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August 29, 1952
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Approved For Release2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020140-8
Official Diary
Friday,, 29 August 1952
25X6A 1? At the Deputies' meeting, pointed out the a losive nature of
a proposed psychological warfare operation directed at and the DCI
25X1A9a instructed to withdraw all CIA participation.
2. Recommended that the Director include in the President's book
the 0/RR study on the Soviet Five-Year Plan.
3. Complained to the Director that CIA did not include in its
Report for the President information respecting negotiations in Iran because,
regardless of what may have been given the Director, 0/CI had not received
the cables f r o m State. T h e Director undertook to sp a 25X1A9a
Bruce about this, but later apparently complained to
later called back and stated that CIA had received all cables on these nego-
tiations save those exchanged between the Chiefs of State. I then spoke to
the Director and said that such cables had been flowing in rather fast after
his talk with and I felt that the statement was incorrect, since CIA
did not receive the cable giving the proposal made to Mossadeq. The Director
had no illusions as to this point. He said that there was no need for me to
ive him a written report on the incident, but desired me to cart on with 25X1A9a
and I so on Tuesday. Later informed of
e that initial statement had been incorrect and requested
do what he could on Saturday to obtain particularly the cable giving
the proposal made to Mossadeq. He undertook to do so. I also spoke to Mr.
Dulles and requested him to speak to Undersecretary Bruce, since the real
key to this problem lay in the Secretary's Secretariat which was not subject
to the State Intelligence Office jurisdiction. Also requested 0/CI to give
me some briefing notes for Mr. Dulles' talk with Undersecretary Bruce.
4. At the Deputies' meeting, the Director announced that
Secretary Pace would be here for luncheon next Friday and would give a 30
or 40-minute t lk ollowing the luncheon, in the conference room. I
arranged with to have ten representatives from the Intelligence
Offices present. These should include members of 0/NE Board and appropriate
representatives of other interested offices.
had been handling. He also felt strongly that no real decision had been
reached and the three who would probably go along in an uneasy triumvirate
5. At the Deputies' meeting, Gen. Smith indicated disagreement
with some of the recent reports on the Russian reorganization, and par-
ticularly the problem of succession. He felt that the reorganization would
limit, rather than increase, the power of the Secretariat and Malenkov, since
the Presidium would take unto itself some of the problems which the Secretariat
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Official Diary
29 August 1952
were Molotov (foreign policy), Malenkov (party) and Beria (security), the
last named being the key to the situation, because the man to whom he threw
his strength would likely prevail.
6. Attended PRC meeting.
7. Chatted with respecting his reactions on 0/SI.
He made the very interesting suggestion that two or three people in NED be
relieved, so far as possible, of administrative responsibilities, so as to
enable them to concentrate on planning and exploitation of intelligence.
This seemed to me to conform closely with the basic idea under which the
Intelligence Staff had been created in O/ Q and this had been a most successful
arrangement. I indicated interest in it and requested to prepare 25X1A5a1
some recommendations which we can discuss next Friday, when he is coming in
25X1A5a1 to see me at 5 P.M. also indicated that he was somewhat broaden-
ing the scope of questions he was asking and I assured him that I understood
what he was doing and approved of his being informed.
25X1A9a 25X1A9a
8. of 0/CI suggested that might be of
some value as an adviser on technical intelligence, since he had been a
specialist on this point in Europe. I consulted with Gen. Weckerling o5X1A9a
this point and he confirmed EMOM view as to - background and
capabilities in this particular field. I have done nothing other than to
request to bring this aspect of _ to Dr. Chadwell's attention.25X1A9a
9. Lunched with at FDD and later visited the
various divisions. The two most constant difficulties complained of were
relations with 0/RR and personnel problems. FDD is conducting a series of25X1A9a
seminars with 0/RR, and following that I suggested that and
Bob Amory have representatives of the two Offices sit down an see where
our problems lay.
10. The DCI requested me on Tuesday to send a copy of Volume I
of the Vulnerability Study to Undersecretary Bruce of State and to inform
him that the other studies, which were extremely bulky, would be available
if he wished to see them.
11. Expressed to the DCI my view that Rossadeq would not likely
agree to any joint offer by the UK and the US, although he might accept a
unilateral U.S. offer-The time may be too late for that.
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Security Information
Official Diary
29 August 1952
12. At the suggestion of Mr. Dulles, gave extract
from the memorandum of our conversation with the D. of J. relating to the
case for forwarding to the - Office, and also had him read the
correspondence so that he could appropriately instruct the Office.
13. Made final arrangements for the briefing of Eisenhower and
25X1A9a Stevenson, and with Messrs. discussed this briefing
with the DCI.
ZOAIHOai ing paper, which had been prepared without express authority
either from CIA or PSB. I informed the Director of the instructions which I
25X1A5a1 had issued when I found that- was visiting CIA Intelligence Offices, and
also informed him that I had made it plain to Dr. Craig that no one had been
25X1A5a1 authorized to take a position on behalf of CIA in speaking to When
25X1A5a1 the Director indicated the feeling that was a person who had to be kept
25X1A5a1 under lock and key, I demurred at being given he task of keeping - under
control and expressed the view that it would be best to send him out of town.
15. Spoke with of 0/CI as to the desirability of a
liaison officer with AD/Commo in order to deal with Commo matters. This was
occasioned by the fact that I had to complain at the PRC today because a
project relating to had not come to the PRC through DD/I, a routing
which Gen. McClelland should have been following. later informed25X1A9a
me that 0/CI had designated as, their Commo liaison and I 25X1A9a
shall phone Gen. McClelland on Tuesday to inform him.
16. informed me that
been postponed until next Friday.
,C+c isriiv iiuo'mAtiotl
Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020140-8
Ili. Allen Dulles informed me that he had spoken to the DCI respect-