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Approved For Rase 2001/0"~tIA-RDP79-0090A000100020035-1 INTL: -dNATIONAL ORGtUi1Z t'i.'ICNS GAGUF W t ,? ltLY 4U1 iatY NJG e ~-7 For week ending 26 April 1949 The international Week USSR overtures to lift: the Berlin olockade raise the possibility of another L,eetin? of the Council oa" Foreign Ministers. The ^, i~era enb1v ti,eii husbldra 18! condei::ned the USiR's rei:u.sal to a:l.l.ovv Soviet v.ives to join abre,7ad. rlier the Ad Hoc. Political Committee voted 34-6 to p pons cora-- sidaration of the trials ~..)f CarUnal Miridszenty and the Bulgarian clergymen until. the next GA session, aueauw hit appruvi:a-; resort to thd i.achinery of the Hun arian and Bul ;ai1an peace treaties. GA E6' P Ti Mu3 a trusteestii or Libya. If the key Latin American and Arab blocs can reach a meeting, of minus on the adminirrtrative features of a multiple trusteeship for Libya, this solution is likely to be approved by the GA,, Both the Latin Americans and the Arabs favor sorry form of US-Ui-French?rgyptian- Italian trusteeship as a compromise solution, but they differ over internal. ad - n irr stration . The Arab states insist upon unity of Libya ira fact as well as in app.,arance, with a single governor general over the whole territory., The Latin Americans favor having Italy adimiaister Tripolitania, France the Fezzan and I31ri.,.ain Cyrenaica., Should these critical differences prove irreconcilable, no oth- r solution offers much prospect ;of sectLring a two-thirds majority and the dis,,osition of all Libya or at least Tripolitania will probably be postponed. It .ors questionable, however, whether the i3ritish proposal t.o retain control while postponing the' disposition of Tripolitania until 1952 would gain GA app,-.Oval. Meanwhile the efforts of the pro-Italian bloc to give Italy at least some role in Zrriitrea have lessened the likelihood that the US-UK proposal to cede the bulk of the colony to Ethiopia :ill be approved separately. There is a strc,ng sentiment for a one-packave solution for all three colonies, with the eom)eting blocs using each as a bargaining counter for the others. Corise- queiitly, unless a comproaise is reached on all the colonies together, the whole iss a may be postponed. GA action on Sa ifl unlike: r, In view of the growing sentiment against the Bra ilian proposal to raise the ban on chie "s of missions in ttadria, it appears doxi,atful whether pro UN members can rally sufficient votes to pass such a may asure . `.,,be US decision to abstain on this issue has strer4 th ed ;7estern DOCUMENT NO. 11 - )COECL4SSIFIED Approved For Release 2001 /O CIA-RDPfl Approved For Rase 2001 / . CIA-RDP79-090A000100020035-1 ruropean opposition. Although assured of come fifteen Latin American, six Arab and possibly another half dozen iAAiddle and Far Lastern'votes, Brazil and its co-sponsor would not be able to muster the two-thirds required for approval in face of opposition from Western Lurope, the US, UK, Canada, Australia, China, the Fhili,pines$ the Soviet bloc and the remainin; Latin American states. Brazil is ;:till determined to present its resolution, but when the strength of the opposition becomes fully apuax nt, the Brazilians may withdraw the proposal rather tha::n see it defeated. Human,.,r sin Venezuela. Uruguay's plan to brim ;before the GA the question o ' the treat.-aeat of political prisoners by Venezuela would create an embarras61:i; situation. It would reflect upon the ability of the Organization of American :states to handle inter-American. affairs; would harni the UN, because failure to approve the Uruguayan resolution rai6ht raise soi ie question of GA authority 'Lo consider these matters; and would open the door to the submission to the GA of too many similar cases. The only result would be an acrimonious debate, presenting the Slav bloc with a wonderful propaganda opportunity. satin American opinion on the matter is sharply divided. Venezuela argues that the question is pnnrel,y domestic. several Latin American states consider the ratter a f anily affair, properly to be handled by the OAS. The mere fact that the issue has been rai.aed has apparently produced results in Venezuela. Twenty-two prisoners have already been released and the fear remaining ones will be brou;ht to trial promptly. Obsta-?Lars to FOI Convention. The attitude of numerous countries favoring wider lini.4,s of censorship indicates that the US will have difficulty in secur- ing the type of Freedom of Information Convention that it wants. wince the opening of the GA, the Social Committee has been considering three draft con- ventiona concerning freedom of the press adopted at a Geneva FDl Conference .n early 1948m a US text for the Gather ng and International T'ranar, fission of Rows recently combined with the French text on the International i ht of Official Correction; and a UK text, Freedom of Infortaation, which seeks to eliminate goverrurental interference. The US faces a stiff fight in the 124,, because Wany countries with ideologies far different from those of the i366R --? particularly some Latin American states - have regrettably similar notions about the ex- pediency of censor,,hhip. There is dander that these conventions will, be used as a Lle;ans of imposin? new controls on the press. The original US draft permitted censorship of outgoing despatches solely for reasons of "national Milltarx security." Uexico proposed striking out the work "'military" and adding vaguer reasons of "national d' ;nlty and prestige." A compromise Australian phrase, "national defense," was carried after a vi, ;orous f =fht by the U3 delegation. The Soviet bloc contended that to limit censorship to matters directly related to "national defense" would constitute an invasion of the sovereign rights of states. There is no chance whatever of the ;;;lav bloc ratifying the Convention. Approved For Release 2001/ IA-RDP79-0109OA000100020035-1 Approved For Rase 2001/'CIA-RDP79-O'R90A000100020035-1 British labor will call world meet` of free trade unions. Significant progress towards the formation of a new world labor organization has emerged from recent meetings of British and US labor leaders. The British Trades Union Con ;ross plans to convoke in Geneva a June meeting of the world's "free trade unions" which will afford the TUC, the AFL and the CIO an opportunity to resume the joint consultations on a new world labor international begun in January. The decision to hold the Jur-,e meeting (by assembling the Western labor delegates during the Geneva ILO Conference) may represent the imuediate reaction of the three big power trade unions to the recent demand of the Brussels small power labor conference for prompt organization of the new international. Despite separate TUC meetings held recently with the AFL and CIO?however, no common agreement on the scope and functions of the nevi international has yet been reached. Resolution of basic differences still dividing them is necessary before any general convention of the non-Communist trade unions can establish a comprehensive Western labor federation. The relationship of the AFL and the CIO in the new federation remains a critical point. One source of friction, however, appears to have been removed by recent TUC agreement not to press the candidacy of forrner WFTU Assistant Secretary Schevenela for the leadership of the new internationals This move, together with the natural desire of the British and US organizations to regain the initiative from the szaal.l nation unions, may hasten the formation of a Western world labor federation capable of competing on equal terms with the Communist-led WFTU for the control of world labor. WFFTU seeks to retain non-Cammun3at representation. The World Federation of Trade Unions is seeking; to hold to a minimum anticipated defections of it* remaining non-Communist elements at the June WFTU Congress in ;.Eden. In an effort to counteract the recent decision of the smaller Western turopean powers to withdraw, the V FTU is atteraptinZ to retain the Australian Trade Union Council or at least its left wii and to dissuade Swedish labor from withdrawing by adroit handling of the Swedish trade unionists attending the Moscow Congress of Soviet trade Unions. Despite these moves, however, the WWFTU will probably not succeed in retaining any small power labor elements not already Corauiunist-- controlled (such as the Australian iwetal i'lorkers and .'Waterside Workers). Paris Congress plans permanent "peace organizations." The deter4nation of the Communist leaders of the World Congress of Partisans of Peace to convert the already widely organized "peace and democracy" movement into a permanent front for promotion of soviet objectives is dicated by plans to establish an international organization and permanent national committees. The international "peace organization" would be responsible for applying Congress decisions general- ly, while specific weans of action in each country would be left to the national committees. The type of activity v,hich mi.;ht be assigned to the national peace committees has been suggested by a leftist British Labor Party delegate who proposes popular ratification of a document expressing Soviet views on atomic Approved For Release 200 CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100020035-1 Approved For R ase 2001/0f' IA-RDP79-O1 OAOOO1OOO2OO35-1 energy and on increasing the effectiveness of the UN in maintaining peace. Existing; Soviet front organizations like the '67orld Federation of Trade Unions and the World Federation of Dewocratic Youth will work closely with the new movomunt during coming; months in a coordinated drive to give the widest possible currency to the "peaceful" aims of Soviet policy. Council of herons. At a preliminary conference, the Brussels Pact powers, Italy, Portugal and the Scandinavian states have reached a large measure of agreement on the framework of the proposed Council of urope. The questions of voting procedure and of admitting Greece and Turkey are apparently the only major unsolved problems but it is almost certain that the two eastern Mediter- ranean nations will be invited to join. The Foreign Ministers of the prospec- tive member nations plan to meet. in London 3-6 May to sign the agreement establishing the Council. 25X6A ??.n~.e,,zatiavn?? oz ;sou~,n r,esti azrlca. rassage oz Lne aiouLn vies. Airica Affairs bill confronts the UN with a nearly insoluble problem. South African Prime Liaister ialan stated that the bill would demonstrate by law that the Union no longer recognized the existence of the League of Nations iandate over South Vest Africa. This ..eans that for all practical purposes the mandated area has been incorporated in the Union in violation of UN resolutions reco- mending the establishiuent of a W Z trusteeship. Faced with South Afri n in-- transigeance, the GA can now do little a,.ore than renew its recommendations and express displeasure at this latest flouting of its resolutions. Approved For Release 2001/03 A-RDP79-01090A000100020035-1