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JanuaryAIPSI SFor Release 2005/04/22: CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 National Basic Intelligence FACT OOK DIA and DOS review(s) completed. GC BIF 78-001 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A0009 WO 09O - Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 The National Basic Intelligence Factbook, a compilation of basic data on political entities worldwide, is coordinated and published semiannually by the Central Intelligence Agency. The data are prepared by components of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Department of State. Comments and suggestions regarding the contents should be addressed to the Office of Geographic and Carto- graphic Research (Att: Factbook) Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C. 20505. The publication is prepared for the use of U.S. Government officials. The format, coverage and contents of the publication are designed to meet the specific requirements of those users. U.S. Government officials may obtain additional copies of this document directly or through liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency. Non-U.S. Government users may obtain this along with similar CIA publications on a subscription basis by addressing inquiries to: Document Expediting (DOCEX) Project Exchange and Gifts Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540 Non-U.S. Government users not interested in the DOCEX Project subscription service may purchase reproductions of spe- cific publications on an individual basis from: Photoduplication Service Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540 Non-U.S. Government users may also purchase hard copies of this publication from: Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 041-015-00088-8 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 National Basic Intelligence FACT OOK January 1978 Supersedes the July 1977 issuance of this Factbook, copies of which should be destroyed. Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 January 1978 TABLE OF CONTENTS Entries in all capital letters refer to basic data sheets included in this Factbook x Structure Organizations Abbreviations for (U.N.): : United d Nations atio Related Agencies ........................................ xii and I U -A- Abu Dhabi (see UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) 1 AFGHANISTAN ........................................... 'Ajman (see UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) 2 ALBANIA ..................................................................................................... .......................................... ALGERIA ........................................................................... 5 ANDORRA .................................................................................................................. ANGOLA ..................... ........................................................................ Anguilla (see ST. CHRISTOPHER-NEVIS) 6 ANTIGUA .................................................................................................................... 7 ARGENTINA ............................................................... ..........-...................................... 9 AUSTRALIA ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 AUSTRIA ......................................................................... Azores (see PORTUGAL) -B- BAHAMAS, THE ........................................................................................................ 11 2 ........... BAHRAIN ..................................................................................... Balearic Islands (see SPAIN) 14 BANGLADESH ....................................................................................... 15 BARBADOS ......................................................................................................... BELGIUM ........................................................... 116 8 BELIZE ............................................................................. .......... .......................................... . 19 BENIN .......................................................................................................................... 20 BERMUDA .................................................................................................................... 21 ............................................. BHUTAN ............................................................. 22 .......... ....... . .... ......... ............ BOLIVIA ................................................................... .. ........... 23 ............................................................. .. BOTSWANA .................... ......??""""" ............... BRAZIL ................... ............................................................ British Honduras (see BELIZE) ... 26 BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS ....................... ............................................... 26 BRUNEI ............. 27 BULGARIA ................................................................................................................. BURMA ........................................................................................................................ 29 BURUNDI ............................................................................................. -C- Cabinda (see ANGOLA) 31 .............................. CAMBODIA ................................................................. ................................. 32 CAMEROON ............................................................................. Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 January 1978 CANADA Page ....................... ................................... ... Canary Islands (see SPAIN) 33 CAPE VERDE ............................... CENTRAL AFRICAN EMPIRE ................. ... .................................................... C eylon (see SRI LANKA) ????????????????? 35 CHAD ..................................................... CHILE 37 CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF 38 CHINA, REPUBLIC OF 40 .................................................... C ............... OLOMBIA ................................ 41 ........... COMOROS 43 ............................................ .............................. C ........... ONGO (Brazzaville) ........................................... 44 Congo (Kinshasa) (see ZAIRE) COOK ISLANDS ........................................... 45 COSTA RICA .................................. 46 . CUBA ...................... ............... 47 ............. .............................................. ........... CYPRUS .................................. 48 CZECHOSLOVAKIA ........................... .............................. 50 -D- 51 Dahomey (see BENIN) DENMARK ..................... . DJIBOUTI (formerly French Territory of the Afars and Issas) 53 DOMINICA .......................... 54 ......................................................... DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 55 ........................... Dubai (see UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) 56 ECUADOR ......................................................... EGYPT 57 ..................... .......................................... Ellice Islands (see TUVALU) 58 EL SALVADOR .............. ..................................................... EQUATORIAL GUINEA .......................... 60 ETHIOPIA 61 ............................................... .............................. -F- 62 FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) ..................... FAROE ISLANDS ......................................... ..................................................... 64 Fernando Po (see EQUATORIAL GUINEA) FIJI .................... ............................. ................................ FINLAND ............................................. 65 .................... ............................................................................. FRANCE ................... 67 ......................................................................................................... FRENCH GUIANA .................... 68 ....................................................... FRENCH POLYNESIA 71 .................................................... French Territory of the Afars and Issas (see DJIBOUTI) 71 Fujairah (see UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) 1v Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 January 1978 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 -G- GABON ..................................................................... ...................... 72 GAMBIA, THE ................................................... 74 GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 75 GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF .............?.?????????????????????????? GHANA ................................................................................................. 75 78 IBRALTAR G 78 GILBERT ISLANDS ................................................................................ 80 GREECE ................................. ..................... 81 GREENLAND ........ ............................. 82 GRENADA ...... 83 GUADELOUPE 84 4 GUATEMALA ........................... 8 GUINEA .......................................................................................... 87 GUINEA-BISSAU ....................................................................................................... Guinea, Portugese (see GUINEA-BISSAU) GUYANA .................................................................................................................... 88 -H- .................... 89 HAITI ............................................................................................. ........... ................... 90 HONDURAS .................................................................................... 91 ........... HONG KONG ........................................................................................... HUNGARY .................................................................................................................. 93 -I- ICELAND ............................................................................... 94 95 INDIA ..................................................................................................... ... 97 INDONESIA ............................ ...... ...... 98 IRAN .............................. 100 IRAQ .............................................................................................. ....... 101 IRELAND 102 ISRAEL ............................... 104 ITALY ............................................................................................. 105 IVORY COAST ................................. ............................... -J- JAMAICA .......................................................................................... .......................... 107 10 ........................................................ N .......................... JAPA JORDAN ...................................................................................................................... 109 -K- ........ KENYA ............................................................................................. ................... 111 112 KOREA, NORTH ................................. 113 ....... KOREA, SOUTH ......................................................................... .............................. ................................. 114 KUWAIT ...................................................................................................................... Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Page LAOS ..................................................... LEBANON 115 LESOTHO 117 ...................................................................................................................... 118 LIBERIA ............................... .............................................................. LIBYA 119 .......................................................................................................................... LIECHTENSTEIN 120 .............. LUXEMBOURG 122 ..................................................................................... 123 MACAO ..................... .......................................................... ............................... MADAGASCAR 124 ?.?""' ............................................. ............................. Madeira Islands (see PORTUGAL) 125 Malagasy Republic (see MADAGASCAR) MALAWI ......................................... ........................................................ MALAYSIA 126 ..................................................... .................................. MALDIVES ........................... 128 .................................................................................................................. MALI 130 ..................................................................... MALTA 131 ..................... ................................................................................................... MARTINIQUE 132 ............................................. MAURITANIA 133 .................................................................................................. MAURITIUS ................................................... 134 136 MEXICO ......................................................... 137 MONACO ..................................... ................ 138 MONGOLIA ..................... ............................................................ ........... MOROCCO 139 ................................................................. MOZAMBIQUE ............................................................................................................ 1140 42 -N- NAMIBIA (formerly South-West Africa) ............. .......................... NAURU 143 NEPAL 144 ................................................................... ................................ NETHERLANDS ................................. ....................... 145 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 146 ...................................................................... NEW CALEDONIA 148 149 NEW HEBRIDES "??"""" ....................................................................................................... 150 NEW ZEALAND ............................................................. NICARAGUA ........................................... 151 ............................................................................. ................................ 152 NIGER ............................................................................. ............................................ 154 NIGERIA ......................................... ........................................ ............... 155 Northern Rhodesia (see ZAMBIA) NORWAY ................................................................................................... ................... 156 -0- OMAN ..................................................... ................................................................... 158 _P_ PAKISTAN ....................................................................................... PANAMA 159 .................................................................................................................... 160 vi Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 -P- 162 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ............................................................... 163 PARAGUAY ................................................................................................................ Pemba (see TANZANIA) PERU .................................................... 164 ........................................................................ PHILIPPINES .................................................................................................................. 1166 67 POLAND ..................................................................................................................... 168 PORTUGAL ................................. ........................... Portuguese Guinea (see GUINEA-BISSAU) Portuguese Timor (see INDONESIA) -Q- 170 QATAR ............................................................................................................. -R- Ras al Khaimah (see UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) ...... 171 REUNION .............................................................................................................. 172 RHODESIA .................................................................................................................. Rio Muni (see EQUATORIAL GUINEA) 173 ROMANIA .................................................................................................................. 175 ........................... RWANDA ........................................................................................... _S_ 176 ST. CHRISTOPHER-NEVIS-ANGUILLA ...................................................................... ST. LUCIA ............................................................................. 177 .................................... ......................................... 178 ST. VINCENT .......................................... ..... 178 SAN MARINO ............................................................................................................. 180 SAO TOME and PRINCIPE 181 SAUDI ARABIA .......................................................................................................... 182 182 .............................. SENEGAL .......................................................... ................. 183 SEYCHELLES ............................................................................................... Sharjah (see UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) 184 SIERRA LEONE .......................................................................................................... 186 SINGAPORE ................................................... ......................... 187 SOMALIA .............................................. ...... .. 187 SOUTH AFRICA ....................................................... ................................................... Southern Rhodesia (see RHODESIA) South-West Africa (see NAMIBIA) 190 SPAIN ............................................................................................................. Spanish Sahara (see WESTERN SAHARA) 192 SRI LANKA (formerly Ceylon) .................................................................................. ................................ SUDAN 194 ............................................................................. SURINAM ............................................. 195 ....................................................................... SWAZILAND ....................................... 197 ......................................................................... 198 SWEDEN ......................................... ................................. 198 SWITZERLAND ............................................................................................................ SYRIA .......................................................................................................................... 201 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 -T- Page Tanganyika (see TANZANIA) TANZANIA ........................ .......................................................................................... 202 Tasmania (see AUSTRALIA) THAILAND ........................................................... ....................................................... 203 TOGO ............................................................... ........................................................... 205 TONGA ........................................................................... ........................................... 206 Transkei (see SOUTH. AFRICA) TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ............................................... ......................................... 207 TUNISIA ...................................................................................................................... 208 TURKEY ............ 209 ............................................................................................................ TUVALU (formerly Ellice Islands) ............................................... ............................... 210 UGANDA ................. ................................................................. ..................... 211 Umm al Qaiwain (see UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) U.S.S.R ............................... 212 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Abu Dhabi, 'Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al Khaimah, Sharjah, Umm al Qaiwain ........................................... United Arab Republic (see EGYPT) 214 UNITED KINGDOM ................................................... UNITED STATES 215 ........................................................................................................ 231 UPPER VOLTA ....................................................... URUGUAY 216 ..................................................................................... 217 VATICAN CITY ......................................................................... ................................. 219 VENEZUELA ..................................... ............................................................................. 220 VIETNAM ............................................................................. ....................................... 221 WALLIS and FUTUNA ............... ............................................................................... 222 Walvis Bay (see SOUTH AFRICA) WESTERN SAHARA (formerly Spanish Sahara) ........................... WESTERN SAMOA ................................................. . 22 ........................................ ..... 224 4 YEMEN (Aden) ............................................. 224 ...................... YEMEN (Sana) ............................................................... ....................... ...................... YUGOSLAVIA 226 ................................................................................................... 227 -Z- ZAIRE .......................................................................................................................... 228 ZAMBIA ........... ...................................................................... ......... ............................ Zanzibar (see TANZANIA) 229 ?111 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Additional copies may be obtained from CIA Map Library I CANADA II MIDDLE AMERICA III SOUTH AMERICA IV EUROPE V THE MIDDLE EAST VI AFRICA VII U.S.S.R. and ASIA VIII OCEANIA Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 ABBREVIATIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AAPSO Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization ADB Asian Development Bank AFDB African Development Bank ANZUS ANZUS Council; treaty signed by Australia, New Zealand, and the United States ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASPAC Asian and Pacific Council BENELUX Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg Economic Union BLEU Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union CACM Central American Common Market CARICOM Caribbean Common Market CARIFTA Caribbean Free Trade Association CEAO West African Economic Community CEMA Council for Economic Mutual Assistance CENTO Central Treaty Organization ? ? - Colombo Plan Council of Europe DAC Development Assistance Committee (OECD) EAMA African States associated with the EEC EC European Communities (EEC, ECSC, EURATOM) ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States ECSC European Coal and Steel Community EEC European Economic Community (Common Market) EFTA European Free Trade Association EIB European Investment Bank ELDO European Space Vehicle Launcher Development Organization EMA European Monetary Agreement ENTENTE Political-Economic Association of Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Niger, Upper Volta, and Togo ESRO European Space Research Organization EURATOM European Atomic Energy Community G-77 Group of 77 IADB Inter-American Defense Board ICES International Cooperation in Ocean Exploration IDB Inter-American Development Bank IEA International Energy Agency (Associated with OECD) IHO International Hydrographic Organization IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union IRC International Red Cross LAFTA Latin American Free Trade Association LICROSS League of Red Cross Societies NAM Non-Aligned Movement NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization OAS Organization of American States X Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 ABBREVIATIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (Cont.) OAU Organization of African Unity OCAM Afro-Malagasy and Mauritian Common Organization ODECA Organization of Central American States OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development SELA Latin American Economic System UDEAC Economic and Customs Union of Central Africa UEAC Union of Central African States WEU Western European Union WPC World Peace Council COMMODITY ORGANIZATIONS AIOEC Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries ANRPC Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries APC African Peanut (Groundnut) Council ASSIMER International Mercury Producers Association CIPEC Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries IATP International Association of Tungsten Producers IBA International Bauxite Association ICAC International Cotton Advisory Committee ICCO International Cocoa Council ICO International Coffee Organization International Lead and Zinc Study Group IOOC International Olive Oil Council ISO International Sugar Organization ITC International Tin Council IWC International Whaling Commission IWC International Wheat Council OAPEC Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries UPEB Union of Banana Exporting Countries WSG International Wool Study Group Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 UNITED NATIONS (U.N.): STRUCTURE AND RELATED AGENCIES Principal Organs: SC GA ECOSOC TC ICJ Operating Bodies: UNCTAD TDB UNDP UNICEF UNIDO Security Council General Assembly Economic and Social Council Trusteeship Council International Court of Justice Secretariat U.N. Conference on Trade and Trade and Development Board U.N. Development Program U.N. Children's Fund U.N. Industrial Development Organization ECA ECE ECLA ECWA ESCAP Intergovernmental FAO GATT IBRD ICAO IDA IFAD IFC ILO IMCO IMF (FUND) ITU UNESCO UPU WFC WHO WIPO WMO Autonomous IAEA Economic Commission for Africa Economic Commission for Europe Economic Commission for Latin America Economic Commission for Western Asia Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Agencies Related to the U.N.: Food and Agriculture Organization General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) International Civil Aviation Organization International Development Association (IBRD Affiliate) International Fund for Agricultural Development International Finance Corporation (IBRD Affiliate) International Labor Organization Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization International Monetary Fund International Telecommunication Union and Cultural Organization World Intellectual Property Organization World Meteorological Organization United Nations Educational, Universal Postal Union World Food Council World Health Organization Organization Under the U.N.: International Atomic Energy Agency xii Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 January 1978 Political, sociological, and economic data, including monetary conversion rates, generally re aso estimates, 1 January 1977 reflect information through mid Ot M I 1977, except estimates population been projected to 1 January 1978. which are projected averages for except for average number of males reaching military age, the 5-year period 1977-81. Military and communications data are as of 31 October 1977 unless otherwise indicated. Most of the land utilization estimates are rough approximations, and most of the s and millions). Figures for "arable" may reflect only statistical data are rounded (thousand the area actually under crops rather than the potential cultivable. Fishing limits are included only when they differ from the territorial n the two For some countries GDP, rather r vathan lue GNP, is shown. The stmentbGDPeequals GNP on foreign in. sent in the addition or subtraction of the i is true in nto plus income earned in the country ebceednGNP in debtor count espand thberoadevebut the country. GDP thus tends to creditor countries. Major ports are the largest maritime or t~apac tycalongsidelberthi gaccommodations, same country, on the basis of estimated p fa ewernarlongside and commercial or naval importance51Minor ports significantly lower are thestimatee ty of have, relative to the major ports, g cantly . Ma berthing accommodations, are of less commercial pounds.oMil tary l Ibudg tscare nloU Sp dollar aircraft are those weighing unless otherwserendicated. i equivalents. . The dollar sign refers toe s da earcplenda or tyea r herwise years stands for U.S. fiscal year; all symbol When You Know Multiply by LENGTH 0.04 inches mm millimeters 0 4 inches cm centimeters 3 3 feet m meters 1 i yards m meters miles km kilometers 06 AREA Milliliters 0.03 fluid ounces liters 2.1 pints liters 1.06 quarts liters 0.26 gallons 35 cubic feet cubic meters yards cubic meters 1.3 cubic 0.16 square inches in' cm' square centimeters 1.2 square yards yd' mx square meters 0.4 square miles mi' km' square kilometers 2.5 acres ha hectares (10,000 m') MASS (weight) ox g 0.035 ounces lb gram 2.2 pounds kg kilograms tonnes (1000 kg) 1.1 short ions t VOLUME inches 2.5 centimeters cm in in cm 30 centimeters in it feet 0.9 meters m ft yd yards 16 kilometers km d mi miles y mi AREA fl no Pt qt gal it, yd' Inr square inches 6.5 square centimeters cm 0.09 square meters m' ft' square feet 0 8 square meters m' yds square yards mi' square miles 2.6 square kilometers km' ha acres 0.4 hectares MASS (weight) 28 grams lb pounds 0.45 kilograms short tons 0.9 tonnes (2000 lb) VOLUME 5 milliliters ml isp teaspoons 15 milliliters ml Tbsp tablespoons 30 milliliters ml fl on fluid ounces 0.24 liters c cups pints 0.47 liters pt quarts 0.95 liters at 3.8 liters gal gallons m' it, cubic feet 0.03 cubic meters 076 cubic meters 'n' cubic yards ycP Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approximate Metric Conversions symbol When You Know Multiply by To Find Symbol To Find Symbol LENGTH Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 AFGHANISTAN LAND 647,500 km2; 22% arable (12% cultivated, 10% pasture), 75% desert, waste or urban, 3% forested Land boundaries: 5,510 km PEOPLE Population: 17,642,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.3% (7-75 to 7-77) Nationality: noun-Afghan(s); adjective-Afghan Ethnic divisions: 50% Pushtuns, 25% Tajiks, 9% Uzbeks, 9% Hazaras; minor ethnic groups include Chahar Aimaks, Turkmen, Kizelbashes, and others Religion: 87% Sunni Muslim, 12% Shia Muslim, 1% other Language: 50% Pushtu, 35% Afghan Persian (Dari), 11% Turkic languages (primarily Uzbek and Turkmen), 10% thirty minor languages (primarily Baluchi and Pashai); much bilingualism Literacy: under 10% Labor force: about 5.75 million (FY77 est.); 75%-80% agriculture and animal husbandry, 20%-25% commerce, small industry, services; massive shortage of skilled labor Organized labor: none GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Afghanistan Type: republic Capital: Kabul Political subdivisions: 26 provinces with centrally ap- pointed governors Legal system: based on Islamic law; constitution adopted February 1977; semi-independent judiciary; legal education at University of Kabul; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Republic Day, 17 July Branches: executive dominant; legislature is to begin functioning in November 1979; judiciary consists of High Judicial Council (to begin functioning in June 1978) and lower courts. Party of National Revolution has some government functions. Government leaders: President Mohammad Daoud; Mohammad Naim, Daoud's brother and personal adviser Suffrage: universal from age 18 Elections: before November 1979 Political parties and leaders: Party of National Revolu- tion, only legal party under constitution, is in process of formation Communists: Khalq, a pro-Moscow party, believed to have several hundred members, and Sholaye-Jaweid, a smaller pro-Peking group Other political or pressure groups: most military officers support the government; no known organized opposition Member of: ADB, Colombo Plan, FAO, G-77, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, IFC, ILO, IMF, ITU, NAM, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WMO, WSG ECONOMY GNP: $2.25 billion (FY77), $110 per capita; real growth rate about 2.5% (1973-77) Agriculture: agriculture and animal husbandry account for over 50% of GNP and occupy nearly 85% of the labor force; main crops-wheat and other grains, cotton, fruits, nuts; largely self-sufficient; food shortages-wheat, sugar, tea Major industries: cottage industries, food processing, textiles, cement, coal mining Electric power: 320,000 kW capacity (1976); 580 million kWh produced (1976), 30 kWh per capita Exports: $234 million (f.o.b., FY76); fresh and dried fruits, natural gas, karakul skins, carpets, hides, and wool Imports: $278 million (f.o.b., FY76); non-metallic miner- als, sugar, tires and tubes, textiles, tea, used clothing, tobacco, transportation Major trade partners: exports-U.S.S.R., India, U.K., Pakistan, West Germany, Switzerland, U.S.; imports-Japan, U.S.S.R., India, West Germany, U.K., U.S. Aid: economic-U.S.S.R (1954-76), $1,263 million ex- tended, $672 million drawn; Eastern Europe (1954-76), $39 million extended, $13 million drawn; China (1965-76), $76 million extended, $36 million drawn; U.S. (FY49-76), $493 million committed; international organizations (1946-75), $152 million; military-U.S.S.R. (1956-76), $651 million extended, $571 million drawn; Eastern Europe (1955-76), $31 million extended, $23 million drawn; U.S. (FY53-76), $5 million committed Budget: current expenditures $158 million, capital expenditures $163 million for FY76 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Monetary conversion rate: 45.3 Afghanis=US$1 (offi- cial); 55 Afghanis=US$1 (March 1976) Fiscal year: 21 March-20 March COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 0.6 km (single track) 1.524-meter gage, government-owned spur of Soviet line Highways: 20,885 km (1975); 2,460 km paved, 3,910 km gravel, 8,735 km improved earth, and 5,780 km unimproved earth Inland waterways: total navigability 1,200 km; steamers use Amu Darya Ports: only minor river ports Civil air: 6 major transport aircraft Airfields: 37 total, 36 usable; 9 with permanent-surface runways; 6 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 11 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: limited telephone, telegraph, and radiobroadcast services; television to be introduced by 1978; 29,000 telephones; 112,000 radio receivers; no TV receivers; 2 AM, no FM, no TV stations DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, about 5.1 million; 2.7 million fit for military service; about 178,000 reach military age (22) annually Supply: dependent on foreign sources, almost exclusively the U.S.S.R. Military budget: estimated expenditures for fiscal year ending 31 March 1978, about $60.7 million; approximately 8.3% of central government budget LAND 28,749 km2; 19% arable, 24% other agricultural, 43% forested, 14% other Land boundaries: 716 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 15 nm Coastline: 418 km (including Sazan Island) PEOPLE Population: 2,560,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.4% (current) Nationality: noun-Albanian(s); adjective-Albanian Ethnic divisions: 96% Albanian, remaining 4% are Greeks, Vlachs, Gypsies, and Bulgarians Religion: 70% Muslim, 20% Albanian Orthodox, 10% Roman Catholic (observances prohibited; Albania claims to be the world's first atheist state) Language: Albanian, Greek Literacy: about 70%; no reliable current statistics avail- able, but probably greatly improved Labor force: 911,000 (1969); 60.5% agriculture, 17.9% industry, 21.6% other nonagricultural GOVERNMENT Legal name: Peoples Socialist Republic of Albania Type: Communist state Capital: Tirane Political subdivisions: 27 rethet (districts), including capital, 200 localities, 2,600 villages Legal system: based on constitution adopted in 1976; judicial review of legislative acts only in the Presidium of the People's Assembly, which is not a true court; legal education at State University of Tirane; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Liberation Day, 29 November Branches: People's Assembly, Council of Ministers, judiciary Government leaders: Chairman of Council of Ministers, Mehmet Shehu; Chairman Presidium of the People's Assembly, Haxhi Lleshi (Chief of State) Suffrage: universal and compulsory over age 18 Elections: national elections theoretically held every 4 years; last elections 6 October 1974; 99.9% of electorate voted Political parties and leaders: Albanian Workers Party only; First Secretary, Enver Hoxha Communists: 101,500 party members (November 1976) Member of: CEMA, IAEA, IPU, ITU, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WFTU, WHO, WMO; has not participated in CEMA since rift with U.S.S.R. in 1961; officially withdrew from Warsaw Pact 13 September 1968 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 ECONOMY GNP: $748 million in 1970 (at 1970 prices), $350 per capita Agriculture: food deficit area; main crops--corn, wheat, tobacco, sugar beets, cotton; food shortages-wheat; caloric intake, 2,100 calories per day per capita (1961/62) Major industries: agricultural processing, textiles and clothing, lumber, and extractive industries Shortages: spare parts, machinery and equipment, wheat Electric power: 500,000 kW capacity (1976); 1.7 billion kWh produced (1976), 710 kWh per capita Exports: $746 million (1971-75 est.); 1964 trade-55% minerals, metals, fuels; 23% foodstuffs (including cigarettes); 17% agricultural materials (except foods); 5% consumer goods Imports: $1,238 million (1971-75 est.); 1964 trade-50% machinery, equipment, and spare parts; 16% minerals, metals, fuels, construction materials; 16% foodstuffs; 7% consumer goods; 7% fertilizers, other chemicals, rubber; 4% agricultural materials (except foodstuffs) Monetary conversion rate: 5 leks=US$1 (commercial); 12.5 leks=US$1 (noncommercial) Fiscal year: same as calendar year; economic data reported for calendar years except for caloric intake, which is reported for consumption year 1 July-30 June COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 277 km standard gage (1.435 m), single track, government-owned (1975) Highways: 4,989 km; 1,287 km paved, 1,609 km crushed stone and/or gravel, 2,093 km improved or unimproved earth (1975) Inland waterways: 43 km plus Albanian sections of Lake Scutari, Lake Ohrid, and Lake Prespa (1977) Freight carried: rail-2.8 million metric tons, 180 million metric ton/km (1971); highways-39 million metric tons, 900 million metric ton/km (1971) Ports: 1 major (Durres), 3 minor (1977) Pipelines: crude oil, 117 km; natural gas, 64 km DEFENSE FORCES Military budget (announced): for fiscal year ending 31 December 1977, 805 million leks; about 11% of total budget LAND 2,460,500 km2; 3% cultivated, 16% pasture and meadows, 1% forested, 80% desert, waste, or urban Land boundaries: 6,260 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm Coastline: 1,183 km PEOPLE Population: 18,120,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 3.1% (7-74 to 7-76) Nationality: noun-Algerian(s); adjective-Algerian Ethnic divisions: 99% Arab-Berbers, less than 1% Europeans Religion: 99% Muslim, 1% Christian and Hebrew Language: Arabic (official), French, Berber dialects Literacy: 25% (5% Arabic, 9% French, 11% both) Labor force: 3.3 million; 50% agriculture, 20% industry, 25% other (military, police, civil service, transportation workers, teachers, merchants, construction workers); at least 20% of urban labor unemployed Organized labor: 17% of labor force claimed; General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA) is the only labor organization and is subordinate to the National Liberation Front GOVERNMENT Legal name: Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria Type: republic Capital: Algiers Political subdivisions: 31 Wilayas (departments or provinces) Legal system: based on French and Islamic law, with socialist principles; new constitution adopted by referendum November 1976; judicial review of legislative acts in ad hoc Constitutional Council composed of various public officials, including several Supreme Court justices; Supreme Court divided into 4 chambers; legal education at Universities of Algiers, Oran and Constantine; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 National holiday: 1 November Branches: executive dominant; unicameral legislature reconvened in March 1977; judiciary Government leader: Houari Boumediene, President of State and President of Council of the Revolution, overthrew elected President Ahmed Ben Bella June 19, 1965 Suffrage: universal over age 19 Elections (latest): presidential December 1.0, 1976; departmental assemblies June 2, 1974; local assemblies March 30, 1975; legislative elections held February 25, 1977 Political parties and leaders: National Liberation Front (FLN) Communists: 400 (est.); Communist Party illegal (banned 1962) Member of: AFDB, AIOEC , Arab League, ASSIMER, FAO, G-77, GATT (de facto), IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, ILO, International Lead and Zinc Study Group, IMCO, IMF, IOOC, ITU, NAM, OAPEC, OAU, OPEC, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO ECONOMY GNP: $15.3 billion (1976 provisional), $880 per capita, average annual increase since 1971 (current prices), 25%; in real terms, 6% growth in 1976 Agriculture: main crops-wheat, barley, grapes, citrus fruits Major industries: petroleum, light industries, natural gas, mining, petrochemical, electrical, and automotive plants under construction Electric power: 1,437,000 kW capacity (1976); 4.0 billion kWh produced (1976), 230 kWh per capita Exports: $5.2 billion (f.o.b., 1976); 90% hydrocarbons, also wine, citrus fruit, iron ore, vegetables; U.S. took 36% of exports in 1976, supplanting France as Algeria's leading trade partner Imports: $5.3 billion (c.i.f., 1976); major items-capital goods 35%, semi-finished goods 38%, foodstuffs 25%; from France 25%, U.S. 9% Monetary conversion rate: 1 DA=US$0.24 Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 3,950 km; 2,690 km standard gage (1.435 m), 1,033 km 1.055-meter gage, 146 km meter gage (1.00 m); 302 km electrified; 193 km double track Highways: 78,410 km; 45,070 km concrete or bituminous, 33,340 km gravel, crushed stone, unimproved earth Ports: 9 major, 8 minor Pipelines: crude oil, 3,983 km; refined products, 298 km; natural gas, 2,969 km Civil air: 38 major transport aircraft Airfields: 182 total, 176 usable; 53 with permanent-sur- face runways; 21 with runways 2,440-3,659 m; 94 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 3 seaplane stations Telecommunications: adequate domestic and interna- tional service in the north, sparse radiocommunications in the south; one Atlantic Ocean satellite station; 250,000 telephones (1.5 per 100 popl.); 18 AM and 40 TV stations; 3 submarine cables DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 4,236,000; 2,499,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (19) annually 168,000 Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1977, $385 million; 6% of national budget LAND 466 km2 Land boundaries: 105 km PEOPLE Population: 29,000 (official estimate for 1 July 1976) Nationality: noun-Andorran(s); adjective-Andorran Ethnic divisions: Catalan stock; 30% Andorrans, 61% Spanish, 6% French, 3% other Religion: virtually all Roman Catholic Language: Catalan, many also speak some French and Castilian Labor force: unorganized; largely shepherds and farmers GOVERNMENT Legal name: The Valleys of Andorra Type: unique coprincipality under formal sovereignty of President of France and Spanish Bishop of See de Urgel, who are represented locally by officials called verguers 4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Capital: Andorra Political subdivisions: 6 districts-Andorra la Vella, Saint Julia de Loria, Encamp, Canillo, La Massana, and Ordino Legal system: based on French and Spanish civil codes; Plan of Reform adopted 1866 serves as constitution; no judicial review of legislative acts; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction Branches: legislature (General Council) of 24 members with one-half elected every 2 years for 4-year term; executive-syndic and a deputy sub-syndic chosen by General Council for 3-year terms; judiciary chosen by coprinces who appoint 2 civil judges, a judge of appeals, and 2 Batles (court prosecutors) Suffrage: males of 21 or over who are third generation Andorrans vote for General Council members; same right granted to women in April 1970 Elections: half of General Council chosen every 2 years, last election December 1977 Political parties and leaders: traditionally no political parties but only partisans for particular independent candidates for the General Council, on the basis of competence, personality and orientation toward Spain or France; various small pressure groups developed in 1972; first formal political party-Andorran Democratic Associ- ation-formed in November 1976 Communists: negligible ECONOMY Agriculture: sheep raising; small quantities of tobacco, rye, wheat, barley, oats, and some vegetables (less than 4% of land is arable) Major industries: tourism, sheep, timber, tobacco, and smuggling Shortages: food Electric power: 25,000 kW capacity (1976); 100 million kWh produced (1976), 5,260 kWh per capita; power is mainly exported to Spain and France Major trade partners: Spain, France COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: about 96 km Civil air: no major transport aircraft Airfields: none Telecommunications: international circuits to Spain and France; 2 AM stations, 1 FM, 1 TV station; about 3,900 telephones (14.3 per 100 popl.) DEFENSE FORCES Andorra has no defense forces; Spain and France are responsible for protection as needed LAND 1,245,790 km2; 1% cultivated, 44% forested, 22% meadows and pastures, 33% other (including fallow) Land boundaries: 5,070 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 20 nm Coastline: 1,600 km PEOPLE Population: Angola (including Cabinda), 6,346,000 (Janu- ary 1978), does not take into account emigration from Angola, average annual growth rate 1.6% (12-60 to 12-70); Cabinda, 101,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 3.3% (12-60 to 12-70) Nationality: noun-Angolan(s); adjective-Angolan Ethnic divisions: 93% African, 5% European, 1% mestizo Religion: about 84% animist, 12% Roman Catholic, 4% Protestant Language: Portuguese (official), many native dialects Literacy: 10%-15% Labor force: 2.6 million economically active (1964); 531,000 wage workers (1967) Organized labor: approx. 65,000 (1967) GOVERNMENT Legal name: Peoples Republic of Angola Type: republic; achieved independence from Portugal in November 1975; constitution promulgated 1975; govern- ment formed after civil war which ended in early 1976 Capital: Luanda Political subdivisions: 16 administrative districts includ- ing the coastal exclave of Cabinda Legal system: to be determined Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 National holiday: Independence Day, 11 November Branches: the official party is the supreme political institution Government leaders: Agostinho Neto, President Suffrage: to be determined Elections: none held to date Political parties and leaders: Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), led by Agostinho Neto, only legal party; National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) and National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), defeated in civil war, carrying out limited insurgencies Member of: G-77, NAM, U.N. ECONOMY GDP: $3.0 billion (1974 est.), $500 per capita, 6.1% real growth (1970-72); growth probably negative in 1975-76 Agriculture: cash crops-coffee, sisal, corn, cotton,' sugar, manioc, and tobacco; food crops-cassava, corn, vegetables, plantains, bananas, and other local foodstuffs; largely self-sufficient in food Fishing: catch 183,850 metric tons (1975); exports $53.0 million; imports $5.6 million (1973) Major industries: mining (oil, iron, diamonds), fish processing, brewing, tobacco, sugar processing, textiles, cement, food processing plants, building construction Electric power: 670,000 kW capacity (1976); 1.3 billion kWh produced (1976), 220 kWh per capita Exports: $1.2 billion (f.o.b., 1974); oil, coffee, sisal, fish and fish products, iron ore, timber, diamonds, corn, and cotton; exports down sharply in 1975 and 1976 Imports: $614 million (c.i.f., 1974); capital equipment (machinery and electrical equipment), wines, bulk iron and ironwork, steel and metals, vehicles and spare parts, textiles and clothing, medicines; military deliveries partially offset drop in imports in 1975 Major trade partners: Portugal, West Germany, U.S., U.K., Japan; trade with U.S.S.R. and Cuba increasing since independence Aid: military aid from U.S.S.R. and Cuba in 1975 Budget: (1975) balanced at about $740 million by former Portuguese administration; budget not yet published by new government Monetary conversion rate: (still using Portuguese cur- rency) 38,732 escudos=US$1 as of June 1977 Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 3,069 km; 2,758 km 1.067-meter gage, 310 km 0.600-meter gage Highways: 73,828 km; 8,577 km bituminous-surface treatment, 28,723 km crushed stone, gravel, or improved earth, remainder unimproved earth Inland waterways: 3,220 km navigable Ports: 3 major (Luanda, Lobito, Mocamedes), 15 minor Pipelines: crude oil, 179 km Civil air: 10 major transport aircraft (including 2 leased in) Airfields: 571 total, 504 usable; 26 with permanent- surface runways; 1 with runway over 3,660 m, 8 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 80 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: fair network of open-wire and radio-relay facilities; 1 Atlantic Ocean satellite station; 37,500 telephones (0.6 per 100 pop].); 24 AM, 12 FM, and no TV stations DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 1,535,000; 766,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (20) annually, 61,000 LAND 280 km'; 54% arable, 5% pasture, 14% forested, 9% unused but potentially productive, 18% wasteland and built on WATER Limits of Coastline: territorial waters (claimed): 3 153 km PEOPLE Population: 72,000 (January 1978), growth rate 1.2% (7-70 to 7-76) Nationality: noun-Antiguan(s); adjective-Antiguan Ethnic divisions: almost entirely African Negro Religion: Church of England (predominant), other Protestant sects and some Roman Catholic Language: English Literacy: about 80% Organized labor: 18,000, 20% unemployment 6 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 GOVERNMENT Legal name: State of Antigua Type: dependent territory with full internal autonomy as a British "Associated State" Capital: St. Johns Political subdivisions: 6 parishes, 2 dependencies (Bar- buda, Redonda) Legal system: based on English law; British Caribbean Court of Appeal has exclusive original jurisdiction and an appellate jurisdiction, consists of Chief Justice and 5 justices Branches: legislative, 21-member popularly elected House of Representatives; executive, Prime Minister and Cabinet Government leaders: Premier Vere C. Bird, Sr.; Deputy Premier Lester Bird; Governor Sir Wilfred Ebenezer Jacobs Suffrage: universal suffrage age 18 and over Elections: every 5 years; last general election 11 February 1976 Political parties and leaders: Antigua Labor Party (ALP), Vere C. Bird, Sr., Lester Bird; Progressive Labor Movement (PLM), George Herbert Walter; Antigua People's Party (APP), J. Rowan Henry Voting strength: 1976 election-House of Representative seats-ALP 10, PLM 5, independent 1, tie 1 Communists: negligible Other political or pressure groups: Afro-Caribbean Liberation Movement (ACLM), a small black nationalist group led by Timothy Hector; Antigua Freedom Fighters (AFF), a small black radical group, leaders unknown Member of: CARICOM, ISO ECONOMY GDP: $51 million (1974 est.), $640 per capita; 2.7% real growth Agriculture: main crop, cotton Major industries: oil refining, tourism Shortages: electric power Electric power: 23,000 kW capacity (1976); 46 million kWh produced (1976), 640 kWh per capita Exports: $29 million (f.o.b., 1973); petroleum products, cotton Imports: $47 million (c.i.f., 1973); crude oil, food, clothing Major trade partners: 30% U.K., 25% U.S., 18% Commonwealth Caribbean countries Aid: economic-U.S. authorizations (FY46-75), $1.5 mil- lion in loans Budget: (projected 1977) revenues, $17 million; expendi- tures, $21 million Monetary conversion rate: 2.70 East Caribbean dol- lars=US$1 (July 1976) COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 78 km narrow gage (0.760 m), employed almost exclusively for handling cane Highways: 380 km; 240 km main, 140 km secondary Ports: 1 major (St. John's), 1 minor Civil air: 8 major transport aircraft Airfields: 3 total, 3 usable; 1 with asphalt runway 2,745 m; 2 seaplane stations Telecommunications: automatic telephone system; 3,500 telephones (4.9 per 100 popl.); tropospheric scatter links with Tortola and St. Lucia; 3 AM stations, 1 FM station, and 1 TV station; 1 coaxial submarine cable ARGENTINA Pacific Ocean CHILE Buenos Aires ,FALKLAND ISLANDS LAND /S,e relerence map Up 2,771,300 kmZ; 57% agricultural (11% crops, improved pasture and fallow, 46% natural grazing land), 25% forested, 18% mountain, urban, or waste Land boundaries: 9,414 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 200 nm (continental shelf, including sovereignty over superjacent waters) Coastline: 4,989 km PEOPLE Population: 26,224,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 1.3% (current) Nationality: noun-Argentine(s); adjective-Argentine Ethnic divisions: approximately 85% white, 15% mestizo, Indian, or other nonwhite groups Religion: 90% nominally Roman Catholic (less than 20% practicing), 2% Protestant, 2% Jewish, 6% other Language: Spanish Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Literacy: 85% (90% in Buenos Aires) Labor force: 10 million; 19% agriculture, 25% manufac- turing, 20% services, 11% commerce, 6% transport and communications, 19% other; 4%-5% estimated ployment Organized labor: 25% of labor force (est.) GOVERNMENT Legal name: Argentine Type: republic Capital: Buenos Aires Political subdivisions: 22 Capital), and 1 territory Legal system: based on Spanish and French civil codes; constitution adopted 1853 partially superseded in 1966 by the Statute of the Revolution which takes precedence over the constitution when the two are in conflict, further changes may be made by new government; judicial review of legislative acts; legal education at University of Buenos Aires and other public and private universities; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Independence Day, 25 May Branches: Presidency; legislature; national judiciary Government leader: President, Lt. General Jorge Rafael Videla, Commander in Chief of the Army, chosen by the three-man junta that took power on March 24, 1976 Government structure: the junta, composed of the chiefs of the three armed services, retains supreme authority; active duty or retired officers fill all but two cabinet posts and administer all provincial and many local governments; in addition, the military now oversee the nation's principal labor confederation and unions, as well as other civilian pressure groups; Congress has been disbanded and all political activity suspended; a nine-man Legislative Council, composed of senior officers, advises the junta on lawmaking Political parties: a number of civilian political groupings remain potentially influential, despite the suspension of all 'wartisan activity; these include Justicialist Party (Peronist r!oalition that formerly governed) and the Radical Civic 1'nion, center-left party providing the chief civilian opposition to the Peronists; the Moscow-oriented Communist Party remains legal, but extreme leftist splinter groups have been outlawed Communists: some 70,000 members in various party organizations, including a small nucleus of activists Other political or pressure groups: Peronist-dominated labor movement, General Economic Confederation (Peron- ist-leaning association of small businessmen), Argentine Industrial Union (manufacturer's association), Argentine Rural Society (large landowner's association), business organizations, students, and the Catholic Church Member of: FAO, G-77, GATT, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAC, ICAO, IDA, IDB, IFC, IHO, ILO, IMCO, IMF, IOOC, ISO, ITU, IWC-International Whaling Commis- sion, IWC-International Wheat Council, LAFTA, NAM, OAS, SELA, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WMO, WSG, Non-Aligned Nations Group GNP: $48 billion (1976), $1,870 per capita; 18% government consumption, 62% private consumption, 22% investment, -2% net foreign demand (1975); real GDP growth rate 1976, -2.9% Agriculture: main products-cereals, oilseeds, livestock products; Argentina is a major world exporter of temperate zone foodstuffs Fishing: catch 350,000 metric tons (1976 est.); exports $42 million (1976 est.) Major industries: food processing (especially meatpack- ing), motor vehicles, consumer durables, textiles, chemicals, printing, and metallurgy Crude steel: 2.4 million metric kg per capita Electric power: 9 million kW capacity (1976); 30 billion kWh produced (1976), 1,170 kWh per capita Exports: $3.90 billion (f.o.b., 1976); meat, corn, wheat, wool, hides, oilseeds Imports: $3.05 billion (c.i.f., 1976); machinery, fuel and lubricating oils, products Major trade partners (1976): exports-10% Italy, 6% U.S.S.R., 9% Netherlands, 11% Brazil, 7% U.S.; imports- 18% U.S., 8% Japan, 11% FRG, 12% Brazil Aid: economic-extensions from U.S. (FY46-76), $1 billion in loans, $17.9 million in grants; from international organizations (FY46-75), $1.4 billion; from other Western countries (1960-66), $315.5 million; from Communist countries (1954-76), $513 million ($89 million drawn); military-assistance from U.S. (FY46-76), $265 million Budget: (1977) 3,171 billion pesos=$8 billion at projected average parity exchange rate of about 400 pesos=US$1 Monetary conversion rate: official, 140 pesos=US$1; free market, 450 pesos=US$1 (September 1976) Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 39,738 km; 3,086 km standard gage (1.435 m), 22,788 km broad gage (1.676 m), 13,461 km meter gage (1.00 m), 403 km 0.750-meter gage Highways: 219,700 km, of which 43,050 km paved, 76,800 km gravel, 85,950 km improved earth, 13,900 km unimproved earth 8 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 January 1978 Inland waterways: 11,000 km navigable Ports: 7 major, 21 minor Pipelines: 4,090 km crude oil; 2,200 km refined products; 8,120 km natural gas Civil air: 41 major transport aircraft, includes 1 leased from a foreign country Airfields: 2,378 total, 2,153 usable; 91 with permanent- surface runways; 21 with runways 2,440-3,659 in, 315 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 6 seaplane stations Telecommunications: extensive modern system; tele- phone network has 2,660,000 sets (9.7 per 100 popl.), radio relay widely used, 1 satellite station with 2 Atlantic Ocean antennas; 158 AM, 12 FM, and 64 TV stations DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 6,519,000; 5,254,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (20) annually about 219,000 Military budget: proposed for fiscal year ending 31 December 1977, $1,391.8 million; about 15% of total central government budget AUSTRALIA PAPUA ;.,NEW GUINEA 1N ONESIAa Tasman *YCanberra Sea LAND 7,692,300 km2; 6% arable, 58% pasture, 2% forested, 34% other WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm (fishing, 12 nm; prawn and crayfish on continental shelf) Coastline: about 25,760 km PEOPLE Population: 13,973,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 1.6% (current) Nationality: noun-Australian(s); adjective-Australian Ethnic divisions: 99% Caucasian, 1% Asian and aborigine Religion: 98% Christian Language: English Literacy: 98.5% Labor force: 6 million; 14% agriculture, 32% industry, 37% services, 15% commerce, 2% other; 5% unemployment Organized labor: 44% of labor force GOVERNMENT Legal name: Commonwealth of Australia Type: federal state recognizing Elizabeth II as sovereign or head of state Capital: Canberra Political subdivisions: 6 states and 2 territories (Austra- lian Capital Territory (Canberra) and Northern Territory) Legal system: based on English common law; constitution adopted 1900; High Court has jurisdiction over cases involving interpretation of the constitution; accepts compul- sory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations National holiday: 26 January Branches: Parliament (House of Representatives and Senate); Prime Minister and Cabinet responsible to House; independent judiciary Government leaders: Governor General Sir John Kerr; Prime Minister John Malcolm Fraser Suffrage: universal over age 18 Elections: held at 3-year intervals, or sooner if Parliament is dissolved by Prime Minister; next election December 1977 Political parties and leaders: Government-Liberal Party (Malcolm Fraser) and National Country Party (Douglas Anthony); opposition-Labour Party (Gough Whitlam) Voting strength (1975 Parliamentary election): lower house: Liberal-Country Coalition, 92 seats; Labour Party, 35 seats; Senate: Liberal Country Coalition, 35 seats; Labour, 27 seats; Independents, 2 seats Communists: 3,900 members (est.) Other political or pressure groups: Democratic Labour Party (anti-Communist Labour Party splinter group) Member of: ADB, AIOEC, ANZUS, CIPEC (associate), Colombo Plan, Commonwealth, DAC, ELDO, ESCAP, FAO, GATT, IAEA, IATP, IBA, IBRD, ICAC, ICAO, IDA, IEA, IFC, IHO, ILO, International Lead and Zinc Study Group, IMCO, IMF, IOOC, IPU, ISO, ITC, ITU, IWC- International Whaling Commission, IWC-International Wheat Council, OECD, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG ECONOMY GNP: $93.6 billion (1976), $6,830 per capita; 60% private consumption, 16% government current expenditure, 24% investment (1975); real average annual growth (1970-75), 3% Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Agriculture: large areas devoted to livestock grazing; 60% of area used for crops is planted in wheat; major products- wool, livestock, wheat, fruits, sugarcane; self-sufficient in food; caloric intake, 3,300 calories per day per capita Fishing: catch 103,281 metric tons (1975); exports $94.5 million (FY75), imports $86.2 million (FY75) Major industries: mining, industrial and transportation equipment, food processing, chemicals Crude steel: 7.8 million metric tons produced (FY1976), 570 kg per capita Electric power: 21,850,000 kW capacity (1976); 81.8 billion kWh produced (1976), 5,970 kWh per capita Exports: $13.2 billion (f.o.b., 1976); principal products (1975)-44% agricultural products, 14% metalliferous ores, 8% wool, 8% coal Imports: $12.5 billion (c.i.f., 1976) Major trade partners: (1975) exports-29% Japan, 10% U.S., 5% New Zealand, 5% U.K.; imports-20% U.S., 15% U.K., 18% Japan Aid: economic-Australian aid abroad $2.3 billion (FY65-75); $430 million (FY75), 55% for Papua New Guinea Budget: expenditures, A$22.9 billion; receipts A$18.7 billion (CY76) Monetary conversion rate: 0.92 Australian dollar=US$1 (A$1=US$1.09), February 1977 Fiscal year: 1 July-30 June COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 40,636 km; 9,197 km 1.60-meter gage, 13,394 km standard gage (1.435 m), 18,045 km 1.067-meter gage; 800 km electrified (June 1962); government-owned (except for few hundred kilometers of privately owned track) Highways: 837,866 km (1976); 207,644 km paved, 205,454 km gravel, crushed stone, or stabilized soil surface, 424,768 km unimproved earth Inland waterways: 8,368 km; mainly by small, shallow- draft craft Freight carried: rail-154.4 million metric tons Ports: 12 major, numerous minor Pipelines: crude oil, 740 km; refined products, 340 km; natural gas, 6,947 km Civil air: around 120 major transport aircraft Airfields: 1,751 total, 1,662 usable; 195 with permanent- surface runways, 3 with runways over 3,660 m; 18 with runways 2,440-3,659 in, 645 with runways 1.,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: very good international and do- mestic service; 5.3 million telephones; 14 million radio receivers; 3.7 million TV receivers; 96 AM stations, no FM station, 120 TV stations and 66 repeaters; 3 earth satellite stations; submarine cables to New Zealand, New Guinea, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Guam DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 3,289,000; 2,906,000 fit for military service; 125,000 reach military age (17) annually Military budget: for fiscal year ending 30 June 1978, $2,577,300,000; about 8.8% of total central government budget M LAND 83,916 km2; 20% cultivated, 26% meadows and pastures, 15% waste or urban, 38% forested, 1% inland water Land boundaries: 2,582 km PEOPLE Population: 7,522,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 0.1% (6-76 to 6-77) Nationality: noun-Austrian(s); adjective-Austrian Ethnic divisions: 98.1% German, 0.7% Croatian, 0.3% Slovene, 0.9% other Religion: 85% Roman Catholic, 7% Protestant, 8% none or other Language: German Literacy: 98% Labor force: 2,784,635 (1977); 18% agriculture and forestry, 49% industry and crafts, 18% trade and communi- cations, 7% professions, 6% public service, 2% other; 2.4% registered unemployed; an estimated 200,000 Austrians are employed in other European countries; foreign laborers in Austria number more than 200,000 (1972); unemployment 1.2% (September 1977) Organized labor: about two-thirds of wage and salary workers (1971) GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Austria I Vienna AUSTRIA 10 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Type: federal republic Capital: Vienna Political subdivisions: 9 states (Laender) including the capital Legal system: civil law system with Roman law origin; constitution adopted 1920, repromulgated in 1945; judicial review of legislative acts by a Constitutional Court; separate administrative and civil/penal supreme courts; legal educa- tion at Universities of Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck, Salzburg, and Linz; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: 26 October Branches: bicameral parliament, directly elected Presi- dent whose functions are largely representational, independ- ent federal judiciary Government leaders: President Rudolf Kirchschlaeger, Chancellor Bruno Kreisky leads a one-party Socialist government Suffrage: universal over age 19; compulsory for presiden- tial elections Elections: presidential, every 6 years (next 1980); parliamentary, every 4 years (next 1979) Political parties and leaders: Socialist Party of Austria (SPOe), Bruno Kreisky, Chairman; Austrian People's Party (OeVP), Josef Taus, Chairman; Liberal Party (FPOe), Friedrich Peter, Chairman; Communist Party, Franz Muhri, Chairman Voting strength (1975 election): 50.6% SPOe, 42.7% OeVP, 5.3% FPOe, 1.2% Communist Communists: membership 25,000 est.; activists 7,000-8,000 Other political or pressure groups: Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Austrian Trade Union Federation (primarily Socialist); three composite leagues of the Austrian Peoples Party (OeVP) representing business, labor, and farmers; the OeVP-oriented League of Austrian Industrial- ists; Roman Catholic Church, including its chief lay organization, Catholic Action Member of: ADB, Council of Europe, DAC, ECE, EFTA, EMA, ESRO (observer), FAO, GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAC, ICAO, IDA, IEA, IFC, ILO, International Lead and Zinc Study Group, IMF, ITU, IWC-International Wheat Coun- cil, OECD, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG ECONOMY GNP: $40.6 billion (1976), $5,390 per capita; 59.2% consumption, 28.1% investment, 11.3% government, 3.5% stock building; 2.1% net foreign balance (1976 in 1964 prices); 1976 real GNP growth rate, 5.2% Agriculture: livestock, cereals, potatoes, sugar beets; 84% self-sufficient; caloric intake 3,230 calories per day per capita (1969-70) Major industries: foods, iron and steel, machinery, textiles, chemicals, electrical, paper and pulp Crude steel: 4.5 million metric tons produced (1976), 600 kg per capita (1976) Electric power: 11 million kW capacity (1976); 36.6 billion kWh produced (1976), 4,860 kWh per capita Exports: $8.5 billion (f.o.b., 1976); iron and steel products, machinery and equipment, lumber, textiles and clothing, paper products, chemicals Imports: $11.5 billion (c.i.f., 1976); machinery and equipment, chemicals, textiles, coal, petroleum, foodstuffs Major trade partners: (1976) 33.6% West Germany, 8.6% Italy, 6.7% Switzerland, 3.6% France, 2.8% U.S.; 56.3% EC; 11.7% EFTA; 11.9% Communist countries Aid: economic-authorized-U.S., $1,135 million through FY76; IBRD, $105 million through FY73, none since FY62; military-U.S., $120 million (FY52-76); net official eco- nomic aid delivered to less developed areas and multilateral agencies-$205 million (FY62-72), $40.2 million (1973) and $59.3 million (1974) Budget: expenditures, $12.4 billion; revenues, $9.9 billion; deficit $2.5 billion (1976) Monetary conversion rate: 17.94 shillings=US$1, 1976 average Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 6,517 km; 5.877 km government-owned; 5,397 km standard gage (1.435 m) of which 2,384 km electrified and 1,333 km double tracked; 480 km narrow gage(0.760 m) of which 91 km electrified; 640 km privately owned (1.435- and 1.00-meter gage) Highways: approximately 33,600 km total national classified network, including 10,400 km federal and 23,200 km provincial roads; about 20,800 km paved (bituminous, concrete, stone block) and 12,800 km unpaved (gravel, crushed stone, stabilized soil); additional 60,800 km commu- nal roads (mostly gravel, crushed stone, earth) Inland waterways: 427 km Ports: 2 major river (Vienna, Linz) Pipelines: 554 km crude oil; 2,611 km natural gas; 171 km refined products Civil air: 19 major transport aircraft Airfields: 52 total, 51 usable; 12 with permanent-surface runways; 3 with runways 2,440-3,659 in, 7 with runways 1,220-2,439 in Telecommunications: highly developed and efficient; extensive TV and radiobroadcast systems with 90 AM, 94 FM, and 295 TV stations; 2.21 million telephones (28.1 per 100 popl.) Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 1,725,000; 1,389,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (19) annually about 59,000 Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1977, $606 million; about 4.2% of the federal budget THE BAHAMAS LAND 11,396 kml; 1% cultivated, 29% forested, 70% built on, wasteland, and other WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 urn (fishing 200 nm) Coastline: 3,542 km (New Providence Is. 76 km) PEOPLE Population: 221,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 3.0% (7-73 to 7-76) Nationality: noun-Bahamian (sing., pl.); adjective- Bahamian Ethnic divisions: 80% Negro, 10% white, 10% mixed Religion: Baptists 29%, Church of England 23%, Roman Catholic 23%, smaller groups of other Protestant, Greek Orthodox, and Jews Language: English Labor force: 84,228 (1976), 25% organized; 21% unem- ployment (1975) GOVERNMENT Legal name: The Commonwealth of The Bahamas Type: independent commonwealth since July 1973, recognizing Elizabeth II as Chief of State Capital: Nassau (New Providence Island) Legal system: based on English law National holiday: Independence Day, 10 July Branches: bicameral legislature (appointed Senate, elected House); executive (Prime Minister and cabinet); judiciary Government leaders: Prime Minister Lynden O. Pindling Suffrage: universal over age 18; registered voters (July 1977) 73,309 Elections: House of Assembly (19 July 1977); next election due constitutionally in 5 years Political parties and leaders: Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), predominantly black, Lynden O. Pindling; Bahamian Democratic Party (BDP), Henry Bostwick; Free National Movement (FNM), Cecil Wallace-Whitfield Voting strength (1977 election): PLP (55%) 30 seats, BDP (27%) 6 seats, FNM (15%) 2 seats, others (3%) 0 seats Communists: none known Member of: G-77, ILO, IMCO, IMF, U.N., WHO, WIPO, ECONOMY GNP: $496 million (at market prices, 1973), $2,490 per capita; real growth rate 1976, est. 0% Agriculture: food importer, main crops-fish, fruits, vegetables Major industries: tourism, cement, oil refining, lumber, salt production Electric power: 250,000 kW capacity (1976); 680 million kWh produced (1976), 3,320 kWh per capita Exports: $2.6 billion (f.o.b., 1976); fuel oil, pharmaceuti- cals, cement, rum Imports: $2.9 billion (c.i.f., 1976); crude oil, foodstuffs, manufactured goods Major trade partners: exports-U.S. 86%, U.K. 2%, Canada 2%; imports-U.S. 24%, Libya 20%, Nigeria 16% (1973) Aid: economic-authorizations from U.S. (FY56-76), $0.3 million in grants; from international organizations (FY71-76), $12 million Budget: (1976) revenues, $134 million; expenditures, $141 million Monetary conversion rate: 1 Bahamian dollar (B$1)=US$1 Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 2,100 km total; 850 km paved, 1,250 km gravel Ports: 2 major (Freeport, Nassau), 9 minor Civil air: 15 major transport aircraft (including 8 leased in) 12 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Airfields: 54 total, 51 usable; 9 with permanent-surface runways; 3 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 22 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 4 seaplane stations Telecommunications: telecom facilities highly developed, including 61,000 telephones (28.0 per 100 popl.) in totally automatic system; tropospheric scatter link with Florida; 3 AM and 2 FM stations; 3 coaxial submarine cables BAHRAIN LAND 596 km2 plus group of 32 smaller islands; 5% cultivated, negligible forested area, remainder desert, waste, or urban WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm Coastline: 161 km PEOPLE Population: 278,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 3.3% (2-65 to 7-75) Nationality: noun-Bahraini(s); adjective-Bahraini Ethnic divisions: 90% Arab, 7% Iranian, Pakistani, and Indian, 3% other; native Bahrainis are a minority Religion: Muslim Language: Arabic, English also widely spoken Literacy: about 40% (1970) Labor force: 78,507 (1976) GOVERNMENT Legal name: State of Bahrain Type: traditional monarchy; independence declared in 1971 Capital: Manama Legal system: based on Islamic law and English common law; constitution went into effect December 1973 National holiday: 16 December Branches: Amir rules with help of a cabinet led by Prime Minister; a National Assembly, made up of cabinet and 30 directly elected members, was formed in early 1974; Amir dissolved assembly in August 1975 and suspended the constitutional provision for election of the assembly Government leader: Amir `Isa ibn Salman Al-Khalifah Political parties and pressure groups: political parties prohibited; no significant pressure groups although numer- ous small clandestine groups are active Communists: negligible Member of: Arab League, FAO, G-77, GATT (de facto), IBRD, ICAO, IMF, NAM, OAPEC, U.N., UNESCO, WHO ECONOMY GNP: $600 million (1976 est.), annual growth rate 4.1% (1975-85 projected average), $2,430 per capita, dominated by oil industry; 1976 average daily crude oil production, 56,000 bbls (oil expected to last 15 years if no new discoveries are made); 1975 nonassociated natural gas production, 102 billion ft2; government oil revenues for 1976 are estimated at $395.7 million Agriculture: produces dates, alfalfa, vegetables; dairy and poultry farming; fishing; not self-sufficient in food Major industries: petroleum refining, aluminum smelt- ing, boatbuilding, shrimp fishing, pearls and sailmaking on a small scale; major development projects include flourmill, and ISA town; OAPEC dry dock to be built by 1977 Electric power: 550,000 kW capacity (1976); 1.9 billion kWh produced (1976), 7,690 kWh per capita Exports: exports and reexports, $802 million (1976); non-oil exports (including reexports), $428.7 million (1977 projected); oil exports, $345.6 million (1976) Imports: $980.6 million (1976) Major trade partners: Saudi Arabia, U.K., U.S., Japan, EC Aid: received $110 million in bilateral commitments and committed itself $8.5 million to multilateral agencies in CY74 Budget: (1976) $483 million, 72% of revenues from oil Monetary conversion rate: 1 Bahrain dinar=US$2.52 (since January 1973) Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Highways: 93 km bituminous surfaced; undetermined mileage of natural surface tracks Ports: 1 major (Bahrain) Pipelines: crude oil, 56 km; refined products, 16 km; natural gas, 32 km Civil air: 21 major transport aircraft (all registered in Oman) Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Airfields: 2 total, 2 usable; I with permanent-surface runway; I with runway over 3,660 m; 1 with runway 1,220- 2,439 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: excellent international telecom- munications; limited domestic services; 22,000 telephones (9.9 per 100 popl.); I AM station, 1 TV station, I Indian Ocean satellite station; tropospheric scatter Bahrain to Qatar and United Arab Emirates DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 70,000; fit for military service 39,000 Supply: mostly from U.K. Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1977; $28 million, 5% of total budget BANGLADESH LAND 142,500 km2; 66% arable (including cultivated and fallow), 18% not available for cultivation, 16% forested Land boundaries: 2,535 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm; fishing 200 rim Coastline: 580 km PEOPLE Population: 78,750,000 (January growth rate 2.8% (current) Nationality: noun-Bangladeshi(s); desh adjective-Bangla- Ethnic divisions: predominantly Bengali; fewer than 1 million "Biharis" and fewer than 1 million tribals Religion: about 83% Muslim, 16% Hindu; less than 1% Buddhist and other Language: Bengali Literacy: about 25% Labor force: over 26 million; extensive underemploy- ment; over 80% of labor force is in agriculture GOVERNMENT Legal name: Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Type: independent republic since December 1971; Gov- ernment of President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman overthrown in August 1975; two other coups followed; country currently governed by military-backed martial law administration with military president and chief martial law administrator and two military service chiefs as deputy martial law administrators Capital: Dacca Political subdivisions: 19 districts, 413 thanas (counties), 4,053 unions (village groupings) Legal system: based on English common law; constitution adopted December 1972; amended January 1975 to more authoritarian presidential system, changed by proclamation in April 1977 to reflect Islamic character of nation National holiday: Independence Day, 26 March Branches: constitution provides for unicameral legisla- ture, strong president; controlled judiciary; parliament dissolved by current regime Government leader: President Zair Rahman Suffrage: universal over age 18 Elections: First Parliament (House of the Nation) elected in March 1973; elections every 5 years; Government has lifted previous ban on political activity and announced its intention to hold national elections in December 1978; current President given mandate to continue his rule in nationwide referendum held in May 1977 Communists: 2,500 members (est.) Other political or pressure groups: 15 political parties legalized by government as of October 1976, student groups, bands of former guerrillas Member of: ADB, Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organi- zation, Colombo Plan, Commonwealth, ESCAP, G-77, GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, IMF, ILO, NAM, U.N., UNCTAD, UNESCO, UPU, WHO ECONOMY GNP: $9.87 billion est. (FY76, current prices), $130 per capita; real annual per capita growth, 7.7% (FY76), -2.6% (FY75) Agriculture: large subsistence farming, heavily dependent on monsoon rainfall; main crops are jute and rice; shortages-grain, cotton, and oilseeds Fishing: catch 640,000 metric tons (1975) Major industries: jute manufactures, food processing and cotton textiles 14 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Electric power: 865,000 kW capacity (1976); 1.5 billion kWh produced (1976), 20 kWh per capita Exports: $401 million (1976); raw and manufactured jute, leather, tea Imports: $865 million (1976); foodgrains, fuels, raw cotton, fertilizer, manufactured products Major trade partners: exports-U.S. 17%, U.K. 7.4%; imports-U.S. 28.5%, Canada 9.7% (FY76) Aid: economic-FY76 disbursements, $814 million, of which U.S. provided 32% Budget: (FY76) domestic revenues, $542 million; expend- itures, $1,032 million Monetary conversion rate: 15.5 taka=US$1 (July 1977) Fiscal year: 1 July-30 June COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 3,470 km; 2,483 km meter gage (1.00 m), 953 km broad gage (1.676 m), 35 km narrow gage (0.762 m), 290 km double track; government-owned Highways: 44,930 km; 4,044 km paved, 2,022 km gravel, 38,864 km earth Inland waterways: 7,000 km; river steamers navigate main waterways Ports: 1 major; 5 minor Pipelines: 150 km natural gas Civil air: 9 major transport aircraft Airfields: 24 total, 16 usable; 18 with permanent surface runways; 3 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 8 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: inadequate international radio- communications and landline service; fair domestic wire and microwave service; fair broadcast service; 80,100 (est.) telephones; 500,000 radio sets; 20,000 (est.) TV sets; 10 AM, 1 FM, 2 TV stations, and 1 ground satellite station DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 18,611,000; 10,681,000 fit for military service Military budget: for fiscal year ending 30 June 1978, $152.0 million; about 9.4% of the central government budget LAND 430 km2; 60% cropped, 10% permanent meadows, 30% built on, waste, other WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm Coastline: 97 km DOMINICAN ;REPUBLIC Ocean PUERTO Caribbean Sea ' a. BARBADOS PEOPLE Population: 249,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 0.7% (7-70 to 7-76) Nationality: noun-Barbadian(s); adjective-Barbadian Ethnic divisions: 80% African, 17% mixed, 4% European Religion: Anglican (70%), Roman Catholic, Methodist, and Moravian Language: English Literacy: over 90% Labor force: 97,000 (1973 est.) wage and salary earners; unemployment 20%-25% (1976) Organized labor: 32% GOVERNMENT Legal name: Barbados Type: independent sovereign state within the Common- wealth since November 1966, recognizing Elizabeth II as Chief of State Capital: Bridgetown Political subdivisions: 11 parishes and city of Bridgetown Legal system: English common law; constitution came into effect upon independence in 1966; no judicial review of legislative acts; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: 30 November Branches: legislature consisting of a 21-member ap- pointed Senate and a 24-member elected House of Assembly; cabinet headed by Prime Minister Government leader: Prime Minister J. M. G. "Tom" Adams Suffrage: universal over age 18 Elections: House of Assembly members have terms no longer than 5 years; last general election held 2 September 1976 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Political parties and leaders: Barbados Labor Party (BLP), J. M. G. "Tom" Adams; Democratic Labor Party (DLP), Errol Barrow Voting strength (1976 election): Barbados Labor Party (BLP), 53% Democratic Labor Party, 46%; Independent, negligible; House of Assembly seats-BLP 17, DLP 7 Communists: negligible Other political or pressure groups: People's Progressive Movement (PPM), a small black-nationalist group led by Calvin Alleyne Member of: CARICOM, Commonwealth, FAO, G-77, GATT, IADB, IBRD, ICAO, IDB, ILO, IMCO, IMF, ISO, ITU, IWC-International Wheat Council, OAS, SELA, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WMO ECONOMY GDP: $396 million (1976), $1,660 per capita; real growth rate 1976, 2.9% Agriculture: main products-sugar, subsistence foods Major industries: tourism, sugar milling, light manu- facturing Electric power: 107,000 kW capacity (1976); 220 million kWh produced (1976), 920 kWh per capita Exports: $208 million (f.o.b., 1976); sugar and sugarcane byproducts, clothing Imports: $275 million (c.i.f., 1976); foodstuffs, machinery, manufactured goods Major trade partners: exports-28% U.K., 14% U.S., 28% CARIFTA, 30% other; imports-25% U.K., 21% U.S., 11% Canada, 13% CARIFTA, 30% other (1973) Aid: economic-authorization from U.S. (FY67-76), $1.4 million; from international organizations (FY63-76), $31.9 million Budget: (1976) revenues, $152 million; expenditures, $191 million Monetary conversion rate: 2 Barbados dollars=US$1 Fiscal year: 1 April-31 March COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 1,370 km; 1,290 km paved, and 80 km gravel, and earth Ports: 1 major (Bridgetown), 2 minor Civil air: 4 major transport aircraft Airfields: 1 with permanent-surface runway 2,440-3,659 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: islandwide automatic telephone system with 43,000 telephones (17.2 per 100 popl.); tropospheric scatter link to Trinidad; UHF/VHF links to St. Vincent and St. Lucia; 2 AM stations, 1 FM station, 1 TV station; 2 telegraph submarine cables; 1 Atlantic Ocean satellite station DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 51,000; 37,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age, (18) annually, 3,000; no conscription LAND 30,562 km2; 28% cultivated, 24% meadow and pasture, 28% waste, urban, or other; 20% forested Land boundaries: 1,377 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm (fishing 12 nm) Coastline: 64 km PEOPLE Population: 9,831,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 0.1% (current) Nationality: noun-Belgian(s); adjective-Belgian Ethnic divisions: 55% Flemings, 33% Walloons, 12% mixed or other Religion: 97% Roman Catholic, 3% none or other Language: French, Flemish (Dutch), German, in small area of eastern Belgium; divided along ethnic lines Literacy: 97% Labor force: 4.0 million; approximately 95% is found in the following sectors: 32% manufacturing, 24% services, 16% commerce, banking, and insurance, 8% construction, 7.5% transportation and communication, 4% agriculture, forestry, and fishing, 1.2% mining, 0.8% public utilities and sanitary services (1972); 9.7% of insured workers and 6.5% of the total work force unemployed, September 1977 Organized labor: 48% of labor force (1969) 16 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 GOVERNMENT Legal name: Kingdom of Belgium Type: constitutional monarchy Capital: Brussels Political subdivisions: 9 provinces Legal system: civil law system influenced by English constitutional theory; constitution adopted 1831, since amended; judicial review of legislative acts; legal education at 4 law schools; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations National holiday: National Day, 21 July Branches: executive branch consists of King and cabinet; cabinet responsible to bicameral parliament; independent judiciary; coalition governments are usual Government leader: Head of State, King Baudouin; Prime Minister Leo Tindemans Suffrage: universal over age 21 Elections: held 17 April 1977 (held at least once every 4 years) Political parties and leaders: Social Christian, Georges Gramme and Wilfred Martens, co-presidents; Socialist, Andre Cools and Willy Claes, co-presidents; Liberal, Pierre Dechamps, national president; Brussels Liberal, Basile Risopoulos, party president; Francophone Democratic Front, Andre Lagasse, party president; Walloon Rally, Paul-Henri Gendebien, party president; Volksunie (Flemish nationalist), Hugo Schiltz, party president; Communist, Louis Van Gent, president of political bureau Voting strength (1977 election): 80 seats Social Christian, 62 seats Socialist, 31 seats Liberal, 20 seats Volksunie, 10 seats Francophone Democratic Front, 5 seats Walloon Rally, 2 seats Brussels Liberal, 2 seats Communist Communists: 10,000 members (est.) Other political or pressure groups: Christian and Socialist Trade Unions; the Federation of Belgium Industries; numerous other associations representing bankers, manufac- turers, middle-class artisans, and the legal and medical professions; two major organizations represent the cultural interests of Flanders and Wallonia Member of: ADB, Benelux, BLEU, Council of Europe, DAC, EC, ECE, ECOSOC, ECSC, EEC, EIB, ELDO, EMA, ESRO, EURATOM, FAO, GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAC, ICAO, ICES, IDA, IEA, IFC, ILO, International Lead and Zinc Study Group, IMCO, IMF, IOOC, IPU, ITC, ITU, NATO, OAS (observer), OECD, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WEU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG ECONOMY GNP: $67.2 billion (1976), $6,850 per capita; 60.6% consumption, 20.4% investment, 16.9% government, 0.7% stock building, 1.4% net foreign balance (1975); 2.9% real growth rate in 1976 Agriculture: livestock production predominates; main crops-grains, beets, potatoes; 80% self-sufficient in food; caloric intake, 3,230 calories per day per capita (1969-70) Fishing: exports $37 million (1975), imports $178 million (1975) Major industries: engineering and metal products, processed food and beverages, chemicals, basic metals, textiles, and petroleum Crude steel: 12.1 million metric tons produced; 1,240 kg per capita (1976) Electric power: 10,600,000 kW capacity (1976); 50.9 billion kWh produced (1976), 5,190 kWh per capita Exports: (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) $32.8 billion (f.o.b., 1976); iron and steel products, finished or semifinished precious stones, textile products Imports: (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) $35.4 billion (c.i.f., 1976); nonelectrical machinery, motor vehicles, textiles, chemicals Major trade partners: (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union, 1976) 71% EC (23% West Germany, 19% France, 17% Netherlands, 6% U.K., 4% Italy 5% U.S., 2% Saudi Arabia Aid: economic-received, U.S., $829 million authorized (FY46-75), $36.3 million in FY74; IBRD, $57.8 million (1949-75); military-received, $1,275 million authorized (FY46-76); net official economic aid to less developed areas and multilateral agencies, $1,365 million (FY60-70), $263.4 million in 1974 Budget: (1976) revenues, $18.0 billion; expenditures, $19.4 billion; deficit, $1.4 billion Monetary conversion rate: (1976 average) Belgian Franc 38.605 = US$1 Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 4,394 km; 4,117 km standard gage (1.435 m) and government-owned, 2,536 km double track, 1,224 km electrified; 277 km privately owned, electrified meter gage (1.00 m) Highways: approximately 104,000 km, including 1,040 km limited access divided "Autoroute" Inland waterways: 2,043 km, of which 1,528 km are in regular use by commercial transport Ports: 5 major, 1 minor Pipelines: refined products, 965 km; crude, 161 km; natural gas, 3,218 km Civil air: 45 major transport aircraft (including 6 leased out) Airfields: 46 total, 45 usable; 22 with permanent-surface runways; 13 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 5 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Telecommunications: excellent domestic and interna- tional telephone and telegraph facilities; 2.92 million telephones (28.3 per 100 popl.); 14 AM, 21 FM, and 25 TV stations; 5 coaxial submarine cables; 1 Atlantic Ocran satellite station DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 2,243,000; 1,803,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (19) annually 76,000 BELIZE (formerly British Honduras) LAND 22,973 km2; 38% agricultural (5% cultivated), 46% exploitable forest, 16% urban, waste, water, offshore islands or other Land boundaries: 515 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm Coastline: 386 km PEOPLE Population: 149,000 (January 1978), average growth rate 2.9% (current) Nationality: noun-Belizean(s); adjective-Belizean Ethnic divisions: 51 % Negro, 22% mestizo, 19% Amerin- dian, 8% other Religion: 50% Roman Catholic; Anglican, Seventh-day Adventist, Methodist, Baptist, Jehovah's Witnesses, Men- nonite Language: English, Spanish, Maya, and Carib Literacy: 70%-80% Labor force: 34,500; 39% agriculture, 14% manufactur- ing, 8% commerce, 12% construction and transport, 20% services, 7% other; shortage of skilled labor and all types of technical personnel; over 15% are unemployed Organized labor: 8% of labor force GOVERNMENT Legal name: Belize Type: internal self-governing British colony Capital: Belmopan Legal system: English law; constitution came into force in 1964, although country remains a British colony Branches: 18-member elected National Assembly and 8-member Senate (either house may choose its speaker or president, respectively, from outside its elected member- ship); cabinet; judiciary Government leader: Premier George Price Suffrage: universal adult (probably 21) Elections: must be held within 5 years of last elections held in October 1974 Political parties and leaders: People's United Party (PUP), George Price; United Democratic Party (UDP), a coalition comprised of the National Independence Party (NIP) led by Philip Goldson, the People's Democratic Union (PDM) led by Dean Lindo, and the Liberal Party (LP) led by Harry Lawrence; Corozal United Front (CUF), San- tiago Ricalde; United Black Association for Development (UBAD), Evan X. Hyde Voting strength (National Assembly): PUP 12 seats, UDP 6 seats Communists: negligible Other political or pressure groups: Christian Workers' Union (CWU) which is connected with PUP Member of: CARICOM, ISO ECONOMY GDP: $87 million (1974), $640 per capita; 78% private consumption, 17% public consumption, 36% domestic investment, -31% net foreign balance (1968); 3.5% real growth rate (1971) Agriculture: main products-sugar, citrus fruits, corn, molasses, rice, beans, bananas, livestock products; net importer of food; caloric intake, 2,500 calories per day per capita Major industries: soap Electric power: 16,000 kW capacity (1976); 32 million kWh produced (1976), 230 kWh per capita Exports: $71.3 million (f.o.b., 1975 est.); sugar, molasses, clothing, lumber, citrus fruits, fish Imports: $102 million (c.i.f., 1975 est.); vehicles, building materials, petroleum, food, textiles, machinery 18 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Major trade partners: exports-U.S. 30%, U.K. 24%, Mexico 22%, Canada 13%; imports-U.S. 34%, U.K. 25%, Jamaica 7% (1970) Aid: economic-U.S. authorizations (FY46-76), $7.6 mil- lion in grants; from international organizations (1946-76), $2.3 million Monetary conversion rate: 2 Belize dollars=US$1 Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 2,450 km; 300 km paved, 900 km gravel, 950 km improved earth and 300 km unimproved earth Inland waterways: 800 km river network used by shallow-draft craft Ports: 1 major (Belize), 4 minor Civil air: 2 major transport aircraft Airfields: 36 total, 36 usable; 4 with permanent-surface runways; 1 with runway 1,220-2,439 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: 5,800 telephones in automatic and manual network (4.0 per 100 popl.); radio-relay system; 3 AM stations BENIN (formerly Dahomey) Gulf of Guinea (See reference map VQ LAND 115,773 km2; southern third of country is most fertile; arable land 80% (actually cultivated 11%), forests and game preserves 19%, non-arable 1% Land boundaries: 1,963 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 200 nm (100 nm mineral exploitation limit) Coastline: 121 km PEOPLE Population: 3,330,000 (January 1978), average annual growth ,rate 2.7% (7-70 to 7-76) Nationality: noun-Beninese (sing. & pl.); adjective- Beninese Ethnic divisions: 99% Africans (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba, Bariba), 5,500 Europeans Religion: 12% Muslim, 8% Christian, 80% animist Language: French official; Fon and Yoruba most common vernaculars in south, at least 6 major tribal languages in north Literacy: about 20% Labor force: 85% of labor force engaged in agriculture; 15% civil service, artisans, and industry Organized labor: approximately 75% of wage earners, divided among two major and several minor unions GOVERNMENT Legal name: Peoples Republic of Benin Type: party state, under military rule since 26 October 1972 Capital: Porto-Novo (official), Cotonou (de facto) Political subdivisions: 6 provinces, 46 districts Legal system: based on French civil law and customary law; legal education generally obtained in France; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: 30 November Branches: National Revolutionary Council, Council of Ministers, Central Committee of Party Government leader: Lt. Col. Mathieu Kerekou, President, and Chief of State, Charged with National Defense Suffrage: suspended Elections: current government has held no elections and none are scheduled Political parties: People's Revolutionary Party of Benin established in 1975 Communists: sole party espouses Marxism-Leninism Member of: AFDB, CEAO, EAMA, ECA, ECOWAS, Entente, FAO, G-77, GATT, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, ILO, IMF, ITU, NAM, Niger River Commission, OAU, OCAM, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO ECONOMY GNP: $372 million (1975), $120 per capita; no real growth during 1970-1974 Agriculture: major cash crop is oil palms; peanuts, cotton, coffee, sheanuts, and tobacco also produced commercially; main food crops-corn, cassava, yams, sorghum and millet; livestock, fish Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Fishing: catch 29,494 metric tons (1975); exports 600 metric tons, imports 4,300 metric tons (1971) Major industries: palm oil and palm kernel oil processing Electric power: 11,000 kW capacity (1976); 55 million kWh produced (1976), 20 kWh per capita Exports: $94 million (f.o.b., 1974); palm products (34%); other agricultural products Imports: $131 million (c.i.f., 1974); clothing and other consumer goods, cement, lumber, fuels, foodstuffs, machin- ery, and transport equipment Major trade partners: France, EC, franc zone; preferen- tial tariffs to EC and franc zone countries Aid: economic (through FY75)-EC, $67.1 million; U.N., $12.5 million; other international organizations, $36.2 million; Taiwan, $1 million; U.S. (FY46-76), $18.1 million; China, $44 million extended (1972) Budget: 1975 est.-receipts $73 million, expenditures $77 million Monetary conversion rate: 249.35 Communaute Finan- ciere Africaine (CFA) francs=US$1 as of February 1977 Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 579 km, all meter gage (1.00 m) Highways: 3,303 km; 705 km paved, 2,598 km improved earth Inland waterways: 645 km navigable Ports: 1 major (Cotonou), 1 minor Civil air: no major transport aircraft Airfields: 10 total, 10 usable; 1 with permanent-surface runway; 4 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: system of open wire and radio relay; 9,800 telephones; 56,000 radio receivers; 2 AM, 1 FM, and no TV stations; 3 submarine cables DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 752,000; 377,000 fit for military service; about 33,000 males and 32,000 females reach military age (18) annually; both sexes liable for military service Supply: dependent on France and Guinea; aid from North Korea and PRC is pending Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1976, $7.4 million; about 11 % of central government budget LAND 54.4 kmz; 8% arable, 60% forested, 21% built on, wasteland, and other, 11% leased for air and naval bases WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm Coastline: 103 km PEOPLE Population: 58,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 1.5% (7-70 to 7-75) Nationality: noun-Bermudan(s); adjective-Bermudan Ethnic divisions: approximately 63% African, 37% white Religion: 47.5% Church of England, 38.2% other Protes- tant, 10.2% Catholic, 4.1% other Language: English Literacy: virtually 100% Labor force: 25,200 (1975) GOVERNMENT Legal name: Colony of Bermuda Type: British colony Capital: Hamilton Political subdivisions: 9 parishes Legal system: English law Branches: Executive Council (cabinet) appointed by governor, led by government leader; bicameral legislature with an appointed Legislative Council, and a 40-member directly elected House of Assembly Government leaders: Governor, Sir Peter Ramsbotham; Premier, J. David Gibbons Suffrage: universal over age 21 Elections: at least once every 5 years; last general election, May 1976 Political parties and leaders: United Bermuda Party (UBP), J. David Gibbons; Progressive Labor Party (PLP), Lois Browne Evans Voting strength (1976 elections): UBP 55.5%, PLP 44.4%; House of Assembly seats-UBP 26%, PLP 14% Communists: negligible Other political or pressure groups: Bermuda Industrial Union (BIU) 20 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 ECONOMY GNP: $300-$350 million (at market prices, 1974), $5,000-$6,000 per capita Agriculture: main products-bananas, vegetables, Easter lilies, dairy products, citrus fruits Major industries: tourism, finance Electric power: 86,200 kW capacity (1976); 300 million kWh produced (1976), 5,260 kWh per capita Exports: $34 million (f.o.b., 1975); mostly reexports of drugs and bunker fuel Imports: $162 million (f.o.b., 1975); fuel, foodstuffs, machinery Major trade partners: 45% U.S., 22% U.K., 9% Canada (1974) Monetary conversion rate: 1 Bermuda dollar=US$1 Fiscal year: 1 April-31 March COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 190 km, all paved Ports: 3 major (Hamilton, St. George Freeport, Ireland Island) Civil air: 3 major transport aircraft Airfields: 1 with concrete runway 2,960 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: modern telecom system, includes fully automatic telephone system with 38,600 sets (63.5 per 100 popl.); 2 AM, 1 FM, and 2 TV stations; 3 coaxial submarine cables LAND 46,600 km2; 15% agricultural, 15% desert, waste, urban, 70% forested Land boundaries: about 870 km PEOPLE Population: 1,247,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.5% (current) Nationality: noun-Bhutanese (sing., pl.); adjective- Bhutanese Ethnic divisions: 60% Bhotias, 25% ethnic Nepalese, 15% indigenous or migrant tribes Religion: 75% Lamaistic Buddhism, 25% Buddhist- influenced Hinduism Language: Bhotias speak various Tibetan dialects, most widely spoken dialect is Dzongkha, the official language; Nepalese speak various Nepalese dialects Literacy: insignificant Labor force: 300,000; 99% agriculture, 1% industry; massive lack of skilled labor GOVERNMENT Legal name: Kingdom of Bhutan Type: monarchy; special treaty relationship with India Capital: Thimphu Political subdivisions: 4 regions (east, central, west, south), further divided into 15-18 subdivisions Legal system: based on Indian law and English common law; in 1964 the monarch assumed full power-no constitution existed beforehand; a Supreme Court hears appeals from district administrators; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: 17 December Branches: appointed Minister and indirectly elected Assembly consisting of village elders, monastic representa- tives, and all district and senior government administrators Government leader: King Jigme Singhi Wangchuk Suffrage: each family has one vote Elections: popular elections on village level held every 3 years Political parties: all parties illegal Communists: no overt Communist presence Other political or pressure groups: Buddhist clergy Member of: Colombo Plan, G-77, NAM, UPU, U.N. ECONOMY GNP: under $100 per capita Agriculture: rice, barley, wheat, potatoes, fruit Major industries: handicrafts (particularly textiles) Electric power: 3,000 kW capacity (1976); 8 million kWh produced (1976), 10 kWh per capita Exports: about $1 million annually; rice, dolomite, and handicrafts Imports: about $1.4 million annually Major trading partner: India Aid: economic-India (FY61-72), $180 million Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Monetary conversion rate: both ngultrums and Indian rupees are legal tender; 8.77 ngultrums=8.77 Indian rupees=US$1 as of October 1975 Fiscal year: 1 April-31 March COMMUNICATIONS Highways: 1,304 km; 418 km surfaced, 515 km improved, 371 km unimproved earth Freight carried: not available, very light traffic Civil air: no major transport aircraft Airfields: 2 total, 1 asphalt runway 1,372 m, and 1 with concrete runway 899 m Telecommunications: facilities inadequate; 600 tele- phones; 6,000 est. radio sets; no TV sets; 1 AM station and no TV stations DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 293,000; 155,000 fit for military service; about 13,000 reach military age (18) annually Supply: dependent on India LAND 1,098,160 km2; 2% cultivated and fallow, 11% pasture and meadow, 45% urban, desert, waste, or other, 40% forest, 2% inland water Land boundaries: 6,083 km PEOPLE Population: 4,845,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.7% (current) Nationality: noun-Bolivian(s); adjective-Bolivian Ethnic divisions: 50%-75% Indian, 20%-35% mestizo, 5%-15% white Religion: predominantly Roman Catholic; active Protes- tant minority, especially Methodist Language: Spanish, Aymara, Quechua Literacy: 35%-40% Labor force: 2.5 million (1972); 69.1% agriculture, 3.3% mining, 9.6% services and utilities, 8% manufacturing, 10% other Organized labor: 150,000-200,000, concentrated in min- ing, industry, construction, and transportation GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Bolivia Type: republic; de facto military dictatorship government Capital: La Paz (seat of government); Sucre (judicial capital) Political subdivisions: 9 departments with limited autonomy Legal system: based on Spanish law and Code Napoleon; constitution adopted 1967; constitution in force except where contrary to dispositions dictated by governments since 1969; legal education at University of San Andres and several others; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Independence Day, 6 August Branches: executive; congress of two chambers (Senate and Chamber of Deputies), congress disbanded after 26 September 1969 ouster of President Siles; judiciary Government leaders: President Hugo Banzer Suarez Suffrage: universal and compulsory at age 18 if married, 21 if single Elections: postponed indefinitely Political parties and leaders: political activities are proscribed indefinitely; most party leaders are in exile Voting strength (1966 elections): Frente de la Revolucion Boliviana (a coalition composed of the MPC, PIR, PRA, PSD, and two interest groups, the campesinos and Chaco War Veterans) 61%, FSB 12%, MNR 10%, other 17% Communists: three parties (all proscribed); PCB/Soviet led by Jorge Kolle Cueto, about 300 members; PCB/Chinese led by Oscar Zamora, 150 (including 100 in exile); POR (Trotskyist), about 50 members divided between three factions led by Hugo Gonzalez Moscoso, Guillermo Lora Escobar, and Amadeo Arze Member of: FAO, G-77, IAEA, IADB, IATP, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, IDB, IFC, ILO, IMF, ISO, ITC, ITU, IWC- International Wheat Council, LAFTA and Andean Sub-Re- gional Group (created in May 1969 within LAFTA), OAS, SELA, U.N., UNESCO, WHO, WMO ECONOMY GNP: $2.40 billion (1976, in 1976 dollars), $430 per capita; 69% private consumption, 17% public consumption, 20% gross domestic investment, -6% net foreign balance (1976); real growth rate (1972-76), average 6.4%; 1976 growth, 6.0% 22 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Agriculture: main crops-potatoes, corn, rice, sugarcane, yucca, bananas; imports significant quantities of wheat; caloric intake, 70% of requirements (1976) Major industries: mining, smelting, petroleum refining, food processing, textiles, and clothing Electric power: 345,000 kW capacity (1976); 1 billion kWh produced (1976), 180 kWh per capita Exports: $566 million (f.o.b., 1976 est.); tin, petroleum, lead, zinc, silver, tungsten, antimony, bismuth, gold, coffee, sugar, cotton, natural gas Imports: $562 million (f.o.b., 1976 est.); foodstuffs, chemicals, capital goods, pharmaceuticals, transportation Major trade partners: exports-Western Europe, 19% (of which UK is largest market); Latin America, 38%; U.S., 30%; Japan, 3.9%; imports-U.S., 24%; Western Europe, 15.4% (of which West Germany is largest supplier); Japan, 15.7%; Latin America, 33.6% (1975) Aid: economic-extensions from U.S. (FY46-76), $335 million in loans, $342 million in grants; from international organizations (FY46-75), $372 million; from other Western countries (1960-75), $53.8 million; Communist countries (1970-74), $59.7 million; military-assistance from U.S. (FY52-76), $70 million Budget: $340 million revenues, $421 million expenditures (1976) Monetary conversion rate: 20 pesos=US$1 Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 3,572 km single track; 3,540 km meter gage (1.00 m), 32 km 0.760-meter gage; 96 km meter gage (1.00 m) privately owned Highways: 37,300 km; 1,150 km paved, 6,550 km gravel, 5,950 km improved earth, 23,650 km unimproved earth Inland waterways: officially estimated to be 10,000 km of commercially navigable waterways Pipelines: crude oil, 1,670 km; refined products, 1,495 km; natural gas, 560 km Ports: none (Bolivian cargo moved through Arica and Antofagasta, Chile, and Matarani, Peru) Civil air: 30 major transport aircraft Airfields: 574 total, 535 usable; 4 with permanent-surface runways; 1 with runway over 3,660 m, 5 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 127 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: radio-relay system from La Paz to Santa Cruz; improved international services; 55,000 tele- phones (1.2 per 100 popl.); 89 AM, 18 FM, and 2 TV stations DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 1,319,000; 834,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (19) annually about 60,000 BOTSWANA LAND 569,800 km2; about 6% arable, less than 1% under cultivation, mostly desert Land boundaries: 3,774 km PEOPLE Population: 740,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.6% (current) Nationality: noun-Botswana (sing.), Batswana (pl.); adjective-Botswana Ethnic divisions: 94% Tswana, 5% Bushmen, 1% Euro- pean Religion: 85% animist, 15% Christian Language: Africans speak Tswana vernacular Literacy: about 22% in English; about 32% in Tswana; less than 1% secondary school graduates Labor force: 385,000; most are engaged in cattle raising and subsistence agriculture; about 51,000 in internal cash economy, another 60,000 spend at least 6 to 9 months per year as wage earners in South Africa (1971) Organized labor: eight trade unions organized with a total membership of approximately 9,000 (1972 est.) GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Botswana Type: parliamentary republic; independent member of Commonwealth since 1966 Capital: Gaborone Political subdivisions: 12 administrative districts Legal system: based on Roman-Dutch law and local customary law; constitution came into effect 1966; judicial review limited to matters of interpretation; legal education at University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland (21/2 years) and University of Edinburgh (2 years); has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 National holiday: 30 September Branches: executive-President appoints and presides over the cabinet which is responsible to Legislative Assembly; legislative-Legislative Assembly with 32 popu- larly elected members and 4 members elected by the 32 representatives, House of Chiefs with deliberative powers only; judicial-local courts administer customary law, High Court and subordinate courts have criminal jurisdiction over all residents, Court of Appeal has appellate jurisdiction Government leader: President Seretse Khama Suffrage: universal, age 21 and over Elections: general elections held 26 October 1974 Political parties and leaders: Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), Seretse Khama; Bechuanaland People's Party (BPP), Philip Matante; Botswana Independence Party (BIP), Motsamai Mpho; Botswana National Front (BNF), Kenneth Koma Voting strength: (October 1974 election) BDP (27'seats); BPP (2 seats); BNF (2 seats); BIP (1 seat) Communists: no known Communist organization; Koma of BNF has long history of Communist contacts Member of: AFDB, Commonwealth, FAO, G-77, GATT (de facto), IBRD, IDA, IMF, ITU, NAM, OAU, U.N., UPU, WMO ECONOMY GDP: $300 million (1975 est.), growth in current prices about 15% annually Agriculture: principal crops are corn and sorghum; livestock raised and exported Major industries: livestock processing, mining of dia- monds, copper, nickel, and coal Electric power: 75,000 kW capacity (1976); 85 million kWh produced (1976), 120 kWh per capita Exports: $126 million (1975 est.); cattle, animal products, minerals Imports: $209 million (1975); foodstuffs, vehicles, textiles, petroleum products Major trade partners: South Africa and U.K. Budget: (1977) revenue $107 million ($78 million from domestic taxes and $29 million from borrowing and foreign aid), current expenditures $70 million, investment expendi- tures $44 million Monetary conversion rate: 1 pula=about US$1.20 as of October 1977 Fiscal year: 1 April-31 March COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 691 km 1.067-meter gage Highways: 10,219 km; 438 km paved; 1,426 km crushed stone or gravel; 5,318 km improved earth and 3,037 km unimproved earth Inland waterways: native craft only; of local importance Civil air: 8 major transport aircraft Airfields: 83 total, 76 usable; 3 with permanent-surface runways; 18 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: the system is a minimal combina- tion of open-wire lines, radio-relay links, and a few radiocommunication stations; Gaborone is the center; 7,900 telephones (1.2 per 100 popl.); 1 AM, 1 FM, and no TV stations DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 173,000; 87,000 fit for military service; 8,000 reach military age (18) annually LAND 8,521,100 kmz; 4% cultivated, 13% pasture, 23% built-on area, waste, and other, 60% forested Land boundaries: 13,076 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 200 nm Coastline: 7,491 km PEOPLE Population: 113,859,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.8% (current) Nationality: noun-Brazilian(s); adjective-Brazilian Ethnic divisions: 60% white, 30% mixed, 8% Negro, and 2% Indian (1960 est.) Religion: 93% Roman Catholic (nominal) Language: Portuguese Literacy: 67% of the population 15 years or older (1970) Labor force: about 30 million in 1970 (est.); 44.2% agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fishing, 17.8% industry, 24 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 15.3% services, transportation, and communication, 8.9% commerce, 4.8% social activities, 3.9% public administration, 5.1 % other Organized labor: about 50% of labor force; only about 1.5 million pay dues GOVERNMENT Legal name: Federative Republic of Brazil Type: federal republic; military-backed presidential re- gime since April 1964 Capital: Brasilia Political subdivisions: 21 states, 4 territories, federal district (Brasilia) Legal system: based on Latin codes; dual system of courts, state and federal; constitution adopted 1967 and extensively amended in 1969; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Independence Day, 7 September Branches: strong executive with very broad powers; bicameral legislature (powers of the two bodies have been sharply reduced); 11-man Supreme Court Government leader: President Ernesto Geisel Suffrage: compulsory over age 18, except illiterates and those stripped of their political rights; approximately 30 million registered voters in October 1970 Elections: President Medici's successor was chosen by a 505-member electoral college, composed of the members of Congress and delegates selected from the state legislatures, on 15 January 1974 and took office on 15 March 1974; Geisel was the choice of Medici and top military chiefs Voting strength: (November 1974 congressional elections) 33.6% ARENA, 31.9% MDB, 35.5% blank and void Political parties and leaders: National Renewal Alliance (ARENA), pro-government Francelino Pereira, president; Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB), opposition, Ulisses Guimaraes, president Communists: 6,000, 1,000 militants Other political or pressure groups: excepting the military, the Catholic Church is the only active nationwide pressure group, however, divisions within the Church often prevent it from speaking with one voice; labor and student groups have almost no influence on the government Member of: FAO, G-77, GATT, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAC, ICAO, IDA, IDB, IFC, IHO, ILO, IMCO, IMF, IPU, ISO, ITU, IWC-International Wheat Council, LAFTA, OAS, SELA, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO ECONOMY GNP: $111.7 billion (est. 1976 in 1976 prices), $995 per capita; 25% gross investment, 80% consumption, -5% net foreign balance (1976); real growth rate 8.7% Agriculture: main products-coffee, rice, beef, corn, milk, sugarcane, soybeans; nearly self-sufficient; caloric intake, 2,900 calories per day per capita (1962) Fishing: catch 674,500 metric tons (1975); exports, $46.6 million (f.o.b. 1974), imports, $57.8 million (f.o.b. 1974) Major industries: textiles and other consumer goods, chemicals, cement, lumber, steel, motor vehicles, other metalworking industries Crude steel: 10.0 million metric tons capacity (1976 est.); 9.1 million metric tons produced (1976); 80 kg per capita Electric power: 22,800,000 kW capacity (1976); 80 billion kWh produced (1976), 730 kWh per capita Exports: $10,126 million (f.o.b., 1976); coffee, manufac- tures, iron ore, cotton, soybeans, sugar, wood, cocoa, beef, shoes Imports: $13,622 million (c.i.f., 1976); machinery, chemi- cals, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, wheat, copper, aluminum Major trade partners: exports-16% U.S., 6% Japan, 9% West Germany, 7% Netherlands, 4% Italy, 4% U.K.; imports-25% U.S., 9% West Germany, 8% Japan, 3% Italy, 3% U.K. (1976) Aid: economic-extensions from U.S. (FY46-76), loans $1.7 billion, grants $690 million; from international organi- zations (FY46-75), $4.1 billion; from other Western countries (1960-71), $617.0 million; from Communist countries (1959-76), $499 million; drawings (1959-76), $160 million Budget: (1976) revenues $15.6 billion, expenditures $15.5 billion Monetary conversion rate: 15.15 cruzeiros=US$l (Octo- ber 1977, changes frequently) Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 31,896 km; 28,137 km meter gage (1.00 m), 3,336 km 1.60-meter gage, 194 km standard gage (1.435 m), 229 km narrow gages; 2,593 km electrified Highways: 1,489,000 km; 71,200 km paved, 1,417,800 km gravel or earth Inland waterways: 50,000 km navigable Ports: 8 major, 23 significant minor Pipelines: crude oil, 1,365 km; refined products, 465 km; natural gas, 257 km Civil air: 149 major transport aircraft Airfields: 4,307 total, 4,261 usable; 159 with permanent- surface runways; 16 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 419 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 18 seaplane stations Telecommunications: fair telecom system; good radio relay facilities; 1 Atlantic Ocean satellite station with 2 antennas; 3 domestic satellite stations; 3.45 million tele- phones (3.1 per 100 popl.); 344 AM stations, 150 FM, and 79 TV stations; 6 submarine cables DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 25,499,000; 16,652,000 fit for military service; 1,281,000 reach military age (18) annually Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1977, $1,967 million; 9.4% of central government budget Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS PAPUA Nj W GUINEA` STMUA BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS Pacific Ocean LAND About 29,785 km2 WATER Limits of territorial waters: 3 nm Coastline: about 5,313 km PEOPLE Population: 210,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 3.4% (2-70 to 2-76) Nationality: noun-British Solomon Islander(s); adjec- tive-British Solomon Islander Ethnic divisions: 93.0% Melanesians, 4.0% Polynesians, 1.5% Micronesians, 0.3% Chinese, 0.8% Europeans, 0.4% others Religion: almost all at least nominally Christian; Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Methodist churches dominant Literacy: 60% GOVERNMENT Legal name: British Solomon Islands Protectorate Type: British protectorate administered as crown colony, became self-governing January 1976, stated for indepen- dence July 1978 Capital: Honiara Political subdivisions: 4 administrative districts Legal system: a High Court plus Magistrates Courts, also a system of native courts throughout the islands Branches: executive authority in High Commissioner; a legislative assembly of 38 members Government leaders: Governor Colin H. Allan, and Chief Minister Kenilorea Suffrage: universal age 21 and over Elections: every 4 years, latest June 1976 Political parties and leaders: United Solomon Islands Party Member of: ADB ECONOMY GDP: $40 million (1973) Agriculture: largely dominated by coconut production with subsistence crops of yams, taro, bananas; self-sufficient in rice Electric power: 6,000 kW capacity (1976); 13 million kWh produced (1976), 67 kWh per capita Exports: $15.5 million (1975); 39% copra, 27% timber, 23% fish Imports: $29.2 million (1975) Major trade partners: exports-EEC excluding U.K. 42%, Japan 29%; imports-Australia 34%, U.K. 14%, Japan 13% (1975) Budget: (1971) revenues $9.8 million, expenditures $9.9 million Monetary conversion rate: 1 Australian dollar=US$1.24 (July 1976) COMMUNICATIONS Railroad: none Highways: 834 km; 241 km sealed or all-weather Inland waterways: none Ports: 5 minor Civil air: no major transport aircraft Airfields: 24 total, 21 usable; 1 with permanent-surface runway; 5 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: 3 AM broadcast, no FM, and no TV stations; 10,000 radio receivers, 1,726 telephones, no TV sets; international connections with London, England, via cable broadcasts LAND 5,776 km2; 3% cultivated; 22% industry, waste, urban or other; 75% forested Land boundaries: 381 km 26 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 January 1978 WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm Coastline: 161 km PEOPLE Population: 177,000 official estimate for 1 July 1976 Nationality: noun-Bruneian(s); adjective-Bruneian Ethnic divisions: 52% Malays, 28% Chinese, 15% indigenous tribes, 5% other Religion: 60% Muslim (Islam official religion); 8% Christian; 32% other (Buddhist and animist) Language: Malay and English official, Chinese Literacy: 45% Labor force: 32,155; 30.5% agriculture; 32.8% industry, manufacturing, and construction; 33.8% trade, transport, services; 2.9% other Organized labor: 8.4% of labor force GOVERNMENT Legal name: State of Brunei Type: British protectorate; constitutional sultanate Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan Political subdivisions: 4 administrative districts Legal system: based on Islamic law; constitution promul- gated by the Sultan in 1959 Branches: Chief of State is Sultan (advised by appointed Privy Council) who appoints Executive Council and Legislative Council Government leader: Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Suffrage: universal age 21 and over; 3-tiered system of indirect elections; popular vote cast for lowest level (district councilors) Elections: last elections-March 1965; further elections postponed indefinitely Political parties and leaders: antigovernment, exiled Brunei People's Party, Chairman A. M. N. Azahari Communists: information not available ECONOMY GNP: $460 million (1975 est.), $2,970 per capita Agriculture: main crops-rubber, rice, pepper, must import most food Major industry: crude petroleum, liquefied natural gas Electric power: 84,000 kW capacity (1976); 230 million kWh produced (1976), 1,440 kWh per capita Exports: $1,000 million (f.o.b., 1975); 95% crude petro- leum and liquefied natural gas Imports: $200 million (c.i.f., 1975); 25% machinery and transport equipment, 46% manufactured goods, 16% food Major trade partners: exports of crude petroleum and liquefied natural gas to Japan; imports from Japan 30%, U.S. 24%, U.K. 15%, Singapore 9% Budget: (1976) revenues $640 million, expenditures $250 million, surplus $390 million; 20% defense Monetary conversion rate: 2.5 Brunei dollars=US$1 Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 9.6 km narrow gage (0.610 m) Highways: 1,207 km; 376 km paved (bituminous treated), 402 km gravel or stone, 428 km unimproved Inland waterways: 209 km; navigable by craft drawing less than 1.2 meters Ports: 2 minor (Bandar Seri Begawan, formerly Brunei, and Kuala Belait) Pipelines: crude oil, 135 km; refined products, 56 km; natural gas, 56 km; crude oil and natural gas, 241 km under construction Civil air: 2 major transport aircraft Airfields: 3 total, 3 usable; 2 with permanent-surface runway; 1 with runway over 3,660 m; 2 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: service throughout country is ade- quate for present needs; international service good to adjacent Sabah and Sarawak; radiobroadcast coverage good; 9,610 telephones; 23,000 radio and 13,500 est. TV sets; Radio Brunei broadcasts from 6 AM stations and 1 TV station DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 38,000; 23,000 fit for military service; about 1,800 reach military age (18) annually BULGARIA LAND 111,852 km2; 41% arable, 11% other agricultural, 33% forested, 15% other Land boundaries: 1,883 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm Coastline: 354 km Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 PEOPLE Population: 8,848,000 (January 1978), growth rate 0.7% (current) Nationality: noun-Bulgarian(s); adjective-Bulgarian Ethnic divisions: 85.3% Bulgarians, 8.5% Turks, 2.6% Gypsies, 2.5% Macedonians, 0.3% Armenians, 0.2% Russians, 0.6% other Religion: regime promotes atheism; religious background of population is 85% Bulgarian Orthodox, 13% Muslim, 0.8% Jewish, 0.7% Roman Catholic, 0.5% Protestant, Gregorian- Armenian and other Language: Bulgarian; secondary languages closely corre- spond to ethnic breakdown Literacy: 95% (est.) Labor force: 5.0 million industry, 35% other (1974); 32% agriculture, 33% GOVERNMENT Legal name: Peoples Republic of Bulgaria Type: Communist state Capital: Sofia Political subdivisions: 28 okrugs (districts), including capital city of Sofia Legal system: based on civil law system, with Soviet law influence; new constitution adopted in 1971; judicial review of legislative acts in the State Council; legal education at University of Sofia; has accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: National Liberation Day, 9 September Branches: legislative, National Assembly; judiciary, Coun- cil of Ministers Government leaders: Todor Zhivkov, Chairman; State Council (President and chief of state); Stanko Todorov, Chairman, Council of Ministers (premier) Suffrage: universal and compulsory over age 18 Elections: theoretically held every 5 years for National Assembly; last elections held on 20 May 1976; 99.85% of the electorate voted Political parties and leaders: Bulgarian Communist Party, Todor Zhivkov, First Secretary; Bulgarian National Agrarian Union, a puppet party, Petur Tanchev, secretary of Permanent Board Communists: 781,000 party members (March 1976) Mass organizations and front groups: Fatherland Front, Dimitrov Communist Youth League, Central Council of Trade Unions, National Committee for Defense of Peace, Union of Fighters Against Fascism and Capitalism, Commit- tee of Bulgarian Women, All-National Committee for Bulgarian-Soviet Friendship Member of: CEMA, FAO, IAEA, ICAO, ILO, Interna- tional Lead and Zinc Study Group, IMCO, IPU, ITC, ITU, IWC-International Wheat Council, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, Warsaw Pact, International Organiza- tion of Journalists, International Medical Association, Inter- national Radio and Television Organization ECONOMY GNP: $19.9 billion, 1976 (at 1975 prices), $2,260 per capita; 1976 real growth rate, 4.6% Agriculture: mainly self-sufficient; main crops-grain, vegetables; caloric intake, 3,000 calories per day per capita (1969/70) Fishing: catch 151,000 metric tons (1975) Major industries: agricultural processing, machinery, textiles and clothing, mining, ore processing, timber Shortages: some raw materials, metal products, meat and dairy products; fodder Crude steel: 2.4 million metric tons produced (1976), 280 kg per capita Electric power: 7,068,000 kW capacity (1976); 27.7 billion kWh produced (1976), 3,150 kWh per capita Exports: $5,383 million (f.o.b., 1976); 42% machinery, equipment, and transportation equipment; 15% fuels, minerals, raw materials, metals, and other industrial material; 2% agricultural raw materials; 31% foodstuffs, raw materials for food industry, and animals; 10% industrial consumer goods (1976) Imports: $5,589 million (f.o.b., 1976); 41% machinery, equipment, and transportation equipment; 41% fuels, minerals, raw materials, metals, other materials; 7% agricul- tural raw materials; 6% foodstuffs and animals; 5% industrial consumer goods (1976) Major trade partners: $10,937 million in 1976; 21% with non-Communist countries, 54% with U.S.S.R., 26% with other Communist countries Monetary conversion rate: 0.96 leva=US$1 (January 1977) Fiscal year: calendar year; economic data reported for calendar years except for caloric intake, which is reported for consumption year 1 July-30 June NOTE: Foreign trade figures were converted at the 1976 rate of 0.97 leva=US$1 COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 4,314 km; about 4,069 km standard gage (1.435 m), 245 km narrow gage; 299 km double track; 1,446 km electrified; government-owned (1976) Highways: 31,454 km; 6,683 km paved, 6,088 km crushed stone and gravel, 18,683 km earth (1975) Inland waterways: 471 km (1977) Freight carried: rail-76.6 million metric tons, 17.1 billion metric ton/km (1976); highway-277 million metric tons, 9.1 billion metric ton/km (1976); waterway-4.4 million metric tons, 2.4 billion metric ton/km (excl. intl. transit traffic) (1975) Ports: 2 major (Varna, Burgas), 5 minor (1977) 28 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 National holiday: Independence Day, 4 January Branches: State Council rules through a Council of Ministers; People's Assembly has legislative power Government leader: Chairman of State Council and President, Gen. U. Ne Win Suffrage: universal over age 18 Elections: People's Assembly and local People's Councils elected in 1974 Political parties and leaders: government-sponsored Burma Socialist Program Party only legal party Communists: estimated 5,000-8,000 Other political or pressure groups: People's Patriotic Party; Kachin Independence Army; Karen Nationalist Union, several Shan factions Member of: ADB, Colombo Plan, FAO, G-77, GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, IFC, IHO, ILO, IMCO, IMF, ITU, NAM, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WMO LAND 678,600 km2; 28% arable, of which 12% is cultivated, 62% forest, 10% urban and other (1969) Land boundaries: 5,850 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 200 nm (200 nm exclusive economic zone) Coastline: 3,060 km PEOPLE Population: 31,859,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.2% (7-75 to 7-76) Nationality: noun-Burman(s); adjective-Burmese Ethnic divisions: 72% Burman, 7% Karen, 6% Shan, 2% Kachin, 2% Chin, 2% Chinese, 3% Indian, 6% other Religion: 85% Buddhist, 15% animist and other Language: Burmese; minority ethnic groups have their own languages Literacy: 70% (official claim) Labor force: 12.2 million (1976); 67% agriculture, 13% industry, 20% services, commerce, and transportation Organized labor: no figure available; old labor organiza- tions have been disbanded, and government is forming one central labor organization GOVERNMENT Legal name: Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma Type: republic under 1974 constitution Capital: Rangoon Political subdivisions: seven divisions and seven constitu- ent states; subdivided into townships, villages, and wards Legal system: People's justice system and People's Courts instituted under 1974 constitution; legal education at Universities of Rangoon and Mandalay; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction ECONOMY GDP: $3.2 billion (FY76, in current prices), $100 per capita; real growth rate 4.5% (FY76); 2.7% over past decade Agriculture: accounts for nearly 70% of total employment and about 27% of GDP; main crops-paddy, sugarcane, corn, peanuts; almost 100% self-sufficient; most rice grown in deltaic land Fishing: catch 500,000 metric tons (1976) Major industries: agricultural processing; textiles and footwear; wood and wood products; petroleum refining Electric power: 450,000 kW capacity (1976); 850 million kWh produced (1976), 30 kWh per capita Exports: $173 million (f.o.b., 1976); rice, teak Imports: $237 million (c.i.f., 1976); machinery and transportation equipment, textiles, other manufactured goods Major trade partners: exports-India, Western Europe, China, U.K., Japan; imports-Japan, Western Europe, India, U.K. Budget: (FY76) $278 million revenues; $436 million expenditures; $158 million deficit; 30% military, 70% civilian Monetary conversion rate: 6.7324 kyat=US$1 (official) Fiscal year: 1 April-31 March COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 3,285 km; 3,172 km meter gage (1.00 m), 113 km narrow-gage industrial lines; 328 km double track; government-owned Highways: 27,000 km; 3,200 km bituminous, 17,700 km improved earth, gravel, 6,100 km unimproved earth Inland waterways: 12,800 km; 3,200 km navigable by large commercial vessels Ports: 4 major, 6 minor Civil air: about 20 major transport aircraft Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Airfields: 80 total, 79 usable; 23 with permanent-surface runways; 2 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 38 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: provide minimum requirements for local intercity service; international service is fair; radiobroadcast coverage is limited to the more populous areas; 30,300 telephones; 627,000 radio, and no TV sets; 5 AM, 1 FM, and no TV stations DEFENSE FORCES Military budget: (announced) for fiscal year ending 31 March 1978; $148.9 million, comprising 5% of central government budget LAND 28,490 kmz; about 37% arable (about 66% cultivated), 23% pasture, 10% scrub and forest, 30% other Land boundaries: 974 km PEOPLE Population: 3,988,000 (January growth rate 2.4% (7-70 to 7-75) Nationality: noun-Burundian(s); adjective-Burundian Ethnic divisions: Africans-85% Hutu (Bantu), 14% Tutsi (Hamitic), 1% Twa (Pigmy); other Africans include perhaps 50,000 Zairians and 40,000 Rwandans; non-Africans include about 3,000 Europeans and 1,000 South Asians Religion: about 60% Christian (53% Catholic, 7% Protestant); rest mostly animist plus perhaps 2% Muslims Language: Kirundi and French official plus Swahili (along Lake Tanganyika and in the Bujumbura area) Literacy: about 15% in Kirundi, 3% in serviceable estimate for Kiswahili Labor force: about 2 million (1976 est.) Organized labor: sole group is the Union of Burundi Workers (UTB); by charter, membership is extended to all Burundi workers (informally); figures denoting "active membership" have been unobtainable GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Burundi Type: republic; military government overthrown by military coup, November 1976; constitution abolished Capital: Bujumbura Political subdivisions: 8 provinces, subdivided into 18 arrondissements and 78 communes; Bujumbura city (popula- tion est. 160,000) has status equal to a province Legal system: based on German and French civil codes and customary law; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Independence Day, 1 July Branches: Supreme Revolutionary Council is governing body Government leader: Col. Jean Bagaza, Chairman of Supreme Revolutionary Council, established November 1976 Elections: last legislative election May 1965; legislature dissolved in 1966 Political parties and leaders: National Party of Unity and Progress (UPRONA), a Tutsi led party, declared sole legitimate party in 1966 Communists: no Communist party; resumed diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of China in October 1971 following a six-year suspension; U.S.S.R., North Korea, and Romania also have diplomatic missions in Burundi Member of: AFDB, EAMA, ECA, FAO, G-77, GATT, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, ILO, IMF, ITU, NAM, OAU, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WMO ECONOMY GNP: about $450 million (1976), $120 per capita; 2% real growth (1970-74); real GDP growth in 1976, 7% Agriculture: major cash crops-coffee, cotton, tea; main food crops-manioc, yams, corn, sorghums, bananas, haricot beans; marginally self-sufficient Industries: light consumer goods blankets, shoes, soap, assembly of imports Electric power: 7,500 kW capacity (diesel generator 1976); 25 million kWh produced (1976), 6 kWh per capita Exports: $58 million (f.o.b., 1976); coffee (88%), tea, cotton, hides, skins Imports: $59 million (c.i.f., 1976); textiles, foodstuffs, transport equipment, petroleum products Major trade partners: U.S., EEC countries Aid: $40 million all donors (1975 est.), major donors EC, IBRD/IDA, U.N. Budget: FY76-revenue $47 million, current expenditure $49.6 million 30 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Monetary conversion rate: 90 Burundi francs=US$1 (official) Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 7,800 km; 300 km bituminous, 2,500 km crushed stone, gravel, or laterite, and 3,000 km improved earth, and 2,000 km unimproved earth Inland waterways: Lake Tanganyika navigable for lake steamers and barges, 1 minor lake port Civil air: 4 major transport aircraft Airfields: 12 total, 12 usable; 1 with permanent-surface runway; 1 with runway 2,440-3,659 m Telecommunications: telegraph is principal service, limited telephones; 6,000 telephones (0.2 per 100 popl.); 2 AM, 1 FM, and no TV stations DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 907,000; 470,000 fit for military service; 45,000 reach military age (16) annually Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1977, $11,200,000; about 17% of central government budget LAND 181,300 km2; 16% cultivated, 74% forested, 10% built-on area, wasteland, and other Land boundaries: 2,438 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm Coastline: about 443 km PEOPLE Population: 8,060,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.2% (7-68 to 7-69) Nationality: noun-Cambodian(s) or Khmer (sing., pl.); adjective-Cambodian or Khmer Ethnic divisions: 90% Khmer (Cambodian), 5% Chinese, 5% other minorities Religion: 95% Theravada Buddhism, 5% various other Language: Cambodian Literacy: 55% (est.) GOVERNMENT Legal name: Democratic Kampuchea (Cambodia) Type: Communist state Capital: Phnom Penh Political subdivisions: 19 or 20 provinces Legal system: Tribunal Committee chosen by People's Representative Assembly National holiday: 17 April Branches: State Presidium, composed of chairman and two vice chairmen; nine-member cabinet, totally Commu- nist, announced on 14 April; 250-member People's Repre- sentative Assembly elected 20 March for 5-year term; ten-member Assembly Standing Committee Government leader: Presidium Chairman, Khieu Sam- phan; Prime Minister, Pol Pot; Deputy Prime Ministers, leng Sary, Vern Vet, Son Sen; Assembly Standing Committee Chairman, Nuon Chea Suffrage: universal over age 18 Political parties and leaders: political life dominated by Khmer Communist Party and panoply of mass front organizations Member of: G-77, NAM, U.N. ECONOMY GNP: less than $500 million (1971), probably less than $70 per capita (1976) Agriculture: mainly subsistence except for rubber planta- tions; main crops-rice, rubber, corn; food shortages-rice, meat, vegetables, dairy products, sugar, flour Major industries: rice milling, fishing, wood and wood products Shortages: fossil fuels Electric power: 120,000 kW capacity (1976); 260 million kWh produced (1976), 30 kWh per capita Exports: probably less than $1 million est. (1976); rubber Imports: probably less than $20 million (1976); food, fuel, machinery Major trade partners: exports-China, Thailand; im- ports-China, North Korea Aid: economic-$906.1 million est. (FY53-75); U.S. aid, $852 million; probably about $90 million from China, $25 million from U.S.S.R., and $17 million from Eastern Europe; military-U.S., $1,334 million (FY46-76) Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Budget: no budget data available since Communists took over government Monetary conversion rate: not announced yet by new Khmer Rouge government Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 612 km meter gage (1.00 m); govern- ment-owned Highways: 13,036 km; 2,430 km bituminous, 7,033 km crushed stone, gravel, or improved earth; and 3,573 km unimproved earth; some roads in disrepair Inland waterways: 3,700 km navigable all year to craft drawing 0.6 meters; 282 km navigable to craft drawing 1.8 meters Ports: 2 major, 5 minor Airfields: 60 total, 25 usable; 7 with permanent-surface runways; 2 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 6 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 1 seaplane station DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 1,831,000; 1,017,000 fit for military service; 82,000 reach military age (18) annually Military budget: unknown CAMEROON LAND 475,400 km,; 4% cultivated, 18% grazing, 13% fallow, 50% forest, 15% other Land boundaries: 4,554 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 18 nm Coastline: 402 km PEOPLE Population: 6,722,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.1% (current) Nationality: noun-Cameroonian(s); adjective-Came- roonian Ethnic divisions: about 200 tribes of widely differing background; 31% Cameroon Highlanders, 19% Equatorial Bantu, 8% Northwestern Bantu, 10% Fulani, 7% Eastern Nigritic, 11% Kirdi, 13% other African, less than 1% non-African Religion: about one-half animist, one-third Christian; rest Muslim Language: English and French official, 24 major African language groups Literacy: South 40%, North 10% Labor force: most of population engaged in subsistence agriculture and herding; 200,000 wage earners (maximum) including 22,000 government employees, 63,000 paid agricultural workers, 49,000 in manufacturing Organized labor: under 45% of wage labor force GOVERNMENT Legal name: United Republic of Cameroon Type: unitary republic; one-party presidential regime Capital: Yaounde Political subdivisions: 7 provinces divided into 39 departments Legal system: based on French civil law system, with common law influence; new unitary constitution adopted 1972; judicial review in Supreme Court, when a question of constitutionality is referred to it by the President of the Republic; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: 20 May Branches: executive, legislative, and judicial Government leader: President Ahmadou Ahidjo Suffrage: universal over age 21 Elections: presidential elections held 5 April 1975; parliamentary elections last held 18 May 1973 Political parties and leaders: single party, Cameroonian National Union (UNC), President Ahmadou Ahidjo Communists: no Communist Party or significant number of sympathizers Other political or pressure groups: Cameroon Peoples Union (UPC), an illegal terrorist group now reduced to scattered acts of banditry with its factional leaders in exile Member of: AFBD, EAMA, ECA, EIB (associate), FAO, G-77, GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAC, ICAO, IDA, IFC, ILO, IMCO, IMF, IPU, ISO, ITU, Lake Chad Basin Commission, NAM, Niger River Commission, OAU, UDEAC, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO 32 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 ECONOMY GDP: $2,000 million (mid 1976), per capita about $310; real growth rate about 3.0% per annum (mid 1970-mid 1976) Agriculture: commercial and food crops-cocoa, coffee, timber, cotton, rubber, bananas, peanuts, palm oil and palm kernels; root starches, livestock, millet, sorghum, and rice Fishing: imports 7,024 metric tons, $2.2 million; exports 909 metric tons (largely shrimp), $3.5 million (1975) Major industries: small aluminum plant, food processing and light consumer goods industries, sawmills Electric power: 358,000 kW capacity (1976); 1,265 million kWh produced (1976), 190 kWh per capita Exports: $449 million (f.o.b., 1975); cocoa and coffee about 55%; other exports include timber, aluminum, cotton, natural rubber, bananas, peanuts, tobacco, and tea Imports: $598 million (c.i.f., 1975); consumer goods, machinery, transport equipment, alumina for refining, petroleum products, food and beverages Major trade partners: about 70% of total trade with France and other EC countries; about 5% of total trade with U.S. Budget: FY76 budget est. balanced at $500 million Monetary conversion rate: 249.35 Communaute Finan- ciere Africaine francs=US$1 as of February 1977 Fiscal year: 1 July-30 June COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 1,003 km; 858 km meter gage (1.00 m), 145 km 0.600-meter gage Highways: approximately 29,866 km; including 2,155 km bituminous, 27,711 km gravel and earth Inland waterways: 2,090 km Ports: 1 major (Douala), 3 minor Civil air: 9 major transport aircraft Airfields: 63 total, 60 usable; 7 with permanent-surface runways; 2 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 21 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: fair telephone service; fair to good telegraph service; 26,000 telephones (0.4 per 100 popl.); 4 AM, no FM, and no TV stations; 1 submarine cable; 1 Atlantic Ocean satellite station DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 1,538,000; 766,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (18) annually about 66,000 Military budget: for fiscal year ending 30 June 1978, $53,996,400; 9.7% of central government budget LAND 9,971,500 km2; 4% cultivated, 2% meadows and pastures, 44% forested, 42% waste or urban, 8% inland water WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm (fishing 200 nm) Coastline: 90,908 km PEOPLE Population: 23,623,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 1.4% (current) Nationality: noun-Canadian(s); adjective-Canadian Ethnic divisions: 44% British Isles origin, 30% French origin, 26% other Religion: 48% Protestant, 47% Catholic, 5% other Language: English and French official Labor force: 10.3 million; 29% service, 22% manufactur- ing, 16% trade, 8% transportation and utilities, 6% agricul- ture, 6% construction, 8% other; 7.2% unemployed Organized labor: 30% of labor force GOVERNMENT Legal name: Canada Type: federal state recognizing Elizabeth II as sovereign Capital: Ottawa Political subdivisions: 10 provinces and 2 territories Legal system: based on English common law, except in Quebec, where civil law system based on French law prevails; constitution is British North America Act of 1867 and various amendments; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdic- tion, with reservations National holiday: Dominion Day, 1 July Branches: federal executive power vested in cabinet collectively responsible to House of Commons, and headed by Prime Minister; federal legislative authority resides in Parliament consisting of Queen represented by Governor- General, Senate, and Commons; judges appointed by Governor-General on the advice of the government; Supreme Court is highest tribunal Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Government leader: Pierre Elliott Trudeau Suffrage: universal over age 18 Elections: legal limit of 5 years but in practice held at least every 4 years, last election July 1974 Political parties and leaders: Liberal, Pierre Trudeau; Progressive-Conservatives, Joe Clark; New Democratic, Edward Broadbent; Social Credit, vacant since death of Andre Fortin in July 1977 Voting strength (1974 election (numbers in parens indicate current party strengths in Parliament)): Liberal 43% (142 seats), Progressive Conservative 35% (91 seats), New Democratic Party 16% (16 seats), Social Credit 5% (9 seats), other 1%, Independents hold 2 seats, 4 seats unoccupied; Parliament enlarged from 264 seats to 282 seats on 12 June but new seats will not be filled until next general election expected in 1978 Communists: 2,000 approx. Member of: ADB, Colombo Plan, Commomwealth, DAC, FAO, GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICES, ICRC, IDA, IDB, IEA, IFC, IHO, ILO, International Lead and Zinc Study Group, IMCO, IMF, IPU, ISO, ITC, ITU, IWC-Interna- tional Whaling Commission, IWC-International Wheat Council, NATO, OAS (observer), OECD, U.N., UNC- TAD, UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG ECONOMY GNP: $192.7 billion (1976, in 1976 prices), $8,377 per capita (1976); 58.0% consumption, 23.3% investment, 20.3% government (1976); growth rate 4.6% (1970-76, constant prices) Agriculture: main products-livestock, grains (principally wheat), dairy products; food shortages-fresh fruits and vegetables; caloric intake, 3,180 calories per day per capita (1966-67) Fishing: catch 830,000 metric tons; exports 260,000 metric tons (1976) Major industries: mining, metals, food products, wood and paper products, transportation equipment, chemicals Shortages: instruments rubber, rolled steel, fruits, precision Crude steel: 13.1 million metric tons produced (1976) Electric power: 61 million kW capacity (1976); 297.47 billion kWh produced (1976), 12,460 kWh per capita Exports: $40,155 million (f.o.b., 1976, source: I.F.S.); principal items-transportation equipment, wood and wood products including paper, ferrous and nonferrous ores, crude petroleum, wheat; Canada is a major food exporter Imports: $40,564 million (c.i.f., 1976, source: I.F.S.). principal items-transportation equipment, machinery, crude petroleum, communication equipment, textiles, steel, fabricated metals, office machines, fruits and vegetables Major trade partners: 68% U.S., 10% EC, 5% Japan (1976) Aid: economic-(receive(l) U.S., $388 million (FY46-75); gross official aid to less developed countries and multilateral agencies, $3,688 million (1960-73), $637 million (1973); military-U.S., $13 million (FY49-76), none since 1961 Budget: total revenues $31,132 million; current expendi- tures $36,036 million; gross capital formation $6,466 million; budget deficit $4,904 million (1976) (National Accounts Basis) Monetary conversion rate: there is no designated par value for the Canadian dollar, which was allowed to float freely on the exchanges beginning 1 June 1970; since then the Canadian dollar has moved between US$0.98-1.04 in value, 1976 average 1C$=US$0.9858 Fiscal year: 1 April-31 March COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 71,503 km; 70,141 km standard gage (1.435 m) (43 km electrified); 1,183 km 1.067-meter gage (in Newfoundland); 179 km 0.914-meter gage Highways: 829,325 km; 640,850 km surfaced (189,800 km paved), 188,475 km earth Inland waterways: 3,000 km Pipelines: oil, 21,983 km total crude and refined; natural gas, 74,740 km Ports: 19 major, 300 minor Civil air: 609 major transport aircraft Airfields: 1,788 total, 1,440 usable; 292 with permanent- surface runways; 4 with runways over 3,660 m, 29 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 284 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 58 seaplane stations Telecommunications: excellent service provided by mod- ern telecom media; 13.54 million telephones (57.2 per 100 popl.); countrywide AM, FM, and TV coverage including 630 AM, 80 FM, and 500 TV stations; 8 coaxial submarine cables; 3 major COMSAT stations and 70 domestic COMSAT stations DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 5,814,000; 4,998,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (17) annually 233,000 Military budget: proposed for fiscal year ending 31 March 1978, $3.98 billion; about 8.4% of proposed central government budget CAPE VERDE LAND 4,040 kmz, divided among 10 islands and several islets WATER Limits of territorial waters: 100 nm Coastline: 965 km 34 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 CAPE VERDE Atlantic 1)cean BISSAU PEOPLE Population: 312,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 1.9% (12-70 to 7-76) Nationality: adjective-Cape Verdian Ethnic divisions: about 28% African; 70% mulatto; 2% European Religion: Catholicism, fused with local superstitions Language: Portuguese and crioula, a blend of Portuguese and West African words Literacy: 14% Labor force: bulk of population engaged in subsistence agriculture GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Cape Verde National holiday: 12 September Type: republic; achieved independence from Portugal in July 1975 Capital: Praia Political subdivisions: 10 islands Legal system: to be determined National holiday: 12 September Branches: National Assembly, 56 members; the official party is the supreme political institution Government leaders: President, Aristides Pereira; Prime Minister, Pedro Pires; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abilio Duarte Suffrage: universal over age 18 Elections: to be determined Political parties and leaders: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guinee e Cabo Verde (PAIGC), led by Aristide Pereira, only legal party Communists: none known Member of: G-77, NAM, OAU, U.N. ECONOMY GDP: $50 million (1975 est.); $170 per capita income Agriculture: main crops-corn, beans, manioc, sweet potatoes; barely self-sufficient in food Fishing: catch, 4,400 metric tons (1975); largely undevel- oped but provides major source of export earnings Major industries: salt mining Electric power: 6,000 kW capacity (1976); 7 million kWh produced (1976); 20 kWh per capita Exports: $2 million (f.o.b., 1973); fish, bananas, salt Imports: $34 million (c.i.f., 1973); machinery, textiles Major trade partners: Portugal, U.K., Japan, African neighbors Aid: Portugal, $30 million (1975), for civil service salaries, food, medicines; U.S., $7.2 million (1946-76), for food and employment of rural workers; Netherlands, Scandinavian countries, UNDP Budget: (est. 1974) $32 million expenditures, $12 million revenues Monetary conversion rate: 38.732 escudos=US$1 (June 1977) Fiscal year: probably calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Ports: 1 major (Mindelo), 3 minor Civil air: 2 major transport aircraft Airfields: 6 total, 6 usable; 4 permanent-surface runways; 1 with runway 2,440-3,659 m, 4 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: interisland radio-relay system, HF radio to mainland Portugal, about 2,500 telephones (0.8 per 100 pop].); 1 FM and 3 AM stations; 4 submarine cables (2 coaxial) CENTRAL AFRICAN EMPIRE LAND 626,780 km'; 10%-15% cultivated, 5% dense forests, 80%-85% grazing, fallow, vacant arable land, urban, waste Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 PEOPLE Population: 1,891,000 (January 1978), average growth rate 2.3% current Nationality: noun-Central African(s); adjective-Cen- tral African Ethnic divisions: approximately 80 ethnic groups, the majority of which have related ethnic and linguistic characteristics; Banda (32%) and Baya-Mandjia (29%) are largest single groups; 6,500 Europeans, of whom 6,000 are French and majority of the rest Portuguese Religion: 40% Protestant, 28% Catholic, 27% animist, 5% Muslim; animistic beliefs and practices strongly influence the Christian majority Language: French official; Sangho, lingua franca and national language Literacy: estimated at 5%-10% Labor force: about half the population economically active, 80% of whom are in agriculture; 64,000 salaried workers Organized labor: 1% of labor force GOVERNMENT Legal name: Central African Empire Type: constitutional monarchy, founded on a single party Capital: Bangui Political subdivisions: 14 prefectures, 47 subprefectures Legal system: based on French, Islamic, and tribal law; in 1966 the Chief of State assumed all power and abrogated the constitution; in 1976 he promulgated a new constitution; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: 1 December Branches: Emperor Bokassa is chief of state and rules by decree; government is headed by a Prime Minister assisted by the Council of Ministers; judiciary, Supreme Court, court of appeals, criminal court, and numerous lower courts; constitution calls for a National Assembly Government leader: Emperor Salah Ad-Din Ahmad Bokassa I Suffrage: universal over age 21 Elections: none have been held yet under Bokassa regime; provided for in new constitution Political parties and leaders: Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa (MESAN), ruling party under former regime, continues as a key body for organizing support for the regime led by Emperor Bokassa Communists: no Communist Party or significant number of sympathizers Member of: AFDB, Conference of East and Central African States, EAMA, ECA, FAO, G-77, GATT, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, ILO, IMF, ITU, NAM, OAU, OCAM, UDEAC, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WMO ECONOMY GDP: $394 million (1976), $220 per capita Agriculture: commercial-cotton, coffee, peanuts, ses- ame, wood; main food crops-manioc, corn, peanuts, rice, potatoes, beef; requires wheat, flour, rice, beef, and sugar imports Major industries: sawmills, cotton textile mills, brewery, diamond mining and splitting Electric power: 34,000 kW capacity (1976); 82 million kWh produced (1976), 45 kWh per capita Exports: $80 million (f.o.b., 1976); cotton, coffee, diamonds, timber Imports: $78.8 million (f.o.b., 1976) ; textiles, petroleum products, machinery and electrical equipment, motor vehicles and equipment, chemicals and pharmaceuticals Aid: economic (1946-76) -U.S., $9.6 million; EC, $73.8 million; U.N., $11.5 million; other international organiza- tions, $23.4 million; Communist countries (1964-75), $7.2 million Major trade partners: France; preferential tariff applied to EC countries and franc zone; Yugoslavia, Japan, U.S. Budget: 1976 budget receipts and grants $65.8 million, expenditures $83.3 million Monetary conversion rate: 249.35 Communaute Finan- ciere Africaine francs=US$1 as of February 1977 Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 22,250 km; 290 km bituminous, 4,120 km gravel and/or crushed stone, 7,800 km improved earth, remainder unimproved earth Inland waterways: 7,080 km; traditional trade carried on by means of dugouts on the extensive system of rivers and streams; the Oubangui River between Bangui and Brazza- ville is navigable for about 8 months a year, and short sections of the Sangha and the Lobaye Rivers are navigable throughout year; during high-water period (July-December) Oubangui navigable upstream from Bangui as far as Ouango .36 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Ports: Bangui, Ouango (river ports) Civil air: 5 major transport aircraft Airfields: 54 total, 48 usable; 3 with permanent-surface runways; 1 with runway 2,440-3,659 m, 18 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: facilities are meager; network is composed of low-capacity, low-powered radiocommunica- tion stations and radio-relay links; 5,540 telephones (0.3 per 100 popl.); 72,000 radio receivers; 1 AM station, 1 FM station, and 1 TV station DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 464,000; 237,000 fit for military service Supply: mainly dependent on France, but has received equipment from Israel, Italy, U.S.S.R., and FRG Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1976, $7,879,414; about 9% of central government budget LAND 1,284,640 km2; 17% arable, 35% pastureland, 2% forest and scrub, 46% other uses and waste Land boundaries: 5,987 km PEOPLE Population: 4,245,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.1% (7-72 to 7-76) Nationality: noun-Chadian(s); adjective-Chadian Ethnic divisions: over 240 tribes representing 12 major ethnic groups-Muslims (Arabs, Toubou, Fulani, Kotoko, Hausa, Kanembou, Baguirmi, Boulala, and Wadai) in the north and center and non-Muslims (Sara, Mayo-Kebbi, and Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Chari) in the south; some 150,000 nonindigenous, 5,000 of them French Religion: about half Muslim, 5% Christian, remainder animist Language: French official; Chadian Arabic is lingua franca in north, Sara and Sangho in south Literacy: estimated 5%-10% Labor force: only 55% of population in economically active group, of which 90% are engaged in unpaid subsistence farming, herding, and fishing; 47,000 wage earners in industry and civil service Organized labor: about 20% of wage labor force GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Chad Type: republic; military regime in power since April 1975 Capital: N'Djamena Political subdivisions: 14 prefectures Legal system: based on French civil law system and Chadian customary law; constitution adopted 1962; constitu- tion suspended and national assembly dissolved April 1975; judicial review of legislative acts in theory a power of the Supreme Court; has not accepted compulsory ICJ juris- diction National holiday: 13 April Branches: executive authority exercised by Supreme Military Council composed of 9 officers Government leader: President of Supreme Military Council, General Felix Malloum Suffrage: universal over age 20 Elections: all political activity banned Political parties and leaders: political parties banned Communists: no front organizations or underground party; probably a few Communists and some sympathizers Other political or pressure groups: lightly armed Muslim rebel bands have been opposing the government since October 1965 in east-central and since August 1969 in northern Chad Member of: AFDB, Conference of East and Central African States, EAMA, ECA, FAO, G-77, GATT, ICAC, ICAO, IBRD, IDA, IMF, ITU, Lake Chad Basin Commis- sion, NAM, OAU, UEAC, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO ECONOMY GDP: $375 million (est. 1974), $90 per capita; estimated real annual growth rate nearly zero since 1971 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Agriculture: commercial-cotton, gum arabic, livestock, fish; food crops-peanuts, millet, sorghum, rice, dates, manioc, wheat; imports food Fishing: catch 115,000 metric tons (1975) Major industries: agricultural and livestock processing plants (cotton textile mill, slaughterhouses, brewery), natron Electric power: 22,000 kW capacity (1976); 60 million kWh produced (1976), 20 kWh per capita Exports: $77 million (f.o.b., 1976); cotton 67% Imports: $98 million (c.i.f., 1976); cement, petroleum, foodstuffs, machinery, textiles, and motor vehicles Major trade partners: France (about 40% in 1973) and UDEAC countries; preferential tariffs to EC and franc zone countries Aid: major source France, more than $10 million (1971-73); EDF, more than $15 million (1971-73); U.S. (FY46-76), $29.4 million; U.S.S.R., $5.0 million (1968-76); China, $67.6 million (1971-76); military aid (1955-76)-$7.0 million; from France, $4.1 million, remainder from West Germany and Israel; more than $10 million annually (est.) in French military aid (1969-71) Budget: 1976 ordinary budget-$64 million Monetary conversion rate: 247.01 Communaute Finan- ciere Africaine francs=US$1 as of June 1977 (floating) Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 27,505 km; 242 km bituminous, 4,385 km gravel and laterite, and remainder unimproved Inland waterways: approximately 2,090 km of year- round navigability, increased to 4,830 km during high-water period Civil air: 4 major transport aircraft Airfields: 67 total, 63 usable; 4 with permanent-surface runways; 2 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 24 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: fair system of radiocommunication stations only for intercity links; principal center N'Djamena, secondary center Sarh; 5,480 telephones (0.1 per 100 popl.); 1 AM, no FM, and no TV stations Military manpower: males 15-49, 1,004,000; 524,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (20) annually about 40,000 Supply: dependent on France primarily LAND 740,740 km2; 2% cultivated, 7% other arable, 15% permanent pasture, grazing, 29% forest, 47% barren mountains, deserts, and cities Land boundaries: 6,325 km Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm (fishing 200 nm) Coastline: 6,435 km Population: 10,742,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 1.9% (current) Nationality: noun-Chilean(s); adjective-Chilean Ethnic divisions: 95% European stock and mixed European with some Indian admixture, 3% Indian, 2% other Religion: 89% Roman Catholic, 11% Protestant Language: Spanish Literacy: 89% Labor force: 3.5 million economically active (1976); 19.8% agricultural, 26.1% industry and construction, 28.7% services, 13.2% commerce, 2.8% mining, 6.3% transporta- tion, 9.4% other (1976) Organized labor: 25% of labor force (1973) Legal name: Republic of Chile Type: republic 38 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 CHILE ECONOMY Political subdivisions: 12 regions plus one metropolitan district, 41 provincial subdivisions Legal system: based on Code 1857 derived from Spanish law and subsequent codes influenced by French and Austrian law; constitution adopted 1925, amended since then, currently being revised; judicial review of legislative acts in the Supreme Court; legal education at University of Chile, Catholic University, and several others; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Independence Day, 18 September Branches: four-man Military-Police Junta, which exer- cises constituent and legislative powers and has delegated executive powers to President of Junta; the President has announced a plan for transition from military to civilian rule by 1985; Congress dissolved; civilian judiciary remains Government leader: President, Gen. Auguste PINO- CHET Ugarte; other Junta members, Adm. Jose Toribio MERINO Castro, Gen. Gustavo LEIGH Guzman, Gen. Cesar MENDOZA Duran Suffrage: none Elections: prohibited by were destroyed in 1974 Political parties and leaders: Christian Democratic Party (PDC), Andres Zaldivar and Eduardo Frei; National Party (PN), Sergio Onofre Jarpa; PDC and (PN) are officially banned; Popular Unity coalition parties (outlawed)- Communist Party (PCCh), Luis Corvalan (in exile); Socialist Party (PS), Clodomiro Almeyda and Carlos Altamirano (both in exile); Radical Party (PR); Christian Left (IC); United Popular Action Movement (MAPU); Independent Popular Action (API) Voting strength (1970 presidential election): 36.6% Popular Unity coalition, 35.3% conservative independent, 28.1% Christian Democrat; (1973 Congressional election) 44% Popular Unity coalition, 56% Democratic Confeder- ation (PDC and PN) Communists: 248,000 when PCCh was legal in 1973; active militants now estimated at about 20,000 Other political or pressure groups: organized labor; business organizations; landowners' associations (SNA- Sociedad Nacional de Agricultural); Catholic church; ex- treme leftist, Movement of Revolutionary Left (MIR), outlawed; rightist, Patria y Libertad (PyL), outlawed Member of: CIPEC, ECOSOC, FAO, G-77, GATT, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, IDB, IFC, IHO, ILO, IMCO, IMF, IPU, ITU, LAFTA, OAS, SELA, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG GDP: $9.2 billion (1976 in 1976 prices), $880 per capita; 79.1% private consumption, 11.9% government consump- tion; 12.1% gross investment, 3.1% net imports and factor payments abroad (1976 est.); real growth rate, 1976, 5.9%; 1972-76 average annual increase, -1.6% Agriculture: main crops-wheat, other cereals, potatoes; about 65% self-sufficient; 2,650 calories per day per capita (1971 est.) Fishing: catch 1.13 million metric $49.1 million (1975) Major industries: copper, nitrates, foodstuffs, fish proc- essing, textiles and apparel, iron and steel, pulp and paper Crude steel: 0.7 million metric tons capacity (1967); 450,000 metric tons produced (1976), 42 kg per capita Electric power: 2,700,000 kW capacity (1976); 10 billion kWh produced (1976), 960 kWh per capita Exports: $2.0 billion (f.o.b., 1976); copper, iron ore, paper products, nitrates, iodine, and fresh fruit Imports: $1.6 billion (c.i.f., 1976); foodstuffs, petroleum, machinery and equipment, chemicals Major trade partners: exports-41% EC, 11% Japan, 8% U.S., 29% LAFTA; imports-17% EC, 29% U.S., 27% LAFTA (1975) Aid: economic-extensions from U.S. (FY46-76), $1,506 million loans, $313 million grants; from international organizations (FY46-75), $720 million (of which IBRD $266 million, IDB $409 million); from other Western countries (1960-66), $170.6 million; from Communist countries (1967-76), $447.7 million; military (FY53-75)-from U.S., $62 million in loans, $154 million in grants Budget: $1.8 billion revenues, $2.4 billion expenditures (1976) Monetary conversion rate: 1977), changes frequently Fiscal year: calendar year 24.7 pesos=US$1 (October COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 6,361 km; 3,111 km 1.676-meter gage, 135 km standard gage (1.435 m), 3,115 km meter gage (1.00 m) Highways: 75,200 km; 9,000 km paved, 38,200 km gravel, 28,000 km improved and unimproved earth Inland waterways: 725 km Pipelines: crude oil, 755 km; refined products, 785 km; natural gas, 320 km Ports: 10 major, 20 minor Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Civil air: 37 major transport aircraft Airfields: 352 total, 351 usable; 45 with permanent- surface runways; 7 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 53 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 6 seaplane stations Telecommunications: modern telephone system based on extensive radio relay facilities; 2,469,000 telephones (4.4 per 100 popl.); 1 Atlantic Ocean satellite station; 158 AM, 30 FM, and 56 TV stations Military manpower: males 15-49, 2,773,000; 2,089,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (19) annually about 116,000 Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1.977, US$420.5 million; about 28.5% of central government budget CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF LAND 9.6 million km2; 11% cultivated, sown area extended by multicropping, 78% desert, waste, or urban (32% of this area consists largely of denuded wasteland, plains, rolling hills, and basins from which about 3% could be reclaimed), 8% forested; 2%-3% inland water Land boundaries: 24,000 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm Coastline: 14,500 km Population: 973,334,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 1.4% (current) Nationality: noun-Chinese (sing., pl.); adjective- Chinese Ethnic divisions: 94% Han Chinese; 6% Chuang, Uighur, Hui, Yi, Tibetan, Miao, Manchu, Mongol, Pu-I, Korean, and numerous lesser nationalities Religion: most people, even before 1949, have been pragmatic and eclectic, not seriously religious; most impor- tant elements of religion are Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, ancestor worship; about 2%-3% Muslim, 1% Christian Language: Chinese (Mandarin mainly; also Cantonese, Wu, Fukienese, Amoy, Hsiang, Kan, Hakka dialects), and minority languages (see ethnic divisions above) Literacy: at least 25% Labor force: 335 million (mid-1966); 85% agriculture, 15% other; shortage of skilled labor (managerial, technical, mechanics, etc.); surplus of unskilled labor Legal name: Peoples Republic of China Type: Communist state; real authority lies with Commu- nist party's political bureau; the National People's Congress, in theory the highest organ of government, in reality merely rubber stamps the party's programs; the State Council is the actual governing organism Capital: Peking Political subdivisions: 21 provinces, 3 centrally governed municipalities, and 5 autonomous regions Legal system: before 1966, a complex amalgam of custom and statute, largely criminal; little ostensible development of uniform code of administrative and civil law; highest judicial organ is Supreme People's Court although legal activity centered in parallel network of Public Security organs; laws and legal procedure clearly subordinated to priorities of party policy; whole system largely suspended during Cultural Revolution, but gradually being revived National holiday: National Day, 1 October Branches: prior to 1966 control was exercised by Chinese Communist Party, through State Council, which supervised more than 50 ministries, commissions, bureaus, etc., all technically under the standing committee of the National People's Congress; this system broke down under "Cultural Revolution" pressures but has been reconsolidated and streamlined to 29 ministries Government leader: Premier of State Council, Hua Kuo-feng; government subordinate to central committee of CCP, under Chairman Hua Kuo-feng 40 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF/CHINA, REPUBLIC OF Suffrage: universal over age 18, though this Elections: no meaningful elections Political parties and leaders: Chinese Communist Party (CCP), headed by Hua Kuo-feng; Hua is Chairman of Central Committee; a new central committee was formed at the 11th Party Congress held in August 1977 Voting strength: 100% Communist for practical purposes; no political nonconformity permitted Communists: about 35 million party members in 1977 Other political or pressure groups: army (PLA) remains a major force, although many soldiers who acquired a wide range of civil political-administrative duties during the Cultural Revolution have been removed; many veteran civilian officials, in eclipse since the Cultural Revolution, have been reinstated; mass organizations, such as the trade unions and the provinces; plans organizations youth league, have been rebuilt in the are underway to rebuild the national Highways: about 835,000 km all types roads; almost half (about 300,000 km) unimproved natural earth roads and tracks; about 215,000 km improved earth roads about 2- to 5-meters wide and in poor to fair condition; remainder (about 260,000 km) includes majority of principal roads Ports: 10 major, 180 minor Airfields: 389 total; 247 with permanent-surface runways; 10 with runways 3,500 m and over; 50 with runways 2,500 to 3,499 m; 226 with runways 1,200 to 2,499 m; 92 with runways less than 1,200 m; 2 seaplane stations; 9 airfields under construction Telecommunications: urban and industrial areas served by reasonably adequate facilities for domestic and interna- tional communication needs; facilities being expanded; effective broadcast coverage is provided by radio, extensive wired-broadcast networks, and an expanding TV network; estimated 5 million telephones, 45 million radio receivers, 140 million wired-speakers and est. 500,000 TV receivers; 250 AM, 7 FM, and 120 TV transmitter and rebroadcast stations; 3 standard international communications satellite ground stations; coaxial cable links Canton to Hong Kong; submarine cable links Shanghai to Japan; additional submarine cables planned Member of: FAO, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, IFC, IHO, ILO, IMCO, IMF, ITU, Red Cross, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WMO, other international bodies ECONOMY GNP: $324 billion (1976), $340 per Agriculture: main crops-rice, wheat, miscellaneous grains, cotton; caloric intake, 2,000 calories per day per capita (1976); agriculture mainly subsistence; grain imports 2 million metric tons in 1976 Major industries: iron and steel, armaments, textiles Shortages: complex machinery skilled scientists and technicians and equipment, highly Crude steel: 23 million metric tons capita (1976) produced, 24 kg per Electric power: 38 million kW capacity (1976); 138 billion kWh produced (1976), 135 kWh per capita Exports: $7.2 billion (f.o.b., 1976); agricultural products, minerals and metals, manufactured goods Imports: $6.0 billion (c.i.f., 1976); grain, fertilizer, industrial raw materials, machinery and equip- ment Major trade partners: Japan, Hong Kong, West Ger- many, France, Romania, U.S.S.R., Australia, U.S., Canada, Singapore (1976) Monetary conversion rate: as of August 1977, about 1.85 yuan=US$1 (arbitrarily established) Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: networks total about 45,000 route km com- mon-carrier lines; about 600 km meter gage (1.00 m); rest standard gage (1.435 m); all single track except 9,000 km double track on standard gage lines; approximately 1,025 km electrified; about 9,700 km industrial lines (gages range from 0.59 to 1.435 m) CHINA, REPUBLIC OF LAND 32,260 km2 (Taiwan and Pescadores); 24% cultivated, 6% pasture, 55% forested, 15% other (urban, industrial, de- nuded, water area) WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm (fishing 12 nm) Coastline: 990 km Taiwan, 459 km offshore islands Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 PEOPLE Population: 16,835,000, excluding the population of Quemoy and Matsu Islands and foreigners (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.0% (1-74 to 1-77) Nationality: noun-Chinese (sing., pl.); adjective- Chinese Ethnic divisions: 84% Taiwanese, 14% mainland Chinese, 2% aborigines Religion: 93% mixture of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism; 4.5% Christian; 2.5% other Language: Chinese Mandarin (official language), also Taiwanese and Hakka dialect Literacy: about 90% Labor force: 5.7 million; 30% primary industry (agricul- ture), 36% secondary industry (including manufacturing, mining, construction), 33% tertiary industry (including commerce and services) 1975; 1.5% unemployment (1976) Organized labor: about 12% of 1972 labor force (government controlled) GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Type: republic; one-party Capital: Taipei Political subdivisions: 16 municipality (Taipei) China presidential Legal system: based on civil law system; constitution adopted 1947, amended 1960 to permit Chiang Kai-shek to be reelected, and amended 1972 to permit President to restructure certain government organs; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations Branches: 5 independent branches (executive, legislative, judicial, plus traditional Chinese functions of examination and control), dominated by executive branch; President and Vice President elected by National Assembly Government leaders: President Yen Chia-kan; Chiang Ching-kuo Suffrage: universal over age 20 Elections: national level-legislative yuan every 3 years but no general election held since 1948 election on mainland (partial elections for Taiwan province representatives December 1969, December 1972, and December 1975); local level-provincial assembly, county and municipal executives every 4 years; county and municipal assemblies every 4 years Political parties and leaders: Kuomintang, or National Party, led by Chairman Chiang Ching-kuo, has no real opposition; 2 insignificant parties are Democratic Socialist Party, Young China Party Voting strength (1972 provincial assembly election): 58 seats Kuomintang, 13 seats independents Other political or pressure groups: none Member of: expelled from U.N. General Assembly and Security Council on 25 October 1971 and withdrew on same date from other charter-designated subsidiary organs; attempting to retain membership in international financial institutions; ICAC, ISO, IWC-International Wheat Council ECONOMY GNP: $17.1 billion (1976, in 1976 prices), $1,050 per capita; real growth, 8.3% (1970-76 average) Agriculture: most arable land intensely farmed-60% cultivated land under irrigation; main crops-rice, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, bananas, pineapples, citrus fruits; food shortages-wheat, corn, soybeans Fishing: catch 779,825 metric tons (1975) Major industries: textiles, clothing, chemicals, plywood, electronics, sugar milling, food processing, cement, ship building Electric power: 5,500,000 kW capacity (1976); 26 billion kWh produced (1976), 1,580 kWh per capita Exports: $8,147 million (f.o.b., 1976); 31% textiles, 14% electrical machinery, 6% plywood and wood products, 7% machinery and metal products, 7% plastics, 5% sugar Imports: $7,593 million (c.i.f., 1976); 18% machinery, 9% electrical machinery, 9% basic metals, 10% crude oil, 10% chemical products Major trade partners: exports-37.6% U.S., 13% Japan; imports-32% Japan, 24% U.S. (1976) Aid: economic-U.S. (FY46-76), $2.2 billion committed; IBRD (1964-75), $311 million committed; Japan (1965-74), $247 million committed; ADB (1968-75), $93 million committed; military-U.S. (FY46-76), $4.3 billion com- mitted Budget: $2.9 billion (FY77) Monetary conversion rate: NT$38 (New Taiwan)=US$1 Fiscal year: 1 July-30 June COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: about 1,000 km common-carrier and 3,500 km industrial lines, all on Taiwan; common-carrier lines consist of West System: 825 km meter gage (1.00 m) with 325 km double track, complete line under construction for electrifi- cation (approx. 30% complete); East Line: 175 km narrow gage (0.762 m) (presently under constuction to convert to meter gage compatible with West System); common-carrier lines owned by government and operated by Railway Administration (TRA) under Ministry of Communications; industrial lines owned and operated by government enterprises Highways: network totals 16,900 km (construction of North-South Freeway approximately 84%-250 km-com- plete), plus 483 km on Penghu and offshore islands; 7,564 km paved, 6,276 km gravel and crushed stone, 2,736 km earth 42 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Pipelines: 615 km refined products, 97 km natural gas Ports: 5 major, 5 minor Airfields: 38 total, 36 usable; 26 with permanent-surface runways; 2 with runways over 3,660 m, 11 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 10 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: good international and domestic service; 1.1 million telephones; est. 3 million radio receivers; 2.9 million TV receivers; 111 AM, 6 FM broadcast stations; 3 TV systems; 2 international COMSAT ground stations; radio relay links to Hong Kong and the Philippines; new inter- island submarine cables; Manila submarine cable planned DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 4,146,000; 3,328,000 fit for military service; about 199,000 currently reach military age (19) annually Military budget: for fiscal year ending 30 June 1978, $1,814.7 million including personnel costs; about 52.5% of central government budget Pacific Ocean LAND 1,139,600 km2; settled area 28% consisting of cropland and fallow 5%, pastures 14%, woodland, swamps, and water 6%, urban and other 3%; unsettled area 72%-mostly forest and savannah Land boundaries: 6,035 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm (fishing 200 nm) Coastline: 2,414 km PEOPLE Population: 25,473,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 3.0% (7-72 to 7-76) Nationality: noun-Colombian(s); adjective-Colombian Ethnic divisions: 58% mestizo, 20% caucasian, 14% mulatto, 4% Negro, 3% mixed Negro-Indian, 1% Indian Religion: 95% Roman Catholic Language: Spanish Literacy: 47% of population over 15 years old Labor force: 5.6 million (1966); 47% agriculture, 13% manufacturing, 18% services, 9% commerce, 13% other (1964); 10%-13% unemployment (1975) Organized labor: 13% of labor force (1968) GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Colombia Type: republic; executive branch dominates government structure Capital: Bogota Political subdivisions: 22 departments, 3 Intendants, 5 Commissariats, Bogota Special District Legal system: based on Spanish law; religious courts regulate marriage and divorce; constitution decreed in 1886, amendments codified in 1946 and 1968; judicial review of legislative acts in the Supreme Court; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations National holiday: Independence Day, 30 July Branches: President, bicameral legislature, judiciary Government leader: President Alfonso Lopez Michelsen Suffrage: universal over age 21 Elections: every fourth year; last presidential and congressional elections April 1974; municipal and depart- mental elections, April 1976 Political parties and leaders: Liberal Party, President Alfonso Lopez Michelsen; Conservative Party, Alvaro Gomez Hurtado; Alianza Nazional Popular, Maria Eugenia Rojas de Moreno Voting strength: 1974 presidential election-Alfonso Lopez Michelsen 55%, Alvaro Gomez Hurtado 32%, Maria Eugenia Rojas de Moreno 9.5%; 1976 municipal election, 52% Liberal Party, 40% Conservative Party, 7% combined far left parties; 70% abstention of eligible voters Communists: 10,000-12,000 members est. Other political or pressure groups: Communist Party (PCC), Gilberto Vieira White; PCC/ML, Chinese Line Communist Party Member of: FAO, G-77, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAC, ICAO, IDA, IDB, IFC, IHO, ILO, IMF, ISO, ITU, LAFTA and Andean Sub-Regional Group (created in May 1969 within LAFTA), OAS, SELA, U.N., UNESCO, UPEB, UPU, WHO, WMO, WSG ECONOMY GNP: $16.32 billion, est. (1976, in 1976 prices), $710 per capita; 76% private consumption, 7% public consumption, 18% gross investment, -2% net foreign balance (1975); real growth rate (1976), 7.0%; average real growth rate (1972-76), 6.5% Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Agriculture: main crops-coffee, rice, corn, sugarcane, plantains, bananas, cotton, tobacco; caloric intake, 2,140 calories per day per capita (1970) Fishing: catch 66,575 metric tons 1975; exports $10.6 million (1973), imports $10.3 million (1973) Major industries: textiles, food processing, clothing and footwear, beverages, chemicals, and metal products Crude steel: 0.37 million metric tons produced (1975), 16 kg per capita Electric power: 3,300,000 kW capacity (1976); 13.7 billion kWh produced (1976), 600 kWh per capita Exports: $2.4 billion (f. o.b., 1976); coffee, fuel oil, cotton, tobacco, sugar, textiles, cattle and hides Imports: $1.7 billion (f.o.b., 1976); transportation equip- ment, machinery, industrial metals and raw materials, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, fuels, fertilizers, paper and paper products, foodstuffs and beverages Major trade partners: exports-36% U.S.,16% Germany, 7% Spain; imports-40% U.S., 10% Germany, 8% Japan, 4% Spain (1973) Aid: economic-extensions from U.S. (FY46-76), $991 million loans, $325 million grants; from international organizations (FY46-75), $1.8 billion; from other Western countries (1960-71), $77.6 million; from Communist coun- tries (1968-75), $82 million ($2.7 million drawn); military- assistance from U.S. (FY46-76), $130 million Budget: (1975) revenues $1.23 billion; expenditures $1.27 billion Monetary conversion rate: 36.36 pesos=US$1 (October 1977, changes frequently) Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 3,436 km, all 0.914-meter gage, single track, 35 km electrified Highways: 56,650 km; 8,200 km paved, 44,750 km crushed stone or gravel, 6,700 km improved earth Inland waterways: 14,300 km, navigable by river boats Pipelines: crude oil, 3,220 km; refined products, 1,330 km; natural gas, 590 km; natural gas liquids, 125 km Ports: 5 major, 5 minor Civil air: 87 major transport aircraft Airfields: 722 total, 680 usable; 43 surface runways; 1 with runway over runways 2,440-3,659 m, 86 with runways seaplane stations with permanent- 3,660 m; 5 with 1,220-2,439 m; 11 Telecommunications: nationwide radio-relay system; 1 Atlantic Ocean satellite station; 1.34 million telephones (5.5 per 100 popl.); 325 AM, 130 FM, and 48 TV stations DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 5,502,000; 3,594,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (18) annually about 260,000 Military budget: proposed for fiscal year ending 31 December 1978, $181.8 million; about 7.7% of central government budget LAND 2,170 km2; 4 main islands; forests 16%, pasture 7%, cultivable area 48%, non-cultivable area 29% WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm (fishing 200 nm); 200 nm exclusive economic zone Coastline: 340 km PEOPLE Population: 326,000 (January growth rate 2.5% (current) Ethnic divisions: mixture of Arab, Religion: predominantly Islamic Language: French, Arabic, Swahili Literacy: presumably low Labor force: mainly agricultural GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of the Comoros Type: three of the four islands comprise an independent republic, following local government's unilateral declaration of independence from France in Mayotte, disallowed declaration Territorial community Capital: Moroni July 1975; other island, and is now a French Political subdivisions: the three islands are organized into 7 regions; these regions are broken down into 55 to 60 "Moudirias" or regional council centers; the "Bayous" are the principle units of local government and they are grouped together to form the "Moudirias" 44 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 January 1978 Legal system: French and Muslim law Branches: Ali Soilih elected President of the Comoros, April 1977; he immediately reorganized the Central Government into 4 major components: the presidency, internal affairs Central Committee, external affairs Central Committee, and a Supreme Court Suffrage: universal adult Elections: last election took place April 1977; date of next election unknown Communists: information not available Member of: G-77, NAM, OAU, U.N. ECONOMY GDP: about $45 million (1973), $160 per capita; growth probably negligible through 1974 Agriculture: food crops-rice, manioc, potatoes, fruits, vegetables; export crops-essential oils for perfumes (mainly ylang-ylang), vanilla, copra, cloves Exports: $13 million (1974); perfume oils, vanilla, copra, cloves Imports: $37 million (1974); foodstuffs, cement, fuels, chemicals, textiles Major trade partners: France, Malagasy Republic, Italy, Kenya, Tanzania and U.S. Electric power: 2,400 kW capacity (1976); 3 million kWh produced (1976); 10 kWh per capita Aid: French aid in 1971 was about $2.7 million, or about 50% of the island's entire budget; Arab League, $10 million in 1976 Budget: 1974-revenues, $10.5 million, current expendi- tures, $9.4 million, investment expenditures, $1.3 million Monetary conversion rate: 216 Communaute Financiere Africaine (CFA) francs=US$1 as of January 1975 (floating since February 1973) COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 999 km; approximately 295 km bituminous, remainder crushed stone or gravel Ports: 1 minor (Moroni on Grande Comore) Civil air: 4 major transports (2 registered in France) Airfields: 5 total, 5 usable; 5 with permanent surface runways; 1 with runway 2,440-3,659 m, 4 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: sparse system of HF radiocom- munication stations for interisland, island and external communications to Malagasy and Reunion; 1,410 telephones (0.4 per 100 popl.); 1 AM, 1 FM, and no TV stations CONGO LAND 349,650 km2; 63% dense forest or woodland, 33% cultivable or grazing (2% cultivated est.), 4% urban or waste WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 30 nm Coastline: 169 km PEOPLE Population: 1,450,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.8% (2-74 to 7-76) Nationality: noun-Congolese (sing., pl.); adjective- Congolese or Congo Ethnic divisions: about 15 ethnic groups divided into some 75 tribes, almost all Bantu; most important ethnic groups are Kongo (48%) in south, Teke (17%) in center, M'Bochi (12%) and Sangha (20%) in north; about 8,500 Europeans, mostly French Religion: about half animist, half nominally Christian, less than 1% Muslim Language: French official, many African languages with Lingala and Kikongo most widely used Literacy: about 20% Labor force: about 40% of population economically active, most engaged in subsistence agriculture; 79,100 wage earners; 40,000-60,000 unemployed Organized labor: 16% of total labor force (1965 est.) GOVERNMENT Legal name: Peoples Republic of the Congo Type: republic; military regime established September 1968 Capital: Brazzaville Political subdivisions: 9 regions divided into districts Legal system: based on French civil law system and customary law; constitution adopted 1973 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 National holiday: National Day, 15 August Branches: President, Military Committee, Council of State; judiciary; all policy made by Congolese Workers Party Central Committee and Politburo Government leaders: President, Colonel Joachim Yhombi-Opango; Prime Minister Louis Goma Suffrage: universal over age 18 Elections: last legislative elections June 1973 Political parties and leaders: Congolese Workers Party (PCT) is only legal party Communists: unknown number of Communists and sympathizers Other political or pressure groups: Union of Congolese Socialist Youth (UJSC), Congolese Trade Union Congress (CSC), Revolutionary Union of Congolese Union (URFC), General Union of Congolese Pupils and Students (UGEEC) Member of: AFDB, Conference of East and Central African States, EAMA, ECA, EIB (associate), FAO, G-77, GATT, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, ILO, IMF, ITU, NAM, OAU, UDEAC, UEAC, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO ECONOMY GDP: about $600 million (1974 est.), $580 per capita; real growth rate about 5% per year (1971-74) Agriculture: cash crops-sugarcane, wood, coffee, cocoa, palm kernels, peanuts, tobacco; food crops-root crops, rice, corn, bananas, manioc, fish Fishing: catch 15,674 metric tons (1.975) Major industries: crude oil, sawmills, brewery, cigarettes, sugar mill, soap Electric power: 51,200 kW capacity (1976); 120 million kWh produced (1976), 90 kWh per capita Exports: $220 million (f.o.b., 1976 est.); oil (58%), lumber, sugar, tobacco, veneer, and plywood Imports: $329 million (f.o.b., 1976 est.); machinery, transport equipment, manufactured consumer goods, iron and steel, foodstuffs, petroleum products Major trade partners: France and other EC countries Budget: 1976 est.-revenue $184 million, expenditures $221 million Monetary conversion rate: 249.35 Communaute Finan- ciers Africaine francs=US$1 as of February 1977 Fiscal year: calendar year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 800 km, 1,067-meter gage, single track Highways: 8,246 km; 535 km bituminous surface treated; remainder gravel, laterite, or improved earth Inland waterways: 6,485 km navigable Pipelines: crude oil 25 km Ports: 1 major (Pointe Noire) Civil air: 6 major transport aircraft Airfields: 68 total, 51 usable; 3 with permanent-surface runways; 1 with runway 2,440-3,659 m, 20 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: services adequate for government and public; network is comprised of low-capacity, low-powered radiocommunication stations, coaxial cables and wire lines; key centers are Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, and Loubomo; 10,500 telephones (0.7 per 100 pop].); 3 AM stations, 1 FM station, and 1 TV station DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 340,000; 169,000 fit for military service; about 14,000 reach military age (20) annually Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1976, $37,517,400; about 17% of central government budget COOK ISLANDS LANL? About 240 km2 WATER Limits of territorial waters: 3 nm Coastline: about 120 km PEOPLE Population: 18,000 (preliminary total from the census of 1 December 1976) Nationality: noun-Cook Islander(s); adjective-Cook Islander Ethnic divisions: 81.3% Polynesian (full blood), 7.7% Polynesian and European, 7.7% Polynesian and other, 2.4% European, 0.9% other Religion: Christian, majority of populace members of Cook Islands Christian Church 46 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 GOVERNMENT Legal name: Cook Islands Type: self-governing in "free association" with New Zealand; Cook Islands government fully responsible for internal affairs and has right at any time to move to full independence by unilateral action; New Zealand retains responsibility for external affairs, in consultation with Cook Islands government Capital: Rarotonga Branches: New Zealand Governor General appoints Representative to Cook Islands, who represents the Queen and the New Zealand government; Representative appoints the Premier; Legislative Assembly of 22 members, popularly elected; House of Arikis (chiefs), 15 members, appointed by Representative, an advisory body only Government leader: Premier Albert Henry Suffrage: universal adult Elections: every 4 years, latest in December 1975 Political parties and leaders: Cook Islands Party, Sir Albert Henry; Democratic Party, Dr. Thomas Davis Voting strength (1974): Cook Islands Party, 13 seats; Democratic Party, 9 seats ECONOMY GDP: $400 per capita (1973) Agriculture: export crops include copra, citrus fruits, pineapples, tomatoes, and bananas, with subsistence crops of yams and taro Industry: fruit processing Electric power: 3,000 kW capacity (1976); 10 million kWh produced (1976), 530 kWh per capita Exports: $2.7 million (1971); fruit juice, clothing, citrus fruits Imports: $5.8 million (1971) Major trade partners: (1970) exports-98% New Zealand, imports-76% New Zealand, 7% Japan Monetary conversion rate: 1 NZ$=US$0.9947 (July 1976) COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 260 km; 19 km paved, 109 km gravel, 84 km improved earth, 48 km unimproved earth Inland waterways: none Ports: 2 minor Civil air: no major transport aircraft Airfields: 3 total, 3 usable; 1 with permanent-surface runway 2,317 m, 2 with natural surface runways 1,220-2,439 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: 6 AM, no FM, and no TV stations; 7,000 radio receivers, and 960 telephones COSTA RICA LAND 51,000 km2; 30% agricultural land (8% cultivated, 22% meadows and pasture), 60% forested, 10% waste, urban, and other Land boundaries: 670 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm (fishing 200 nm; specialized competence over living resources to 200 nm) Coastline: 1,290 km PEOPLE Population: 2,079,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 2.2% (7-75 to 7-76) Nationality: noun-Costa Rican(s); adjective-Costa Rican Ethnic divisions: 98% white (including mestizo), 2% Negro Religion: 95% Roman Catholic Language: 41% Spanish Literacy: about 90% Labor force: 657,709 (1976); 32.6% agriculture; 13.8% manufacturing; 15.3% commerce; 6.1% construction; 5.2% transportation, utilities; 20.3% service (government, educa- tion, social); 0.5% other; 6.2% unemployment (1976) Organized labor: about 11.5% of labor force GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Costa Rica Type: unitary republic Capital: San Jose Political subdivisions: 7 provinces Legal system: based on Spanish civil law system; constitution adopted 1949; judicial review of legislative acts in the Supreme Court; legal education at University of Costa Rica; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 National holiday: Independence Day, 15 September Branches: President, unicameral legislature, Supreme Court elected by legislature Government leader: President Daniel Oduber Suffrage: universal and compulsory age 18 and Elections: every 4 years; next, February 1978 Political parties and leaders: National Liberation Party (PLN), Luis Alberto Monge, president, Carlos Manuel Castillo, secretary-general; National Unification Party (PUN), Francisco Calderon Guardia; Democratic Renova- tion Party (PRD), Rodrigo Carazo; Christian Democratic Party (PDC), Jorge Monge Zamora; National Independence Party (PNI), Jorge Gonzalez Marten; Popular Vanguard Party (PVP, Communist), Manuel Mora Valverde Voting strength (1974 election): National Unification (coalition of PUN and others) 30.4%, 16 seats; PLN 43.5%, 27 seats; PNI 11%, 6 seats; PRD 9%, 3 seats; other 2.3%, 2 seats Communists: 3,200 members, 10,000 sympathizers Other political or pressure groups: Costa Rican Confed- eration of Democratic Workers (CCTD), General Confeder- ation of Workers (CGT), Chamber of Coffee Growers, National Association for Economic Development (ANFE) Member of: CACM, FAO, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, IDB, IFC, ILO, IMF, IPU, ITU, IWC-International Wheat Council, NAMUCAR (Caribbean Multinational Shipping Line-Naviera Multinational del Caribe), OAS, ODECA, SELA, U.N., UNESCO, UPEB, UPU, WHO, WMO ECONOMY GNP: $1.9 billion (1976, in 1976 dollars), $940 per capita; 72% private consumption, 17% public consumption, 23% gross domestic investment, - 12% net foreign balance (1975); real growth rate 1976, 5.5%; average growth (1972-76), 6.0% Agriculture: main products-bananas, coffee, sugarcane, rice, corn, cocoa, livestock products; caloric intake, 2,610 calories per day per capita (1966) Fishing: catch 15,695 metric tons (1975); exports, $3.7 million (1974), imports, $0.6 million (1974) Major industries: food processing, textiles and clothing, construction materials, fertilizer Electric power: 380,000 kW capacity (1976); 1.5 billion kWh produced (1976), 740 kWh per capita Exports: $587 million (f.o.b., 1976); coffee, bananas, beef, sugar, cacao Imports: $773 million (c.i.f., 1976); manufactured prod- ucts, machinery, transportation equipment, chemicals, fuels, foodstuffs, fertilizer Major trade partners: exports-32% U.S., 24% CACM, 13% West Germany; imports-34% U.S., 16% CACM, 6% West Germany, 10% Japan (1974) Aid: economic-extensions from U.S. (FY46-75), $138 million loans, $117 million grants; from international organizations (FY46-75), $349 million; from other Western countries (1960-71), $7.7 million; military-assistance from U.S. (FY60-76), $2.0 million; Communist- (economic) from U.S.S.R., $17 million (1971) Monetary conversion Fiscal year: calendar rate: year COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 563 kin 1.067-meter gage, all single track, 115 km electrified Highways: 25,600 km; 1,950 km paved, 7,450 km gravel 16,200 km unimproved earth Inland waterways: about 730 km perennially navigable Pipelines: refined products, 125 km Ports: 3 major (Limon, Golfito, Puntarenas), 4 minor Civil air: 21 major transport aircraft Airfields: 155 total, 146 usable; 24 with permanent- surface runways; 1 with runway 2,440-3,659 m; 8 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 2 seaplane stations Telecommunications: good domestic telephone service; 115,000 telephones (5.6 per 100 pop].); connection into Central American microwave net; 29 AM, 10 FM, and 12 TV stations DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 460,000; 301,000 fit for military service; average number reaching military age (18) annually about 26,000 Supply: dependent on imports from U.S. Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1977, $13.5 million for Ministry of Public Security, including the Civil Guard; about 2.7% of total central government budget LAND 114,478 km'; 35% cultivated, 30% meadow and pasture, 20% waste, urban, or other, 15% forested WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm (fishing 200 nm); 200 nm exclusive economic - Coastline: 3,735 km PEOPLE Population: 9,720,000 (January 1978), growth rate 1.6% (current) Nationality: noun-Cuban(s); adjective-Cuban Ethnic divisions: 51% mulatto, 37% white, 11% 1% Chinese 48 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Gulf` CUBA Atlantic Ocean THE BAHAMAS JAMAICAN ' Communists: approx. 200,000 party members Member of: CEMA, ECLA, FAO, G-77, GATT, IADB (nonparticipant), ICAO, IHO, ILO, IMCO, International Rice Commission, ISO, IWC-International Wheat Council, ITU, NAM, NAMUCAR (Caribbean Multinational Shipping Line-Naviera Multinacional del Caribe), OAS (nonpartici- pant), Permanent Court of Arbitration, Postal Union of the Americas dhd Spain, SELA, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG ECONOMY GDP: $7.5 billion (1974 est., in 1974 prices), $820 per capita; 60% private consumption, 20% public consumption, 20% gross investment; real growth rate 1974, 3% Agriculture: main crops-sugar, tobacco, coffee, rice, potatoes, tubers, citrus fruits Fishing: catch 183,000 metric tons (1976); exports $63 million (1975), imports $24.4 million (1973) Major industries: sugar milling, petroleum refining, food and tobacco processing, textiles, chemicals, paper and wood products, metals Shortages: spare parts for transportation and industrial machinery, consumer goods Crude steel: 0.35 million metric tons capacity (planned); 297,500 metric tons produced (1975); 30 kg per capita Electric power: 1,600,000 kW capacity (1976); 7 billion kWh produced (1976), 740 kWh per capita Exports: $3.2 billion (f.o.b., 1976 est.); sugar, nickel, tobacco Imports: $3.7 billion (c.i.f., 1976 est.); capital goods, industrial raw materials, food, petroleum Major trade partners: exports-65% U.S.S.R., 15% other Communist countries; imports-49% U.S.S.R., 14% other Communist countries, 6% Spain (1976) Monetary conversion rate: 1 peso=US$1.21 (nominal) Fiscal year: calendar year Religion: at least 85% nominally Roman Catholic before Castro assumed power Language: Spanish Literacy: about 96% Labor force: 2.36 million; 34% agriculture, 17% industry, 6% construction, 6% transportation, 29% services, 8% unemployed and underemployed Organized labor: 46% of total force GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Type: Communist state Capital: Havana Political subdivisions: palities provinces and Legal system: based on Spanish and American law, with large elements of Communist legal theory; Fundamental Law of 1959 replaced Constitution of 1940; a new constitution was approved at the Cuban Communist Party's First Party Congress in December 1975 and by a popular referendum which took place on 15 February 1976; portions of the new constitution were put into effect on 24 February 1976, by means of a Constitutional Transition Law, and the entire constitution became effective on 2 December 1976; legal education at Universities of Havana, Oriente, and Las Villas; does not accept compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Anniversary of the Revolution, 1 January Branches: executive; legislature (National People's Assem- bly); controlled judiciary Government leader: President Fidel Castro Suffrage: universal, but not compulsory, over age 16 Elections: National People's Assembly (indirect election) every five years; election held November 1976 Political parties and leaders: Cuban Communist Party (PCC), First Secretary Fidel Castro Ruz, Second Secretary Raul Castro Ruz COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 14,640 km government-owned; 5,040 km common-carrier lines of which 4,960 km standard gage (1.435 m), 80 km 0.914-meter gage; about 9,600 km plantation/industrial lines, 6,400 km standard gage (1.435 m), 3,200 narrow gage Highways: 20,700 km; 8,800 km paved, 11,900 km gravel and earth surfaced Inland waterways: 240 km Pipelines: natural gas, 80 km Ports: 8 major (including U.S. Naval Base at Guantan- amo), 44 minor; Guantanamo under U.S. control Civil air: 32 major transport aircraft (1 leased) Airfields: 192 total, 182 usable; 46 with permanent- surface runways; 1 with runway over 3,660 m, 8 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 26 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 11 seaplane stations Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Telecommunications: modern facilities adequately serve military, governmental, and some civilian needs; excellent international facilities via HF and satellite; 380,000 tele- phones (3.9 per 100 popl.); 100 AM, 25 FM, and 15 TV stations; 4 submarine cables DEFENSE FORCES Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1966 (last announced budget), $213 million; about 7.8% of total budget LAND 9,251 km'; 47% arable and land under permanent crops, 18% forested, 10% meadows and pasture, 25% waste, urban areas, and other WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm PEOPLE Population: 640,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 0.1% (2-76 to 7-77) Nationality: noun-Cypriot(s); adjective-Cypriot Ethnic divisions: 78% Greek; 18% Turkish; 4% British, Armenian, and other Religion: 78% Greek Orthodox, 18% Muslim, 4% Mason- ite Armenian Apostolic and other Language: Greek, Turkish, English Literacy: about 82% of population 7 years or older Greek Sector labor force: 207,700 (1975), 22% agricul- ture, forestry, fishing, 12% manufacturing, 4% construction, 1% mining and quarrying, 13% services, 10% trade and finance, 3% transport and communications, 5% public administration, 30% other; unemployment 7% (1976) Turkish Sector labor force: 179,400 (145,900 employed, 33,500 unemployed); 31% agriculture, 18% services, 17% manufacturing, 12% wholesale and retail trade, 22% other (1975) GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Cyprus Type: republic since August 1960; separate de facto Greek Cypriot, and Turkish Cypriot governments have evolved since outbreak of communal strife in 1963; this separation was further solidified following the Turkish invasion of the island in July 1974; negotiations, which have been going on since January 1975, have focused on the creation of a federal system of government with substantial autonomy for each of the two communities Capital: Nicosia Political subdivisions: 6 administrative districts Legal system: based on common law, with civil law modifications; negotiations to create the basis for a new or revised constitution to govern the island and relations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots have been going on intermittently National holiday: Independence Day, 1 October Branches: currently a rump government with effective authority only over the Greek Cypriot community, consist- ing of Greek Cypriot parts of bodies provided for by constitution; headed by President of the Republic and comprised of Council of Ministers, House of Representatives, and Supreme Court; Turkish Cypriots have their own "Constitution" and governing bodies within the "Federated Turkish State of Cyprus" Government leaders: President, Spyros Kyprianou, elect- ed interim President in September 1977, to serve out the remainder of the term of Archbishop Makarios who died on 3 August 1977 (Greek); Vice President, Rauf Denktash ('l'urk); Prime Minister, N'ejat Konuk Suffrage: universal age 21 and over Elections: officially every 5 years; Turkish Cypriot "Presidential" and "Parliamentary" elections held June 1976; Greek Cypriot parliamentary elections held in September 1976; Greek Cypriot presidential election to be held in February 1978 Political parties and leaders: Restorative Party of the Working People (AKEL) (Communist Party), Ezekias Papaioannou; Democratic Rally (DR), Glafkos Clerides; Democratic Party (DP) (pro-Makarios), Spyros Kyprianou; United Democratic Union of the Center (EDEK), Vassos Lyssarides; National Unity Party, Rauf Denktash; Populist Party, Alper Orhon; Republican Turkish Cypriot Party, Ahmet Berberoglou; Communal Salvation Party, Alpay Durduran; Republic Turkish Cypriot Party (RTCP), Ozker Ozgur Voting strength: Rauf Denktash won the 1976 "Presiden- tial" contest in the Turkish Cypriot zone with 76% of the vote and his party won 30 of 40 seats in the "Assembly" with 54% of the vote; a pro-Makarios coalition composed of AKEL, EDEK, and the DF received 75% of the vote in the September 1976 Greek Cypriot parliamentary election and 34 of 35 seats while Clerides' DM won 25% of the vote and no seats; the remaining seat was given to an independent 50 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Communists: 12,000; sympathizers estimated to number 60,000 Other political or pressure groups: United Democratic Youth Organization (EDON) (Communist-controlled); Pan Cyprian Labor Federation (PEO) (Communist-controlled); Cyprus Confederation of Labor (SEK) (pro-West); Cyprus Turkish Federation of Trade Unions (KTIBF); Confeder- ation of Revolutionary Worker Unions (DISK); Turkish- Cypriot Federation of Labor Union Member of: Commonwealth, Council of Europe, FAO, G-77,GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, IFC, ILO, IMF, ITU, NAM, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WMO ECONOMY GNP: $789.3 million (1976), $1,220 per capita; 1976 real growth rate 14.6% Agriculture: main crops-vine products, citrus, potatoes, other vegetables; food shortages-grain, dairy products, meat, fish; caloric intake, 2,460 calories per day per capita (1964-66) Major industries: mining (cupreous and iron pyrites, asbestos), manufactures principally for local consumption- food, beverages, footwear, clothing, cement Shortages: water, petroleum Electric power: 278,000 kW capacity (1976); 792 million kWh produced (1976), 1,220 kWh per capita Exports: $258 million (f.o.b., 1976, converted at average trade conversion factor of 1 Cyprus pound=US$2.44); principal items-asbestos, copper, pyrites, citrus, raisins, and other agricultural products, potatoes, cement, clothing, footwear, wine Turkish Sector exports: $15.7 million (f.o.b., 1976, con- verted at average conversion factor of 16.053 Turkish lira=US$1); citrus fruits Imports: $434 million (c.i.f., 1976, converted at average trade conversion factor of 1 Cyprus pound=US$2.44); principal items-manufactured goods, machinery and trans- port equipment, petroleum products, foods Turkish Sector imports: $65.9 million (c.i.f., 1976, con- verted at average trade conversion factor of 16.053 Turkish lira=US$1); principal items are foodstuffs, livestock, raw materials, oil Major trade partners: (1976) imports-20% U.K., 10% Greece, 9% Italy, 7% West Germany, 6% U.S., 5% France; exports-28% U.K., 17% Lebanon, 6% Syria, 6% Saudi Arabia, 5% Libya, 5% U.S.S.R., 2% Netherlands, 2% Greece, 1% West Germany Turkish Sector major trade partners: (1976) imports- 47.4% Turkey, 25% U.K., 6% West Germany, 4% Lebanon; exports-30% Turkey, 33% U.K., 12% Netherlands Aid: economic-U.S., $88.4 million authorized (FY46-76), U.S., $30 million (1976); IBRD, $80.1 million (FY46-76); U.N. Technical Assistance, $1.7 million (FY46-72); U.N. Special Fund, $9.9 million (FY46-72); Greece, $79 million (1976) Turkish Sector aid: Turkey, $45 million Budget: 1977-revenues $166.3 million, expenditures $180 million, deficit $13.7 million Turkish Sector budget: revenues $38 million, expendi- tures $78 million, deficit $40 million Monetary conversion rate: 1 Cyprus pound=US$2.61 (December 1971 through January 1973), 1 Cyprus pound=US$2.4560 (trade conversion factor as of July 1977) Turkish Sector monetary conversion rate: 16.67 Turkish lira=US$1 (trade conversion factor as of June 1977) Fiscal year: calendar year Note: 1974, 1975, and 1976 GNP, import, export, and budget figures are Government of Cyprus figures which include 100% of island until August 1974 and 60% of island thereafter; the Turkish sector of island for last 4 months of 1974 is part of Turkish mainland economy; with the passage of time, some information on the Turkish sector of the island has become available. COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 9,358 km; 4,203 km bituminous surface treated; 5,155 km gravel, crushed stone, and earth Ports: 3 major (Famagusta, Larnaca, Limassol), 6 minor; Famagusta under Turkish control Civil air: 5 major transport aircraft, all leased in Airfields: 13 total, 12 usable; 8 with permanent-surface runways; 3 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 4 with runways 2,440-3,656 m Telecommunications: moderately good telecommunica- tion system; 77,000 telephones (11.2 per 100 popl.); 12 AM, 3 FM, and 4 TV stations; tropospheric scatter circuits to Greece and Turkey; 2 submarine coaxial cables DEFENSE FORCES Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 December 1977, $33.7 million about 14% of central government budget CZECHOSLOVAKIA LAND 127,946 km2; 42% arable, 14% other agricultural, 35% forested, 9% other Land boundaries: 3,540 km PEOPLE Population: 15,109,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 0.8% (current) Nationality: noun-Czechoslovak(s); adjective-Czecho- slovak Ethnic divisions: 64.3% Czechs, 30.0% Slovaks, 4.0% Magyars, 0.6% Germans, 0.5% Poles, 0.4% Ukrainians, 0.2% others (Jews, Gypsies) Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Religion: 77% Roman Catholic, 20% Protestant, 2% Orthodox, 1% other Language: Czech, Slovak, Hungarian Literacy: almost complete Labor force: 7.4 million; 14% agriculture, 38.6% industry, 11% services, 36.4% construction, communications and others GOVERNMENT Legal name: Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (C.S.S.R.) Type: Communist state Capital: Prague Political subdivisions: 2 ostensibly separate and nomi- nally autonomous republics (Czech Socialist Republic and Slovak Socialist Republic); 7 regions (kraj) in Czech lands, three regions in Slovakia; national capitals of Prague and Bratislava have regional status Legal system: civil law system based on Austrian- Hungarian codes, modified by Communist legal theory; revised constitution adopted 1960, amended in 1968 and 1970; no judicial review of legislative acts; legal education at Karlova University School of Law; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Liberation Day, 9 May Branches: executive-President (elected by Federal As- sembly), cabinet (appointed by President); legislative- Federal Assembly (elected directly), Czech and Slovak National Councils (also elected directly) legislate on limited area of regional matters; judiciary-Supreme Court (elected by Federal Assembly); entire governmental structure domi- nated by Communist Party Government leaders: President Gustav Husak (elected May 1975), Premier Lubomir Strougal Suffrage: universal over age 18 Elections: governmental bodies every 5 years (last election, October 1976); President every 5 years Dominant political party and leader: Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSC), Gustav Husak, General Secretary; Communist Party of Slovakia (KSS) has status of "provincial KSC organization" Voting strength (1976 election): 99.7% for Communist- sponsored single slate Communists: 1.38 million party members (April 1976) Other political groups: puppet parties-Czechoslovak Socialist Party, Czechoslovak People's Party, Slovak Free- dom Party, Slovak Revival Party Member of: CEMA, FAO, GATT, IAEA, ICAO, IDA, IFC, ILO, International Lead and Zinc Study Group, IMCO, IPU, ISO, ITC, ITU, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, Warsaw Pact, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG ECONOMY GNP: $55.1 billion in 1976 (at 1975 prices), $3,690 per capita; 1976 real growth rate 1.8% Agriculture: diversified agriculture; main crops-wheat, rye, potatoes, sugar beets; net food importer-meat, wheat, vegetable oils, fresh fruits and vegetables; caloric intake, 3,100 calories per day per capita (1967) Major industries: machinery, food processing, metal- lurgy, textiles, chemicals Shortages: ores, crude oil Crude steel: 14.7 million metric tons produced (1976), 990 kg per capita Electric power: 14.5 million kW capacity (1976); 62.7 billion kWh produced (1976), 4,200 kWh per capita Exports: $9,395 million (f.o.b., 1976); 48% machinery, equipment; 30% fuels, raw materials; 4% foods, food products, and live animals; 18% consumer goods, excluding foods (1975) Imports: $9,705 million (f.o.b., 1976); 37% machinery, equipment; 42% fuels, raw materials; 9% foods, food products, and live animals; 7% consumer goods, excluding foods (1975) Monetary conversion rate: noncommercial 10.15 crowns=US$1, commercial 5.70 crowns=US$1 Fiscal year: calendar year Note: foreign trade figures were converted at the rate of 6.77 crowns=US$1 COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 13,215 km; 12,910 km standard gage (1.435 m), 112 km broad gage (1.524 m), 193 km narrow gage (0.750 m and 0.760 m); 2,803 km double track; 2,707 km electrified; government-owned (1975) Highways: 73,600 km; 2,000 km concrete; 55,200 km bituminous; 2,880 km cobblestone, brick sett, stone block; 13,520 km crushed stone, gravel, improved earth (1975) Inland waterways: 483 km (1977) Pipelines: crude oil, 1,448 km; refined products, 861 km; natural gas, 5,601 km 52 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Freight carried: rail-275.5 million metric tons, 70.7 billion metric ton/km (1976); highway-1,011.9 million metric tons, 15.2 billion metric ton/km (1976); waterway- 5.9 million metric tons, 2.6 billion metric ton/km (excl. int'l. transit traffic) (1976) Ports: no maritime ports; outlets are Gdynia, Gdansk, and Szczecin in Poland; Rijeka and Koper in Yugoslavia; Hamburg, FRG; Rostock, GDR; principal river ports are Prague, Melnik, Usti nad Labem, Decin, Komarno, Bra- tislava (1976) LAND 42,994 km2 (exclusive of Greenland and Faroe islands); 64% arable, 8% meadows and pastures, 11% forested, 17% other Land boundaries: 68 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm (fishing 200 nm) Coastline: 3,379 km PEOPLE Population: 5,096,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 0.3% (current) Nationality: noun-Dane(s); adjective-Danish Ethnic divisions: homogeneous white population Religion: 96% Evangelical Lutheran, 3% other Protestant and Roman Catholic, 1% other Language: Danish; small German-speaking minority Literacy: 99% Labor force: 2.5 million; 9.5% agriculture, forestry, fishing, 26.6% manufacturing, 8.3% construction, 15.7% commerce, 6.8% transportation, 5.6% services, 25.7% gov- ernment, 1.8% other; 7.6% of registered labor force unemployed (January 1976) Organized labor: 65% of labor force GOVERNMENT Legal name: Kingdom of Denmark Type: constitutional monarchy Capital: Copenhagen Political subdivisions: 14 counties, 277 communes, 88 towns Legal system: civil law system; constitution adopted 1953; judicial review of legislative acts; legal education at Universities of Copenhagen and Arhus; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations National holiday: Birthday of the Queen, 16 April Branches: legislative authority rests jointly with Crown and parliament (Folketing); executive power vested in Crown but exercised by cabinet responsible to parliament; Supreme Court, 2 superior courts, 106 lower courts Government leaders: Queen Margrethe II; Prime Minis- ter, Anker Jorgensen Suffrage: universal, but not compulsory, over age 21 Elections: on call of prime minister but at least every four years (last election 15 February 1977) Political parties and leaders: Social Democratic, Anker Jorgensen; Liberal, Poul Hartling; Conservative, Poul Schluter; Radical Liberal, Kristen Helveg Petersen; Socialist Peoples, Gert Petersen; Communist, Knud Jespersen; Left Socialist, Preben Wilhjelm; Center Democratic, Erhard Jakobsen; Christian People's, Jens Moller; Justice, Ib Christensen; Communist League Marxist-Leninest, Benito Scocozza Voting strength (1977 election): 37.5% Social Democratic, 14.3% Progressive, 12.3% Moderate Liberals, 8.3% Conserva- tive, 6.4% Center Democratic, 3.9% Socialist Peoples, 3.7% Communist, 3.6% Radical Liberal, 3.5% Christian, 3.2% Justice, 2.7% Leftist Socialist Communists: 7,500-8,000; a number of sympathizers, as indicated by 114,034 Communist votes cast in 1977 elections Member of: ADB, Council of Europe, DAC, EC, EEC, ELDO (observer), EMA, ESRD, EURATOM, FAO, GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAC, ICAO, ICES, IDA, IEA, IFC, IHO, ILO, International Lead and Zinc Study Group, IMCO, IMF, IPU, ISO, ITC, ITU, IWC-International Wheat Council, NATO, Nordic Council, OECD, U.N., UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG ECONOMY GNP: $42.8 billion (1976), $8,430 per capita; 53% private consumption, 22.3% investment, 28.4% government, -3.7% net foreign sector and stock building (1975); 1976 growth rate 5%, constant prices Agriculture: highly intensive, specializes in dairying and animal husbandry; main crops-cereals, root crops; food imports-oilseeds, grain, feedstuffs; caloric intake, 3,180 calories per day per capita (1968-69) Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Fishing: catch 1.88 million metric tons, exports $507 million (1976) Major industries: food processing, machinery and equip- ment, textiles and clothing, chemical products, electronics, transport equipment, metal products, brick and mortar, furniture and other wood products Crude steel: 723,000 metric tons produced (1976), 140 kg per capita Electric power: 6,400,000 kW capacity (1976); 23.9 billion kWh produced (1976), 4,710 kWh per capita Exports: $9.1 billion (f.o.b., 1976); principal items-meat, dairy products, industrial machinery and equipment, textiles and clothing, chemical products, transport equipment, fish, furs, and furniture Imports: $12,4 billion (c.i.f., 1976); principal items- industrial machinery, transport equipment, petroleum, textile fibers and yarns, iron and steel products, chemicals, grain and feedstuffs, wood and paper Major trade partners: 46.5% EC-nine (18.1% West DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, 1,216,000; 1,065,000 fit for military service; 38,000 reach military age (20) annually Military budget: proposed for fiscal year ending 31 March 1978, $940.5 million; about 15.6% of proposed central government budget DJIBOUTI (formerly French Territory of the Afars and Issas) Germany, 13.1% U.K.); 14.9% Sweden; 5.4% U.S.; 4.2% Communist countries (1976) Aid: economic-U.S., $282 million authorized FY46-76; IBRD, $85.2 million through 1975, none since 1964; net official economic aid given to less developed areas and multilateral agencies, $250.5 million (1960-70), $76.5 million (1971), $98.3 million (1972), $131.6 million (1973), $170.9 million (1974); military-U.S., $640 million (FY49-76) Budget: (1976) expenditures $13.75 billion, revenues $11.15 billion Monetary conversion average exchange rate) Fiscal year: 1 April-31 March COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 2,578 km standard gage (1.435 m); Danish State Railways (DSB) operate 2,131 km (1,999 km rail line and 132 km rail ferry services); 97 km electrified, 743 km double tracked; 477 km of standard gage lines are privately-owned and operated Highways: approximately 64,480 km; 62,400 km con- crete, bitumen, or stone block; 2,080 km gravel, crushed stone, improved earth Inland waterways: 417 km Pipelines: refined products, 418 km Ports: 16 major, 44 minor Civil air: 85 major transport aircraft including 3 leased in and 3 leased out Airfields: 174 total, 135 usable; 23 with permanent- surface runways; 8 with runways 2,440-3,659 in, 8 with runways 1,220-2,439 m; 1 seaplane station Telecommunications: excellent telephone, telegraph, and broadcast services; 2.36 million telephones (45.0 per 100 pop].); 5 AM, 13 FM, and 34 TV stations; 14 submarine coaxial cables LAND 23,310 km2; 89% desert wasteland, 10% permanent pasture, and less than 1% cultivated Land boundaries: 517 km WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm Coastline: 314 km (includes offshore islands) Population: 180,000 (official estimate for 1972) Nationality: noun-Afar(s), Issa(s); adjective-Afar, Issa Ethnic divisions: (approximate figures) 96,300 Somalis, mostly Issas (large number of the Somalis are temporary immigrants from Somalia, not citizens of territory), 90,500 Afars, 6,000 Arabs, 7,000 French (inclusive of French military forces) Religion: 94% Muslim, 6% Christian Language: Somali, Afar, French, Arabic, all widely used Literacy: about 5% Labor force: a small number of semiskilled laborers at port Organized labor: some 3,000 railway workers organized GOVERNMENT Legal name: Republic of Djibouti Type: republic Capital: Djibouti 54 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Legal system: based on French civil law system, traditional practices and Islamic law Branches: 65-member parliament, cabinet, president, prime minister Government leader: President, Hassan Gouled Suffrage: universal Elections: Parliament elected May 1977 Political parties and leaders: National Independence Union (UNI), Ali Aref Bourhan; African People's Independ- ence League (LPAI), Hassan Gouled and Ahmed Dini; Popular Liberation Movement, Kamil Ali; Front for the Liberation of the Somali Coast (FLCS); governing coalition consists of the LPAI, the FLCS, and their Afar allies, elected under the banner of the National Independence Rally (RNI) Communists: possibly a few sympathizers Member of: Arab League ECONOMY Gross territorial product: $65 million (1972) Agriculture: livestock; desert conditions limit commercial crops to about 15 acres, including fruits and vegetables Industry: ship repairs and services of port and railroad drastically reduced with war in Ethiopia's Ogaden that cut the railroad line Electric power: 23,500 kW capacity (1976); 55 million kWh produced (1976), 310 kWh per capita Imports: $74 million (1973); almost all domestically needed goods-foods, machinery, transport equipment Exports: $20 million, including transit trade (1973); hides and skins, and transit of coffee; since railroad line has been cut, values have plummeted Monetary conversion rate: 177 Djibouti francs=US$1 Fiscal year: probably same as that for France (calendar year) COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: 97 km meter gage (1.00 m) Highways: 750 km; 100 km paved, 650 km improved earth Ports: 1 major (Djibouti) Airfields: 7 total, 7 usable; 1 with permanent-surface runway; 1 with runway 2,440-3,659 m, 4 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Civil air: no major transport aircraft Telecommunications: fair system of urban facilities in Djibouti and radiocommunication stations at outlying places; 3,600 telephones (2.0 per 100 popl.); 1 AM, no FM, and 1 TV station DEFENSE FORCES Military manpower: males 15-49, about 30,000; about 17,000 fit for military service Defense is responsibility of France DJIBOUTI/DOMINICA LAND 790 km2; 24% arable, 2% pasture, 67% forests, 7% other WATER Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm Coastline: 148 km PEOPLE Population: 80,000 (January 1978), average annual growth rate 1.6% (4-60 to 4-70) Nationality: noun-Dominican(s); adjective-Dominican Ethnic divisions: mostly of African Negro descent Religion: Roman Catholic, Church of England, Methodist Language: English; French patois Literacy: about 80% Labor force: 23,000; about 50% in agriculture Organized labor: 25% of the labor force GOVERNMENT Legal name: State of Dominica Type: dependent territory with full internal autonomy as a British "Associated State;" may become independent in February 1978 Capital: Roseau Political subdivisions: 10 parishes Legal system: based on English common law; three local magistrate courts and the British Caribbean Court of Appeals Branches: legislature, 11 member popularly elected House of Assembly; executive, cabinet headed by Premier Government leaders: Premier Patrick Roland John; U.K. Governor Sir Louis Cools-Lartigue Suffrage: universal adult suffrage over age 18 Elections: every 5 years; most recent March 1975 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP79-01051A000900010004-4 Political parties and leaders: Dominica Labor Party (DLP), Patrick John; Dominica Freedom Party (DFP), Miss M. Eugenia Charles (unofficial) Voting strength: House of Assembly seats-DFP 3 seats, DLP 16 seats, independent 2 seats Communists: negligible Member of: CARICOM ECONOMY GDP: $21.0 million (1971 est.), $270 per capita; 8.8% increase in 1971, including price changes Agricultural products: bananas, citrus, coconuts, cocoa Major industries: agricultural processing, tourism Electric power: 10,000 kW capacity (1976); 7 million kWh produced (1976), 260 kWh per capita Exports: $12 million (f.o.b., 1975); bananas, lime juice and oil, cocoa, reexports Imports: $22 million (c.i.f., 1975); machinery and equipment, foodstuffs, manufactured articles, cement Major trade partners: 47% U.K., 15% Commonwealth Caribbean countries, 7% U.S., 6% Canada (1975) Monetary conversion rate: 2.70 East Caribbean dol- lars=US$1 (May 1975), now floating with pound sterling COMMUNICATIONS Railroads: none Highways: 750 km; 500 km paved, 250 km gravel and earth Ports: 2 minor (Roseau, Portsmouth) Civil air: no major transport aircraft Airfields: 1 with asphalt runway 1,472 m Telecommunications: 3,000 telephones in fully automatic network (4.1 per 100 pop].); VHF and UHF link to St. Lucia; 1 AM and 1 TV station DOMINICAN REPUBLIC