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Approved For Release 199/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01082A000200 013-4 REEL CIS. 0V PjW RTB AND k8TINAT, B ORL'Gaml~, In rn Gomnc~z_.= SIGNIFICANT INTFKNATIUNAL COMMIST M LUA'M' LINTS A. C2Na DRA X 12 October 1949 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01082A000200010013-4 Approved For Release 99/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01082A00020V 013-4 CCN NTS SIGNIFICANT 1By ;L01-Y U8 g Consequences of the TitoaStalin Dispute Moderation in the British Communist Line NZAR AND MIi)DLI AST.-AFRICA Nationalism and Internationalism Exhibited by Communists in Israel rersian Gulf Area a Possible Communist Target Increased Tempo of Communist Activities in India and Pakistan Increased Activity Among Women in French North Africa EAR ST S US Officials Views on Chinese C-r Policy Little Success for Recent Japanese C1' Tactics Unconfirmed Evidence of Ho Chi Minh Alignment with USSR Communists Active Among Woven and Labor Groaps Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01082A000200010013-4 'Approved For Release 19p9/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01082A0002OQ01 )013-4 MUMMY Charges and counter charges surrounding the Tito dispute reached particularly acrimonious heights daring August, Both Belgrade and Moscow. in a series of notes unprecedented in violence, claimed the monopoly for true, Commanism0 The disintegrating impact of Tito's dispute on the Communist move- ment is becoming increasingly apparent several more anti-Stalinist Communist groups have come into the open. Most of them are as yet poorly organized and command little mass follo`,ringa At the same tine, the "nationalist deviation"'. not directly Tito inspired, has disturbed the higher echelons of the Communist parties inside and outside the soviet sphered "Titoism" may also become an issue in Chiaa0 The more the CCI is compelled to rely upon the UU$R for economic assistance, the sooner the CCY may begin to think along the nationalist lines which lead to Titoism. If the CCF persists in its absolute alliance with Moscow large-scale resistance maaq develop in china. A significant increase in Communist propaganda and organizational efforts among women?s groups has been generally notedo particularly in Latin America, North Africa and the Far East? The Regional Conference of the International Federation of Democratic Women (IFDW), to be held in December in i'eiping, is probably the first of a series of renewed attempts by the Communists in these areas to intensify their activities among womenas groups. The labor unity theme which was stressed at the Milan Congress of the WMT is being more generally applied, primarily in Latin Americe,b Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01082A000200010013-4 Approved For Release 19;99/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01082A00020Q0'10013-4 a2- w It can be expected that the W 'TU Coiference in i'eiping on November 15 will exploit the same themes bIGNIFICANT L)AVVLO1iThNT5 URU.Vi Conssaaences of the Tito~Sgyiet :uis'oute While the Tito-Stalin diplomatic exchanges so far have left Lenin's revolutionary theses untouched, Stt&linism is under attack, not only by the Yugoslav governmen bu also by those Communists who would interpret Lenin's position differently from the Moscow line end claim that preserva- tion of national sovereignty has by no means been ruled out by Lenin. Not since the Trotskyite purges has any inner Communist feud aroused throughout the world Communist movement so much uneasiness, perplexity and apprehension as has the Tito-Cominform dispute. More,- it has encouraged anti-Stalinist Communists to become articulate in their opposition to the Soviet Communist monopoly whether for reasons of ideological interpretation of Leninism or because of nationalist "deviation". It is conceivable that the Tito?Cominform conflict, in addition to its general political and economic significance, may become the stepping stone for a new, though as yet unorganized, anti- otalinist opposition. While it can hardly be expected that dissident groups will carry much political weight in the near future and may never be able to challenge seriously the Soviet Union0s dominance over world Communism, their nuisance and propaganda value must be regarded as considerable and their usefulness for Western purposes should not be ~il"~il"il'eTMi Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01082A000200010013-4 Approved For Releases 1999/09/21 : CIA-Rl PZ9.01082AO0020000110013-4 In Italy, it has been reported that a splinter Communist group, called the Italian Communist movement (MCI) has been formed secretly, and in Western Germany the formation of a nationalist Communist party has been announced by Karl-Heinz Scholz who sent a message of support to Tito. Neither movement is regarded as potentially-important) in itself but both are significant indications of the spread of national deviationisma Concomitantly, nationalist "deviation" has disturbed the higher echelons of the Communist parties inside and outside the Soviet sphere. Uutetanding was the sharp difference of opinion in the Italian ?arty 1)irectora.te which reportedly occurred during the May meeting of high ranking Communists in i'ragae when Luigi Longo accused Umberto 1'erracini. a Communist benator of being a "bourgeois camouflaging as a Communist". This dispute was eoft-pedalled by the party chief tainsp Nevertheless, it is indicative of the present tension existing throughout the international Communist movement, presun bly exacerbated by the Tito heresy. Although the Cominform dispute has contributed to a weakening in the strength of the Greek Communist; guerrillas, the problem cannot by any means be regarded as having been solved. There are, about 10 =000 guerrillas beyond Greek borders, chiefly in Albania and Bulgaria. who might attempt to carry on intermittent partisan activities.. Mo_dsrati_on in Br+ ti sh Co =a s e The British Communist i'artyes election program which was issued on August l8,' showed comparative moderation and reflects no policies with which many left wing Socialists would disagree. The moderation of the program and continuing efforts to expand party membership suggest that unlike Continental Communist parties, the UK is not following a "hard core" policy. Despite an intensive drive. registered membership, announced by the UKGr, has remained 40,300. Further announcements of the Approved For Release 1999/09/21 J 082A000200010013-4 Approved For Releasq 1999/09/21 CIA-RDP79-01082A00020001 013-4 joined the left-wing MAJAM0 .?'~, s~ a*? GLif Area" a Po gibt it Communist Target Plana for Communist penetration of the Persian Gulf Area are Party?s leaders on May ]ey festivities, propaganda meetings and publications all indicate that the UXCP wants quantity rather than quality at this particular time, T AND MIDDLE A&T-AFRICA Katy i,ism snrl Iat rnati oval i +~mghi bi to by _Co-mctnists .!n Israel In Israel, the cleavage between national and international Communism continues- Two former Arab leaders of the Israeli Communist Party (IC-e), which represents the international faction and is composed of both Jews and Arabs, have left .'arty ranks. The Hebrew Communist Party, which split from the ICY to pursue nationalist policy has undergone a farther metamor- 'ohosisa In August the party dissolved itself and some of its members reported from Basra, Iraq. It appears,(however~,)that the report is grossly exaggerated. Nevertheless, the Persian Gulf ,-reap with its US and UJK oil installations, is an obvioua target for Communist penetration.. Labor problems in the oil fields, moreover, provide tinder for Communist penetrati ona 7 Tempo of Communist Acti vi ti ps n Inc~i d tan while Communists in India and Pakistan have been relatively quiet during August, this is due to lack of opportunity, rather than to any change in policy with regard to local tactics. It is believed that an increase in the tempo of Soviet and Communist endeavor in the subcontinent has taken place within the past six months and will continue, Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01082A000200010013-4 Approved For Release1 99/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01082A0002000013-4 1 c~ A tivi tv _North Africa In French North Africa, the continuation of small dock strikes in Algiers and Cran may become more serious and points to intensive activities of the Communists. At the ssamime0 the Communists are trying to win over the Moslem wor ens considerable numbers of whom are desirous of freeing themselves from their inferior status. Such front organizations as the Algerian Association of Friends of the Ua6R, Algerian Combatants for k'eace and Liberty and the Union of Women of Algeria have recruited considerable lumbers of women, who, in turn, are an important source of :funds for the local party, (This drive for women followers can also-be observed in Latin America as indicated below.) oli --4jxd-- Madam, US cwc le Vie on Ch9ne ~k 'cv P US observers in China believe that, while China is certain to be ruled by a Communist-controlled regime for some years to come, there is some chance that the present policy of the CCi', of complete fidelity to the Moscow lines will prove to be the Party?e undoing, or will lead to the development of Titoism in Chinas These observers feel that, the more economic pressure from the West compels the GCs' to rely upon the USSR, the better the CCY will appreciate what Western aid might mean, and the sooner the .CC. may begin to think along nationalist lines 7 ~ un the other hand, should the CCt' persist in its intransigeance toward the west,' China?s economic deteriar;tton may give rice to the kind of fare--scale indigenous resistance which could be'effectively supported by the West, Approved For Release 1999/09/21.: CIA-RDP79-01082A000200010013-4 'Approved For Release 19p9/09/21: CIA-RDP79-01082A000200.01 Q013-4 tUt Bucces or Recent Js~~anege Cr Ts~.c , The Japanese Communist Party was unable to exploit the dismissal of government railway workers in July and the "mass dismissal" in August of the long Communist dominated government commanica).tions workers failed to create unrest. Likewise, despite the customary Communist concentration, the party failed to make a good showing in the important farmland committee elections. The activities of repatriates from Siberia has now been regulated and thereby the repetition of the party-inspired near riots of July prevented? Anti--American libelous propaganda of the party was countered with numerous arrests. U gitllt&de of Ho Chi Minh A ig,ttSR while there is little doubt that the Ho Chi Minh government of Vietnam isGommunist oriented, actual proof of such position and of the government$ close cooperation with Moscow has been lacking so for. However, unconfirmed reports now mention a letter of Rots to "Comrade otalin", allegedly broadcast by Radio Moscow on (August 14 and a pre- sumed Iommunist, Pham-Van..isong, has been appointed. as Vice President and iresident of the Supreme Council for National Defense. If true, this open admission of the Ho government would seem to indicate that in view of the Communist victories in China the regime feels strong enough to announce its alignment with Moscow or that Moscow is attempting to force Ho's hand by publicizing relations between the USSR and Vietnam &TIN AMNRICA ~mmnniss is Actig2 Amon, If MZ sand DT afi Gro *iven though there is still lack of unity on policy and organization Approved For Release 1999/09/21 2A000200010013-4 Approved For Release X19 9/09/21 : CIA-RbF'7g 01082A00020001 013-4 among the Communists of Latin America, a certain amount of parallelism in 'Policy is evident in the attteet 4 ''which are being made to gain more influence particularly among women and in the labor unions,, Women have been mobilized mainly for the "peace" movement in each countries as Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina and Brazil, In other Latin American countries, oat political work by women for women is stressed. .for example, simultaneous th the 6th National -Party Congress in Bogota, Colombia, a Women?s Congress will be held, In Chile, where women now'hate the right to vote, Communist agitation among them has been intensified, Costa Rican Communists are. trying to form a new Communis t women?s Group and Communist propaganda among women has been noticed in both Uruguay and I'araguay4 While in nearly all Latin American countries the Communists try to dominate labor unions, the most important of these efforts are those undertaken-by--WtTo- in Mexico? Should he succeed in legalizing his Union General de Ubreros Campesinos de Mexico (UGOCM). his position in the C0T0A.L. will be regularized again* and this will promote Communist interests by strengthening his hand not alone in Mexico but in many other Latin American countries,, PWEIM Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : 1--F-P7T-(n082A000200010013-4