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CONFIDENTIAL ' Approved For Release 2000/08/25 CIA-RDP79-01009280(0024-6 il- 09- EOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS ...- DOCUMENT NO. e--.._.,..- NO CHANGE IN CLASS. O ^ DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S NEXT REVIEW DATE: _-- AUTH ,HR 70.2 `Api+a? ~+r~.+Iase X10/08;x "AC Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO02700010024-6 WARNING This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO02700010024-6 Approved For Release 20QQ :.f IA-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 GEOGRAPHIC 1ATELLIGEOGE REPRW1 m3.I q REF'CT lLI RT V: C t? /M OR L611, Part V .wch 1961 Y CENTRAL INTELLIGEMOM AG MW Office of Research and. Reports Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO02700010024-6 Approved For Release 2000/0871v :"CIA-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 25X1 C tents an the Aced a ring uiiMtic )kp . . . . . . ? Zo13.jnpc HiAAi Re>ubiic and Haiti; C11. t1c Regime (29811) . IQ 25X1C- . . . ? ? . . ? . . ? a * es - L Rio . Approved For Release 200 128 2 _g-qA-RDP79-O1009A002700010024-6 Approved For Release 2000108/25 : CI,A-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 s'. nerai. =_? t-o ologimi data on the 17tJa nicexi ttepubl.ic are best uescribcd as c~3ai tncoIIpJ.ete, discontinuous, anc probably inaccurate or, at - `-aT m .s dingo evertheles , the data are sufficient t indicate e iSLand of i. anxoia his a ccmp.ce:x of climates in contrast to rceignbors to the west arat east -- +:uba and Puerto Rico -- both of ich have relatively lcanngenavw, cil tes. a rough ;e =rail at:i , I the ecrasta i and other low-lying areas of the Dominican Republic are not w id wet (with the exception of sc ae pm:-1.8 o the southwest that are hot and dry)., `areas the b1gn interior ?.a wam zd oaiy f'air:iy w:t: (see Yap 2911, following pc #o) TI. Tempe.vature not test, areas of the country are aioug the northern coast, fry bhitian border to the eastern tip of the island, and in the fear r c ut. wwest, including one lower p tc oA the Bahor-uco eninsuia, In 'b sr; areaa, wean a i t eratures are ?g9?k and abate, auJ maxim= vecurded ten r?atures have exceeded iOi?F~ The nigher parts of the Cordillera C entra:i northerx t of. onsta nza, on the other band, have mean annual aver ege U. L,-, be1Crw+ cor purposes of coy risOf , sv Li %e p ire na 'tb -ee trai k`1Qr . ., has a mean aqual temperature at 69?' ; and Long y, in i~he suu mImmst part of the state, has a is ea ual tenteratuce o; Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 Approved For Release 2009JQ44 ;jG A-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 4 ae differences in temperature between the coastal area and the Wi!:hter elevations of the interior are best exemplified by the records of Ciudad )jiuo, 69 feet above sea level, and Constanza, some 3,900 feet is elevation. Ciudad Trujillo has mmthly average maxim= tem- x:acures tha range crow 84OF in January to 88?F during the period July through September and average minim= temperatures of 66?f in .iuary and 73?F in August. Detailed climatic data on Ciudad Trujillo are given in Table 1 (see p. 3j. Constanza is fairly representative oP the 20 percent or the country that lies at elevations of 3,000 feet atid above. The average maximum temperature at Constanza ranges from 76?F in January to 79OF in September and the average minimum from 49OF in February to 55?F in My. Frosts are not unknown and probably are f it y frequent during the winter in the 7 percent of the land area of the .repub1.c that lies above 5,000 feet. t.l Rainfall _Werage rainfall varies more from one part of the island to another than does the temperature, ranging from 60 or more inches on the north- east coast to 15 inches or less in the southwest. Although the higher parts of the Cordillera Central probably receive well in excess of 80 inches, no reliable records are available to validate the probability. Such wide variations in the average annual rainfall of the Dominican Republic result in part from the relationship between two strong climatic controls -- the trend of the mountain ranges and the direction of the prevailing winds. The mountains of the Dominican Republic trend from slightly west of north to slightly east of south and from west-northwest to east-southeast whereas the prevailing winds blow from the northeast - Approved For Release 200bt928^&1A-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 Approved For Release 200Q O lg5RLf *-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 -Taws Feb u=7 March April MV 3+e July August September October .November December Niont mean I-Ai - 3is uax y !~:bruary ch April June July August September October November December Relative min E idity Average Number (Paroent) S3nSUE) sue 2.4 1.4 1.9 3.9 6.8 6.2 6.4 6.3 7.3 6.1 4.9 2.4 7.1 5.6 4.3 6.3 5.5 2.3 3.2 2.9 3.9 4.7 14.6 9.3 _3_ Approved For Release 200(1'*PZf'rtIA-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO02700010024-6 to east. -i a result all four motmtaiu chains car,;t some rain shadows because tbb r Yin -beari ; vir ds deposit most of their moisture ,an the NrI dward sin s and blow down the leeward side of the mountains as drying or relatively dry wind-s. The rain shadows are not deserts, however, because they receive moisture in the fora of tropical downpours in My to cxly, the period of high sun dad copious rainfall associated with the 1c +r pressure cress, including hurricanes, that pass over the island in ,eptember arad October. Although these areas are not forested, -Vh ey receive precipititiot; zui:zieient to support a gt.ass and scrub general;, the rai ''))XL decreases from the very rainy northeast recast --- the stretch between iu rto Plata and the eastez e tip of the Island to the semiarid sera. :;west corner of the country. Detailed of tic data on Puerto , Lata are ,given in Table 1. Exceptions to the above gerxe;r?ai1zatic>xi occur in areas of heavy rainfall such as n Crtst6bal (72 inches), Da anon. (60 incased), and El. s Fiat (55 inches) a ad in the subbuxi id western end of the Clbao Valley bet ;ern N. ntecristi ((30 inches) and Valverde x,28 inks) Uhare rainfall is aromolousl,?y 1i:4xt emd quite, a e i.iable . The reliability' and the predictability of rainfall. decreases from nee ?thc a t to southw-rest i from east to west. In the drier parts of west, ire the natural vegetation Is thorn forest and scrub., it t - not. ;musua. L for area t o receive 0.1 inch of rain i n, a given month In o n e year and receive.:: i3 inches during t h e s month in the follow- ing years Even in. -c;ha huai.d east rainfall c. be vnrellable. According Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO02700010024-6 Approved For Release 2000/0,$/.2 q: -RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 to records, Seibo in hoe eastern part of the republic had 14 inches of rainfall in March one year-, but In the next two years March was com- pletely rai `Less. The number of dry seasons per year and their duration varies con- siderably from one part of the country to another. Along the rainy northeast coast there is no truly dry season but merely a less rainy season that usually lasts from January through April. The southeast and parts of the southwest along the Haitian border have a singe dry season, which occti,rs from December through March or April in the more humid southeast and from November through April in the southwest. The rest of the country, about 50 percent of the total area, has two dry seasons -- a fairly W3i-defined one from December through April s a shorter and less pronounced dr3r season during June and July. 1)urin most of the year, rain occurs chiefly In the form of heavy downpours accompanied by lightning and thunder. Bast of a line drawn arbitrarily through San Cristobal, La Vega, Santiago, and Puerto Plata some UO to 120 days with rain can be expected annually. Four inches of rainfall in 24 hours is not exceptional.. The heaviest recorded 21-hour raizifall was 12.36 inches in Puerto Plata. The onltr place in the entry wbere rainfall would be likely to have a direct and adverse effect oxi overland movement would be long the northeast coast, including the Sv a Peninsula. There the tor- rential downpours could produce water-logged soils and streams in spate and could temporarily, at least, slow or halt uav nt. 0 Approved For Release 2000/b 2v7 6 RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 Approved For Release 2000/Q;8 ?.Z C-A?.-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 IV . Winds over most of the isiaxed the Northeast Trades are the predominant winds. These winds may veer to the east and occasionally to the south- east, but they are so dominantly from the eastern quarter that the words barlovento (windward) and So to (lee exd) are often used in giving directions. The Trade Winds are fairly constant and are respon- sible for the equitable and relatively comfortable temperatures of the island. Their velocities commonly range from 5 to 3a miles an hour. Another set of winds that help create a pleasant climate are the land-sea, breezes that moderate the temperatures along the coast, blow- ing onshore during the day and offshore at night. The Dominican Republic lies in the midst of the hurricane belt and occasionally has suffered dire damage from these tropical cyclones. In 1930, most of the city then called Santo Domingo was laid flat. In rising Phoenixlike from its rubble the stricken city became the prese at Ciudad TTujillo. In the 8g year period between 1851 and 1935, some 20 tropical storms -- not all of them of hurricane strength -- passed over t .:ee republic, an average of about 1 every fourth year. Portun teIy g the damaging part of the storm path usually bas been relatively narrow,' and on the average the areas affected have been free from storm damage for periods considerably longer than YF years. 'The north coast of the republic and the Cibao Valley experienced no hurricane age from 1900 to :938. Tropical storms that do not pass nor enough to the south coast to ) ke their presence env Ldent in the w?eatber sometimes cause heavy seas. _6 - Approved For Release 2000/a812"v-G RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 ~"gnu M~ wA:W"nr~m~? Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO027000.10024-6 =ihhi$ phenomr~ non is known locally as mar desbordado (inundating sea) and is especially dangerous to shipping because it appears with little or no warning. 25X1 C V. Weather Factors 25X1 C hurricanes during the period from May through November, p ticularLy during the late sumaaer and early fall. Except for conditions encountered in the vicinity of hurricanes the weather is 25X1 C generally favorable throughout the year. The percentage knots) in the Dominican Republic for at least 1 or 2 days at a time is as follows: risk of encountering unfavorable weather (winds in excess of 27 Duration of Percentage of aRisk Unfavorable Weather Feb may A Nov y 7 3 12 6 d Ay s 3 0 5 3 25X1 C A. The high- percentage of low rea swells and low wind speeds is favor- 25X1 C pole at sea. Delays or damage may occur when hurricanes de clop, especially along the south coast, which is iib jest to the mar des bordado . Fog is too rare to be considered either as aiding or ha Bring n vigation 25X1 C 25X1 C B. Air Light ground fog occurs in the low areas along the north coast during December and January; otherwise, only rain might restrict visibility. ere is considerable cloudiness throughout the year, with a maxim= ..7- Approved For Release 200Q/82 i A-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 4~.. Approved for Release 200&b %~ej lA-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 ring the rainy seasons. Icing below 12,000 feet is negligible '?okxhout the year, but conditions conducive to icing do occur in cumulonimbus clouds from 13,000 to 18,000 feet-., 25X1 C .; ? Movement Along all coasts, land and sea breezes are the predominant surface wilds, with the weakest winds occurring during the early morning and the strongest during midafternoon. Surf conditions will be most pro- nounced along the exposed beaches at times when the pressure pattern and swell direction coincide with the sea breeze. Sigh surf also can be expected during squalls, hurricanes, and the mar desb9 do? 25X1 C 25X1 C The visibility-cloudiness factor is generally favorable 25X1 C the year round. Thunderstorms are numerous, however, and the storms and cloud are likely frequently 25X1 C during the rainy seasons. . Radar and Line-of-Sight Radio Atmospheric conditions conducive to extended ranges of ducting of line-of-sight radio and surface radio are frequently present in the area to the north of the Dominican Republic. When the trade-wind inversion becomes well established in the winter and spring, anomalous patterns (radio holes) of air-search radar will occur in the vicinity of the Dominican Republic. Sonar The best sonar conditions, on the basis of variations of wind-velocity and sea-temperature profiles, occur during the winter and the poorest -- 8- Approved For Release 2009 ,,/q,8L2?:A-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 Approved For Release 2000101: IA-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 conditions during the summer. Ideal echo-ranging conditions in deep water vary from about 60-65 percent in February to 35.40 percent in August. Sonar conditions are poor in the areas of shallow water. In all sonar operating areas, extensive areas of moderate background noises (20 to 40 decibels; 0.2 to 20 kilocycles) are created by major concentrations of snapping shrimp and sonic fish. 0. Survival in Water Sea-water temperature ranges from 77?F in February to 83?F in August. An individual with ordinary clothing and a life jacket can be expected to survive more than 12 hours in 77-degree water and up to his fatigue factor in water above 80 degrees. VI. Comments on the Accoing Climatic Map Although the map that accompanies this report, Dominican Republic .ndHaiti: Climatic Regions (Map 29811), has much to recommend it, it also has a few deficiencies that should be noted. According to more recent rainfall statistics, the area of Climate 1 (rainfall heavy all year) is too large, extending too far south and east. In the eastern reaches, an area shown on the map as having Climate 1 actually has Climate 4 (dry season nearly half year); and in the south the boundary of Climate 1 should be moved northward and an area of Climate 3 (rain- fall heavy most of year) should be inserted. The northwest part of the country (northwest of Moneion) and the southwest (on the southwest shores of the Bahoruco Peninsula) should be shown as having Climate 5 (mean ar ua]. rainfall less than 80 centimeters) rather than Climate 4. Approved For Release 2000/,982 RyI~-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/2& CiA-RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 !ac v v : o : the. unreliability of Dominican statistics tbee ?:at a it o rainfall shown in the bar graphs for various stations, although possibly correct, is c iscrepatot in relation to similar data appearing in other sources. (incidentally, appreciable discrepancies occur among the ether sources.) Regardless of differences in monthly and a tusl Trans, for rainfall., the pattern of annual rainfall distribution is to close a, eemerec, among all. tour oes Approved For Release 2000%0$715 . -RDP79-01009A002700010024-6 Approved For ReleaPe9M10'a12#'*I f*W*-UFO(A17Mi 24-6 Climatic Regions to as 1 N The numbers above the climatic graphs are mean annual temperature in degrees centigrade and mean annual rainfall in centimeters. [A II J F MA MJ J ASON0 EL CERCADO C. F. 30-1- 80? 0 50 100 150 200 Miles I I 1 1 -T I I I 0 50 100 150 200 Kilometers TROPICAL CLIMATES (Mean of coldest month more than 18?C.) RAINY ALL OR MOST OF YEAR LONG DRY SEASON OR DRY MOST OF YEAR (Mean annual rainfall usually more than 120 cm.) Mean annual rainfall less than 180 cm.) Rainfall heavy all year (not more than one month with mean rainfall less than 6 cm.) 4 ~ 0 3 0 30 0 0 CONVERSION SCALES r 70 60 cm. 40 30 1 105 COOL HIGHLAND CLIMATES (Mean of coldest month less than Dry season nearly half year (4.6 months with less than 6 cm. mean monthly rainfall); usually November - April. (Mean annual rainfall 80180 cm.). Rainfall heaviest in winter months ( usually between September and Mean annual rainfall less than 80 cm. where mean annual temperature February); short semi-humid period usually March - August, with 5 exceeds 25?C. Rainfall maximum usually May - October secondary maximum usually in May R~n Rainfall heavy all year (not more than of mean rainfall less than 6 cm.) 8 Long dryseason (4-6 months with less mean monthly rainfall) than 6 cm. mean monthly rainfall) usual) December, April with """?"'?""?" "" 1101 11 ?11. wnern mean 1 nnual em,erature "A pMed"For F elease 2000/ "` ':xo :Ii?'I biOn-mLlt)-d#AO0270'0010024-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO02700010024-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO027' OT002