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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010068-1
The general goals of this project may be divided into two categories
of investigation: applied research and basic research. Approximately equal
(50)) effort will be expended on both categories. Specific suggestions for
the pursuit of both categories of investigation are provided in the next two
sections but it should be understood that these are offered as general guidelines.
0000400 Both the contractor and the sponsor desire the effort to be flexible
enough to permit either one to suggest the need for redirection as appropriate.
In view of the peculiar sensitivity attached to this area of research, the interests
of both the contractor and the sponsor will be well served by the observation of
particular administrative proceduresq00000600000% these are suggested in
the final section.
Applied Research
Approximately 50% of the total effort will be to experimentally explore
the potential for applications of paranormal abilities. The existence and validity
of the abilities will, in this context, be assumed and the goal will be successfUl
measurement of the parameters of such abilities. Pour general areas of applications
are described below. Within the conbtraints of the available subjects, paranormal
abilities are to be tested and the results summarized in a complete and detailed
manner. The summaries should be presented in formats which permit statistical
interpretations. In some cases a statistical interpretation may mean nothing more
than a single positive or negative result. But in most experiments there will be
sufficient data to permit traditional statistical summaries and comparisons.
In determining the potential utility of such abilities the most important
characteristics are accuracy and reliability Accuracy will be defined as the
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agreement with predetermined sets of peoperties. The emphasis is on predetermined
sets. Only a selected group of properties should be tested and they must be sel-
ected before the tests. During the course of the experiments, data may be obtained
on interesting properties not previously selected but these cannot be retroactively
Included in accuracy statements or conclusions. Reliability will be defined as
peproducibility of a task performed on request. These narrow definitions are
chosen to focus experimentation on the practical aspects of the applications and
utilization of paranormal abilities.
04%0 It is not suggested that
negative results will imply the 5005 non-existence of paranormal abilities--but
merely that there is little potential for control and utilization of suOh abilities
at the present time.
The following types of experiments are suggested.
1. Perception of information stored in sealed envelopes, packages, boxes,
etc. The experiments should, for both numeric and alphabetic material, measure
quantitatively such factors as:
a, resolution
b. bit rate
c. accuracy
d. reliability
e. variation with density
2. Determine remote 11140 viewing capabilities on a microscopic level; for
example, in room-to-roam remote viewing, determine the contents, personnel and
activities. The determination must, once again, be in quantitative form and should
include but not necessarily be limited to:
a. accuracy
b. reliability
c. resolution
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3. Characterize and determine the abilities for locating arbitrarily
chosen objects such as, for example, items of electrical or other eplipment.-both
metal and non-.metal. The measurements should focus on:
a. the range at which located
b. reliability and accuracy
4. Determine the characteristics of remote viewing and interactions such
as the capacity to remotely locate people and reMotely assess their abilities,
occupations, attitudes and their potential for paranormal ability.
5. And finally, such other eXperiments as may be designed to measure
other pbranormal characteristics suggested as being of interest. .
Basic ResearchResearch
Approximately 50% of the contract effort will be devoted to basic research
and, in this context, the goal is to find the underlying mechanism of 'giftedness
or at least to identify areas of communality between gifted subjects (sufficiently
to formulate a 'profile or an incipient screening system) and to attempt to
identify '(or formulato theories on) the nature of the energy responsible for
the phenomena: Generally, this effort Should be in the following categories:
1. Identification of Measurable Characteristics Possessed by Gifted
Subjects (approximately 25% of the effort)'., This Should include but need not be
limited to:
a. Sensory Evaluation. The classical sensory pathways in the 'gifted'
(and matched control) subjects must be studied. Testing must go beyond the 'normal'
range and include discriminatory measures as well as threshold evaluations for each
modality and include some testing (with barriers MOW interposed) focussed on
the special abilities of the subject.
b. gachological Testing. A battery of aptitude and personality
tests will be given to each gifted subject. And, in addition, the sponsor's
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_Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09 : CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010068-1
psychological evaluation techniques will be applied.
c. In-Depth Interview and General History. This will focus on special
abilities as perceived and manifested by the gifted subject and on particularly
suggestive historical or environmental cues which he/she associates with the
discovery, development or functioning of the paranormal abilities.
4. Behavioral Assessment.. Subjects will be tested using the c sto-
scopic detection, reaction time, field dependency, time estimates and other
measures (including, if feasible, certain observation-and-assesement measuring
devices to be provided by the sponsor) in order to relate the results from the
gifted subjects to the larger population.
Identification of Neuroahysiological Co lates%(20% of the effort).
2. MIUrriMe Autonomic Nervous System (heart rate,
GSR, plethymmograph) and Central Nervous System (averaged evoked potential, contin-
gent negative variation, spectral analysis). will be characterized in terms of:
a, baseline levels
b. response proclivities to liminal and subliminal stimuli
c. response to stimulus anticipation. CARP, CNV, spectral analysts)
and conditionability.
3. Identify (or provide. theories. on) the nature of the
ararmal; phenomena and energy (5% of the effort).
Particular Administrat ve Procedures
In view of the special sensitivity of (and the unusual degree of interest
in) the phenomena being investigated, it is imperative that the normal contractual
obligations (concerning for instance, the need-to-know principle end the handling
of reports to and queries from the sponsor's organization) be scrupulously
observed. In addition to thorough quarterly progress reports, brief monthly
progress and financial reports will be submitted to the project officer or his
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It is expected that some data and analyses will be worthY of publication
in the open literature but these will be sUbmited to the project officer for
review and will be published only after his agreement has been obtained to the
effect that such material does not contain sensitive information.
In view of the history of related research in this field and the involve-
ment of other government agencies and other sponsor personnel, it is to be expected
that the contractor will be confronted with awkward queries or expression of
interest concerning continuing research. For the benefit of both the contractor
and the 00000 sponsor, we should attempt to agree upon procedures which will
preclude disruption or confusion of the effort. It suggested t /t1 since we
cannot possib anticipate all Iie forms which thi m4ght take . e cont ctor
simply att t-4x the first fend o such queriej and tha- p should
it become jIocessarr, he con? with the project officer befo a commitments
ot disci? ures to other parties.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010068-1