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C1~4-RDP79-0.1.093A0003.0.00~0.003 ~~~~ ,PR~?VISI~7NAL INTELLIGEN~E__REP~RT SUPPLIES QF IRON AND _ STEEL SCRAP -. ,, ~. IN THE 50~1'IEfi ;BLOC ~,~LI :; Clp/RR PR-20~ ,. ~~ pecember 1952 b~CUfwEri`r No. iVQ ~H~[~E~E IN,G 8. C] ~LAS~, CHAtJGED TO: T ivEXt Fi~ViEW PATE: ~.~~, DI lieu. ' un -~.~... ~'gTE;REViEWER: ODfi514 C~N~f,RAI. 1 NTELLIGENCE AG~N~Y '4FFI~E QF. R~~EARCH__ AND REPdR~'S - - - _ _ ,.. Appxov~d. Foy Reaease 1.9~9/09/D2 _:-.CIA-F~D~~9-01_Q93AOQ43 .. __ ~ 'ease 1999/D9/02. ._ ~~ App'rovedY Fa~Yel'eas~ ~~~~~t~/Q2 ~~`t ~~ -~~p'I~' , ~~~OE `QO~~~ 3+b s '~A,~t~I~?C4 his ,material contains information ,afPecti~:g 'e Natignal I~e~~nse of _the United States v,}Ithin ,the .mean,ixg of the ,espionage laws, ~'itle .18, USC,. Secs. 793 and '794, the trans- rniss~~ or ~e~r fati~s~_whsJ~n~ny manner to an unauthor~z~d person is prohibited. by law., - --t ~ _ -- -- - --_ -_ ~pp~aved f ~r-Release -1 ~~9#flgi?7 : Goa-RDP79 b'~093A0~03IIU~3~J0?3-0 Approved For Release 199~/~~/p~IdCln~Ti P79-01093A000300030003-0 (~ ~~ C i Y t A~, ~__~,~_ sEe~~- FNFORMATI SUPPZIES OF IRON ANn STE~~ SCRAP IN THE SOVIET FLOC CIA~RR PR-20 (ORR Project 70-51) The data and conclusions contained in this report do not necessarily represent the final position of ORR and should be regarded as provisional only and subject to revision. Additional data or comments which may be available to the user are solicited. Office of Research and Reports CONFIDENTIAI. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 CONFIDENTIAL Page Table 1. Use of Iron and Steel Scraps Scrap Rates~in the USSR under the Third Five Year Plant 1938-lt2 '. 5 Table 2. Use of Iron and Steel Scraps Estimated Scrap Practices in the Soviet Bloc and the US, 1951-53 6 Table 3. Estimated Requirements of Iron end Steel Scrap in the sOViet BLOC ~ 1951 ~ a r ? ? 7 Table 1~. Estimated Requirements of Iron and Steel Scrap in the soviet Bloc, 1952 B Table 5. Estimated Requirements of Iron and Steel Scrap in the Soviet Bloc, 1953 ... 9 Table 6. Estimated Availabilities of Iron and Steel Scrap in the Soviet Bloc, 1952 r 11 Table 7. Estimated AvaiTabilities of Iron and Steel Scrag in the Soviet Bloc, 1953 ? 12 Table 8. . Sources of Iron and Steel Scrap in the US 13 Illustration Following Page Flow of Materials in USSR Iron and Steel Industry (Chart) (Canfid~ential ). .. ? 2 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 CONTENTS P S'tltl'Imary ? ? r ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? e ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 I. Introduction . 2 1. Evolution of Scrap Uses ? 2 2. Sources of Scrap . . e . s . 3 II. Process of Estimation ? ? !t IIT. Requirements . 6 IV. Availabilities ? . , . 10 1? USSR . . ? ? 13 2. Czechoslovakia 7.1-t 3. Poland ? . 11t Lt. East Germany . ].~ 5? Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 b. Rumania . . . 1 7. Communist China , . ? . 16 V. Exports . 16 VI. Stockpiling ? ? ? 16 Appendixes Appendix A. Gaps in Intel7:igence , . 1? Appendix B. Methodology 19 Appendix C. Bootees and Evaluation of Sources 27 F 0~1~lAt Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 ONFIDE~I,gE CIA/RR PR-20 (ORR Project 70-51) SUPPL IFS OF IRON AND STEEL SCRAP IN THE SOVIET BLOC# S ar In 1952 and 1953, as the iron and. steel industries of the Soviet Bloc increase production, their requirements for scrap metal likewise will increase.. Over-all requirements of the Soviet Bloc for iron and steel scrap in 1952 are estimated at 28,23,000 metric tons. Over-all availabilities of scrap in the Bloc in 1952 are estimated at only 27,933,000 metric tons, and actual procurement probably will fall short of this amount. The scrap supply problem is particularly critical in East Germany, and the situation in the USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary is serious. Rumania and Communist China should fulfill requirements without difficulty. Iron and steel industries themselves annually generate large amounts of scrap, and additional amounts are generated by metalworking and fabri- cating industries, but the annual requirements of modern iron and steel industries for scrap greatly exceed the amounts annually generated as a byproduct of their operations. The difference must be made up by scrap recovered from disused or obsolescent equipment of various kinds. One major source of iron and steel scrap since World War II has. been surplus military equipment and the wreckage resulting from battle and bombardment. Stocks of war scrap in the So viet Bloc have now been depleted to the point where they are no longer important factors in the supply situation. Scrap collection drives have been established in most of the Soviet Bloc countries and have become an integral part of the iron and steel economy. In the USSR the scrap collection drive of 1951 fell short of planned goals, Every effort is being made by the Soviet Bloc to import scrap from the West, but the amounts-obtained have been limited by strong Western demand and Western European export controls. It is concluded that although scrap metal will be utilized in the Soviet Bloc at close to the maximum possible rate of supply in 1952 and 1953, the s~nly of scrap will not be sufficient to maintain the 1951 rates of increase in steel production in the Bloc (estimated at 1t, 763,000 metric tons). Therefore, to maintain the 1951 rates of increase, pig This report contains information available to CIA as of 1S April 1952. CONFIDE Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-F-C-R-E-T iron production would have to be increased by the more efficient opera- tion of existing installations and by the construction of additional blast furnace facilities. It is not believed, however, that the in- crease in pig iron production will be sufficient to sustain in 1952 and 1953 the 1951 increases in steel production. I. Introduction. In an expanding steal econorr{y such as exists in the USSR and the Satellites the recovery of iron and steel scrap from disused or obsoles~ cent equipment is the hope for short-term increases in steel production) Tron and_steel scrap and pig iron are complementary and interchangeable raw materials. But scrap is a superior raw material in steelmaking be- cause certain steps in the refinement process have already been taken. Scrap is superior to pig iron not only for making certain kinds of steel -- the highest grades of alloy steels az?e made in electric fur- naces charged principally with scrap -- but also for saving 1 abor and equipment in the production of steel of any kind. Each ton of scrap used in steelmaking results in the conservation of between 3 and 1t tons of natural resources. Approximately 2 tons of iron ore, 1 ton of .coking coal, one-half ton of limestone, and small quantities of other raw materials are used to?make 1 ton of pig iron. 1~ To extract, transport and handle these raw materials requires far more labor and equipment than to collect, transport, and handle the scrap that may be used to re- place 1 ton of pig iron. Scrap, moreover, may be used directly in steel production in open-hearth furnaces, which are comparatively easy to build. The intermediate step of refining strictly rsw materi als intd pig iron, on the other hand, requires blast furnaces, which are more difficult to erect and which require certain types of machinery (such as turboblowers) in critical supply in the Soviet Bloc. 1. Evolution of Scrap Uses. For about the first 20 years of steelmaking by bulk methods there was no need for scrap metal. The first such process, the Bessemer proce$s~ used 100-percent pig iron, and, with the rapid increase of steed ~ Footnote references in arabic numerals are to sources listed in Appendix C. ~ For flow of materials in USSR iron and steel industry, see the chart which follows p. Z. ~+ r 2 - $-~-.C-,~-E-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A00030~~~~~AL FLOW OF MATERIALS IN USSR IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY' OTHER SCRAP SOURCES 22 tons SCRAP 55 tons SCRAP 10 tons SCRAP 15 tons SCRAP 8 tons ANGANESE ORE (40%) 1 ton IRON ORE (`~%) 137 tons SINTER, SCALE, AND SCRAP 4.5 tons BLAST FURNACE PLANTS 70 tons of iron as pig or hot metal OXIDIZING ORE FERRO? ALLOYS 1.5 tons STEEL MAKING PLANTS 100 TONS of raw or crude steel INGOTS 97 tons FINISHING MILLS 70 tons of finished rolled products CONSUMING INDUSTRIES COKE 84 tons PIG IRON 20 tons SCRAP 11 tons 39 tons in 17 tons out STEEL FOUNDRIES 3 tons in 2 tons Out INGOTS, BLOOMS, AND BILLETS HEAW FORGINGS As mined 162 4ons aeneficiated 116 tons COKE? CHEMICALS 5 tom CONFIDENTIAL A~l~otl~~.t2For Release 19~'l0''~'?"CIA-RDP79-01`09~~(?(~994fl@003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-E-C-R-E-T production during this period, large reserves of scrap accumulated. It ?was to take advantage of these reserves of scrap metal that the open- hearth steel furnace was developed on a wide c?mmercial basis. This development led in turn to increased dependence on scrap and a decline in reserves of scrap. This cycle began in the US with the building up of large reserves of scrap in the period 1880 to 1900. Since 1908, when open-hearth production overtook production by the Bessemer process, more scrap has been consumed than generated in the US, ~ The present acute scrap shortage in the US can in part be traced to the depletion of these early Bessemer reserves of steel scrap. The availability of scrap and the proportion of scrap used in tY~e .open hearths, blast furnaces, electric furnaces,-and foundries have de- pended on the prevailing smelting methods and conditions. Until 19lt0 the USSR used such a small percentage of scrap in open-hearth furnaces that more scrap was generated than consumed. Since then, first in order to meet the urgent needs of World War II and then to hasten the attain- ment of the goal of self-sufficiency for the USSR, Soviet leaders have placed great emphasis on the open-hearth process, by which the USSR could most rapidly expand steel production, utilizing the large re- serves of scrap available. The extensive adoption of this process in the USSR has depleted these reserves rapidly and has created a critical situa- tion in the supply of scrap. `2. Sources of Scrap, .~~ The sources of scrap metal are much the same in every country. Scrap metal is divided into two principal categoriesa home scrap# and purchased scrap. Hame scrap is the waste metal material generated in a mill from all the casting, rolling, and finishing operations. From every 100 tons of steel ingots produced, 15 to 25 tons of home scrap are generated. ~ The largest identifiable source of purchased scrap is the process scrap turned out by the metalworking and fabricating in> dustry. Yn normal times, about 12 to 15 percent of-the total weight of steel used in the metalworking industry becomes process scrap. Tn wartime the proportion rises to 18 to 20 percent. cad-l~;d circulating scrap. ~ Also called dealer scrap, outside scrap, revert scrap, open market scrap, and country scrap. S-E-C-R~~-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 s_E-c-R-~-T The retirement of rails and rail transport equipment contributes a small but consistent stream of scrap for the mills. Railways are the source of about 15 percent of all purchased. scrap. The remainder of the purchased scrap generated represents the toll taken by obsolescence, corrosion, accident, and other causes that result in the retirement of iron and steel products :from actiTae seervice. Scrap is recovered from shipbreaking, building demolitions, and detinning operations. In the US the automobile junk yard :is an important source but is not in the Soviet Bloc. Other sources of purchased scrap are city dumps and farms. In addition, there are two extraordinary means of acquiring scrap, exploited only in times of necessity or when economically profitable. These are the collection drive and the recovery of war scrap. The industrial collection drive is an action to force plants and factories to contribute scrap from obsolescent equipment. In reality, the acquisition of scrap in this way will be offset by a shortage later, when the obsolescent scrap normally would return to the mills. The household collection drive brings in scrap that ordinarily might go uncollected, but in percentage terms the contribution is small. War scrap and suro'Lus war equipment were an important part of scrap supply in the USSR aa~d East Germany up until about 1951. II. Process of Estimation. In estimating requirements it is necessary to know what scrap practices# are used in each country for open-hearth, electric, and blast furnaces, In the course of fulfilling the Third Five Year Plan (1938-1t2) in the USSR, minimum and maximum uses of scrap were established, as shown in Tabl? 1.~ # crap practice refers to the percent of scrap in a furnace charge. ~ Table 1 follows on p. 5. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-F-C-R-F-T Use of Iron and Steel: Scrap ; Scrap Rates in the IJSSR under the Third Five Year Plan 1938-1t2 Tyne of Steel Open-Hearth Steel Bessemer Steel Electric Steel e of Pi Iron Open-ilearth ~-~ Iron Foundry Pig Tron Minimum 1Jse of Scrap (Metric Ton per Metric ion of Steel) 0. ~ 11 0.039 0.807 Maximum Use of Scrap (Metric Ton per Metric Ton of Pip; Iron) 0.050 O.OoO In lieu of any definite information, scrap practice wastaken at 95 percent in electric furnaces in all Soviet I31oc countries, even !though US practice is about 98 percent. Table 2# shows estimated onen- hearth and b7_~st.-furnace scrap practices in the Soviet Bloc and the IJS for the period 1951-53. Table ~ follows on p. 6. -s- S-E-C-R-F-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved- For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-F-C-R-~'-T lJse of Iron and Steel Scrap: Estimated Scrax~ Practices in the Soviet Bloc and the LTS 7/ 1951.-53 Country Open-Hearth Furnaces Blast Furnaces USSR 50 5.5 Czechoslovakia 38 10.0 Pol and ~ 8 2.0 Fast Germany 85 a/ 5.0 Hungary 5~. _ 5.0 Rumania 5ft 5.0 Communist China 15 5.0 US ~6 3.5 a, 19 1, percent; 19 , 0 percent; 19>3, 75 percent. III. Requirements. The construction of new blast furnaces and the consequent increase in the production of pig iron is the only way to laver scrap requirements and maintain (or increase) steel production. Improved technology such as the fuse of high-pressure tons in blast furnaces, already in use in the< USSR at Magnitogorsk, will also reduce scrap requirements. Estimated scrap reouirements of oven-hearth furnaces, electric fur- naces, blast furnaces, and foundries in the Soviet Etloc for 1951 are shown in Table 3;~; for 1952, in Table ~~; and for 1953, in Table 5.~'~-~ (Al- though Bessemer and Thomas converters occasionally utilize scrap, the .amounts are negligible.) Allowance ha.] been made far metal losses in the smelting and refining of steel. _~ Table 3 follows on p. 7. ~ Table ~ follows on p. 8. Table 5 follows on p. 9. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 ooooovl~l ooooo~-cam ~'"~ h- ~"r'1 'V of fV CO ? ? ? OC~LN ri0 OO M O L1 O ~O r-1 ti rl N t~ N 111 V1 ~ O~ T-- O~ c~0 M C\L M ll~ .-1 N o0 ? ~: O O ri i-1' ri O O O Lf~ [--~ N N 't7 O CL O ~U -~ tf~ O N O~ ri N 1-+11 r1 Lf~ r-I CV .-~' a~ r--I ~-I -~ O O O ~c:i x"1000000 .~' O ~O rl O M cY1 7' N NNMNNrI~ O~ Nr100000 .~ ? ? ? ? e ? rIOCJOOOO r-I U .~ F~ O cry O [~ c~'1 ~' ~f] cr. -F~ M N 0 1.f1 V1 r1 ~' N U N rl L`- rl r--I O O O . . ? . x100000 O 0 r1 ? N W cd O .~ 1-~l .~' L!~ M ~' 'Ltd N O ~ ~ ~fJ r+" 1111 r'1 r--I ~", rl. O~ CT CO ~ rl ri ? ~O ~ . ? .~ao0ooo ~ 0 ~?~+ > ooo u o ooa o o + fti U 1 v1 o N O~ 11`, o ~ v1 v1 co -~ N N 00 O ~ N ri r-I O O O r-1 act ~ ?rl ~+ as 7 N r~-I ~ t' ~~y H V] N O cd .~ ? '~ U O ~ +' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?h Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 a~ 8888N~~8 8 .~.~ r'1 CD -~' U10D N O H ? ? ? ? ? a ? ~''~ N N rl O O r-I cV ~O, .U V u o ~~ ~ +~ a~ ~ ~~+ ?~ t?nSootio 0 CD ~ M ~ rl M , ~ o~~~.~a~~~~~ r~ ~ a t~ d~~~ ~~~~o? ~~r~~~w '~~~~~9~~(,~0,~00030003-0 Approved For F~elea~e N! ~, 1999/09/02 n CIA-~t[~P79-01093A000300030003-0 z ~ ~ ~ ?x o ~oz o a' ` a ; -I r rl ~ A O N O~-7 ~ d\ r-i tf ~l u ri [tl [ d lf~ M O~ N N 1.f~ p~1 ( T 1 oQ ~O N [~ 1.J1 N ~O M 'C1 ~ I O O ?r i F aG ~ N r-1 ri ~-I O O O O d [ra dJ U N U N N ~ ~ A~p~Eo~n:n~~l ' w [n w no coo '60 ?eo o N r~ ri r+ ll1 ?rl ?ri ? ~ c . r-t ~ ;-i o ~ ~ O 3 9 ~ ~ a~i v a~i 4 u a~i ~ p zxz zz I w 9 U v l !ti o ~ o a aaa?o ~ ~ na I-I ~ ,-1 rl ~ U ~ t? t[1 0? r? r? 11 . ZZZ ~ r-N y ~ t ~ A O O C>a .ti ~ N I C ~ ~ ~ N E~ N P pp .p O O rm-1 ~ r~i .~Mt b O' , aOMr"~Mri00 I q ?rrol 't~ [d ~ ~ B O x'000000 ~O ~ ~d N ~ t [ ~ CJ ?r ~ W 0 6 :~, ~ A. i [nc~ ~ A ~ F W (n i~ O r-1 V1 r-1 r~ M r-i O +' .. y r-I 4) ~ vJ O ~ p ~' ~~i ~n O O O ~ nl ~ ~ ~ ~ ? O ;> ~oc~H ~o00odri to ~ ` f##"" ~ ~ E+I 0 ~ ~ w1 ti b t ~ ~ ~ a wi ~ ' I y ~ Ln n ~ 2 i a 1 ~ N ~ b t cr l U ~ H f~ rl p [d +~ t O ~ ` ~ . , ~ I ~ `d c~ [ - I~ N O ~ `~ ~ ~ H ~~ ~ ~ ? FYI y :zl ~ r~ F+ rl U [1T [` '~ N r -I O O r~ U O E= ri w WI I H ~~ [d ?r1 O +~ p~ ? ? M 0 0 0 0 0 0 -~ ~ tr. Ca A ~ 4 ~~ ~~ W ' i m :n o 1" ~ H N co a m ;~ '`' a' f; i. ~ m ~+ o n ro ~ W -~ N ~O N M T M O 0\ N ?E~ -- W [[1 CL E= m M't.r~ M ri N N [~ +~ [A O .~ a ~'~ 0000000 0 ~ o N ~ y a ~ ~ .a ' N . 0 ty N t N ri TS r-1 ~ O Eft N ~D O~ ? ~O r-1 r-I rl O N M I ~ ?rl r-I ~" r 1 ro r1 rl cd +~ F,' +r~~ ~~rddi [d ?r! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r-I I r-~ ~ .L" ~ N N ' `~ U N ~ A E fY, F a 0000000 O ~ C>~C 7 r -1 ~ ~ '~', 1 ~ chi ~ ~ r-i r `i N > `~ ~ ~ M 4 W \ cd I 0 O O tf~ ~ ~ 0 cz7 r 7 > ? W i ~ Q` ~ lA~ r~ [~ O M CO D~ M .,. r ~ r 4 v) -N C ~^ w ? ' [~-~ N O C\i aD r"1 CY , ~ ~ ro N [d . ~ r i E [n O U 00000 00 N O a~ U La },~, 0 +' O ri NP W O U i. ~,~ ~ [n ~ W c7 tJ 'O ~ O r-i ~~d +~ (r1 ?rl y Q ~ O +~ N [d r-i U W r-1 rn f. ?r?1 W Q. N r O l N O Lf~ ~ L1\ N ~O ~ Lr~ ( y [ d O U O E~ ~~ ~C N E Ll. r l 6 M N O~ N B~ rl O O~ [n O f0 d N ? rir-ir1000 O ` p p ~7 v]',#. N ~ ~~ ~ nro ?.~ ~ p . ~ b ri G, +~ ~ N O ~ + -' ~ O W W F i ~ ~ , + oo... N +~ f; O C H k ro ? V1 - U ?ri ?rl O O to N ?rl ?rl r01 N N L' rl td N r-i 4 tr d0 ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ > ~ ~ .-i ~ ~ +~ ~ 9a Oq x +~ ~ 1~E=- [q E r~ O 0 o b 7 ~ ~C - A -~ R. ~ q G ~ k m 0 r H ' C r 1 -I i O ?ri ..~i d N O t-i ~ Approved For F~ eleas ~i~~/ : ~I ;R~79-0109 3A000300030003-0 nvawx v roA.+~ v?o Nw an~.,a Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-E-C-R-E-T Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel. Table $ indicates the sources of scrap and the contribution of each source of scrap to the US iron and steal industry. Table 8 'Sources of Iron and Steel Scrap in the [1,S 1~ Percent of Total Sources Purchased Scrap All Scrap Home Scrap S5 Purchased Scrape !t5 Process Scrap 1~0 Rails and Rail Equipment 15 Obsolescent Equipment, etc. !ts Zbtal purchased Scrap 100 Total All Scrap 100 1. USSR. In the USSR there has been an intense nation wide effort for the last several years to make a sufficient supply of scrap available to the iron and steel industry. 11/ If scrap requirements, both far home con- sumption and far foreign commitments., are to be met in 1952 and 1953, it will be necessary for Glavotorchermet (Main Administration of Procurement, ?rocessing, and Sale of Scrap Metal) to intensify its activities. After World War II the available supplies of scrap were plentiful. They consisted mainly of war scrap from the USSR and East Germany as well as scrap obtained from the wholesale dismantling of plants in East Germany. Now, however, war stocks are depleted, and the dismantling has virtually ceased.. In 1951 the supply of scrap was so short in the USSR that mills in the Ihepropetrovsk-area were forced to suspend open-hearth production -13- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-E-C -R- E'-T temporarily. 12 The 1.951 Soviet scrap collection drive was not fulfilled according to plan. 13/ In the future it will be necessary to increase the collection drive efforts. The USSR will not be able to rely. on im- ports and war scrap to fill any substantial part of the scrap requirements. 2. Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovak iron and steel industry probably will be able to obtain sufficient quantities of scrap metal to maintain planned levels of production in 1952 and 1953. Regular sources of supply are app arently sufficient to fulfill requirements, although the government has instituted scrap collection drives# and trade agreements f'or importing scrap. A large portion of the necessary imports has been supplied in the past by the USSR and East Germany. 1!t In the fut~zre, Czechoslovakia must rely on the USSR for imports of scrap metal, particularly in view of the in - creasingly strict embargoes on scrap shipments to the Soviet Bloc by Italy, Western Germany, the Western Zones of Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands, all former sources of supply for scrap. If the iron and steel industry of Czechoslovakia is unable to make gro- per use of the Soviet iron ores which are now being substitued for high- grade Swedish ores, shipments of which to Czechoslovakia have been reduced, the scrap situation in Czechoslovakia will become increasingly more serious. 15/.- 3 . Poland. Poland+s iron and steel industry will not suffer any loss in Manned production in 1952 and 1953 for lack of scrap metal. 'Although the Polish government has made an assignment of responsibility-for the procurement of scrap metal, few data were found to substantiate evidence of an intense scrap collection drive. But in 1'952 and 1953 the necessity of replacing declining imports from East Germany may focus attention on the need for nation-wide efforts to dbtain sufficient scrap metal for the iron and steel industry. 16/ 11. East Germany. If the USSR relaxes the present scrap requirements levied against ~ Supervising agency -- Salvage Raw Materials (Sterne Suroviny), a national corporation. ~ Central Office for Waste Utilization and Salvage and the Central Committee for~Scrap. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-E-C-R-E-T East Germany, the supply in East Germany will be sufficient in 1952 and 1953. Itp to the present time, Soviet policy has been to call on East Germany to fulfill any scrap deficiencies existing elsewhere in the Soviet Bloc. The USSR has demolished some East German factories solely for the salvageable scrap metal. Continuance of mandatory e~orts at the present rate will seriously disrupt the economy of the East German iron and steel industry. 17/ A German source in 19J~? estimated that in East G?rmany there existed a war scrap metal reserve of 4 million to 5 million metric tons? At the same time a Soviet source placed the reserve at 6.5 million to 7 million metric tons. Tn either case t~se reserve is now exhausted, tai~h the possible exception of about 500,000 metric tons of sunken ships along the East German coast. 18/ In 1951, scrap collection drives collected 600,000 metric tons of scrap metal. It is possible that this amount will be collected during 1952, but it is doubted if the figure will be met in 1953. By the end of 1953, however, the East German government _ hopes to have a sufficient number of the new low-shaft b1a st furnaces in operation to eliminate imports of pig iron and paortially relieve-the scrap shortage. 19/ H~~? Hungary cannot sustain iron and steel production in 1952 and 1953 without importing at least 50,000 metric tons of scrap. In the bast, Hungary+s scraz~ imports have come principally from East C.rermany, the TJSS;~,, Austria, and Bulgaria. 20 Imports from East Germany, Hungary+s 1 argest external source of supply, will decrease markedly during the next year. 21 Some scrap will come from Lebanon. 22 There are in- sufficient data to indicate whether a scrap collection drive exists. 6. Rumania. Rumania- will be able to sustain operations at planned production levels through the use of internal sources of acrap metal. Rumania im- norts about 10,000 metric tons of scrap a year from Bulgaria. Small, amounts also came from Lebanon. ~ un by the Volkseigene Handelszentrale Schrott (F~eople-Owned Scrap Trading Center ). - 15 - S-F-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-E-C-R-E-T China has a relatively greater surplus of scrap metal than any mf the countries in the Soviet Bloc, and the supply is entirely sufficient for the iron and steel industry. In addition, stocks of war scrap from Korea are readily available and -are being utilized in D4anchuria and the Soviet Far East. Reports do exist, however, of repeated Chinese attempts to import scrap through Hong Kong. 2!~ V. orts. Except for important strategic reasons., the Soviet Bloc does not export scrap. The Finnish-Soviet Trade Agreement fors 1952 calls for the shipment of 20000 metric tons of scrap from the USSR to Finland. How- ever, the delivery of the scrap is subject to the understanding that the steel produced will be returned to the USSR. The Finns expressed sur- prise that the USSR had an exportable surplus, and they believe that the scrap will come from East Germany, not from the USSR. 25/? VI. Stockpiling. Stockmiling of scrap metal against future strategic needs is not done anywhere in the Soviet Bloc. The supply situation is so critical that it is impossible to stockpile without a loss in production. The aggregating of scrap stocks at the mills is not t;o bey considered stock- piling. - 16 - S-F-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-E-C-R-E-'P APPENDIX A GAPS IN IN TFLLIGFNCE Although reporting on East Germany, Czechoslo vakia, and Poland is relatively good, information on Hungary and Rumania is sparse. Intelli- gence reports on scrap metal activities in Communist China are almost ,totally lacking. On the USSR there was one good report. Import-export information was spotty and incomplete. In no case gas the coverage sufficient for all the needs of the report. Further and more complete coverage on the following items would be an aid in formulating requirements and availab:~.lities in all Soviet Bloc countries; production data on pig iron as used for open-hearths, converters, and iron foundries; raw steel data far open-hearth,. electric furnace, converter, and steel casting production; information about scrap practices in blast furnaces, open hearths, electric furnaces, and foundries; data on recovery of metallics from slag dumps; and figures showing the amount of available scrap by source: and the ability of that source to fulfill requirements. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-E-C-R-E-T APPENDIX B METHODOLOGY The requirements of the various Soviet B].oc countries for iron and steel scrap have been derived for this report from estimates of iron and steel production and of scrap practices in those countries. These estimates in turn are based on such information as is available for those countries, both as regards their iron and steel industries as a whole and~as regards individual steel mills. To arrive at the availabili- ties of iron and steel scrap in the Soviet Bloc, it was necessary for the most part to draw analogies from US availabilities and modify them with such ad3ustments as were possible. The sample computations below show the methods used in arriving at scrap requirements and availabilities in 1952 for all the countries of the Soviet Bloc. I. Scrap Requirements, 1952. A. Open-.Hearth Furnace Scrap Requirements. 1. USSR. a. Steel production (ingots and castings) _ 33,300 million metric tons. b. Open-hearth steel is 86 percent of the steel production. (0.86) (33.300) ~ 28.600 million metric tons. c. A scrap practice of 50 percent is used for open-hearth furnaces. (0.50) (28.600) ~, 1lt.300 million metric tons. d. Zhe allowance for melting losses for open-hearth scrap is 8 percent. (0.0$) (1lt.300) 1.100 million metric tons. e. Total open-hearth scrap .(c plus d) ~ 15.00 million metric tons. 2. Czechoslovakia. a. Total scrap required 1.115 million metric tons. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-E-C-R-E-T b. Scrap for open-hearth furnaces is total scrap less electric furnace scrap, {1.115} - (0.133) 0.982 million metric tons. 3. Poland. a. Total scrap required in 1951 - 1.~'S0 million metric tons. - b. Total scrap required in 1952 based on an increased pro- duction from 2.300 to 2.l~00. (1.250) (2.00) = 1.305 ~.~ million metric tons. c. Scrap for open-hearth furnaces is 77.6 percent of the total scrap required. (0.776) (1.305) 1.013 million metric tons. 4. East Germany, Hungary, Rumania, and Communist China. a. Percentage of the total steel production which is open- hearth steel. Percent East Germany ~31.T.a Hungary 93.0# Rumania 9 ~~.0~ Communist China 9l~.6# b. Open-hearth scrap total arrived at by the same method as used for the USSR but with the following scrap practices. Percent East Germany ~ Hungary ~. Rumania 54 Communist China 15 B. Electric Furnace Scrap Requirements. No allowance made for. Bessemer or Thomas converter steel production. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-E-C-R-E-T. F~l.ectric furnace steel is 6 percent of the steel produc- tion. (0.06) (33.3) -.2.000 million metric tons. b. A scrap practice of 95 percent is used for the electric furnaces. (0.95) (2.00) 1.900 million metric tons. 2. Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Rumania, and Communist China. a. Percentage of the total steel production which i:s electric furnace steel. Percent Czechoslovakia ~p East Germany 7.2 Hungary 7.0 Romani a 5.0 Communist China 5~ j~ b. Electric furnace steel scrap requirement arrived at by the same method as used #'or the USSR, with all countries using a scrap practice of 95 percent. 3. Poland. a. Total scrap required.: 1.305 million metric tons. b. Of the total~scra~ needed 7.65 percent is required by the electric furnaces. (0.0765) (1.305) : 0.100 million metric tons. C. Blast Furnace Scrap. Requirements. 1. US5R. a. b. :Pig iron production = 2lt.500 million metric tons. Scrap for blast furnaces, using a 5.5 percent scrap practice. (0.055) (21.5) _ 1.350 million metric tons. 2. Czechoslovakia. a, Total scrap required for iron and steel making _ 1.~i00 million metric tons.. - 21 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01093A000300030003-0 S-E-C-R-E-T b. Of the 1952 scrap allocation, 8.9 percent is far blast furnace requirements. (0.089) (1.1~) : 0.125 million metric tons. 3. Poland. Hlast furnace scrap total arrived at by the same method as used for Czechoslovakia, on the basis that 2.115 percent of the total scrap required (1.305 million metr3.c tons) is re- quired by the blast furnace. !t. East 4ermany, Hungary, Rumania, and Communist China. Blast furnace scrap total arrived at 'by tine same method as used for the USSR but with the following acrap practices. Percent East Germany ---~-- Hungary 5 Rumania 5 Communist China 5 D. Foundry Scrap Requirements. 1. USSR. Assumption is made that the foundry production increased directly with steel praduction between 1937 and 1953; 1937 foundry scrap required was 2.222 milliofi metric tons for a steel produotion of 17.630 million metric tons. (33.300)(2.220) _ !