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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 31, 1973
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Approved Forlease 2003/08/08 CIA=RDP9-009900300030004-5 31 August 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Discussion of Parapsychology Research with DIA Personnel 25 August 1973 1. At the request of Chief SG1I Biomedical Sciences Branch, attended a meeting with three DIA rsonnel, and SG1 SG1J at CIA Headquarters. SG1I me cs and Behavioral Sciences Branch OSI was also present. The general topic discussed was parapsychological research. 2. DIA is currently considering funding a program in parapsychology. DIA was being pushed to evaluate claims of paranormal abilities and felt a research program was necessary to provide reference information. Through various SG1I interactions with (who is involved with Soviet paranormal abilities) was discovered knew personnel at Stanford Research Institute involved in para- psychology. Since some of the most interesting data avail- able is being published by SRI, was attempting SG1I to obtain assessment of SKI an their potential for doing parapsychology research and verification for DIA. 3. Since the personnel from DIA were all cleared individuals and were told by ARPA of some CIA involvement in paranormal research, some of CIA's investigations with SRI were discussed. Specifically DIA was told that we had a small classified contract which has been completed a few months ago. Many of the results of the contract are sum- marized in the film concerning the first studies with Uri Geller which was shown at Columbia University's physics department about six months ago. My copy of this film was SG1J loaned tol for his review. DIA review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2003/08/08 ?:=CIA.zRbPR -00999A000300030004-5 Approved For ease 2003/p8/08.: C1ArRDPP9-00990300030004-5 SG1J 4. I advised since we had no existing contractual relation with AV, more details and other information about current research and future plans must necessarily come from SRI. CIA management has not yet decided the official policy with regard to paranormal research. Until and unless such a policy was formulated in CIA it would be presumptuous for me to speak for or about SRI and premature to discus coordination and liaison of research with DIAr any other government agency. 5. The background information provided by SG1 I and II Eyes Only Memorandum for the Record, Visit to FSTC/Charlottesville, Virginia, 8 August 1973 assures us that we will undoubtedly hear from and see more of these individuals. This memorandum describes, among other things, some strong pressure being applied to DIA to become involved in paranormal research. SGFOIA3 s ground indicates that sensitive internal CIA matters should not be freely discussed with DIA and that coordination and liaison with DIA in parapsychology research should be treated cautiously. OTS j SG SGFOI SG F,; G 4StG+ Approved For Release 2003/6b/68,1 CIA-RDP79-00999A000300030004-5