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June 10, 1958
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Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-01048A000100030003-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-01048A000100030003-2 Approved For Release-4900/08/2 P79-01048A$ $100030003-2 Extract from Speech on World Situation delivered by the DD/I at the Army War College, National Strategy Seminar, 10 June 1958 on (Re-dictated from speaking notes, 16 June 1958) For a considerable period of time prior to the opening of this year there has been a serious slippage in the position of Indonesia and its leadership. Sukarno returned from his visit to China vastly impressed with the order and progress there and opted for a semi-paternalistic system called "guided democracy." This gave the Commies a rare opportunity and they made the most of it. This Communist Party is not to be sniffed at. It has been the dominant party in Java and possibly the #2 party in Indonesia as a whole since the 1957 elections. They have an excellent grass root organization through labor, veterans and e organizations. They are careful to identify the Party such popular issues as the return of West Irian and current s to repress the dissidents. Meanwhile on the outer islands were legitimate complaints that they were being milked e Javanese. The most powerful individuals, who were the al military commanders, together with some patriots from ntered into a conspiracy to supplant the present government. elease 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-01048A000100030003-2 Approved For Release00/08/29 : (t79-01048A100030003-2 These people badly miscalculated both the degree of support they would receive from the mass of the people and the reliability of certain key commanders who had been nibbling at their ideas. Essentially, they underestimated the basic lack of popularity of any effort which could be characterized as fragmenting the Republic. Militarily, they bit off more than they could chew -- jumped the gun, and ignored the tremendous importance of having some air and naval capability. On the other hand, the national military forces not only IdA turned out to be largely loyal to the government, but S more capable, at least in terms of logistics, than we had been wont to believe. Padang was in a sense the Richmond of the revolt and its loss was more or less the equivalent of the South's loosing Richmond to McClelland in the Spring of '62. From that point on the war was lost though M nado remains to be reduced probably next /this/.week. A protracted stalemate could. have taken place with very substantial outside support in the area centered around North Celebes, including the bulk of the Moluccas. But the clearly emerging facts were that only the National Army gave any hope of having the capability and will to deal -2-. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 CIA-RDP79-01048A000100030003-2 Approved For Release 4400/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-01048AO 100030003-2 with the mushrooming Communist Party and that if the US became identified with the dissidents, the leaders of the National Army would reluctantly return to the Bloc and Java and the bulk of the Archipelago would go down the drain -- a shattering blow to the free world's position. in the Pacific. Only time will tell if the Communists' mass infiltration thrust there can be effectively checked by Nasuti Jani, and the other good military types, many of whom have been trained in the US and are behind the scenes profusely pro-US. These same people, it should be noted, effectively though ruthlessly, suppressed the armed Soviet threat at Madiun a decade ago. They will require time and firm US resolve to help them despite wails from the Dutch and their close friends in NATO. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 RDP79-01048A000100030003-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-01048A000100030003-2 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director Central Intelligence As per discussion at meeting this morning. I include the four minutes worth on Indonesia I 16 June 1958 (DATE) FORM REPLACES FM10-101 IAUG54 WHICH MAYBEUSED. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-01048A000100030003-2