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; ?
(Menlo Pat's. Cal.; Novenih,ir .. ?
pared for the t7 a of Scienea ;mu
nology, W...shingion. D.C., ..11111
2. Ainericuit Societv of lteatia 2, .tet,a-..ratir
; ? 9,i ??? 's (New yoik. P;72i, p.
3. Quantaties expressed as British thermal 110)3
per thousand cubtc. feet---degdee 0,1 repre amf
the heating require.ments of a buildiag rela-
tive to its size an:I the severity of the climate
in uhich it serves. Conversion factors are:
from British thermal units to joules, 1055;
cubic feet to cubic meters, 2.93 x 10-2.
4. J. C. Moyers, 77:-.? Pubic of nernzii
:Iva in Residential Constructic,n:
and Conservatiol. of Energy (1).:1.; Z',Za-
tivn.11 Laboratory. Report CE,N1.-NSF-ET-9,
Oak Ridzo, Tenn., December 1971), p. 29.
5. American Society of Heating, Rdfrigeration,
and Air-ConditioMag, Engineers liandt,th4;
of Fundanien:als (New York, 1072), pp. 351.-
6. , ibid., p. 421; National Association
of Home Builders Research Foundation, In-
sida:ion .'.fanual (Rockville, Mil., :971).
7. 11. C. Hottel and T. 13. Howard, :sic,' Energy
T,'eb, 'fury-Stare loris anc1 A sscrstne+114
(1\1.1.r. Press, Cambridge, Mass.; 1971).
S. Even in lorge power plants each heat is
lost. In a typical modern power plant rip-
proNimately tv.o-thiriis of the leating value
of the fuel eonsnined must be rcjected to
. ?2'.ef 1.,:? at is not
cf the second it of
A uf tins herr could be put
? ,i?e processimi, water purification,
? . air , fur
i)ep iit :eat of Commorce, The Ene,%gy
An (Washington, 13.C., April
. . ). L. J. Lazaiidis, Nat. Gas
Li press.
t. -Practical .Metins of Cor.serv-
:mil Industrial Market'. (University
l'ittdburgh Sdhool ut Er.,2,1miering Library,
Piti.burgh, 1971); D. P. Gregory, it Tecimn-
".?" 2.11'1,71.11-
' r css
tj I. a. j.
-a ai
1..1. .1 ?
. , ? ? ? ; ?. ? f'wi of Enliir
? ? , CLicago, 1971);
he [won! of Industrial
Te,..iulalogy, Chicago,
U. 1\.? bnprorin,,,, tile Utilization of
( Steel Mill Applications
,?, Tcchnolot:y, ('hica;;o, 1'172).
.,?, imended la imply here that quality
?. :ince is iot considered in acquisi-
t. ?, 0. i,..lustrial equipment, but rather that
of aa, ices which yield the same product,
he c. taper will tend to be preferred, irrespec-
t:ve oi energy consumption. Those industrial
:tar:mating systems in which energy require-
meat'. :ice carried as overhead appear to
this tendency.
14. fl a. Department of Housing and Urban De-
velopment, International 1)rief, January 1971.
IS. National Mineral World Insulation Associa-
tion, Impact of Improved Thermal Perform-
ance in Conserving Energy (National Bureau
of Standards, Washington, D.C., April 1972),
p. 35.
16. A topning cycle is an additional power gen-
crater plant which receives heat at the
temperature of combustioo, and rejects heat
at ti,d maximum temperatura required by the
main plant. ['lie topping cycle utilizes
,,,troerntztre drop between the combustion
the bottec 0/ tile plant, to gen-
erate power.
17. In 11Hilltirr1C power generation, it would be
pussible to reject heat at subatmospheric
temi:,ratttres, through radiative techniques,
and iTus avert local thermal overloading of
lc. t.. core, 13. C. Cadolt,
T. 1,;,1,1,13, retothility Study of Total
Sites Bureau of Standards Report
to 402, Washing:on, D.C., August 1971),
19. K. t.3::;, Institute for Energy Conversion,
Univecsd; of Delaware., personal communica-
20. Fey, :mail :mils can justify spending more
than 3 cents per kilowatt hour for mainte-
? nance; few egn be maintained for less.
21. IL lia; !the-L.. O. A. Lat.inie., D. K. Edwards,
SaLii 1,;:e2-,es 1, S,Jiar Energy Sc!. Eng. 13,
193 (,-.);?.).
22. ?If. C. liottel ;Ind A. \I/hillier, "Evaluation of
I-7.71 "r
...A. a Y.c, g).1t-
ft*.1 ptcli!i010 ::?om t'de
but he I ,.s i .Jant
from Liarvdrd the rrituce of
From an eariy a,ze,
say), be lit,; raciiit? for guass-
ing cards. .Fri.nids arrawded ior him
to giva a dei;-.-:,::ra:lon of card-guess-
ber.)re thC. 1!..irvarci
fazitity, .:-.)ritrols a small fund
ear:la-ked tor rine.ircht on psychic
Cie:lumen:). At t'de l'olindation for
l'.i?-.cerch on the ?-:titure of Man, in
rho :n, North Carolina, 1)e!rnore's
carti-.ntessing powers are being aria-
International Conference on the User of Solar
Energy Proceedings (University of Arizona
Press, Tucson, 1955); II. Tabor, Bull. Res.
Cour,.'. Israel SC, No. 1 (1955).
23. Conunittee report, Solar Cells, Outlook for
Improved ECiciency (National Academy of
Sciences, Washington, D.C.. 1972), p. 3,
24. A. Whinier, "Sular house heatinc.,?-a pagel,..
Confinence U.,('S
EntYKY (Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson,
25. R. A, .
. Tybout and G. 0. G. Lot, Na;.
Resourc. J. 10, 263 (1970).
26. In this comparison it is assumed that the
consumer will own and maintain tho solar
device, but such an arrangement may be
neither necessary nor desirable.
27. It. C. Hottel, "Residential uses of solar
energy," in International Conference on Uses
of Solar Energy (Univ. of Arizona Press,
Tucson, 1955); G. Pheijcl and B. Lindstrom,
New Sources of Energy, United Nations
Conference, Rome, 21 to 31 August 1961,
p. 207-223.
28. D. N. W. Chinnery, CS/2 (S. Air. Coune.
Res.) Res. Rep. No. 243, pp. 1-79
29. S. J. Richards and D. N. W. Chinnery, ibid.,
14o, 237, pp. 1-26 (1967).
30. The average cited here was obtained over
a period during which cloudy and sunny
wcatlicr obtained.
31. For example, in certain industrial areas local
efforts to decrease air pollution started with
conversion of both industrial domestic com-
bustion equipment from coal and oil to gas,
at this point. Ihe Sa;Tle attlt,Iment applies
to domestic heating iiquipmant:
52. Such a giant 0 tI aiso ba ele to supply
a large quantity of residual fuel oil to those
installations capable of using it. However,
for tuepurposas of c.,ziataun;; tile ,osts of
sopplying energy for domestic consumption,
I compare the cost of the plant to its ca-
pacity to supply gas, which is its pridicipal
33. .The thermodynamic notion of quality (or
more precisely, .availabiliLy) is a measure
of the. extent to which the form of energy
can be converted to work.
34. "Refuse-fueled power station," Technol. Rev,.
May 1972, p. 62.
ly7.ed switched to
:lit year after get-
thiL; d rrom Harvard in psycho.An as.iistant holds tip play-
ing cards cil,:loscd hi black envelopes,
bile1:),:!flore guesses at them, some.-
;hues t-)ne `2y one, sometimes for several
cards in .tilvan,ee. With certair, guesses
he is particularly confident or being
correct, and says so before the card
is tdken frctm its envelope. In an ex-
periment :ecently reported by Kelly to
the Ilarvdrd ps:,?chology faculty, Del-
more made 20 such "confidence calls,"
14 of which were correct. Asked how
.he makes the guesses, Delmore says by
hick. How does one make a lucky
guess? "By forming a visual image and
then rationalizing it. Like having an
image of seeing a butterfly, and then
seeing the butterfly." ?
Parapsychology-the scientific study
of telepathy, claikvoyance, and other
manifestations of the inexplicable-is
un(lerfroing a minirenaissance, although
without any assurance that the rebirth
will be reeo!mized Os legitimate by the
at or scientific orthodoxy. The
card-g?nessina experiments at Durham
itlustrale both the hope and despair of
the parapsychologists' predicament.
Young s?,:ientists are still prepared to
risi: their good name and fortune to
work in the field, yet even when results
arc produced by experimental design-3
that would-be accepted without demur
in an ordinary science, the mainstream
scientific community refuses to be im-
pressed or even very interested. Rigor-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010090-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010090-6
reas primi is one thing, proof he more my skepn- wt ms tounoation supports LIITCC full-
appareotly absurd another. chi:a : .eitea away, Expeiiments of my time scientists. Helmut Schmidt, a
Despite unrelenting, discouragedient own, cule*e.ting in the one on Apollo quantum physicist who used to work
from their more orthodox colleagues, ;4, so fascinated me that I launched for Boeing, is interested in the ability
f i
and a lack of any very remarkable into it as a full-time study." of psychic subjects to prediet Ot n-
breakthrough in their own field, the With a stall of nine, Mitchell's insti- fluence) the behavior of a random
parapsychologists have nonetheless per- tute is enn.,ged in educational activities number generator. Walter 3. Levy, a
severed. There. arc about a score of and in raising funds from public and psychologist, studied .ESP in ani-
full-time researchers in the country, private sources for research in ESP.. mals, and B. K. Ktinthtunani, also a
and many others who are involved Some 25 deserving projects have, been psychologist, has worked on the per-
part time or intermittently. The Para- lined up. Mitchell himself is editing a sonality characteristics of gifted ESP
psychological Association boasts more hook, Psychical Rsearch?A Challenge subjects. Rhine, although his work re-
than 100 full members in this country to Science. Younger physicists, he he- mains mostly unacknowledged except
and abroad. almost all of whom hold heves, are becoming interested in ESP by the converted, is beginning to re-
a Ph.D. or master's degree in a scion- because of a prevailing disillusionment ceive recognition at least as an impor-
title sobject. To talle with, parapsychol- with establishmeot paradigms. Study of tant figure in the history and social
ogists are serious and sober men, not psychic phenomena is now moving into relations of 20th-century science. A
oliviously different from other scien- a new phase of investigation, which, historian of science, Seymour Maus-
fists except that their belief in extrasen- Mitchell opines, "has probably brought kopf, and a sociologist, -Barry Poss,
sory perception (ESP) places them be- us to the verge of expanding our both of Duke University, are studying,
yond the pale of ordioary scientific knowledge of science as dramatically respectively, the early history of Rhine's
di:;r:oorse. as Einstein did." investigations and the effect on his
leyisie a little too hopefully, para- Mitchell's institute, founded this group of being regarded as outsiders
ptieltal[eists holieve that cracks are March, is the newest venture in para- by the scientific community..
to appear in the scientific psychology. The best known, to. which .Rhine's is not the only group Of ESP
menumental indifference. the Post Othee delivers rnaii addressed researehers boasted b; the otherwise
. iee.'o)logy itself has taken a new "ESP, USA," is the Foundation for unremarkable town of Durham. The
years, breaking out of 'Research on the Nature of Man Psychical Research Foundation (PRF)
ft;traditional card-guessing, statistic- (FRNN1). J. 13. Rhine. the grand old split off from the Rhine fold in 1960
-nrist.ina exercise into more adventur- man of parapsychology, set up the form- in order to pursue the question of
at nnd provocative fields, such as the dation a few years before retiring from survival after death?an issue Rhine
of ir,SP in animals and during the parapsychology laboratory at Duke does not consider amenable to scien-
a7teoed states of consciousness. In .the University, Durham, in .1962. While at title study. The PRF supports a single
ro. sr :le world, the zeitgeist, as parapsy- Duke, Rhine and his associates initiated full-time researcher, W. G. Roil, who
ei.olt,gi,ts like to refer to it, has 'toyed the card-guessing experiments- which has carried out several investigations
their favor. The values of the have formed the dominant trend in of poltergeists. Robert L. Morris, a
iierculture have rendered outright psychical research until the last few psychologist who works part time at
itility to parapsychology less fashion- years. The heyday of Rhine's career the foundation, has carried out studies
en?. After many rebuffs, the parapsy- was in the 1930's when he established,, of psychical faculties in animals.
recently ad- by methociologY his critics eventually The South is also home to the larg-
ceased to deomte, statistical evaleaee
in tor;tisfesthe A A As,
lealth has recently awarded two
grants for parapsychological research.
Seme 75 educational institutions
to-oof...!-n-olt the country offer courses on
parapsychology, many of which are for
crcdit. And a larger public became
aware of the scientific pursuit of ESP
''len lunar module pilot Captain Edgar
D. :;litcheli performed a card-guessing
e. oerin.ent during the voyage of Apollo
There is a wide variety of approaches
among the several parapsychological
research groups. Since leaving NASA,
Mitchell, for example, has set up the
Institute of Noetic Sciences, to further
studies of human consciousness, in-
cluding Cie tietat for 11'. Mitchell
started rending tiie paraps;a:hological
journals and the works of people such
as J. B. Rhine, one of the founders
of modern parapsychology, and, he
says, " found much to tny surprise that
Clairvoyance (the extrasensory per-
ception of events, for example, mind-
reading), precognition (awareness of
events before their actual occurrence),
and psychokinesis (the iniluence of
physical events by mental powers, such
as determining the fall of a dice) are
all phenomena that Rhine believes to
he expi:-:riiec :tally established.
. t SiO.:neeted
Though said to have been a fighter
in his younger days, he is now philo-
sophical about what he considers the
short shrift his subject has received
at the hands of the orthodox scientific
community. "Our ideas have not re-
ceived fair treatment, but I never ex-
pected them to, so I am not upset,"
Rhine remarks. "We have kept busy,
we've been treated better than we
thought we would be."
Rhine is no longer active in research.
e7,1.diOUr f ps1-1
cholOgy at the University of Viigieia,
Charlottesville. Head of the division is -
Ian Stevenson, a psychiatrist who has
traveled around the world gathering
case histories suggestive of reincarna-
tion. Other members of the division
include J. Gaither Pratt. a long-time
colleague of Rhine's at Duke, and Rex
Stanford, a psychologist who studies
ESP in altered states of consciousness,
such as when the brain is in the re-
laxed state associated with production
of alpha waves. Also at Virginia is
Robert L. Van dc Castle, director of
the dream laboratory, who has investi-
gated ESP among primitive peoples
such as the Cuna Indians of Panama.
The oldest psychical research estab-
lishment in tile country is the American
Society for Psychical Research (ASPS)
in New York City. Quartered in an
elegant townhouse next to Central
Park. the ASPR's mandate is the sci-
13 JUL Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010090-6 139
outtereeists, reinear-
.4111k .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010090-6 porni ex_
by bilot. tne society's - of activity independent periences. A new kind of psychical
experiment that is somewhat more
search. 7:::ceently he ser:. t\,,?c?
on a round-the-world air trip in oreor
()id school parapsychologists like amenable to scientific study is the in-
to explore the effect of distance on Ilhinc doubt the value of studying the vestigation of ESP during sleep, partic-
ESP. Another project is the investig,a- more esoteric aspects of the occult, ularly the periods of dreaming marked
Energy Policy, Phase H
In an encore to his April energy
message, President Nixon, on 29 June,
let out the long-awaited details of his
proposal to reshuffle the federal energy
For good measure, he also suggested
some ways the public and the govern-
ment could reduce energy consumption
(tum down thermostats 4 degrees,
navel less, and slower) and he went
F. uiF'vav toward meeting Democratic
call for a
0. 0;1 or energy
? 10 yoros.N:xor; is
5-year efort;
$130 million, brin9ing the
I for the year to about
Ta orcoed rco:?gcnizc.ilon,. de-
1.:;y lho White House as a re-
.d and improved version of one that
it e last session of Congress,
is:eel:etc.:: (Se:-
29 June)... But in one -novel twisi,
? White House appears to have 're-
o_nted in form, if not in substance,
? : recently dismantled Office of Science
Technology and the President's
-co Advisory Committee. The names
' changed, and their missions are
roar; but the functions of a new
Terelidentic:1 Energy Policy Office and
its R & D advisory committee (whose
r:7 are yet to be copointed) seem
much, 1110 same.
Four no ./ eotities ?-.?:%-ie.roeci from the
:----oogoo, the letter three: of which must
A lso are coir-
o-o.cke ;OW:: juHdiCii0111,11
o , Policy Office and its
.?,ee replocii a 6-month-
old pol;cy trio o.eirato of Henry Kissin-
aer, Geeroe tihuhi, or.d the Water-
Jolin A small staff
reoiereieilezi "e? House energy
counseler Dii).oria will be ex-
pot Jul. The Poeident named John
R?, governor of Colo-
rado, cis diroctor of the new office.
A Department of Energy and Nat-
ural Resources (DENR) combines the
existing Interior Department (minus its
coal and other energy Re., D programs)
with the Forest Service and parts of
the Soil Conservation Service (both now
in the Agriculture Department), with
"planning and funding" elements of
the Army Corps of Engineers, and with
the interagency Water Resources Coun-
cil. The National Oceanic and Atmo-
spheric Administration would be re-
moved from the Commerce Department
and linked with the Geological Survey
in the DF.NR.
iei uerjylesearcil aria uevetop-
n-ient ,,:`,.c.!:.Hri..:!rcnion would be com-
posed of ho 2 & 0 side of the AtorAic
AEC's regulatory functions, plus $100
million worth of R & D from the Interior
0 A Nuclear Energy Commission
woucl be made up of the licensing and
regulatory side of the Atomic Energy
Commission (which would, on paper,
coc.i^ bo hcdcd
by a-.five-n-le.mber . commission..
Dixy Lee 'Ray is 'rumored to be a
leading contender to head the new
R & D agency and Interior Secretary
kogers C. 3.. 1.,'iorion is widely men-
tioned as q candidate for Secretary of
the DENR.---2.G.
OST is
Long Live STPO .
The foil and declino of the Office
ni Scicnr (OST) ended
nO with ;he transfer
of many cf 1)31's functions to the Na-
tional Science Foundation (NSF). The
surprise announcement of the Admin-
istration's decision to abolish osi came
early this year (Science, 2 February),
but the office has continued to operate
during a transition period. In recent
months, however, OST has been per-
ceptibly fading away, with a few staff
members taking up duties in the suc-
cessor unit in NSF and others retiring
Russell C. Dre
from federal service of taking other
jobs inside or outside government.
loforeizeion on what was to replace
OST. has been lackingflout on 2 'July
. ? .
NSF -Director H. GUyford Stever, who
cs responsible under the reorganization
for advising the President on science
and technology questions, unveiled his
basic plan. Stever announced forma-
tion of a Science and Technology Pol-
icy Office (STPO) in NSF: and the ap-
pointment of Russell C. Drew, a physi-
cist with government experience, to
head the new office.
Drew served on the OST staff from
1966 to 1972 and cum2ntly heads the
Office of Naval Research branch ()Moe
in London. At 0:51 Drew dealt \?,itli a
range of problems including air traffic
control, space science and technology,
biomec!ical R e, D related to aerospace
cetivities, and telecommunications.
Drew did his undergraduate work at
the University of Colorado and earned
his Ph.D. in physics From Duke in 1961.
The news release accompanying his
appointment to the STPO post notes
that he had "experience in re-entry
systems technology and nuclear weap-
ons in connection with the Polaris pro-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09 : CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010090-6 "I-
' " - Ililth
sP"'"1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010090-6 1-tta
tar o; conninunny mcLoo oo-on
cents:: al Niaintonides
Brooklyo and professor of psychiatry
at the Sate University of New York.
With colleal.tues at the Mairnonicles
results are statistically sig-
itificzult?lhhough they do not yet ap-
pear to have been definitely corrobo-
rated by other investigators. Last year
gram" and was involved over a period
of years with the civilian space
Stever is quoted as sayiro, "I am
this means that
no,v ian i forward rapidly to
help acl,ance national goals in science
and technology through those new
functions assigned by the President. Dr.
Do.2w's copertise and experience will
be most helpful in this regard."
tl!ic point the new office has a
of three OST alumni as staff
-co.! 'other appoiiltments ace
o?,,i.ctoo! in the near future. The NSF
lit, however, is to be consider-
sinoller. in size than was OST
'he Last December OST
about- d'.) pecp:e,
?.:11 rf? tHrn professionals.
Afro7.7(ly en board and expected to
C.;' !inuo to be active in the general
-.otos tiny tended at OSI' are F. 0;1-
RHIte, who dealt with natural re-
problems, particularly with min-
( resources; Edward J. Euraer, Jr.,
(7 sc:k.;;;iisi we
in health and environmental
OST on loan from the Defense Da-
oortmerit. At OST Lyon hondioci aero-
recess matters and was increasingly
tot-.nce,rned with advanced technology.
i.yon has also been serving as c special
assistant to Stever on administrative
issues pertaining to the new office. Be-
cause of a squeeze on office space at
hoacicivarters, the STPO will, for
1.te bein,j, occupy office: in the
it E'ocut1'' Office Puildincsnear the
Mouse in which OST has been
The pattern at OST over the years
has been of c staff composed of a
small core of career government types
with a larger number of specialists in
various areas recruited from govern-
ment u?.-.encies: ,':?:?,orsities, and industry
who sloyocl for periods of a year to
several years. The dean of the OST
staff, David Z. Beckler, whose service
in the White House science advisory
apparatus antedated the creation of
OST a decade ago, has retired from
fedora! service. Fr'cnk R. Pagnotta, who
was OST's administrative officer for.
7 years, moved to the Central
-ce itr,j.:tncy as an executive assistant
in the office of the director, James R.
The OST staff member most directly
involved in biomedical research ques-
tions, Leonard Laster, has retired from
federal service to become executive
directbr of the National Academy of
Sciences' new Assembly of Life Sci-
The job inorr.ct ''' a;uct or cotpeo-
ence seems to have held up and, in
addition to a few OST people who
.returned to their own businesses or set
up shop ,on their own, "everybody got
goad j6L,,"
parently also applies to OST secre-
taries, most of whom will be working
in other federal agencies.
Every3rhi: connected to the 0.',1?W NSF
policy office stresses that a lot of de-
tails remain to be worked out. On such
issues as. what use will be. Mode of .
outside adviseis io repiece nie
dent's Science Advisory Committee, as
one po, 1,, io;
of thinking to
Restored HP-V,I Funds May
Be Buried by Regu)ation
Congress is trying valiantly to re-
sore fund; for some of the health
programs :Ivit President Nixon wants
to either because they are
not working or because, as demon-
stration projects, they have proved
their worth and should be taken over
by local or state governments. In a
move to thrwart the Administration's
intent to abolish the regional medical
programs, the family planning and
popuiatic.-m research program, the Hill-
Burton program for hospital construc-
tion, community health center pro-
The NIMI-f seems to have given only
one previous grant for psychical re-
search, an award made in 1971 to
Peter Phillips. a theoretical physicist at
f?'") 0 I? ?
grams, cod others, the House and
Senate hove passed legislation that
would extend these activities for 1 year.
Subsequently, Nixon obligingly signed
the bill into law, even though the
$2.2 billion it would give the Depart-
ment of Health,. Education, and Wel-
fare (HEW) for. these activities was
almost twice the amount the Adminis-
tration had said it was willing to
spend. In signing the law, Nixon is-
sued a statement saying, "While the
authorization levels are higher than 1
believe desirable, they will not damage
our overall fiscal position if the Con-
gress now follows my budget recom-
mendations in the,s pro-
Another reason that these authori-
? zations will not damage "our overall
fiscal position"- is that much of the
Congress tries, but apparently the Ad-
ministration tries harder. It promulgated
a regulation in the 21 May Federal
RegiJor that has received ::;tie atten-
tion but that could do much to keep the -
money Congress wants spent on these
social programs .right in th.e federal
trecosury. 1-;;;,
that, in order to qualify to receive
?cis" must s!iow that 'nay con becoiro:t
fl needy rouiHy-
based operations.
Unhappy with this turn of events,
Representative Pau! G. Rogers (D?Fla.)
points out that, because these programs
are for the poor, it is unreasonable to
assume that they might become self-
sufficient. He maintains that the regula-
tion will "doom all migrant health pro-
grams, all neighborhood health centers,
all family health centers, and about
half of the community mental health
centers." Rogers has written to HEW
Secretary Caspar Weinberger suggest-
ing that the department's action may
be illegal unless it can show that Con-
gress, in passing the legislation in the
first place, intended that potential
economic self-sufficiency be a criterion
for funding the programs. He has rot
yet received a reply.?B.J.C.
13 JULY 1973
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Declassified and Approved
the Washinir,ton UniversitySt. La
who works part time o.;
psychical research, used the NIMH
grant in work with an ESP teaching
machine, but got null results which
he did not publish. Ho is now ins osti-
a pho.noniclion kno,An as psy-
chic photography (an apparent ability
to influence photographic film by the
power of the mind). By borrowing a
mailing list from a man who runs a
witchcraft school. Phillips has been able
to locate six individuals who claim
or appear to be able to imprint mental
impressions on film.
? Another group of physicists inter-
ested in psychic phenomena are Russell
Tarz and Harold PutholT of the Stan-
ford Research Institute. Both worked
in plasma and laser physics before be,
.comine, inlet-est:2d in psychic phenome-
na. Lt.e many of the yours.; school
of p:.irapsyehologists, they are InlifitC1"-
.2.1 in ariiiit?ing trare statistical
b?i?tie,,e that is
For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010090-6
choiogists. rhe Hodgson fund
1-la?-iard, for eYlrople, endowed for
.-Lsea:ch on psychic phenomena, has
been used periodically by members of
the 1-arvard faculty to investigate mat-
ters sii,21) as water divinirut and ESP.
iJefore going to Delmore, the fund was
most -,-ecently employed by an under-
gra:Ma::::., physics major to construct a
long-period, ultrasensitve ?pendulum,
which be attempted to move by psy-
choknesis. He, would look at the pen-
dulum through a window, mentally
pushing it one way for 30 seconds and
then the other, for an hour at a time.
For weeks the pendulum showed not
a shadow of movement before giving
what appeared to be the first positive
results. "Ten days later," says Edwin
B. Newman, a member of the Har-
vard p.sychology facility, "the student
graduated and went oft to theological
school and we never saw him again."
other aelniemie
:\ret.i.T? t? tho
about the process
itself. At presenz aro,
rcccn:.div such physic. instrit-
ents ?:is a id en
Not all rarhpsi-chblo,tt," is done bv
st.Ifile,ecitl-yt interested in the
t.' possibihi-
an c::7cri.reiti.t
"perfect textbook demonstration of the
laws of eit,,.t.,ce-). The history of the
field, he itt,clies, is characteriTed by
1 - rc
.1 15
? ?. D
The Ifoi,se i em antious CO:11Miitee c: catch distress in the astronomy
,:tormutin]ty last voted to elimir,ate flO million that the
tit,e 'Very Large:
in 'Appi-orri:dions
ihaf ,_:tni,...i.ruction begin. So the
Hrnedi pro;,,-...cts of the new 'viii not he 1;nown until
ii f c.tourierence rimi;:itc, the cli:.t.,tence.
A 11ii?-e staff memi7et said that the has no intention of kill-
nC explain. that "in
cr !*),-):::-,d National Set-
a this time."
site in
... since ;964 on
Aeademy of Sciences
5!2 r ,.); 11.N; fr,,,tittne of 'tech-
1 lie Vt A a, lop puinrify. cinpha'sis
out limits rr,..1 hell on the nct`.d 101 the 11,.:V/
\?:.ttl?)Wd harriers on
1:ew line, of enquiry."
ccil,ituRs the t.iritat ne..;.: equipment item in
h;,?!:;,:i. The ,Vimthi,,tration requesktil $579 million in
tmr MI:P 974; he Senate committee settled on
S1;1 the Ifouse committee on 310 million less.?C.H.
the elusive nature of the evidence:
"Every time we get our hands on some-
thing, it slips through our fingers like
If academic psychologists used to
be atheists in the matter of ESP, there
are signs. that more are taking an
agnostic view. But it is more their
hostility than their skepticism that has
diminished. Although the parapsychol-
ogists have now amassed an impressive
volume of apparently careful experi-
mental literature?chiefly in the Jour-
nal of Parapsychology and the Journal
of the ASPR?critics charge that the
published work represents an artifact,
in as far as it tends to be only the
successful experiments that get re-
ported, while the presumably more nu-
merous null results no unremarked.
Parapsycholo.gists also suffer from the
disadvantage or being enthusiasts; they
are not neutral scientific obseriers in
tii? sense :hat they arc tiireadly
school thauL PSI' cal-ia.
are siiti to
satisfy the demand for a repeatable
that_ ESP
is en i,licrihiiieut and uncertain phe-
nomenon that, by its very nature,
cannot be produced on demand. "You
have to prepare yourself for wortt in
this field," admonishes Rhine. "You
can't expect :results like setting out a
rain gauge." This being the case, the
road to belief in ESP is arduous. Helmut
Schmidt of the FRNM, for example,
says it would take 2 months in his lab-
oratory for him to convince someone
of the existence of ESP.
- The. fai.:t. I:hat psycholog.ists are sonic-
'?.vhiat more p'rreparai to give the para-
psychologists a hearing says Much .
about the ever-delicate relationship be-
tween the two communities. By and
large, psychologists do not read the
parapsychological literature, and their
impressions are mostly derived from
the in-xis media. (One of the more
c,,,i1V.iims of psychical re-
scarehts is that rrt.,iiii.tream
journals?Sc./citric included?will either
not cisc thein space or demand un-
reasonably high standards of proof.)
re.tearch illrcctor of tire ASPR,
hinds it -distressing that the changed
attitude of the scientific community
sceins to he ino,-e related to change in
popul.tit interests than to reading our
research reports."
But one way or anoth,N-, the para-
mchologists are breaking sonic
ground. "The parapsychology group
has not faded away, and I think they
npdassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010090-6
? Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010090-6 ,
C:XeCtiliVc secrett,ry
the last 9 years of the NIMH s.udy
section that awarded till part his re-
search grant. -They are perfectly well
trained, respectable scientific investiga-
tors. They are sincere and serious and
they deserve a _chance." (Asked if
there had been much debate in the
NIM1 I. council about the Ullman grant,
Lasky says theie had not, because the
council had oIher, more controversial
matters to deal with.)
Surveys among the scientific com-
munity hint at some of the complexity
in the change of attitude toward psy-
chic phenomena. Polls conducted
among members of the American Psy-
chological, Association. in 193'8 and
1952 indicated that the attitude toward
the study of ESP had become signifi-
cP-fly more favorable between the two
dates. "1-1s same (i:; .s v.-as ie-
omit out to its readers by New
art scientific maga-
te. cetorily?from 1500 readers.
:.tt2s1. them scientists, and 29 percent
l?tlither ,tlegrees?showed that a.
ILC respondents believed
-Pto he an established fact and
ot,?,?Ctico- yercent considered it a
,dy Not so heartening for
is that. Jess than a
of the sample thought that they
tacl:ling their problem in the
ri-,tht way. More than half considered
parapsychology was making
lot Ic if any progress": as against
v. hid.. only 4 percent view it as a
-rsetidoscience" (New Scientist, 25
,l!littary 1973).
.-Vthot,?:11 progress is being,
-77-D 4- ? ?? :1
;-- -(. ?71 - ?
stm lace one
sanie set. .11 internal problems. Maybe
'ot.-:ca, or: tlte lack of any unifying
theory about psychic phenomena, there
seems to he little debate or even doc-
trinal differences between the various
centers. "You hesitate to say some-
in this field,"
one's ideas are nonsense
FeCil.:11:S one psychical researcher. An-
other problem is money. There are
numerous rich widows, prepared to
support attempts to put them in touch
with their late husbands, but parapsy-
cholOgists cannot risk their credibility
with the scientific community by ac-
cepting this kind ?of money. In fact,
they would have had trouble keeping
their heads above water were it Oct
for the success of the Xerox Corpora-
tion. Chester E Carlson, the inventor
of xerography. left some 2 percent of
his estate for psychical research. The
FRNM, the ASPR, and the University
of Virginia are said to have received
about S1 million each from the Carl-
son bequest.
Another important patron is the
Chicago publisher and Nixon crony
W. Clement Stone, who has settled
some S200,000 on the FRNM and at
one time was a regular visitor at the
foundation's meetings. A less well-
known benefactor of psychical research
is James Kidd, an Arizona gold miner
who disappeared from the world with-
out a trace in 1946 but left a will
(discovered 18 years later) which re-
vealed an estate of .$270,000 and in-
structions that the sum be spent on
"research or some scienonic prod r of a
soul of the himian body which leaves
sts Seek
- ? 1.'D
The effort by environmentalists to
eliminate the 1:se of the chlorinated
hydrocarbon n.',Iieldes seems to have
settled H.-1 our of attrition in
which clear-cut vi,:tOries are few and
the frustrations many. The clearest vic-
tory to date was the nearly total ban
last year by the administrator of the
111.1l: Wail I VP, .4..tu the
legacy to a local neurological institute.
The decision was contested by the
ASPR, which won its case last year
after 6 years of litigation. The Kidd
legacy was not only a windfall but
proved the parapsychologists could at
least convince .a court of the serious-
ness of their intentions. And dead
donors, be it said, do not give the
same trouble as the living. One para-
psychologist who has relied on private
patrons for support describes his ex-
perience. as -rather like working with
Renaissance Popes?the level of in-
telligence and corruption is about the
"Among the scientific professions of
the Western world," Rhine remarked
in a lecture given in London in 1965,
"there has grown up a conviction that
the. universe, is physical, and that any-
thing that does not fit the physical
picture is unreal and should be ignored
if it cannot be disproved. . . . The
natural result is a silent boycott of
any unassimilable claim that arises,
and this is the real opposition para-
psychology has now to encounter."
Even a profession, however, can
change its mind, sometimes overnight
?as witnessed by the medical profes-
sion's sudden acceptance of acupunc.--
lure. The climate is-probably now more
favorable than ever for parapsycholo-
gists to break the boycott and secure
a fairer hearing for their claims. But
there is proostoly yet
to go before parapsychology becomes
assiiniiabie into
scienee.?Nicitm.As \V.\
Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) against use of DDT. Yet, al-
though DDT has been the most widely
and llcayily used of tile chlorinated
hydrocarbons, several others remaining
on the market all share, in varying
degree, the same characteristics re-
garded as undesirable and dangerous in
DDT?persist-once and mobility in the
environment, a tendency toward "bio-
magnification" at higher levels of the
food chain, and a broad, nonspecitic
biocidal effect. The persistent pesticides
still available for various specified uses
include mirex, chlordane and hepta-
chlor, and aldrin and dieldrin, these last
two deemed by some to be an especial-
ly serious threat because of their birth
toxicity and pronounced tumorigenic
effect on test animals.
A current priority of the Environ-
mental Defense Fund (FDF). the en-
vironmental law group that has led the
fight against persistent pesticides, is to
bring about a ban of aldrin and diet-
drin, which must be thought of together
because aldrin converts to dieldrin in
13 JULY 1973 143
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