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Approved For Fuse 1999/09/02: CIA-RDP79-d`"I'd90A00 "~'~ST~lih~ ~i~'ftCPE Bl~3CH oPFxC~ aF R~Pa'P`~g AfidD F~'~`~rtiAi'.C'FS CII`zTRAL I~TTELLIGA~SC~ AG~~CY ~VORX1~1 G `PAP ~. .1-i~ Y~~ MRS C}~: This document is a ~rorking, paPsr~ an o~~ic~.al. CIA issua~-cea It h~.s been. c~o~-ordinated w1:th~.n C~RE~ btxt not with the IP~C Agenc~.es 4 ~t x~epres~nts ouxrent thinking bg specf.alists in CIAO and is designed ~"or rase ~g ath~srs ongaged in ei~il+ar or overlapping studiese TIC opiixi.ons expressed her~ain mag be revised before ~ina~> anal official publ3,cationa It is inte~ide~d sa~el.y ~'ar the inPox~nation o~ the addsgessee snd not fox? ,~'ux?ther ~.~.sse~.~ ~aatiana _ CLASS. ~''.~,,,... ,.. 1 ~. . D~%Lf.S'ci.~~ ~_. ~ RUTH: ~~0~~ ~Z R[ViEWE~: 372044 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01090A000400010006-1 ;,~ E C R E T ,, Approved For Rise-1999/09%02 :CIA-RDP79-O'OA000400010006-1 ~i~~~~~ ~vno~~ B~rrcx ~~~~~~ su~;~,~r~ VOL o V- ~t a a l for ~v?~k ending 19 ~'ialy 1949 25X6A Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01090A000400010006-1 5X6A \ Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01090A000400010006-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01090A000400010006-1 Approved For Rse 199~/0~/@21} C~A~RDP79-01A000400010006-1 25X6A Should an ~.ustriar. treat be concluded tcta uestions w ecr~me ~aramo~ant ixi us r ao Those tv 11 Q: Aus rims a y to increase its exports in odor ~o p~.~ ~';"I5a riillion to th? USSR tivithin 6 years; and (~) the aap?3.bilities af? Austria+s future Barmy to control intdrna7, securitya The US will probsbly be called upon to ease the financial burdens inherent 1.iz -''both problems o Payment of the lump-stun, probably the rlost ~i,~'~icult problem Austria will face, yvill require more ~caordin~ted and astute planning; than Austrians have -evidenced in their post-war historyo Unles;~ clearly .and pronptly discotars.~ed, Chair reliance on ?"T;~ assis~ ts~nce scald. easily extend to a corlplete covara~;e of this sumo otherwise, the Austrians gust base their e~onpMic planning; ~w at least far two z~aro years --~ .tpon la~A assistance, and calculate an increased economic Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01090AOQ0400010006-1 Approved Fdr~' Rase `19 1~9~p~: ~ly~-RDP79-OOA000400010006-1 potential only upon ti~ae sustained recovery aGeruin~ #"r~~m the ACA pro~;rr~m Vinci fxjor~ the economic irspx*overaents re~ ~uL~ii~~; from r~. terrair~mtion of the oc~uprition and other '~err~s oi' the tre~zty~ Xn such planning, ~lll Austrian #~~encies and ~nrsennc~, con~err_eci (regardless of politicai. ~saneu~t~ra ~ ~'rt~uld have to coardinate tha3x? efforts, t;~ ad~ Vic~r~ amareover$ r"ii~ht prove of invaluab3.o help to the t'rer~uently unc~ertrained lustrian econe~mists and a ben4fi-- ~~.al restr~~nt to bitiau^ politic:3.ans~ she c,~pabi.litior~ of the frxturc~ axmy will rest ~Qt only upon its organization and training;, but also upon its ec~uipmc~nt q L3rfitod by the tremty in its ovm. rruf~c~:ure of arras, Austria zvi11 have little funds ~v~ilablc for international purchases.. The lack of e~,uip~- ~ant~ which can. only be remadi?d by outsida_assstnnce, may be a r,1o1"c svr; r~us threat to Austrian sec~.uyity th?~.n tho pram ?nt 3nabi~,Sty of the coalition p?~rties to reach an aGeord ors principles and details of the future array ar~arzizatic~no The Gavernr~ent e s indifferent Qro~re_ss tav~ard reali~Sn~; ~ a , ac~:.vc~s"o tie ~r~ro ~f~ ~.,:~+:.,,~~ ana aconQxa~.;; .union negotiated ixa 19 g& is no~5R4'B~iy t ------ ro~ a.,........_,...__ ~__~- -._~~ _ .. - - .25X6 as both steps must be taken and the Gaverru~ent pro oses p ~t this stake to talfe the next several months to c~Qi~;h ei~ x*e~.?~t3ve merits, it appears t~7?~t the C=overnz~ent ~s .stir. diviarrd oxi basic policy tocAr:3rd fx?eadot~ of 'gads, .despite t~~e influence of mconoari~.s liberals such &s Far?~i~n R~gin.ister Sch?zrianv 3Jissensian within Ise t3au11e e s Rally ref tho b'~-ench I'saple (P~'F~ may be expected to increase as ~iis pi~~~.ls.r ~a~p~al doclinr~s o `t*his decline has already caused t~xe RPM' .tea r ev~.se sorae~vhat its previous role of a Grusade '~~ "rslly~' a dividod peoples and it notiv tends to assLtr~s S~stea.d tlxo c~iax~ac~eris tics cif a political party, iricl~.xdi~ Approved_For Release 1999/'0902?: CIA-RDP79-01090A000400010006-1 ~. ~ n b T1 ~: ~ ~- 'Approved For Rse 19~/~9~~: ~I~-RDP79-OOA000400010006-1 ~quetel~e~ ~3~:uzn?3~ T,Zalrau~c~ and Pale~sk~,~ i~ st~.ll ~rec~apture the .grrt;a.ly~r aspect of .the movement by b~oad- ~nin~; ~~.rliamentar~.an rapresen~at3 on in. tea tvp ochelon of the ~tP~~, the riovsx~ant re~antly raplacsad its old F~aeuti~re Camm~.ttee by a new ri~.re.ct~.r.~ 0ourxcild T~. :th~.~ _caux~c~~.,. havraver, the RFF 'gold ward?t (sue~h as that of ix~~ra~?pax=ty squabbl3.r~.~,. In ?rder to ~.raprove _ . thQ frequently bad ralat~.ons betwaen t'he RPP$s head. ~ua~ue~s and ite .par~.iamentary e~pportars anal also to r~xi. 7 J~ly~ Tn vi~~v o~ thQ ax~'~agonism '~atwaen RPF air ~asren~s $~a Parl~.amant and a,~ .c~aLZ],le s s anteuraRa, :~.arther -~r~sigrzatio~s ~~ frs~.loave Jacques Soustella,. ~?:ha 5ecr`e~a,r~~>G?neral . of the~Ra~.ly~ has rept~r. ted1;~ conf errr~d w3,tk~, R~~' par"l~ame~.tar~a~z~ in an attempt tv h?a~. the breach 4 such ~~a ~atx~ct~sn+~ a~~ea:rs ur~l3~el j ; hawaver; . part~.cu~.arly $~.YIC~ :de ,C~aul~.e hira~~~.~ atrgsaad fvd3.sGipl3.ne?4 W~,th~.n the app ;~ a ~re.cent. speecho Despf,tia th3.s top level raox+~anizat on,, open ~.onf~,~,Qt Its ar3.sa ~t~f~` and. t~~e , ~iPP n betv~oen de ~ Gaulle t s .~~a~.quartsra i. 'par~.iamantar3.ar~~;. ~'oZlocvin~ the t~1.se~p~:S.na~?y ~xpu~.s3on o~ dour mambers of Parlisanent ~c?om tkaa .~P1'~ Rad~.cal-Socialist Paul Giacobb~.,, presideniG o~ the . I~~'T ~.z~ter~group ~n the Assombly and member o~ the ~a~.ly4s Diarect~.ng, Co~xnciT~ x?~as~.~rzad bath posts in parotost d~.ant . ~'~.ee~ day?lopments indicate a pro'ba'c1e decline A~eet~bly ~. a poss~.bl,e s3mi3,ar trend in the, Covxac5.1 taf .' pc~3.it~oa~1 sign~.~'~.caxaca o~ -the PPS' 3.nter~-group 3n: tho t~c~ I~ep~.bl~.c ~~'~ ~e~ ,~e~~ the great ma~or~.ty of P~en.~i~.eh, vQho ~ ~~~,t~.exa~~.~.g ~~.phald strict anfQ~~eemen,t o~ m3.13.t~:~y . lla~a~. `s.uppa~~es:~ion~ ~,~ Commun3.st act~~v~.ic3.es~ sx~d (~~ it ~,~ t'~~~p~~;e,~ tk~at ~;h~s pr~ps,ganda will' p.o~ under eras?nt cir_cum~ the I~.~cs-Ch~.x~ese tvar~ ' ~?~ist periad~,cal~, ~'Qr e~?zr~ple~ ale .nab .i~c~~.x~e~tly 3.nc~.t~,~ the armed farces to disoi~edLisnce by pr~.~.tin~ e~o,erpts From Party leaders t speeahea ~.ianed more d.ir~aa'~~.y at thy.s ob j act~.va in. thy, past Tai Goverza~a~nt~s reasons for not rno;rir~~; .?~t once.. t4 s^appre~~ guoh p1''opa anc~r~ ~rob~.tO~,~r are: (l ~ it is xio~ ~t'~.~.'~~ss~ :~~e, o1xteoma of a ~.e~;a'! ~?st. ease a~;s.inst s. Co~nmwr~ist youth period~.ea~. e~~,r ed y~:~.th 3nc:~~ing troops to diso~iediance `~z~ the ~.~4~' strikes; ~2) it s up to aiow Garas~.sten~G~.y ?~void?d ~ivin~; the CP an;~ defar,sible gx*otinds .nor comp~.ainirl r o:# t~~ ~ovax~nr~e~t ~.n ~.~s su pport csf ~chs A,,tlant~.u Pact aria ~~ thou~Ii ,ths . obviouB ~.tr_z cif sueYi props.gazida 3.s to ?mbarxe.ss a.s being ~.xitanFa.fi~d-~. -the ~Ge~~raz~rarnent .~.~ probab~.y de~.?~y supprgss3.ve countermeasures ~ e~re~n ~.i~ap~.ine.Q Approved For Release 19~/~,:BpP79-010~OA000400010006-1 ,~?~ SAC, RFF=~ Approved For Rse 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01A000400010006-1 $ET.GZtJPai k3 A sc~co~.d failures of th? Cathol3._r_ ~'art;Y to fot~xn a C~.bixxe pi.~r;;ed pri~~ar ~-~W~z~-_a so_.,? ion 'to `the royal problem, avain demonstrates tkxat the Catholic Party dust modifg its de~snds in order to obtain support of wither tkie Socialists ~.~r Liberals, or both in astablfshin~; a ne~v Goverre~.ant. A proposal put forward by van Cauivelaart, Catholic leader, c?~llin~ fora referen- dum to deterxn'ne the popu3.ar. support f'or Yin; Leopold~s return, was ra~,~ected by both i~he Socialist and Liberal Parties? The Socialists stated adamantly that a ttvo-thirds r.;j~rity mould be necessarg r-xnd that failure to obtain sufficient sl.zppc~rt must riean Yin Leopold~s ~.bd~.cration. The Liberal Partly dec3,arQ~3 that :ooperation with the Catholic Party tivuuld be possible only if the Weer ~;overnr::ent subordinated a solution o:~~? the rural probloxn to the solu- tion of more urgent and important econox:~ic problex~s ? There is v?ry slight possibilit~r tha.~~ the Catholic I''s.rt;~ ~rlay attempt to ~;over?~. atones ~rtth the s~alaport of. a faun Liberal votes in Parl~.ar.~ent, in ti~s~ich case the Government probably vt~ould bg short-lived a 1~Zo~~e lil~aly, hoi~ever, f.s anather Cath?lic-~SocS.al3st coalit:'~ord, e:~ther with Soc~zalist terms government a popsxlar conv~~lta t~.on on. Leopold r s return or Frith a temporary tivithdraZR~r~l of ?she royal prob:~erz ix~.to the background> rr~T~~ ~L~rrl~s A Continuation of the Governmentfs canciliator~ ta,r~ ?~p~orova ast , tivee off' t e a.~rearnents reae~h~d with the Republicans on (~.) restoxation of the F~epublican Government, (2) provisions for restor:~.ng 1?~w and order, and (3 ) agenda for a roundtable c4~nference at the IIa~.te a Severe Briticism of Govc~rnmont policy from conservative parlia- xnentary rnernbers and Gathcs:~.ic leaders, since tiie return of Republican officials to Jo~;~al~~.x~ta on 6 July, had caused some concern ar:xoxs~~ Dutch officials that the Governmc~rat .could not sts.y in power t~~.tkl.out modifying its autitude totaard tlza ~lepub3.ic> Parliamentary support ~~~as received at a secret session of tho Second Chamber, anal althouf;h a public, debate will be held aft~;r the Republican Gove3rnment ratifies the agreQments, :~_t is xzotiv e~pect~;d to ,rive rise to -na serious difficulty for the ~Jatherlands Goverx~xnent. .~ Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01090A000400010006-1 Approved For. Rise 199~J/~9~b2~: ~I~-RDP79-O'~A~OA000400010006-1 the Dutcrs representatives ~aegin the more a~t~snsive negotiations vdith the indonesiars.s on the United States .~~ ~ndones,~.a rznd t17e I'detharlands~-Indonesian '~'nion~ however., further criticisrl of any DutcPi cc:ncessiorxs riay ba exPectac3 anal msy be strong; Qnou~;h to restrict sorae- tvhat the lati tYxc~e of the t~overnrient in the negotiations The Vaj-,ican decreQ of ~.3 3u1~ excoarumanicating ~athol~.cs ~v o e end or spree C~i~rnin.~.sm will have a .significant impact upon political aliE~.ents :fin Italy and will tend, to accentuate sharply the clerical and anti-clerical lie?s of political division Italian Golrrmzn.ist Party r~.etx~bars~xips now estirxated at ~.m8 to 2 r~illiona ~v3.11 be substantially reduced ~ Lee.dership of the party t?~ill not be affected, xo~-ever, a3~d the pr~.rty mill be tr3.r~-~ed to its more xLardened anr.! d3.sciplin$d elera?nts o The voting strength. ~f .the Goru~anists ~v3,~?~. be weaken?d to an even greater extent than 2ts membersh~.pQ This loss vaill be reflect;sd ~.n t3ie regional electionsp which are scheduled fortha Fall, anc~ will be greater still if the regic~r~al elections are postponed until the springy; of 1954, to coin-- cide ti~'ith the communal. c~lQetions, as is novr urged by right~~vin~; Christian Democrats, ?,Rost of the members and votes lost by the Corrmzunist. P~art~~ will be absorbed 'oy the Socialist groups The statement of 1sCt-Socialist Chief ~lenni that the Vatican decree does not affect h3,m or his Party me.y pre ~a~;e an effort to make the It?zliaxz Social~.st Party accegt~ 'able to these who attempt to retain both their leftist pol~.tieal, beliefs and their roli~;ious affiliations Because of previous collaboration of tie left-t^~in#; oci$l~.sts with the Communists, however, the condermation of fellotiv travellers #.mplicit in the Vatican decree wi~.l tend to neutrali~s any such Offorts? Larger benefits will probs.bly accrue to~tomita~s Y'Autonomous socialists", a non-Cor~unist offshoot of tYio ~eft~~?rin~; Soc~.alists, whose traditional Soci a~.ist prim ~ciples will pc~rrt~.t it to attract foz~or Gomr.7unist members and voters ? I,7orsover, the anti-clerical position of the ~tAutonomists" racy serve a.s a safe rallying Point far anUi~- ;clerical reactf.orx to thou decree ~--- a Point vrhsz5a a catholic Italian coup? roooncile a deeply reli{;iaus ctalture, ~.eft3.st political. learaint;s, and rosentnant against G~nxrch. nterfsrence in his pol~.tical life Approved .For Release 19~~,(~8~fi~CAP79-01090A000400010006-1 Approved For Rise '1999x1,~?~~P79-01~99~OA000400010006-1 The socialist Party of Italian ~?lorkers (PSLZ~ _ has bead clQarly anti-Gor~iznist since its inception , but. l~~~ausa its traditional socialisr;~ and anti-clerical-- isx~ ~i?~ve bean ;anakensd in the eyes of left-wind; voters by its particips.tion in the Christian Dsrzoeratic Govern- ment, it stands to gain little from political reali~nrrtents growing out of the Vatican decrees The Liberal Party, though traditionally con- $ervative, is strongly anti-clerical and will tend to be alienated f'Y-ora the pro-al?rical Christian Democrats by what it gill consider further manifestation of C~~urch rae3dling in secular affairs The Christian Democratic Party ;rill tend to be stamped more indelibly as a clerical party ~s political alignments tend to congeal into four seganents -- ?xtreisist Taft, extremist right, clorical (Christian DemocrEitic- t'rovox~,ment Party}, and anti-clerical (Soci?ilist-4ppagition ~'arties } --- the pressures may be increased from both vr; th- in and ~~ithout the Christian .Democratic Party to form a single-party GovernmentQ SPAI2T - is .. .....-.-~ ..~. ! .. vs vaw purch,ass of French indus'.rial equipment appear to be nearing conclusions although thc~ French Finance T,~inistry raay veto the loan on political groundse If the loan is made, it will constitute, an important step in 5gain~s attempts to rehabil- state its national economy, and will represent the largest privets foreign loan negotiated since ~~orld t's'ar II Announcement of the negotiations follov~ed soon of tsr the conclusion cf a bilateral trade agreement betvresn the Crovernments of Franca and Spain, amounting; to 23 billion francs The trade agreement and the loan negotiations con- n~itute notable exsmples of the w~.1lin~ess of the French to do business with Spain on a considerable scale while officially canderrming the Franco regime and opposin~~ the r?turn of ambassadors to rtadrid0 B Tie?;otiations with French privat? banking; interests Approved For Release 1999/09/02 :CIA-RDP79-01090A000400010006-1