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October 6, 1952
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Approved F o r '0! -RDP79-010 000100020109-3 Security Information. Official Diary Monday, 6 October 1952 1. II of FI phoned and stated that somebody in the Air Force had indicated a desire to bring over a General Canterbury, new Chief of AFOAT I, to see one of the CIA Deputies, and an approach had been made to Mr. Wisner's office. He suggested that I chat with Canterbury and I indicated that this would be satisfactory. Later spoke to Dr. Chadwell and requested him to get in touch with the Air Force on this. Mr. Houston reported on the current situation and, after some discussion, the DCI instructed me to proceed to New York with Mr. Houston in order to consult General Donovan. In New York we outlined the facts to General Donovan and requested that he undertake the appeal on behalf of CIA. Subject to a more detailed examination of the facts and the law, General Donovan undertook to do this as a public duty and designated Mr. Doering to assist him on this appeal. Mr. Houston undertook to prepare a consolidated memorandum of law and facts and also to secure for General Donovan pertinent transcripts of the record. After he and his office have had an opportunity to study these memoranda we shall consult further. General Donovan 25X1A5a1 made his acceptance conditional uponi being satisfied and Yr. Houston felt that this could be done. 3. Had dinner withi and discussed various amendments to the Brownell directive which had been suggested by General 26a.gruder. He..;was insistent upon the point as to the status of the Director of NSA, and also on the delegation point. 4. General Partridge phoned and stated that he had looked into Korean OB methodology and was satisfied as to the method currently being used. He offered to have me briefed on this, but I stated that I was entirely satisfied with his personal assurance. 25X1X7 25X1A9a 6, Explained to the Director the confusion that had developed about telegram to the Eisenhower Staff and he was entirely satisfied. 25X1A9a 7. II spoke to me and suggested that he speak individually with each of the IADs on Agency problems respecting the forthcoming budget. I? concurred, but suggested that after he had talked with each of the IADs, (CONTINUED) Approved For ReJe; a-,2OG2V 5/01 : CIA-RD 9dU*04#-1il 1 d0O OOtff'9- file. if separated from the file it mall be subjected to individual systematic review. Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020109-3 *MW -low fE)PI SECRET' Official Diary 6 October 1952 Security Information and I sit dosn with them in order to answer any questions they may have, and to insure that we were in accord on general policies. I indicated that with respect to the over-all figure of each Office, I did not feel any arbitrary ceiling would be satisfactory. Each AD should be requested to make a bare-bones estimate of his requirements for the next fiscal year. When this has been done, we can total up the savings and see how they accorded with the over-all Agency position. If necessary, I was prepared to go to the Director to justify each Office, but I undertook to have a discussion with ' i 25X1A9a before doing this, since last year we had managed to eliminate all outstanding questions without requiring a decision by DCI. u