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November 22, 1949
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Approved For F1`ease 2001E `..CIA-RDP79- ,000100020005.
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W71 S I ARV _Wt . 47
ending 22 November 1949
Volume 7:I
After a year of bickering the General Assembly overwhelm-
ingly approved independence for Libya and Italian trusteeship
over Somaliland. Previously it had decreed an arms embargo
against Albania and Bulgaria. charging them wi h. WA1a!$__ the
Greek guerillas t and bad approved an expanded' oint Fours pro-
gram. The Special Political Committee approvrYsir"`or a
;world-wide arms census with appropriate verification, although
there is little hope of Soviet compliance.
I light o a. e _otl or. A study increase in the tempo
and intensity of attacks on the authority of the present Chinese
J. delegation must be expected now that the Nationalist com-
plaint against the USSR is coming up in the GA. Nevertheless
the Soviet bloc harbors no illusions that a Communist delegation
can be seated at this GA session. Vi hinsky recently informed v.
Danish delegate that the USSR realized the majority did not and
would not support the seating of la Communist delegation. While
the Dane gained the impression that the Russians had definitely
.decided against this maneuver, Poland has insisted upon circulat-
ing to the GA the recent Chinese Communist protest against the
right of the Nationalist delegation to speak for China. This
development would at very least lay a foundation for resisting
the Nationalist complaint against the US"R. It may even furnish
a documentary basis for commencing proceedings to unseat the
present Chinese delegation. In any case, the days of the
Nationalists at Lake Success are numbered.
While most UP members would like to see the Chinese complaint
postponed, there seems to be no way of sidetracking the issue as
long as the Nationalist government continues to sit in the UN.
The US suggested resolution which is largely a restatement of the
principles of the Vine Power treaty will be cosponsored by
Pakistan, Australia and Mexico. Because of its rather innocuous
generalities, it stands a good chance of adoption as the best
method of disposing of an embarrassing and unprofitable agenda
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Approved For I" lease 2001 ?_ 'CI/-7PPMp0100020005-4
Will the USSR veto In esi.a u s Ufa mer?ber smipbid? A Dutch
source believes that ~..ndonesia will apply y y for tiN membership next
January, but fears a Soviet veto. Certainly little encourage-
ment is to be found in the ra their acid response of Manuilsky
(Ukraine) to Tsiangcs (China) e:zpression of gratitude to UNCFI
when the SC recently noted the dommission"s report on the Hague
talks. In the past, Soviet action on membership applications of
liberated former colonies has appeared to hinge on the extent of
the new state's emancipation from its old metropolitan ties and
the consequent opportunities for Communist penetration. While
the USSR has already evidenced great dissatisfaction with the
retention of important economic and military bonds between
Indonesia and the Netherlands, and dislikes the present Republican
leaders, it will weigh against ;this the disadvantages of a veto
against a state which nevertheless symbolizes a successful strug.
ale against colonial domination and offers future opportunities
for penetration.
Pew Labor lnternat one. to )e W ak in the Far East. Except
for Japan and Hat one is China,, non- ommunist labor in the Far
East and Southeast Asia will be virtually unrepresented at the-
28 November London Conference fo:? a New Trrde Union Internatioiral.
This weakness will limit the effectiveness of the new inter-
national in an area where the struggle for control of the world's
labor supply is now at a critical stage. The Australian TUCfls,
decision not to attend, ostensibly because of inability to pay
the affiliation fee and a desire to let the new international
first prove its stability, reflects Australian labor?s preoccupa-
tion with internal matters. The strongly anti=Communist New
Zealand Labor Federation, although committed to eventual entry,
into the new international, is apparently unable to finance the
costly trip to London. The absence of Philippine representatives
reflects Western recognition of the pro- FTU sentiments of the!
Philippine Congress of Labor as well as failure to invite a more
acceptable labor group. Until it establishes more effective cc-n-
tact with pro-Western labor in these countries, the new inter-
national will inevitably be handicapped in any efforts it may
make to stem the current Soviet drive for hegemony over Southeast
Asian labor.
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Approved For "lease 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP79- 005-4
The August issue of the United Nations ",o ld carries an
entjiusiastic account : of, the n e,r .n which Tosco a's UN Inforpation
Center, staffed exclusively by Soviet nationals, is sprea:ing the
UN gospel to the Soviet peo?le by newspaper, radio, movies, and
booklet. A somewhat snore sober impression is gained from a US
embassy official's interview with the head of the Center, repro-
duced in part below:
Q: Are school-children in the Soviet Union given any lectures
or courses which provide information concerning the United 'Nations?
A: No, although teachers nay from time to time in certain
courses refer to the United Nations.
,: Is any reference made to the United "rations in any text-
books used by Russian children in elementary, intermediate or
secondary schools?
Q: Does the Moscow Office of the UN make use of Soviet press
or radio facilities to nrovide any child or adult education con-
cerning the United Nations?,
A: No, the radio nrogreris are already full and there is no
space in the newspapers or magazines.
Q: Do any Soviet citizens come into t'is office?
A: Sometimes. On some days no one comes; on other days a
few. No figures are kept of visitors. The office is not a library
or reference room but is intended to provide information about the
UN for representatives of Soviet organizations who may reouest it.
Q.: 'Mould the director think it a good idea for the UN to
purchase advertizing space in Soviet periodicals to publicize the
fact that such In office exiate in Yosoow?
A: Perhaps.
Q: "ould the director reoo:.unend to the UN that a photographic
display of certain UN activities be placed in the ground floor
windows of the UN office?
A: A plan is being considered to have a photographic display
in the lobby of some ?,"oscowwr theatre. Nothing as yet has been done.
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Q: If the UN Secretariat prepared children's pai.:phlets in
the Russian language explaining the, purposes and goals of the UN,
would it be possible for such! pamphlets to be distributed in
Russian schools?
A: That would depend on the ;`inietry of ?+,~ducation.
Q: Would it be possible to place such pamphlets in this
"Rosco?,t Office for such children who choose to come read them or
take them home?
A: That would depend. The UPI on one occasion did send
some pamphlets, but they were not objective presentations of the
purposes and developments of the UN and hence could not be used.
Are not the expenses, of t' e t."oscow Office, including the
salary of the director, paid bi, the UN?
Q: Does the Soviet government. make any contribution or land
any facility to the ~Toscov Office?
A: It provides no financial assistance; a government agency
helped to find housing; space.'
Q: Are there any individuals or any private organizations
in the Soviet Union. which assist the work of the Noseovi office?
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100020005-4