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November 13, 1974
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Wednesday - 13? November 1974
~t%4 INT.ERNAC Usk 4NLY`
1. Called Frank Krebs, in the office of 25X1
Senator Howard W. Cannon, Chairxxaan, Senate Rules 'and Administration
Committee, and he agreed to talk tc~ the Chairman concerning Senator
Mark Hatfield's (R. , Ore.) 4 Noven:~ber 1974 request to the Director
on information relating to the Rockefeller nomination. I told Krebs we
really had nothing adversely bearing; on the ti'ice President Designates s
qualifications and that we would like:: to be ab:Le to work out a procedure with
the Committee as apposed to its individual members to assure adequate
security protection for whatever information is forwarded. I told Krebs
of the procedures we had been able to work out with the House Judiciary
Committee. Kreba seemed to be completely sympathetic to our needs.
Later, Krebs reported that Chairman Cannon did not want to be
placed in a position of giving us advice, but he also didn't think that
Senator Hatfield needed the information that ]ze had requested. Krebs
agreed it would be much better far all concex?ned if we could put this
in the Committees s hands and in that connect'.Lon he suggested we contact
William Cochrane, Staff Director, ~aenate Rules and Administration
Committee. A call has been placed to Cochrane.
2. Called Walt Evans, Press/Legal Assistant
to Senator Mark Hatfield (R. , Ore. -, referencing the Senatorss 4 November
1974 letter to the Director and our concerns '.in the security areas, that we
have nothing adverse to report which would bear on Vice President Designate
Rockefeller's qualifications and told Evans oi: the procedures we had been
able to work out with the House Judi.R~iary Committee. Evans agreed it
would be better to be operating on a letter from the Senate Rules and
Administration Committee rather than from a member of the Committee.
Evans said he would talk to Larry Srnith, Office Manager, in the office of
Senator Hatfield, on this matter and. said he ~uould he--bae~k..ixx,.tnu~,lj,,vi,h us.
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Approved For Release 2007/02113 :CIA-RDP79-00957A000100030023-2
Journal =Office of Legislative Counsel
Page 2
~? Arnold Donahue, OMB, called
(~tlwice today on the covert action amendments to the Foreign Assistance
bill; first to indicate that he had sent a memorandum of our conversation
yesterday to Jim Frey, OMB, and which I agreed essentially covered. the
principal points and second, to ask if we could help identify public
statements made by responsible participants following the President's
meeting with congressional leaders that the Foreign Affairs and Foreign
Relations Committees would receive information on Agency covert actions.
`l? George Gilbert, OMB, called for
status report on the Agency's legislative program and I said we would
have it to him before the end of the week, which he said would be fine.
'? Received a call from OER/Latin
America, who said Stewart Monshine, in the office of Representative Michael
Harrington, had. called him esterda and asked him for information on Agency
activities Merno for Record on this subject. }
I told that I would return the call to Monshine and in my conversation with
Monshine I made it clear that we would not brief hire or the
Congressman on Agency activities. He tried to twist this into my saying we
were conducting classified activities but I went back to a restatement
of our general polic~r of talking about our activities abroad only to our oversight
Subcommittees. I noted, however, that the decision had been made for the
Director to brief the Foreign Affairs Committee on certain of our activities
but we had not received clear guidelines from Chairman Morgan as yet as to
how this would b_e handled. Our conversation wound up with Monshine asking
if we could. provide Harrington with a background intelligence briefing on
I told him I would discuss this with the Director and with Marian
Czarnecki, Staff Director of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and be
back in touch with hiin,
b. (Unclassified - GLC} Called Greg Rushford, in the office of
Representative Clarence Long, by way of follow up to the Director?s letter yester-
day on the subject of a briefing on the situation in the Persian Gulf. Rushford
accepted without argument the fact we would not brief on Agency activities in this
area and would. not provide him with a staff briefing although we would be happy
to give Lang a substantive intelligence briefing, Rushford said there were five
questions on areas they would like covered {dealing with the stability of the govern-
ments, the possibility of coups, and the situation with respect to the Kurds and the
I?ofarb--he said they probably had enough on the latter two items}, He is to draw
up these questions and. give me a call. I told him if we had any pro-blems in
briefing on those topics that I would let him know. We will schedule a briefing at
the Congressman's convenience, as been notified
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25X1 25X1
Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 13 November 1974
~f1~ INT~~NAC 315 ~Nl.V' r?;~~~;- Y`:.~
Page 3
7, In the course of a .number o.f co.nversations
between OGC, (who was in the Special Prosecutor) and
(who was o:n the Hill with Chairman Lucien Nedzi and Bill Hogan,
House Armed Services Committee), we werE: advised o.f the Committee's decision
to release the Watergate testimony of General Walters a.nd Richard Helms and
Patrick Grey a.nd of the Special Prosecutor':a request that we give to their office
a copy of General Walters' testimorxy of 16 and 21 May 1973. Agreement was
finally reached for the Agency to s~a.nitize the testirno:ny of General Walters
tonight a.nd return ft to the Committee .first t:hi:ng tomorrow morning. The
Committee will then review our recommended excisions and send the transcripts
to the Special Prosecutor, We will then receive from the Committee the Helms
and Grey transcripts for sa.nitizatic~n and release.
8. At the request of I returned a call
from Marty Herwitz, IC Staff Pentagon, who expressed interest in current
1 gislative measures which would restrict tree number of military attaches abroad.
informed Herwitz of the sense of the Congress P. L. 93-475
(State/USIA authorization) to the effect that ~~ongress believes the U. S. military
presence overseas in the form of attaches acid military assistance missions, etc