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June 3, 1975
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010031-1
1_, CD rr CD 1\f" E] G IL; C 1\T I
300 HOMER AVENUE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94301 ? (415) 321-4121
3 June 1975
Dr. Harold Puthoff .
Stanford Research Institute
Menlo Park, California .9025
Dear Hal:
I have finished' going over .the psychological test data on the six subjects
that Karen tested and this is -a summary of my thoughts, impressions, Clinical
judgments, guesses .and comparisons of various dimensions, . It is clear that.
there is plenty of data here that could be subjected to statistical analyses,
and that might be worth doing.
The six persons that Karen tested are:
5-3 . who I have designated Subject A
5-6Subject B
Subject C
- Subject D
r- ! Subject E
S? f - Subject F.
?This last person would not take the T.A.T. . test and did not return the EPPS
test, and there is not a strong vocational interest test in the file on him.
I included:him?in the comparisons on the tests which he did take.
What I did was formulate some hypotheses and then examine the test data,
ranking people according to what their tests reflected on those hypotheses
and from that arrived at -which subjects might have, according to the hypo-
thesis, a.more than ordinary ability to communicate by non-ordinary means.
First of all, I examined all the test data rather carefully from a clinical
psychologist's. point of view (Which of course means my point of view), and
without any specific hypotheses, that is, my overall intuition, made guesses
in about five minutes for each battery of tests whether or not I thought
this person would be likely to have unusual abilities. On this basis
I guessed subjects A, B and C as the most likely ores to have been high
achievers in your experiments.
The following is a series of hypotheses on the Rorschach Ink Blot Test and
following each hypothesis are the three subjects who best fit that hypothesis
from the test data.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010031-1
Dr. Harold PuthoTT -2- 6/3/75
HYPOTHESIS #1. White space responses reflect lower ability to use non-
ordinary means of communication.
Results: Subjects A, B and C have the fewest white space responses and
therefore, according to this hypothesis, would have the highest ability
among this group.
HYPOTHESIS #2. Preoccupation with minor details (Dd) will be inconsistent
with the ability to communicate by non-ordinary means.
Results: Subjects A, B and C reflect the least use of minor details
in Rorschach Responses.
HYPOTHESIS #3. Those persons with the highest percentage of human movement
responses will be those most likely to be able to communicate by non-ordinary
Results: Subjects C, B and H are the three highest in this regard.
HYPOTHESIS #4. The use of instant whole responses will be greater in those
persons with the ability to communicate by non-ordinary means.
Results: Subjects A, B and C are the highest in this regard.
HYPOTHESIS #5. Using shading responses as an index for anxiety, those who
have the most shading responses will do the least well in communicating by
non-ordinary means.
Results: Subjects C, F and E have the most shading responses.
HYPOTHESIS #6. Those subjects able to communicate best by non-ordinary
means will tend to be more childlike in their general approach to life and
this will be reflected by higher animal content percent on the Rorschach
Results: Subjects D, C and F.
HYPOTHESIS #7. (This hypothesis is relevant to hypothesis #6.) Those subjects
with the most animal movement responses will tend to be able to communicate
more by non-ordinary means.
Results: Subjects C, B and E.
HYPOTETSIS #8. The persons who most use color in their responses will be
most likely to be able to communicate better by non-ordinary_means..
Results: There is no spread among the subjects on this particular
scoring determinant.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010031-1
Dr. Harold Puthoit -3- 6/3/75
HYPOTHESIS #9. Those subjects using the most emotional determinants will be
most likely to be able to communicate by non-ordinary means.
Results: Subjects A, B and C have the most use of emotional determinants
on the Rorschach Test.
On the MMPI, the following hypotheses were checked.out?
HYPOTHESIS- #1. Subjects who show the most unusual configurations on the
KAPI will be -Chose most likely to be able to communicate by.non-ordinary means
?(soores above 70).
Results: Subjects A, B and E.
HYPOTHESIS #2. Those subjects who reflect the most emotional energy as
measured by the Ma score will be most likely to communicate by non-ordinary
Results: Subjects B, A and E -- the opposite of this hypothesis is
that those with the lowest Ma scores were subjects F, B and C. .
HYPOTHESIS #3. Those subjects who show the most interest in human interaction
will be most likely to do well in non-ordinary communication as measured by the
Si score and the rank among the subjects from highest to lowest is D,C,B,E,F,A.
Therefore, subjects B, C and D, according to this hypothesis, would be the
successful ones.
HYPOTHESIS #4. Those subjects showing the most depression would be least
likely to be able to communicate by. non-ordinary means and the rank on the
depression score among the subjects is from highest to lowest - B,C,A,E,F,D,
with B, C and A- being the predicted least likely to do well at your tasks,.
and subjects E, F.and D the most likely.
The Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale hypotheses were simple and easy to
check. The first hypothesis on the results of the Wechsler is that higher
intelligence as measured by the I.Q. score will reflect higher ability to
communicate by non-ordinary means. Using the Full Scale I.Q. score, the
rank from highest to lowest on I.Q. is subjects D,E,B,C,F,A. Therefore,
D, E and B, according to this hypothesis, would be the subjects most likely
to have succeeded. There is very little difference in the ranking in
general, using the verbal I.Q. and the performance I.Q. Taking a closer look
at the subtest scores of the Wechsler, the following hypotheses were checked
HYPOTHESIS #1 on the subtest scores: Persons with the highest ability in
visual motor coordination, as reflected by the Block Design subtest will
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010031-1 /75
be most likely to be able to communicate by non-ordinary means. The
the Block Design subtest from high to low is D,A,B,C,E,F.
HYPOTHESIS #2. Those with the best immediate memory as reflected by the
Digit Span subtest will be the most likely to achieve in the non-ordinary
communication modality. The rank for subjects from highest to lowest on
Digit Span is A,B,C,D,C,F, with very little spread among them.
Other aspects of the Wechsler which were specifically checked out were the
Picture Completion subtest, the Arithmetic subtest. The rank from highest to
lowest on Picture Completion is F,E,D,A,C,B, and the rank on the Arithmetic
subtest is D,C,F,A,F,B. I did not have a hypothesis about these particular
subtests since they are reflections of higher I.Q., which was already
covered before.
Careful review of the Strong Vocational Interest Test results, tabulating
various scored categories and profile configuration revealed no pattern
that separated any group of subjects from any other group of subjects.
This, however, is a multi-dimensional test with many Variables and perhaps
a more complex statistical analysis, such as analysis of variants, may show
some clusters not visible to this examiner.
On the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt test, the simple hypothesis was made that
the higher the ability to reproduce better designs, the more likely would be
the nerson's ability to be able to communicate by non-ordinary means. The
Bender test results were ranked according to quality both in form, Gestalt
and accuracy, and the following ranks were obtained. From highest to lowest,
subjects C,A,B,D,F,F. No other evident material was reflected on the Bender
It appears to me that according to most of the hypotheses I came up with,
subjects A, B and C are the most likely candidates. The results of the
Luscher and T.A.T. tests, after careful examination, do not suggest any
systematic means for breaking this group of six into two groups of three.
However, on the T.A.T. subjects A, B and C appeared to this examiner to
reflect more spontaneity and childlike exuberance for living and therefore
might be inferred more sensitivity or awareness to non-cognitive dimensions
of experience and therefore I think subjects A, B and C are the most likely
ones to have done your experiments well.
What I would like to do at this juncture, if you are interested and willing,
if find out now which subjects did well on the experiMents and review the
data with that knowledge to see if there is any other cluSter or kind of
materiel that was not evident on these perusals. This might be used to
generate some future hypotheses for testing, although I am recalling your
having said on the phone that those who couldn't were learning how, and
therefore apparently whatever this ability is, it is a learnable one, which
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? 4
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of course if such communication does exist, that should be true since we all
come with essentially the same basic equipment. I am interested in some
feedback from you. I enjoyed working with these materials.
Very truly yours,
J. E. Heenan, Ph.D.
Chief Clinical Psychologist
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010031-1_
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010031-1
Neuropsychology Test Battery
. Description
I S3 I
S4 ?S5:
? Halstead Category;
. ,
Nonverbal test requiring abstraction of conceptual relation -
ships. Score: Total errors.
6 28
Tactual Petformance.
Test. . 1
. .
Requires placements-of 10 geometrically shaped blocks in
their correct locations on a fOrmboard while blindfolded.
Separate RT, LT, and bimanual trials.
Score: Total time (min.). '
11.8 -
11.4 - 6.9
Speech Perception
' Test
Discrimination of non-word speech sounds. .
.Score: Total errors.
5 3
Seashore Rhythm Tst
. .
Discrimination of nonverbal rhythms. Score: Number correct.
26. 29.
Finger Tapping Test
Measure of finger oscillation rate for 10-sec. period, both
RT and LT hand trials. Score: No. taps/10 sec.
? 47/47 48/43
Trail Making Test'
(Part A)
Requires connecting numbered circles in order from 1 to 25. -
.Paper and pencil task. Score: Total times (sec)
16 '
30. 27
. .
Trail Making.Test.i
(Part B) '
Requites connecting alphabetic and numbered circles by
'alternating 1.->A-?2-?-B,-etc.. Score: Total time (sec)
54 53 .
Knox Cube Test
Measure of attention span and immediate visnalzemory.
Score: Number correct.
[ 16 '
' 17 . 17
Raven Progressivel
? Matrices [
. .
Nonverbal intelligence test involving spatial'. matrices.
Score: Number correct. .
60 54
Verbal Concept
Attainment Test
Requires abstraction of verbal conceptual relationships.
Score: Number correct.
21 24
Buschke Memory Test
. ?
Requires learning a 20-word list in a maximum of 12 trials with
repetition of:word/s omitted after each trial. Score: Max. no.
words correctly remembered; List: no. words consistently remembered
? 14/20
. 14/20
? 16/20
20/20 20/20
15/20 16/20.
. .
' Grooved Pegboard tet
Requires insertion of 25 pegs in their holes in a pegboara. Both.
RT and LT hand trials. Score: Total time (sec). ?1 '
. 58/67
.743500X- 48/50
Spatial Relationsi
'Subtest of the PM,,A
. .
Requires mental rotation anchidentfcatlon.af,Li re,s, . _
rotated in 2 dimensions. Store: no. correct, - no. errors. .
' -
60 52
Gottschaldt Hidden
Figures Test
Requires tracing outline of :simple -figure hidden w_hin
lines of more-complex -figure, Score:?Time_end_no..totret[i
Poor Avg.
v,good outst. outst.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010031-1