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Approved For Re sese 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01 Q9QA000100080006-7 ,. _.~ ~-f1~tr-~nrntT~AI 'WIT DIVISTOP OFFICE Or, REPORTS A:'?!D EST I?/!TES CL~.-,''_' AL TNTELLI =ECE AGEf lCY T`ATIAII{r' 1'? t' '. TTOTICE: This docur},cnt is a rYorldng parer, not an of=`ic ia.l CIA issuance. It bas been co-ordina- ted within ORT, but not with the IAC AEencies. It rniresents cur,~ent taInlcin ; by >e ci .1i.r t;s in CTA, and is desiinea ior. use by othhers onr ged In sirs?iisr or overlap-? stuui es. The opinions exnres ;ed herein may be revised before An 61 and official mblieat ion. It is Intended solely for the inforriation of the adc ressee alld not for 1,'urther dissernination. Copy for: Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01090A000100080006-7 Approved For REe se 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0199OA000100080006-7 CONFIDENTIAL I J, 1..iitei1i; ence Sulu. pry ;o, 33 25X6A 7 i ovember i:349 ~)]~l. a, p? a b r a? ? o M s r? ?- xt a o a a a n s?? s?? s. s e ~ ttva% ii~ Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100080006-7 Approved For Release 1999/00 25X6A :See T;,, j c ?tw . e li ` ? c e !:fit I o Approved For Release 19 H M :CIA-RDP79-01090A000100080006-7 DENTIAL TAL, 09OA0001 00080006-7 Approved For 1lease 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-090A000100080006-7 25X6A CtHWID ENT LAL 2- !T IAL Approved For Release 19 0 IA-RDP79-0109OA000100080006-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100080006-7 r10', g 25X6A CONFIDEN I kj,,, Approved For Release 199 1PA7-OI 090A0001 00080006-7 Approved For Rase 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-010 OA000100080006-7 Approved For Release I 9 r1 I D49-01090A000100080006-7 MA Approved For Rase 199 25X6A See LD 1. Tio MRRnPAC-OU190AOO0100080006-7 Ih -19- 33 August -'6 Seit cr.lber ..,u} Approved For Release I ~"") 1 I ?79-01090A000100080006-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100080006-7 See Ni) Weekly No 87, 24 October ~~~NTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100080006-7 I Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100080006-7 ,, 25X6A QONDENTkL" Union of South Africa 10. Native riots sup;^est groriinf; resistance to Govern- IRiots involvi_n ; 3,000 natives near Johannesburg on 2 and 3 T:ovenber provide new evidence o . the sharpening racial tensions which have accompanied the 1.1alan (overnrit pt's nrof;rara of apartheid or stricter secre?;ation. The outburst ~nich occurr e n~ucersu.orp, 20 miles northwest of the Union's chief industrial city, seems to have been set off because o; a simple misunderstandinF of a new riunicinsl re, u- lation, but became so frenzied that armed ppo1ice :"ailed in three att'entnts to break into the crar:ded nn-ti-ire nur rter. 'Tree ner}sons were killed r.ncs rtany rornded as natives resisted t-:ith stone: and nz:,,tol shots the advance of police tinder covering fire of rifles, revo_lvors, and a sub-nRehire ? un? Pitt?.n ; flared un nui.c--iy over the natives' znternrst?.nf- as rm.ndatory a neta rermissive ordinance, which aliotsod rumen to rer?ister or n asses. The municipal I-o1rern-:lent nuickiy nronntised a revi.etv of all comnnlai.nts and has ..iready been able to announce some success in clearing t.n the 5.surdcr,tandirt . To quiet fears r..~??ong uronor7.ns over t;hc rio''s, 21 T1tiniici.'iti,l_ities an- nounced on 5 ilovetnbcr that ass lv s barring; uneflnloyeci nati :re ',,en from entering urban areas irouid be rii idly enforced. The spontaneity of the riot adds norm; evidence to that of the Durban riots in Jaatua.'y and the natives' boycott of Johannesburg tram,:ays Ifist month o hot-; near t, to flashnoint are racial ten;;i.ons t ,rouL,hout the UTnion. lie 7istnnee to the Covernnent's renressive racial pro ;ran is likely to increase as non- ;uroneans prtrticinatinC in such ?rotests learn the technioues and returards of organized demonstrations, and as ir,,njementf~tion of the Crovernr(,,nt's a."nartheid policy continues CONNVIOtNTIAL ment"s re,) racier' nro ;ram. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100080006-7 I Approved For"Release 19 9-01090A0095100080006-7 to foster the non-Europeans' growing sense of frustration over 2 leir social, and economic S,,!EDBIT. 1. S,ye(jish (.Toverntient nubl i c ly renounces linited Scanc.i- navia.n E13.1 .ry_coopera ion Recent events greatly reduce the possibilities for Sv edish military cooperation with Denmark and Tlorway. ?'rims 3."inister Tage Erlander, in response to inouiries from Con- servative and Liberal spokesien in the Ri.ksdag on the status of military cooperation with Denrtark and Norway, stated that the Swedish Cov'ernrment has rejected even United technical cooperation with Denmark and Norway on the grounds that it offers few adw .ntages and would "invite suspicion elsewhere? that Sweden is derarting rrori its policy of neitrality. Foreifn Approved For Release 1 WM 79-01090A000100080006-7 Approved For Release 1999/0@ Itp fRT jAf 10MA000100Q~0006-7 inister t;nden further charp~ed that the ''r'oponer.its of inter_aneinavian military cooperation are advocati.?rt, consciously or url,consci.ously.. adherence to the Atlantic ^act. Liberal and Conservative spokesmen did pat anpeP,r to be satisfied and continued to favor inter-Sca, coonora.tion, but clisciained that it violated Sweden's neutrality, The current episode reveals that corm- fete hnrnony does not exist within the country over the 1, i.sdom of Sti?eden?, ert ro (. and that the rovernTlant feels obliged to ;,,a.'-e a nubile state,~ient; to eoimteract the ons expressed by ~, - -. h-ran,!JnC military men and others favrjring' inter-Scandinrcvian -` lli.tary coone.rationc and to renucli.a?te such a nol.ic as .1eona.rc:l '' 3Y eden's sacroscant ~' y ~' alliance-(reef' arei ~n pa:l. ey. The govern gent riar also hone to allay the constr.nt nrona,- panda t1hat `>L'w (den in reality is ,.radut1iir becoming a de facto :r.?cpber of the ,or.''tli '41' i ar ti.c act, - - ----~._. i;. .Accent anc?e of refugees being, restricted An unusually heavy influx of re L:-ees from Eastern Cer r'ny during recent ivee!{s is forcing. R stiffening of Sweden's policy toward refugees. The Swedish economy cannot continue to absorb large numbers C.A. refugees t%Ithout eventual strain (there are at T)resent rou hly 1063000 aliens in Sweden of which annroxi,nate.Ly 46,000 are refu gees) and. it i.s feared, particularly by labor leaders, that unrestricted accentance of refugees will create unemrl.ou lent. The S ;eiIi-s}t rovern,-;ent, moreover, is con- cerned lest noiitiraily a ldesi.rable eler"~erits and foreign a rents ;Lain admittance as refugees. Sweden does not contemnl.ate re:usin; as`lum to bona fide nolitical ret'r~;ees, but a large nronortion of the East ref~ e.ns have fled not to escape politicFa1 ncrserut ion, but in the hone of na!.ing a better livin - in Sweden. The Svrpdish no? icy is that, after an and t-ime-consl'l,i,nE investigation of each indi.viclual' s case, those cud.?gcd refugees prom, noiit ica.l oppression are rermitted to rerscaln in Sim den; i:hi.1G in theory at least, non-noli-.jcal refugees are eonsi.derec! illegal i.E'?rrl ? (-rants anci required to leave. Tn r ._rr.ct i cd:, or x'17,,1, nit ari.a.n ~' reasons anc in recn -}.i.tion of extensive ruubl.i_.c ;it11mathy . or refu gees, excentions have been nade. 1ho recent increase in arrivals, hm ever, is c tt7sin;; t~~e Aliens (;ommi scion to be loos lenient, and several groups of non-political Las t German rei1:}-,ees ri ve been refused , Sirlum an escori;ed to the three-mile limit, ;e See TID '_.'ce'cly Lo `3.5, 10 October Approved For Release 1 > 11 LAj tP79-01090A000100080006-7 Approved For`'R'elease 1999/09/02: CIA-RDP79-01090A00~qP080006-7 ry~+ tij?7wfil COI 1DE T AL (Danish authorities ai e resents art; the same plan, an6. the roxirlity of Swedish and. Danish :horps has nroduced certain confusion.) Ob-, iously, ti-lis Tract i_ce is neither ht:r ane nor, efficient, but Sv cdish authorities hone that severe action in a few cases will deter other non-political r efu ees from to Sweden and till curtail the activities of various 111. shervien who have apparently been conducting a business tr nsporting ref;? ees to Sti.--~den at a reported price of 1,000 German r .rks per head. COM, :NTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01090A000100080006-7