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Publication Date:
November 6, 1974
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010021-2
THE NEW YORK TIMES. 1)4/1,2f)NLM Y, NOVKAII:i:R 6, /974
ettr 3LOVk Tintco
Founded in 1851
ADOLPH S. OCHS, Publisher 1898-1M
ARTHUR HAYS SULZBERGER, Publisher 18.15?1881
ORVIL E. DRYFOOS, Publisher 1981-1883
JAMES RESTON, Vice President
JOHN B. ?Arms, Editorial Page Editor
A. H. RASKIN, Assistant Editorial Page Editor
A. M. ROSENTHAL, Managing Edit Or
SEYMOUR TorriNG, A se iotan t Managing Editor
MAX FRANKEL, Sunday Editor
JACK ROSENTHAL, Assistant Sunday Editor
CHARLOTTE CURTIS, Associate Editor
CLIFTON DANIEL, A aseeiate Editor
TOM WICKER, Asnociate Editor
Paranormal Science
The scientific community has been put on notice "that
there is something worthy of their attention and scru-
tiny" in the possibilities of extra-sensory perception.
With those words the respected British jourlal "Nature"
called on scientists to join?or refute?mililons of non-
scientists who believe human tonsciousry ;s has more
capabilities for real perception than the fik e senses.
Last month "Nature" published a report of experi-
ments at the Electronics and Bioengineerin; Laboratory
of the Stanford Research Institute which concluded that
information can be transferred and obtained, in the
researchers' words, "by means of an as yet unidentified
perceptual modality." In an accompanying editorial the
magazine's editors conceded that this wt's a "high-risk"
paper to publish, partly because one of the subjects was
a performing magician named Uri Geller, whose reputa-
tion is deeply clouded by suspicions of fakery.
But the point of the Stanford experiments was not any
alleged clairvoyant ability of Mr. Geller; on the contrary,
the authors conclude that "it may be that remote percep-
tual ability is widely distributed in the general popula-
tion, but because the' perception is general'y below an
Individual's level of awareness, it is repressed or not
Scientific orthodoxy has grown increasingly remote
from the interests and beliefs of a generation of Ameri-
cans. Apart from the junky "pop-occult" literature, the
shelves of any college bookstore give testimony to the
Interest in serious but long neglected thinkers from
early in the century, like Gurdjieff and Ouspens!cy, up
to contemporary Writers as diverse as William Irwin
Thompson and Carlos Castaneda. The epithet "non-
scientific" is no longer a sure t to oblivion.
? Perhaps an analogy can be drawn with the .re:ictions
' of big industry to new energy sources; lile unorthodox
ideas, these tend to be dismissed for their incompatibility
with the existing patterns of investment and thought.
The energy industry at least has capital plants and
markets to protect: the essence of science should be
receptivity to new ideas.
The editors of "Nature" have taken an important step
? to stimulate scientific discourse, openly posing the issue
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010021-2
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010021-2
DATE: 19 November 74
To Russell Targ, Stanford Research Institute
Hal Puthoff, Stanford Research Institute
Lt. Walter Konar, Investigations
Stanford Department of Public Safety
Homicide Case #SR74-2163
Re: Hella HAMMID
Confirming my telephone conversation with Russell Targ, Tuesday, November 19,
1974, 1000 hrs., I am writing a brief synopsis of my observations of Hell& HAMMID
in connection with the observations/impressions that she provided on the after-
noon of November 6th, 1974 at the Stanford Memorial Church.
Hella HAMMID provided a series of accurate and precise impressions of events,
locations and descriptions of factual evidentiary knowledge, which in most cases,
were never revealed to the press or news media and known only by the six officers
of the homicide investigating team.
Upon entering the church, Hella precisely indicated a series of pews as the ;
location where the victim sat. The investigating team determined that the victim t
did in fact sit in that area prior to her death. (This location has never been
publicized.) Hella then proceeded to the East apse and declared that the homicide
occurred in that area. (This 77as correct; however, this fact was publicized in the c
media). Additionally, Hella provided a very precise and accurate description of ,
the victim, including height, weight, clothing etc. (The description of the
victim carried by the news media showed only an old photograph; there was never any
mention of a physical description or clothing.)
Hella was questioned regarding the weapon and the manner of death. She precisely
indicated an area (left base of skull) which was exactly the point of entry of the 2
lethal wound. She indicated an absence of a weapon and a very "clean murder";
again, this observation on the"weaponless aspect" is most significant because the
location of the stab wound was never made public and at the time of the initial
investigation, no weapon was found, however at the post-mortem examination the
weapon was found imbedded in the victim's skull and brain. 2
Having been present at the time Hella made her observations and impressions, and c
being a member of the investigating team, I acknowledge that Hella has a remark-
able ability to accurately describe locations and specific evidentiary facts con-
nected with a crime which occurred approximately two weeks earlier, of which cer-
tain facts were never made public.
Walter S. Konar kk)
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010021-2