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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010077-1
1,1 ? ? 0
Psycitoetzetgetic Systems
1974, Vol.. I, pp. 3-10
Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Ltd.
Printed, in Northern Ireland
Lic.Arr 48 OF MEM T31wSICS r 4 0 J.0
?if Tr). "1r
-International Ce. lite,- for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
The laws of physics, as we -know them, are all
formulated in terms of the concept of space-time.
However, space-time is a concept of limited validity.
The general theory of relativity predicts the gravita-
tional collapse of space-time to a "singularity."
That is, the concept of space-time as a collection of
lOcalized point-like events self-destructs or spon-
taneously breaks. down. The conventional laws of
physics are transcended. Professor John A. Wheeler
(1974) has called this the "mutability principle."
In particular, concepts of energy; momentum and
angular momentum are not even definable in a
spatially closed universe nor are they even generally
conserved in the presence of curvature. Conserva-
tion laws are the result of symmetry properties of
spai-e-time and curvature generally destroys these
symmetries. The eonseivatio,. of eneepy is, act an
ultimate immutable truth of modern theoretical
If space-time is not fundamental but is a derived
order from something more fundamental, then
what is the primordial "pregeornetry" from which
space-time is created? ft is the Quantum Principle.
The full meaning of quantum theory is still in the
stage of being born. In my opinion, the quantum
principle involves mind in an essential way along
the lines ,suggested, .by,ratmenedes and Bishop
BeekeIty, Pr6fessor Eugene Wigner
(1972) has said that the next revolution in theoretical
physics will occur when the properties of mind are
explicitly included in the equations of quantum
theory. Psyche-energetics will not be properly
formulated until the deeper meanings of the quan-
tum principle are further clarified. Wheeler has
suggested that the quantum principle can be for-
mulated as a logical calculus of two-valued "yes-no"
WI propositions. Professor Roger Penrose (1E,) has
made some progress on how the combinatorics of
yes-no propositions implies three-dimensional struc-
ture of space. A more basic question is v.tio or
what is the "participator" formulating the pro-
position from which matter existing in space-time,
is derived. Mind appears to be the function of low..
entropy, highly organised dissipative structure's of
matter in space-time that are held far from thermo-
dynamic equilibrium by the negative entropy flow
pf matter and energy (I. Prigogine, 1972). Mind
creates matter and is also a function of matter.
This is a self-consistent process or "bootstrap"
characteristic of non-linear processes:
The quantum principle transcends local concep-
tions of space-time and is intrinsically nonlocal in
character. Professor David Bohm (1974) has said
that conventional formulations of quantum
mechanics imply that individual quantum particles
cannot generally be isolated from the unbroken
wholeness of the entire uniYerse. A quantum
potential provides a ubiquitous and universal
cr ail parts or rho whole:
Even when the classical potential vanishes (so that in the
usual interpretation of the theory it is said that the two
particles do not interact) thcre is still a "quantum inter-
action" between. them which does not approach zero. as
(X, ? X2)--thc separation between the two particles?
approaches macroscopic dimensions and which depends on
the quantum state Of the whole system (Bohn-. and Diley,
In my view, the Bohm-14; (t974) quantum be Sc
potential proceeds from a self-organising principle
which creates space-time and is also, at least in
part, manifested as a functional order connected ---
with non-equilbrium disspative structures. it is nois,:t../
clear whether this corr.j.lation is fundamental or
fortuitious. That it is the former is a basic pre-
judgement of the reducitonist metaphysics dominat-
ing the mainstream of modern science.
An idea of the utmost significance for the develc..-p-,
ment of psycho-energetic systems that is implicit in
the above considerations is that the structure or
matter may not heiteze&...w. The first hint of this/,'L'iss.;
is dimly seen in the "Copenhagen interpretation"
of quantum measurement as "reduction of the
wavepacket." The idea becomes more explicit in the
Einstein-Rosen-Poldolsky 'Paradox" in VhiCh two
Cit 44- ST' "? 41 0- C.) r(t g_s i+ a v., li-et 0/C
2 e Arit.:?:-1- 1.A.C-6..a. i 6.; e .,q.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010077-1
- - ?
Declassified and ApprovedFor Release 2014/01/09 : CIA-RDP9-00999A0-002-06010077-1
widely separated nonintefacting PartieleS,areCOr-
.related by the nonlocal quantum potential
It would follow that somehow the rnea5fireirient-V2.ihe?
momentum of the first particle actually "put!'
into a definite state of momentum pi while- it:,`.!ptit''.ihe
second particle into a correspondingly definite ?cbriterl?
state of momentum p ? pi. The paradoxical feature of
this experiment is that particle 2 somehow seems to !:kriow"
int:, which state it should go, without any interac.ti;On,Aat:
.-Tottld transmit information (Bohm and 1.97:1): ?
The paradox is explained by the effective long-
range instantaneous interaction between the.: twb
_ particles brought about by the quantum potential.
? However this requires us to ask: can the quantum
potential carry a signal?
The mere fact of interaction does not necessarily give rise
to the possibility of carrying a signal. Indeed, a signal has,
in general, to be a: complex structure, consisting of many
events, that are ordered in definite ways (Bohm and Hilcy,
Bohm and Hiley leave the question unanswered.
suggest the meta-physical hypothesis that the
quantum mechanical wave function is a property
of the self-organising principle which creates space-
time. The prefix meta here refers to Grtedel's el
Zamj ref-efefte-e> -for the need Feff4Wr' outside the
cf3s0 system of physical theory for the'2841"?