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Document Release Date: 
January 2, 2003
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Publication Date: 
May 29, 1975
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M UNCLASSIFIL?iprove rV-IUNAb 2003/02/27: CIA-RD E -CMh @A"f%t1L50009-7 SECRE USE OILY ^ ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) tt '_A S NNOka6 FROM: EXFENSION NO. e/ 9 e r S DATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from wh?,m RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comma- t.) 2. c p P/0 -7S S AY 4975 DIA review(s) completed. 3. 2 J N 10'' S 4. s717 oi'S J N1915 > 6. 7. 8. 9. ILLE J 10 . e- 3 ~ r3 c 7-s k;.' 11. 12. 13. 14. --- 15 . Approved For Re ease 209 3/02/27 CIA-RD 79-009 0046050 P9-7 IB FORM USE PREVIOUS INTERNAL 3-62 610 EDITIONS ^ SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL F-1 USE ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 20 1 DP79-00999A000400050009-7 OTS/BAB MEMO #210-75 29 May 1975 SUBJECT: Parapsychology 1. On 21 May 1975, I met with of DIA to discuss his Agency's interest in contacting Mr. Patrick Price, psychic. DIA's interest in Mr. Price had been stimulated by a briefing recently given them by of OTS, who outlined the several years of CIA's association with SRI's parapsychological research program and Mr. Price's role in it. reports to Dr. Jack Vorona, Director of DIA's Office of Scientific and Technical Intelligence, and is chief of their life and behavioral sciences research program. 2. I outlined briefly for the nature of our relationship, or lack thereof, with rice since BAB moved into the picture. I mentioned that we are still awaiting a secret level clearance on him and discussed some overall con- cerns about flap potential, suggesting that the press could certainly have a field day with Mr. Price and his association with the intelligence business. I had coordinated the visit to with liaison with DIA. At his request I noted that our Technical Require- ments Board was not supporting Mr. Price nor vouching for his capabilities. At the same time, I stated that there were people in the Agency who felt that his apparent talents were of sufficient interest to maintain some kind of relationship with him. I commented we were doing just that, had invited him to town once during the past several months to participate in a real life operational exercise and planned to do that again on occasion in the future when the right operational situation presented itself. I said that after a half dozen or so of these exercises we should have a better fix on whether or not Mr. Price's talents can contribute anything in an operational sense. 3. I told that our relationship with Mr. Price was informal, that we a no contract with him and that Mr. Price was free to work with DIA or anyone else if he chose to do so. At the same time, I cautioned that Mr. Price seemed to dig us and would probably give us first option on his services. Finally, I toldl _J that I would prefer him to deal directly with Mr. Price. I offered to broker an Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP7 SG1J SG1I SG1J SG1J SG1A CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 20( 1 - P79-00999A000400050009-7 OTS/BAB MEMO #210-75 Page 2 invitation at some point, but suggested that after that we would prefer not to serve as middle man between DIA and Price. 4. had no particular problems with any of the said that Dr. Vorona and the Deputy Director/DIA plan to go to Director/DIA to suggest contact with Price. De- pending on D/DIA's reaction, may or may not be back in touch with me. Chief, OTS BAB SG1J SG1I Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP79-00999A000400050009-7