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Appro d For S ET 999/09126 : CIA-RDyP79-01005A000100020001-2 Copy No.-.-- on RECUA"hRD COPY GEOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE REVIEW CIA/RR MR INDEX Nos. 37-48 December 1955 DOCUMENT NO. N CHANGE IN CLASS. 1-1 f~._. ECLASSIFIED LASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: _ -- - - ---~ AUTH: HR 7 - DATE. ` REVIEWER: 3722044 ,.r CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001- Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 WARNING This material contains Information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Sees. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which In' any manner to an unauthorized person Is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26,: ctA- p!79-01005A000100020001-2 CIA/RR MR INDEX I o:-,- 37-1+3 December 1.955 Office of Research and Reports Approved For Release 1999/09/26-1'dr 1 15P79-01005A00010002000f-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 PO T L -Ii1TEI I TGE CE' REVIFTW r a, (:'< :.') Kt 14(;f-,. 1"! ,W(% stYl Ln_ .. appeared t c~ t if;i e III TrtF L i Icc t d i ew. Dates of nub i on are. 1, trap or tabl ~cc om, a.r i 91~Ia t~es a.r( eT cr c "r 'ol l.(w i l,r other cr `r, r. i Sc=..pi. ,..t>I!)or l ) - 1: ~ r IIJ; r C' 8,1 ((I tr or -P,i2'E_5 cm _ ?, d a,l_ . O i r'c r1Pte Why?*Thc r Li( o+. al I map).-, ~i;:3 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 A.dtT11Ti16traai;'iv(2 1111 o:'. Lba?:ia.., r orgard a j _n L 3, 'ariada, 1.952 map, (: 4_ _!'h. u1 ,r1oirous Lirl'_LS, j , II LL ; j- ilia +?~1L! `11C~ii:_ 1`tepUbL i'c, (_-'raphy, 43: 38-39 ai chxa ryes, i93'7-48 o.Le), 37. 9 s Lq rr$r 191)i 4i: j5 i _u1.' zra1. gef~rar;.y, 43: $ 7-39 :rr=,t?ad, rof iectric-power UJ3SR, 45: -17, ggric uit.u e., two atlases n pr ,partition, 3' state, 30: -17, map f~ndhra, it?st 1 ':ngut tl:: : tl.ases recently ava La iie, 37: ;1-33 ':)oufdary with northern ?LL-Ma, status, s 22`2 ~ map iveE,tocix_ and 1i.v:stock P:- (.,.eve od.uc:s, 1950 atlas, 7: 31-3' j.1 ~ av lopznent 3 , 3b: lu-2 :t_kI _nr Protectorate, strategic uuportanP_~e , 45: j-11, snap rra,_ iministration ta_ 236 , fol. p. lb +_ - aria Palo scan: Inter, Pat,net Lao ar =1 111. Dios, 48: map, i ;Los claims to western New Guinea, 45: i -_rf r Mongolia Autonomous Region, absorption of Sui ?i an Province, 39: i . ect pests, world distribution, neap series, +b: ;eernational Geophysical Year (IG) --? innortanc-e of Antarctica in program, 43: 30-3 observation stations :in Antarctica, chart, 43:32 ri-aq, mapping current status, 440: 1c3-21 Approved For Release 199910'9/26-t~CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-,R~ 7,9-01005A000100020001-2 Irian-Barat. See New Gu u_a, western. Irrigation aspect Soviet river-development pro iec-iLs, 45: 11-13, Israel -- administrative divisions, 40: 47-50, map, table armistice line with Jordan, problei.,is, 40: 28-32, maps interest in Gulf of Aqaba, 48: 1-2l mapping, current status, 40: 5-7 Survey of Israel map series, 40: 33-39 Israel (13890), 48: fol. p. 1.9 Israel: Administrative Divisions l2e 40: fol. p. 50 Israel-Jordan: Yarmak Rest r,~oir Area Armistice Line Probl ^ m (1.300 7 ), Italian Touring Club atlas, Latest edition, 47: 31-32 Italy, share in administration of Trieste, 48: 22-24 25X6 - Jordan -- administrative divisions, 40: 53-54, map armistice line with Israel, 40: 28-32, maps interest in Gulf of Aqaba, 48: 14-21 mapping, current status, 40: 1.5-18 Jordan: Administrative Divisions (12976), 40: fol. p. 54 Karafuto. See Sakhalin. Kirgiz SSR, administrative-territorial handbook, 1954, 45: 21--22 Kir9ehir Province, Turkey, disbanded, 47: 22-23, map K'oppen's classification of climates, used for new world climatic map, 45: 2-(-29 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : O FA RGP 01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/0!_* C -_ qjj:~DP79-01005AO00100020001-2 Laos, Communist Pathet Lao movement, regroupment area, 48: 1-13, map, photos Laos: Pathet Lao Area (25018), 48: fol. p. 7 Latvian SSR, first-order administrative subdivisions abolished, 37 1-2 Lebanon -- mapping, current status, 40: 13-15 new cazas created, 42: 31-32, map Lebanon: New Cazas (13255), 42: fol. P. 32 - M - Ma'an-Medina Railroad (Jordan-Arabia), 40: 40-46; 48: 16 Madras Province, India, atlas, 37: 35-36 Map A [Stettin Enclave] and Map B [Sebnitz-Zittau Exchange] (12802)., 37: fol. p. 16 Mapping -- conference, USSR and Satellites, at Sofia, 1952, 41: 1-8 Egypt, current status, 40: 7-10 Iraq, current status, 40: 18-20 Israel,, current status, 40: 5-7 Japan, prewar and postwar, 43: 23, 26-28 Jordan, current status, 40: 15-18 Lebanon, current status, 4+0: 13-15 Middle East, current status, by countries, 40: 1-23 Philippine Islands, 43: 29-34 Poland, geological, 4+1: 25-27 problems in connection with Israel-Jordan armistice line, 40: 28-32, maps Saudi Arabia, current status, 40: 21-23 Soviet Satellites, Soviet plans for, 41: 1-8 Syria, current status, 40: 10-13 Taiwan, 43: 35-37 Turkey, current status, 40: 2-4 Mapping organizations -- 25X6 Approved For Release 1999?1T6R:--RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 C,I [ Q~9-01005A000100020001-2 lappii3.g organi~z,at:i_u:is urc~. c.~; Philippiz,es, 4): a.. "'a iwan, 4): Map .'> discussed. -- Africa,, Nat.iunal. Geographic Society, 4~): 30- tni.Larctlca, c" art oL' , tat tons for 1Gl , t73: 3U- Austrian railroads, 42: 33 3 ~rtriol oznew' ;, atlas, 16th, -I 954, 4b: Relgium, i:1-0,000 series. 46: 34-'.$ Pulgaria, raiirc,ad.s, 4 S: 05-3b Canada, 37: 4i;-42 e (...mates of the w >r Lc, -2: 27-29 '', cho; iovak_L a -- -ct 1: 0-22 s:i;la) ?` ' , 41: 33- world ati..,.,, 44: 3(- 3 a,st Germany [';urope -.... economic at,L:.:>, 75: c'_4-26 oviet `i::te_.Liter, adininIstrativc divisiu is maps' ~r cmm: r.ic ii ions atlas, 43: 41-42 T-Lnc)-L,candinavian wood i_r_dustries, 37: lb-19 h'rance -- T'3_chel_in, re,-'est, ,crmany, East and West, 37: I'( 'lungary, 41: 48: 38- 39 _'?ndia, six atlases, R. 3?-338 Insect pests, wor Ld rikhution, 46: 30-31 I ;rael -- ?i.rmi st i c c [lee with Jordan, 40: 29 oor)ulatiun, 40: '3r1-` 2 ; erie)s E "_ .i_: LUU,000, 70: 33-39 [Latian Turin ; C Lub atlas, latest edition, 4'( 11-32 Jtipan., recent , 7 : 27-28 i'ic ther_J ands , soils, -37: 19-21 Northern Africa, National- Geographic society, 75: 30-34 Oxi'ord world economic atlas, 77: 33-35 41_: ?olish aeronautical charts, ra. i_7_roads, Austrian, 42: 33 ~_)'ovi_et, recent accessions, 46: 2:3-25 pai..n, water resources, 37: N-C -R-E-'i_' Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/269- 1~4 ~tIgPT79-01005A000100020001-2 National Geographic Society map of Northern Africa, 45: 30-34 Natural resources, China, development, 39: 41-46 Navigation aspect of Soviet river-development projects, 4+5: 12--13, 17-20 Navigation charts, German, reported Soviet interest in, 47: Near East, railroads, 40: 56, map 19-21 Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. See New Guinea, western. Netherlands -- soils maps, 37: 19-21 western New Guinea, sovereignty challenged by Indonesia, 11.5: 1-8, map Nev9ehir, new Turkish province, 4+7: 22-24, map New Guinea, western -- air-transport facilities, 45: 7 geographic description, 45: 1-6 map, 45: fol. p. 2 sovereignty dispute, Netherlands and Indonesia, 45: 1-8, map Northern Africa, National Geographic Society map, 45: 30-34+ North Korea, administrative changes, 37: 27-28 North Vietnam, Thai-Meo Autonomous Zone created, 47: 25-28, map Northwestern Siberia: Railroad Development in the Salekhard-I arka Region (13292), 2: fol. p. 1 Norway, map of wood industries, 37: 18-19 Nyasaland, incorporation in Central African Federation, 10: 24-25, map Oil concessions -- France, 46: 1-10, maps Middle East, 40: 55, map Approved For Release 1999/09/263~13cARRP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 S-E-C-R-E-T [Oil] Wells [Parentis Area, France] 46: 3 Oxford economic atlas of the world,47: 33-35 Pakistan, creation of Province of West Pakistan, 48: 25-29 Palmer Peninsula, Antarctica, Britifh aerial survey planned, 48: 33-34, sketch map Pamir area, China-USSR boundary in,E39: 29-32, map Pathet Lao area, Laos -- airfields, 48: 7-8, photo background and problems, 48: 1-13, map, photos economy, 48: 11-12 ethnic groups, 48: 7-13 transportation, 48: 5-7 Petroleum industry -- France, activities and prospects, 46: 1-10 Middle East, locations and. facilities, 40: 55, map Philippines, mapping and mapping organizations, 43: 29-34 Phong Saly, Laotian province occupied by Pathet Lao, 48: 1-13, map PIC Terrain Model of the Mediterranean Region (photo), 40: 27 Place names, Rumania, spelling chan?ces, 47: 29-30 Plotting device for aircraft, German, Soviet interest in, 47: 19-21 Poland -- aeronautical charts, 41: 19-22 areal changes, 1937-51 (table);, 37: 10-11 civil divisions, CIA map, 1952,; 41: 36 geological mapping, 41: 25-27 new CIA map, 41: 36 territorial transfers, rumored.; 37: 15-16, map Population -- France, 1954 statistics, 47: 13-18, map Israel, map, 40: 51-52 - 16 - Approved For Release I 999 O'91 tlA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/266-91&ilppT79-01005A000100020001-2 Power, hydroelectric, development projects in USSR, 45: 12-17, map Province of West Pakistan: Administrative Divisions (October 12 (25076_T;_77_.-fol. p. 27 Quemoy Island, off southeast coast of China, defensibility, 43: 1-3, 6 Railroads -- Africa, tropical -- developments since 1950, 43: 7-22, map projected construction, 46: 8-26, map Austria, maps available, 42: 33 Bulgaria, new map and timetable, 48: 35-36 Hejaz, reconstruction problems, 40: 40-46 India, developments, 38: 18-21 Ma`an-Medina (Jordan-Arabia), 40: 40-46; 48: 16 Sakhalin Island, postwar development, 11.4: 1-18, map Siberia, Salekhard-Igarka region, 42: 1-14, map USSR -- changes in systems, 47: 1-6, map Pugachev-Zvezda line, existence questioned, 42: 21-25 Salekhard-Igarka region, northwestern Siberia, 42: 1-14, map trunklines under construction, 47: 3-5, map West China, construction program, 39: 1-13, map Railroads of the Near East - 1953 (12465), 40: fol. p. 56 Railroads of Tr ical Africa: Projected Railroad Development (13659), 46: fol. p. 20 Railroads of Tropical Africa, Railroad Development Since 1950 (,13325), 43: fol. p. 22 Reservoirs, USSR, development, 11-5: 12-20, map Rhodesias, Northern and Southern, combined with Nyasaland in Central African Federation, 1+0: 24-25, map River development, multipurpose projects in USSR, 45: 12-20, map Rwanda-Urundi (and Congo), six new maps for looseleaf atlas, 48: 39 Approved For Release I 999/09/26' tFA tb-'79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release I 99 / 92 -jcJA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Rumania -- administrative divisions, revised, 41: 28, map areal changes, 1937-48 (table), 37: 11 civil divisions, CIA map, 1952, 41: 36 Danube-Black Sea Canal, construction halted, 41: 16-18 new CIA map, 41: 36 place names, new spelling rules, 47: 29-30 travel regulations for Western. diplomats revised, 41: 23-24, map Rumania: Administrative Divisions 1952 (12479), 41: fol. p. 28 Rumania: Diplomatic Travel Regulations (effective 25 October 1953) MOM, 1: fol. p. 2 Sakarya, new Turkish province, 47:22-24, map Sakhalin Island, railroad development, 44: 1-18, map Sakhalin: Railroad Development, 195 (13544), 44: fol. p. 18 Salcedo and Sanchez, new provinces of Dominican Republic, 38: 27-28 Satellites, USSR -- areal changes since 1937, 37: 3-14 European, administrative divisions, CIA maps, 41: 36 mapping and geodesy conference, Sofia, 1952, 41: 1-8 Saudi Arabia, mapping, current; status, 40: 21-23 [Sebnitz-Zittau Exchange], Map B ('12802), 37: fol. p. 16 Siberia -- northwestern, railroad development, 42: 1-14, map river-development projects, 45: 16, 19-20 Sikkim -- Indian-Tibetan gateway and trade route, 45: 9-11, map strategic significance to India, 45: 9 Sikkim (13824), 45: fol. p. 10 Sofia Conference on Mapping and Geodesy, USSR and Satellites, 1952, 41: 1-8 - 18 - Approved For Release I 99` /$ 2't-CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release I 999/09/2 g : YP79-01005A000100020001-2 Soils, Netherlands, maps, 37: 19-21 Southeast China: Offshore Islands (13515), 43: fol. p. 6 Soviet mapping program for Satellites, 1+1: 5-7 Soviet Orbit, areal changes since 1937, 37: 3_14 Spain, water-resources maps, 37: 23-25 Spelling, new rules for Rumanian geographic names, 1+7: 29-30 [Stettin Enclave], Map A (12802), 37: fol. p. 16 Surveying -- Chinese Nationalist, Taiwan, 1+3: 36 Japanese, 43: 23, 26 Sweden, map of wood industries, 37: 18-19 Syria, mapping, current status, 1+0: 10-13 - T - Ta-ch'en Islands, off southeast coast of China, 1+3: 1-2, 4-5, map Taiwan, surveying and mapping by Chinese Nationalists, 1+3: 35-37 Telephone cables, Europe and nearby areas, atlas, 1+3: 1E1-1+2 Telugu, language of Andhra, first linguistic state of India, 38: 1 Terrain model of Mediterranean region, 1+0: 26 (photo, p. 27) Territorial-administrative changes -- Communist China, 41+: 31+-36, map USSR, 37: 1-3; 1E2 15-20, map Territorial transfers, USSR and Soviet Orbit, 37: 3-14, tables; 15-16 Thai-Meo Autonomous Zone created in North Vietnam, 1E7: 25-28, map Tibet, trade route with India through Sikkim, 45: 9-11, map Timetable, railroad, Bulgaria, 1954, 48: 35-36 - 19 - Approved For Release 1999/MIT-7t"FA RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09(26 : CA?RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 {conr.,'d) ircroean 6ate1_l i.tes, ai.rinistrative di ri: ions, CIA maps, :. chop lovak at as, 44:: ~8 nsec1 pee,ta, +!`: Yi _tsa (e ures > R fiver oouridary b t aeen Bu i Maria snd Greece, settle- rt_ 41..7-75, m~_up tsu 1s1r nc . off sout.hea.stern oa:=i, of China, Kf o 1 cerranean reR on, 1:err?i:n mode-., 4(",: I ,.,b (pho` -o. 27) ~. West e mr~r. rrovi-si ora' bou.ndary, 1: X5,000! , overage. 45: 23 wc:,r -d --? ina Railroad, ii(); 4C>-4F; ico, Baja Crai_4forn;-a ma.1e 2'7tbi StE.te, ;7: 39 r;1 ri mats, A'ran(-: , 191) 4iddle Last .kLflpin, current slat -s (by eour.:trie:, !, 40: pe lro _eum irld_us pry, 4-- rai]roads, 4O: 56, map '4t dTle East Petroleum Trdti.,trv (1238:2), 40: =ol. 56 ISR -- 1?jrsl--;rdr.r admini3trative subdi.visi-)r.s aboi seed, 37: 1-2 neW CIA map, 46: Eb- !', map 1.{ iavian Soviet Soc;_aiist R(,publ'_c (13509), 46 ~._. p. -6 lul ipw Jo e r'1.ver-dev?.i_apr'~t?_t, pr) i?-r'ts _4n U '-OR, -`?t 12 -2'0, rr1aT) ,uciig Peun, a.os, site of attacks bi 1.'athet Lao tT )(-.::)s. ,] gra tribes Ln rlortherr ur-E.-Tnd:ia border ~:.rea, _- : 22-24, map Approved For Release I 999/09/26 -: ~GtA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 199902/26R_~CI~A-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Tiran and Sanafir, islands in Gulf of Aqaba, importance, 48: 14 Touring Club Italiano, revised atlas, 47: 31-32 Tourist maps, France, 1951-53, 37: 21-23 Trade routes -- India-Tibet, through Sikkim,, 45: 9-11, map West China, realignment, 39: 15-16, map Trade Routes and Trade Centers of West China (12978), 39: fol. P. 16 Transportation -- China, western provinces, 39: 1-16, map Laos, Pathet Lao areas, 481. 5-7 Travel regulations, Rumania, for Western diplomats, revised, 41: 23- 24, map Trieste, Free Territory of, staius, 48: 22-24 Tropical Africa, railroads -- projected construction, 46; 18-26, map recent developments, 43: 7?*22, map Turkey -- mapping, current status, 4c): 2-4 new provinces created, 47:22-23, map, table .. U - Urban areas, France, population: change 1936-54, 47: 16 Uygak, new Turkish province, 47: 22-24, map U.S. Army Engineers, topographic mapping in Far East, 43: 26, 29, 34 U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office, chart of stations in Antarctica for IGY, 48: 30-32 USSR -- administrative divisions, changes, 37: 1-3; 42: 15-20, map areal changes, 1937-51 (table), 37: 12-13 Belorussian SSR, oblasts abolished, 42: 16 boundary with China in Pamir area, 39: 29-32, map conference, mapping and geodesy, with European Satellites, 1952, 41: 1-8 Approved For Release 1999/09/ CPC-1ATRDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/0926 914_?DP79-01005A000100020001-2 USSR (cont'd) -- dams in river-development projects, 45: 12-20, map European RSFSR, new oblasts created, 42: 16 hydroelectric power, development projects, 45: 12-20, map interest in German plotting device for aircraft, 47: 19-21 irrigation aspect of river-development projects, 45: 12-13, 17-20 Kirgiz SSR administrative-territorial handbook, 45: 21-22 maps and atlases, recent, evaluation, 46: 11-17 Moldavian SSR, new CIA map, 46: 36-37, map navigation aspects of river-development projects, 45: 12-13, 17-20 power-development projects, 45: 12-20, map railroads -- Pugachev-Zvezda line, existence questioned, 42: 21-25 Sakhalin Island, development, 44: 1-18, map Salekhard-Igarka region, development, 42: 1-14, map systems, reorganization, 47: 1-6, map trunklines under construction, 47: 3-5, map reservoirs in river-development projects, descriptions, 45: 17-20, map rivers, coordinated development projects, 45: 12-20, map Sakhalin Island, railroad development, 44: 1-18, map Salekhard-Igarka region, railroad development, 42: 1-14, map transfers of territory, rumored, 37: 15-16, map Ukrainian SSR, new oblast added, 42: 17 water resources, exploitation, 45: 12-20, map U.S.S.R.: Administrative Changes - December 1953-February 1954 (13171), 11.2: fol. p. 20 USSR: Major Reservoirs for the multipurpose development of water resources (13545), 5: fol. p. 20 Uttar Pradesh, India, atlas, 37: 37-38 - V - Vietminh-backed Pathet Lao movement in Laos, 48: 1-13 Vietnam (North), Thai-Meo Autonomous Zone created, 47: 25-28, map Waterways, Danube-Black Sea Canal, construction halted, 41: 16-18 Approved For Release 1999/0Y-CrA=PDP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Wells [Parentis Area, France], 46: 3 West China -- economic development, 39: 1-16, map trade patterns, realignment, 39: 15-16, map transportation pattern, development, 39: i-14, map Western New Guinea (13823), 45: fol. p. 2 West Germany -- border with East German 47: 7-12, map map coverage of provisional western boundary, 45: 23 West Pakistan -- administration as new province, 48: 26-28 consolidation into one administrative unit, 48: 25-29 list of new administrative divisions, 48: 27-28 World -- climatic regions, new map, 45: 27-29 Czechoslovakian atlas, 44: 37-38 economic atlas, 1954, 47: 33-35 insect-pest distribution,, British map series, 46: 30-31 Yangtze River, 1954 floods, 44: 19-30, map, tables Yarmuk Reservoir area, Israel-Jordan armistice-line problem, 40: 31-32, map Yugoslavia, share in administration of Trieste, 48: 22-24 Approved For Release I 999/0912 C-Q 1413DP79-01005A000100020001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/2 : CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 SECRET C'3P1 SE ET Approved For Release 1999/09/26 . CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020001-2 R__ tUrr _. l.vl.qI l ,L.Z~~ DATE MASTER RECEIVED LOCATIO ~yn`" CH/ TER V 3 I:,U -ME '13 NUMBERINDE LOCATION 5/,7 IS' / /.3 1 .y ss r - STOCK LEVEL MINIMUM MAXIMUM ~ te DATE NUMBER OF COPIES DATE a07f Z NUMBER OF COPIES - MO. DAY YR. RECEIVED OR ISSUED RECD ISS'D BAL MO. DAY YR. E VED OR ISSUED ~ 25X RECD ISS'D BAL - 25 RECORD COPY 3 1L -2Y- oe0k~4rl 71 1 e& CIA/RR MR-37-4+8 Index December 1955 S SUS~jo~