. Far from damaging the furnaces, it was claimed that the new processes had resulted in the saving of 460 MT of refractory materials. It should be borne in mind that such production was achieved only occasionally. In December 1948 it was announced that the steel coefficient of the open-hearth shops was fixed at 4.9 MT per square meter of hearth area. 10 At Present. It is believed that the restoration of the open-hearth furnaces is complete, and that 16 open hearths with capacities of approximately 35 to 50 MT and 1 5- to 8-MT electric furnace are in production. In addition there is one small open- hearth furnace. Estimated 1952 Steel Production at Il'ich* Hearth Area Operating Production No. Open Hearths (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 25.0 5.0 325 4o.6 1 25.0 5.0 325 4o.6 1 19.7 5.0 325 32.0 1 19.8 5.0 325 32.2 1 19.8 5.0 325 32.2 1 19.8 5.0 325 32.2 1 19.8 5.0 325 32.2 1 20.75 5.0 325 33.7 1 20.75 5.0 325 33.7 1 20.75 5.0 325 33.7 1 20.75 5.0 325 33.7 1 26.7 5.0 325 43.4 See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1952 Steel Production at Il'ich (Continued) Hearth Area Operating Production No. Open Hearths (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 26.8 5.0 325 43.5 1 26.8 5.0 325 43.5 1 27.4 5.0 325 44.5 1 32.0 5.0 325 52.0 Total Open Hearth Steel Production 603.7 1 small open hearth with a daily capacity of 21 MT, 325 operating day s, and produc tion of 6.8 1 electric furnace with a capacity of 5 to 8 MT 5.0 to 8.0 Total Steel Production 615.5 to 618.5 No. Open Hearths Hearth Area (SC, M) Estimated Coefficient Operating Days Production (Thousand MT) 1 25.0 5.3 325 43.0 1 25.0 5.3 325 43.0 1 19.7 5.3 325 33.9 1 19.8 5.3 325 34.0 1 19.8 5.3 325 34.0 1 19.8 5.3 325 34.0 1 19.8 5.3 325 34.0 1 20.75 5.3 325 35.7 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1953 Steel Production at Il'ich (Continued) No. Open Hearths Hearth Area (Sq M) Estimated Coefficient Operating Days Production (Thousand MT) 1 20.75 5.3 325 35.7 1 20.75 5.3 325 35.7 1 20.75 5.3 325 35.7 1 26.7 5.3 325 46.0 1 26.8 5.3 325 46.1 1 26.8 5.3 325 46.1 27.4 5.3 325 47.2 1 32.0 5.3 325 55.1 Total Open- Hearth Steel Production 639.2 1 small open hearth with a daily capacity of 21 MT, 325 operating days, and production of 1 electric furnace with a capacity of 5 to 8 MT 5.0 to 8.0 Total Steel Production 651 to 654.o Primary Rolling Facilities. Prewar. In the years before World War II there was 1 2-high, reversible, 750-mm blooming mill at Il'ich, which had been placed in operation in 1933. Whether the blooming mill was located in Zavod A or Zavod B is not known. No information is available on the amount of damage sustained by the mill during World War II, but it is assumed to have been considerable. 11 Reconstruction Period. Work was started on re- building the blooming mill, and in March 1945 it was announced that the Ural Machine Construction Plant had shipped a large reduction gear set to Il'ich. The gear wheel alone weighed 30 MT and,the total weight of the equipment was 143 MT. The mill was in full operation in September 1949. 12 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T At Present. One 2-high, reversible, 750-mm blooming mill or larger is in operation at Il'ich. Capacity of the mill is not known. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Prewar. The following finishing mills were in operation at Il'ich before World War II. There is no information available to indicate whether the mills were located in Zavod A or Zavod B. One 3-high medium bar mill consisting of one 550-mm roughing stand and 3 450-mm finishing stands. One 3-high, 700/460/700-mm 1 stand medium bar mill, No. 4, which was placed in operation in 1933. The mill was manufactured by "Lauta."* One 3-high small bar mill consisting of a -50-mm roughing stand and 6 300-mm finishing stands. One 3-high, 860/560/860-mm heavy plate mill, No. 1, which was placed in operation in 1933. It rolled armor plate and had an estimated yearly capacity of 100,000 MT. One 3-high, 700/460/700-mm 1 stand light plate mill, No. 2, which was placed in operation in 1933. The mill was manufactured by "Lauta.'t* One 3-high sheet mill, No. 3, consisting of 1 700/460/700-mm stand.* One 2-high, 650-mm sheet mill, No. 5. One sheet mill, No. 6, consisting of 2 4-high, 950/360-mm stands. One sheet rolling mill for automobile sheet, which was placed in operation in 1934. One stand, 1,250-mm heavy plate mill. According to report; however, it is possible that these 3 rolling mills are 1 and the same. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T One 1,500-mm armor plate mill which rolled plate with an average length of 4,500 mm. This mill went into produc- tion in 1937. One roll piercing mill. No.1 Pilger pipe mill for the production of 12-inch (in) pipe. Capacity was estimated at 100,000 MT per year. The mill went into production in 1933. No. 2 Pilger pipe mill, also for the production of 12 in pipe. Capacity was estimated at 100,000 NT per year. The mill went into production in 1933. No. 3 Pilger pipe mill for the production of 3-in pipe; the mill was completed in 1933. No. 4 Pilger pipe mill for the production of 3-in pipe; the mill was placed in operation in 1933. Four gas-welding pipe installations were completed Six gas-welding pipe installations, which went into production in 1930. There is little information available on the amount of damage sustained by the finishing mills during World War II, but it is believed to have been considerable. 13 Reconstruction Period. A medium plate mill and a light plate mill were reported to be in operation in April 1944. 14 In August 1944 it was announced that Rolling Mill No. 4 had gone into production. Before World War II, No. 4 was a medium plate mill. 15 Two sheet mills were in operation in September 1949. One was in Zavod A and rolled sheet approximately 3 mm thick. These sheets were taken to Zavod B where they were reduced to a thickness of 2 mm. 16 - 54 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T One source claimed that a mill for the rolling of corrugated sheet was in operation in September 1949. 17 The armor plate mill which rolled ship plate and tank plate was in operation in September 1949. One source claimed that there were 2 rolling mills in the building, 2 shears and 2 traveling cranes. Tank plate produced was 4 m long, 2 m wide, and 35 mm thick. It was claimed that 32 plates were rolled each 8-hour shift. 18 Structural mills for the making of structural shapes existed in both Zavod A and Zavod B in-September 1949. Pro- ducts included I's, angles, T's, channels, and squares. 19 In April 1944 a rolling mill for pipes of a large diameter for use of the petroleum industry was in operation in the Kuybyshev Pipe Mill. It is believed that this mill may have been one of the mills producing 12-in pipe before the war. In Sep- tember 1945 the pipe bending shop was in operation. 20 In August 1948 it was announced that a new department for the production of pipe with a special seam was under construction at Il'ich. The pipe was to be of large diameter, thin-walled, and was to be used for oil and gas pipelines. It was planned to have the new depart- ment in operation in 1949. 21 In November 1948 it was announced that the Kuybyshev Pipe Works at Il'ich was being re-equipped and was supplying the oil industry with its products. 22 Moderniza- tion and re-equipment of the mill was still going on in November 1949, when it was announced that 14 machine tools had been eliminated in the pipe mill and 4 high-powered units had been installed to do the same work. 23 Oxygen bottles. Two small buildings in the pipe and tube mill area housed 4 seamless pipe machines which were producing oxygen bottles or tanks 130 cm high and 25 to 30 cm in diameter. The source claimed 500 bottles were produced each 8- hour shift. 24 At Present. Since the departure of the last German prisoners of war in the fall of 1949, there has been no in- formation to supplement the above information on finishing facilities at I1' ich. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T i. Intraplant Services. Electric Power. Only part of the electricity consumed by the Il'ich Steel Plant is generated in the plant area; the balance is received by high tension wires via Azovstal from Kurakhov power station, approximately 110 km to the north of Zhdanov. The Il'ich electric power station is northwest of the blast furnaces. There are two transformer stations within the plant area, one of which is located on the north side of the main railroad line and north of the power station. Electricity for running installations and machinery is 380-v, 3-phase AC, and that for lighting purposes is 220-v, AC. In late 1949 no electric power shortages were noticeable. 25 Water Supply. The water pumping station had 2 steam piston-type pumps and 1 electric rotary pump in September 1949. Water came from outside the plant area and was pumped into 8 water towers, each with a capacity of 80 cu in. Because there was a shortage of fresh water, waste water was channeled into eight reservoirs for cooling and re-use. The pumping station at the reservoirs had three electric rotary pumps. L6/ Compressor Station. In late 1949 the air com- pressor station had another source claimed 4) piston-type compressors, electrically operated. Air was pumped into tanks through underground pressure lines, the main line of which was 30 cm in diameter and was 1.5 m underground. The tanks, made of riveted steel plates, were 1.5 m in diameter and 8 to 9 m high. L7/ Transportation Facilities. In November 1948 all parts of the plant were serviced by branch lines of the main Zhdanov-Stalino railroad, which skirted the east side of the plant area. There were good roads leading to Zhdanov and to Sawodskoi. 28 Heating Plants. There were 2 heating plants in the area, each of which contained 7 boilers, coal-fired. Underground pipe lines led to the rolling mills. 29 Storage Facilities. In November 1948 storage facilities for coal, coke, iron ore, and limestone were located south of the blast furnace site. Scrap was stored on the north side of the plant, just north of the open-hearth furnaces. 30 - 56 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C -R-E-T Refractory Plant. In late 19+9 there were 4 fur- naces, 7 to 8 m high, for the production of dolomite crystals. Production was reported to be 16 MT per shift. 31 A concrete block factory contained 2 mixers, 1 press and 4 drying ovens. 32 A dolomite and silicate shop, with 2 furnaces 20 m high, burned coke and dolomite for use in the open hearths. 33 A lime plant contained three kilns, and the pro- duct was used for flux in the open-hearth furnaces and for con- struction purposes. L4/ Apprentice Training School. A school for the training of apprentices was in operation in late 1949. 35 j. Products and Production. Products. Prewar. Before 1930 production at Il`ich consisted almost exclusively of merchant bar steel. From 1931 on, the pro- duction of rolled products from quality steel produced at the plant began to rise. Proportion of Products Made from Quality Steel to Total Rolled Products Year Percentage 1931 4.8 1932 19.8 1933 26.0 1934 29.0 The transition from the production of ordinary steel to quality steel necessitated some modernization and re- construction of the plant. The Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Stalin, which in 1931 proceeded with the production of a new auto- mobile, the AMO-Z, required sheet of higher quality. In order to produce the required grade, the annealing departments and the open- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T hearth shops were modernized, Rolling Mill No. 2 was electrified, and a second'rolling mill for the production of sheet was placed in operation. In 1933 the rolling mill for the production of armor plate, reportedly the largest in the USSR, was modernized. In 1935 the plant was practically the only mill in the country producing high-grade tubing from carbon steel and steel alloys. It was announced that 98 percent of the output of AS (a trade name) was shipped to a plant producing equipment for the oil industry. Production also included carbon and manganese steel for the shipbuilding industry, steel for boilers and loco- motive chassis, and other special alloy steels. 36 In 19+1 the Il'ich Steel Plant was producing the following: pig iron; raw steel; spring steel; sheet metal for aircraft, automobiles) and tanks; armor plate; high grade tubing for chrome-nickel and chrome-molybdenum steel for aircraft; pipe up to 14 in in dia- meter; alloyed pipes and tubes for the petroleum industry. 37 Reconstruction Period. The production of tank cars began late in 19 or early in 1947. In June 194-7 it was announced that the plant had recently started the production of tank cars -- the 5, 000th car came off the line in May -- and that a new type of tank car would go into production in July. 38 When the last contingent of German prisoners of war left in September 194-9, the following were being produced at Il'ich: carbon steel; alloyed steel; steel plate, including ship and armor; steel sheet, including chrome-nickel; seamless tubes; welded pipe; structural shapes; steel castings; tank turrets; rail- road tank cars; oxygen bottles. 39 At Present. Although no information is available on the kinds of products produced at Il'ich at the present time, it is believed that the list of products is approximately the same as those produced in 19+9 plus pig iron. - 58 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production. Production at Illich 1934 40 1935 40 1941 4i- 1949 42 1952 L3/ 1953 43 Pig Iron 180.5 307.4 0 408 408 Raw Steel 433 531.9 238 to 340 618 654 Rolled Products 286.1 350.4 400 470 Pipes and Casing 165 The following items throw some light on the dis- tribution of the products of Illich in the postwar years: In October 1946 the plant was sending casing, round bars, and angle iron to the Transcaucasus Metallurgical Plant, then under construc- tion. 44/ In March 1947, I1'ich was in arrears in the delivery of tubes required by the Kharkov Electro-Mechanical Works imeni Staling needed for the manufacture of explosive-proof electrical motors. 45 In August 1947 the plant had not fulfilled an order for sheet metal for "Svet Shakhtera Zavod." 46 In October 1948 all armor plate was shipped out of the plant to an unknown destination. Fifty percent of the other plate produced was used within the plant. 47 During 1948 the Illich Steel Plant cooperated with Tank Plant No. 183 at Kharkov, center of the Soviet tank industry. 48 In September 1949, railroad tank cars assembled at Illich were sent to the Baku oilfields for use. 49 In September 1950 the Kuybyshev Pipe Rolling Plant received an order to produce the first consign- ment of pipe for the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Station. 50 In May 1951, I1'ich was making shut-off devices and pipe for the main pump of the Tsymlyansk Power Station. 51 In June 1951 the Kuybyshev Works sent a large shipment of oxygen containers to the Tsymlyansk Power Station. It was the 25th delivery made by the plant. 52 In July 1951, Illich shipped one trainload of high- voltage pylons to the Kakhovka project. 53 In August 1951 the S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T plant completed the assembly of the first siphon spillway for the Volga-Don Canal. It was a large tunnel 10 m in diameter, and would carry water to the reservoir. 54 In September 1951 a pipe line 3 m in diameter and 1,500 m long was completed. It was to be used in turning the flow of the Don River into the main pumping station. The plant was working on a large siphon for the waterworks. 55 1. Plant Efficiency. In June 1947 the plant was awarded the Order of Lenin for building railroad tank cars and for producing armor steel plate for T-34 tanks. 56 The plant was also awarded a second class prize by T-All Union Central Council of Trade Unions) and by the Ministry of Transportation Machine Building of the USSR for the April 1947 Socialist Competition. 57 m. Administration. In 1941 the Il'ich Steel Plant was under the direction of Trubostal. 58 In mid-1947 the plant was under the administration of the Ministry of Transportation Machinery of the USSR for the production of tank cars and armor plate for T-34 tanks- 59 n. Personnel. Number of Workers. Reports of the numbers of workers at Il'ich vary from a few hundred to as high as 40,000. All sources agreed that three shifts were worked. In 1949 the following estimate, which is believed to be approximately correct was made of the number of workers: Laborers, skilled and unskilled (50 percent women) 3,000 Laborers in plant engaged in transportation, in- cluding prisoners of war 800 Managerial and office personnel (75 percent women) 250 Total number of employees O50 60 Administrative Personnel. In mid-1947 the Director of the Il'ich Steel Plant was Aleksandr Fomich Garmashov. 61 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T In October 1948 the Director was reported to be (fnu) Halmoso. !L2/ In June 1947 the Chief Power Engineer was Nikifor I. Demochko. L3/ In June 1948 the Director of the Kuybyshev Pipe Mill was (fnu) Kas'yanov. 64 o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. B. Makeyevka Complex. 3. Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant imeni Sergei M. Kirov. 25X1A2g 48? O3'N - 37? 58'E. Makeyevka, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The rail junction of Yasinovataya is approximately 7 km northwest of the plant, and the Mishino railroad station is approximately 2 km southeast. Approximately 500 m to the west of the plant site there is a lake, 250 to 300 m wide, which furnishes water for use of the plant. At the southern limit of the plant there is a coal mine. Blast furnaces are located at the southern side of the plant area and are separated from the steelmaking facilities by the electric power station. Two single track rail lines enter the plant area from the north and fan out into the site. b. History and Development. The construction of the first units of the Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant began in 1897 with the assistance of French engineers. Approximately 2 years later the plant was in operation under the direction of the General Corporation of the Iron and Steel Works of Russia. During the First Five Year Plan (1928-32) and Second Five Year Plan (1933-37) Makeyevka was mod- ernized and expanded. Existing blast furnaces were mechanized with the latest type of blowers and automatic charging devices, and blooming mills, sheet and rail mills, and several technical 16 - 61 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T shops were added to the existing installations. Under the plans the mill was to have a capacity of 2,240,000 MT of pig iron., 2,150, 000 MT of ingot steel, and 1,820,000 MT of finished steel products, and it was to be one of the largest and most efficient steel plants in the USSR. J Upon the approach of the German Army in the early days of World War II, precautions were taken by plant officials to deny the facilities of the mill to the Germans. Furnaces were left standing, but charges were allowed to freeze in the blast furnaces and open-hearths. In the new open-hearth plant, which was still under construction, the structure was blown in such a way as to collapse the roof into the furnaces. All electrical equipment and movable machinery was evacuated. The Germans had little success in reconstructing the ruins. Makeyevka was recaptured by the Red Army in September 1943, and restoration was begun immediately. Over-all destruction was estimated as ranging between 65 and 80 percent. By June 1946 the mill was estimated to have been operating at approximately 50 percent of its prewar capacity. It was the goal of the Fourth Five Year Plan to have Makeyevka fully constructed and in operation by the end of the plan. It is believed that the goal was achieved. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. There is an abundance of raw materials within easy rail distance of the plant. Iron ore comes from Krivoy Rog and dolomite comes from the Nikitovka Dolomite Works. Manganese ore (25 to 40 percent Mn) comes from Nikopol' and Chiatura. 4/ Coal. Three, and possibly more, coal mines are located in the immediate vicinity of the town of Makeyevka. Some coal is received also from the Donets Basin by rail. J Coke. Metallurgical coke is shipped into the plant from coke-chemical plants in the vicinity of Makeyevka, Novo- Makeyevka, and Staro-Makeyevka. J S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S.-E-C-R-E-T e. Ironmaking Facilities. Px'ewar. In 1941 there were 5 blast furnaces in operattion in Makeyevka, which had an estimated yearly capacity of 1,375,000 MT of pig iron. One blast furnace had a capacity of 1,163 cu m and was placed in operation in 1935. One blast furnace had a capacity of 1,143 cu in. Three blast furnaces had capacities of 842 cu m each. One source claimed that one of the smaller blast furnaces was used exclusively for the making of ferromanganese. Another source reported that this furnace was demolished and later rebuilt and enlarged for the production of pig iron. When Makeyevka 'wss about to be overrun by the German Army in the early days of World War II, the Soviets. allowed the molten metal in the blast furnaces to freeze. 7/ Reconstruction Period. Restoration of the blast furnaces began shortly after the recapture of the plant by the Red Army in September 1943. Blast furnace No. 2 was the first to be reconditioned, and it is reported to have been placed in operation before the end of 1943. It was announced that blast furnace No. 1, with a capacity of 1,180 cu in, was blown in on 1 January 1946, and that No. 3 and No. 4 were in the process of being re- constructed. There is no record of the completion of any blast furnaces during 1947. Several sources reported that blast furnace No. 3 was completed during 1948, and that No. 4 was scheduled for operation early in 1950. / An unverified report claimed that one of the blast furnaces with a capacity of approximately 1,000 cu in was dismantled in 1949, and that it be replaced with a modern furnace with a capacity of 1,500 cu in. J This information is not believed to be correct; the furnace probably was enlarged to 1,180 cu in. Improvements in Practices. Before World Wax II, blast furnace linings lasted approximately 7 years, and the average time required for relining a furnace was approximately 60'days, although one source claimed that at times the repair period was reduced to as little as 35 days. 10 In July 1946 it was announced that a new invention had been installed on one of the blast furnaces which permitted the removal of cooled metal more efficiently. Under the new system, drilling machines were used directly on the cooled metal and Amonal was placed into 24 elec- trically-drilled holes. The metal shattered by the detonation of the explosive was then extracted from the furnace by a special 4 - 63 - S-E-C-R-E-T If' Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T crane. L l/ mid-January 1947, it was announced that the Nevskiy Machine Building Plant at Leningrad was making the latest type of turbomachin.ery for starting blast furnace blfowers, and that the first such device would be shipped to Makeyevka. =J A new world's record in pig iron production was claimed in July 1948 for 1 of the large blast furnaces at Makeyevka, which obtained 1.35 MT of pig iron for each cubic meter of furnace volume. L3/ In July 1949, blast furnace workers at Makeyevka pledged themselves to attain a blast furnace coefficient of 0.83 in the 15th Anniversary of Socialist Competition. 14 Sintering Plant. An iron ore sintering plant was in production in November 1949. It contained 3 to 5 Dwight-Lloyd machines, each with a capacity of 5,000 MT of ore. 15 Z.j In December 1949 a new method for regulating the operation of blast furnaces, which was developed by the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute, was being used on blast furnace No. 1. 16 In June 1950, it was announced that operators in the blast furnace department had attained a coefficient of 0.83 to 0.87 in the utilization of the furnaces. 17 It was an- nounced that from January to October 1952, blast furnace operators at Makeyevka obtained 1 ton of pig iron for each 0.87 cu m of usable space of furnace. 18 At Present. Four blast furnaces are in operation at the Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant. Estimated 1952 Pig Iron Production at Makeyevka* Volume Operating Production No. of Blast Furnaces Cu M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 1,180 0.87 340 461.1 1 1,180 0.87 340 461.1 1 842 0.87 340 329.0 1 842 0.87 340 329.0 Total Pig Iron Production 1,580.2 See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. - 64 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1953 Pig iron Production at Makeyevka* Volume Estimated Operating Production of Blast Furnaces (Cu Coefficient Days No ('Thousand MT) . 1 1,180. 0.83 340 483.3 1 1,180 0.83 340 483.3 1 842 0.83 340 344.9 1 842 0.83 340 344.9 Total Pig Iron Production 1, 656.4 f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. In 1941, steelmaking facilities at Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant consisted of 13 open-hearth furnaces, 1 Heroult electric furnace with a capacity of 3.5 MT, and 2 Besse- mer converters, which had not been completed and placed in opera- tion. The open-hearth furnaces were described as follows: Four open hearths, each with a hearth area of 22.5 sq m, which had been placed in operation in 1934. Two open hearths, each with a hearth area of 38.0, which had been placed in operation in 1934. One open hearth with a hearth area of 44.4 sq m, which had been placed in operation in 1934. Five open hearths, each with a hearth area of 61.5 sq m and a capacity of 150 MT, which had been placed in opera- tion in 1933-1934. One open hearth with a hearth area of 61.5 sq in, which had been placed in operation in 1935. These furnaces had a rated capacity of 1.3 million MT per year. 19 -fie Ap p C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Reconstruction Period. Production of steel was resumed at Makeyevka in the spring of 1944 with the operation of 4 open-hearth furnaces, which had a total hearth area of 177 sq m and a capacity of 270,000 MT per year. In September it was an- nounced that five open hearths were in operation. In April 1945 it was stated that open hearths No. 1 and No. 2 in Open-Hearth Shop No. 1 would be in operation by the end of September. In October it was announced that the seventh open-hearth to be re- stored in Shop No. 1 was in operation and that the shop was re- stored completely. In February 1946 the 3.5-MT Heroult electric furnace was placed in operation. In May it was announced that 7 furnaces were in operation and that by the end of the year 3 more open-hearth furnaces would be commissioned. In April 1947 it was stated that four open-hearths would be restored before the end of the year. In the spring of 1948 it was announced that 5 open hearths would be placed in opera- tion by the end of the year and that Open-Hearth Shop No. 2 would be restored completely before the end of December. Several sources reported that the eighth open-hearth to be reconstructed went into operation in May 1948. In December 1948 it was announced that the ninth furnace had been restored in the record time of 40 days. Early in 1949 it was claimed that Open-Hearth Shop No. 1 contained 6 furnaces, 2 large and 4 small, and that 1 of the large furnaces was not yet in production. Shop No. 2 had 7 furnaces, 3 large and 4 small, all in operation, and a Bessemer converter. In October 1952 it was announced that steel pro- duction at Makeyevka averaged 117,900 MT per furnace, or an estimated 1.5 million MT per year. 20 Improvements in Practices. A few announcements from the press are available which are indicative of the efficient operation of steelmaking facilities at Makeyevka: In September 1948 the planned steel coefficient of the open-hearth shops for the second half of the year was an- nounced at 5.5 MT. 21 In July 1948 the planned coefficient for Open-Hearth Shop No. 1 was 5.5 MT as compared to a standard co- efficient of 4.65 MT, and for Shop No. 2 5.25 MT as compared to a norm of 4.63 MT. 22 In October 1948 the steel coefficient was announced at 5.4 MT as compared to a norm of 4.35 MT. L3/ In July 1949, workers pledged to attain a steel coefficient of 5.8 MT in S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T It Open-Hearth Shop No. 1 and 5.3 MT in Shop No. 2, during the 15th Annual Socialist Competition. 24/ At Present. Thirteen open-hearth. furnaces, 2 Besse- mer converters, and 1 3.5-ton electric furnace are in operation at. Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant. Estimated 1952 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Makeyevka* Hearth. Area Operating Production No. of Open-Hearths (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 22.5 5.4 325 39.5 1 22.5 5.4 325 39.5 1 22.5 5.4 325 39.5 1 22.5 5.4 325 39.5 1 38.0 5.4 325 66.7 1 38.0 5.4 325 66.7 1 44.4 5.4 325 77.9 1 61.5 5.4 325 107.9 1 61.5 5.4 325 107.9 1 61.5 5.4 325 107.9 1 61.5 5.4 325 107.9 1 61.5 5.4 325 107.9 1 61.5 5.4 325 107.9 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 1, 016.7 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. - 67 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1952 Bessemer Steel Production at Makeyevka* Estimated Capacity Heats Operating Production No. Bessemers (MT) per Day Days Thousand MT) 1 15 25 300 112.5 1 15 25 300 112.5 Total Bessemer Steel Production 225.0 Estimated 1952 Electric Steel Production 3.5 Total Estimated 1952 Steel Production 1,245.2 MT Estimated 1953 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Makeyevka* Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production No. of Open-Hearths (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 22.5 5.8 325 42.4 1 22.5 5.8 325 42.4 1 22.5 5.8 325 42.4 1 22.5 5.8 325 42.4 1 38.0 5.8 325 71.6 1 38.0 5.8 325 71.6 1 44.4 5.8 325 83.7 1 61.5 5.8 325 115.9 1 61.5 5.8 325 115.9 1 61.5 5.8 325 115.9 1 61.5 5.8 325 115.9 1 61.5 5.8 325 115.9 1 61.5 5.8 325 115.9 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 1,091.9 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1953 Bessemer Steel Production at Makeyevka* Estimated Capacity Heats Operating Production No. Bessemers (MT) per Day Days (Thousand MT) 1 15 25 300 112.5 1 15 25 300 112.5 Total Bessemer Steel Production 225.0 Total Electric Steel Production 3.5 Total Estimated 1953 Steel Production 1 ,,320.4 g. Primary Rolling Facilities. Prewar. Several allegedly authoritative sources, who appeared to have had wide experience in the rolling mill shops at Makeyevka, reported on mill installations. No two of these sources agreed completely. The following mills appear to have been in operation at the beginning of World War II: one 1,150-mm blooming mill whose annual production capacity was estimated at 1 million MT; one 5-stand 600-mm billet mill. 25 Reconstruction Period. Except for the blooming mill, there is no information on the restoration of primary rolling mills at the plant. Housing for the reconstructed blooming mill was made by the Urals Heavy Machine Building Plant, and the rolling table, manipulators, and other machinery were built by the Novo- Kramatorsk Machine Building Plant. The blooming mill was placed in operation on 1 January 1947. It was announced that equipment in- cluded 32 soaking pits with automatically operated covers, each with a capacity of 4 or 5 ingots, and cranes with lifting capacities of 5 to 8 MT. The restored mill was to be operated by 80 workers per shift, including 2 engineers. 26 At Present. Both the blooming mill and the billet mill are believed to be in operation at Makeyevka. * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. - 69 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Prewar. As stated above, sources did not agree on the number and kind of finishing mills at the plant. The following are believed to have been in operation: One 4-stand, 3-high 660/630-mm bar mill; One 4-stand, 630/600-mm bar mill; One 450/850-mm continuous mill; One 850-mm rail and structural mill; One 250/350-mm wire mill Four rotary furnaces for casting pipe, which had yearly capacity of 50,000 MT; and Four rotary furnaces for casting pipe, which were still under construction. Other installations reported included a 350-mm medium bar mill; a 330-mm small bar mill; a skelp mill of 11 stands which reportedly had a production capacity of 250,000 MT per year; and a forge and press shop, which had a 1,000-ton hydraulic press. There are no confirmations for these finishing mills. 27 Reconstruction Period. By May 1946, 3 rolling mill units were in operation, and it was planned to have 6 more in commission by the end of the year. Some of these mills may have been primary mills. 28 It was announced that rolling mill No. 3, which produced rails, wire, and angles, was awarded the second prize in the All-Union Competition for June 1946 by the VTsSPs (not further identified) and the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. 29 In early 1949, rolling facilities at Makeyevka were reported to consist of 4 departments, housed in 2 buildings, and all were in full operation. 30 The old rolling mill building housed Rolling Mills Nos. 3 and No. 3 produced rails and angles and had an estimated annual capacity of 180,000 MT. No. 4 produced sheet and plate, and its daily output at the end of 1947 consisted of 200 to 250 plates. 31 The new rolling mill building, construction of which had begun before World War II, housed Rolling Mills Nos. 1 and 2. No. 1 was the blooming mill. There is no in- formation on the functions of No. 2. 32 Rolling Mills Nos. 2, 3, S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T and It. were estimated to have a combined annual capacity of 400,000 MT. 33 At Present. It is estimated that the finishing mills which were in existence before World War II have been re- constructed and are in full operation. Some new facilities may have been added. In February 1951, it was announced that pro- duction had begun in a new type of corrugated steel, which had a rough surface for stronger ferroconcrete structures. 34 i. Intraplant Services. Electric Power. The Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant power station, which was reported to have had a prewar capacity of 25,000 kw, was salvaged and put back into operation in May 194-6. Apparently insufficient amounts of power were generated in the plant and output had to be supplemented from outside sources, the origin of which had not been determined. One source reported additional power came from Zaporozh'ye, another claimed Zugres, a plant located on the Nizhnyaya Krynka River, 23 km to the east; and another stated that the mill transformer station received power from the Gorlovka Thermal Power Station. Prewar electric power production was reported to be 192 million kwh per year. 35 Power for lighting purposes was reported in November 1936 to be 220 v DC, and that for the running of machinery and equipment was 380 v. 36 On 1 January 1948 it was announced that a large steam turbine was shipped to Makeyevka by the Nevskiy Mashinustroilel'nyy Zavod. 37 Water Supply. The source of the plant's water supply is a large lake, 250 to 300 m wide, located approximately 500 m west of the plant site. Within the plant area there is a reservoir approximately 700 sq m in size where water is sprayed to cool it for use in the furnaces. There is a 10 to 12 percent loss of water in the cooling process. 38 Sintering Plant. An iron ore sintering plant with 3 to 5 Dwight-Lloyd machines, each with a capacity of 5,000 MT of ore was restored and in operation in November 1949. 39 Training School. In November 1946 a school for the training of apprentices was in operation. Boys 16 to 20 years of age were accepted for training and were required to sign up for - 71 - S-E-C-R-E-T r Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 4 years work in the plant following the completion of the course. There were approximately 40 instructors in the school. Four hours each day were spent on theory and 4 hours on practice throughout the various departments of the plant. The source estimated 3,000 in training at the time of observation. 40 A plant training school was also conducted for the benefit of older, experienced workers at Makeyevka. Courses ran from 6 to 12 months. 41 j. Products and Production. Products. Products at Makeyevka Metallurgical Metallurgical Coke Electric Steel Armor Plate Coke byproducts Blooms and Billets Rails and Accessories Pig Iron Bars Axles Open-Hearth Steel Rods Wire Bessemer Steel Structural Shapes Iron Pipe 42 Forgings Production at Makeyevka 1934 1936 1940 1944 1949 1952 1953 Pig Iron 822.9 1,316.o 1,115.0 306.0 750 to 1, 580.0 1,656.4 43 43 45 45 800.0 46 47 47 Steel 570.2 868.o 1,088.0 195.0 1,000.0 1,245.0 1,320.4 43 43 45 45 46 L7/ L7 668.3 43 Rolled 448.2 1,017.0 99.0 400.0 896.0 950 6 Products 43 1,069.0 45 45 46 47 . L7/ 44 In August 1947 it was announced that Makeyevka was working on an order of sheet metal for "Svet Shakhtera Zavod." 48 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T In July 1950, window frame steel for a Moscow skyscraper and the first 300 MT of metal for use in the construction of the Moscow State University were being produced. ~+9 It was announced in January 1951 that rolled metal for use in the building of the Volga-Don Canal had been shipped. 50 In April 1951, Makeyevka received an order for 120 MT of lining and 12 MT of facing for the Volga-Don Canal. 51 In October 1951 it was announced that Makeyevka had received an order from the Volga-Don Canal for 5,500 MT of structurals, 1,300 MT of which were shipped in September and 2,500 MT in October. 52 1. Plant Efficiency. The following miscellaneous reports throw some light on the efficiency of Makeyevka: The press carried an article in 19+7 which claimed that the plant did not work efficiently during the first quarter of 1946. In the winter months special difficulties were experienced due to the poor work of the transportation shop. 53 In July 19+8 the plant was awarded the Council of Ministers' Red Banner in the All-Union Competitions as the best blast furnace plant in the USSR. 54+ Early in January 1949 it was announced that the plant's efficiency in the utilization of blast furnaces and open hearths had increased, but that the steel produced fell short of the standards set by the 19+8 Conference of Metallurgists of the Southern and Central USSR. 55 In July 1949 it was claimed that there were intolerable delays in production at Makeyevka: (1) workers with- out justification were not fulfilling pledges, (2) the quality of products was low, and (3) incoming iron ore was being charged in- to blast furnaces without being graded and sorted. 56 In 1948 the Makeyevka plant achieved a fuel saving of 10,000 MT. "Gosinspektsiya" (State Inspector) of "Gosnab" (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Ma- terial Technical Supplies to the National Economy) found in the S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T first quarter of 1948 that the metallurgical enterprises had not instituted sufficient control of the consumption of fuel. Failure of Makeyevka to observe correct heating procedures in open-hearth furnaces had lengthened the melt by over 30 minutes. Ingots brought from the open hearths to the stripping department at a temperature of 1,200 to 1,300 degrees were allowed to over-cool and were taken to the rolling mills at temperatures of 600 to '700 degrees, resulting in a loss of 18,000 MT of fuel per year. Also at Makeyevka, losses of high-calorific coke gas amounted to more than 6 percent as compared to a planned loss of 1.5 percent. Gas tanks for holding surplus coke gas had not been restored, and much gas had been lost by gas-main leaks. Several measures were introduced in 1948-49 which resulted in considerable reduction in fuel consumption and included: (1) utilization of the heat of waste gases from the soaking pits, (2) introduction of flameless combustion of gas-generating fuel, and (3) introduction of auto- matic regulation of furnace installations. 57 In April 1950, Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant was listed among the southern plants which failed to meet plans for the first quarter of 1950. It was claimed that the plant was poorly pre- pared for winter operations in that it did not have adequate trans- portation, which resulted in irregular deliveries of supplies to the blast furnaces and open hearths. Difficulty was experienced in un- loading frozen ores, and it was claimed that precautions should have been taken to prevent this by constructing temporary enclosures. 5001 / In May 1950 during a three-day conference at Stalino, the Minister of the Metallurgical Industry of the USSR criticized 4 plants for de- creased production levels during the first 4 months of 1950. It was charted that blast furnace operators at Makeyevka had not met quotas. The Chief Foreman of Makeyevka,* I.G. Korobov, said workers failed to correct technical procedures or to demand the best from enterprises furnishing raw materials to the plant. 59 Blast furnace in 1950 were charged with consuming 67 kg more of coke per ton of pig iron produced than was normal. 60 In the postwar Five Year Plan it was claimed that Makeyevka had mechanized more than 300 production sectors of the plant, which resulted in the release of 750 workers for use in other parts of the mill. 61 - 74 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T m. Administration. In-the early days of the operation at Makeyevka, the plant was under the direction of the General Corporation of Smelters, Iron and Steel Works of Russia. In 1941 the steel mill was administered by the Peoples' Commissariat for Ferrous Metal- lurgy. At the present time the Makeyevka Steel Plant is directed by the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. !L2/ n. Personnel. Number of Employees. Three shifts per day, 7 days per week are worked at Makeyevka. The number of workers is as follows : 1914 1,800 63/ 1937 22,000 1941 15,000 1944 10,000 plus 8,000 construction workers. 66 1947 7,000 plus 800 German prisoners of war. 1948 20,000 to 22,000, including 1,000 German prisoners of war. 35 to 50 percent were women. 68 1949 20,000 to 30,000 69 1953 25,000 70 The last group of German prisoners of war left Makeyevka on 19 October 1949. 71 Administrative Personnel. The following individuals held supervisory positions in the Makeyevka Steel. Plant: In April 1950 the Director of Makeyevka was I.F. Belobrov, reported a confirmed Communist. 72 In November 1949 the Assistant Director was (fnu) Kachinko . 73 In November 1949 the Director of Personnel was (fnu) Libidinsky (or Labedinski), reported a confirmed Communist. 74 In June 1950 the foreman was I.G. Korobov. 75 -75 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T In January 1947 the Chief of the Rolling Mills was A.I. Zhukov. L6/ o. Locational Characteristics. The Makeyevka Steel Plant is surrounded by a fence approximately 2 m high. Special passes are required for admit- tance to the plant area. 77 4. Novo Makeyevka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 4 25X1A2g a. Location. 48? 03'N - 37? 57'E. Makeyevka, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The plant is located southeast of the Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant imeni Sergei M. Kirov. J b. History and Development. Novo Makeyevka Coke-Chemical Plant was in opera- tion before World War II. When the Germans occupied the plant in October 1941, it was found that much of the plant equipment had been evacuated to the Urals by the Soviets. When the Germans left, the power house and the quenching towers were destroyed. All four coke batteries and the chemical installations were re- stored and in operation by the end of 1948. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coal is received from several coal mines in the Makeyevka area. A belt conveyer carries coal from the Sofia mine to the coke ovens. J Coke. Severe damage was sustained by the plant during World War II. Reconstruction began early in 1946. In May 1946, workers at the plant pledged themselves to restore the coke ovens completely and to attain prewar production levels by the end of 1948. It was planned to have coke battery No. 1 in - 76 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 i Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T operation in 1946 along with coal tower No. 1, new sedimentation tanks, and a new sulfate plant. It was promised also that: (1) the coal concentration process and the quality of the coal would be improved with the ash content reduced to 9.6 percent; (2) the steel plant Kirov would be furnished with 16,000 cu m of gas per hour; (3) the raw benzol yield would reach 0.8 percent; and (4) ammonium sulfate would be produced. J A description of the plant, made in early 1952, Number of Coke Batteries Number and Type of Coke Ovens Volume of Oven (Cu M) Width of Oven (MM) Normal Coking Time (Hours) Coal Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) Total Daily Carbonization Capacity (MT) Annual Carbonization Capacity (MT) Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. - 77 - S-E-C-R-E-T 4 184 Koppers 18.7 400 15.7 14.0 3,938 1,417,680 1,077,437 1,100,000 8.,91o 2, 090 41,3o4 14,619 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. The plant produces metallurgical coke, benzene, toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate. J Metallurgical coke production in 1952 and in 1953 is estimated at 1.1 million MT. J Coke gas and metallurgical coke is shipped to the Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant imeni Kirov. J 1. Plant Efficiency. In July 1946 the coke section of Novo Makeyevka was awarded the first premium by the VTsSPs and the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy in the All-Union Competition among ferrous metallurgical enterprises for June 1946. / Coke yield was approximately 77 percent in 1952. The plant is believed to be under the direction of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. J In July 1948 the Director of the Novo Makeyevka Coke-Chemical Plant was (fnu) Golubchik. 10 o. Locational Characteristics. - 78 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 5. Staro Make evka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 5. 25X1A2g a. Location. 48? 02'N - 37? 57'E. Makeyevka, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The coke plant lies southwest of the Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant imeni Sergei M. Kirov. J b. History and Development. The plant was in operation in 1921. During World War II considerable damage was sustained, but by early 1949 reconstruction was completed. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coal is received from mines in the immedi- ate vicinity of Makeyevka. J Coke. There are in operation at the plant four coke batteries which were described in early 1952 as follows: Number and Type of Batteries Total Number of Coke Ovens Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) Refined Benzene Capacity (NT' per Year) Refined Toluene Capacity, (MT per Year) Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking'Facilities. None. 4 Semet Solvay 242 388,000 400,000 3,24o 760 15,020 5,316 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and. Production. Staro Makeyevka Coke-Chemical Plant produces metallurgical coke, benzene, toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate. Production in 1952 is estimated at 400,000 MT. J No increase in production is estimated for 1953. Coke is believed to be shipped to the Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant imeni Kirov. J 1. Plant Efficiency. In July 1952 it was announced that Staro Makeyevka Coke-Chemical Plant had fulfilled the production plan for the first half of 1952 on 28 June 1952. J in. Administration}. The plant is believed to be under the direction of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. J Glazunov. ?1 In July 1948 the director of the plant was (fnu) o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. - 80 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T C. Stalino Complex. 25X1 A2 6. Chumakovo Coke-Chemical Plant. a. Location. 470 57'N - 370 52'E. Chumakovo, neax Stalino, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. b. History and Development. No information available. c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coke. Only two press items are available on the Chumakovo Coke-Chemical Plant. In June 1948 the name of the plant was included in a list of enterprises which had pledged to increase production; and in July 1948 it was announced that the plant workers had promised to dress 150,000 MT more of run-of-the mine coal than called for by the plan in the last half of 1948, and to raise the yield in such dressing by 3.5 percent. J e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. No information available. k. Distribution. No information available. 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. m. Administration. No information available. n. Personnel. Rodyakhin. J In mid-1948 the director of the plant was (fnu) o. Locational Characteristics. 7. Mushketovo Coke-Chemical Plant No. 9_(Shirokovskiy Coke Chemical Plant). 25X1A2g 470 48'N - 370 50'E. Stalino, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The coke plant is located in Mushketovo, a suburb in the southeast part of Stalino. b. History and Development. Mushketovo Coke-Chemical Plant was in operation before 1925. It was reported to consist of 406 coke ovens, with a total capacity of 2,609 cu m. Another source reported 4 batteries - 82 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T with a total of 98 Coppee-type ovens in 1935. In 1936, recon- struction of two coke batteries was planned. The exact number of batteries in operation before world wax II is not known. Con- siderable damage was suffered by the plant during the war, but there is little information available on postwar reconstruction. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coal is received by rail from nearby mines . J Coke. It is believed that two batteries of coke ovens are in operation at the present time at Mushketovo. Capacities have been estimated as follows: Number and Type of Batteries 2 Coppee Number of Coke Ovens 76 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 150,000 Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) 1,215 Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) 285 Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) 5,633 Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) 1,993 J e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. - 83 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. Metallurgical coke, benzene, toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate are produced at the plant. 1952 coke pro- duction is estimated at 150,000 MT. / No increase in production is estimated for 1953. k. Distribution. No information available. 1. Plant Efficiency. In 191+0 it was announced that pitch had been added to poor coking coal at Mushketovo and that the Kharkov iron foundry had used the product in the production of iron castings. J m. Administration. The plant is probably under the direction of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. J n. Personnel. In 191+8 the plant director was (fnu) Lipatov. J o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 8. Novo Smol'yaninov Coke-Chemical Plant. 480 OOtN - 370 45'E. Stalino, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The coke plant is on the main road, Stalino Dnepropetrovsk, approximately 3 km southeast of the main Stalino railroad station. J b. History and Development. The coke-chemical plant, consisting of four batteries, was in operation before World War II. Considerable damage was sustained during the war years, but by early 1949 reconstruction was completed. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. of Stalino. 3/ Coal. Coal is received from mines in the vicinity Coke. Reconstruction of facilities at Novo Smol'yaninov began shortly after Soviet reoccupation of the plant site. By 1 July 1948, No. 1 and No. 3 coke batteries were back in operation, and it was announced that 2 more batteries and auxiliary equipment would be placed in operation before the end of the year. Prisoners of war reported four batteries and the chemical plant in operation in 1949. An estimate of capacities of facilities at Novo Smol'yaninov was prepared in early 1952: Number of Batteries 4 Number of Coke Ovens 190 Coal Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) 15.0 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 640,000 Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) 5,185 Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) 1,216 Crude Tar Capacity, (MT per Year) 24,032 4/ - 85 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 i Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i,. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. The Novo Smol'yaninov Coke-Chemical Plant produces metallurgical coke, benzene, toluene, and crude tar. Metal- lurgical coke production in 1953 is estimated at 640,000 MT. J k. Distribution. In July 1948 it was announced that metallurgical coke would be supplied to the nearby Stalino Metallurgical Works. 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. in. Administration. The plant is believed to operate under the direction of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. J S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 25X1 A2g S-E-C-R-E-T o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. 9. Rutchenkovo Coke-Chemical Plant No. 2 imeni Kirov. a. Location. 470 581N - 37? 45'E. Stalino, Stalino Oblast Ukraine SSR. The plant site is in the suburb of Rutchenkovo, approximately 5 km southwest of the center of Stalin o. J b. History and Development. Four batteries of 140 Coppee-type ovens, each with a useful volume of 11.45 cu m, were placed in operation in 1915. Three batteries of 142 Otto-type ovens, each oven with a useful volume of 16.63 cu m, were completed in 1928-31. During World War II, the installation suffered considerable damage, estimated by one source to be 80 percent. Reconstruction began with the German withdrawal from the Ukraine, and by October 1946 the seventh and last coke battery was back in operation. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coking coal is received from mines in the immediate vicinity of the plant. J Coke. The following estimate of present facilities at Rutchenkovo Coke-Chemical Plant was made in 1952: - 87 - S-E-C-R-E-T 16 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Number and Type of Batteries Number of Coke Ovens Volume of Oven (Cu M) Width of Oven (MM) Normal Coking Time (Hours) Cold Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) Total Daily Carboniza- tion Capacity (MT) Annual Carbonization S-E-C-R-E-T 4 Otto 3 Coppee 142 140 19.2 400 15:7 30.0 14.5 8.5 3,148 893 Capacity (MT) 1,133, 280 Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) 846,093 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) 321,480 244, 300 1,100, 000 8,910 2,090 41,3o4 J 141619 e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T i. Intraplant Services. Electricity and steam are furnished by the local power system. J j. Products and Production. Rutchenkovo Coke-Chemical Plant produces metal- lurgical coke, benzene, toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate. 1952 metallurgical coke production is estimated at 1,100,000 MT. J No increase is estimated for 1953. Metallurgical coke is shipped to the Stalin, Zhdanov, Makeyevka, and Dnepropetrovsk steel plants. J 1. Plant Efficiency. It was announced that the plant had fulfilled the 1946-50 Five Year Plan. 8 m. Administration. The coke plant probably operates under the direction of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. 21 Balanov. 10 ww~ In July 1948 the director of the plant was (fnu) o. Locational Characteristics. S-E-C-R-E-T t Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 10. Stalino Iron and Steel Works imeni I.V. Stalin. (Yusovka Iron and Steel Works; Bolshevik Iron 25X1A2g and Steel Works; Pednazedieled Steel Factory). 450 581N - 370 481E. The plant is located in the city of Stalino, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The city of Stalino was formerly called Yusovka. The steel mill lies south of the city, southeast of the main railroad station, and is bounded on all sides by residential areas. It lies close to the Kal'mius River. J b. History and Development. The Stalino Iron and Steel Plant was constructed in 1869 under English supervision, and was placed under the management of the former Novorossisk Corporation for Coal Mines, Iron Rolling Mills, and Rail Mills. Until 1922 only merchant sheet and rails were produced. In that year a small amount of quality steel was produced, the output of which increased annually. In 1932 the ;production of rails was discontinued. During 1933 through 1937 the entire mill was re- constructed, modernized, and expanded to a rated capacity of 800, 000 MT of pig iron, 400,000 MT of steel, and 455,000 MT of rolled products. Installations included five new open-hearth furnaces and a rolling mill section in which was installed an antiquated blooming mill. The plant sustained heavy damage during World War II. In the face of the German advance, the USSR allowed heats to freeze in all furnaces; some installations were blown; and all small tools, machinery, and electrical equipment were removed from the site. As the Germans retreated, thorough blasting was done, and it was estimated that the following damage took place: Blast Furnace Section 88.6 percent Open-Hearth Section 51.3 percent Bessemer Converters 99.0 percent Rolling Mill Section 40.3 percent S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Agglomeration Mill 72.0 percent Electrical Power Equipment 80.0 percent Restoration began immediately following the re- taking of the area by the USSR, and by 1944 the following had been placed in operation: 2 blast furnaces, 2 open hearths, 2 Bessemer converters, the blooming mill, the 800-mm and the 550-mm rolling mills, two dynamos, and the steam turbines and blowers. Reconstruction was estimated to be 35 to 50 percent complete by the end of 1944. It was planned to have 4 large blast furnaces, 8 open-hearth furnaces, and 6 rolling mills in operation by the end of 1950. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. At the present time, raw materials are coming from the following sources: Iron ore by rail from Krivoy Rog and the Urals, Limestone from Nikilovka, Coke from the plant ovens and from Rutchenkovo, Gas by pipeline, 1.20 m in diameter, from the Rutchenkovo Coke Plant, Manganese from Nikopol', and Iron pyrites from Hungary. A crusher pool in the slag pit crushes slag, which still contains iron, with a magnetic crane and a steel block. The iron is remelted for use. J In July 1944, in a Berlin, Germany, railroad station a train was observed which consisted of 49 cars loaded with boiler equipment, tubes, pipes, superheater elements, and the like. The destination was the Stalino Iron and Steel Works. In November 1949,3 trains of 30 cars each brought iron ore from Krivoy Rog each day. Every 2 days, 120 MT of manganese ore arrived by rail. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Coal. Coal mines are located in the immediate vicinity of the plant area. In 1949 1 shaft was damaged and out of operation, but new shafts were under construction, 1 of which was in operation later in the year. Coal output is supplemented by rail shipments from the Donets Basin. J The boiler plant re- ceived 540 MT of coal daily for the making of steam in November 1949. J Coke. Stalino has its own coke-chemical plant, which is located on the southern edge of the city. In 1949 this plant was estimated to produce approximately 25 percent of the steel plant's requirements, and output was supplemented by ship- ments from the Rutchenkovo Coke-Chemical Plant, located a short distance away. J In 1949, workers at the coke plant and in the blast furnace department of the steel mill developed a method of making coke from gas coal instead of from the high grade coal. The coke was used in charging blast furnaces No. 1 and No. 2, and it was claimed that pig iron production was increased 5 percent. J An estimate of coke-chemical production at Stalino, made by an authoritative source in 1952, is as follows: Number and Type of Batteries 1 Becker Number of Ovens 47 Volume of Ovens (Cu M) 19.8 Width of Oven (MM) 4o6.0 Normal Coking Time (Hours) 16 Coal Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) 15.0 Total Daily Carbonization Capacity (MT) 1,058.0 Annual Carbonization Capacity (MT) 380,880 Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) 289)469 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 300,000 Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) 2,430 Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) 570 Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) 11, 265 Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) 3,987 91 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T e. Ironmaking Facilities. Prewar. Five blast furnaces were in operation at Stalino until the area was overrun by the German Army: Two blast furnaces having a capacity of 627 cu m each, One blast furnace having a capacity of 565 cu in, and Two blast furnaces having a capacity of 450 cu m each. It was estimated that the blast furnace section of Stalino was 88.6 percent destroyed at the end of the war. 10 Reconstruction Period. Reconstruction of the blast furnaces at Stalino began shortly after the USSR recaptured the plant. In April 1944, one furnace was in operation, and a second furnace was placed in production by the end of the year. Blast furnace No. 1, the third to be rebuilt, was completed in June 1948. Some changes took place during 1949; by the'end of the year, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 were equipped with automatic controls and modern measuring devices. In 1949, progress was claimed in the quality of the pig iron-produced through improvements in the blending of ores, changes in burdening practices, and the elimina- tion of impurities. Blast furnace No. 4 was completed and ready for final tests in November 1949. 11 Improvements in Practices. On 26 November 1949 it was announced that the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Equipment Plant had started the production of new welded 50-ton ladles for pig iron, the first of which had been shipped to Stalino. 121 In December 1949 it was announced that workers had developed a new method for repairing Cowper stoves which cut the repair time from 2 months to 2 weeks. 13 In March 1950 an experimental method for smelting pig iron from magnesium slag was introduced into the Stalino Works by Academician M.V. Lugovtsev, Director of Ferrous Metallurgy at the Ukrainian Academy of Science. 14 In February 1950 it was claimed that the blast furnaces were averaging 1 MT of pig iron for each 0.97 cu m of furnace volume. In May 1951 the blast furnace coefficient reached 0.89 as compared to a norm of 0.96. The blast furnace shop at Stalino was considered among the most efficient in the USSR, and won first place in the All-Union Competition of Metallurgical Combines for the first quarter of 1951. 15 In November 1953 it was announced that the 1952 blast S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T furnace coefficient was 0.88 and that the 1953 coefficient was 0.85.16 At Present. Four modern blast furnaces, Nos. 1 through 4, are in operation at Stalino. Volumes of furnaces by blast furnace number are not known, but the following size furnaces are believed to be in production. 17 Estimated 1952 Blast Furnace Steel Production at Stalino* Volume Operating Production Cu M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 627 0.88 340 242.6 627 0.88 340 242.6 565 0.88 340 218.3 450 0.88 340 173.8 Total Pig Iron Production 877.3 Estimated 1953 Blast Furnace Steel Production at Stalino* Volume Estimated Operating Production Cu M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 627 0.85 340 250.8 627 0.85 340 250.8 565 0.85 340 226.0 450 0.85 340 180.0 Total Pig Iron Production 907.6 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. - 94 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. There were eight open-hearth furnaces in operation at the steel works in 1941. No. 8 open hearth was fired in 1941, and it was claimed it had a rated capacity of 130 to 160 MT and that it was slightly larger than the existing furnaces, which had capacities of 90 to 120 MT. Two sources, however, re- ported the following sizes: Hearth Area Number of Furnace (Sq M) 3 45.6 1 42.4 4 35.7 In addition to the open-hearths, there were 2 to 4 Bessemer and/or Thomas converters. At the time of Soviet reoccupation of the area, it was estimated that damage to the open hearths amounted to 51.3 per- cent and that the converters were 99 percent destroyed. 18 Reconstruction Period. Restoration of open hearths at Stalin kept pace with the rebuilding of blast furnaces. By 1946) four open hearth furnaces had been rebuilt. On 27 October 1948, open- hearth No. 5, completely automatic and with a rated capacity of 80,000 MT per year, was placed in production. At approximately the same time, two of the existing furnaces were being reconstructed to operate. auto- matically. In November 1949, 6 open-hearth furnaces were in produc- tion and another was being rebuilt, but open hearth No. 8, badly damaged during the war, had not been touched. There was no mention of the restoration of the Bessemer and Thomas converters. 19 Improvements in Practices. In July 1949, Stalino workers pledged to attain an output of -5.28 MT of steel for each square meter of hearth area during the year. 20 In November 1949, workers attained an average yield of 5.05 MT of steel for each square meter of hearth area, 700 kg above the planned yield for 1950. The schedule called for the completion of one melt in 9 hours, but high-speed workers reportedly were completing melts S-E-C-R-E-T Approved'For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 25X1 B4d in 7 to 8 hours. 21 Also in November 1949 it was announced that (1) a suspension roof had been installed in No. 4 furnace, which had increased the number of melts between repairs by 150; (2) re- lining of furnaces with dolomite was being done mechanically rather than by hand; (3) a new method of cooling parts of open-hearth furnaces was being used which resulted in the replacement of caissons only once during every 2 or 3 furnace campaigns when cold repairs were made; and (4) arched anterior walls were replaced with nonarched walls, which increased the furnace's durability. 22 In March 1950 it was announced that the steel coefficient had been fixed at 5.21. MT. 23 Between 1 and 12 March 1950, workers per- formed 88 fast melts and produced many additional tons of steel. On 31 March, N. Bychkov completed a melt in 7 hours and 55 minutes, as compared to the normal time of 9 hours and 45 minutes and attained 8.58 MT of steel per square meter of hearth area as com- pared to the usual 5.82 MT. A few days later an all-time record was set at Stalino by L. Matveev, who reduced melting time to 6 hours and 40 minutes and realized 9.7 MT of steel for each square meter of hearth area. 24 In May 1950 it was announced that workers at the Stalino Laboratory had done considerable work in increasing the weight of ingots. Engineers changed the form of the molds and in- creased the weight of the ingots by 300 kg, thereby decreasing con- siderably the metal wasted in rolling operations. The work also helped to decrease the consumption of expensive molds. Previously 45 molds were used for 1,000 MT of steel, but only 35 molds were needed under the new system. L5/ In November 1951, K.V. Baranov, Director of Stalino Iron and Steel Works; P.G. Glazkov, Chief of the Open-hearth Shop; and three others were awarded a Stalin Prize, First Class, for devising and mastering a new method of cooling open-hearth furnaces. 26 At Present. Eight open-hearth furnaces are in operation at Stalino. Information on hearth areas at the present time is not available. It is estimated, however, that sizes are - 96 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093AO00600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T approximately the same as they were before World Wax II. Bessemer and Thomas converters were not rebuilt. Estimated 1952 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Stalino* Hearth Area Operating Production Sq M) Coefficient Days ('Thousand MT) 45.6 5.2 325 77.0 45.6 5.2 325 77.0 45.6 5.2 325 77.0 42.4 5.2 325 71.6 35.7 5.2 325 60.3 35.7 5.2 325 60.3 35.7 5.2 325 60.3 35.7 5.2 325 60.3 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 543.8 Estimated 1953 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Stalino* Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production (Sq M) Coefficient Days. (Thousand MT) 45.6 5.5 325 81.5 45.6 5.5 325. 81.5 45.6 5.5 325 81.5 42.4 5.5 325 76.3 35.7 5.5 325 63.8 35.7 5.5 325 63.8 35.7 5.5 325 63.8 35.7 5.5 325 63.8 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 576.0 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in in- creasing production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093AO00600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T g. Primary Rolling Facilities. Prewar. In 1941 primary rolling facilities at Stalino consisted of one blooming mill and billet mill, 1-stand, goo-mm. 29 Reconstruction Period. It is not believed that the blooming mill suffered irreparable damage during World War II. It was in operation in 1944. A report stated in 1947 that the blooming mill was obsolescent and required an overhauling every 2 weeks, which required 2 days' work. In December 1949 it was an- nounced that new techniques had been introduced into the primary mill. Both soaking pits in the section were converted from solid fuel to gas for heating, which improved the heating of the ingots and increased the productivity of the department. It was claimed that the soaking pits were no longer a bottleneck for the blooming mill. The brickwork of the pits had been burning out frequently and needed repair. Engineer Kodryanskiy proposed that the chamotte bricks be replaced in the arch and the walls, and when this work had been finished, repairs were rarely necessary. 30 At Present. It is believed that the blooming mill now in operation at Stalino is basically the same as that in produc- tion before World War II. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Prewar. Before World War II the following finishing rolling mills were in operation at Stalino: One heavy bar mill, 2-high, reversible, 710-mm Three medium bar mills, 3-high One small bar mill, 3-high Sheet steel also was produced. 31 Reconstruction Period. Two bar mills were in operation at the plant in 1944. Toward the end of 1947, two mill trains were dismantled at the Demag Plant in Berlin, Germany, and were delivered to the Stalino Plant. These mill trains were to be used for the rolling of armor plate. Considerable difficulty was experienced in setting up the mills, and by the end of 1949 they were still not in operation. 32 In November 1949, Stalino was awarded the Red Challenge Banner for the improvement of the quality - 98 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T of its rolling mill products. The plant had mastered the produc- tion of Pobeda Steel (see Steelmaking Facilities above), introduced a new method of tube calibration and several devices for shifting metal which reduced the scratching of surfaces, and saved 1,100 MT of steel. 33 At Present. There is no descriptive information available on the types of finishing mills in operation at the present time in Stalino. Items reported as being produced at the mill include rods for reinforced concrete, steel profiles for the automotive industry and others, and corrugated steel sheet. 34 i. Intraplant Services. Power Plant. Prior to World War II, the power plant at Stalino had a 25,000-kw turbogenerator. The electric power equipment received heavy damage during the war, and it was estimated to have been 80 percent destroyed. In November 1949 the power plant was reported to be in operation with an unknown number of turbines, one of which was of German origin and had a capacity of 9,000 kw. There were three transformer stations in the plant area. At that time Stalino was reported to be receiving additional power from Zaporozh'ye. 35 Mechanical Shop. In November 1949 the mechanical repair shop of the mill was equipped with 6 lathes, 1 electric hammer, 1 steam hammer, 1 milling machine, and 1 drill press. 36 Boiler Shop. In November 1949 the boiler shop contained four coal-fired boilers which produced steam for use in the open-hearth plant. 37 Gas-Generating Plant. The gas-generating plant in November 1947 was equipped with six producers from which coal gas was obtained for heating the annealing ovens in the rolling mill. 38 Pump House. In November 1949, water was pumped from a reservoir located in the center of the city of Stalino. The supply was inadequate, and there was always a shortage of water in the steel mill. 39 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Refractory Plant. Refractory bricks were manufactured prior to the war, and it is believed that the plant is still in opera- tion. 40 j. Products and Production. Prewar. In the years before World War II the following were produced at Stalino: Metallurgical Coke Sheets Pig Iron Rails Steel Spring Steel Special Steels Boiler Plate 41 .At Present. The following are being produced at the present time: Metallurgical Coke Rails Pig Iron Sheets Steel Plate Special Steels Rods for reinforced concrete Corrugated Sheet. 42 Year Pig Iron Steel 1934 690.5 43/ 384.8 43 339.0 43 1935 708.5 : 419.0 D3 370.3 I 1936 494.o __/ 1937 526.5 +~+/ 1938 530.7 44 1940 883.0 44 588 7 568 0 44 . 281.8 FP . 1944 1950 265.0 45 130.0 540.0 I/ 1951 1,000.0 46 1,095.0 600.0 46 (Capacity) (Capacity) (Capacity) 1952 877.3 49/ 544.0 49 391.6 49 1953 907.6 / 576.0 9/ 414.7 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T k. Distribution. In March 1949 one source claimed that ingots were shipped to the rolling mill at Mariupol' (now called Azovstal) or Il'ich at Zhdanov for processing. 50 In September 1950 it was an- nounced that operators of rolling mill No. 4 had begun work on an order for the Kuybyshev power station. 51 In October 1950 it was announced that a rolling mill had fulfilled an. order for the Stalingrad hydroelectric power station. 52 Plant Efficiency. The following information throws some light on the efficiency of operation of the Stalino Iron and Steel Plant: There was an item in the Soviet press in 1947 which stated that the efficiency of labor at Stalin had to be raised. In 1940 the plant produced 131 MT of pig iron and 107 MT of steel per worker per month, but in 1947 only 100 MT of pig iron and 102 MT of steel were produced.* 53 One source reported that the biggest bottleneck in the operation of the mill was the water supply. Shortages became so acute in mid-summer that all un- necessary water consumption had to be cut off. Transportation difficulties during the winter months caused serious shortages of iron ore. It was also reported that open-hearth furnaces operated poorly or were tapped prematurely -- frequently, when a furnace was tapped, pieces of scrap which had not melted were left in the furnaces. 54 m. Administration. In 1952 the plant was under the direction of the. Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. 55 n. Personnel. Number of Employees. Reports vary as to the number of people employed at the Stalino Iron and Steel Works. In 1941 there were 14,000 workers. Estimates for the postwar years * No attempt should be made to estimate steel production on the basis of this information. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T vary from 10,000 to 20,000. It is estimated that 15,000 employees are at the plant, working 3 shifts per day, 7 days a week. 56 Administrative Personnel. From an unknown date until 18 July 19 7 the Director of Stalino was Pavel Vasil'yevich Andreyev, who died suddenly at the plant. 57 From July 19+7 to the present time the director has been Vasil'yevich Baranov. Baranov is between 50 and 55 years old, spent 12 years in the US, married "a Swedish national, speaks English, French, and German fluently, and was the senior member of a Soviet delegation which visited US steel plants in 1946. Formerly he was the chief of the Stalino Rolling Mills. He is not believed to be a confirmed Communist. 58 The chief of the Stalino open-hearth furnace department in November was Petr Gerasimovich Glazkov. 59 o. Locational Characteristics. The plant area is surrounded by a fence 2 m high, and special passes are required for admission. 60 Kramatorsk Complex. 25X1A2 11. Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant. a. Location. 400 02'N - 38? 09'E, Khartsyzsk, Stalin Oblast, Ukraine SSR. J b. History and Development. The plant was in existence in 1934. The installa- tion suffered no damage during World War II. c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. In the prewar years, billets for processing were shipped in from the Makeyevka Steel Mill. The present source is not known. 2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T d. Coal and Coke. In 1941 coal was received from the Donets Basin, which is believed to be the source of the present supply. e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. Billets are shipped in to the plant for processing. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Before World War II there were several mills for the production of skelp, and five pipe-welding mills of the Dikke type. J i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. Products. In April 1951 the plant was producing skelp, welded pipe, pipe fittings, and swivel nozzles. J Production. In 1934, 13,300 MT of welded pipe were produced, and in 1940 output amounted to 20,000 MT. / 1952 production is estimated at 20,000 MT. It is not believed that production was increased in 1953. k. Distribution. Several items have appeared in the press regarding the distribution of products: in December 1950, several hundred tons of large pipes were shipped to Stalingradstroy; in February S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 1951, Khartsyzsk shipped pipe to the Tsimlyanskiy Water Supply and Power Center; in April 1951 the tube works at Khartsyzsk in the Donbas shipped hundreds of tons of tubing to the Volga-Don Canal builders; in April 1952 the plant received an order for 100 MT of pipe from the Kuybyshev project; and in June 1952, Khartsyzsk had recently shipped a number of large-diameter steel water pipes to the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Construction Project. J 1. Plant Efficiency. In April 1951 it was announced that the plant was filling all orders ahead of schedule. This efficiency was due partly to the constant perfecting of technological processes. In 1950 for the first time the pipe mill adopted, with the help of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences, the E.O. Paton method of twin- arc automatic welding. As a result, the reconstruction welding stands were producing twice as much pipe as was produced when the (oxyacetylene) gas-welding method was used. J The pipe mill is believed to be under the direction of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. Number of Employees. In April 1948 it was esti- mated that there were 2,000 employees at the plant, one-third of whom were women, working 3 shifts, 6 days per week. 9 Administrative Personnel. Director of the plant in July 1948 was fnu Slysk. The head of the pipe welding division in April 1951 was Engineer (fnu) Garagulya. 10 o. Locational Characteristics. In the spring of 1948 the plant area was surrounded by a fence, with wooden control towers in each corner. The gates were guarded by civilians, and passes with photographs were re- quired for admission. 11 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 12. Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Kuybyshev. 25X1A2g a. Location. 480 45'N - 370 33'E. The plant is located in the western part of Kramatorsk, in Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The site lies along the Donets railroad line, and the Torets River flows through the site from south to north. J b. History and Development. The Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant formerly be- longed to the Kramatorskaya Corporation, and in 1914 it employed 1,750 people. According to the construction plan for 1936, the plant was to have the following capacities; Pig Iron 850,000 MT Steel 220,000 MT Rolled Products 270,000 MT Some destruction was suffered by the installation during World War II, and in 1944 work on restoration of facilities was begun. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Iron ore is shipped in from mines at Krivoy Rog._ In late 1948 it was reported that iron and steel scrap was re- ceived from the Stalin Heavy Machinery Plant. J Coke. Approximately 25 percent of coke require- ments are supplied by a small coke-chemical plant at Kramatorsk. Production is supplemented by shipments of metallurgical coke from other plants in the Ukraine. The coke-chemical plant at Kramatorsk consists of 1 coke battery with 50 Collin coke ovens. It was built in 1914, but did not go into operation until 1923. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T The following estimate of the plant was made by an authoritative source: Number of Batteries 1 Number of Collin Coke Ovens 50 Volume of Oven (Cu M) 9.1 Normal Coking Time (Hours) 16 Coal Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) 8.5 Total Daily Carbonization Capacity (MT) 637 Total Annual Carbonization Capacity (MT) 174,420 Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) 132,560 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 140, 000 Annual Refined Benzene Capacity (MT) 1,134 Annual Refined Toluene Capacity (MT) 266 Annual Crude Tar Capacity (MT) 5,257 Annual Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT) 1,861 J e. Ironmaking Facilities. Prewar. Before World War II there were 2 blast furnaces, No. 2 and No. 3, in operation at Kramatorsk. No. 1 furnace, which had a working volume of 312 cu m, was torn down by the Russians in 1933 and was never rebuilt. No. 4 furnace, which was designed for a volume of 930 cu in, was under construction. Dimensions of the operating furnaces follow: Diameter (mm) Working Volume Furnace Number (Cu M) Hearth Bosh Stockline Large Bell 2 553 or 571 4,900 6,200 4,350 3,000 3 455 4,000 5,620 4,350 3,000 Reconstruction Period. No. 2 blast furnace was destroyed during the wax, and No. 3 furnace was badly damaged. Reconstruction began early in 1944, and the following items, principally from the press and from radio broadcasts, record the progress achieved: in October 1944, No. 2 furnace had been re- paired and was drying; in January 1945, No. 3 furnace was re- stored', in May 1945, No. 3 furnace produced its first pig iron, S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T in September 1948, Kramatorsk had two blast furnaces. No mention, however, was made that both were working; in September 1949, at the time of the departure of the last prisoners of war, all agreed that: (1) No. 2 and No. 3 furnaces were restored and that No. 4 blast furnace was still being constructed; (2) only No. 3 furnace was in operation; and (3) No. 4 furnace, which had been designed by Krupp of Essen, Germany, was completed except for the automatic charging equipment, which the Russians had been unable to construct. 9 Improvements in Practices. In July 1946 it was announced that a turboblower with a capacity of 2,000 cu m per minute had been placed into operation by blast furnace No. 3. The furnace, it was claimed, was then capable of adding 82 MT of pig iron to its daily capacity. J In July 1948 it was an- nounced that blast furnace workers at Kramatorsk had pledged for the second half of 1948 a blast furnace coefficient of 1.05 in- stead of the planned coefficient of 1.14. At Present. Three blast furnaces are in operation Estimated 1952 Pig Iron Production at Kramatorsk* Volume Operating Production No. Blast Furnace Cu M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 2 571 1.14 340 170.2 3 455 1.14 340 135.7 4 571 1.14 340 170.2 Total Pig Iron Production 476.1 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. & - 107 - S-E-C-R-E-T e Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1953 Pig Iron Production at Kramatorsk* Volume Estimated Operating Production No. Blast Furnace Cu M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 2 571 1.05 340 184.9 3 455 1.05 340 147.3 571 1.05 340 184.9 Total Pig Iron Production 517.1 f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. Five open-hearth furnaces were in opera- tion before World War II. No. Open Hearth Hearth Area Sq M) Year Placed in Operation 1 27.38 1933 2 31.9 1933 3 32.3 1933 31.7 1929 5 31.7 1931 91 Reconstruction Period. The following progress was reported on the restoration of the open-hearth furnaces at Kramatorsk: in July 1945 it was announced that another open-hearth had been commissioned; in July 1946 it was stated that open hearth No. 5 had gone into operation -- the third open hearth to be re- stored at the steel plant -- and that work on the reconstruction of No. 4 would follow shortly; in September 1948 it was announced that three furnaces were in operation; in October 1948 it was claimed that reconstruction of No. 4 had been completed and that it was drying; in September 1949, several prisoners of war reported that 5 furnaces were restored and that 3 were in operation while the other 2 were undergoing repairs. 10 * See Appendix C. Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Improvements in Practices. In July 1948, workers in the open-hearth shop at Kramatorsk pledged for the last half of 1948 a steel coefficient of 5.1 MT instead of the planned output of 4.7 MT. In July 1949 it was announced that a new method was being used to increase the resistance of refractories in the open hearths. Instead of placing the lining bricks flat, they were laid edgewise. The first 2 rows were of a thickness of 1-1/2 bricks and the following 2 rows were each of a thickness of a single row of bricks. It was claimed that the run of the furnace was thus increased from an average of 28 heats to 60 heats. In mid-1949 a prisoner of war claimed that the usual practice was to charge the furnace with 45 percent scrap. In June 1950 a new system of cooling furnaces was introduced and the charging of the furnaceswas improved, which made it possible to achieve an average production in the first week of 6.58 MT of steel for each square meter of hearth area as compared to a norm of 5.1 MT. In December 1950 the steel coefficient was claimed to be 6.0 MT. 11 At Present. Five open-hearth furnaces, with an approximate capacity of 60 MT each, are in operation at Kramatorsk, with approximately the same dimensions that existed before World War II. Estimated 1952 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Kramatorsk* Hearth Area Operating Production No. Open Hearth (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 27.38 5.1 325 45.3 2 31.9 5.1 325 52.8 3 32.3 5.1 325 53.5 31.7 5.1 325 52,5 5 31.7 5.1 3~5 52.5 Total Open Hearth Steel Production 256.6 One source claimed, however, that 5 open hearths were in operation in 1950, 3 of which had hearth areas of * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 36 square meters and 2 of which had areas of 48 square meters. L2/ Using a coefficient of 5.1 MT, production would have been 338,000 MT on this basis. Estimated 1953 Open-Hearth Steel Production at* Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production No. Open Hearth (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 27.38 5.5 325 48.9 2 31.9 5.5 325 57.0 3 32.3 5.5 325 57.7 4 31.7 5.5 325 56.6 5 31.7 5.5 325 56.6 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 276.8 g. Primary Rolling Facilities. Prewar. There is no information on the blooming mill in operation at Kramatorsk before World War II. Reconstruction Period. In February 1947 it was announced that Kramatorsk was to receive a blooming mill which was being built by Ushuralzavod. 13 At Present. A blooming mill is in operation, but no information is available on size and capacity. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Prewar. There were three bar mills in operation at Kramatorsk before World War II, as follows: 1 heavy bar mill, 3- high, 620-mm; 1 medium bar mill, 2-high, consisting of one 600-mm roughing stand and four 360-mm finishing stands; 1 small bar mill, 3-high, consisting of one 600-mm roughing stand, two 360-mm inter- mediate stands, and a 280-mm finishing stand. 14 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Reconstruction Period. In October 191+6 it was announced that Rolling Mill 620, a heavy bar mill, had been re- stored to its prewar capacity and was in operation. It was expected to produce 95,000 MT annually. In April 19+7 it was stated that Rolling Mill 280, the small bar mill, had been re- stored and was in operation. It was also claimed that a new sheet mill was being constructed; that it was scheduled for opera- tion by the end of the year; and that it would supply the auto- motive, metalware, and building industries. In September 1947 one source reported that another rolling mill was under construc- tion and that the Russians claimed it was the largest mill in existence. It was reported to be 1,500 m long, and 3,500 workers were said to be engaged in installing it. In September 1948 it was announced that rolling mills 620 and 280 were in operation. At some time during the reconstruction period a structural mill and a rod mill were installed at Kramatorsk, for all prisoners of war who were at the plant claimed that structural shapes and wire were produced at the plant. 15 At Present. The 620 and 280 bar mills, a sheet mill, a structural mill, and a wire mill are known to be in opera- tion at Kramatorsk. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. The Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant produces metallurgical coke and chemical byproducts, pig iron, steel, bars, structural shapes, sheet, wire rod, and wire. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 1930 12/ 1934 L 1935 18 1936 18 1950 1952 21 1953 21 Metallurgical Coke 80 132.5 19 132.5 132.5 Pig Iron 300 189 287.6 355 476.1 517.1 Steel for MIS 153 148.3 186 226.8 380 20 256.6 276.8 Steel fbr Forgings 5 Polled Products 120 195.1 213 280 20 184.7 199.3 The following items on the distribution of pro- ducts of the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant appeared in the Soviet press: in May 1946 the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant was shipping pig iron to the Druzhkovka Steel Mill; in March 1951 the mill was making fittings for the Stalingrad Power Station; in April 1951, Kramatorsk was shipping structural shapes to the Stalingrad and Kuybyshev power stations, and rolled steel to the Volga-Don construction site; in May 1951 and April 1952 the metallurgical plant was shipping rolled products of various shapes to the Volga-Don Canal project and to the Tsimlyansk site; in December 1952, Kramatorsk fulfilled an order for 340 MT of structurals for the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station project. 22 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. m. Administration. The plant is under the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. S-E-C -R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T n. Personnel. Approximately 3,500 employees were at work in the metallurgical plant in 1937. In 1949 it was estimated that the number of employees ranged from 5,000 to 6,000. Three shifts were worked each day. 23/ Administrative Personnel. In July 19+6 the chief engineer of the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant was (fnu) Filonenko, but in July 1948, Filonenko was mentioned as the director of the plant. 24+ o. Locational Characteristics. Prisoners of war reported that the plant area was surrounded by a brick wall 2 m high, which had no control towers. The steel mill was guarded by civilians armed with rifles. 213/ 13. Novo-Kramatorsk Machinery Building Plant imeni T.V. Stalin. NKMZ imeni Stalin). 25X1A2g 480 45'N - 37? 34'E. The plant is in the north- east section of the city of Kramatorsk, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. It lies immediately east of the Kazennyy-Torets River and east of the main railroad line, Moskva-Kharkov-Taganrog. On the southern border of the plant site is the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Kuybyshev. / . b. History and Development. The Novo-Kramatorsk Machinery Building Plant was built in 1933-35, and has become one of the largest producers of industrial machinery and equipment in the USSR. The plant was planned to produce 150,000 MT of metal products a year, and in the prewar years furnished, among other things, rolling mills to Zaporozh'ye, open-hearth furnaces to Azovstal and Magnitogorsk, large castings to the Krivoy Rog Turbogenerator Works, and mining equipment and machinery for use in the Krivoy Rog mines. With the German advance into the Ukraine during World War II, the Russians evacuated all movable equipment and machinery to the Electrostal plant in the Moscow area -- which also bears the same name, Novo- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Kramatorsk Machine Building Plant imeni Stalin. With the recapture of the Ukraine, reconstruction of the damaged plant began and new equipment, reportedly from a Dusseldorf machine plant, was moved into the Ukraine plant. In addition to machinery and equipment, the Stalin plant produced large gun barrels and aircraft bomb cases during the war years. By mid-1946 the iron and steel foundries were ready to begin operations, and two open-hearth furnaces were in pro- duction. J c. Raw Materials and her Inputs. In November 1944 the plant was receiving ferro- silicon with a metal content of 75 percent and 45 percent from the Zestafoni Ferroalloy Plant. Pig iron, rolled products, and gas for use in the open-hearth furnaces came from the nearby Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant. One source reported that rolled steel 20 cu m in diameter was being shipped into the plant from Zaporozh'ye in May 1949. d. Coal and Coke. Little information is available. Coal was being received from Stalino by rail in May 1949, and it is believed that metallurgical coke is procured from the coke plant at Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant, which lies to the south. 4/ e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. Pig iron is received from the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant. f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. In the years before World War II, Novo- Kramatorsk had 4 open-hearth furnaces, 1 VEO 3-ton electric furnace, and 2 10-ton electric furnaces. The open hearths, 2 of which had capacities of approximately 35 MT and 2 of 100 MT, had the following dimensions: S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T No. Open Hearth Hearth Area (Sq M) Year Placed in Operation 1 19.6 1934 2 19.6 1934 3 44.68 1933 4 44.68 1933 J Reconstruction Period. The damage sustained by steelmaking facilities at Novo-Kramatorsk is not known. In 1944 it was announced that the open-hearth shop was restored and that steel was being produced. In mid-1946 two open hearths were in operation, and in April 1948 it was announced that the fourth open hearth was restored to its prewar capacity. In May 1948 it was announced that a 10-ton electric furnace had been restored. A prisoner of war claimed that in May 1949{4 open-hearth furnaces and 2 electric furnaces were in operation. J Im movements in Practices. In May 1940 it was announced that No. 4 open hearth had melted the first rustproof steel. Formerly this type of steel was melted in the electric furnace. It was to be used for the making of blade wheels for hydroturbines. J In May 1948 it was announced that a 230-MT basic steel ingot had been made, for the first time in the USSR, at the Novo-Kramatorsk Plant. The ingot was to be used for the making of a hydrogenerator shaft. No. 2 furnace was charged with 100 MT of raw materials, No. 3 was charged with 80 MT, and No. 4 was charged with 70 MT. Output amounted to 95 MT plus 75 MT plus 65 MT, or a total of 234 MT of ingot. The three heats were tapped simultaneously. J At Present. Four open-hearth furnaces and 3 elec- tric furnaces are in operation at Novo-Kramatorsk. Two open hearths have a capacity of approximately 100 MT, and 2 have 35 MT. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1952 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Novo -Kramat or sk* Operating Production No. Open Hearth (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 19.6 5.0 325 31.8 2 19.6 5.0 325 31.8 3 44.68 5.0 325 72.6 4 44.68 5.0 325 72.6 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 208.8 Estimated 1952 Electric Furnace Steel Production at Novo-Kramatorsk Thousand Metric Tons No. Furnace Capacity Production 1 3 3.0 2 10 20.0 Total Electric Steel Production 23.0 Estimated Total 1952 Steel Production 231.8 Estimated 1953 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Novo-Kramatorsk* Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production No. Open Hearth (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 19.6 5.5 325 35.0 2 19.6 5.5 325 35.0 3 44.68 5.5 325 78.8 4 44.68 5.5 325 78.8 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 227.6 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1953 Electric Furnace Steel Production at Novo-Kramatorsk No. Furnaces Capacity Production 1 3 3.0 2 10 (each) 20.0 Total Electric Steel Production 23.0 Estimated Total 1953 Steel Production 250.6 g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information is available which bears directly on steelmaking facilities. j. Products and Production. Novo-Kramatorsk produces castings and forgings. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production of Raw Steel 1934-53 1934 91 104,000 1935 9/ 160,500 1936 l0 161,000 1950 11 190,000 1952 12 230,000 1953 12 250,000 Castings and forgings are supplied to all the major industrial enterprises in the USSR. 1. Plant Efficiency. No information is available on the efficiency of the operation of the steel plant. The plant is under the administration of the Ministry of Heavy Machine Building. L3/ n. Personnel. Number of Employees. 650 employees worked in the steel plant; of Novo-Kramatorsk in May 1949. Of these, 150 were employed in the open-hearth shop. Three shifts were worked a day, 7 days a week. 14 Administrative Personnel. In December 1946 the chief of the open hearth shop was fnu Kishkin. 15 The plant is surrounded by a barbed wire-topped stone wall approximately 3 m high, with watch towers located at S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T regular intervals. The plant is guarded by uniformed watchmen, and passes are required for admission. 16. 14. Staro-Kramatorsk Machinery Building Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze. 25X1 A29 a. Location. 48? 451N - 37? 331E? Kramatorsk, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The Staro-Kramatorsk Machinery Building Plant lies just south of the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Kuybyshev. Kramatorsk is on the main railroad line, Moscow-Rostov-Baku. J b. History and Development. Staro-Kramatorsk is one of the oldest industrial organizations in the southern part of the USSR. It was constructed originally in the late 1890's, and operated as a small machinery building plant until the Russian Revolution of 1917. After its management was taken over by the state, the plant was developed and expanded. It suffered considerable damage during World War II, and reconstruction began shortly after the USSR regained the terri- tory from the Germans in early 1944. The plant produces machinery and equipment for all types of industrial enterprises. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Pig iron arrives by rail from an unknown source. Since the plant is located so close to the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Kuybyshev, it is probable that some pig iron is re- ceived from that plant. J d. Coal and Coke. No information available. e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. - 119 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T f. Steelmaking Facilities. Before world war II, the steel foundry in Staro- Kramatorsk contained 2 small Bessemer converters, each with a capacity of 1.5 MT. One Bessemer was back in operation in August 1947, and it is assumed that both converters and the electric fur- nace are in operation at the present time. J Estimated Annual Bessemer Steel Production at Staro-Kramatorsk 1952, 1953 Capacity Heats per Operating Production Bessemer No. (Thousand MT) Day Days (Thousand MT) 1 1.5 25 300 11.25 2 1.5 25 300 11.25 Total Bessemer Steel Production 22.50 Estimated Electric Steel Production 1.5 Total Estimated Steel Production 2L+.0 All steel produced is probably used within the plant for making castings and forgings. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Steel castings and forgings are made. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production The plant produces steel castings and forgings which are used in the manufacture of equipment for industrial - 120 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T plants. The amount of castings and forgings is not known. Estimated 1952 and 1953 Steel Production at Staro-Kramatorsk Metric Tons Bessemer Steel 22,500 Electric Steel 1,500 Total Steel Production 21+,000 plant. All steel castings and forgings are used in the 1. Plant Efficiency. In July 1950 it was announced that the plant had completed the Five Year Plan for the production of steel and non- ferrous castings. J The plant is under the administration of the Main Administration of Metallurgical Machine Building, Ministry of Heavy Machine Building. J n. Personnel. No information available. o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T E. Gorlovka Complex. 15. Kirov Machine Plant (Mining Equipment Factory). 25X1A2g a. Location. 48? 10'N - 38? 04'E. The Kirov Machine Plant is located in Gorlovka, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. b. History and Development. No information available. c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. No information available. e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. In 1936 it was announced that the plant had 4 small Bessemer converters, each with a capacity of 2 MT, and 4 VEO-type electric furnaces, each with a capacity of 0.5 MT. In the postwar years, some prisoners of war reported 1 to 4 open-hearth furnaces, others reported 4 cupola furnaces, and some claimed Bessemer and electric furnaces. It is believed that the steelmaking facilities which were in operation before World War II, that is, 4 small Bessemers and 4 small electric furnaces, are in production at the present time at Kirov Machine Works. 2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1952 and 1953 Steel Production at Kirov Number of Capacity Daily Capacity Operating Pr~duction Bessemers (MT) (25 Heats) Days (Thousand MT) Total Steel Production 62 Estimated Electric Steel production, 4 0.5-ton Furnaces 4 (2-ton) 8 200 MT 300 60 g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. J. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. Kirov Machine Plant is one of the largest producers of coal mining equipment in the Ukraine. Total steel production, all of which is used in steel castings, is estimated to be approxi- mately 62,000 MT per year. k. Distribution. No information available. 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T M. Administration. Coal Industry. J n. Personnel. No information available. o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. 16. Novo Gorlovka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 3 imeni - Koksakhim. 25X1 A29 48? 18'N - 38? 03'E. Novo Gorlovka, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. Novo Gorlovka adjoins the city of Gorlovka, and the coke plant is on the western boundary of Novo Gorlovka. b. History and Development. Novo Gorlovka Coke-Chemical Plant was built in 1928-31. Considerable damage to facilities occurred during World War II, but by the middle of 1950 all four batteries had been re- stored to prewar capacities. c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coal comes from two large mines near the plant and from the Karl Marx mine near Gorlovka. J Coke. Before World War II, Novo Gorlovka Coke- Chemical Plant consisted of 4 batteries, with a total of 233 ovens. Production in 1935 amounted to approximately 900,000 MT. Recon- struction of the plant began early in 1946, and by October 1949, 3 batteries were in operation and the fourth was scheduled for pro- S-E-C -R-E-T The plant is administered by the Ministry of the Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T duction by the middle of 1950. It is believed that all four batteries are in operation at the present time. The following esti- mate of capacities was made in 1952: Number and Type of Batteries 4 Koppers Number of Coke Ovens 233 Normal Coking Time (Hours) 16 Coal Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) 15 Total Daily Carbonization Capacity (MT) 5,243 Annual Carbonization Capacity (MT) 1,887,480 Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) 1,434,424 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 1x450,000 Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) 11,745 Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) 2,755 Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) 54,448 Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) 19,270 e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. The plant produces metallurgical coke, refined benzene, toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate. Production of S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T metallurgical coke for 1952 is estimated at 1,450,000 MT. J No increase is estimated for 1953 k. Distribution. In 1932 it was stated that the coke plant was not related closely to any particular metallurgical plant. Production formed a reserve for plants in the Stalino area and the Donbas, principally Yenakiyevo, Stalino, and Makeyevka. J 1. Plant Efficiency. The plant was awarded a second premium for its out- standing work in the May 1947 competition among enterprises of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. In July 1948 the director promised in the second half of 1948 that the plant would dress 100,000 MT more run-of-the-mine coal than was called for by the plan. 7/ The coke yield in 1952 was 76.7 percent. M. Administration. The plant probably operates under the direction of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. J The plant director in July 1948 was (fnu) Vorob'yev. 9/ In 1949 it was reported that the director was (fnu) Boshedalov and the chief engineer was (fnu) Nikitel. 10 o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. F. Konstantinovka Complex. 17. Konstantinovka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 17- a. Location. 48? 30'N - 37? 43'E? Konstantinovka, Stalino Oblast, S-E-C -R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T b. History and Development. The Konstantinovka.Coke-Chemical Plant was placed in operation in 1915; it consisted of 2 batteries with a total of 40 ovens, and had a reported capacity of 90,000 MT of metal- lurgical coke a year. Some damage was suffered during World War II. In 1944 it was announced that the plant was being re- built. c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coal is received from mines in the immediate area of the plant. / Coke. Except for the announcement that the coke- chemical plant was being rebuilt in 1944, there is no information of a recent date on the installation. The following estimate of capacities of the plant was made in January 1952: Number of Batteries 1 Number of Coke Ovens 4O Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) 291,000 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 300,000 Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) 2,430 Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) 570 Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) 11,265 Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per year) 3,987 e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None', i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. The coke-chemical plant produces metallurgical coke, benzene, toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate. Produc- tion in 1952 is estimated at 300,000 MT. J No increase in pro- duction is estimated for 1953. k. Distribution. No information available.. .1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. in. Administration. Konstantinovka Coke-Chemical Plant probably operates under the direction of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. J Pozhidayev. 61 In July 19+8 the plant director was (fnu) o. Locational Characteristics. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 18. Konstantinovka Metallurgical Plant imeni Frunze. 25X1A2g a. Location. 480 32'N - 370 321E, Konstantinovka, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The site lies in the northwestern part of the city, adjacent to the railroad station and between the Kramatorsk- Konstantinovka-Gorlovka railroad and the Torets River. J b. History and Development. The plant was built originally in 1898-99, and at one time, probably before the Russian Revolution, it was owned and operated by Toleries, Hauts-Fourneaux, Acieries et Laminoirs de Constantinovka, S.A., headquarters of which were in Brussels. The mill suffered considerable damage during World War II, variously estimated as being between 40 and 80 percent. Reconstruction and restoration of facilities began in 1944, and it was stated that the plant would be completed by 1950. The 50th anniversary of the installation was celebrated in 1948 or 1949. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Prewar. Iron ore was shipped into the plant from the Krivoy Rog Mines.-3/ Reconstruction Period, Iron ore was received from Krivoy Rog. One source, however, claimed that in August 1949 iron ore, varying in iron content from 40 to 60 percent, was shipped into Konstantinovka in 3 grades, Nos. 21, 22, and 24, and that 40 percent of the iron ore required came from Kursk and 60 percent from the Urals. Baled scrap in late 1948 came from Tula. Manganese ore was received in 2 grades from the Caucasus -- the 45 percent ore was used in furnaces for the pro- duction of'pig iron, and the 55 percent ore was used to produce ferromanganese. Rumania. J Fuel oil is shipped in from the Baku fields and - 129 - B-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Throughout the history of the plant, coal has been shipped in by rail from the Donets Basin. J Coke. The situation on the production of coke at Konstantinovka is not clear from the evidence available. It is probable that there are 2 coke plants in the immediate vicinity of the city: 1 located on the southern edge of the metallurgical plant site which is under the direction of the plant and supplies only the Frunze works, and a coke-chemical plant with Soviet Koppers or Becker ovens located elsewhere in the vicinity. J e. Ironmaking Facilities. Prewar. Two blast furnaces were in operation before the war, both of which were built in 1932, and each of which had an annual capacity of 140,000 MT of pig iron. Diameter (MM) Working Volume Blast Furnace (Cu M) Hearth Bosh Stockline No. 1 (Pig Iron) 365 4,000 5,76o 4, l00 No. 2 (Ferro- manganese) 388 4,100 5,800 4,200 J Reconstruction Period. World War II damage to the two blast furnaces is unknown, but reconstruction started with the Soviet reoccupation of the plant in 1944. In July 1944 it was an- nounced that blast furnace No. 1 was restored. In July 1945 it was announced that blast furnace No. 2 had been commissioned. In May 1947 a prisoner of war reported that blast furnace No. 1 had the capacity to produce 300 MT of pig iron per day, and that blast furnace No. 2 had the capacity to produce 125 to 150 MT of ferro- manganese per day. In March 1949 several prisoners of wax reported that No. 1 furnace was producing 320 to 360 MT of pig iron per day, that the furnace had been modernized in March of 1948, and that furnace No. 2 was producing 130 to 150 MT of ferromanganese per day. In August 1949, two blast furnaces were in operation and con- struction had been started on blast furnace No. 3. One prisoner of war stated that he had worked on No. 3 and that in August 1949, the S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C R E-T time of his departure, the furnace was 3 m high. Another prisoner of war reported 2 furnaces in operation and 1 under construction, and that No. 2 was being fitted with automatic charging devices. Still another reported that No. 3 furnace was scheduled for opera- tion early in 1950. J Practices in Blast Furnace Operation. The fol- lowing charging practices were reported for the two blast furnaces: Charging Practices for Blast Furnace No. 1 (Pig Iron) Kilograms Source -a/ -91 Source ! 10/ Metallurgical Coke Limestone Iron Ore Manganese Scrap 5,600 3,000 1a-, 200 750 700 1+,000 2,000 1+, 500 2,000 a. As of March 1947- 28 charges were made per shift and the furnace cast 2 times each shift. Each cast yieldea approximately 70 MT of pig iron, or approxi- mately 400 MT per day. b. As of July 191+9. The furnace cast 6 times per day and yielded approximately 300 MT. In April 1952 it was announced that the coefficient for blast furnace No. 1 was 1.11. ll Charging Practices for Blast Furnace No. 2 (Ferromanganese) Kilograms Source _/* 2,2 Source J 13 Source J It Metallurgical Coke 5,600 2,000 2,000 Manganese 4,500 Footnotes for Tabulation follow on p. 132. - 131 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C -R-E-T Charging Practices for Blast Furnace No. 2 (Ferromanganese) (Continued) Kilograms Source -a/ 12/ Source ? 13 Source J 1 Manganese (Continued) Mn 4+5 percent 1,800 Mn 55 percent 3,200 Mn 60 to 85 percent 1, LI.00 Scrap 700 350 Limestone 3,600 3,600 1,350 Iron Ore 600 Bauxite 600 a. As of March 19]7. Processed 21 charges per shift, and the furnace was cast 2 times each shift. Each cast yielded 16 MT, or a daily total of 96 MT. b. As of July 1949. Furnace cast 3 or 4+ times per day. Average daily production was 150 to 200 MT of ferromanganese. c. As of August 1949. At Present. These blast furnaces are believed to be in operation at Konstantinovka Metallurgical Plant. There is no information on the size of blast furnace No. 3. Estimated 1952 Production at Konstantinovka* No. Blast Furnace Volume (Cu M) Operating Production Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 (Pig Iron) 365 1.11 34o 111.8 2 (Ferro- manganese) 388 2.5 31+0 52.8 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1952 Production at Konstantinovka (Continued) Volume Operating Production No. Blast Furnace (Cu M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 3 .(Pig Iron) 400 1.11 34O 123.5 (Estimated) Total Pig Iron Production 235.3 Estimated 1953 Production at Konstantinovka* No. Blast Furnace Volume (Cu M) Estimated Operating Production Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 (Pig Iron) 365 1.0 340 124.1 2 (Ferro- manganese) 388 . 2.5 34O (52.8) 3 (Pig Iron) 400 (Estimated) 1.0 340 136.0 Total Pig Iron Production 260.1 f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. Before World War II there were 5 open- hearth furnaces. in operation at Konstantinovka Metallurgical Plant which were reported to have an annual capacity of 130,000 MT. Hearth Area Number of Furnaces (Sq M) 1 19.2 1 21.3 1 "22.0 1 22.3 1 37.3 15 See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. - 133 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Reconstruction Period. Reconstruction of the open- hearth furnaces began early in 1977,-and by the end of 1950 all five furnaces had been restored. L6/ Improvements in Practices. In November 1947 it was announced that the average yield of the furnaces was 6.8 MT of steel for each square meter of hearth area. In December 1947 the steel coefficient was fixed at 4.5 MT. In July 1948 it was announced that steel workers at the plant had pledged a steel output of 5.65 MT for each square meter of hearth area for the last half of 1948, instead of the planned yield of 5.45 MT. In August 1949 a prisoner of war reported that 40 to 50 percent of the open-hearth charge consisted of iron and steel scrap. In September 1949 it was announced that the steel coefficient was fixed at 6.4 MT. 17 At Present. Five open-hearth furnaces, 4 of which have an approximate capacity of 30 MT and 1 of 65 MT, are in opera- tion at Konstantinovka Metallurgical Plant. Hearth areas are be- lived to be approximately the same as those before World War II. Estimated 1952 Steel Production at Konstantinovka* No. of Open Hearth Area Operating Production Hearths Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 19.2 6.0 325 37.4 1 21.3 6.o 325 41.5 1 22.0 6.0 325 42.9 1 22.3 6.0 325 43.5 1 37.3 6.o 325 72.7 Total Steel Production 238.0 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. - 134 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T- Estimated 1953 Steel Production at Konstantinovka* No. of Open Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production Hearths (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1. 19.2 6.2 325 38.7 1 21.3 6.2 325 42.9 1 22.0 6.2 325 44.3 1 22.3 6.2 325 44.9 1 37.3 6.2 325 75.1 Total Steel. Production 245.9 g. Primary Rolling Facilities. No information available. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Prewar. The following finishing facilities were in operation at the plant before World War II: One heavy bar mill, 3-stands, 3-high, 585 mm, One small bar mill consisting of one 2-high 500-mm roughing stand and five 3-high 305-mm finishing stands, One thin plate and sheet mill, 2-high, 5-stands 680/700 mm. This mill was reported to have an annual capacity of 100,000 MT. 18 Reconstruction Period. Considerable damage was suffered during World War II. In October 1947 it was announced that the 585-mm bar mill destroyed by the Germans was completely restored, and that it had been provided with complex auxiliary equipment. 19 In August 1949, prisoners of war claimed that there were 2 rolling mills in operation, 1 for thin plates and sheet and * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 1 for the production of structural shapes and rails. Four annealing furnaces were claimed to be in operation. One source reported a machine for the shaping of corrugated sheet metal. 20 At Present. The bar mill, thin plate, and sheet mill, a rail and structural shape mill, and a forge shop are in operation. i. Intraplant Services. Prewar. A transformer station which supplied both the city and the steel plant was in operation. It had a operating voltage of 110/35/6 kv and was a 2-phase converter. 21 Reconstruction Period. It was claimed that electric power was generated in the plant's own power plant, which contained three steam-powered turbines. There were three transformer stations within the plant area. Two welding shops were in operation. Two boiler houses had been reconstructed. A machine shop with eight to ten lathes, two boring and turning ma- chines, four to five vertical boring machines, and three or four milling machines was in operation. A locomotive repair shop kept plant equipment in repair. There was a brick factory in produc- tion. 22 At Present. No information available. j. Products and Production. Products. Konstantinovka Metallurgical Plant produces pig iron, ferromanganese, steel, bars, thin plate and sheet, rails, and structural shapes. 23 - 136 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Product 1933 1936 1937 1938 1949 1950 Pig Iron 183.6 235.3 260.1 35 35 52.8 52.8 35, 35 238.0 245.9 35 35 171.3 177.0 35 35 k. Distribution. In October 1944 the plant was authorized to ship 2,000 MT of steel bars to Kirov plant, Makeyevka, and to ship 150 MT of cast iron to the Andreyev plant at Taganrog. In March 1950, Konstantinovka was rolling sheet steel for agricultural ma- chinery production by the Snegirivka.Plant. In October 1951 the plant received an order for sheet metal from the'Volga-Don Canal project. 36 1. Plant Efficiency. The following extracts of published announcements are indicative of the efficiency of the operation of Frunze: - 137 - S-E-C-R-E-T 29 158.4 146.2 to 162.5 122.4 25 204.8 207.3 30 14o.o 24 206/4 L6/ L6/ 175.0 32 33 2 3/ 115.6 27/ 25 122.4 47.6 to 61.2 100.0 34 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T in January 1947 the 1946 production plan was overfulfilled3 in July 1947, workers of the open-hearth shop entered into a competition with workers of the Makeyevka, Stalino, Yenakiyevko, Mariupol', and Kramatorsk plants, and the Konstantinovka Metallurgical Plant achieved the best record; in December 1947 the 1947 production plan was fulfilled on 14 December 1947; in December 1948 the 1948 produc- tion plan was fulfilled on 11 December_1948; in August 1949 the Frunze plant did not fulfill the plan for the first half of 1949. One of the basis causes for the failure was the poor organization of production and labor. In January 1952 the 1951 production plan was fulfilled ahead of schedule. 37 m. Administration. The plant is under the administration of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. 38 Number of Employees. Estimates of the number of employees vary greatly, but it is believed there are between 4,500 and 6,000 employees at the plant, of which 30 to 35 percent are women. Three 8-hour shifts per day are worked, 7 days a week. 39 Administrative Personnel. August 1949 - Director of Konstantinovka Metallurgical Plant fnu) Lyadov. 40 January 1952 - Chief Engineer (fnu) Il'vutchenko.41 August 1949 - Chief of Blast Furnace Department (fnu) Ponemarov (or Ponemarenko). 42 August 1949 - Engineers in Blast Furnace Department (fnu) Sassing and (fnu) Kaballo. 43 August 1949 - Chief of all Mechanical De- partments (fnu) Lewin. 44 The plant area is bordered by a 2-m concrete wall on the northeast side and by a barbed wire fence on the other sides of the plant. 45 - 138 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T G. Single Plants. 19. Debal'tsevo Steel Foundry a., Location. 48? 21'N - 38? 261E. Debal'tsevo, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. bebal'tsevo is on the Donets railroad line. b. History and Development. The foundry was in existence before World c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. No information available. e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. Before World War II, the Debal'tsevo Steel Foundry had 1 small open-hearth furnace, with a hearth area of 6.3 square meters, and 1 3-ton Heroult electric furnace. Both furnaces are believed to be in operation at the present time. J Estimated 1952 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Debal'tsevo* Hearth Area Operating Production Open Hearth (Sq M) Coefficient Darks (Thou,sand MT) 1 6.3 5.0 325 10,237 Estimated 1952 Electric Steel Production 3,000 Estimated Total 1952 Steel Production 13,237 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 i Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated-1953 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Debalttsevo* Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production Open-Hearth (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 6.3 5.5 325 11,612 Estimated 1953 Electric Steel Production 3,000 Estimated 1953 Total Steel Production 14,612 g. Primary Rolling Facilities. See Finishing Rolling Facilities, below. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. One prisoner of war claimed that an old rolling mill was damaged to such an extent during World War II that it was being torn down in late 1948, and that a new rolling mill was planned which would have in addition a wire drawing department. J No further information is available. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. The Debalttsevo Steel Foundry produces open- hearth and electric steel and steel castings. * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Steel and Steel Casting Production at Debal'tsevo Product 1934 1935 1939 1952 1953 Steel 8,800 J 9,400 J 10,800 J 13,300 J 14,600 J (Open Hearth) (10,300) (11,600) (Electric) ( 3,000) ( 3,000) Steel Castings* 4,800 J 5,100 J 5,900 J 7,300 J 8,030 J k. Distribution. The open-hearth and electric furnace steel are used in the foundry. The distribution of steel castings is not known. 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. m. Administration. The plant is under the direction of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. J n. Personnel. The foundry employed 5,000 workers in 1937. o. Locational Characteristics. No information available' 25X1 A2 20. Nikitovka Coke-Chemical Plant. a. Loc at ion. 48? 22'N - 38? 03!E. Nikitovka, near Gorlovka, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSE. Based on US practice of yield of 55 percent of steel. - 141 - S-E-C-R-E-T A Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T b. History and Development. Nikitovka Coke-Chemical Plant was placed in operation in 1916. Considerable damage Was sustained during World War II, but by the end of 1947 restoration was completed and the plant was operating at prewar production levels. J town c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coal comes from mines scattered about the Coke. In 1935, equipment at the plant included 4 batteries with a total of 80 Coppee-type coke ovens, each of which had a useful volume of 10.57 cu in. Yearly production capa- city was 135,000 MT of metallurgical coke. ~I Reconstruction of the batteries damaged during World War II began early in 1946, and on 31 December 1946 it was announced that No. 2 coke battery was completed and ready for firing. In October 1947 it was reported that No. 4 battery was in operation. J In January 1952, Nikitovka Coke-Chemical Plant was estimated to have the following capacities: Number and Type of Batteries 2 Coppee Number of Coke Ovens 80 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 150,000 Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) 1, 215 Refined Toluene Capacity (MY per Year) 285 Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) 5,633 Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) 1, 993 e. Ironmaking Facilities. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production Nikitovka produces metallurgical coke, benzene, toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate. Production for 1952 and for 1953 is estimated at 150,000 MT. J k. Distribution. One source claimed that the entire production of the plant was used at mercury refineries in the town. J 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. m. Administration. The plant probably operates under the administration of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. 21. Shcherbinovka Coke-Chemical Plant No. 11. a. Location. A2 W 25XI ift 48? 22'N 37? 52'E. Shcherbinovka, Stalino Oblast, b. History and Development. The coke-chemical plant was reported to have been in operation in 1889. 1/ c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. No information available. Coke. Before World War II, Shcherbinovka Coke- Chemical Plant consisted of 1 battery of 38 Koppers-type ovens, each of which had a useful volume of 9.2 cu in. In 1936 it was an- nounced that the plant had an annual capacity of 70,000 MT. There is no recent information available on the plant other than the an- nouncement that the plant director in 1948 had pledged to reduce operating costs by 500,000 rubles for the year. J e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T h. Finisning Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. Based on prewar production capacity, it is esti- mated that production in 1952 and 1953 was approximately 70,000 MT. 3/ 25X1A2g k. Distribution. No information available. 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. in. Administration. No information available. n. Personnel. The plant director in 1948 was (fnu) Popov. o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. 22. Toretsk Machinery Factory imeni Voroshilov. 480 371N - 37? 331E. The Toretsk Machinery Factory is located in Druzhkovo, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The plant is near the Druzhkovo railroad station on the Donets railroad line. J - 145 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T b. History and Development. The Toretsk Machinery Factory, which manufactures all types of mining equipment, was established in 1897 by a French firm. The plant was taken over by the USSR shortly after the Russian Revolution. Considerable damage, estimated to range as high as 50 percent, was suffered during World War II. By 19-7 con- struction was completed and the plant was in full operation. c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. All pig iron is shipped in from Kramatorsk and Konstantinovka. d. Coal and Coke. Coal is received from the Donets Basin, and coke is shipped in from nearby metallurgical coke plants. e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. There are two small open-hearth furnaces which are believed to be in the "old foundry." Open hearth No. 1 has a hearth area of 6.3 sq m and an approximate capacity of 5 MT, and open hearth No. 2 has a hearth area of 12.7 sq m and a capacity of 15 NT. In addition, there are 3 1.5-MT Bessemer furnaces. Three more 1.5-MT Bessemers are located in the "new foundry." The steel produced is used exclusively for the making of steel castings and forgings. 5/ - 146 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1952 Production of Open-Hearth Steel at Toretsk Hearth Area Operating Production Open Hearth (Scj M) Coefficient Days (MT) 1 6.3 325 9,197 1 12.7 4.5 325 18,557 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 27,754 Estimated 1952 Bessemer Steel Production Total Capacity Capacity Heats per operating Production Number Furnaces each (MT) (MT) Day Days (MT) 6 1.5 9 25 300 67,500 Total Estimated 1952 Steel Production 95,254 Estimated 1953 Production of Open-Hearth Steel at Toretsk* Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production Open Hearth (Sq M) Coefficient Days (MT) 1 6.3 4.7 325 9,600 1 12.7 4.7 325 19,300 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 28,900 Estimated 1953 Bessemer Steel Production at Toretsk* Total Capacity Capacity Heat per Operating Production Number Furnaces each (MT) (MT) Day Days (MT) 6 1.5 9 25 300 67,500 Total Estimated 1953 Steel Production 96,400 MT * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. - 147 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. A source, however, reported "several" rolling mills in operation before world War II, and 1 prisoner of war claimed that there were at least 6 roll stands in operation in September 19+9 which produced bars, sheet, profiles, and mine rails. There is no confirmation of these reports. J h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. The plant has a large forge shop. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. Products. The plant produces both open-hearth and Bessemer steel, which it uses in the production of steel castings and forgings for coal mining equipment of all types. The plant is one of the largest producers of mining equipment in the Ukraine. Production. Little information is available on the production of steel products at the factory except for the claim that 6,000 MT of steel castings were produced each year before World War II. J Production in 1952 is estimated at 27,000 MT of open-hearth steel and 67,000 MT of Bessemer steel. Based on a yield of 55 percent, 1952 production of steel castings and forgings is estimated at 52,000 MT if operations are conducted at full capacity. Steel production for 1953 is estimated at 96,400 MT, and steel castings and forgings at 53,000 MT. All steel and steel products are used by the Toretsk Machinery Factory in the manufacture of mining equipment. 1. Plant Efficiency. In May 19+7 the plant was awarded a Third Class Premium for its performance during the April Socialist Competitions by the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. J - 148 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T m. .Administration, It is possible that the steelmaking facilities of the factory are under the direction of the ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy (see Paragraph 1 above) but the factory as a whole is under the administration of the Ministry of the Coal Industry. J n. Personnel. No information available. o. Locational Characteristics. The plant is surrounded by a wall approximately 2 m high, and passes are required for admission to the plant area. 10 23. Yenaki evo Metallurgical Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze. Petrovsk.; Rykov Metallurgical Plant; E.M.Z. [Enakievsky Metallurgicheski Zavod ; Krasnaya Zavod; E.M.Z. No. 3). 25X1A2g a. Location. 48? 13'N - 38? 141E. Yenakiyevo, Stalino Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The plant lies approximately 1 km southeast of the Yenakiyevo railroad station and approximately 500 km south of the main railroad line, Stalino-Khatsepetovka. The site is bounded on the west, north, and east by residential areas, and on the south by a large artificial lake. !/ b. History and Development. The Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant was constructed originally in 1898-99, and the 50th anniversary of the plant was celebrated in late 1948. During the years 1928 to 1932 the entire installation underwent reconstruction and modernization, and from 1933 to 1937 several new, fully-mechanized departments were added to the plant. Total capitalization was planned at 252 million rubles, of which 67,670,000 rubles had been invested by 1 January 1936. In million rubles more were to be invested during 1936. - 149 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T By the end of the year the plant was to have a rated capacity of 1,240,000 MT of pig iron, 700,000 MT of ingot steel, and 639,000 MT of finished steel. Considerable destruction of installations and facilities took place when the Red Army withdrew from the Ukraine in the early days of World War II. Under the German occupation some rebuilding took place and some production was realized. Further destruction took place with the withdrawal of the German Army. Estimates of total war damage at Yenakiyevo vary between 20 and 40 percent. Soviet rebuilding of the steel mill began early in 1945, and by September 1947.the main installations had resumed operation. It is believed that the plant not only has been restored completely but also that some additional facilities have been added. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Prewar. Before World War II iron ore was shipped into the plant by rail from Krivoy Rog. 3 Reconstruction Period. During the years 1943-45, raw materials were received as follows: gasoline from Krasnodar Naphtha Supply, machine oil from Makhachkala Naphtha Supply, fuel oil from Groznyy Naphtha Supply, turbine oil and machine oil from Baku Petrol Supply, vegetable oil from the Beloretakaya Oil Mill, scrap metal from the Scrap Metal Collection Points at Groznyy, Baku, and Tbilisi, and ferrosilicon from Zestafoni. V At Present. Iron ore is received from Krivoy Rog. The ore is shipped to a siding in the plant area by a single- track railroad, standard gage, is unloaded into bunkers, and is transferred to the blast furnaces by belt conveyers. One source claimed the ore was hematite, with a metal content of 50 to 55 per- cent. It was estimated that ore is received at the rate of 15 car- loads (60 MT each) per day. J Manganese arrives at the rate of 1 or 2 60-ton cars each day from an unknown source. J Refractories for the open-hearth furnaces come from outside the plant, and it was estimated that a year's supply is kept on hand. J S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T d. Coal and Coke. Coal. There is an adequate supply of good quality coal both for heating and for the production of metallurgical coke in the immediate vicinity of Yenakiyevo. Coal is received daily from the Young Communist, Krasniy Oktyabr, Revolutsya, and Karl Marx mines. Coke. There are two coke-chemical plants located in the immediate vicinity of the Yenakiyevo Steel Plant: Staro- Yenakiyevo, which also bears the designation No. 6 Coke-Chemical Plant, is under the direction of the Ministry of the Chemical In- dustry; and.Novo-Yenakiyevo, No. 23 Coke-Chemical Plant, which is under the direction of the Ministry of Heavy Industry. The two plants are adjacent to each other, separated only by a brick wall. Yenakiye.vo Metallurgical Plant, in the prewar years, received 60 percent of its coke requirements from Novo-Yenakiyevo.and the balance from Staro-Yenakiyevo. There is evidence that some metal- lurgical coke is also received from Stalino. 9/ Staro-Yenakiyevo before World War II was reported to have had 260 Evans-Kopper coke ovens, which were built in 1910-13 and which had a volume of 2,340 cu in. Little is known of the damage suffered by the plant during the war years or in the period following cessation of hostilities. On 2 July 1948 it was announced that workers at Staro-Yenakiyevo, under the direction of (fnu) Liman, pledged to dress 30,000 MT more of run-of-the-mine coal and to raise the yield in such dressing by 0.5 percent. The workers also promised to raise the output of coke 92 percent and to reduce the planned costs for 1948 by 600,000 rubles. 10 Novo-Yenakiyevo Coke-Chemical Plant before World War II consisted of 4 batteries of 180 coke ovens with a volume of 3,564 cu m and an estimated capacity of 830,000 MT of coke per year. The first battery went into operation on 8 October 1934, and in 1935 the plant produced 675,000 MT of coke. It was announced that the third coke battery, with a capacity of 900.MT per day, went into production on 23 April 1947- It is evident that the old bat- tery had been rebuilt and modernized, for it was stated that the battery was fully mechanized and that the linings had been changed from chamotte refractories to Dinas brick. It was also stated that 75 percent of the prewar capacity was restored with the'firing of the'fourth coke battery during the first half of 1948. In July S-E-C-R-E-T N Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 1948, workers under the guidance of plant director (fnu) Titarenko pledged to increase production 94.5 percent during the last half of the year and to reduce production costs for the year by 2.4 million rubles. 1'1 An authoritative source made the following estimate in 1952 of the coke-chemical plants at Yenakiyevo. Description Novo-Yenakiyevo Staro-Yenakiyevo Number and Type of Batteries 4 Becker N.A. Kopper Number of Ovens 180 160 Volume of Oven (Cu M) 19.8 N.A. Width of Oven (MM) 406 N.A. Normal Coking Time (Hours) 16 N.A. Coal Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) 15.1 8.5 Total Daily Carbonization Capacity (MT) 4,077 N.A. Annual Carbonization Capacity (MT) 1,467,720 N.A. Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) 1,115,239 N.A. The following capacities apply both to the Novo- and Staro-Yenakiyevo coke plants combined: Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 1,300,000 Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) 10,530 Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) 2,470 Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) 48,851 Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) 17,277 12 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T e. Ironmaking Facilities. Prewar. Before World War II Yenakiyevo Metal- lurgical Plant had a total of six blast furnaces in operation described as follows: Number of Blast Furnace Useful Volume (Cu M) 1 444 to 456.5 2 383 to 404 3 791 4 457 5 756 6 204 L3/ Reconstruction Period. When the USSR recaptured the Ukraine after the German occupation, all blast furnaces at Yenakiyevo had suffered some damage. No. 4 was completely out of use, for the Germans had allowed the last charge to solidify in the furnace; no attempt was made by the Russians to clear it. In 1948-49 the furnace was dismantled. Reconstruction of the other five blast furnaces began at once. In December 1943 the first blast furnace was placed in operation. Blast furnace No. 1 was placed in operation on 29 January 1944. Blast furnace No. 3 was scheduled for completion during the second half of 1945 and was probably fired on 18 October 1945. Blast furnace No. 6 went in- to production in September 1945. In December 1946 it was announced that one more blast furnace should have been placed in production before the end of the year; however, work on the furnace had been delayed, resulting in a lack of pig iron needed by the Bessemer converters. In August 1949, according to a prisoner of war who had spent all his time in the blast furnace department of the plant, the status of the furnaces was as follows: No. 1 was in process of being dismantled and a larger, more modern furnace was to replace it at a later date. No. 2 was in operation. It was approximately 20 m high and 5 m in diameter. No. 3.was in operation. Dimensions were approximately the same as those of blast furnace No. 2. No. 4 was dismantled during 1948-49, and reconstruction was not planned. No. 5 was a newly constructed furnace with automatic charging de- vices. It was approximately 20 to 25 m high and was 6 to 7 m in S-E-C-R-E-T ! Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T diameter. No. 6 furnace was in production. It was approximately 20 m high and 5 m in diameter. 14 Sintering Plant. A sintering plant for the roasting of fine ores shipped into the plant from Krivoy Rog was placed in operation in 1940. Its capacity was approximately 300,000 MT of iron ore per year. In late October 1949 the plant was reported to be in operation. 15 Charging Practices. A German prison of war, who had worked in the skip houses of the blast furnaces during his services at Yenakiyevo, reported burdening practices as follows: First Blast Furnace MT Enriched Iron Ore 3 Iron Ore 3 "Black Ore" (probably manganese) 3 Limestone 2.4: Scrap 1.5 Coke 4.5 This furnace was reported to have a capacity of 650 MT of pig iron per day. Second Blast Furnace MT Enriched Iron Ore 9 Iron Ore 1 "Black Ore" (probably Manganese) 0.3 Limestone 2.2 Scrap 0.5 Coke 6 This furnace was reported to have a capacity of 500 to 550 MT of pig iron per day. 154 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Third Blast Furnace MT Enriched Iron Ore 9 Iron Ore 2.5 "Black Ore" (probably Manganese) 0.3 Limestone 4 Scrap 1.5 Coke 8.5 This furnace was reported to have a capacity of 600 to 650 MT of pig iron per day. Enriched Iron Ore 2.4 "Black Ore" (probably Manganese) 0.9 Limestone 2.4 Scrap 0.5 Crushed Cast Rejects 1.5 Coke 4.0 This furnace was reported to have a capacity of 400 to 450 MT of pig iron per day. 16 Improvements in Practices. The following items from Soviet newspapers throw some light on the developments in the blast furnace department at Yenakiyevo: In July 1948 it was announced that the state plan anticipated 1 MT of pig iron for each 1.08 cu in of useful capacity for blast furnaces in 1947. 17 In January 1950 it was claimed that blast furnaces at Yenakiyevo were averaging 1 MT of pig iron for each 0.97 cu in of furnace capacity. 18 In April 1950, blast furnace No. 1 achieved a coefficient of 0.83 as compared to the Plan of 1.0. 191 In June 1950, blast furnace No. 1 reached an average coefficient of 0.85 as compared to the norm of 0.97, and blast furnace No. 4 reached 0.60 as compared to the norm of 0.83. 20/ In May 1951, blast furnace No. 1 reached a coefficient of 0.77 as compared to the planned coefficient of 0.94. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T At Present. Five blast furnaces are in operation at Yenakiyevo. Blast furnace No. 1, which was dismantled and re- built, is estimated to have a volume of 750 cu m. A foundry for casting molds for open hearths and Bessemers was in operation in September 1949. 21 Estimated 1952 Production of Pig Iron at Yenakiyevo* Volume Operating Blast Furnace Number Cu M) Coefficient Days Production 1 750 0.94 340 271.6 2 404 0.94 340 146.1 3 791 Q.94 340 286.1 5 756 0.94 340 274.9 6 204 0.94 340 73.8 Total Pig Iron Production 1,052.5 Estimated 1953 Production of Pig Iron at Yenakiyevo* Blast Furnace Number Volume Cu M) Estimated Coefficient Operating Days Production (Thousand MT) 1 750 0.90 340 283.3 2 404 0.90 340 152.6 3 791 0.90 340 298.8 5 756 0.90 340 285.6 6 204 0.90 340 77.0 Total Pig Iron Production 1,097.3 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. - 156 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T f. Steelmaking. Facilities. Prewar. There were 5 open-hearth furnaces, all of which were in production. in 1930, and 3 Bessemer converters in operation at Yenakiyevo in the years.. before world War II. Hearth Area Open-Hearth Furnace Number (Sq M) 1 27.19 2 35.13 3 35.35 4 42.12 5 47.6 Two of the. Bessemer converters had a capacity of 10 MT each, and the third, which was used for duplexing, had a capacity,of 11 MT. 22 Reconstruction Period. It was announced that open hearth No. 3 was tapped for the first. time early in April 1946. Capacity had been increased from 70 to 130 MT, and the fur- nace was completely mechanized and automatically controlled. The first heat, which took 8 hours to process, consisted of 70 MT of rail steel. Prisoner of war observations on the number of open- hearth furnaces and Bessemer converters in operation in September 1949 -- the date of departure for most of the Germans -- varied. It is believed that 3 open hearths were in production and another was under reconstruction, and that the 3 Bessemers were in opera- tion. Another open hearth was planned, but construction had not yet begun.. 23 Improvements in Practices. In July 1948 it was announced that a steel coefficient of 11 MT was to be achieved in the second half of. 1948, as compared to 'a fixed standard of 3.5 MT. 24/ In late November 1948 the steel coefficient was an- nounced as 4.46 MT for the month of October. L5/ Charging Practices. One source claimed that in 1947 the charge for open-hearth 'furnaces consisted of the following ratio: - 157 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Pig Iron 13.0 MT Scrap 798.3 NIT Limestone 14.9 to 15.8 Kg Ferrosilicon 99.7 Kg Metallurgical Coke 204.1 Kg 26 At Present. Five open-hearth furnaces and 3 Besse- mer converts, at least 1 of which is used for duplexing, are in operation at Yenakiyevo. Estimated 1952 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Yenakiyevo* Hearth Area Operating Production Open-Hearth Number (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 27.19 4.5 325 39.7 2 35.13 4.5 325 51.4 3 48.4 4.5 325 70.8 4 42.12 4.5 325 61.6 5 47.6 4.5 325 69.6 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 293.1 Estimated 1953 Open-Hearth Steel Production at Yenakiyevo* Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production Open.Hearth Number (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 27.19 4.7 325 41.5 2 35.13 4.7 325 53.6 3 48.4 4.7 325 73.9 4 42.12 4.7 325 64.4 5 47.6 4.7 325 72.7 Total Open-Hearth Steel Production 306.1 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. - 158 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1952 and 1953 Bessemer Steel Production at Yenakiyevo Number of Capacity Number of Operating: Production Furnaces (MT) Heats per Day Days (Thousand MT) 1 10 1 10 25 300 75.0 1 11 25 300 82.5 Total Bessemer Steel Production 157.5 An authoritative source, however, estimated that in 1950 there were in production at the plant 5 open-hearth fur- naces which had a total hearth area of 214 sq m, and 3 Bessemers, each with a capacity of 24 MT. Output was estimated at 320,000 MT of open-hearth steel and 670,000 MT of Bessemer steel, or a total of 990,000 MT of steel in 1950. .27 These estimates are considered too high. . Primary Rolling Facilities. Prewar. Before World War II, Yenakiyevo had one 1,100 -mm blooming mill. 28 28/ Reconstruction Period. No information is available. At Present. From what is known of the finishing mills in operation at Yenakiyevo, it must be assumed that the 1,100-mm blooming mill is in operation. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Prewar. The following finishing facilities were in operation at Yenakiyevo before World War II: One 3-stand, 3-high, 500-mm heavy bar mill. * Used for duplexing - no production considered. - 159 - S-E-C-R-E- T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T One 3-high medium bar mill, which consisted of 1 540-mm roughing stand, 1 550-mm roughing stand, and 4 360-mm finishing stands. The mill went into operation in 1904. One 3-high, small bar mill, which consisted of 2 400-mm intermediate stands and -7 280-mm finishing stands. One 3-stand, 800-mm structural mill. One 3-high universal light plate mill, which con- sisted of 1 780-mm horizontal stand and 1 650-mm vertical stand. One 3-high 700/500/700 light plate mill. One 2-high, 2-stand, 675-mm sheet mill. The amount of war damage sustained by the finishing mills is not known. 29 Reconstruction Period. In July 1945 it was an- nounced that two sheet mills, for the rolling of fine and medium sheet, would be completed before the end of the year. 30. By September 1949 the following finishing facilities were in operation: One 800- or 850-mm structural mill which produced rails, channels, and T and I beams. Equipment included 4 reheating furnaces, 2 circular saws, 2 drills, and 1 grinding machine. One light rail and structural mill which produced streetcar rails, mine rails, angles, Z's, T's, channels, and light I beams. Equipment included a reheating furnace, 1 circular saw, 1 gantry crane, 2 drills, and 2 grinding machines. One medium plate mill which was placed in operation in early 1946 and which had a new conveyer system added to it in 1949. in 1946. One thin sheet mill which was placed in operation One wire mill, the equipment of which included 2 annealing ovens, 2 gantry cranes, and 2 wire-cutting machines. - 16o - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T One universal light plate mill was reported by one source to be under construction but not yet in operation in September 1949. One tin plate mill wasreported to be in operation in late 1949, but the existence of this mill has not been verified. 31 At Present. The following finishing mills are be- lieved to be in operation at the present time: One 800- or 850-mm rail and structural mill. light rails. One rail and structural mill for the rolling of One medium plate mill. - One thin sheet mill. One wire mill. A universal light plate mill and a heavy plate mill for the rolling of armor plate may be in operation. i. Intraplant Services. Electric Power. Electric power is received by over- head high-tension line from the Dnepropetrovsk Hydroelectric Power Plant. A transformer station, approximately 500 m northwest of the blast furnaces, steps the voltage down to 380 and 220 v. Power is transmitted within the plant area by underground cables. One source claimed there were frequent interruptions in electric power during 1949. 32/ Water Supply. A pumping station which is located on the shores of the artificial lake south of the plant area supplies all water for the mill. L3/ Communications. The plant area is well serviced by branch lines of the main railroad; Stalino-Chazepetrovka. There are 3 sidings into the plant: 1 on the extreme north which serves the raw material storage area; another on the eastern side, just north - 161 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093AO00600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T of the coke batteries, which serves the coal storage bunkers; and a third which is on the southern edge of the plant site near the rolling mills. Good roads lead into Ordzhonikidze. 34 Other Installations. In addition to the above, the following installations were in operation: a machine shop, a compressor station, a slag plant, and a refractory plant. 35 j. Products and Production. Products. The following are produced at Yenakiyevo: metallurgical coke and byproducts, pig iron, open- hearth steel, Bessemer steel, rails, bars and rods, heavy and light plate, structural shapes, sheet, and wire. 36 Production. Production has been reported or esti- mated as follows: 1947 1929 1934 1935 1936 1941. (Capacity) 1950 1952 1953 Metallurgical 1,300.0 1,300.0 43 43 Pig Iron 377.0 725.4 725.6 901.2 160.0 41 1,052.0 1,087.3 37 38 38 39 _ 44 L 4J. Open-Hearth Steel 544.0 544.3 644.4 120.0 41 320.0 293.0 306.1 38 38 39 42 44 44 Bessemer 200.0 260.0 41 670.0 157.5 157.5 Steel 40/ 42/ 44/ 44/ Finished 491.3 491.3 580.8 297.0 41 378.0 383.0 Steel 38 38 39 L4/ L4/ - 162 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093AO00600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T k. Distribution. In 1943 and 1944, iron and steel products were being shipped to the following: (1) pig iron to the Dzaudzhikau Iron In- dustry, to Plant No. 221 for Armaments at Stalingrad, to the Krasnyy Sulin Steel Works, to the Military Reconstruction Administration at Rostov, to the Kharkov Depot of the Main Administration for Metals, to Zangezur Copper Combine, and to the Andreyev Plant in Taganrog; (2) sheet steel to Andreyev Tube Works in Taganrog; (3) rails to Kolomna Plant of the Heavy Machinery Industry; (4) channels to the Minsk Metal Depot and to Glavvoyenpromstroi; and (5) metallurgical coke to the Dzaudzhikau Chamotte Works. 45 In 1947 armor plate, according to one source, was shipped to the Dynamo Works, 2 km west of Moscow, for use in the construction of T-34 and Stalin tanks. L6/ In September 1949, rails were shipped to the Black Sea area, Lenin- grad and Kaluga. L7/ In September 19.50, Yenakiyevo produced 250 MT of rails for the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station. 48 In November 1950, ten carloads of iron and steel products were shipped daily to the Volga-Don project. 49 In January 1951 the plant was working on an order for the Volga-Don project. 50 In January 1951 work was begun on the production of rails for use in the Kakhovka GES. 51 1. Plant Efficiency. Production in the early part of 1947, it was an- nounced, was far below planned output. 52 In May 1950 it was an- nounced that the plant had received complaints of defective products. The Lvov Subsection of the Moscow-Kiev Railroad System charged that rails broke and that they were rolled from brittle metal. The Chief Engineer at Yenakiyevo refused to admit any claim against his plant, and the claim for 3,852 rubles for the faulty rails was not paid. 53 In March 1951, Nikolay Goncharenko and six other engineers and technicians at Yenakiyevo were awarded the Stalin Prize, 1st Class, for devising and applying a new technique for the production of steel rails. 54 In 1941 the Yenakiyevo plant was under the direction of the Peoples' Commissariat for Ferrous Metallurgy (NKChM). At the present time the steel plant and Novo-Yenakiyevo Coke-Chemical Plant are under the direction of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy, and - 163 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Metallurgical Coke Plant No. 6, Staro-Yenakiyevo, is under the ad- ministration of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. 55 Number of Workers. Peak employment in the years before the war was 17,000 workers. It is believed that at the pre- sent time approximately 20,000 workers are employed at the plant, of which approximately 2,000 workers are political prisoners. It had been estimated that 40 percent of the present force are women. The plant operates on 3 shifts per day, 7 days per week. 56 Administrative Personnel. The Director of the Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant is Nikolay Ivanovich Goncharenko, who was first mentioned in this capacity in July 1948. He apparently re- placed (fnu) Gubkin, who was reported as director in June 1946. 57 Manager of the Novo-Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Coke Plant No. 23 in December 1949 was (fnu) Titarenko. 58 Manager of the Staro-Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Coke Plant No. 6 in July 1948 was (fnu) Liman..59 Foreman of Blast Furnace No. 4 in May 1950 was re- ported to be Vardysh Koberidze. 60 One source reported that in September 1949 there were 20 to 30 French and Swiss engineers employed in the plant on a 5-year contract, which was to expire in 1951. There is no confirmation of this report. 61 o. Locational Characteristics. The plant is surrounded by a fence approximately 2 m high. Special passes are required for admittance to the works. 62 - 164 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T II. Voroshilovgrad Oblast. Voroshilovgrad Oblast contains a number of small plants. Its principal contribution to the economy of the Ukraine is its out- put of metallurgical coke. Estimated 1953 Production of Voroshilovgrad Oblast Metallurgical Coke Pig Iron Steel Finished Steel Total Production (Thousand Metric Tons) National Share 2,800.0 1,242.1 153.3 203.4 (Percent) Regional Share 8.0 4.5 insign. 0.6 (Percent) 15.6 8.3 1.3 2.6 Summary Tables - Voroshilovgrad Oblast 24. Production and Capacity Almaznaya Iron Works 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production 2 BF's Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity - 165 - 279.5 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Bryanskiy Coke-Chemical Plant No. 14 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 3 Batteries - 150 Ovens 300.0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production 0 Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity 26. Production and Capacity Irmino Coke-Chemical Plant 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 2 Batteries - 84 Ovens Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 27. Production and Capacity Kadiyevka Coke-Chemical Plant 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production . 1 Batteries - 160 Ovens 1~ 000.0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production 0 Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capaci ty October Revolution Locomoti ve Plant 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Steel Production 4 OH's and 3 Electrics 115.8 Rolling Mill Capacity 500-mm Blooming Mill N.A. 300-mm Bar Mill N.A. .Medium Plate and Sheet Mill N.A. Thin Sheet Mill N.A. 2 Cold Rolling Mills N.A. Structural Mill N.A. -,167 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C R-E-T Production and Capacity October Revolution Locomotive Plant 1953 (Continued) Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Olkhovsk Coke-Chemical Plant No. 12 1953 83.4 Metallurgical Coke production 4 Batteries - 150 Ovens 500.0 Pig Iron 0 Steel Production 0 Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Parkhomenko Heavy Machinery Building Plant 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production Steel Production 1 Converter - 168 - S-E-C-R-E-T 37.5 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 1953 (Continued) Production and Capacity Parkhomenko Heavy Machinery Building Plant Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity 31. Production and Capacity Voroshilovgrad Pipe Rolling Mill imeni Yakubovski 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production Steel Production 0 Rolling Mill Capacity N.A. Finished Steel Production 100.0 Power Plant Capacity N.A. 32. Production and Capacity Voroshilovsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Voroshilov 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 4 Batteries - 168 Ovens Pig Iron Production 4 BF's 169 - 0 20.0 N.A. 1,0.00.0 962.6 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Voroshilovsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Voroshilov 1953 (Continued) Thousand Metric Tons - 170 - Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity S-E-C-R-E-T . Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-.C-R-E-T Plant Studies - Voroshilovgrad Oblast 24. Almazna a Iron Works. Kadi vski Steel Plant). 25X1A2g a. Location. 48? 31'N - 38? 341E, Almaznaya, Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Ukraine SSR. It lies on the Donets. railroad. line, southwest of Kadiyevka. i/ b. History and Development. c. The plant was in operation in 1934. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. mines. J d. Iron ore is received from the Krivoy Rog iron Coal and Coke. Coal is shipped into the plant from the Donets Basin, and coke comes from the nearby Kadiyevka Coke-Chemical Plant. J e. Ironmaking Facilities. Two blast furnaces were constructed at Almaznaya Iron Works in the early 1930's. Number 2 had a working volume of 359 cu m, and blast furnace No. 3 had a working volume of 411.5 cu in. Some changes were made, and furnace dimensions in 1941 were as follows: Diameter (MM) Blast Furnace No. Working Volume (Cu M) Hearth Bosh Stockline Large Bell 2 393 4,750 5,600 4,250 3,100 3 454 4, 500 6, 000 4, 300 2,800 Improvements in Practices. In July 1948 it was an- nounced that blast furnace workers had pledged a blast furnace co- efficient of 1.03, instead of the planned coefficient of 1.14, for -171- S-E-.C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T the last half of the year. 5/ In April 1951 it was announced that during the past 2 years the blast furnace coefficient had been improved to 0.76 instead of the norm 1.44 (sic). J In October 1951 it was stated that a belt conveyer was installed in 1946-50 for supplying coke to the bins of the blast furnaces. It freed six workers for other duties. 7/ At Present. Two blast furnaces are in operation at :L952 Pig Iron Production at A1maznaya* Volume Operating Production Blast Furnace Number (Cu M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 2 393 1.14 340 117.2 3 454 1.14 340 135.4 Total Pig Iron Production 252.6 1953 Pig Iron Production at Almaznaya* Blast Furnace Number Volume Cu M) Estimated Coefficient Operating Days Production (Thousand MT) 2 393 1.03 340 129.7 3 454 1.03 34o 149.8 Total Pig Iron Production 279.5 There is no information on cupola furnaces which no doubt are in operation at the iron works. * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T f. Steelmaking Facilities. None . g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing. Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. Electric paver comes from the Kadiyevka Thermal Power Plant, and water is pumped into the plant area from the nearby branch of the Lugan' River. J J. Products and Production. Products. the products of Almaznaya Iron Works in- clude pig iron, iron castings, and parts for motor vehicles and tractors. 91 Pig Iron Production at Almaznaya 1934) 1935, 1952, 1953 Year Thousand Metric Tons 1934 110.0 1935 125.0 1952 252.6 1953 279.5 k. Distribution. It is believed that the larger proportion of pig iron production is used for iron castings by the plant and that some pig - 173 - Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T iron is shipped to steel plants in the Ukraine. There is no informa- tion on the. distribution of iron castings. 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. m. Administration. The plant is under the administration of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. LO/ n. Personnel. In the prewar years it was reported that 15,000 employees were working at Almaznaya, but it has been estimated that at present there are 1,500 employees working 3 shifts per day, 7 days a week. ll Administrative Personnel. In mid-19+8 the Director of Almaznaya Iron Works was (fnu) Babenko /, arty, in April 1951 the Chief Engineer was (fnu) Nesterenko. o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. 25. Bryanskiy Coke-Chemical Plant No. JA. 1.8? 31'N - 38? 40'E. Kadiyevka, Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The plant lies southeast of Kadiyevka. J b. History and Development. The Bryanskiy Coke-Chemical Plant was in operation before World War II. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. -174+- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T d. Coal and Coke.. mines. 3/ Coal. Coal is shipped to the coke plant from nearby Coke. Coking facilities before World War II con- sisted of 2 batteries of 25 coke ovens each, and a quenching tower. Some damage took place durhg the war, and reconstruction of in- stallations began shortly after the Soviet recapture of the area. In July 19+7 it was announced that a large new coke battery had been completed as a replacement for battery No. 2, which was destroyed during the war. In January 1952 it was estimated that there were in operation three batteries which had the following capacities: Number of Batteries 3 Number of Coke Ovens 150 Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) 291,000 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 300,000 Refined Benzene Capacity SMT per Year) . 2,430 Refined Toluene Capacity per Year) 570 Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) 11,265 Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) 3,987 J e. Ironmaking Facilities.. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities.. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T J. Products and. Production. Bryanskiy Coke-Chemical Plant produces metallurgical coke, benzene, toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate. Production of metallurgical coke in 1952 is estimated at 300,000 MT. J No increase is estimated for 1953. k. Distribution. No information available. 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. in. Administration. It is believed that the plant operates under the administration. of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. J n. Personnel. No information available. o. Incational Characteristics. No information air. -T 26. Irmino Coke-Chemical Plant. a. Location. 48? 36'N - 38? 36'E. Irmino, Voroshilovgrad Oblast, b. History and Development. The Irmino Coke-Chemical Plant was in operation in 1936. There is no information since 1936 on the status of the plant. It is not believed that Irmino is in operation at the present time. J -176- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. No information available. Coke. In January 1936 the plant consisted of 2 coke batteries with a total of 84 Pirron-type ovens, each with a useful volume of 10.1 cu in, with a capacity to produce 100,000 MT of metal- lurgical coke annually. _1 e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. J. Products and Production. No information available. k. Distribution. No information available. - 177 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. m. Administration. No information available. n. Personnel. No information available. 27. Kadiyevka Coke-Chemical Plant (Sergo Coke-Chemical Plant, Il' ich Coke-Chemical Plant). 25X1A2g a. Location. 48? 331N - 38? WE. Kadiyevka (formerly called Sergo), Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Ukraine SSR. / b. History and Development. The Kadiyevka Coke-Chemical Plant, consisting of four coke batteries and a complete chemical byproducts plant , was placed in operation in 1928. During the war years it was almost completely demolished. Two coke batteries were rebuilt in 1946, and by the end of 1949 the plant was once again in full opera- tion. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. No information available. Coke. In July 1947 it was announced that a large new coke battery had been completed to replace No. 2 battery, which was destroyed during the war. By mid-1949 all four batteries were back in production. The following description of the facilities of Kadiyevka was prepared in 1952: - 178 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Number of Batteries Number of Coke Ovens Normal Coking Time (Hours) Coal Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) Total Daily Carbonization Capacity (MT) Annual Carbonization Capacity (MT) Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) .4 16o i6.o 15.0 3,600 1, 296, 000 984, 96o 1,000,000 8,100 1"900 37,550 13,290 J e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. J. Products and Production. The Kadiyevka Coke-Chemical Plant produces metal- lurgical coke, benzene, toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate. - 179 - S-E-C-R-E-T 14 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated Metallurgical Coke Production at Kadiyevka Year Thousand MT 1928 V 400.0 1932 F1 500.0 1940 1,200.0 1943 0 1947 1 500.0 1952 1,000.0 1952 J 1, 000.0 k. Distribution. No information available. 1. Plant Efficiency. It was announced in July 1948 that workers had pledged for the last half of 1948 to dress 40,000 MT more of run-of- the-mine coal than called for by the Plan, to raise the output of charges in dressing such coal by 1.5 percent, and to increase the output of metallurgical coke to 94 percent of the prewar production The coke yield in 1952 was approximately 77 percent. In 1934 it was claimed that the plant belonged to the Coke-Chemical Industrial Trust "Coke," which was a part of the amalgamation "Steel," which operated under the Chief Directorate of the Metallurgical Industry (GUMP). J It is believed that at present the plant is under the administration of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. In July 1948 the Director of the Kadiyevka Coke- Chemical Plant was (fnu) Kondrakov. J o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. -180- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-.C-R-E-T 28. October Revolution Locomotive Plant (Oktyabr Revol tsi ; Voroshilovgrad Locomotive Plant; Lugansk Locomotive Plant). 25X1A2g 480 351N - 390 20'E. Voroshilovgrad, Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The plant is located on an island in the Lugan" River, approximately 2 km northeast of the city. J b. History and Development. The October Revolution Locomotive Plant, which pro- duces approximately 40 percent of the yearly output of Soviet loco- motives, was constructed originally in 1893 as a branch of the Schwarzkopf Locomotive Works, Berlin, Germany. For a great number of years it was under the management of a German engineer (fnu) Hartmann. In 1903-13 the original plant was expanded and enlarged. After World War I it was taken over by the Soviet Government. With the German advance into the Ukraine in 1942, most of the equipment was removed to the Urals by the USSR, and many of the newer buildings were destroyed. The. Germans used the facilities which remained for the repair of armored vehicles. Further destruction took place with the retreat of the German Army. All damage was repaired by 1949, and the plant was said to have been re-equipped with machinery and in- stallations from the Schikau Works, Ebling, Germany. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. It was claimed that iron ore is shipped into the plant from the Urals. J Pig iron is shipped into the plant by rail from blast furnaces at Zaporozh'ye and from Voroshilovgrad. J Steel ingots to supplement the production of the locomotive works are re- ceived by rail from unknown sources. One report stated that 1948 ingot shipments amounted to 3 60-ton cars per day. J d. Coal and Coke. Coal is shipped in by-rail from the Donets Basin. One source reported that it was 'received at the rate of 500 MT per day, of which 300 MT were used in the power plant and 200 MT were consumed by plant production. J One source claimed that coke was - 181 - Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T shipped into the plant from a coke plant approximately 10 km south- west of the city. / e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. Reports vary on the number of open-hearth furnaces and electric furnaces in the steel foundry of the October Revolution Locomotive Works. Most German sources report 4 open- hearth furnaces, each with a hearth area of 15.5 scq m, and 2 or 3 5-ton electric furnaces. A Soviet source claimed that in 1935 there were 9 open hearths in the plant, which had a total hearth area of 150.59 sq in. This source claimed open hearths Nos. 6 and 7 were built in 1930, open hearth No. 8 was placed in operation in January 1931, and No. 9 was commissioned in August 1932. Each fur- nace had a hearth area of 15.5 sq m. J There is no confirmation of this report. It is believed that 4 open-hearth furnaces, each with a hearth area of 15.5 sq m, and 2 5-ton electric furnaces were in production at the beginning of World War II. At Present. There is no firm information available on the number of open-hearth furnaces in operation at the plant. Four open-hearth furnaces with a capacity of approximately 20 MT are probably in production. Steel production is supplemented by ship- ments of ingots from other steel plants in the Ukraine. J One source claimed that in December 1948 the steel foundry was operating four electric furnaces. 10 It is estimated that there are 3 5-ton electric furnaces in production at the plant. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Estimated 1952 Open-Hearth Steel Production at October Revolution Locomotive Plant, Hearth Area Operating Production Open..Hearths (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 15.5 4.8 325 2418 2 15.5 4.8 325 24.18 3 15.5 4.8 325 24.18 4 15.5 4.8 325 24.18 Open-Hearth Steel Production 96.72 Estimated 1952 Electric Furnace Steel Production 15.0 Estimated Total 1952 Steel Production 111.72 Estimated 1953 Open-Hearth Steel Production at October Revolution. Locomotive Plant Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production Open Hearths (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 15.5 5.0 .;325 25.2 2 15.5 5.0 325 25.2 3 15.5 5?S 325 25.2 4 15.5 5.0 325 25.2 Total Open-Hearth Steel.Production loo.8 Estimated 1953 Electric Furnace Steel Production 15.0 Estimated Total 1953 Steel Production 115.8 g. Primary Rolling Facilities. Prewar. Before World War II, the locomotive works had a blooming and billet mill consisting of 5 3-high, 500-mm stands. 11 -183- S-E-C-R-E-T... Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T At Present. The blooming mill was back in operation by the end of December 1948. I? h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Prewar. The following finishing mills were in opera- tion in the prewar years: One medium bar mill, consisted of 5 3-high 300-mm One heavy plate mill, 3-high, 1000/800/100 mm. One heavy plate mill, 3-high, 820/550/820 mm. One light plate mill, 2-high, 720 mm. One welded pipe mill. One seamless pipe mill. One wheel disk and axle-shaft mill, 3-high. 13 At Present. The following finishing rolling mills were reported to be in operation by various prisoners of war, the reports of which varied considerably: One medium bar mill, which consisted of 5 3-high One medium plate and sheet mill. One -- or two -- thin sheet mills. Two cold-rolling mills. One structural mill. 14 One source who had worked in the mill for several months claimed that the welded pipe mill was in operation in December 1946. 15 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. Products. Steel ingots, special steels, castings and forgings, bars, plate, sheet, structurals, and welded pipe are pro- duced at the locomotive works. Production. Production at October Revolution Locomotive Plant L6/ Thousand Metric Tons 1934 1936 1952 1953 Steel 216.0 111.7 115.8 Rolled Products 141.6 80.4 83.4 Welded Pipe 7.6 Not all rolled products produced in the plant are used by the locomotive works. In 1951 there seemed to be a surplus for shipment to other plants and projects in the USSR. In June 1951 it was announced over the radio that the second trainload of parts and 2,700 MT of rolled sheet had been shipped out of the plant. JJ Also in June 1951 a published report stated that structural steel had been shipped to the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Construction Project. 18 In August 1951, over 2,000 MT of sheet steel were sent to construction sites of the Volga-Don Canal Project and to the Stalingrad Electric Power Station. 19 1. Plant Efficiency. - 185 - Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T m. Administration. The plant is under the direction of the Ministry of Transport Machinery Building. LO/ In February 1949 the chief of the rolling mills was reported to be Ivan Ivanovich. 21 o. Locational Characteristics. No information available. 25X1 A2 29. Olkhovsk Coke-Chemical Plant No. 12. a. Location. 48? 23'N - 390 12'E. Uspenka, Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Ukraine SSR. Uspenka is approximately 20 km south of Voroshilovgrad. b. History and Development. The Olkhovsk Coke-Chemical Plant was in operation before World War II; one source reported that it was in operation in 1915. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. No information available. d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coal probably is received from mines nearby. J Coke. In January 1936 it was announced that the plant consisted of the following: Four coke batteries with a total of 110 ovens of the P'yett (Piette) type, each of which had a. capacity of.10.2 cu in. Three coke batteries with a total of 78 ovens of the Coppee type, each of which had a capacity of 9.76 cu in. These - 186 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T batteries were not adapted to byproducts recovery. One coke battery of 30 ovens of the Kollen type, each of which had a capacity of 8.30 cu m. This battery was not adapted to byproducts recovery. .The plant was damaged during World War II. In March 1946 it was announced that No. 4 coke battery was in operation and that its production had reached prewar output. In October 1946 it was claimed that the third coke battery was repaired and in opera- tion. In early 1947 it was announced that the reconstruction of the benzol and ammonia shops was under way, and that by the end of the second quarter of 1947 the shops would be in operation. V In early 1952 the following estimate was made of the capacities of the Olkhovsk Coke-Chemical Plant: Number and Type of Batteries Number of Coke Ovens Coal Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. 187 - S-E-C-R-E-T 4 Coppee 150 15 485,000 500,000 4,050 950 18,775 6,645 5/ Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 i. Intraplant Services. No information available. J. Products and Production. The coke-chemical plant produces metallurgical coke, refined benzene, refined toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate. Metallurgical coke production in 1952 is estimated at 500,000 MT. J No increase in production is estimated for 1953. k. Distribution. No information available. 1. Plant Efficiency. On 24 October 1951 it was announced that the plant had fulfilled its 10 months production plan 7 days ahead of schedule. J in. Administration. n. No information available. Personnel. o. No information available. Locational Characteristics. No information available. 25X1 A2 30. Parkhomenko Heavy Machinery Building Plant. a. Location. 480 34'N - 390 17'E. Voroshilovgrad, Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The plant lies approximately 100 m south- east of the Voroshilovgrad railroad station in the west-central part of the city. ! - 188 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T b. History and Development. Parkhomenko Heavy Machinery Building Plant is the third largest mining machinery plant in the USSR, and specializes in the production of mine equipment such as conveyers, coal cutting ma- chines, cars, washing and sorting machines, ventilators, and ele- vators. The plant was in existence before World War II, suffered some damage from aerial bombardment during hostilities, and was re- stored and enlarged in the postwar reconstruction period. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Pig iron is shipped into the plant from plants in d.. Coal and Coke. Coal comes from mines in the Donets Basin, and coke is received from metallurgical coke plants in the Ukraine. J e. Ironmaking Facilities. An iron foundry contains three cupola furnaces. Two are approximately 15 m high and 1.5 m in diameter, and the third is a smaller furnace approximately 8 m high and 1.3 m in diameter. There are three core dryers in the foundry.. f. Steelmaking Facilities. Reports of prisoner of war, who had observed steel- making facilities, varied. Open-Hearth Furnaces. Of 14+ reports, only two prisoners of war claimed that they had seen one small Siemens-Martin open-hearth furnace. It is possible that open-hearth steel is made in small quantities. / Bessemer Converter. The steel foundry contained one small Bessemer converter, reported by one observer to have a capacity of 5 MT. Based upon 25 heats per day, 300 days per year, 1952 and 1953 capacity is estimated at 37,500 MT. g - 189 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Electric Furnace. There is one electric furnace in the steel foundry. Most of the prisoners of war stated that it was used for making special steels, but two claimed that it was used only for the making of brass for castings. 7/ Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. Electric power comes from the Voroshilovgrad city network, supplemented by the diesel power plant within the factory area. J J. Products and Production. Products. Production of the steel foundry includes Bessemer steel, special steels, possibly open-hearth steel, cast iron, and small steel castings and forgings. Production. Bessemer Steel. Although the Bessemer converter has a capacity of 37,500 MT per year, 1953 production of finished castings, on the basis of US foundry practices, is estimated at approximately 20,000 MT. Electric Steel. No information is available upon 'Which to base a production estimate. Open-Hearth Steel. No information is available upon which to -base a production estimate. plant. k. Distribution. All steel produced is consumed in the machinery S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. m. Administration. The plant was reported to be under the administration of the Main Administration of the Mining Industry. J n. Personnel. No information available. o. Locational Characteristics. The plant is surrounded by a wall, and identifica- tion cards are required for admission. 10 31. Voroshilovgrad Pipe Rolling Mill imeni Yakubovski. 25X1A2g a. Location. 48? 34'N - 390 20'E, Voroshilovgrad, Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The plant is serviced by the Donets Railroad line, from the Voroshilovgrad station. J b. History and Development. The plant was in existence before World War I, sus- tained some damage during World War II, but was back in operation in May 1947- / c.. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Skelp for the making of welded pipes and tubes comes from an unknown steel plant in the Ukraine by rail through Stalin. d. Coal and Coke. In September 1943 the plant was authorized to receive 1,700 MT of anthracite from Shakhty "Thermo-anthracite))(Novo- - 191 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 shakhtinisk) and 3,300 MT from Shakhty "Thermo-anthracite" (Krasny- Sulin). J In September 1948, coal was being received by rail from an unknown source through Stalino. e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Before World War II the following pipe welding in- stallations were in operation at Voroshilovgrad: No. 1 for the production of butt-welded pipe 1.5 inches in diameter. No. 2 for the production of butt-welded pipe 0.75 inch in diameter. No. 3 for the production of lap-welded pipe 2.5 inches in diameter. J Since little damage was suffered by the plant during World War II, it is assumed that the above pipe welding installa- tions are now operating at the mill. i. Intraplant Services. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T J. Products and Production. Products. Welded pipe and tubing are produced at the Voroshilovgrad Pipe Rolling Mill. In addition there is a small shop where tubular bedsteads are manufactured. Production. In 1934, 10,300 MT of gas tubes were produced, of which 6. ,800 MT were butt-welded and 3,500 MT were lap- welded. The 1948-49 planned targets were 60,000 MT per year. In September 1948 it was announced that production capacity was restored completely and that production was approaching the prewar output of 100,000 MT per year. 1953 production is estimated to be 90,000 to 100,000 MT. J k. Distribution. In March 1951 the plant fulfilled an order for water tubes for'the Volga-Don Canal. J In June 1951, 40 MT of gas tubes were sent to the Volga-Don Canal. 10 In January 1952 an order was received for gas pipe from the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Develop- ment. ll In December 1952 the plant filled an order for Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station Project for 57 MT of water and gas pipe. 12 In January 1953 the pipe mill shipped 340 MT of water pipe to the building site of the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Station and to the Southern Ukrainian Canal. L3/ 1. Plant Efficiency. In June 1948 it was announced that the plant had completed its plan for the first 6 months of 1948, and on 12 December 1952 the plan for the year was completed. 14, m. Administration. Transport. 15 61 The plant is under the direction of the Ministry of n. Personnel. Number of Employees. Estimates of the number of employees range between 300 and 500. Three shifts are worked 6 days per week. 21,6 193 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Administrative. In July 1948 the Director of the Voroshilovgrad. Pipe Rolling Mill was (fnu) Rudkov. 17 o. Locational Characteristics. The plant is surrounded by a fence approximately 3 m high. There are four guard towers, none of which has been used since World War II. Identification cards are needed for admittance to the plant. L8/ 32. Voroshilovsk Metallurgical Works imeni Voroshilov AIchevski; Donyetsko-Yuryevski . 25X1A2g 48? 281N - 38? 46'E. Voroshilovsk, formerly named Alchevsk, Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The plant is located on the northwest outskirts of the city. The site borders the rail- road station and extends southwest to an area southeast of the Voroshilovgrad-Debal'tsevo main rail line, a branch of which serves the plant. J b. History and Development. The Voroshilovsk Metallurgical Works was constructed first in the 1880's. Before World War I it was the property of a French concern, and after the Russian Revolution it was taken over by the USSR. Later it was named imeni Voroshilov after Marshal Voroshilov, who had worked in the plant as a crane operator. During the early 1930's, two of the older blast fur- naces were reconstructed and replaced by modern German-type furnaces which were fully mechanized. By 1933 the combine consisted of a coke-chemical plant, 5 blast furnaces, 7 open-hearth furnaces, 2 small Bessemer converters, and 4 rolling mill trains. According to the 1936 Plan, Voroshilovsk was to have a rated capacity as follows: Pig Iron 1,168,000 MT Steel 1,080,000 MT Rolled Products 875,000 MT - 194 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T With the approach of the German Army, the USSR dis- mantled many of the installations and machinery to deny the use of the plant to the Germans. On the German retreat from the Ukraine, demolition teams blew up many of the shops, particularly those housing the open hearths and the rolling mills. Reconstruction of blast furnaces and the coke plant began at once, and by July 1949 the blast furnaces had reached pre- war production. It is considered unlikely that plans to restore the open-hearth furnaces and rolling facilities have been realized. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Iron ore is shipped in by rail from Krivoy Rog. J Manganese is delivered by rail from the Urals. L/ Limestone in 1941 was received from pits at Shterovka, Ukraine; Zhirnov, Rostov Oblast; Belaya Kalitva, Ukraine; Golubovka, near Almaznaya, Ukraine; and Ovrag in the Ukraine. At present limestone is reported to be shipped into the plant at the rate of 300 MT a day. / Petroleum products in December 1944 were shipped in by rail as follows: fuel oil from Makhachkala, and petroleum bitumen from Groznyy Petroleum Supply. J In June 1948 dolomite came from the Caucasus. J Iron and steel scrap was received from all parts of the Donets Basin and was stored along the railroad tracks near the coke-chemical plant. J d. Coal and Coke. Coal. In June 1948, coal from the coke-chemical plant was being received by rail from Kadiyev-ugol', Dzerzhinsk-ugol', and Pervomaysk-ugol' Trusts. The claim was made that it could have been supplied by Krasnodon-ugol', Gundorv-ugol', and Kirov-ugol' Trusts, which were much nearer. 9 Prewar. Before World War II, there were 4 coke batteries in operation at Voroshilovsk, with a total of 168 Otto-type 10 coke ovens and a capacity of 3,343 cu in. Reconstruction. The restoration of the coke-chemical plant began shortly after the USSR recaptured the area. In ]Aid-1947, coke battery No. 3 had gone into operation. ll In January 1949, 2 coke batteries were reported to be in production, each with 40 ovens and electric pushers. One quenching tower had been rebuilt, and the benzol tar distillation and sulfate plants were in operation. 12/ - 195 S-E-C-R-E-T K Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T following: In September 1949 the coke plant consisted of the Battery No. 1. Reconstruction was started in May 1948, but it had not been completed. Battery No. 2, which had not been damaged during the war and was in operation. 1947. Battery No. 3, which was placed in operation in mid- Battery No. 4, which was destroyed during the war. The site was cleared and reconstruction started in January 1949. Two coke-pushing rams and 1 quenching tower serviced the 3 batteries which were in operation. L3/ A 1952 estimate of the coke-chemical plant at Voroshilovsk follows: Number and Type of Batteries 4 Otto Number of Ovens Volume of Ovens (Cu M) Width of Ovens (MM) 168 19.97 400 Normal Coking Time (Hours) 15.7 Coal Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) 15 Total Daily Carbonization Capacity (MT) 3,852 Annual Carbonization Capacity (MT) 1, 386, 720 Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (MT) 1,953,907 Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) 1,100,000 Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) 8,910 Refined Toluene Capacity (MT per Year) 2,090 Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) 41,3o4 Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) 14,619 L4/ e. . Ironmaking Facilities. Prewar. In the prewar years the following blast fur- naces were at Voroshilovsk: - 196 - S-E-C -R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Working Diameter (mm) Furnace Number Date of Last Blow In Volume Cu M) Hearth Bosh Stockline Large Bell 1 1938 930 7,000 7,850 5,640 3,960 2 1939 1,050 7,400 8,14o 5,900 14,200 3 366 4 1934 259 3,800 5,000 4,100 3,100 5 1940 525 5,000 6,ooo 5,200 3,850 15 econstruction. Little damage was sustained by blast furnace No. during World War II, and production began again in August 1944. By May 1947, No. 1 was in production, followed by the blowing-in of No. 2 furnace in the spring of 1949. In May 1949 it was announced that four blast furnaces were in production and that No. 5 furnace was almost complete. No. 5 furnace reportedly was used exclusively for the production of ferromanganese. Each furnace had three stoves. In January 1949 it was reported that only 50 MT of pig iron a day were used in the Voroshilov plant foundries. The major part of the production was shipped out in the form of pigs. 16 Im rovements in Practices. In July 1948 it was an- nounced that blast furnace workers at Voroshilovsk had pledged a blast furnace coefficient of 0.97 for the second half of 1948 in- stead of the planned coefficient of 1.03. 17- In November 1949 it was announced that the planned coefficient for blast furnaces was 0.70 for that month. 18 At Present. Five blast furnaces are in operation at the present time in the Voroshilovsk Metallurgical Works, one of which, blast furnace No. 5, is producing ferromanganese. There is also a casting shop which contains.2 pig casting machines, consisting of molds mounted on an endless chain, and 8 drilling machines. I * Not in operation. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 1952 Pig Iron Production at Voroshilovsk* Blast Furnace Volume Operating Production Number Cu M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT 1 930 0.97 340 325.9 2 1,050 0.97 340 368.0 3 366 0.97 340 128.2 4 259 0.97 340 80.4 Total Pig Iron Production 902.5 5 525 Producing Ferromanganese 71.4 1-953 Pig Iron Production at Voroshilovsk* Blast Furnace Volume Estimated Operating Production Number Cu M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 930 0.92 340 343.7 2 ? 1,050 0.92 340 388.0 3 366 0.92 340 135.2 4 259 0.92 340 95.7 Total Pig Iron Production 962.6 5 525 Producing Ferromanganese 75.0 f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. There were 7 open-hearth furnaces and 2 1.5-ton Bessemer converters in operation before World War II. One open hearth had a hearth area of 40 sq in, 1 had 34.3 sq m, and 5 had 22.4 sq in. each. All furnaces were demolished during the war years. 20 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. - 198 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T At Present. To date there has been no indication that the steelmaking facilities at Voroshilovsk have been recon- structed. In 1947, however,, it was reported that a new modern open- hearth shop would be built to replace the obsolescent works which existed before the war. 21 In February 1949 there was a foundry with 4 drying ovens, 3 overhead-trolley cranes, and 2 molding and mixers. 22 g.. Primary Rolling Facilities. Prewar. In 1941, primary rolling facilities con- sisted :pf one 600-mm blooming mill. 23 Reconstruction Period. A large part of the rolling mill equipment was removed by the Russians upon the threat of German occupation. When the Germans retreated, the remaining rolling mill equipment and the buildings were almost completely destroyed. No reconstruction was attempted until January 1949, when the site was cleared and a new building was started. In July 1949, several sources reported that the building was complete but that no machinery or equipment had been installed. In 1950, 922 NFL' of a blooming mill in- stallation and 232 MT of a 750-mm rolling mill were repara- tions from the Krupp Works in Magdeburg, Germany. 24 At Present. It is not believed that there are any primary or finishing rolling mills in operation at Voroshilovsk. No effort will be made to complete rolling facilities until such time as the steelmaking facilities are approaching completion. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Prewar. In 1941, finishing facilities consisted of the following: One small 3-high bar mill, consisting. of 1 500-mm roughing stand, 2 400-mm intermediate stands, and 7 finishing stands. Two small 3-high bar mills, consisting of 2 400-mm roughing stands and 8 250-mm finishing stands. One heavy 2-high 800-mm bar mill, consisting of - 199 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T On One medium 3-high bar mill, consisting of 4460-mm stands. 25 Reconstruction Period. See Primary Rolling Facilities, At Present. See Primary Rolling Facilities, Old Forge Shop. In February 1949 this forge shop contained 4 gas ovens, 1 large steam hamper, 1 medium steam hamper, 4 forges and 8 drilling machines. New Forge Shop. In February 1949 a new forge shop was completed. It holds 10 gas ovens, 1 large steam hammer, and 2 medium steam hannners. 26 i. Intraplant Services. Power. Opinions differ on the source of electric power at Voroshilovsk. Several sources claim that all electric current is delivered by high-tension cable from a nearby power plant, either Iaporozh'ye or Staling. Voltage is stepped down in the plant's transformer station to 500 v, 380 v, and 220 v. It was claimed in September 1949 that no emergency generators were avail- able in the plant, and that once or twice a week when power was cut off, all production stopped. 27 Other sources claim that Voroshilovsk is operated on electricity generated by the plant's own power station, equipped with generators with a capacity of 48,000 kw. The power plant supplies electricity not only to the steel plant and coke-chemical works, but also to the city of Voroshilovsk. 28 The only firm evidence available is the January 1946 announcement that a second turbogenerator of 24,000 kw had been assembled and placed in operation. 29 It is probable that power is generated in the plant and -- lacking the planned open-hearth shop and rolling mills -- there is a power surplus, which is used in the city. It is also believed that the plant is connected with the Dnepr-Donets power network. Water. There is adequate water available locally. 30 Water for cooling the blast furnaces comes from a pond 250-m long and 80 m wide, which is within the plant area and on the edge of which is a pumping station. 31 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093AO00600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Boilerhouse. The boiler house contains 4 or 5 boilers, which are heated by blast furnace gas. 32 Pattern-Making Shop. This shop contains 2 lathes, 2 planing machines, 1 drilling machine, and 1 milling machine. 33 Electric Motor Repair Shops. The motor repair shop contains 1 lathe, 1 shaping machine, 1 drilling machine, and 1 elec- tric welding set. 34 Sheetmetal Shop. Installed in this shop are one large shear and a punch machine. 35 Compressor Station. This building contains 3 or 4 large gas or electrically driven compressors which supply air for the blast furnace stoves through overhead pipes. 36 j. Products and Production. Products. Before World War II, production included metallurgical coke and its byproducts, pig iron, ferromanganese, ingot steel, bars and billets, plates, rails, structural shapes, and forgings such as shafts, axles, gear wheels, pipe couplings, gun barrels, and bushings. Ordnance items were shipped to Rostov for finishing. 37 At present Voroshilovsk is producing metallurgical coke and its byproducts, pig iron, ferromanganese, castings, and forgings. 38 Production. Production reports by various sources 1932 1934 1935 1936 1947 1952 1953 Metallurgical Coke 500 39 1E00 39 1,100 43 1,100 43 Pig Iron 598.6 40 744.7 40 758.4 41 902.5 / 962.6 Steel 180 fOj' 216.1 0 0 Rolled Products 193.9 40 236.8 40 0 0 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093AO00600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T In November and December 1944, 40 MT of forgings and cast iron were shipped to Glavvoyen-Promstroi and 130 MT of cast iron to the Krasny-Sulin Steel Works. 44 Up to January 1949 the major portion of foundry products was sent to the Voroshilovgrad Locomotive and Tank Factory. 45 In September 1949 the bulk of pig iron was shipped to Frunze Metallurgical Plant in Konstantinovka, and to plants at Taganrog and Rostov. 46 In August 1952 it was announced that the plant had shipped 100 MT of iron during the first half of 1952 to Zaporozh'ye Metallurgical Constructional Enterprise, which produced equipment for the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station. L7/ In December 1952, Voroshilovsk completed its orders for cast iron for the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Project. 48 1. Plant Efficiency. No information available. m. Administration. Voroshilovsk. Metallurgical Works is under the direction of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. 49 Number of Employees. In the prewar years there were 8,000 to 10,000 employees at the plant. In mid-1949, estimates of the number of employees ranged between 10,000 and 20,000, 25 percent of-which were women and 10 percent apprentices. Three shifts were worked each day, 7 days a week. 50 Administrative Personnel. In September 1949 the following held administrative positions in the plant: Gmyria. Avanazi. Ivchenko. 51 Director of Voroshilovsk Metallurgical Works (fnu) Manager of the Blast Furnace Department (fnu) Manager of the Coke-Chemical Plant (fnu) S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T o. Locational Characteristics. The plant is surrounded by a 2-m high slag-concrete wall, topped by barbed wire. Watch towers, with sentries on duty 24 hours a day, are spaced around the wall. Plant police, armed with carbines, are stationed at all gates. 52 III. Dnepropetrovsk Oblast. Dnepropetrovsk Oblast is the second most important iron and steel production center in Economic Region III. Estimated 1953 Production of Dnepropetrovsk Oblast Metallurgical Coke Pig Iron Steel Finished Steel Total Production (Thousand Metric Tons) National Share 3,220.0 4,850.3 4,041.3 2,948.6 (Percent) Regional Share 10.1 18.6 11.1 11.2 (Percent) 19.7 34.1 37.0 39.0 There are three steel-producing complexes in Dnepropetrovsk Oblast at Dnepropetrovsk, Dneprodzerzhinsk, and Konstantinovka. The Dnepropetrovsk Complex contains the important steel plant, Petrovski Metallurgical Plant, and two noteworthy producers of pipes and tubes, the Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Rolling Mill imeni Lenin, S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T and the Nizhnedneprovsk Metallurgical Plant and Tube Mill imeni Karl Liebknecht. The important Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Dzerzhinski is in the Dneprodzerzhinsk Complex. Although no metal- lurgical coke is made at Dzerzhinski, the Dneprodzerzhinsk Coke- Chemical Plant No. 24 imeni Ordzhonikidze is one of the largest producers within Region III and supplies the needs of the Dzerzhinski Plant. Summary Tables - Dnepropetrovsk Oblast A. Dnepropetrovsk Complex. Production and Capacity Dnepropetrovsk Coke-Chemical Plant No. 20 imeni Kalinin 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 4 Batteries - 154 Ovens 940.0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production 0 Rolling Mill Capacity 0 Finished Steel Production 0 Power Plant Capacity N.A. 34. Production and Capacity Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Equipment Plant DZMO imeni Khatayevich 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 0 Pig Iron Production 0 - 204 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 34? Production and Capacity Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Equipment Plant DZMO imeni Khatayevich 1953 (Continued) Steel Production 2 OH's and 2 Electrics Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Rolling Mill imeni Lenin 1953 55.8 0 30.6 0 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production 325.6 6 OH's Rolling Mill Capacity 675/550/675-mm Plate Mill 50.0 to 60.0 Universal Mill 45.0 to 55.0 Lap Welding Shop 30.0 to 40.0 Butt-Welding Shop 30.0 to 40.0 Mannesmann Seamless Tube Shop 44.0 to 52.0 Thin-Walled Tube Shop 6.0 to 8.0 Power Plant Capacity S-E-C-R-E-T 224.4 0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 36. Production and Capacity Komintern Steel Combine 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production 2 OH's 126.5 Rolling Mill Capacity N.A. Finished Steel Production 92.0 Power Plant Capacity N.A. Production and Capacity Nizhnedneprovsk Metallurgical Plant and Tube Mill imeni Karl Liebknecht 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production 5 OH's 451.9 Rolling Mill Capacity N.A. Blooming Mill N.A. Tube Mill N.A. Railroad Wheel Rolling Mill N.A. Finished Steel Production 325.3 Power Plant Capacity N.A. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C.R-E-T 38. Production and Capacity Nizhnedneprovsk Wire and Nail Plant 1953 Thousand Metric Tons Metallurgical Coke Production 0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel. Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Petrovski Metallurgical Plant 1953 N.A. 145.o 0 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production 5 BF's Steel Production 6 0Il's and 3 Converters Rolling Mill Capacity 1, 087.7 655.5 Blooming Mill N.A. Roughing Mill N.A. Rail and Structural Mill 100.0 800/650/800-mm Plate Mill 70.0 700/500/700-mm Sheet Mill N.A. 600/800-mm Thin Sheet Mill N.A. 500-mm Structural Mill N.A. 250-mm Small Shape Mill N.A. 320-mm Wire Mill 80.0 Wire Mill N.A. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Petrovski Metallurgical Plant 1953 (Continued) Finished Steel Production 472.0 Power Plant Capacity 30,000 kw Production and Capacity Spartak Metal Goods Factory 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity B. Dneprodzerzhinsk Complex. Production and Capacity Dneprodzerzhinsk Coke-Chemical Plant imeni Kamen 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 2 Batteries - 94 Ovens Pig Iron Production Steel Production - 208 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 41. Production and Capacity Dneprodzerzhinsk Coke-Chemical Plant imeni Kamen 1953 (Continued) Thousand Metric Tons 0 0 N.A. Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity Production and Capacity Dneprodzerzhinsk Coke-Chemical Plant No. 24 imeni Ordzhonikidze 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 4 Batteries - 215 Ovens Pig Iron Production Steel Production Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity 43. Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production - 209 - S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Dzerzhinski 1953 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 43. Production and Capacity Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Plant imeni Dzerzhinski 1953 (Continued) 8 BFt s Steel Production 15 OH's and 3 Converters Rolling Mill Capacity 2,574.9 1,763.0 1,100-mm Blooming Mill N.A. 1,150-mm Blooming Mill N.A. 780600-mm Universal Mill N.A. 640-mm Bar Mill N.A. No. 1 550-mm Small Bar Mill N.A. No. 2 550-mm Small Bar Mill N.A. 860/630/830-mm Plate Mill N.A. 650/500/650-mm Plate Mill N.A. 630-mm Sheet Mill N.A. 860-mm Rail and Structural Mill N.A. 500-mm Rod Mill N.A. Finished Steel Production 1,269.3 Power Plant Capacity' 90,000 kw C. Single Plants. Production and Capacity Krivoy Rog Metallurgical Plant imeni Stalin 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 880.0 2 Batteries - 138 Ovens S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production and Capacity K?ivoy Rog Metallurgical Plant imeni Stalin 1953 (Continued) Pig Iron Production 3 BF's Steel Production 2 Converters Rolled Steel Capacity Blooming Mill Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity 45. Production and Capacity Nikopol Pipe and Tube Mill 1953 1,187.7 660.0 N.A. Metallurgical Coke Production Pig Iron Production Steel Production 1 Electric Rolling Mill Capacity Finished Steel Production Power Plant Capacity S-E-C-R-E-T 3.0 N.A. 90.0 0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 46 Production and Capacity Novomoskovsk Sheet Mill 1953 Metallurgical Coke Production 0 Pig Iron Production 0 Steel Production 0 Rolling Mill Capacity N.A. Finished Steel Production 300.0 Plant Studies - Dnepropetrovsk Oblast A. Dnepropetrovsk Complex. 33. Dnepropetrovsk Coke-Chemical Plant No. 20 imeni Kalinin Tukhovski Coke-Chemical Plant). a. Location. 25X1A2g 48? 28'N - 34? 35'E. Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The plant lies approximately 7 km southwest of the center of the city of Dnepropetrovsk, and south of the Dnepr River and the Petrovski Metallurgical Plant. The main east-west rail- road line is just north of the plant. I/ b. History and Development. Plans for the construction of the Dnepropetrovsk Coke- Chemical Plant were initiated before the First Five Year Plan. Batteries Nos. 3 and 4 were built in 1927-29, and Nos. 1 and 2 were added during 1936-37, at which time the recovery of byproducts was begun. Reconstruction of the damage sustained during World War II began shortly after the USSR recaptured the Ukraine. All four coke batteries and the byproducts recovery installations were in full operation in 1950. c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Before World War II, water came from the Dnepr River and furnace gas was received from blast furnaces at the nearby Petrovski and DZMO metallurgical plants. J S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T d. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coal comes from the mines in the Donets Basin. J Coal was unloaded by modern methods before World War II, and was deposited in "3 underground bunkers, each with a capacity of 800 MT. There were two coal crushing installations and a belt con- veyer. J Prewar. Two Coppee coke batteries of 37 ovens each were built in 1929. These were rebuilt in 1936-37 into Becker-type ovens by Koksokhimmontazh. They were heated by blast furnace gas. Two additional Coppee batteries of 40 chambers each were built by the German firm of Demag in 1927-29. These batteries were not re- modeled. They were heated by coke gas. J Reconstruction Period. The following announcements of accomplishments at the plant appeared in the press: On 3 July 1945 a coke battery was ready to be commissioned. In June 1946 No. 3 coke battery, the second to be reconstructed, was placed in operation. No. 2 battery was under construction and the ammonium sulfate plant was in operation. In December 1946 a coke battery, a coal washer, the coal preparation shop, and the steam boilers were completed. On 29 April 1947 the benzol shop was placed in opera- tion. J At Present. The following estimate of the capacities of the Dnepropetrovsk Coke-Chemical Plant was made in 1952: Number and Type of Batteries 2 Becker 2 Coppee Number of Coke Ovens 74. 80 Volume of Ovens (Cu M) 19.6 19.5 Width of Ovens (NZI ) 4o6 400 Normal Coking Time, (Hours) 16.0 15.7 Coal Charge per Oven, Dry Basis (MT) 15.0 14.0 Total Daily Carbonization Capacity (MT) 1,665 Annual Carbonization Capacity (MT) 599,400 Annual Coke Capacity, Dry Basis (NIT) 455,544 S-E-C-R-E-T 1,68o 604, 8oo 459,648 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Annual Coke Capacity, Moist Basis (MT) Refined Benzene Capacity (MT per Year) Refined Toluene (MT per Year) Capacity Crude Tar Capacity (MT per Year) Ammonium Sulfate Capacity (MT per Year) 940,000 7,615 1,786 35,297 12, 492 J e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. None. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. None. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. None. i. Intraplant Services. No information available. j. Products and Production. Metallurgical coke, benzene, toluene, crude tar, and ammonium sulfate are produced at the plant. 2/ 94o,000 MT. to Production in 1952 and also in 1953 is estimated at S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T k. Distribution. Cope is shipped to Petrovski Metallurgical Plant and to other steel plants in the vicinity of Dnepropetrovsk. 11 1. Plant Efficiency. Coal yield from charged coal was 78 percent in 1952. m. Administration. The plant is probably operating under the direction of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. ~/ n. Personnel. In July 1946 the Chief Engineer was (fnu) Lakiza. In July 1948 the director of the plant was (fnu) Popov. In January 1953 the deputy director of the plant was Semyen Ivanovich Bogoyevsky. 13 o. Locational Characteristics. 34. Dnepro etr.ovsk Metallurgical Equipment Plant DZMO Dnepropetrovsk Zavod Metallurgicheskogo Oborudovani a imeni Khatayevich. 25X1 A2g a. Location. 480 28'N - 340 581E, Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The site lies east of the Petrovski Metal- lurgical Plant in the western part of the city, and approximately 500 m from the Dnepr River. J b. History and Development. Construction of the plant was begun in 1912 by the Chaudoir Tube and Rolling Mill Corporation, which erected 1 blast furnace and 2 open hearth furnaces. During the Bolshevik Revolution and for some years thereafter the plant lay idle, and was not placed - 215 - Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C -R-E-T in operation until 1932. Fox a time it was under the same ad- ministration as that of the Petrovski Metallurgical Plant. Blast furnace No. 1 was reconditioned in 1932, and the boilerhouse, a new blower house, and a steel-casting foundry were erected. In 1932 the administration of DZMO was separated from that of the Petrovski Plant. In 1935 the steel-casting foundry began opera- tions. The tube plant and its machine shop were built in 1936. The two electric furnaces, which had been idle for several years, were put in operation in 1938, principally for the production of manganese steel. The oxygen plant was erected, and the construc- tion and other auxiliary departments began operations in the same year. In 1941, work was begun on the five new boilers of the power plant. As the Germans advanced into the Ukraine, a large part of the machinery and installations of the plant were removed by the Soviet government. The mill suffered considerable damage during World War II, with estimates of destruction running as high as 50 percent. Reconstruction began shortly after Soviet re- capture of the Ukraine. J c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Prewar. 27,000 to 28,000 MT of iron ore per month, or approximately 330,000 MT per year, came by rail from Krivoy Rog for the production of pig iron. 8,000 MT per month of bauxite, or approximately 100,000 MT per year, were shipped into the plant from the Urals. This was not the high grade bauxite from Krasnaya Shapochka, but an inferior grade which was less suited for the direct extraction of alumina. Its use is not known. Limestone was shipped in by rail from Yelenovka at the rate of 10,000 to 12,000 MT per month, or approximately 125,000 MT per year. Molding sand was obtained partly from local sources. 3,000 MT were used each month in the tubing plant and 5,000 MT in the steel-casting foundry. Approximately 900 MT of fuel oil were used each month, principally in the open-hearth shop. J At Present. Sources of raw materials are believed to be approximately the same as those described above. In 1947, how- ever, some pig iron was being received from the nearby Petrovski Metallurgical Plant. J - 216 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C -R-E-T d. Coal and Coke. Prewar. Coal came from the Donets Basin and was used only to a limited extent, as fine coke was,used as a fuel in the boiler house. Anthracite which was distributed to the workers for heating purposes was consumed annually at the rate of 9,000 to 10,000 MT. Coke requirements amounted to approximately 21+,000 MT per month, or 288,000 MT per year, and were' met by the production of coke plants in Makeyevka, Rutchenkovo, and Zaporozh'ye. The fine coke accumulated in the transportation of metallurgical coke was sifted and used in the boilerhouse. J At Present. There is no information on the sources and requirements of the plant for coal and coke, but sources are believed to be the same as those described above. e. Ironmaking Facilities. Prewar. There were two blast furnaces in operation, Blast furnace No. 1 had a capacity of 480 cu in, a diameter of 5 m, and a height - to the lower edge of the bell -- of 20.5 m. It had 1+ blast furnace stoves with heating surfaces of 7,500 to 8,000 sq m each. Blast furnace No. 2 had a capacity of 217 cu m, a diameter of 3.15 in, and a height -- to the lower edge of the bell -- of 18.8 in. It had 2 blast furnace stoves with heating surfaces of 3,600 sq m each. Furnace No. 2 was used chiefly for the production of ferrosilicon. It was reported that experiments with oxygen-en- riched air were being conducted with this furnace. Furnace No. 1 was used for the production of titanium pig iron. Coke consumption was 1,150 kg per ton of foundry pig iron, 1,300 to 1,1+00 kg per ton of titanium pig iron, and approxi- mately 2,000 kg per ton of ferrosilicon. Figures on the production of the 2 blast furnaces are not available, but production capacity was estimated at approximately 170,000 MT per year in 191+0. J S-E-C-R-E-T i Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T At Present. There is no information available on the restoration or the present status of the two blast furnaces. Cast Iron Tube Plant. Prewar. There were.4 cupola furnaces, each with a capacity of 10 MT per hour, or a combined, daily production of 400 MT. Casting was done in mold boxes, which were carried on a band con- veyer. The sand was dumped mechanically, and approximately- 45 per- cent of the burned sand was put back in circulation. Much equipment was removed by the Russians, and when the Germans took over the plant all machines were incomplete and unusable. J At Present. The cast iron pipe plant is in operation, but there is no information concerning equipment and the amount of production. Old Foundry. Prewar. The old foundry contained 2 cupola furnaces with a capacity of 5 tons per hour for each furnace, or approximately 1,500 MT per month. J No other information is available. At Present. The status is not known. f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. There were two open hearth furnaces in operation at the plant. 35 MT of raw materials were charged, and output amounted to 32 MT. As a rule 3 charges were made every 24 hours. Hearth areas were estimated at 16.0 sq in. The open-hearth shop was demolished during World War II. In addition to the open hearths, there was 1 3-ton and 1 6-ton electric furnace. The 3-ton furnace produced 9 tons of manganese steel every 24 hours and had a monthly output of approxi- mately 175 MT. The 6-ton furnace produced 1.3 to 1.5 MT of carbides each day. J In October 1940 it was announced that DZMO was making experiments on refined steel by means of synthetic slag. The synthetic slag was made of quartz, crushed chamotte, manganese ore, and titanium concentrate. The materials were melted in an S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E -T electric furnace and poured into the casting ladle. The slag was used in the proportion of 5 percent of the amount of the unrefined steel. The refined steel was used in the production of the rail and tube rolling mills and as a construction material for bridges and ships. 10/ At Present. Two open hearth furnaces, with capa- cities of approximately 20 MT, are in operation at DZMO. Estimated 1952 and 1953 Open-Hearth Steel Production at DZMO* Hearth Area Estimated Operating Production Open Hearth Number (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 16.0 4.5 325 23.x- 2 16.0 4.5 325 23.4 Total Open Hearth Steel Production 46.8 Estimated 1952 and 1953 Electric Steel Production 9.0 Total Estimated 1952 and 1953 Steel Production 55.8 Steel-Casting Foundry. Prewar. Items produced in the steel-casting foundry included cast steel rolls, slag ladles, wheel rims, BF bell-dis- tributors, cogging rolls, rolling mill stands, charging boxes for open hearth furnaces, annealing boxes, and gear wheels. Production amounted to 1,600 MT of steel castings and 4,100 MT of wheel rims each month. The rims were shipped to tire-rolling mills at Dneprodzerzhinsk and Voroshilovgrad. ll At Present. The steel-casting foundry is in produc- tion, but there is no information on details of equipment and pro- duction. g. Primary Rolling Facilities. No information available. h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. No information available. See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in estimating production. - 219 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T i. Intraplant Services. Construction Department. Prewar. The construction department produced blast furnace and steel mill installations. All machinery was removed before the Germans occupied the plant. 12 At Present. The. construction department is believed to be in operation, but no details are available. Electric Power. Prewar. No electricity was generated at the DZMO plant. Power requirements amounted to 9,500 to 10,000 kw, and the entire supply of electricity was obtained from the Dnepr-Donets net- work. There were 7 transformers in the plant area, all but 2 of which had been removed by the Russians before German occupation. 13 Prewar. Four steam boilers were in operation, each of which had a capacity of 10 to 12 tons of steam per hour while firing on blast furnace gas. A fifth boiler with a capacity of 20 to 22 tons of steam per hour was under construction but had not been placed in operation. Steam requirements for the blast furnace blowers were 25 to 26 MT per hour; for all other purposes, 10 MT per hour. 14+ At Present. No information available. Compressors. There were six compressors at the plant at the time of the German occupation. 15 Present status is not known. Water Supply. In 1941, water was supplied by the pumping station at the Petrovski Metallurgical Plant. Requirements were approximately 1,100 cu m per hour. 16 The present source of water probably remains the same. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Blast Furnace Gas. Prewar. The supply of blast furnace gas amounted to approximately 130,000 to 1+0,000 cu m per hour. The gas was purified and distributed as follows: Hourly Rate (Cu M) Blast Heaters 35,000 Boilerhouse 30,000 to 45,000 Dr in Furnace Steelcastin y g , g Foundry 3,000 to 5,000 Old Foundry 1,000 to 1,200 Cast Iron Tube Plant 500 A surplus of about 30,000 cu m per hour was used by the nearby Lenin plant and the Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Rolling Mill. 17 At Present. No information available. j. Products and Production. Products. Prewar. The following were among the products pro- duced at DZMO before World War II: pig iron, raw steel, manganese steel, ingot steel for wheel rims, cast iron pipe, cast shapes, and metallurgical plant equipment. 18 At Present. The following are among the products produced at DZMO: cast iron pipe, casting molds, cast shapes, and metallurgical plant equipment. 1.19/ The following products may be produced at DZMO: pig iron, raw steel, manganese steel, and castings for wheel rims. Production. Production at DZMO is as follows: S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 1940 1934 1935 1936 (Capacity) 1952 1953 Pig Iron 142,700 155,300 146,400 170,000 Raw Steel 15,400 42,000 60,000 55,800 55,800 Steel Castings 68,400 Finished Cast Iron Pipe 72,000 LO/ Several articles have appeared in the press which in- dicate the destination of the products of DZMO. In February 1947, "complicated" 4.5-m moulds for casting of pipe for the Moscow Metro hot blast for a blast furnace at Novo-Tulsky Metallurgical Zavod, and 100-hp reduction gears for mine hoists were being produced. 21 In May 1947, DZMO was manufacturing 3,500 sets of fittings for an oil system for a sheet rolling mill at Zaporozh'ye. 22 In May 1947, DZMO received an urgent order for tubular rings to be used as mine props in the shaft columns of the Nordvik Salt Mines. The first 200 MT of tubing had already been produced and shipped to the Arctic. 23 In May 1948 the controlling assembly of the first cax dumper for the Zaporozh'ye Coke Byproducts Plant was finished. 24 In November 1948 the plant was producing tubing for use in the con- struction of the Moscow Metro. 25 In November. 1949 the production was started of all-welded 50-MT hot metal ladles for pig iron for Stalino Metallurgical Plant. 26 In November 1950.a consignment of steel casting buggies was sent to a steel works in the Urals, a shipment of conveyer plates was sent to Odessa metal plants, and steel ladles of a large capacity were sent to Zaporozh'ye and Tula. 27 In January 1951, DZMO shipped the first order of tubing to the Volga-Don Canal Project. 28 1. Plant Efficiency. In May 1947 the DZMO plant was awarded the Challenge of the Red Banner of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy and the first class premium for its perforrnace in Socialist Competition for April 1947. 29 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T In December 1947 the plant was criticized for not meeting schedules in the production of metal tubing for the Moscow Metro. It was stated that efforts would be made to combat defective production and to devote more attention to the training of new workers. 30 The plant operates under the administration of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. 31 Number. In 1941 when the plant was operating at full capacity, there were 6,500 employees. L2/ The present number of employees is not known. Administrative Personnel. In October 1951 the Chief Engineer of DZMO was S. Sergieni. 33 In April 1947 the plant was partly enclosed by a wooden fence and partly by a brick wall. Guard towers were located at 100 m intervals, and passes were required for admittan . 34 FA-Z 35. Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Rolling Mill imeni Lenin LLb 48? 29'N - 34? 58'E. Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine SSR. The plant is located in the northwest section of the city, just south of the Petrovski Metallurgical Plant. It is on the Nizhnedneprovsk-Dneprodzerzhinsk railroad. J b. History and Development. A tube-welding shop was built in Dnepropetrovsk in 1889 by the Chaudoir Tube and Rolling Mill Corporation, the head- quarters of which was in Moscow. The plant was expanded with the building of a plate mill in 1896 and the construction of the open- hearth shop in 1898. In 1906 additional buildings in the area were acquired for further expansion of the mill. The installation stood - 223 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T idle during the revolutionary years 1918-21 and was placed back into operation in 1922 under the management which also administered the Petrovski Metallurgical Plant. The heat-treatment department for thin tubes was erected in 1927, the thin tube-drawing shop was added in 1929, and in 1931 the metal container plant went into production. The administration of the pipe mill was separated from that of Petrovski in 1933, at which time it was assigned its present title. During World War II, the plant suffered only moderate damage, estimated by one source at 15 percent, and production was re- sumed on a limited scale in 191+7. Production was claimed to have reached near capacity toward the end of 191+9. ?/ c. Raw Materials and Other Inputs. Pig Iron. The Petrovski Metallurgical Plant, which adjoins the pipe mill to the north, shipped a monthly average of 5,500 MT of pig iron, or approximately 65,000 MT per year, for use in the open hearths. Pig iron was also received from Kamenskoye (now called. Dneprodzerzhinsk) and Zaporozh'ye. Scrap Iron and Steel. 8,000 MT of scrap iron and steel were used each month, only 20 percent of which was collected within the plant. The balance came from scrap-collection depots in Odessa, Minsk, and Leningrad. Limestone. Limestone came from Yelenovka and Veliki- Quicklime. Quicklime came from Yarna in the Donets Semifinished Steel. Semifinished steel for pro- cessing in the Mannesmann tube mill only -- 800 to 900 MT per month, or approximately 10,000 MT per year -- was received from the Krasny Oktyabr plant in Stalingrad. This steel was in 85-mm rounds with 0.15 to 0.20 percent carbon. Up to 2,000 MT of alloyed steel per month, or approximately 21+,000 MT per year, came from Zaporozh'ye. Of this amount 1,800 MT were chromium-manganese-silicon steel and 200 MT were chromium-molybdenum and chromium-nickel construction steel, plus some rustproof and heat-resisting steels. Smaller S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T amounts were received-occasionally from the Elektrostal plant in Noginsk near Moscow. 800 MT of 0.05 to 0.50 carbon steel, 90 mm in diameter, came from Il'ich Steel plant each month. 3,000 MT of 0.05 to 0.50 carbon steel, 95 to 125 mm in diameter, were received from Petrovski. Total purchases of semifinished steel amounted to 6,500 to 7,000 MT per month, or 78,000 to 8+,000 MT per year. In addition, 1,700 to 2,000 MT of steel ingots, poured in the mill, were rolled into semifinished steel at the Petrov"ski plant and re- turned for further working at the pipe mill. Tubes for the Metal Container Plant. A total of 1, 200 to 1,400 MT per month, or 14,400 00 to 16,800 MT per year, of tubing 219 mm in diameter and having an over-all wall thickness of 8 mm came from the following: 1,000 MT per month from Karl Liebknecht Plant. 120 MT per month from Pervoural'sk Plant in the Urals. 80 MT per month from Nikopol'. Fuel Oil. Fuel oil requirements were as follows: MT per Month Plate Mill and Reheating Furnaces 2,000 Pipe Welding Plant 700 Mannesmann Tube Plant 400 Metal Container Plant 300 Total per Month 3,)+00 Total per Year 402800 Blast Furnace Gas. Consumption of blast furnace gas amounted to 37,000 to 2,000 cu m per hour, of which 12,000 cu m came from the DZMO plant in Dnepropetrovsk and 25,000 cu m from Petrovski Metallurgical Plant. Distribution of the blast furnace gas was as follows: S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Open-Hearth Plant Plate Mill Tube-Welding Shop Mannesmann Tube Plant Pipe Drawing Shop Metal Container Factory Boiler House Cu M per Hour 8, 000 1, 500 6,000 13,000 8,000 1,500 1,000 42,000 Coke Gas. Coke gas came from the Dnepropetrovsk Coke-Chemical Plant, and consumption was as follows: Cu M per Hour Open-Hearth Shop 5,000 Plate Mill 400 Tube Welding Shop 2,200 Mannesmann Tube Plant 800 Reconstruction Period and At Present. Raw materials and other inputs are being received as follows: pig iron from Petrovski Metallurgical Plant and from Zaporozh'ye, J scrap from plant operations and from local collections, J and limestone from Yelenovka and from Veliki-Anatol. J Blast furnace gas is piped in- to the plant area from the Petrovski Metallurgical Plant and from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Equipment Plant. J d.. Coal and Coke. Coal. Coal for use in the plant has always been shipped into the plant from the Donets Basin. J Coke. Metallurgical coke has always been received from the Dnepropetrovsk Coke-Chemical Plant imeni Kalinin, except S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T for a period during the reconstruction of the coke-chemical plant, when coke was shipped in from the Voroshilovgrad Coke-Chemical Plant. J Coke Gas. Coke gas is piped into the area from Dnepropetrovsk Coke-Chemical Plant imeni Kalinin. 10 e. Ironmaking Facilities. None. f. Steelmaking Facilities. Prewar. Several sources claim that there were six open-hearth furnaces in operation at Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Mill before World War II, as follows: One open hearth had a hearth area of 16.96 sq m. Two open hearths had hearth areas of 16.76 sq m. One open hearth had a hearth area of 23.78 sq m. Two open hearths had hearth areas of 43.78 sq m. ll According to an authoritative source, however, there were only four open-hearth furnaces at the plant when the Germans took over. It was claimed that 3 units had a capacity of 50 MT each and that the fourth had an 80-ton capacity. I P/ Postwar Reconstruction. Only minor damage was in- flicted on open-hearth installations during World War II. The first open-hearth furnace to be fired after the war went into operation on 29 August 1944, and by mid-1950, all six furnaces were believed to be in production. 13 Improvements in Practice. In August 1947 the Open- Hearth Division averaged .97 MT of steel for each square meter of hearth area as compared to 4.65 MT achieved in July 1944. In July 1948 workers pledged a coefficient of 4.8 MT for the second half of 1948 as compared to the previous level of 4.0 MT. L4/ In March S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 1950 a worker achieved a record yield of 8 MT for each square meter of hearth area as compared to the progressive norm of 5 MT. In April 1951 it was announced that the steel coefficient was 5.1 MT. 15 At Present. Six furnaces are in operation, 3 of which have an approximate capacity of 35 MT and 3 of 100 MT. It was announced in 1951 that the sixth open-hearth furnace was being re- built and that when completed it would have a hearth area of 44 sq m and a capacity of 150 MT. 16 This new furnace probably replaced one of the 16.76 sq m furnaces. Estimated 1952 Steel Production at Dnepropetrovsk* Hearth Area Operating Production Open Hearths (Sq M) Coefficient Days (Thousand MT) 1 16.96 5.1 325 28.1 1 16.76 5.1 325 27.8 1 44.0 5.1 325 72.9 1 23.78 5.1 325 39.4 1 43.78 5.1 325 72.6 1 43.78 5.1 325 72.6 Total Steel Production 313.4 Estimated 1953 Steel production at Dnepropetrovsk* Open Hearths Hearth Area Sq M) Estimated Coefficient Operating Days Production (Thousand MT) 1 16.96 5.3 325 29.2 1 16.76 5.3 325 28.9 1 44.0 5.3 325 75.8 1 23.78 5.3 325 40.9 1 43.78 5.3 325 75.4 1 43.78 5.3 325 75.4 Total Steel Production 325.6 * See Appendix C, Methodology, for use of coefficient in esti- mating production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T g. Primary Rolling Facilities. It is not believed that there are any primary rolling mill facilities at Dnepropetrovsk. All steel ingots are shipped to Petrovski Metallurgical Plant for roughing and most are then returned to the Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Mill for finishing. 17 h. Finishing Rolling Facilities. Prewar. Before the war, finishing facilities at Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Rolling Mill consisted of the following: Plate Rolling Mill. 'T'his mill was installed originally by a Belgian firm and was rebuilt later by the Kramastorskaya Metallurgical Machinery Factory. The mill had 2 stands, 1 for roughing and 1 for finishing, each of which was 3-high, with roll diameters of 675/550/675 mm. There were two plate cutting machines in the shop. The plate mill had an annual capacity of approximately 50,000 MT. Universal Rolling Mill. The universal mill produced skelp for the lap-welding and butt-welding shops. Annual capacity was estimated at 45,000 MT. - Lap-Welding Shop. In this installation pipes 76 to 152 mm in diameter were lap-welded from skelp. There were 4+ welding machines in the shop, which had an estimated annual capacity of 30,000 MT. Butt-Welding Shop. There were two butt-welding ma- chines in the shop which produced pipe 12.5 to 73.5 mm in diameter. Annual capacity was estimated at 30,000 MT. Mannesmann Seamless Tube Shop. Two mills for the production of seamless tubes, 57 to 9 mm in diameter, were installed in the shop in 1931. In addition to piercing and sizing machines, there was a tube-straightening machine. Adjacent to the shop was a cold-drawing shop with ten drawing benches at 60, 30, and 15 MT, respectively. Annual hot-rolled tube capacity was estimated at 50,000 MT. Of this amount approximately 1+2,000 MT, half hot-rolled and half cold-drawn, were shipped out of the plant. The balance of production was used by the pipe mill in its thin-walled tube depart- ment. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Thin-Walled Tube Shop. There were 17 drawing benches and 2 vertical. furnaces in the shop. Production capacity was esti- mated at 6,000 MT per year, or an equivalent of a total length of 6: million m of thin-walled tubes. In-the face of the German advance, the thin-walled tube shop was evacuated to Pervoural`sk in the Urals, and it was not returned after the USSR recaptured the plant. Metal Container Factory. There were 3 departments for the production of containers in the shop: 1 department which produced large containers and had a 450-kg hammer; another which also produced large containers and casings for 100 kg bombs and had the same size hammer; and the third shop which produced small containers and had 5 75-kg hammers and 2 100-kg hammers. There were seven cutting machines. Annual capacity was estimated at 300,000 large containers, 600,000 small containers, and 110,000 bomb casings. 18 Three sources mentioned the presence of small bar mills in the plant before the war, but there has been no mention of them since. 19 Postwar Reconstruction. Little information is avail- able on the renabilitation of Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Mill after World War II. In 1946 it was announced that a new electric welding shop had been built and that it would weld tubes 50.8 to 152.4 mm in dia- meter. 20 In February 1947 the Mannesmann seamless tube mill went into operation with an annual capacity of 30,000 MT, to be consumed by the petroleum industry. 21 In May 1947 it was announced that an electric pipe-welding shop had gone into production. 22 Improvements in Practices. In November 1947 it was announced that (1) the butt-welding process of pipe and tube manu- facture had been much improved by controlling the temperature of skelp at a high level by air blast or enrichment by oxygen (02 ), which had resulted in the welding of pipe with a single pass through the welding die or bell, (2) heating of skelp in a three-zone fur- nace also had been developed, (3) chain-drawing pipe stands were replaced by sizing roll stands, (4) some stands were rebuilt for drawing and welding pipe without pipe carriers, and (5) some of the stands were transformed into movable and oscillating stands. 23 At Present. Since little damage was sustained by the pipe mill during World War II, it is estimated that present capa- cities of the mill are approximately the same as those existing before - 230 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T the war, with perhaps some minor improvements in machinery and processes which have resulted in slightly larger capacities. Type of Finishing Mill Estimated Annual Capacity (Thousand MT) Plate Mill 50 to 60 Universal Mill 45 to 55 Lap-welding Shop 30 to 40 Butt-welding Shop 30 to 40 Mannesmann Seamless Tube Shop 44 to 52 Thin-walled Tube Shop 6 to 8 i. Intraplant Services. Electric power is received by overhead cable from the Donets-Dnepr power network. A transformer station at the plant reduces 6,000-v line voltage to 380 v for plant use. 24 Water for the operation of installations is piped into the plant area from Petrovski Metallurgical Plant, and drinking water is received from the city of Dnepropetrovsk. 25 j. Products and Production. Products. Production at Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Mill is believed to include the same items that were produced before World War II, with the possible exception of items for military use, 26/"as follows: raw steel, special steel, skelp, plate, lap- and butt-welded pipes and tubes, special profile tubing, tubing for aircraft and vehicles, capillary tubing for thermometers, thin tubing for syringes, boilers, metal containers -- including gas cylinders, -- casings for 100 kg bombs, and aircraft fuel tanks 231 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T Production. Production at Dnepropetrovsk Estimate Estimate Product 1933 1934 1935 1938 1941 1947 1952 1953 Raw Steel 97.0 101.0 121.8 140.1 195.0 300.0 30 325.6 Lo/ L7/ L8/ 28/ 27 29 Rolled Products 68.5 69.7 87.6 215.0* 224.4* 28 L8/ 31 Pipes and Tubes** k. Distribution. In April 1944, 18 MT of pipe were shipped to the Petroleum Supply, Astrakhan! 32/ In November 1944 the plant was scheduled to ship 31 MT of pipe to Krasny Kotelshchik Plant at Taganrog. 33 In January 1945 the plant was scheduled to ship 18 MT of pipe to Krasny Kotelshchik Plant at Taganrog on the order of Glavtukbina, Moscow. Before World War II the Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Mill shipped out a rather high percentage of its production, such as sheets, and at the same time it received strip and rounds for pipe manufacture. In 1946 it supplied metal to its tube rolling division independently. 34 In November 1947, 90 percent of all seamless tubes and pipes made from high-quality steel and with thick walls went to the armed forces. 35/ In February 1951 the Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Mill was sending carloads of pipes and tubes to the Volga-Don Canal Project. 36 In July 1951 Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Mill was producing large electric-welded pipes for the Kuybyshev GES. 37 In 1951, steel ingots cast at Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Mill were shipped to Petrovski Metallurgical Plant for rolling and then returned to the pipe mill for processing in the plate, skelp, and tube mills. Special alloy and thin-walled tubing were supplied to Based on an average yield of 72 percent. There were no estimates of pipe and tube production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000600010003-9 S-E-C-R-E-T the aircraft industry, and se