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Approved For Rel, se 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01 Q4) A000100020166-0 Security Information Official Diary Tuesday, 29 July 1952 1. Dr. Andrews inquired whether NIE 52 could be disseminated to certain named individuals in Commerce, both 0/NE and I&S recommending that this be done. I approved. 25X1A9a 2. notified me that Generals Samford and Walsh would probably speak to the DCI respecting the current exercise summarizing the papers respecting the vulnerability of the U.S. to Russian attack. 3. At the Deputies' meeting, summarized for the Director certain 25X1A6a cables from 4. At the Deputies' meeting there was some discussion of the 25X1A9a fact that was moving to Personnel and - would be 25X1 A9a joining 0/NE in mid-September. 25X9A5 tA*w B-tv Ia . 5. Fisher Howe phoned respecting the ad hoc USCIB Committee on downgrading of PT. He requested me to consider seriously sitting on this Committee, because he feared that the appointees of the other agencies would be down too far in the working level, even below that of Security Committee. He suggested as possible members of the Committee Polyzoides, from State, Weckerling, from Army, and similar representatives from the other agencies. I indicated that we had been thinking of 25X1A9a but undertook to talk further with Mr. Howe about this. 25X1A9a 6. Dr. Chadwell and briefed me respecting their European trip. Among other things, Dr. Chadwell mentioned: 25X1X7 d as one of the rd h t s rega e a. T a most va ua e e ectors for a number of years. Dr. Chadwell did not feel that CIA was proceeding with enough expedition 25X1 C5b in bringing - to the U. S. for further interrogation. I shall pass this on to DD/P. (CONTINUED) Securif Approved For Release 2616Wd9112 : CIA-RDP79-4lb4M'M3 11000201i80Aa e f separa ed from the file it must be subjected to individual systematic review. Approved For Relt se 2000/09/12: CIA-RDP79-01 Q A000100020166-0 T1''P SECRET Security Information Official Diary 29 July 1952 25X1X7 b. Dr. Chadwell also raised some questions' respecting overt collection in Europe and I brought him app to date with my discussion with State on this problem. C. Dr. Chadwell indicated that although there was some dispute, certain- analysts felt that various outbreaks of foot and mouth disease in various parts of Europe were the result of Russian BW efforts. d. Dr. Chadwell called to my attention certain problems of AE security which I subsequently mentioned to Mr. Dulles and Shef Edwards. Dr. Chadwell undertook to brief Col. Edwards fully on these matters. 7. Adm. Overesch had a brief chat with me, during which the following points were covered: a. Adm. Overesch will join the IADs' meeting on August 5th, at which time anybody wishing to make an appointment with him will be able to do so. I gave him a copy of the Agenda 25X1A9a which - had prepared, and also indicated that by the time of our meeting AD/CI would have had his talk with 25X1A9a have to speak with Red White on this. Adm. Overesch emphasized the slowness of the pouch to Europe with a consequential overload on cable.acilities. I shall co Adm. Overesch indicated that one of the primary desires of the field people was for speedier and fuller evaluations of their reports. They are particularly anxious for more intelligence guidance. I shall have to raise this at an IADs' meeting, d. I outlined briefly for Adm. Overesch our plans with respect 25X1 A8a to the establishment of includ- 25X1A9a ing sending - temporarily and providing an Air Force Colonel as head of the unit. Adm. Overesch was well convinced of the value of this operation after his tour 25X1A8a and was in general agreement with our p ans. (CONTINUED) SECRET Approved For Relea?eu2900109t/42 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020166-0 Approved For Rel,jse 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01Q,1A000100020166-0 "'')R SECRET Official Diary 29 July 1952 25X1A2d3 8. Discussed with Mr. Dulles and Col. Edwards the case Final decision was deferred until we have a chance for further consultation. 25X1A9a Saw and later conferred with Col. Edwards on 25X1A9a 10. Chatted with Mr. Reber, who indicated that he was dissatis- fied with the manner in which was performing his duties in 0/IC. I indicated that I was not entirely satisfied with the apparent lack of 25X1 A5a 1 aggressiveness with which the - liaison was being conducted. No 25X1 Aga immediate action will be taken, but Mr. Reber was going to speak to - and we shall have to consider a replacement, in the event that -returns 25X1 A9a 25X1A9a to defector work. suggested that this could be handled through the Office of DD/I and I shall discuss this with on his next 25X1A5a1 visit to Washington. 11. Conferred with Mr. Sheldon, who raised the following points: The recommendation of 0/CI respecting Chairman of the Watch Committee was that a Military man should occupy this position and their candidate was Capt. Roeder, of Navy, who is regarded highly by 0/CI. On my inquiry, Mr. Sheldon ascertained that the Watch Committee was formed in 1948 as the successor to an Indications Committee which had previously existed in the Pentagon. Gen. Weckerling had been Chairman of this prior committee, so that there had been no precedent of the manner in which the Chairman of the Watch Committee is appointed* b. Mr. Sheldon complained at the inadequacies of screening of cables by the Operational Offices, to insure that 0/CI received all items of intelligence interest. He suggested that they were ready, able and willing to furnish a man, fully cognizant of 0/CI's needs, who should be stationed in the Operational Offices to screen such cables. I concurred in this idea and undertook to take it up with Mr. Wisner. c. Mr. Sheldon and I discussed briefly the cooperative produc- tion of short-range estimates by 0/CI and 0/NE. He is later to give me 0/CI's final recommendations. (CONTINUED) Security InformMior Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020166-0 Approved For Re e~se 2000/09/12 : CIA- SECRET RDP79-01041A000100020166-0 Security Information Official Diary 29 July 1952 12. At the request of Mr. Reber, approved cancellation of IAC for this week. 13. Discussed the following matters with 25X1A9a a. I indicated that I plan to call a meeting in the near fatur of Adm. Wenger, Gen. McClelland, Mr. Sheldon and in order to see whether we could devise a more a s eed th d 25X1A9a p y me o of obtaining material from 25X1 A6a 25X1A9a b. Reviewed with is proposed memorandum respecting exceptions to on disclosure of sources and suggested substantial revisions therein. 25X1A9a iL'. inquired whether we were-ready to go ahead on the ad hoc Scientific & Technical Committee Report this week. I indicated that I desired. more time to have Dr. Chadwell review it. That made it unlikely that we would be able to get it on for this Thursday IAC. 5X1A9a I also inquired of the status of the noise listening coordina- tion effort about which we had talked some weeks ago. He indicated that I could secure up-to-date information on the status of this problem from 25X1A9a I shall have to call 25X1A9a 111111in the near future, SECRET Security Information Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020166-0