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Published September 1949
Release 1999/09/01 : ClA-RDP710976 0?Qf0JQO0900l 9
DATEIU~f1ftEV WER: _ 3.72044
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00976A000100090001-9
This document contains information affecting the na-
tional defense of the United States within the meaning
of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C., 31 and 32, as amended.
Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any
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I. Introduction 1
A. Present Status of Map Publishing 1
B. Development; of Mapping 4
Geodetic: Observations 7
Altimetry 7
Geomagnetic Observations 8
Photogrammetry 9
II. Individual Map Publishers 11
A. Official Mapping Agencies 11
1. Administracion General de Parques
Nacionales y Turismo 11
2. Administracion General de Vialidad Nacional 12
3. Direccion General de Economia
Agropecuaria y Coordinacion 13
ii. Direccion General de Minas y Geologia 14
5. Direccion General de Navegacion
e Hidrograf is
6. Division de Limites, Ministerio
de Relaciones Exteriores 17
7. Instituto Geografico Militar
V 8. Seccion de Planificacitn, Direccion
National de Transportes
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Servicio Meteorologico Nacional
Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales
Private Map Publishers
Automovil Club Argentino
Editorial Kapelusz
Instituto Foto-Topografico Argentino
Instituto Topografico Zodiac
Oficina Cartografica Bemporat
Oficina Cartografica Ludwig
Peuser, S. A.
J. Vital Dupont
III. Glossary
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1. Reports issued in the M-series generally pertain to territorial
questions, geographic intelligence, evaluation of available map informa-
tion and technical intelligence on mapping in foreign areas.
2. This copy of this publication is for the information and use of
the recipient designated on the front cover and of individuals under the
jurisdiction of the recipient's office who require the information for
the performance of their official duties. Further dissemination else-
where in the department to other offices which require the information
for the performance of official duties may be authorized by the following:
a. Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research
and Intelligence, for the Department of State
b. Director of Intelligence, GS, USA, for the Department
of the Army
c. Chief, Naval Intelligence, for the Department of the Navy
d. Director of Intelligence, USAF, for the Department of
the Air Force
e. Director of Security and Intelligence, AEC, for the Atomic
Energy Commission
f. Deputy Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff, for the
Joint Staff
g. Assistant Director for Collection and Dissemination, CIA
for any other Department or Agency
3. This copy may be either retained or destroyed by burning in
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National Security Council Department of the Navy
National Security Resources Board Department of the Air Force
Department of_State Joint Chiefs of Staff
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Department of the Army Research and Development Board
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A. Present Status of Map Publishing.
Argentina is more advanced cartographically than any other
Latin American country. Not only are the maps in general of better
quality than those produced in other countries, but they are also
more abundant and more widely used. Ten official and eight private
agencies produce most of the maps of Argentina.
The Instituto Geografico Militar (IGM)1 is the publisher of the
only two set maps that cover the entire country -- the Carta Provisional
de la Republica Argentina in 112 sheets at 1:500,000, and the Carta
Aeronautica in ten sheets at 1:1,000,000. The 1:500,000 set, whose
sheets are revised. currently, is the most detailed and probably the
most accurate map available for all of Argentina. Relief is shown
by shading. The aeronautical chart has form lines and includes much
recent aeronautical and cultural information, but it is published on
awkwardly large sheets.
The IGM has also published the best as well as the largest
number of large- and medium-scale topographic maps of Argentina.
Only 0.4 percent of the total area of Argentina, however, has been
1. The complete names of all mapping agencies, their English trans-
lations, and abbreviations used in this paper are given in the list
of Map Publishers at the end of the report.
Note: This report has not been coordinated with the intelligence
organizations of the Departments of State, Army, Navy, and the
Air Force.
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covered by IGM maps at 1:25,000; 7.5 percent by maps at 1:50,000;
and about 20 percent by maps at 1:100,000. The source materials
used are planetable and stereophotogrammetric surveys based on
standard triangulation of first to fourth order. The maps, though
comparable in precision to US Geologic Survey maps at similar
scales, do not have the finished cartographic appearance character-
istic of maps made in the United States. All IGM maps are litho-
Several other government agencies also publish topographic
maps of high quality. The Direccion General de Minas y Geologia
(DGMG) has published 38 sheets of a 1:200,000 set that will eventually
cover all mineral areas of Argentina. These maps are based on
special topographic reconnaissance surveys developed by the DGMG. The
degree of precision, though not as high as that of the IGM, is con-
sidered adequate for maps at 1:200,000. Yacimientos Petroliferos
Fiscales (YPF) has produced topographic sheets of petroleum areas at
scales of 1:10,000, 1:50,000, and 1:100,000. Although well regarded
in Argentina, these sheets are practically unknown in the United
States because their distribution is highly restricted. The same is
true of the maps issued by the Division de Limites (DL) of the Minis-
terio de Relaciones Exteriores, but the number of maps issued is
smaller. Although the DGMG, YPF, and DL work is of high reliability,
their geodetic observations are not recognized by the IGM unless IGM
observers are present during surveys. The DGMG maps are lithographed.
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Those of the YPF are reproduced on ozalid or multilith machines.
Most of the DL maps are still in manuscript form, but a few have
been lithographed.
Although the IGM produces most of the general maps of Argen-
tina, the DGMG has recently published a base map of excellent relia-
bility. Private publishers such as Peuser, Kapelusz, Bemporat, and
Ludwig have also made general maps but these firms do not have access
to the detailed information available to the official agencies, and
their cartographic standards are lower.
A number of organizations, both official and private, have
published specialty maps. Weather maps are issued daily by the
Servicio Meteorologico Nacional ('SMN), and by the Direccion General
de Navegacion e Hidrografia (DGNH). The SMN also publishes special
rainfall, ocean temperature, vapor tension, and isogonic maps. The
Direccion General de Minas y Geologia (DGMG) issues detailed geo-
logical maps at 1:200,000 as overprints on the topographic sheets and
generalized maps at 1:2,000,000 and 1:5,000,000. Road maps at
various scales are compiled by the Administracion General de Vialidad
Nacional (AGVN) and by the Automovil Club Argentino (ACA). Both
agencies produce maps that are considerably more reliable than the
corresponding maps of private map publishers -- Peuser, Bemporat, and
Ludwig. Maps of agricultural production are made chiefly by the
Direccion General de Economia Agropecuaria y Coordinacion (DGEAC) for
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inclusion in official reports. Hydrographic charts of the Direccion
General de Navegacion e Hidrografia (DGNH) are rated as excellent by
the US Hydrographic Office. Other types of maps and map publishers
are mentioned in greater detail in Section II of this report.
B. Development of Mapping.
Modern cartography is said to have begun in 1866 with the pub-
lication of Martin De Moussy's Atlas de la Confederation Argentine,
although the territory now included in Argentina had been represented
on maps since the early 1500's. Between the earliest colonial times
and the middle of the 19th century, explorers from many nations and
settlers in increasing numbers had sketched the interior of the
country. Coastal surveys had been made by the Spanish, British,
French, and US governments. Most of the maps, charts, plans, and
traverses covered only small isolated districts and no large continuous
area had actually been well mapped. In the compilation of the
De Mousey atlas, all important source materials up to the date of
publication were used for the first time. The atlas, like the Codazzi
maps of Colombia and Venezuela and the Pissis atlas of Chile, was
so carefully compiled and so comprehensive that it has been much used
as source material in the compilation of more recent maps.
No important general maps were produced in the next twenty-
year period. During that time, however, there was a notable growth
of geographic knowleage and a corresponding development in the mapping
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of previously little known areas of Argentina. Military expeditions
sent out by the government to subjugate the Indians of the Pampas and
Patagonia returned with surveys, sketches, and graphic descriptions
of those regions? A topographic study of La Pampa and Rio Negro
territories was made by a group composed of Argentine army men and
German scientists. The land along the base of the Andes south of
Lake Nahuel Huapi and the interior of Patagonia were explored. Sur-
veys were made of the Santa Cruz, Chico, Bermejo, Pilcomayo, Parana,
and lower Paraguay rivers. Special studies of various parts of the
country were made by Argentine and foreign scientists. Surveys for
the expanding railroad net also provided new cartographic materials.
After the organization of the Instituto Geografico Argentino
in 1879 (with government support), all cartographic and geographic
materials were assembled for use in compiling maps. The resulting
Atlas del Instituto Geografico Argentino, published between 1885 and
1893 under direction of Arthur Seelstrang, consisted of 29 maps at
scales of 1:1,000,000 or 1:2,000,000. Data used included the work
of institutions and private individuals, and materials in the map
collections of the various federal and provincial government depart-
ments. The maps by Brackebusch of Jujuy, Salta, and Cordoba provinces,
Giassfeldt's maps of parts of the Andes, and Francisco P. Moreno's maps
of portions of Patagonia, which were used as sources by IGA, are still
considered as among the best available maps of those areas.
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Of the great number of general maps published since 1893,
none has drawn upon as large a percentage of the cartographic sources
available at the time of publication as did either the De Moussy or
the IGA atlas. The best and most complete recent map is the 1:500,000,
Carta Provisional de la Republica Argentina issued by the Instituto
,Geografico Militar. Nevertheless, Argentine engineers and geographers,
desirous of speeding up production of reliable topographic maps, have
criticized the Carta Provisional because practically no precise sur-
veys were used as source material for the mapping of over 80 percent
of the area covered. Consequently, any planimetric or other details
are of doubtful accuracy.
In 1912, representatives of the principal official mapping
agencies were appointed members of a Comisioon de la Carta to draw
up uniform mapping requirements. The plans of the commission were
presented to the National Congress in 1914 for ratification but were
dropped because of World War I. They were later revised somewhat
and finally approved in 1941. The IGM was charged with carrying out
the provisions of the new law which is subject to modification in
accord with scientific advances. A supplementary law was passed in
September 1946, making mandatory a rigid inspection by the IGM of
all official or privately published maps before their release for public
distribution. If the provisions of both laws are carried out, the
quality of Argentine maps should be greatly improved. Furthermore,
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the inauguration in January 19+7 of Peron's "Five Year Plan" for
developing and strengthening the government, economic position, and
defense of Argentina will stimulate the preparation of maps by
government agencies.
Geodetic observations to determine the locations of several
of the major cities were made as early as 178-, but little accurate
work was attempted before the middle 1800's. Except for a fev
detailed surveys that had been made of small areas along the sea-
coast, geodetic surveying had advanced no further in Argentina than
in other countries of Latin America. In 1878, official observations
to determine the exact longitude of Buenos Aires were made. Using
Buenos Aires as a known point, observations were later made of the
locations of Cordoba and other towns. In 1918, the Instituto Geo-
graficG Militar was made responsible for all geodetic work of the
country. The various branches of the federal and provincial public
works departments have cooperated with the IGM, and triangulation of
high quality is progressing satisfactorily.
Altimetry was little developed before 1850. By 1892, only
2,071 spot elevations had been recorded, and only a few of these had
been checked precisely. The great majority of the points were located
along the railroad lines and had been measured during periods of rail-
road extension. The Inspeccion General de Obras Hidraulicas, now the
Direction General de Navegacion y Puertos, in the Ministerio de Obras
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Publicas (MOP), began precise leveling in 1899 and the Comision de
Nivelacion was created shortly thereafter within the Estado Mayor
de Ejercito. The first catalogue, issued in 1913, gave 430 pro-
visional elevations along a distance of 3,860 kilometers. By 1939,
MOP leveling covered 14,000 kilometers and the IGM 8,471 kilometers.
To 1 January 1948, IGM leveling covered 10,708 more kilometers and
included 10,182 bench marks.
Geomagnetic observations in Argentina were first made by
US (1852-53), Austrian (1860) and French (1883) geophysicists.
Between 1884 and 1905, an Argentine professor at the University of
Cordoba observed 150 positions in northern Argentina, but these
data were not officially checked or used. Official observations
were started in 1904, when a Magnetic Section was created within
the Oficina Meteorologica Argentina, now the Servicio Meteorol-
ogico Nacional. In 1904-05, maps showing isogonic variations for
Argentina and adjacent parts of the South Atlantic Ocean were made
using data from 45 stations. By 1908, information received from 90
stations was incorporated into an isogonic map. Personnel from the
Carnegie Institution of Washington worked with the Argentinians from
1907 to 1926,on geomagnetic and astronomic observations at 70
stations. The results were published in map form, using values for
1931. By 1936, there were 144 stations. Field work from 1936 to
1944 resulted in the observation of 180 stations. These data have
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been worked into isogonic maps for 194+4. Two of the three perma-
nent geomagnetic observatories, Pilar in Cordoba Province and Isle
Laurie in the South Orkney Islands, have been operating continuously
since 1904; and the third, at La Quiaca in Jujuy Province, since
1920. The Astronomical Observatory of La Plata is setting up two
additional permanent observatories -- one in southern Buenos Aires
Province, and the other at about 500 S and 710 or 720 W.
Photogrammetry was first used in Argentina by the Comision
de Limites con Chile. Up to the beginning of World War II, about
10,000 square kilometers had been surveyed from the air by the
Instituto Geogrerico Militar. To date, the IGM has flown more than
55,000 square kilometers of aerial photography, chiefly for use in
constructing topographic maps. The Direccion General de Navegacion
e Hidrografia of the Ministerio de la Marina has been making
scattered photogramnetric surveys along the coast since 1925, and
the Instituto Foto-Topogrefico Argentino, a private concern, has
been active for about the same length of time. The areas covered
by these two agencies, however, is not great.
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A., Official Mapping Agencies
1. Administracion General de Parques Nacionales y Turismo,
Ministerio de Obras Publicas (General Administration for National Parks
and Tourism, Ministry of Public Works)
Av.. Santa Fe 690,, Buenos Aires
Cnel. (Retired) Napoleon A. Irusta, Administrator General
The Administracion General de Parques Nacionalee y Turismo
(AGPNT) is similar to the US National Park Service but not so well devel-
oped. Maps and pamphlets on the few national parks are prepared for of-
ficial use and for public distribution, especially to tourists. The
organization is ,mall and the cartography section consists of only two
The AGPNT produces maps of Argentine national parks exclusively.
The scales vary with the size of the park. Hand-colored ozalid prints
of eight of the national parks are available but the information shown
is scant and highly generalized. The sketch and colored maps in tourist
pamphlets are more usable. AGPNT indexes show that most of the parks
have been or are to be mapped at large scale. Mapping of new parks and
monuments is planned.
Only general maps showing park outlines, hydrography, and occasion-
ally roads have been published. No information on the sources of infor-
mation used in the compilation is available for most of the maps. Large-
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scale IGM topographic sheets do not cover all of the parks, but the com-
plete set at 1:500,000 seems to have been used to supplement data on file
in the AGPNT.
Jose Anesi, who prepared a map of the Nahuel Huapi park on con-
tract, used his private collection of maps and data in compiling the map.
No general statement concerning reliability of the maps can be
2. Administracion General de Vialidad Nacional, Ministerio de
Obras Publicas (General Administration for National Roads, Ministry of
Public Works)
Calle San Martin 871, Buenos Aires
Tte. Cnel. Casalas, Administrator General
The Administration General de Vialidad Nacional (AGVN) is the
official highway department of the government and produces maps showing
the status of the highways of the country. The staff as a whole is
large but the cartographic section is comparatively small, as is also
the number of maps issued.
The AGVN produces only road maps of Argentina. These include
road maps of large cities and surrounding areas at scales of 1:50,000
and 1:100,000, smaller-scale maps of provinces, and annually issued
maps of the entire country at 1:2,000,000 and 1:4,000,000. Although
route traverses, road plans, and sketches of profiles, bridges, and
culverts are made, they are not distributed generally.
Principal sources of data for the road maps are official reports
and surveys made by AGVN 3ngineers and by the various provincial
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highway departments. The AGVN has cooperated with the Automovil Club
Argentine (ACA) in the production of a 1:4,000,000 map of the princi-
pal roads of Argentina, the ACA providing checks on the conditions of
roads and the AGVN information on the status of roads under construc-
tion or projected.
None of the maps produced by the AGVN is outstanding in quality
although they are generally accurate as to road conditions. Road in-
formation is detailed except on small-scale maps. The principal use
of the maps for US mapping agencies would be for the location and
condition of roads.
3. Direccion General de Economia Agropecuaria y Coordinacion,
Ministerio de Agricultura (General Bureau of Agricultural Economy and
Coordination,, ministry of Agriculture) Paseo Colon 974, Buenos Aires
Dr. Alberto Astort, Director General
The Direccion General de Economia Agropecuaria y Coordinacion
(DGEAC), successor to the Direccion General de Economia Rural e Esta-
distica is a small branch of the Ministerio de Agricultura producing
statistical maps for official reports and studies. The staff is small
but eight to ten maps are produced each month to accompany crop-
condition reports.
The DGEAC makes maps of Argentina only, usually at the scale of
1:11,000,000. Most of the maps include the entire country and show
the stage of development or condition of each of the major crops for
each month of the year. The organization plans to continue map produc-
tion at the current rate or increase it somewhat under the Five Year Plan.
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Official statistical data of the Ministerio de Agricultura are
the principal source materials used. In general, only five types of
crop conditions are shown on a single map. The maps are at such small
scale that they are of nacessity highly generalized. Nevertheless
they serve the purpose for which they were designed, and within the
limits of the scale are reliable. Agricultural data are superimposed
on outline base maps, which are then reproduced by rotoprint.
Because of generalization, the use of the maps is limited.
They are most effectively used in series to show the changing status
of crop production over a period of a year or more. The maps are
not of high quality cartographically and cannot be reproduced well.
4+. Direccion General-de Minas y Geologia, Ministerio de Indus-
tria y Comercio (General Bureau of Mines and Geology, Ministry of
Industry and Commerce) Av. Peru 566, let floor, Buenos Aires
Dr. Perfecto Jose Sanchez, Director General
Ing. Remigio Rigal, Director of Mines
Ing. Roger Lambert, Chief, Geology Division
Dr. Hildebrando Boccio, Chief, Cartography Division
Dr. Pablo Czenik, Chief, Lithography Division
The Direccion General de Minas y Geologia, (DGMG) is the se-
cond largest topographic mapping agency in Argentina. It is the
Argentine equivalent to the US Geological Survey and produces geo-
logic and topographic maps, most of which accompany reports on the
geology of various parts of Argentina. Maps are produced princi-
pally for official use of government agencies but are also availa-
ble to the general public. The staff is considerably smaller than
that of IGM, as is also the number of maps produced.
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Only maps of Argentine territory are published. The usual scale
is 1:200,000 for topographic and geological maps, but many larger-scale
maps of small mining areas have been made for inclusion in reports.
General maps at from 1:2,000,000 to 1:5,000,000 have also been prepared.
To date, 38 topographic maps and 9 geological maps of the principal
mineral bearing areas of Argentina at 1:200,000 have been published.
Twelve to fifteen more topographic, and five geological maps have been
drafted. It is planned to continue work at the basic scale of 1:200,000
and eventually cover all of Argentina.
Topographical and cultural information used in the compilation
of the maps is based on topographic reconnaissance surveys and good
quality triangulation. Geological data are overprinted on the topo-
graphic maps at a later date, when the detailed geological surveys
have been completed.
Lithographic methods and reproduction equipment are far from new
but the results are surprisingly good. Although the legend itself is
often inadequate, other marginal data are fairly detailed. As the maps
usually cover undeveloped areas, very little cultural detail is given.
Hydrographic and topographic information are somewhat generalized.
The DGMG maps are particularly useful because they cover ter-
ritory not mapped by any other organization and because they are gen-
erally reliable.
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5. Direccion General de Navegacion e Hidrografia, Ministerio de
Marina (General Bureau of Navigation and Hydrography, Ministry of the
Navy). Calle Lavalle 1634, Buenos Aires
Contra-Almirante Athos Colonna, Director General
Capitan de Fragata Pedro P. Rivero, Chief, Division of Hydrography
Capitan de Fragata Gerardo Fernandez Rubio, Chief, Division of
Tte. de Navio Luis M. Iriart, Chief, Division of Meteorology
Sr. Leon Picard, Chief, Cartography Section.
The Direocion General de Navegacion e Hidrografia (DGNH) is com-
parable to the US Navy Hydrographic Office. It is the official mapping
agency for all Argentine coasts, adjacent waters, and insular possessions,
as well as areas claimed by Argentina in the Antarctic. Twenty
cartographer-draftsmen and eighteen apprentice draftsmen are employed
in constructing and revising charts..
To date, the DGNH has produced 130 different charts, not inclu-
ding revisions.
The DGNH does not reproduce charts issued by other nations but
has a collection of foreign charts in its reference files. Publications
of the DGNH include hydrographic charts, daily weather maps, and tide
tables and charts for all of South America, pilot guides and aide to
navigation, as well as data on meteorology, hydrography and oceanography.
The entire coast of Argentina is covered by DGNH charts at
scales of 1:300,000 or larger. The principal bays, river mouths,
islands, and ports are charted at 1:6,000. Small-scale charts at
1:1,000,000 to 1:5,000,000 have been made for all the southern portion
of South America and for the Antarctic. All hydrographic charts are
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revised currently, and surveys of new areas are in progress. Under the
Five-Year Plan, it is expected that DGNH work will be greatly expanded.
The DGNH needs additional equipment. A single Santoni Stereo-
cartograph machine, acquired in August 1948, is the only photogrammetric
equipment on hand. One old flat-bed press is used for charts and other
publications. Two new offset presses, sheets of vinylite plastic,
stick-up stock, tide meters, and meteorological instruments are on
order in the United States pending the availability of dollar exchange.
A new eleven-story building for the DGNH is nearing completion and the
new quarters are expected to be occupied in May 1949.
All of the information on the charts and maps is obtained from
surveys and observations by DGNH personnel. Bench marks, triangula-
tion points, and other control data are of high reliability. Prac-
tically all of the cartographic work is done by hand.
The Argentine hydrographic charts are recognized by USHO as
being of excellent reliability and high cartographic quality.
6. Division de Limites, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
(Boundaries Division, Ministry of Foreign Relations) Av. Arenales
761, Buenos Aires.
Ing. Norberto Cobos, Chief
Ing. Tomas J. Allende, Asst. Chief
The Division de Limites (DL) is the smallest of the official
topographic mapping agencies. Maps are made for the use of the Minis-
terio de Relaciones Exteriores only. The office is very small and
two cartographers are sufficient to handle the data provided by field
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Topographic maps are made of the areas along the boundaries of
Argentina, and large-scale planimetric maps of special areas. Most of
the Argentine-Chilean border has been mapped at scales of 1:100,000, and
1:200,000, but much of this work was done between 1890 and 1905. Cur-
tently work is concentrated on the Paraguayan border and on the Chilean
border south of Mendoza Province. Triangulation for the topographic maps
is of good quality but in the Andean region is progressing slowly. Inter-
mediary boundary markers, between those set up in 1903, are being estab-
lished. A survey of the entire Andean area is projected.
Principal sources of information for the boundary maps are detailed
reports and surveys by field parties and IGM topographic maps. The
geodetic data are reliable.
No modern time-saving cartographic methods are used and all the
maps are drafted by hand. The maps are not continuous, and only areas
adjacent to the international boundaries are mapped. Topographic detail
sufficient to be of use in exact location of the boundaries is included
on all maps.
All published maps are well reproduced, are reliable, and would
be of use to US mapping agencies, and particularly to the State Depart-
ment, if they were available. As practically all maps are restricted in
distribution and unavailable in Washington, no further evaluation can be
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7. Instituto Geografico Militar, Estado Mayor del Ejercito,
Ministerio de Guerra (Military Geographic Institute, General Staff of
the Army, Ministry of War) Cabildo 381; Buenos Aires
General de Division Otto Helbling, Director General
Tte. Cnel. Maximino Ares, Director, Department of Geographic Services.
Tte.. Cnel.. Pedro Roberto Quiroga, General Secretary and Chief of Staff
Mayor (R) Walterio von der Stecher, Chief, Division of Cartography
Ing. Agr. Ramon Mario Aguado Benitez, Chief, Library, Map Library and
Publications Section
Mayor Julio Luxardo de Castro, Chief, Division of Topographic Surveys
Tte. Cnel. Felix Reynald, Chief, Division of Calculations.
Tte.. Cnel. Roberto Daul, Chief, Division of Geodesy
The Instituto Geografioo Militar (IGM) is the largest and most
productive of the official topographic mapping agencies in Argentina.
Its maps are produced primarily for the Ministerio do Guerra but
are available to all other government agencies and to private indivi-
duals. The IGM has a large staff of several hundred persons and, to
date, has produced some 1,950 maps.
With few exceptions, all of the maps are of Argentina.. Sections
of adjacent countries are covered incidentally on general maps and
small scale sets. Maps published include topographic maps at scales
of 1:25,000, 1:50,000, and 1:100,000, the general set at 1:500,000,
the aeronautical chart set at 1:1,000,000, single-sheet general maps
at scales ranging from 1:1,000,000 to 1:17,000,000, and province maps
at scales re,nging from 1:300,000 to 1:500,000. Work on the 1:100,000
and 1:50,000 maps is progressing most rapidly, and the 1:25,000 series,
which covers only the city of Buenos Aires and its environs, is being
revised. Maps at all scales are-to be revised as they become out of
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date. It is also planned that the 1:100,000 set will cover all of
Argentina, even though all of Argentina and parts of adjacent countries
have been covered on the 1:500,000 sheets (with shaded relief) and on
the 1:1,000,000 aeronautical chart set (with form lines). Maps of
fourteen of the provinces, with relief shown by shading, have been
published at medium scales. General maps covering Argentina and ad-
jacent countries have been made at small scales, and a 1:3,000,000
aeronautical map of South America on the Mercator projection is nearly
completed and has been scheduled for publication in 1949.
Most of the information on the topographic maps Is taken from
actual field surveys, supplemented by some stereophotogrammetry and
aerial photography. The geodetic data are of high quality and may
be relied upon. Geodetic work by other mapping agencies is rarely
accepted by the IGM observer unless an IGM observer is a member of
the survey party. Precise leveling and triangulation are proceeding
at a satisfactory rate.
Although cartographic methods are not entirely modern, the maps
have a consistently high standard. All of the drafting is done by hand
on heavy paper. Color plates ranging in number from four to fifteen
are drawn separately, and display good choice of colors. Physical,
hydrographic, and cultural features are clearly shown; place names
are well selected and well lettered; detail is ample; the maps are
accurate; and the legends and marginal information are adequate.
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Most of the IGM reproduction equipment is new, and the published maps
are in good registry and, in general, free from other types of inaccur-
acies due to poor printing. The maps may be reproduced in black and
white without loss of detail of clarity.
The IGM maps are an important source of compilation data for any
maps of Argentina that are made in the United States.
8. Seccion de Planificacion de Transporter, Direccion Nacional
de Transportes, Ministerio de Obras Publican (Transport Planning Section,
National Transport Office, Ministry of Public Works)
Av. 9 de Julio 1925, 13th floor, Buenos Aires
General Aristobuio Vargas Belmonte, Director, National Transport
Comodoro Martin It. Cairo, Director, Transportation Planning Section
The Direccion National de Transportes is a new official agency
resembling the Inter-State Commerce Commission. The Seccion de Plani-
ficacion de Transportes (SPT), the statistical research section of the
Direccion, makes maps and reports, principally for official use. The
cartographic staff is composed of two cartographer-draftsmen who have
to date produced only one map of Argentine railroads for general dis-
The Seccion prepares maps and reports on Argentine roads and
railroads only. As it has been functioning for only four years, pro-
duction is low but a number of maps of bus and truck traffic routes of
the various provinces have been drafted and should be available soon.
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Source material, consisting of statistical data compiled by offices
of the Ministerio de Obras Publicas and by province officials, is plotted
on IGM or official provincial maps. All drafting is done by hand, but as
it consists chiefly of superimposing on published maps symbols for routes
and amount of traffic, the work is fairly simple. Samples observed were
neat and readable and were provided with adequate legends. Routes used
by regularly scheduled bus and truck traffic are to be shown on the maps,
but road conditions and routes used by passenger automobiles will not
be given. The railroad map at about 1:2,500,000, which has been pub-
lished but is not available in Washington, shows state and private rail-
roads in operation as of late 1946.
When received in Washington, all of the maps published by Seccion
de Planificacion de Transportes should be of value to transportation
experts and compilers of transportation maps.
9. Servicio Meteorologico Nacional, Ministerio de Aeronautica
(National Meteorological Service, Ministry of Aeronautics)
Paseo Colon 317, lst floor, Buenos Aires
Ing. Alfredo G. Galmarini, Director General
The Servicio Meteorologico Nacional (SMN), formerly the Direccion
General de Meteorologia, Geofisica e Hidrologia is one of the larger
official map producing agencies. In the past, it has operated under a
number of different ministries, but it is now a part of and prepares
most of its maps for the Ministerio de Aeronautica. The cartographic
staff numbers about twenty persons but approximately 1,500 are employed
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in the compilation of statistical data. Some maps have been produced
in manuscript form only, but a relatively larger number have been
published, principally for inclusion in reports and technical papers
of the SMN.
Maps produced by the SMN cover all of Argentina at small scales,
and most of the country at medium scales. Nine different types of out-
line and base maps have been prepared for the use of the organization
in plotting data received currently. A daily weather map at 1:5,000,000
includes data from 1,800 weather stations. Rainfall, ocean temperature,
vapor tension, and isogonic maps are also published periodically. The
meteorological bulletin published daily may include several types of
weather maps. Special weather maps for all airfields are prepared in
such form that they may be transmitted by radio and reproduced easily.
Other publications of the SMN include small-scale hypsometric maps at
1:1,500,000 and 1:2,500,000, a polar map, and manuscript maps of all
the river systems and drainage basins of Argentina for use in stream
flow studies. Under the Five Year Plan, the agency is expected to
double the size of its staff, the number of field stations in operation,
and its map output.
All of the material used in the special maps is obtained from
reports received from the existing observation stations and from special
studies made by SMN engineers, geologists, seismologists, and other
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The cartographic data are plotted and drafted by hand. Except for
the daily weather maps and maps appearing in major reports, all maps are
reproduced by the ozalid process.
Although generalized, the maps are neat, readable and useful, and are
systematically checked to insure accuracy. The maps should be especially
valuable to US agencies interested in meteorology and hydrography. They
may be reproduced without loss of detail.
10. Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscalea, Ministerio de Industria y
Comercio State Oil Fields, Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Av. R. S. Pena 777, Buenos Aires
Ing. Julio V. Canessa, President, Board of Directors
Ing. Bracaccini, Chief, Department of Explorations
Ing. Pedro Rey, Chief, Geophysical Section, Department of Explorations
Agrim. Jorge N. Terreni, Chief, Department of Topography
Ing. Ciriaco Saint Germes, Chief, Department of Cartography
The Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPF) is the third largest
topographic mapping organization in Argentina. It has a staff of about
ten cartographer-draftsmen as well as a large number of topographers and
geologists who work in the field.
Maps of petroleum deposits, producing areas and prospective oil
fields are made principally for the use of the YPF and the Ministerio
de Industria y Comercio. The YPF also publishes topographic maps,
detailed plans of oil fields, and large-scale gravimetric maps of
subsurface formations. Most of the maps are not available for general
The topographic maps at 1:10,000 and 1:25,000 are classified and,
consequently, nothing is known concerning the area covered at these
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scales. Eleven topographic sheets at 1:50,000 of part of Neuquen Terri-
tory and three sheets at 1:100,000 of a portion of Mendoza Province are
available in Washington, however. At the scale of 1:200,000, a set of
sixteen planimetric sheets covering all of Salta Province, three of ten
sheets for Santa Cruz, and one of an undetermined number for Neuquen
Territory are also available, as well as one sheet at 1:500,000 cover-
ing all of Mendoza Province. Work is in progress on topographic and
planimetric maps, plans, profiles and other types of maps at a variety
of scales. Eventually all petroleum bearing areas of Argentina are
to be mapped in detail by the YPF.
Principal source materials for the construction of the topographic
maps are planetable and stereophotogrammetric surveys. The planime-
tric maps are compiled from YPF, IGM, and DGMG maps and surveys. Geo-
detic control data are taken from observations by YPF, IGM, and DGMG
and other official agencies. Details of relief features are adequate
and reliable.
The cartographic section of YPF is well organized but all maps
are drafted and lettered by hand. The 1:10,000 and 1:25,000 maps
(on small sheets) are reproduced in the office on a small rotary press,
whereas smaller-scale maps are reproduced as ozalid copies of fair
As most of the petroleum deposits are in sparsely populated areas,
little cultural detail can be shown. The YPF topographic and plani-
metric maps are especially valuable as they cover otherwise inadequately
mapped areas.
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B. Private Map Publishers.
1. Automovil Club Argentino (Argentine Automobile Club)
Av. Alvear 2750, Buenos Aires
Angel Enrique Centaro, Chief, Road Information, Guides and
Cartography Division.
Jose' D. Rucci, Assistant Manager
The Automovil Club Argentino (ACA), like the American Automobile
Association, is a private organization that publishes road maps, guides
and other touring information principally for the benefit of its members
and cooperating government agencies. The organization has a staff of
about twenty cartographic draftsmen. Eight to ten maps and a large
number of strip route guides are produced annually.
Although maps are usually limited to Argentina, the ACA cooperated
with Peruvian road authorities by preparing and printing the 19+6 high-
way maps of Peru. Maps of eight Argentina areas of special scenic or
recreational attractions for motorists have been made at scales of
from 1:200,000 to 1:800,000, usually with larger-scale insets showing
major cities and their environs. A highway map of Argentina at
1:1+,000,000 formerly prepared in cooperation with the AGVN, is now
issued annually by the ACA. Special route guides In the form of
strip maps are issued for all of the national highways. The three
published guidebooks of central and northern Argentina include through-
route maps for some of the major cities. A 1:100,000 road map of
Buenos Aires Province was compiled and published in 1915 for the highway
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department of the province. Additional maps, route strips, and guide-
books are planned for areas being opened to motor traffic, and special
maps are to be made for aeronautically minded members.
Most of the source materials for maps, strips, and guidebooks are
obtained from the systematic surveys and checks made by ACA field teams,
from AGVN, and from provincial highway and tourist departments. Road
locations and conditions, with few exceptions, have been found to be
The cartographic methods used are the most modern in South America.
Base maps printed in non-photographic blue are used for each color plate.
Place names, mileage figures, and all symbols are preprinted on opaque
paper and attached to the maps with gum arabic. The drafting room is
uncrowded and well lighted. The well-catalogued reference library con-
tains road surveys, and IGM, AGVN, and other official maps.
The finished maps are both reliable and pleasing in appearance.
Characteristically, the maps show shaded relief in light brown, water
areas in light blue, and road information in red and black. Road in-
formation is detailed on the 1:50,000 and medium-scale maps, but general-
ized on the 1:4,000,000. All of the maps are reliable sources of infor-
mation and reproduce well in black and white.
2. Editorial Kapelusz, S.A. (Kapelusz Editorial Co.)
Calle Moreno 372, Buenos Aires
Jorge Kapelusz, Owner, Manager
Manuel Olano, Chief of Production
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Kapelusz is a private editorial and sales company specializing
in school materials. It has no regular cartographic section but con-
tracts for map compilation are let to IGM cartographers, working on
their own time, when such work is required. A number of atlases, maps
for geography and history texts, and one wall map have been published.
A series of pamphlet atlases containing an outline base map, and
maps of physical features and political divisions have been prepared
for each of the provinces and territories of Argentina and for the
various countries of the Western Hemisphere. Somewhat larger collec-
tions of similar maps have been assembled for atlases of Asia and
Oceania, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. One general map of
Argentina at 1:2,500,000 was published in 1945.
Source materials for the maps vary with the resources of the car-
tographers who have contracted to compile the maps, since Kapelusz has
no organized map or reference library. All drafting is done by hand.
Because of the small scale of the maps produced, they are highly
generalized and lacking in detail. Printing of all maps and books,
like their compilation, is let out on. contract to private firms. The
atlases are of use as general reference works only.
3. Instituto Foto-Topografhco Argentino (Argentine Photo-
Topographic Institute)
Av. Arenales 1415, Buenos Aires
Agrim. Antonio M. Saralegui, Technical Director
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The Instituto Foto-Topografico Argentino (IFTA) is a small, private,
photogrammetric mapping agency that works on contract for both government
and private organizations. Most of the maps produced are road and route
surveys of state railroads prepared for the Ministerio de Obras Publicas.
IFTA turns over all the completed maps, drafts, and mosaics to the con-
tracting concern at the termination of each job and keeps only a record
copy for its files. IFTA has a staff of twenty persons. The number of
maps produced is large and most of them are at scales ranging from
1:5,000 to 1:50,000. Topographic maps are made at scales as large as
1:200,000 and cadastral-type maps at even larger scales. Because of
the large scales used, only a small part of Argentina has been mapped.
Although most of the maps made are of Argentina, the company might
operate in another country on contract. Contracts for work have been
made with the Ministerio de Obras Publicas, YPF, DGNH, the State rail-
roads, Ministerio de Agricultura, the Provinces of San Luis, Buenos Aires
and Tucuman, and with colonization and real estate companies. Work of
the same type will be continued and may increase with the demands of the
Five Year Plan on all official agencies.
All of the material used in the maps, plans, and mosaics is from
field surveys and aerial photographs made by IFTA. The work is of good
quality both in presentation and in accuracy. None of the maps is avail-
able in Washington for evaluation. They can be obtained only from the
contracting agencies.
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IFTA has developed a unique technique for the production of relief
models from either terrestrial or aerial photographs by using a stereo-
converter. This instrument is similar to the stereoplanigraph except
that the pencil is replaced by a cutting tool. The operator, in follow-
ing contours, cuts away the excess material in such a way that only
smoothing-off is necessary thereafter to complete the model.
4. Instituto Topografico Zodiac (Zodiac Topographic Institute),
formerly Instituto Topografico Garvas (Garvas Topographic Institute)
Av. Vertiz 1080, 7th Floor, Buenos Aires.
Ing. Manuel Garcia Guedes, Owner, Engineer-Topographer
The Instituto Topografico Zodiac (ITZ) is a private map-making
agency that specializes in provincial road maps for public sale. The
organization consists of the owner and one assistant.
Within the last two years, the ITZ has made maps of seven provinces
and three territories at scales ranging from 1:300,000 to 1:800,000.
Ambitious plans have been made to revise these maps yearly or at least
every two years, and to prepare similar maps for the remainder of the
country. The ITZ also plans to prepare road maps for Uruguay, Brazil,
Chile, and other Latin American countries as soon as possible.
The sources used for map compilation are official data received
from national, provincial, departmental, and city governments, and
personal observations of the owner, who has traveled extensively. The
road information is shown in good detail and the insets usually included
show routes through the larger cities of each province. The maps are
planimetric compilations not based on triangulation.
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All maps are hand drawn and are reproduced as ozalid prints, which
are hand colored, to show paved and dirt roads and route numbers. The
maps are neat and colorful but too large for use in an automobile. If
they are revised as planned, the maps will provide a good source of
up-to-date road information .
The maps produced are usually good quality and are reliable for
general use, but not as source material for compilation since they are
entirely compilations and may not be up-to-date.
5. Oficina Cartografica Bemporat (Bemporat Cartographic Office)
Av. Cordoba 21+37;, 5th floor, Buenos Aires
A. Bemporat, Owner and Chief Cartographer
The Oficina Cartograpica Bemporat, a small but productive organi-
zation, has been functioning for over 35 years. Maps are made entirely
for public sale. The small staff consists of Mr. Bemporat, now over 70,
and two assistants. Over sixty maps have been produced in the last few
The principal publications are maps of Argentina, including city
plans of Buenos Aires, Rosario, Mar del Plata, and Montevideo, at scales
ranging from 1:7,500 to 1:25,000; maps of partidos and departamentos in
the vicinity of Buenos Aires at 1:10,000 to 1:25,000; maps of nine
provinces at 1:300,000 to 1:1,000,000; and maps of Argentina at
.1:1,800,000 to 1:5,000,000.
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School wall maps of the various continents at scales of 1:8,000,000
and smaller have also been published. As far as is known, plans for the
future include only revisions of existing maps.
All of the Bemporat maps are compilations. Sources used are not
always official, up to date, or otherwise reliable. The maps contain
many errors in location, spelling of place names, boundaries, roads, and
other cultural data. The IGM cartographic section, which now checks all
Argentine-made maps before they can be released, has a low opinion of
Bemporat-productione and will require that extensive revisions and cor-
rections be made before further reprints or new maps are approved for
All of the cartographic work is done by hand, principally by the
owner, and has many defects. Atlas grids are used almost exclusively;
legends are inadequate; and lettering and lining vary in quality.
Printing is done by small commercial firms and the registry is poor.
Though much actual detail is shown, its accuracy is doubtful. The
maps are not recommended for any but the most general use.
6. Oficina Cartograpica Ludwig (Ludwig Cartographic Office)
Calle Alsina 11+6, 1st floor, Buenos Aires
Pablo Ludwig, Owner-cartographer
The Oficina Cartograpica Ludwig is a small private map compiling
and selling organization that has been in existence for over thirty
years. The owner and one assistant comprise the entire staff and few
maps have been made in recent years.
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The maps prepared are local in character, principally city plans
and province maps. A few general maps on Argentina have been made but
none has been revised recently. City plans of Buenos Aires at 1:10,000
and 1:25,000, port plans of Rosario and Buenos Aires at 1:7,500 and
1:10,,000, maps of partidos in the vicinity of Buenos Aires at 1:10,000
to 1:25,000, maps of provinces at 1:200,000 to 1:1,000,000, and a rail-
road map with hachured relief at 1:2,000,000 (last revised in 1938) are
the major Ludwig publications. Publications of the same type are planned
for the future.
Although some official information has been used in the copying and
compiling of maps, the accuracy of most of the Ludwig maps is extremely
doubtful. Few physical features are shown and the cultural data, though
detailed, are out, of date. The IGM has found so many errors on the maps
that at present they are not recommending any additional maps for dis-
All of the cartographic work for Ludwig maps is done by hand and
is neat and legible. The maps are printed by commercial printers.
Maps published by Ludwig are not recommended for any but the most
general use.
7. Peuser, S.A. (Peuser, Col), formerly Casa Jacobo
Peuser, Ltda., S.A. (Jacobo Peuser Co. Ltd.)
Calle San Martin 200, Buenos Aires
Luis Salmoiraghi, Chief, Department of Cartography
Bartolome P. Fonticelli, Plant Manager
Mario Borio, Chief, Cartography (Drafting and Reproduction) Division.
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Peuser, one of the largest private printing and book selling organ-
izations in Buenos Aires, also makes and sells maps and probably is the
largest private map producer and sales agent in Argentina. Five persons
are employed in the map sales section of the main store and ten in the
map compilation and drafting section at the printing plant.. Although
the number of individual maps produced each year is not large, the
maps are widely distributed by sales to individuals, schools, and other
private organizations.
The sales section handles some IGM maps and has contracted for a
considerable percentage of the maps published by other private cartographers,
such as Bemporat, and Ludwig. Peuser has also bought out Jose Anesi
completely. The firm offers a fairly complete line of city plans of
Buenos Aires and other major cities, cadastral maps of departamentos or
partidos, general province and territory maps, road and railroad maps,
general wall maps of Argentina, atlases, guides and geography texts.
Although most of the maps made are of Argentina, the firm also issues
wall maps of other countries and of the continents, as well as atlases of
Argentina, the Americas, and the world. Single sheet maps on such special
topics as railroads and roads, and city plans, especially of Buenos Aires,
are made for inclusion in tourist guides published quarterly and annually.
An almanac containing maps of crop production is also issued every year.
An atlas of Chile for public sale in Chile was printed in 1947. Work on
the revision and reprinting of the 1946 Atlas Geografico de Argentina is
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continuing. It is planned to revise and print in English and Spanish
the Atlas of the Americas by Jose Anesi (19+7). An atlas of Europe is
to be issued in 1949.
Most of the data used In the compilation of the maps and atlases of
Argentina is supplied by IGM and other official sources. The work of
Peuser is recognized by the IGM cartographic section as being the best
among the private map publishing houses. Although the cartographic
methods employed are not the most modern and include much hand work, the
reproduction techniques and equipment are excellent. Glass negatives are
made of individual fair drawings for transfer to zinc plates for offset
printing. All of the old lithographic machinery and stones are being re-
placed by modern American and European machinery as rapidly as possible,
and the old presses are being sold in Brazil where such equipment is still
much in demand. Peuser, S.A., now over 80 years old, is much like A.B. Hoen
and Co., Baltimore Md., in that all types of printing are done and that the
printing plant is still expanding.
8. J. Vital Dupont
Cangallo 2186, Buenos Aires
J. Vital Dupont? Owner and Manager
Mr. Vital Dupont owns a tiny cartographic office which functions at
his own pleasure in the production of maps for public sale. The owner-
manager does none of the cartographic work but hires one or more car-
tographers on contract. Only two maps, one of Buenos Aires and the other
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of Argentina have been published by Dupont. Work is in progress on a
plan of Montevideo, Uruguay.
Both of the maps produced by Vital Dupont are provided with locator
strips. The map of Argentina, at 1:3,500,000 (19+6), is unique in that
cities and towns have symbols indicating availability of banks, medical
and sanitation services, and postal and telegraph offices. Roads and
railroads and hydrography are also shown.
The map of Argentina is neatly drafted but colors for the various
services are not well chosen. No information is available as to the
sources or accuracy of the data shown.
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Name of Agency Abbreviations
1. Administracion General de Parques Nacionales
y Turismo, Ministerio de Obras Publicas
(General Administration for National
Parks and Tourism, Ministry of Public
2. Administracion General de Vialidad Nacional,
Ministerio de Obras Publicas
(General Administration for National
Roads, Ministry of Public Works)
3. Automovile Club Argentino ACA
(Argentine Automobile Club)
4. Comision de la Carta
(Map Commission)
5. Comision de Limites con Chile
(Commission on the Boundary with Chile)
6. Comision de Nivelacion, Estado Mayor del CN-EMG
Ejercito, Ministerio de Guerra
(Leveling Commission, General Staff of
the Army., Ministry of War)
7. Direccion General de Economia Agropecuaria y DGEAC
Coordination,, Ministerio de Agricultura
(General Bureau of Agricultural Economy
and Coordination, Ministry of Agriculture)
8. Direccion General de Economia Rural e
Estadistica, Ministerio de Agricultura
(General Bureau of Rural Economy
and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture)
1. The following list includes the past and present names
of map publishers mentioned in the report. Only ACA,
IFTA, IGM and YPF are generally accepted abbreviations;
the others are used for convenience.
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00976A000100090001-9
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00976A000100090001-9
Name of Agency Abbreviations
9. Direccion General de Meteorologia, Geofisica
e Hidrologia, Ministerio de Aeronautica
(General Bureau of Meteorology,
GeophysiQs, and Hydrology, Ministry
of Aeronautics)
10. Direccion General de Minas y Geologic, Ministerio DGMG
de Industria y Comercio
(General Bureau of Mines and Geology,
Ministry of Industry and Commerce)
11. Direccion General de Navegacion e Hidrografia DGNH
Ministerio de la Marina
(General Bureau of Navigation and
Hydrography, Ministry of the Navy)
12. Direccion General de Navegacion y Puertos, DGNP
Ministerio de Obras Publicas
(General Bureau of Navigation and
Ports, Ministry of Public Works)
13. Division de Limites, Ministerio de
Relaciones Eateriores
(Boundary Division, Ministry of
Foreign Relations)
14. Editorial Kapelusz
(Kapelusz Editorial Company)
15. Inspeccion General de Obras Hidraulicas,
Ministerio de Obras Publicas
(General Office of the Inspector
of Hydraulic Works, Ministry of
Public Works)
16. Instituto Foto-Topograpico Argentino
(Argentine Photo-Topographic
17. Inu;tituto Geografico Argentino
(Argentine Geographical Institute)
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Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00976A000100090001-9
Name of Agency Abbreviations
18. Inatituto Geografico Militar, Ministerio
de Guerra
(Military Geographical Institute,
Ministry of War)
19. Inatituto Topografico Zodiac
(Zodiac Topographical Institute)
20. Oficina cartogra'fica Bemporat
(Bemporat Cartographic Office)
21. Oficina Cartograf1ca Ludwig
(Ludwig Cartographic Office)
22. Oficina Meteorologica Argentina
(Argentine Meteorological Office)
23. Peuser, S. A.
(Peuser Company)
24. Seccion de Planificacion de Transportea,
Direccion Nacional de Transportes, Ministerio
de Obras Pi:blicas
(Transport Planning Section, National
Transportation Bureau, Ministry of
Public Works)
25. Servicio Meteorologico National, Ministerio SMN
de Aeronautica
(National Meteorological Service,
Ministry of Aeronautics)
26. J. Vital Dupont
27. Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales,
Ministerio de Industria y Comercio
(State O11 Fields, Ministry of
Industry and.Commerce)
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Approved For Release 1999/09/01 CIA-RDP79-00976A000100090001-9
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79u0P%Z@f Mj9QP~~FI9E