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February 12, 1975
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010015-9
12 February 1975
SUBJECT: Specific Test Requested by Soviet European Division
to be Completed at Stanford Research Institute
1. This memorandum discusses the operational tests requested by
SE Division. The reauirements and aoals of these experiments were
stated by has obtained the approval of
AC/SE, to complete these tests in February. These tests
cannot be completed without extending the current Stanford Research
Institute contract. SRI will provide two subjects, test equipment,
and aid in analysis of the results as described below. OTS will provide
one staff subject and the support of Dr. Kress. will
be dedicated on a full-time basis to complete these experiements.
2. TEST PROGRAM. Major goal of the first experiment will be
to determine how well the remote viewing subjects can do with an
unfamiliar t n. The first experiment will be to follow
and describe (L.R.) as he makes a purchase of some
equipment in a near .y town. The SRI's subjects will be tested under
two conditions. At first the subjects will only be given L.R.'s motel
room, time he leaves his room, approximate time of the buy and a
photograph of L.R. With this information, they will be asked to describe
the actions of L.R. After completion of the ,experiment, the remote
viewing subjects will be allowed to have visual contact with L.R. in
a restaurant nearby. Then the experiment will be run once again and
the results compared with thnse nhtained previously. During this
second experiment, the staff remote viewing subject,
will participate.
3. The day following these tests will be reserved for evaluating
the results.
4. One day will be taken for an orientation of the Stanford
Research Institute testing procedures and equipment. L.R. desires
to gain some familiarity with the medical, psychological and para-
psychological testing. In particular, the para-psychological testing
will be scrutinized. L.R. desires to understand this testing by
subjecting himself to the tests and by subjecting others to the test
so that he will participate both as a subject and as an investigator
to thoroughly acquaint himself with the procedures.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010015-9
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010015-9
SUBJECT: Specific Test Requested by Soviet European Division
to be Completed at Stanford Research Institute
5. Another variable to be tested is the effect of the laboratory
environment. This variable will be tested by another remote viewing
experiment with L.R. away from SRI. L.R. has access to a private
house in the vicinity of Stanford Research Institute. During one day,
he will spend approximately one hour involved in an unknown activity
in that house in the morning. The remote viewers will attempt to
identify that activity in that house without knowing where the house
is, simply understanding that L.R. is involved with the activity at
a specified time. After reviewing those results, the remote viewers
will be told where the house is and probably be driven by the house
or maybe even walked around the house. L.R. will participate in
another activity while the remote viewers attempt their second
description of the activity. The results of these two separate
sessions will be compared to determine if the performance is measureably
affected by familiarity with the target.
6. One day will be spent reviewing all the experimental results
at this point and after analysis of these results, the test plan will
be reformulated if necessary. Provided there are no major unresolved
issues to be addressed, the plan will continue as follows in the
succeeding paragraphs.
7. Experiments will be designed to determine the affect of RF and
magnetic shielding on remote viewing. This subject is of particular
importance to L.R. because the targets of interest are, in fact,
shielded targets and there is some experimental evidence to suggest
shielding will affect level of performance. The details of these
experiments will be left up to the SRI investigators. In general terms
a selected group of experiments done inside of a shielded room and a
similar controlled set of experiments done outside of a shielded room.
The two groups will then be compared to determine if there is a
measurable and significant affect on the performance attributable to
shielding. It is estimated this will be a two day task.
8. Another day will be set aside for review, this time with the
SRI people present. We will review all of the experiments up to that
time and reformulate all our plans if necessary.
9. The intention of the next experiments will be to essentially
rerun the experiments done the very first day, but with the one difference
now the remote viewing subjects will be acquainted with L.R. We will
then compare the results of the experiments with those obtained the
first day. We will then be able to determine whether there is an affect
due to the personal relationship which will now have been built up
between L.R. and the subjects. Past experience suggests the performance
should be improved.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010015-9
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010015-9
uttg 1111
SUBJECT: Specific Test Requested by Soviet European Division
to be Completed at Stanford Research Institute
10. The goal of this set of experiments will be to determine if
the subjects are sensitive to radio frequency burst transmission. It
has been discovered in the experimental program at SRI that certain
subjects could, at a subconscience level, perceive a flashing light
remotely. This perception was verified by measurable changes in the
brain wave pattern of the subjects,even though there was no conscience
recognition of the state of the flashing light. We will attempt to
replicate the same experiment that was done with the flashing lights,
except that the experiment will be done with a "flashing" RF burst
transmitter rather than a flashing strobe light. Since this experiment
requires brainwave measurements (EEG measurements), and will require
a number of trials before it will be statistically significant, it is
expected that two or three days of data gathering may be necessary
before conclusions can be drawn.
11. The remote viewing capability of the subjects will be tested
in an environment removed from the San Francisco Bay area and without
the SRI investigators. It has been suggested by L.R. that we take
the subjects to San Diego. There in San Diego, the remote viewers
would attempt, from a motel or some other suitable place, to describe
the activity, the persons met, etc., during a classified visit to be
arranged by Dr. Kress at the Naval Undersea Center. This visit will
involve access to and discussions concerning Q-Clearance material which
will restrict the availability of the topic to Dr. Kress hence neither
the subjects or other staff people have Q-Clearances.
12. It is expected that another day or two will be necessary
then at SRI to fully analyze, review and make tentative conclusions
of all the experiments that have been run. Any major unresolved issues
will be addressed and additional experiments planned for and executed:
It is expected that the completion of this test program will take a
minimum of two weeks, possible three weeks.
Ken Kress
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010015-9