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D1356 Approved Feb%W9sia~5 ff/ DPft 95 ~0020~~c~mber Y1, 19'7 An amendment that sought to strike the section on ' prohibitions on aid to nations trading with North An amendment that sought to end all aid and mili- tary credit sales to India (rejected by a recorded vote of 159 ayes to 223 noes with i voting "present"); An amendment that sought to insert "vital to the na- tional defense" in lieu of "important to the national security" in a section allowing the President to approve CIA operations in foreign countries; An amendment that sought to cut all funds authorized by.io percent; An amendment that sought to add a new section on control of Turkish opium; An amendment that sought to reestablish the present $15o million ceiling on sales of military equipment to Latin America; An amendment that sought to reduce funds for inter- national organizations and programs by $13.4 million; and An amendment that sought to limit contributions to the United Nations to $156 million. Subsequently, this passage was vacated and S. 3394, a similar Senate-passed bill, was passed in lieu after being amended to contain the language of the House bill as passed. The House'then insisted on its amendment and asked a conference with the Senate. Appointed as con- ferees: Representatives Morgan, Zablocki, Hays, Fascell, Frelinghuysen, Broomfield, and Derwinski. Pages H 11591 H 11653 Privacy Protection: House passed amended S. 3418, to establish a Privacy Protection Commission, to provide management systems in Federal agencies and certain other organizations with respect to the gathering and disclosure of information concerning individuals. -Agreed to an amendment inserting the provisions of H.R. 16373, a similar House-passed bill. Agreed to amend the title of the Senate bill. Pages H 11661-H 11666 Late Reports: Committee on the judiciary received -permission to file reports by midnight tonight on the following bills: S. 663, to improve judicial machinery by amending title 28, United States Code, with respect to judicial review of decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission; and S. 1083, to amend certain provisions of Federal law relating to explosives; Page H 11666 Quorum Calls-Votes; One quorum call, one yea-and- nay vote, and five recorded votes developed during the proceedings of the House today and appear on pages Hi1586, H11594-H11595, H11604, H11611, H11625- H 1626,. Hii631, and H11639-H11646.' Program for Thursday: Met at noon and adjourned at 7 :5Sp~m. until noon on Thursday, December 12, when the House . will consider the, conference report on 13JZ j69oi, Agriculture-Environmental and Consumer 'Protection Appropriations for fiscal year 1975; consider the following two measures under suspension of the rules: conference report on H.R. 16136, military con- struction authorization; and H.R. 17597, Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974; consider H.R. 16596, Emergency Jobs. Act (open rule, i hour of debate) ; consider the following two bills under suspension of the rules: H.R. 17085, Nurse Training, and H.R. 17084, Health manpower; consider S.J. Res. 40, White House Conference on Libraries (open rule, 1 hour of debate), and H.R. 16204, Health Policy, Planning and Resources Development (open rule,l hour of debate). Committee Meetings COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION ACT AMENDMENTS Committee on Agriculture: Met and ordered reported favorably to the House H.R. 17507, amended, to amend the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act. of 1974. SUGAR PRICES Committee on Agriculture: Subcommittee on Domestic Marketing and Consumer Relations continued hearings on sugar marketing conditions since defeat of sugar bill. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. Hearings continue tomorrow. BANK FAILURE Committee on Banking and Currency: Subcommittee on Bank Supervision and Insurance continued hearings on failure of United States National Bank of San Diego. Testimony was heard from James Smith, Comptroller of the Currency; and James Saxon, former Comptroller of the Currency. Hearings continue tomorrow. TORTURE IN BRAZIL Committee on Foreign Alairs: Subcommittee on Inter- national Organizations and Movements held a hearing on torture and oppression in Brazil. Witnesses heard were Rev. Fred Morris, former United Methodist mis- . sionary in Recife, Brazil; and Rev. J. Bryan Hehir, U.S. Catholic Conference. FOREST RESERVES LEASING Committee on Interior and Insular Aflairs: Met and ordered reported favorably to the House H.R. io491 amended, providing for leasing of forest reserves for commercial outdoor recreation purposes. The Committee, discharged the Subcommittee on National Parks from further consideration of H.R. 2624, Hells Canyon National Forest Parklands, and the bill is now pending before the full committee. Approved For Release 7005/06/16: CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8- ~31scct .be711, hp? rove Mfife -_RB 7[~ 0 100020019-8 Committee To Sit: Committee on the judiciary re- ceived permission to sit during the 5-minute rule today. Page H 11585 Antitrust Procedures and Penalties: l House concurred in the' Senate amendment to the Housc amendment to 8.';782, to reform consent decree procedures, to increase penalties for violation of the Sherman Act, and to revise the Expediting Act as it pertains to appellate review- clearing the measure for the President. Pages H 11583-H 11586 Late Reports: Committee on Public'' Works received permission to file reports by midnight tonight on the following bills: S. 3934, to authorize appropriations for the construction of certain highways in accordance with title 23 of the United States Code; H.R. 17558, to amend the act of May 13, 1954, relating to the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation to provide for a 7-year term of office for the Administrator; S 4073, to extend certain authorizations under the Federal Water Pollu- tion Control Act, as amended; and H.R. 17589, to desig- nate the new Poe lock on the Saint Marys River at Sault Sainte Marie, Mich., as the "John'A. Blatnik lock." Page H 111586 Real Estate Settlement Procedures:, By a voice vote, the House agreed to the conference report on S. 3164, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974--clearing the measure for the President. Pages H 11506-H 111591 Farallon Wildlife Refuge: House co?tcurred in the Senate amendment to H.R. 11013, to designate certain lands in the Farallon National Wildlic Refuge, San Francisco County, Calif., as, wildernes?, -clearing the measure for the President. Page 31 11591 Agriculture-Environmental and Consumer Pro- tection Appropriations: It was made in order to con- sider tomorrow, December 12, or any day thereafter, '?""erence report on H.R. 16gc~1, Agricuture- eental and Consumer Protection Appropria- tions for fiscal year 1975. Page H 1 1591 Foreign Assistance: By a yea-and-nay vote of 201 yeas to 190 nays, the House passed H.R. 17 2 34, to amend he Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. Rejected a motion to recommit the bill to the Com- ittee on Foreign Affairs with instructions to report back to the House with a new section on Security ssistance and Human Rights prohibiting all aid ntil the receiving country demonstrate:. that it is not violating internationally recognized hur Haan rights by condoning such practices as torture or imprisonment without charge. Agreed to: An amendment that strikes $85 millk i for the pro- curement of fertilizer by South Vietnam (agreed to by a recorded vote of 291 ayes to 98 noes) ; An amendment that provides for a complete cuitoff of military aid to Turkey until the President certifies to D 1355 Congress that Turkey is in compliance with the Foreign Aid and Foreign Military Sales Acts (agreed to by a recorded vote of 297 ayes to 98 noes) ; An amendment that prohibits all aid to UNESCO until that organization refrains from adopting politically oriented resolutions; An amendment that limits military aid to South Korea to $145 million until the President certifies to Congress that progress is being made in expanding human rights in that country (agreed to by a division vote of 64 ayes to 44 noes) ; An amendment that limits military assistance to Cambodia to $200 million and limits all aid to that country to $377 million; An amendment that adds language requiring the strengthening of international nuclear safeguards and requires a report to Congress from the President' on the efforts being made in that area; An amendment: that authorizes an additional $25 million for famine and disaster relief in Cyprus; An amendment that inserts "and until" after "unless" in a section prohibiting funds for CIA operations in foreign countries unless the President finds that those operations.are necessary to American national security; An arnerzdment that adds language providing for the dispersal of assistance funds only if the receiving court- try agrees to trade strategic raw materials with, the United States and providing for the stockpiling or sale of those materials by the Federal Government (agreed to by a recorded vote of 244 ayes to 136 noes) ; and An amendment that adds a new section making it the sense of Congress that any country in default of a debt owed to the United States begin to pay off its debt. Rejected: An. amendment that sought 'to withhold security assistance funds from any state until the receiving coun- try demonstrates that it is not violating human rights by condoning such practices as torture or detention without char ges; An amendment that sought to reduce funds for in- ternational organizations and programs by $26.6 million (rejected by a recorded vote of 165 ayes to 226 noes); An amendment to the amendment limiting military assistance to Cambodia to $200 million and imposing a 377 :million ceiling on all Cambodian aid that sought to raise the overall ceiling to $527 million and to strike the $20o million limit on military aid (rejected by a division vote of 29 ayes to 54 Does); An amendment to the Cambodia amendment that sought to strike the $200 million limit on military assist- ance and to exclude humanitarian and refugee assist- ance from the $377 million ceiling; An amendment that sought to add language allowing the President to withhold aid unless the receiving coun- try agrees to trade strategic raw materials with the United States; Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 .,.?,-, Approved For Release 2005/06116 : 'CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 December 11, 197CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 111591 settlement fees, charges, and commis- sions to home buyers and home sellers. The Secretary: of HUD is directed to prepare and distribute special informa- tion booklets to help homebuyers better understand the nature and costs of all real estate settlement services. The book- lets, which shall be made - available by lenders to prospective homebuyers at the time of the loan application, will con- tain an explanation of the choices avail- able in selecting persons to provide set- tlement services together with an ex- planation of unfair practices and unrea- ?soiiable and unnecessary charges to be avoided by homebuyers. Another important provision prohibits kickbacks given or received in connection with the referral of settlement service business to anyone. This outright pro- hibition will eliminate one of the most unconscionable abusive practices that characterize, in one way or another, a large number of settlement transactions in the Nation. The ultimate effect of kickbacks is to needlessly inflate the costs of homeownership since they are re- flected in the cost of settlement services. There is also a prohibition against re- quiring home loan borrowers from hav- ing to -make excessive deposits in escrow accounts maintained for the purpose of paying property tax and hazard insur- ance premiums. This provision generally limits. the amount that lenders can re- quire homeowners to deposit in such ac- counts to.equal monthly payments which will total no more than the taxes and in- surance premiums owed at the time when payment is due. This will end the practice by a large number of lenders to require the deposit of amounts which total more than the tax and insurance payments which are actually due. lenders to bear the costs of settlement section (a) oI section * of u- noo v. --t.- services which would otherwise be paid tember 13, 1962, as amended. by residential mortgage borrowers, and The SPEAKER. Is there objection to whether Federal regulation of settlement the request of the gentleman from Mon- transactions covered by this legislation tana? is necessary; and if so, how it is to be There was no objection. implemented. The Secretary is required Mr. MELCHER. Mr. Speaker, the Sen- to report his findings and recommenda- ate adopted an amendment to the Point tions to Congress within 3 to 5 years. Reyes provision of the bill. It deletes the' visions, along with the satisfactory reconciliation of differences between the House and Senate bills, makes this meas- ure a milestone in the history of con- sumer protection legislation. Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, I move the previous question on the conference report. The previous question was ordered. The conference report was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. GENERAL LEAVE Mr. STEPHENS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members may have 5 legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks on the conference report just agreed to. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Georgia? There was no objection. DESIGNATING CERTAIN LANDS IN FARALLON NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, CALIF., AS WILDERNESS AND ADDING CERTAIN LANDS TO THE POINT REYES NATIONAL SEASHORE , Mr. MELCHER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's desk the bill (H.R. 11013) to designate certain lands in the Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, Calif., as wil- derness; to add certain lands to the Point Reyes National Seashore; and for other purposes, with a Senate amend- ment thereto, and concur in the Senate amendment. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The Clerk read the Senate amendment, Still another provision will end the totally. objectionable practice of requir- ing home buyers to pay a fee for prepa- ration of truth-in-lending statements in connection with residential mortgage loans covered by this legislation. The in- formation contained in such statements has to be developed by the lender for his own use and there is absolutely no rea- son to require payment for its disclosure by borrowers. One of the most significant provisions included in the final versions of both bills directs the Secretary of HUD to imple- ment model demonstration land recorda- `tion systems in various areas of the coun- try in order to develop and promote ac- ceptance of efficient, inexpensive meth- ods by which real estate transfers are publicly registered. For the most part, recordation of real estate transfers are characterized by obsolete and extremely wasteful methods that make title searches and the retrieval of associated formation difficult and needlessly ?ciiStly One of the key tools in such dem- otration programs should be the use of data processing techniques. e slation will require the Secre- r ofUD to conduct a study of the 11,.0 e for further congressional action to .71.ir6tect the interests of homebuyers and 1 o n cllers in settlement transactions. g other things, the Secretary is s3ec calls directed to make recommend- ittions on the desirability of requiring as follows: - SEC. 201. Subsection (a) of sect n 2 of the Act of September 13, 1962 (76 S t. 638), describing the boundaries of the Poi Reyes National Seashore, California, is ame ed to "SEC. 2. (a) The area comprising th por- tion of the land and waters located o Point Reyes Peninsula, Marin County, Call rnia, which shall be known as the Point Rey Na- tional Seashore, is described as the area ith- in the boundaries generally depicted o the map entitled 'Boundary Map, Point Reye Na- tional Seashore, Marin County, Califo ia', numbered 612-50,008-B, and dated A ust 1974, which shall be on file and availabi for public inspection in the office of the Nat nal Park Service, Department of the Inter r.": SEC. 202. The Secretary of the Interior all, as soon as practicable after the date o en- actment of this title, publish an amende de- scription of the boundaries of the Point eyes National Seashore in the Federal Reg ter, and thereafter he shall take such action ith regard to such amended description an the map referred to in section 201 of this title as is required in the second sentence of ub- House language which added almost 170 acres to the seashore and specifically au- thorized the appropriation of $200,000 for the acquisition of the lands involved. In place of the House language, the Senate amendment increases the addition to the seashore by approximately. 280 acres-making the total addition about 450 acres. The existing authorization ceiling for the seashore, we are advised, will be adequate to cover the acquisition costs resulting from this legislation so that the specific authorization in the House language is not needed. In addition, the Senate language re- quires the Secretary of the Interior to publish an amended description of the boundaries in the Federal Register. Mr.. Speaker, the Senate amendment is germane to the bill. While it will result in some cost increase-for the purchase of the additional 280 acres-that increase is not expected to be significant in rela- tion to the total cost at this area which includes almost 65,000 acres of land. The Senate amendment was con- curred in. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. MAKING IN ORDER ON TOMORROW OR ANY DAY THEREAFTER CON- SIDERATION OF CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 16901, AGRI- CULTURE-ENVIRONMENTAL AND CC)NSUMER PROTECTION AGEN- CIES APPROPRIATIONS, 1975 Mr. WHITTEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that on tomorrow or any day thereafter it may be in order to take up the conference report on the bill (H.R. 16901) making appropriations for Agriculture-Environmental and Con- sumer Protection Agencies for fiscal year the request of the gentleman from Mississippi? There was no objection. FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1974 Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for the further con- sideration of the bill (H.R. 17234) to amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, and for other purposes. The SPEAKER. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Pennsylvania. The motion was agreed to. IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Accordingly, the House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for the further consideration of the bill H.R. 17234, with Mr. PRICE of Illinois in the chair. The Clerk read the title of the bill. 2 'Approved For Release 2005/06/16 CIA-RDP79-P0957A000100020 . _ -,a - . Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 t r n exna zonal conventions, in- The Jewish community in Syria is day of this week, when the legislation. eluding the Universal Declaration of living in terror. They cannot leave; they providing $412 million for a so-called re- Human Rights-whose 26th anniversary are not allowed to leave. Therefore, this plenishment' of the Asian Development was observed yesterday. provision is directed precisely at that Bank was before the House, I tried to Surely we cannot condone the uncon- situation. I want to reassure the gentle- ascertain what borrowings the United scionable actions taken by the Syrian man that that is the intent. States had made from the bank. The Government against the Jewish comma- Mr. BADILLO. Mr. Chairman, I thank gentleman from Texas (Mr. GONZALEZ) nity and, under existing circumstances, I my colleague, and I commend him for his insisted there were none. believe that any consideration of assist- outstanding work in the committee and In hearings on the subject this year, ance could only be interpreted as a tacit on the floor. It was disclosed that the Asian Bank has acceptance of such repressive and dis- The CHAIRMAN. If there are no a total of $403 million, apparently in criminatory policies. Clearly some mean- further amendments to title I, the Clerk excess funds, for they are deposited in ingful commitment must be secured from will read. short term government investments. The the Al-Assad government that it will The Clerk read as follows: hearings do not specify what govern- cease its ill-conceived reign of terror TITLE II-INDOCHINA AID ments have these funds. against Syrian Jews before 1 According to hearings on the subject, penny ASSISTANCE TO INDOCHINA in of of aid under the special requirements SEC. 5. Section 802 of the Foreign Assist- year 1966, when the United fund will be made available. ante Act of 1961 is amended to read as States made its initial contribution of The legislation before as contains follows: $1.40 million to the Asian Bank, that. language,--thanks to the efforts of my "SEC. 802. AUTHORIZATION: (a) There are same amount of money was immediately colleague from New York (Mr. BIND- authorized to be appropriated to the Presi- loazled back. The U.S. Treasury paid 6 HAM), which expresses the sense of Con- dent to furnish assistance for relief and percent interest on the money it box:,- gress that no funds authorized by this reconstruction of South Vietnam, Cambodia, rowed to give to the bank and another and Laos as authorized by this part for the measure should be provided to any dour- fiscal year 1974 not to exceed $504,000,000, `6 percent to borrow it back-a. total of 12 try which denies its citizens the right or and for the fiscal year 1875 not to exceed percent interest. opportunity to emigrate. There can be $573,400,000, which amounts are authorized The Asian Bank loaned Thailand $119 no question that this language was ac- to remain available until expended. million and, although we ,had put up 2,0 cepted and incorporated into the foreign "(b) No assistance may be provided to percent of the bank's money, this hand- aid authorization because of the situation South Vietnam, Cambodia, or Laos under out Government of ours borrowed $100 in Syria. Syrian Jews are virtual hos- part I. (including chapter 4 of part II) of million from Thailand. this Act. This prohibition may not be waived tages in their own land and are unable under section 614 (a) of this Act or any other Incidentally, and from all faucets, we to travel more than two and a half miles provision of law unless (1) the President, at had pumped $1,739,700,000 into Thailand from their own homes without special least thirty days prior to the proposed waiver, through fiscal year 1973. permits, which are rarely granted. In- submits to the Congress a statement contain- Mr. Chairman, I simply want the rec- asmuch as the emigration of Jews from ing the amount and source of the funds to ord to show the kind of. financial hanky- Syria is strictly forbidden, the current be used under part I (including chapter 4 panky that goes on with just one small government there must drastically alter of part II), the use to"wfiich the funds are part of this Foreign Assistance Act. its policies in order to receive considera- to be put, and his reasons for the use of I realize that anything I may have to tion for assistance. To do otherwise the funds, and (2) during such thirty-day Con g ress does not by say here today on the disposal of this would make a mockery of. this nation's resolution e disapprove the provision of such legislation will probably have no effect most respected principles and those in- assistance. whatsoever, because a Santa Claus Con- ternational agreements which seek to "(c) The authority of section 610 (a) of gress has a habit each year of, present- guarantee basic rights and human this Act may not be used to transfer funds Ing foreign countries with a Christmas dignity. into this part unless (1) the President, at present of $3 billion or more. As the report accompanying H.R. least thirty days prior to the proposed trans- I think we should also understand here 17234 indicates, the U.N. Declaration oil fer, determines and reports to the Congress this afternoon that as of June 12, 1974- Human Rights could be used as a stand- that the transfer is important to the security and we are being called upon to approve and in evaluating the emigration policies report of the United States and includes in his a $2.6 billion foreign handout bill here of a Middle Eastern nation. It would be to be transferred, amount the source which the funds this afternoon-we should understand against this benchmark that S ria's a , t e put, and his the rea o s wthe funds trans- that on June 12, 1974, the total foreign policies would be judged in order to even fer is important to the security of the United assistance pipeline stood at $27 billion. receive consideration as an aid recipient States, and (2) during such thirty-day pe- lt is a pretty fancy Christmas present under the special requirements fund. if riod the Congress does not by concurrent the Members will hand out here this such a specific requirement is not met resolution disapprove the transfer. afternoon if they vote for this $2.6 billion and an attempt is made to secure aid for "Sd) In addition to whatever funds may to add to the $27 billion in the pipeline. Syria, the Congress should not hesitate be made available under subsection (a) for Mr. BADILLO. Mr. Chairman, I move to fully exercise the concurrent, resolu?- the purposes of this subsection, there is to strike the requisite number of words, tion veto process under section 903 (b) also authorized to be appropriated $27,700,- (Mr. BADILLO asked and was given of the bill. There is no way in good con-? 000 for ionaed omtes contributiont l and Int permission to revise and extend his re- science we could . Su er visional Cthe Vietnam of Control and Perit marks.) furnished to Svria withoutfirnCe tObE! Supervision of the Vietnam Peace Agree- marks.) o t X of Syria have Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Chairman, if the s1 ered as read and open for amend- been subjected by the government of gentleman will yield, I would say that Are there r. .GROSSint. Hafez Al-Assad. I find it to be wholly in the discussion in the committee, that ni nt at any any amendments to title I? inconsistent with our country's basic was made quite clear, that this provision M Mr. Chairman, I ,move to traditions to even contemplate: aiding a is directed at the situation in Syria. We strike the necessary number of words., regime which has meted out such cruel are very much concerned about that (Mr. GROSS asked and was given per- and inhumane treatment to a minority situation. It is worse, if anything, than mission to revise and extend his re- and which has continually ignored those the situation which prevails in the Soviet marks,) basic human rights and civil liberties pro- Union. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, on Mon- tested b, 1 t - R.ICUB -HOUSE December 11, 1974 The CHAIRMAN. When the Commit- Instances, physcal abuse and death, to this amendment was intended to include tee rose on yesterday, title I, ending on which members of the small but cou- the situation as it now exists in Syria. p e 5, line 14, of the bill had been con- rageous Jewish c '' H 11592 GONGRESSIO .T it ponying report I am deeply troubled to restrictions against the Jewashcommu- SEC. 6. Section 803(b) of the Foreign As- note that economic assistance may be pity. after ce Act of 1961 is amended by inserting after "fiscal year 1974, $5,000,000," the fol- made available to Syria under the spe- In view of the fact that Syria has a lowing: "and for fiscal year 1975, $10,000,000,". clal requirements fund if relations with policy under which emigration is strictly CEILING ON FERTILIZERS TO SOUTH VIETNAM that nation develop favorably. My grave forbidden, I would like to ask my col-. SEC. 7. (a) Not more than $85,000,000 made concern stems from the continual har- league, the gentleman from. New York: available under the Foreign Assistance Act rassment, intimidation and, in certain (Mr. BINGHAM). or the chairman whPthPr ?r 1057 ,Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 'December 11, 1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE to procure agricultural fertilizers for, or to provide such fertilizers to, South Vietnam. (b) During each fiscal year after fiscal year 1975, of the total amount obligated or ex- pended for such fiscal year under the For- eign Assistance Act of 1961 to procure agricultural fertilizers for, or to provide such fertilizers to, foreign countries, not more than one-third of such amount may be ob- ligated or expended to procure such fer- tilizers for, or provide such fertilizers to, South Vietnam. Mr. MORGAN (during the reading). Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent that title II be considered as read, printed in the RECORD, and open to amendment at any point. The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Pennsylvania? There was no objection. AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. MATIHIS OF GEORGIA Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- man, I offer an amendment. The Clerk read as follows: Amendment offered by Mr. MATHIS Of Georgia:. Page 7, line nine, strike "Not more than $85,000,000" and insert therein "None of the moneys" (Mr. MATHIS of Georgia asked and was given permission to revise and ex- tend his remarks. Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- man,, what this amendment does is rel- atively simple, it strikes the $85 million that is authorized in the Foreign Assist- ance Act to provide fertilizer for, and the purchase of fertilizer for South Vietnam. It seems to me to be utterly foolish for this Congress at this time to continue to provide assistance to South Vietnam in the way of buying fertilizer when we in this country do not have adequate supplies of fertilizer to meet our own demands, and when the farmers of this country who are fortunate enough to be able to purchase fertilizer are doing so by paying three prices for it, when and if they can get it. So, as I say, the purpose of this amend- ment is simply to strike the $85 million. It says that none of the money made available under the act of 1961 can be used to purchase fertilizer in this coun- try, or abroad, for shipment to South Vietnam. Mr. Chairman, I believe that is the essence of the amendment. I think it requires no further debate, and I would simply urge the adoption of my-amend- ment. Mr. GUNTER. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. I yield to the distinguished gentleman from Florida, my good friend. (Mr. GUNTER asked, and, was given permission to revise and extend his remarks,) Mr. GUNTER. Mr. Chairman, not without a real sense of regret, and at least to some degree some measure of genuine anger, I will vote against pas- sage of the Foreign Assistance Act. I say regret because I am not one of those who believes that the United States has no obligation whatever to those iil other parts of the world who genuinely deserve and desire our assistance; but because, once again for still another year, w# .have before us not a foreign assistance program that will help those genuinely in need, but simply another extension of the totally ineffective, unmanageable, and wasteful foreign aid program as it has existed in the past, siphoning off millions of dollars of taxpayer's money to go to corrupt regimes or to be diverted to some extraneous purpose having noth- ing to do with the genuine human needs of some of the world's poorest popula- tions. Were American assistance directed toward helping those actually in des- perate need and struggling on the brink of starvation without hope of salvation, I might feel our Christian responsibility and conscience would persuade us all that U.S. assistance was the right and humanitarian thing to do. But, Mr. Chairman, once again, that is not the nature or intention of the as- sistance proposed in this foreign aid legislation, despite the increasingly clear insistence in recent years on the part of both Congress and the American people that our foreign assistance program be totally revamped from top to bottom in order to reflect the honest intentions and goals of that program as it was origi- nally devised, rather than some perver- sion of the American spirit of generosity and the hard-earned dollars of our tax- payers for purposes never intended. I particularly regret that a vote against this bill might be subject to mis- interpretation as a vote also against those provisions contained in the legis- lation providing assistance for Israel. That is clearly not the case, Mr. Chair- man. The aid designated for Israel will, without question, survive in whatever foreign assistance bill is finally passed in its final form. I am unequivocal in my vigorous support for the aid requested in this bill for Israel and in general, as I have been in the past and will continue to be in the future. Aid to Israel, however, is not the issue in this bill, since any foreign assistance bill we finally pass will contain such aid, with my wholehearted support. What is at issue are all the other provi- sions in this bill not relating to Israel, and the question of what kind of foreign assistance in those instances can be truly justified and will be finally enacted along with the assistance provided for Israel. Mr. Chairman, the clear mandate of Congress and the American people is again ignored in this legislation. The intense concern and even outrage which has been building over the waste and mismanagement of our foreign aid pro- grams will no longer be denied. One would have thought that by this time the Federal bureaucracy and those respon- sible for drafting and submitting this legislation to the Congress would have heard and heeded the clear message, and revised this program so as to achieve the genuine goals of humanitarian assistance for which it was originally intended, to eliminate waste, and to submit a pro- gram which all Americans of good will could agree represented a sound, work- able, and truly meritorious program of U.S. assistance to the most needy and deserving peoples of other parts of the world. H 11593 They have not done so, once again, Mr. Chairman. And I believe the time has come when Congress this time must make the message so clear and under- standable that it will literally force a total review and revision of our foreign assistance programs to eliminate waste and mismanagement and to accomplish the true humanitarian goals which can be the only legitimate justification for such a program of foreign assistance. It is no longer even a conservative or liberal issue, Mr. Chairman, but has come down to a simple question of common sense and fiscal and humanitarian re- sponsibility. Not only the traditional con- servative critics of foreign aid voice their growing anger and concern today, but many past liberal supporters of the for- eign. assistance program, suck as the able Senator from Idaho, the Hon. FRANK CHURCH, have come to appreciate the folly of continuing to pour tens or hun- dreds of millions of dollars down the drain which never reach those whom it was intended we help by such assistance. I can find, for example, Mr. Chairman, not the slightest bit of rhyme or reason for providing large-scale economic as- sistance to those same oil producing na- tions who now sit bloated and glutted with riches ripped off of the consumers of may State of Florida and the rest of the country in the form of outrageous fuel oil prices. It would be more appropriate for the oil producing nations to provide some economic assistance back to Ameri- can consumers and to alleviate the suf- fering in our own economy produced by their extortionist policies of oil pricing than for us to send still more millions of dollars of so-called economic "assist- ance" to the oil producing countries like Venezuela now awash in their billions of dollars of newfound riches. This is the kind. of policy, Mr. Chairman, which the American people, for good reason, simply cannot understand, and which I frankly cannot understand, and which I believe the Congress cannot understand. With literally hundreds of thousands standing on the edge of starvation in many parts of the globe, I cannot under- stand, and I do not believe the American people can understand, the diversion of so many millions to countries where no such threat of starvation exists, or to prop up dictatorships around the world all out of proportion to any importance they have to the genuine security needs of our own country. In voting against this legislation, Mr. Chairman, I think it is very important, however, that it be made clear what those of us who oppose it are saying, and what we are not saying. As with any piece of legislation, there are :parts of this bill I wholeheartedly favor and support. I believe it is impera- tive that we continue to provide adequate economic and military assistance to Israel. I favor the principle of selective foreign assistance in truly meritorious and deserving instances and where such programs of assistance are properly man- aged and the benefits of which reach those we actually intend to help. But the time has passed, in my judg- ment, when we can continue the crazy- quilt patchwork programs of ineffect.ivp Approved For Release 2005/06/16 CIA-RDP79-00957A0001000200 8 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 11 11594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- HOUSE December 11, .197 wasteful and misdirected assistance at the waste of hundreds of millions bene- fiting those who least deserve our help alhd still expect that the American people are going to continue to tolerate even the concept of foreign assistance itself. A vote against this legislation Is in- tended, on my part at least, to serve as aclear direction to the administration to comeback next year with a scaled-down, totally revamped program of genuine assistance to those truly in need of our humanitarian aid that can and will be managed efficiently and without the mas- sive and misdirected waste that has char- acterized the presently existing program for far too many years now. I believe Congress can force a com- plete review and revamping of our foreign assistance programs by voting against the pending legislation. I shall therefore vote against this bill and urge my colleagues to do likewise, in hopes that we can force a total revision of the priorities contained in the foreign assistance program and come up with a totally new program that will merit and therefore achieve widespread support by all Americans who want to do the' right and humanitarian thing-but who are tired of being taken for a ride in provid- ing assistance for those who never seem to end up benefiting by it. 'Without a return to commonsense in the operation of foreign assistance, Mr. Chairman, the concept of assistance it- self is threatened even in legitimate cir- cumstances, not by the program's critics, but by the administraiton itself by fail- ing to benefit from that legitimate criti- cismand to produce a program that will have and merit the humanitarian sup- port of the American people and the, Congress. Mr. DAVIS of South Carolina. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. I yield to my dear 'friend, the distinguished gentleman from South Carolina. (Mr. DAVIS of South Carolina asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. DAVIS of South Carolina. Mr. Chairman, I thank the gentleman from Georgia for yielding to me, and I rise in support of the amendment the gentle- man has offered. We have heard so much talk so many times in the United States on the high rate of inflation in the country, and it would seem to me that for us to be send- Ing agricultural products that are so direly needed in the United States abroad under the guise of foreign aid while, as I say, we suffer here at home with the ex traordinarily high prices of food, is lust totally unnecessary. I hope the amend- ment will be adopted so that we can tell the American people and the American farmers and the American consumers that no longer are we going to be doing this, sending this to other countries who are so ungracious when we try to help them. It is time now to start taking care of the American farmer and the Ameri can consumer. Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- man, I thank the gentleman from South Carolina for his contribution. I might say, Mr. Chairman, in addi- oriented amendment, but that it also ad- dresses itself to every citizen and section of our country, because they are the ulti- inate consumers of farm goods, because when we send $85 million worth of fer- tilizerto South Vietnam it simply means that it is going to cost our farmers more to produce their products, and. ultimately cost the American housewife more for the groceries she puts on the family t:.able. Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Chairman, if the ,gentleman will yield, I would say that, under the continuing resolution, AID has obligated slightly less than $85 mil- lion to procure fertilizers for South Viet- nam. These obligations under the con- tinuing resolution will be charged to appropriations under the Foreign Assist- ance Act. The $85 million limitation in section 7 of the bill assures that no obligations will be made to procure fertilizer for South Vietnam, for the rest of fiscal year 1975. The gentleman from Georgia can be assured that there will be no loopholes, and that nothing more than. the funds already obligated will be spent for fer- tilizer for South Vietnam. However, we cannot change the facts, and we cannot bring back the unspent money that has already been spent. So if the gentleman from Georgia wishes to insert the words "effective up- on the date of enactment of this act" in front of the substitute language, the chairman would be glad to accept the amendment. Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- man, I wonder if the distinguished chairman, the gentleman from Pennsyl- vania (Mr., MORGAN), can tell mne how much money has already been spent without the authorization of this act? Mr. MORGAN. The gentleman from Georgia took part in the debate on the continuing resolution. I remember that the gentleman debated with the chair- man of the Committee on Appropria- tions. Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. On a very limited basis. I could not get time from the chairman. Mr. MORGAN. The money was au- thorized and appropriated, and spent under the authority of that resolution. There is no money in this bill for fer- tilizer for Vietnam in fiscal year 1975. So I see no practical effect to the gen- tleman's amendment in its present form. Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- man, I appreciate very much the ob- servations and the comments and the contributions of the distinguished chair- man, but I think it is time, once and for all, for this Congress to say that we will look after the American farmers and the American consumers first, and therefore I urge the adoption of my amendment. The CHAIRMAN; The question is on. the amendment offered by the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. MATHis). The question was taken, and the Chair- man announced that the noes appeared. RECORDED VOTE Mr, MATHIS of Georgia. Mr. man, I demand a recorded vote. A recorded vote was ordered. vice, and there were-ayes 291, noes 98, not voting 45, as follows: [Roll No. 669] AYES=-291 Abdnor Fulton Parris Abzug Fuqua Patman Adams Gsydos Perkins Addabbo Gilman Pettis Alexander Ginn Pickle Anderson, Goodling Poage Calif. Gray Powell, Ohio Anderson, Ill. Green, Oreg. Preyer Andrews, N.C. Gross Price, Ill, Andrews, Gunter Price, Tax. N. Dak. Guyer Quie Annunzio Haley Quillen Archer Hamilton Railsback Armstrong Hammer- Randall Ashbrook Rangel Aspin Regula Bafalis Harrington Reid Baker Hawkins Reuss Bauman Hechier, W. Va. Rhodes Beard Heckler, Mass, Riegle Bell Henderson Rinaldo Bergland Hillis Roberts Bevill Hinshaw Robinson, Va. Biaggi Holt ROdlno Blatnik Holtzman Rogers Boland Horton Rooney, Pa. Bowen Huber Rose Brademas Hungate Rostenk.owskl Bray Hunt Roush Breaux Hutchinson Roussolot Brinkley Ichord Roy Brooks Jarman Runnels Broomfield Johnson, Calif. Ruth Brotzman Johnson, Colo. Ryan Brown, Mich. Jones, Ala. St Germain Broyhill, N.C. Jones, Okla. Saudma.n Broyhill, Va. Jones, Tenn. Sarasin Burgener Jordan Sarbanes Burke, Calif. Karth Satterfield Burke, Fla. Kastenmeier Scherle Burke Mass. Kazen Schroeder Burleson, Tex. Kemp Sebelius Burlison, Mo. Ketchum Seiberling Burton, John Kiuczynski Shipley Burton, Phillip Koch Shoup Butler. Kyros Shriver Byron Lagornarsino Shuster Camp Landrum Sisk Carney, Ohio Latta Skubitz Carter Leggett Slack Casey, Tex. Lehman Smith, Iowa Chappell Lent Snyder Chisholm Long, Md. Spence Clancy Lott Stanton, Clausen, Lujan James V. Don B. McCloskey Stark Clay McCollister Steed Cleveland McCormack Stelger, Ariz. Cochran McDade Stephens Cohen McEwen Stokes Collins, Ill. McKay Stubblefield Collins, Tex. McSpadden Stuckey Conte Macdonald Studds Conyers Madden Sullivan Cotter Madigan Symington Cronin Mahon Symms Daniel, Dan Mann Talcott Daniel, Robert Maraziti Taylor, Mo. W., Jr. Martin, Nebr. Taylor, N.C. Daniels, Martin, N.C. Thompson, N.J. Dominick V. Mathis, Ga. Thone Danielson Mazzola Thornton Davis, Ga. Meeds Traxler Davis, S.C. Meicher Treen de la Garza Metcalfe Udall Delaney Mezvinsky Ullman Dellums Milford Van Deerlin Denholm Miller Vander Veen Devine Minish Veysey Dickinson Mink Waggonner Dingell Minshall, Ohio Walsh Donohue Mitchell, Md. Wampler Dorn Mitchell, N.Y. White Downing Mizell Whitehurst Drinan Moakley Whitten Dulski Mollohan Wiggins Duncan Montgomery Wilson. Edwards, Ala. Moorhead. Charles H., Edwards, Calif. Calif. Calif. Eilberg Moss Wilson, Each Murphy, 111. Char] es, Tex. Evins, Tenn. Murphy, N.Y., Winn Findley Murtha Wright Flood Myers Wylie Flowers Natcher Yatron Flynt Nedzi Young, Fla. Foley Nichols Young, Ga. Ford Nix Young, S.C. Fountain Obey Young, Tex. Frenzel O'Brien Zion Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 H 11595 ORD HOUSE ` EC December 11, 1974 CONGRESSIONAL R NOES-98 Arends Frelinghuyseu Patten .Ashley Gibbons Pike Badillo Gonzalez Pritchard Bennett Green, Pa. Rees Blester Griffiths Robison, N.Y. Bingham Grover Roe Blackburn Gubser Roncallo, WyO. Boggs Gude Rosenthal Boiling Hanna Roybal Breckinridge Hanrahan Schneebeli Brown, Calif. Hansen, Idaho SmSikes ith, N.Y. Buchanan Hays Cederberg Heinz Stanton, Chamberlain lielstoski J. William Clark Hicks Steele Conlan Hogan Steelman Corman Hosmer Stratton Coughlin Hudnut Teague Crane Johnson, Pa. Thomson, Wis. Culver King Davis, Wis. Long, La. Vigorito Dellenback McClory Waldie Dennis McFall Ware Derwinski McKinney Whalen Diggs Mallary Widnall du Pont Matsunaga Williams Eckhardt Mayne Wilson, Bob Erlenborn Michel Wolff Evans, Colo. Moorhead, Pa. Wydler Far-ell Morgan Yates Fish Mosher Young, Ill. Forsythe Nelsen Zablocki Fraser O'Neill Zwach NOT VOTING-45 Barrett Hansen, Wash. Pepper Erasco Harsha Peyser Brown, Ohio Hastings Podell Carey, N.Y. Hebert Rarick wn, Del Howard Rooney N Collier Y. Conable Jones, N.C. Ruppe Dent Kuykendall Staggers Eshleman Landgrebe Steiger, Wis. Fisher Litton Tiernan Frey Luken Towell, Nev. Gettys Mathias, Calif. Vander Jagt Giaimo Mills Wyatt ld ter O'Hara Wyman a "(1) if the President submits to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a statement containing (A) the amount of funds under this chapter to be made available which, but for such waiver, would have been prohibited from being made available, (B) the country for which such funds are to be made available, (C) the purpose for which such funds are to be made available for such country, and (D) the rea- son that funds from this chapter must be made available for such purpose; and "(2) during the thirty-day period after the President submits such report, Congress does not pass a concurrent resolution stat- ing in substance that it does not favor the proposed use of such funds. "(c) This section shall not apply to funds made available under section 104 for pur- poses of title X of chapter 2 of this part (programs relating to population growth)." AGRICULTURAL CREDIT PROGRAMS SEC. 11. (a) Title III of chapter 2 of part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended- (1) by deleting the title heading and in- serting in lieu thereof the following: "TITLE III-HOUSING AND OTHER CREDIT GUARANTY PROGRAMS"; (2) by inserting at the end of section 222 the following new section: "SEC. 222A. AGRICULTURAL AND PRODUCTIVE CREDIT AND SELF-HELP COMMtINITY DEVELOP- MENT PROGRAMS-(a) it is the sense of the Congress that in order to stimulate the par- ticipation of the private sector in the eco- nomic development of less-developed coun- tries in Latin America, the authority con- ferred by this section should be used to es- tablish pilot programs in not more than five Latin American countries to encourage pri- vate banks,, credit institutions, similar pri- vate lending organizations, cooperatives, and private nonprofit development organiza- tions to make loans on reasonable terms to organized groups and individuals residing in a community for the purpose of enabling such groups and individuals to carry out agricultural credit and self-help community development projects for which they are un- able to obtain financial assistance on rea- sonable terms. Agricultural credit and assist- ance for self-help community development projects should include, but not be limited to, material and such projects as wells, pumps, farm machinery, improved seed, fer- tilizer, pesticides, vocational training, food industry development, nutrition projects, improved breeding stock for farm animals, sanitation facilities, and looms and other handicraft aids. "(b) To carry out the purposes of subsec- tion (a), the agency primarily responsible for administering part I Is authorized to issue guaranties, on such terms and conditions as it shall determine, to private lending institu- tions, cooperatives, and private nonprofit development organizations in not more than five Latin American countries assuring against loss of not to exceed 50 per centum of the portfolio of such loans made by any lender to organized groups or individuals residing in a community to enable such groups or individuals to carry out agricul- +, t -14+ and Golf-h ain ennimiinity devel- Go w Grasso Passman Young, Alaska So, the amendment was agreed to. The result of the vote was announced as above recorded. The CHAIRMAN. Are there further amendments to title II? If not, the Clerk will read. The Clerk read as follows: TITLE III-OTHER FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT AMENDMENTS FOOD AND NUTRITION AUTHORIZATION SEC. 8. Section 103 of the Foreign Assist- ance Act of 1961 is amended by striking out "$291,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1974 and 1975" and inserting "$291,000,000 for the fiscal year 1974, and $471,300,000 for the fiscal year 1975" in lieu thereof. POPULATION PLANNING AND HEALTH AUTHORIZATION - SEC. 9. Section 104 of the Foreign Assist- ance Act of 1961 is amended by striking out "$145,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1974 and .1975" and inserting "$145,000,000 for the fiscal year 1974 and $165,000,000 for the fiscal year 1915" in lieu thereof. LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS Assistance Act of 1961 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "SEC. 115. PROHIBITING USE OF FUNDS FOR CERTAIN COUNTRIES.-(a) None of the funds made available to carry out this chapter may be used in any fiscal year for any country to which assistance is furnished in such fiscal year- under chapter 4 of part II (security glppofting assistance), part V (assistance fo; relief and reconstruction of South Viet- nalnF' Cambodia, and Laos), or part VI (as- sistance for Middle East peace) of this Act. "(b) 'The'prohibition contained in subsec- tion (a) may only be waived under section 614(a) of this Act or under any other pro- vision of law- vpaaic?", y.v~c..~~ ... to obtain financial assistance on reasonable tion, to any other such funds to be made terms. In no event shall the liability of the available for contributions to the Interna- United States exceed 75 per centurn of any tional Atomic Energy Agency, not less than one loan. $500,000 shall be made available to such "(c) The total face amount of guaranties Agency as technical assistance in kind." issued under this section outstanding at any SECURITY ASSISTANCE AND HUMAN RIGHTS one time shall not exceed $15,000,000. Not SEC. 15. Chapter 1 of part II of the Foreign more than 10 per centum of such sum shall Assiistance, Act of 1961 is amended by adding be provided for any one - institution, co- at the end thereof the following new sec- operative, or organization. tioli: "(d) The Inter-American Foundation shall "SEC.~502B.^HUMAN RIGHTS.-(a) It is the _ r t s t in extranrdl- _ __ - i nse ep Approved For Release 20,05/06/16: CIA-RDP79-00957A000100 Ing loans eligible for guaranty coverage in Latin America under this section. "(e) Not to exceed $3,000,000 of the guar- anty reserve established under section 223 (b) shall be available to make such pay- ments as may be necessary to discharge lia- bilities under guaranties issued under this section or any guaranties previously issued under section 240 of this Act. "(f) Funds held by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation pursuant to section 236 may be available for meeting necessary administrative and operating expenses for carrying out the provisions of this section through June 30, 1976. "(g) The Overseas Private Investment Corporation shall, upon enactment of this subsection, transfer to the agency primarily responsible for administering part I all obli- gations, assets, and related rights and re- sponsibilities arising out of, or related to the predecessor program provided for in section 240 of this Act. "(h) The authority of continue until December 31, this 1977tion shall "(1) Notwithstanding the limitation in subsection (c) of this section, foreign cur- rencies owned by the United States and de- termined by the Secretary of the Treasury to be excess to the needs of the United States may be utilized to carry out the purposes of this section, including the discharge of lia- bilities under this subsection. The authority conferred by this subsection shall be in ad- dition to authority conferred by any other provision of law to implement guaranty pro- grams utilizing excess local currency. "(j) The President shall, on or before January 15, 1976, make a detailed report to the Congress on the results of the programs established under this section, together with such recommendations as he may deem appropriate."; (3) by deleting "section 221 or section 222" in section 223(a) and inserting "section 221, 222, or 222A" in lieu thereof; (4) by deleting "this title" in section 223(b) and inserting "section 221 and section 222" in lieu thereof; and (5) by deleting "section 221 or section 222" in section 223(d) and inserting "sec- tion 221, 222, or 222A" in lieu thereof. (b) Title IV of chapter 2 of part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended by striking out section 240. HOUSING GUARANTIES SEC. 12. Section 223(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended by strik- ing out "June 30, 1975" and inserting "June 30, 1976" In lieu thereof. POPULATION GROWTH EARMARKING SEc. 13. Section 292 of the Foreign Assist- ance Act of 1961 is amended by striking out "$130,000,000" and inserting "$150,000,000" in lieu thereof. - - INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND PROGRAMS SRC. 14. (a) Section 302(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended by striking out the words "for the fiscal year 1975, $150,- 000,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "for the fiscal year 1975, $154,400,000".' (b) Section 302 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is.further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sub- section: Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 11111596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE December 11, 1974- nary circumstances, the President shall sub- PROHIBITIONS ON AM TO NATIONS TRADING famine or disaster relief assistance to any atantlally reduce or terminate. security as- WITH NORTH VIETNAM foreign country on such terms and condi- 6lstonce to any government which engages in SEC. 19. Section 620 of the Foreign Assist- tions as he may determine. For fiscal year a consistent pattern of gross violations of ante Act of 1961 1s amended by inserting 1975 there is authorized to be appropriated internationally recognized human rights, in- before the period in subsection. (n) the fol- not to exceed $15,000,000, to provide such eluding torture or cruel, inhuman or de- lowing: ", unless the President determines assistance. The President shall submit quar- grading treatment or punishment; pro- that such loans, credits, guaranties, grants, terly reports during such fiscal year to the longed detention without charges; or other other assistance,. or sales are in. the national Committee on Foreign Relations and the flagrant denials of the right to life, liberty, interest of the United States". Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the security of the person. ASSISTANCE To GREECE and to the Speaker of the House of Represen- (b) Whenever proposing or furnishing tatives on the programing and obligation of security assistance to any government fall SEC. 20. Section 620(v) of the Foreign As.- funds under this section." ing Within the provisions of paragraph (a), sistance Act of 1961 Is repealed. (b) Section 451 of the Foreign Assistance the President shall advise the Congress of the SUSPENSION OF MILITARY ASSISTANCE TO TURKEY Act of 1961, dealing with the contingency extraordinary circumstances necessitating SEC. 20. Section 620(v) of the Foreign As.. fund, is amended to read as follows: the assistance. statance Act of 1961 is amended by adding "SEC. 451. CONTINGENCY FUND.-(a) There (c) In determining whether or not a gov- at the end thereof the following new sub- is authorized to be appropriated to the ernment falls within the provisions of sub- section: President for the fiscal year 1975 not lo section (a), consideration shall be given to "(x) All military assistance, all sales of exceed $5,000,000, to provide assistance air.- the extent of cooperation by such govern- defense articles and services (whether for thorized by this part or by section 639 for ment in permitting an unimpeded investiga- cash or by credit, guaranty, or any Other any emergency purpose only in accordance tion of alleged violations of internationally means), and all licenses with respect to the with the provisions applicable to the furnish.- recognized human rights by appropriate transportation of prmss, ammunitions, and. ing of such assistance. international organizations, including the implements of war (including technical data. (b) The President shall submit quarterly International Committee of the Red Cross relating thereto) to the Goverment of Tur- reports to the Committee on Foreign Rela.- and any body acting under the authority Of key shall be suspended on the date of en- tions and the Committee on Appropriations the United Nations or of the Organization of actment of this subsection unless and until of the Senate and the Speaker of the House American States. the President determines and certifies to the of Representatives on the programing and (d) For purposes of this section, 'security Congress that the Government of Turkey obligation of funds under this section. assistance' means assistance under chapter is making a substantial good faith effort to "(c) No part of this fund shall be used 2 (military assistance) or chapter 4 (security achieve a negotiated settlement with respect to pay for any gifts to any officials of any supporting assistance) of this part, assist- to Cyprus." foreign government made heretofore or here- ance under part V (Indochina Postwar Re- after.". construction) or part VI (Middle East Peace) SUSPENSION OF MILITARY ASSISTANCE TO of this Act, sales under the Foreign Military CHILE CHANGE IN ALLOCATION OF FOREIGN ASSISTANCE Sales Act, or assistance for public, safety SEC. 22. Section 620 of the Foreign Assist- SEC. 25. Section 653 of the Foreign Assist- under this or any other Act." ante Act of 1961 is amended by adding at ante Act of 1961 is amended- MIL the ASSISTANCE the end thereof the following new subsec- (1) by striking out all after the period at tion: the end of the first sentence of subsection SEC. 16. (a) Chapter 2 of part II of the "(y) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (a); and Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended as (2), all military assistance, all sales of de- (2) by redesignating subsection (b) as follows: fence articles and services (whether for cash subsection (c) and by inserting immediately (1) In section 504(a), strike out $512,500,- or by credit, guaranty, or any other means), after subsection (a) the following new sub- 000 for the fiscal year 1974" and insert in and all licenses with respect to the trans- section: lieu thereof "$745,000,000 for the fiscal year portation of arms, ammunition, and imple- "(b) Notwithstanding any other provision 1975, of which not less than $100,000,000 mentsof war (including technical data re- of law, no military grant assistance, security shall be made available. for Israel". lating thereto) to the Government of Chile supporting assistance, assistance under (2) In section 504(a), strike out "(other under this or any other law shall be sus- chapter 1 of part,I of this Act, or assistance than training in the United States)" and pended for the period from the date of en- under part V of this Act, may be furnished insert in lieu thereof "(other than (1) train- actment of this subsection through the end to any country or international organization ing in the United States, or (2) for Western of fiscal year 1975. in any fiscal year, if such assistance exceeds Hemisphere countries, training in the'jnited "(2) Notwithstanding the proviilo;Is Of by 10 percent or more the amount of such States or in the Canal Zone) ". paragraph (1), training may be furnished military grant assistance, security supporting (3) In section 506(a), strike out "the fiscal pursuant to the Foreign Assistance Act of assistance, assistance under chapter 1 of year 1974" in each place it appears and insert 1961 in the United States or the Canal Zone part I of this Act, or assistance under part V in lieu thereof "the fiscal year 1975", to members of the armed forces of Chile in of this Act, as the case may be, set forth (4) In section 513- an amount not to exceed $800,000 for fiscal in the report required by subsection (a) of (A) Strike out "AND LOAS" in the_section year 1975. this section, unless- heading and insert ", LAOS, AND VIETNAM" in "(3) The provisions of subsection (y) (1) "(1) the President reports to the Congress, lieu thereof; and shall cease to apply when the President re= at least thirty days prior to the date on (B) Add at the end thereof the following ports to the Congress that the Government which such excess funds are provided, tho new subsection: of Chile has made and is continuing to make country or organization to be provided the "(c) After June 30, 1975, no military as- fundamental improvements in the obser- excess funds, the amount and category of sistance shall be furnished by the United vance and enforcement of internationally the excess funds, and the justification for States to Vietnam directly or through any recognized human rights: Provided, That the providing the excess funds; and other foreign country unless that assistance total amount of credits furnished or guar- "(2) in the case of military grant assist. Is authorized under this Act or the Foreign anteed under the Foreign Military Sales ance or security supporting assistance, the Military Sales Act." Act, and of any disposal of vessels Iaade in President includes in the report under para- (b) Section 655(c) of the Foreign Assist- accordance with section 7307 of title X of graph (1) his determination that It is in the ance Act of 1961 shall not apply to assistance the United States Code, to Chile during security interests of the United States to authorized under any provision of law for fiscal year 1975 shall not exceed $10,000,000." provide the excess funds. the fiscal year 1975. EXCESS DEFENSE ARTICLE VALUE IN ANNUAL This subsection shall not apply if the excess CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS TRANSFER REPORT funds provided in any fiscal year to any coun- SEC. 17. Section 511 of the Foreign Assist- SEC. 23. Section 634(d) of the Foreign As- try or international organization for any ante Act of 1961 is amended by adding at the sistance Act of 1961 is amended by category of assistance are less than $1,000,- striking 000." end thereof the following: out "including economic assistance and mili- "It is the sense of Congress that the Presi- tary grants and sales" and inserting in lieu VOLUNTARY PERSONNEL IN CAMBODIA dent should develop and propose as soon as thereof the following: "including economic SEC. 26. Section 656 of the Foreign Assist- possible at the appropriate international assistance, military grants (and including ante Act of 1961 is amended by adding at forum a United States draft international for any such grant of any excess defense ar- the end thereof the following sentence: "This agreement for regulating the transfer of licle, the value of such article expressed in section shall not be construed to apply to conventional weapons among the govern- terms of its acquisition cost to the United employees of United States voluntary non- ments of the world.". States), and military sales." profit relief agencies registered with and ap- SECURITY SUPPORTING ASSISTANCE FAMINE OR DISASTER RELIEF proved by the Advisory Committee on Vol- SEC. 18. Section 522 of the Foreign Assist- SEC. 24. (a) Section 639 of the Foreign As- untary Foreign Aid or to employees of the once Act of 1961 is amended by striking out sistance Act of 1961, dealing with famine or International Committee of the Red Cross." "for the fiscal year 1974 not to exceed 8125, disaster. relief, is amended to read as REIMBURSABLE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND 000,000, of which not less than $50,000,000 follows: LIMITING INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES shall be available solely for Israel and In- "SEC. 639. FAMINE OR DISASTER RELIEF.- SEC. 27. The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 sortiin lieu thereof "for the fiscal year Notwithstanding any other provision of this Is amended by adding at the end of part III 576_i to exceed $585,000,000. or any other Act, the President may provide the following new sections: proved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Approved For Release 2005106/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Ilecember Y 1, 1 v7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE SEC. 659, REIMBURSABLE DEVELOPMENT PRO- GRAMS,-The President is authoized.to_use up to $2,000,000 of the funds made available for the purposes of this Act in each 'of the fiscal , years 1975 and 1976 to 'work 'with friendly countries, especially those in which .United States development programs have been concluded or those not receiving assist- ance under part I of this Act, in (1) facilitat- ing open and fair access to natural resources of Interest to the United States and (2) stim- ulation of reimbursable aid programs con- sistent with part I of this Act. Any funds used for purposes of this section may be used notwithstanding any other provisions "SEC. 660. LIMrrATION ON INTELLIGENCE Ac- TIVITIES.-(a) No funds appropriated under the authority of this or any other Act may be expended by or on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency for operations in foreign countries, other than activities intended solely for obtaining necessary intelligence, unless the President finds that, each such operation is important to the ational se- curity of the United States and reports, in a timely fashion, a description and scope of such operation to the appropriate' commit- tees of the Congress, including the Commit- tee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate and the Committee On Foreign Affairs of the United States House of #epresenta- tives. "(b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this. section shall not apply during military operations initiated by the United States under a declaration of war approved by the Congress or an exercise of powers by the President under the War Powers Resolution," LIMITATION ON MILITARY ASSISTANCE AND EX- CESS DEFENSE ARTICLES TO KOREA SEC. 28. Notwithstanding any other provi- sion of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961- (1) not more than $100,000,000 shall be used in fiscal year 1975 to carry out any program of military assistance to Korea under such Act of 1961; and (2) not more than $15,000,000 shall be, used in fiscal year 1975 to provide excess de- fense articles to lrorea under such Act of. 1961. LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE FOR INDIA SEC. 29. The total amount of assistance provided under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and of credit sales made or guaran- teed under the Foreign Military Sales Act for India shall not exceed $50,000,000 In fiscal year 1975. Mr. MORGAN (during.the reading). Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent that title III be considered as read, printed in the RECORD, and open to amendment at any point. The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection to the request of the, gentleman from Pennsylvania? There was no objection. AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR, GROSS Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment. The Clerk read as follows: Amendment offered by Mr. GROSS: Page 14, strike out line 5 down, through line 12 on page 15, and insert in lieu. thereof the fol- lowing new section: SECURITY ASSISTANCE AND HUMAN RIGHTS SEC. 15. Chapter 1 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is. amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "SEC. 502B. Human Rights.-(a) For each fiscal year, after the date of enactment of this Section, no security assistance may be obligated or expended for any country under this Act and no sale of any defense article or service (whether for cash or by credit, guaranty, or any other means) may be made to any country under the Foreign Military Sales Act until- "(1) the President certifies to the Congress that such country is satisfactorily observing Internationally recognized standards of hu- man rights with respect to its citizens; and "(2) the passage of thirty days after such certification under paragraph (1), during which the Congress does not adopt a con- current resolution disapproving such certifi- cation. The certification under' paragraph (1) shall occur within thirty days after the beginning of, each fiscal. year, except that for fiscal year 1975 such certification shall occur within 60 days after the date of enactment of this section. (b) For purposes of this section, 'security assistance' means assistance under chapter 2 (military assistance) or chapter 4 (security supporting assistance) of this part, assistance under part V (Indochina Postwar Recon- struction) or part_VI (Middle East Peace) of this Act, sales and guarantees of such sales under the Foreign Military Sales Act, and assistance for public safety under this Act." (Mr. GROSS asked and was given per- mission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. GROSS, Mr. Chairman, either Congress means business about the prac- tice of human rights, or it does not. Last year Congress wrote into law an amend- ment, and I quote: It Is a sense of Congress that the Presi- dent should deny any economic or military assistance to the Government of any foreign country which practices the interment or im- prisonment of that country's citizens for political purposes. Last year Congress also included one of those fancy "sense of Congress" state- ments op huma'n.yights regarding Chile. How many countfies have been denied aid as a result of those pronouncements? Does any Member know of any? I would appreciate it if anyone would tell me of a country that has been denied aid for fail- ing to provide human rights to its citi- zens. There is no more reason to expect that another "sense of Congress" expression will have any more effect than last year's statements. The President and the executive branch are in the best position to make a Judgment about what is going on in each country. The President understands what human rights are. At least he should. My amendment allows Congress to de- termine the accuracy of the President's Judgment. It gives Congress veto power if he does not properly exercise denial of aid, military aid, supporting assistance, and some economic assistance. The American people are sensitive to human rights. My amendment allows Members of Congress an opportunity to put some backbone in this aid program if it is to be approved. Looking at the report and the state- ment of the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. FRASER), in opposition to this bill, let me quote. He said: _ Every year until this year I have voted for foreign assistance bills in committee and on the floor of the House, but always with strong reservations against many of the provisions for military assistance. I continue to believe that the United States has a major respon- H 11597 sibility to provide economic and h umanita- rian assistance to the developing countries. However, I cannot support this bill because the executive branch has made it abun- dantlyclear that it intends to give the maxi- mum.amount of military aid no matter how cruelly repressive recipient governments might be. I cannot think of a stronger indict- ment with respect to human rights than the statement of the gentleman from Minnesota. But now the gentleman from Minnesota, in a letter circulated to the Members, is saying that if certain com- promises concerning South Vietnam are worked out he will then be able to over- look, as far as this bill is concerned, de- priving others of their human rights around the world. I cannot believe there is a Member in this House who would put this. kind of a price tag on human rights. I say to the Members here and now, especially those Members who are constantly talking about human rights, here is your oppor- tunity to do something about-it. Let us see those Members step up to the platter with an "aye" vote on behalf of this amendment which is fair to citizens around the world who are the benefici- aries of this foreign aid bill. Mr. FRASER. Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to the amendment. Mr. Chairman, on the face of it the amendment offered by my good friend, the gentleman from Iowa, would appear to be attractive to those of us who are concerned about human rights. However, a more careful examination of the amendment which the gentleman pro- poses, comparing that with the lan- guage that is in the bill, suggests why it would not be wise to adopt the amendment. In the first instance, the bill uses this language: it refers to consistent patterns of "gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, including tor- ture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; prolonged de- tention without charges; or other fla- grant denials of the right to life, liberty, and the security of the person." What the committee bill seeks to do is to direct the attention of the administra- tion to those most fundamental of all human rights, the right to the integrity of one's person, the right not to be tor- tured, and the right not to be subjected to cruel, inhuman or degrading treat- ment, because every nation on Earth agrees with this fundamental position that torture or degrading treatment is not permissible. So we seek to direct the attention of the administration to those kinds of violations of human rights. Mr. Chairman, the problem with the amendment offered by our friend, the gentleman from Iowa, is that it reaches too broadly and suggests that all coun- tries have got to make good on every- thing all at once in order that we may continue to provide assistance. In my judgment, that is not realistic. Most countries around the world do limit the right of free press and the right of free political association, and they limit other rights to some degree. How- ever, we are not trying to reach those rights with our committee language; we AppYf,oved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 B 11598 Approved Hang your clothes on a hickory limb, but don't go near the water. For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE December are trying to reach the more fundamen- tal rights dealing with torture and cruel and inhuman treatment. As much as I would wish we could do what the gentleman from Iowa wants to do, It is simply not . within our reach to make it effective. It would mean we would end up with a provision which is unen- forceable, of no real meaning and, there- fore, It would not contribute to the ad- vancement of human rights that, I think, all of us in this Chamber would like to see. Let me add that I have just spent the last 2 hours listening to the description of an American citizen of his last 17 days In a Brazilian torture center. This is a man who is a Methodist minister and who had been a stringer for Time magazine and for the Associated Press. He talked about such horrors as the electric shocks that were administered to parts of his body. Mr. Chairman, it is this kind of con- duct that we seek to reach, I think that with the language we have in the com- mittee bill, which is very carefully worked out and very carefully fashioned so that it could be effective, will begin to put our weight on the side of decency. But if we overreach, then the whole thing will fall to the ground and we will make no advance at all. So, Mr. Chairman, I would urge in the Interest of human rights that we reject this amendment, despite the fact that on the face of it, it might appear to be at- tractive. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. FRASER. I yield to the gentleman ,.,from Iowa. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, the gen- tleman pseaks of torture in the terms of the use of weapons and torture devices of one kind or another. Torture may take various forms, as the gentleman well knows. What I am trying to reach is the denial of human rights under any, circumstances. Russia has had 50 years in which to allow its people human rights. What business have we dealing with that government until it give its people fundamental human rights? Mr. FRASER. Mr. Chairman, I think the gentleman is right in raising the issue with respect to the Soviet Union. I am distressed at the violation of human rights that occurs in the Soviet Union, I think anybody who loves justice and has a sense of decency ought to con- demn these Soviet practices. The Soviet Union is not, however,. a beneficiary of this bill We have not yet come to the time when we are furnishing foreign assist- ance to the Soviet Union. Our relations are more of a commercial nature, and It is not a matter that is within the com- pass of this legislation. The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gen- tleman from Minnesota has expired. (On request of Mr. GROSS and by unanimous consent, Mr. FRASER was al- lowed to proceed for 1 additional min- ute.) Mr. GROSS. What the gentleman Is saying, in effect, is what the mother told her daughters who wanted to go swimming: Mr. FRASER. The gentleman Is always filled with profound wisdom. I have al-, ways admired him for it. Mr.. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr, Chair- man, I rise in opposition to the amend-, ment. I do hope that we will reject this amendment. We have language, as the gentleman from Minnesota has pointed. out, in the committee bill dealing with gross viola- tions of human rights. If we should at- tempt to impose this kind of a burden on the President, subject also to a re- view by Congress, before aid could be given to any country, we would surely be developing a nightmare kind of bureaucracy. I think the main point that the gen- tleman from Iowa is making is that we perhaps should hesitate to pass judg- ment on conditions in other countries; and if we do, we should pass judgment on all countries. There is some plausibility, perhaps, to that approach, but I think very little would be proved by accepting this lan- guage. I am quite sure that not a single potential recipient would change its course one iota if an unsatisfactory per- formance by that country were found by the President. I would suppose that the point of this amendment also is that it is not. easy for any language in this field to result in a prohibition of aid to a country. At the same time, it does seem to me that it is appropriate for us to point out that gross violations are something that deeply concern us and should be an instance for cutting off aid. Therefore, I hope we will, not accept this blanket attempt to Indicate that we think all potential recipients are violat- ing the human rights of their citizens. Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. I yield to the gentleman from Illinois. Mr. McCLORY. ]i thank the gentle- man, for yielding. I note in the committee bill, as re- ported, there is a sense-of-the-Congress expression, with respect to the observance of human rights and the sense of the Congress 'that we would not want to have internationally recognized hu- man rights violated. On the other hand, the amendment, it seems to me, would impose an impossible task on the President to determine some internal actions or internal standards in another country which would be com- pletely unfair and unworkable insofar as the application of this legislation is concerned. Am I correct in that? M:r. FRELINGHUYSEN. I agree with the gentleman. I think it would be a very unwise step for us to take, and I urge that the amendment be defeated. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. I yield to the gentleman from Iowa. Mr. GROSS. Is not that obligation found in the committee bill? Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. No. I might say that If the gentleman will reread the language in the committee bi11, there 11, 1974 must be a gross violation of human rights, and we spell out what kinds of violations of human rights we are talk- ing about. We could get into an argument about what particular performance with re- spect to human rights, as such, would be necessary under the language of your amendment. But I would suggest that gross violations of human rights such as torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrad- ing treatment or punishment are specific enough to exclude most potential re- cipients automatically from considera- tion for aid because hopefully few coun- tries engage in such violations. Mr. GROSS. Whether gross or ungross violations of human rights, does the gen- tleman condone or support the violation of human rights? Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. No. I under- stand what the gentleman from Iowa is referring to. Mr. GROSS. It is not a question of interfering. If they want our money and our assistance, they can provide for the human rights of their citizens. That is all they have to do. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. I might say that it is easy to take a holier-than-thou attitude. All I am saying is that the bill sets forth the kinds of violations of hu- man rights involved, such as torture and inhuman treatment. We should not set ourselves up as judges of the internal conditions of all. countries in order to determine whether they should get our assistance. Mr. Chairman, I hope that this amendment will be defeated. Mr. FASCELL. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. I yield to the gentleman from Florida., Mr. FASCELL. Mr. Chairman, I join the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN) in urging that this amendment be defeated. Does not the gentleman from New Jersey agree that the delegation of this kind of power to the President of the United States is really not wise under the circumstances? The amendment would place an intoler- able burden on the President to make these determinations. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. I certainly agree with the gentleman. Certainly with respect to a country's consideration of the human rights of its own citizens, this would be a difficult test. How would the President of the United States make such a determination? Mr. FASCELL. Furthermore, I point out that the committee has made deter- minations in this bill both in a policy statement and by specific action on money amounts. The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gen- tleman has expired. Mr. FASCELL. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words. Mr. Chairman, our distinguished col- league, the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. FRASER) the chairman of the Sub- committee on International Organiza- tions and Movements of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, in conjunction with my own Subcommittee on Inter-Amer- ican Affairs, has held a long series of hearings with respect to the problem of human rights violations. Not only as a Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 December 11, 1974CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE broad and general concept, but also as it may apply to the foreign policy of the United States; effective enforcement in the United Nations; the Organization of American ' States, and other regional agencies. The report of the Fraser sub- committee on human rights, supported by the full committee, is truly a monu- mental document as a blueprint for for- eign policy considerations of the United States. So the Foreign Affairs Commit- tee has interested itself very deeply in the whole question of human rights, both as to the general principles of human rights, and also as to the fundamental application of U.S. foreign policy. More than that the committee, as a result of long hearings, has actually and specifically indicated its concern to con- ditions reviewed and discussed in its hearings by action in this bill. I happen to think that this is a. far better way, a proper way and a more, purposeful way to do what the gentle- man from Minnesota (Mr. FRASER) has stated which is-to apply foreign policy considerations of the United States to the question of human rights, by specific action as has been done in this bill, rather than to present a broad and in- definite criteria on human rights that would be impossible in application, and would place an intolerable burden on the. President of the United States.. Mr. ASHBROOK. Mr. Chairman, would the gentleman yield? Mr. FASCELL. I yield to the, gentle- man from Ohio. Mr. ASHBROOK. Mr. Chairman, I was interested in the dialog as presented by the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. FRELINGHuYSEN) and by the gentleman from Florida (Mr. FASCRLL) and in some areas I agree with them. The only thing I find difficult 'to understand is whether or not the Committee on Foreign Af- fairs is going to apply the same stand- ard of not looking into a country's Internal affairs, as my friend, the gen- tleman from New Jersey, has said, with respect to South Africa and Rhodesia, or do we treat those a little differently? When the gentleman from New Jersey spore I wondered whether that same reasoning could also apply to the case of Rhodesia and South Africa. Mr. FRASER. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. FASCELL. I yield to the gentle- man from Minnesota. Mr. FRASER. _Mr. Chairman, we have tried to look into all aspects of this sit- uation in a number of different coun- tries. We had witnesses come before our subcommittee who testified about the problem in the Soviet Union, and we in- vited Mr. Sol~henitsyn to appear. We looked into the difficulty of people fol- lowing their own religious beliefs in the tJ.S.SJt, We have also .looked at a .num- 'ber of other countries which are . under authoritarian regimes both of tl,ie left, arid, the right. The problem of what to do about ,hump rights as far as the p >J, olicy is concerned is where it gets to, k .q a, tpi4gher problem. We have tried to do this by an expression of the sense of the Congress, directed especially to gross and persistent violations of human rights, But it is not an easy question to resolve in relation to our country's other foreign policy interests. And that is also the difficulty that we find with the amendment offered by the gentleman from Iowa. The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gen- tleman has expired. Mr. ASHBROOK. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words. If I could continue with my friend, the gentleman from Minnesota, it would seem, however, that in our foreign policy we are in the curious position of being asked to extend the most. favored nation clause treaty to the Soviet Union while curtailing trade with Rhodesia. I assume in. response to what the gentleman said, that we probably could read the Gulag Archipelago into the record if we want to. I do not think we have to go into quite that detailed a hearing to know what is going on in the Soviet Union. We are going in one direction when it relates to Communism. Yet when it re- lates to Rhodesia and South Africa, I understand there Is a general feeling around the Foreign Affairs. Committee that we should take the Byrd Amend- ment off the books and treat them harsh- ly because of internal affairs. I think it strikes many of us that it is not giving. even-handed treatment. Mr. FRASER. If the gentleman will yield,.I am not advocating any trade re- strictions on South Africa causing an in- terruption of normal commercial rela- tionships. The case of Rhodesia has been the subject of international action at the request of the British Government. I think the Rhodesian problem is on a dif- ferent footing. In the case of South Africa, it would be a bilateral decision, and I think one needs to be a little wary of a bilateral decision when interrupting normal trade relations or diplomatic relations with a country. Mr. ASHBROOK. I agree that the case of Solzhenitsyn is Individual, and South Africa is a government; but I think we are ending up with different standards for what many of us think are not necessarily valid reasons. Mr. FRASER. May I say to the gen- tleman that to the extent that we seem to be Inconsistent, I think we need to try to narrow those inconsistencies as we move ahead. I think the United States ought to stand rather firmly on the de- fense of human rights around the world. It is true that as we shape our foreign policy, consistency seems to give way to other considerations. In general I think we would be better off if we would ad- here to that position as' strongly as pos- sible, as a matter of our own self re- spect in the world community of nations. Mr. ASHBROOK. I agree. It is a gen- eral policy which is good, but which is also hard to implement. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. ASHBROOK. I yield to the gentle- man from Iowa. Mr. GROSS. I thank the gentleman for yielding. You are merely sparring around over this business of applying meaningful leg- islation to the conditions under which 1111599 foreign aid is dished out around the world. The gentleman from Minnesota wants to pick one country, and the spon- sors of this amendment want to hand pick the countries to which they would deny foreign aid. What I am trying to do is deal even-handedly around the world in the matter of human rights. Let us stop this shilly-shallying and putting off until tomorrow what we ought to do today, or drop the subject. The CHAIRMAN. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentle- man from Iowa (Mr. GROSS). The question was taken; and tl3e Chairman announced that the noes ap- peared to have it. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, I demand a recorded vote. A recorded vote was refused. So the amendment was rejected. AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. ROSENTHAL Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment. The Clerk read as follows: Amendment offered by Mr. ROSENTHAL: Page 18, strike out lines 5 and 6, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "is in compli- ance with the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the Foreign Military Sales Act, and any agreement entered into under such Acts, and that substantial progress toward agreement has been made regarding military forces in Cyprus." (Mr. ROSENTHAL asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Chairman, the amendment ,I offer will simply bring the Foreign Assistance Act into conformity with existing legislation. That legisla- tion, Public Law 93-448, was the contin- uing resolution which the Congress passed on October 17 and which the President signed the next day into law. During September and October the House voted seven times on the matter we now discuss-the legality and the wis- dom of our military assistance to Turkey. It is not, therefore, necessary to review all of the arguments. Rather, I will try to bring the situation up to date from October both on Cyprus and legisla- tively : First, on Cyprus, the stalemate contin- ues. While the humanitarian talks be- tween. Turkish and Greek Cypriot lead- ers did produce some POW exchanges, the essential problems of military occu- pation by 40,000 Turkish troops, and the consequent displacement of over 200,000 Cypriot citizens remain and intensify. Many thousands of refugees are living in tents; other thousands occupy public building and thereby disrupt the educa- tional and administrative structure of the island republic. No negotiations have begun on the principal Issues of the future government of the island, of the refugees' status nor of the military occupation. For while Greece has undergone successful elec- tions since October, the Turkish Govern- ment is still disrupted by the Cyprus mil- itary victory of its armies. No political leader is prepared to see another gain from the events on- Cyprus. . The return of President..Makarios to Cyprus last week will have important effects on the island and its future, Approved For-Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 H 11600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --HOUSE December 11, 19TH.' Without predicting how his return will affect specific negotiating points, it is clear that Makarios will strengthen the determination of the Greek Cypriots and of mainland Greeks, and their govern- ment, that a military occupation of the island by Turkey cannot be the basis of those negotiations. The Caramanlis government in Ath- ens, armed with a 54-percent victory at the polls in November, is ready to nego- tiate provided, and this is a vital proviso, that free negotiations are possible with- out the duress which the present Turkish military occupation imposes on the is- land. The legislative actions since October fit into these events as follows: The Congress imposed, in the continuing resolution of October, the suspension of military aid to Turkey because that aid was illegal and because it was prevent- ing, in the congressional judgment, the commencement of negotiations. The administration insisted that it could achieve the start of negotiations only if aid were not suspended. In this legislative stalemate, a compromise was reached. Aid would be suspended on De- cember 10, giving the administration 55 extra days to get negotiations started. It had already had nearly 3 months be- tween the Turkish invasion in July and the congressional action in October. In a compromise among fair-minded peo- ple, one expects both sides to carry out the bargain. The Congress did not seek to shorten the 55-day period given to the adiinistration for an extra-legal at- tempt to induce negotiations; neither should the administration seek an ex- tension of that 55-day period for con tinued illegal aid to Turkey. Unfortunately, this is exactly what the administration Wants. It proposed to me and it proposed in the other body an extension of 2 months so that aid would not be suspended. The Senate unfor- tunately accepted the plea that an ex- tension was appropriate because there was not government in Turkey available to negotiate. This is exactly like the plea for mercy made by an orphan who has just killed both of his parents. There is no government in Turkey because of the Cyprus invasion and occupation. When that military action is seen as a mistake by the Turks and not as a victory, we will have progress on Cyprus negotia- tions. Yesterday, December 10, the suspen- sion of military aid to Turkey went into effect. The State Department announced this fact at its noon briefing yesterday. The question today is whether that aid should be resumed illegally prior to the reasonable conditions set last October in the continuing resolution which the President signed. Those conditions were: First, that the Government of Turkey be in compliance with the Foreign As- sistance Act, the Foreign Military Sales Act, and the agreement specifically signed under those acts; and Second, that substantial progress be made regarding an agreement on mili- tary forces on Cyprus. My amendment today puts those two conditions into the Foreign Assistance Act exactly as they were put Into the continuing resolution in October. I urge adoptidn of this amendment which will confirm the congressional in- tent of insuring that our aid program not be used for purposes of military ag- gression or for continuing the aid to a country which wants to use U.S.-sup- plied equipment to intimidate an essen- tially defenseless country in order to continue indefinitely its occupation of one-third of that country. (Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN asked and was given permission to revise and ex- tend his remarks.) Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN, Mr. Chair- man, the Secretary of State is in Brus- sels today discussing, as I understand. it, with the Prime Minister of Greece and the Prime Minister of Turkey about the situation on Cyprus. If we should. approve this amendment, this would only make more difficult the Secretary's ef- forts to facilitate a settlement. We are continuing our efforts to get; wider negotiations underway, but the Secretary needs more time. I think the language of the committee bill is suffi- cient, and this amendment should be de- feated. (Mr. BRADEMAS asked and was given. permission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. BRADEMAS.:Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of the Rosenthal amendment to write into permanent law the cutoff of U.S. military aid and sales to Turkey until such time as the President certifies that Turkey is in compliance with the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Foreign Military Sales Act and until the President certifies that substantial prog- ress toward agreement has been made regarding military forces in. Cyprus. The Rosenthal language amends the section in the Committee bill that would suspend aid to Turkey until the Presi- dent certifies only that the Government of Turkey is making a substantial good- faith effort to achieve a negotiated set- tlement with respect to Cyprus. Mr. Chairman, the Rosenthal amend- ment differs from a provision in the Sen- ate-passed bill which would delay the suspension of aid to Turkey until 30 days after the 94th Congress convenes. Mr. Chairman, we are all aware, I am sure, that last July and August Turkey invaded the tiny island of Cyprus. Be- cause the Turkish Government con- ducted this assault with American-sup.- Plied tanks, planes, ammunition, and other implements' of war, the Turkish Government asked those provisions of the Americans-in direct violation of the law-the Foreign Assistance Act and the Foreign Military Sales Act-which make clear that weapons supplied to foreign countries by the taxpayers of the United States are to be used for defensive pur- poses only and not for aggressive pur- poses. The laws of which I speak make clear that any nation that receives American military services or equipment becomes immediately ineligible for such assistance if it is utilized for aggressive Purposes. But in the face of the clear use of American military aid for aggressive, pur- poses and the clear violations of U.S. law and of the agreements of Turkey with the United States, our Government re- fused to suspend aid to Turkey. Mr. Chairman, on October 18, 1974, after Congress had voted several times for an immediate cutoff in military aid to Turkey, the President signed Into law the continuing resolution which included a provision to delay the suspension of aid to Turkey until December 10. That post- ponement had been requested by the ad- ministration to give Secretary Kissinger additional time to conclude a settlement in Cyprus. It was argued that negotia- tions were underway and that just a few more months were necessary to complete them. But, Mr. Chairman, instead of evidence from the Department of State of mean- ingful progress in the Cyprus negotia- tions, the State Department is now ask- ing for additional time. Mr. Chairman, Turkish forces still oc- cupy almost 40 percent of Cyprus. Tur- key continues to refuse to withdraw its 40,000 troops after nearly 5 months of occupation on the island. Over 200,000 Greek-Cypriot refugees are still unable to return to their homes in the territory occupied by the Turkish forces. In fact, since October, Turkish forces have be- come even more deeply entrenched and Turkey has indicated that it has no in- tention of giving up the territory it gained during its invasion last summer. Mr. Chairman, although there has been no apparent progress in negotia- tions and although Turkey remains fixed in its position, almost 5 months after the invasion, the administration is now asking for a further extension of the deadline. But, Mr. Chairman, a further extension cannot be justified: First. No progress has been made dur- Ing the past 55 days and there Is little evidence to suggest that any further extension would be any more productive. Second. No meaningful negotiations can begin until Turkey agrees to major concessions. Only the immediate pres- sure of a cutoff of military aid can now produce these concessions. Third. Lack of a stable government in Turkey makes a settlement in the near future highly unlikely. Fourth. We can no longer permit the United States to underwrite the occupa- tion of Cyprus and we can no longer ignore United States law which makes it illegal to extend military assistance to any country which uses such aid for ag- gressive purposes. Fifth. Failures to approve this amend- ment would only encourage Turkish forces to become still more entrenched on Cyprus and still more adamantly op- posed to serious negotiations. The administration has argued that a further extension of the deadline is crucial to our security interests in the Eastern Mediterranean. Although the administration seems to ? acknowledge that continuing aid to Turkey is illegal, it justifies that aid by citing overriding national security interests. Linwood Holton, Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations, Department of State, in a November 22, 1974, letter to me that I can only describe as aston- ishing, asserted: After carefully weighing the legal and for- eign policy considerations, the Administra- tion decided that it was impossible publicly to express a legal conclusion on the issues Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 H 11601 'December 11, 1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE of Turkey's eligibility for further assistance and I urge my colleagues to support the , view, it is defensive; they are protect- and sales without undermining our foreign Rosenthal amendment. ing their Cypriot minority. Rolicy objectives. Mr. DENNIS. Mr. Chairman, I move to So, why do we have to get so worked Mr. Chairman, the strength of NATO strike the requisite number of words. up about it in this instance when we do and our security interests in the Eastern Mr. Chairman and members of the not in others? In others, we give the Mediterranean are also threatened by committee, in the few brief remarks i President and the Secretary of state the continuing dispute in Cyprus. And, made on this bill yesterday in general some leeway and some discretion to per- debate. .I took occasion to say that I. form their constitutional functions in Turkey, Turkey the during the past continuation 5 of U.S. monnths aid to has took the time to make any remarks at all the way they feel is best for this coun- not produced a settlement there. because I felt that this was an exceed- try. I do not see why we do not do it here. Further, our security in that part of the ingly important issue with which we were Mr. Chairman, I recommend that we world depends upon a strong relation- presented and that it was one of those vote this amendment down and give ship with Greece. But that relationship times when we ought to use politics in the them a reasonable chance to do just ex- i's being undermined by the administra- sense of statecraft and not in the sense actly that. tion's continued support of illegal aid to of counting noses in the precincts. Mr. SARBANES, Mr. Chairman, I rise Turkey. My objection to this amendment here to speak in favor of the amendment. Most significantly, however, the request is that I think it is not statecraft. It is (Mr, SARBANES asked and was given for an extension of the deadline ignores counting noses in the precincts. permission to revise and extend his re- the fundamental issue that continuing I have a lot of good, Greek friends in marks.) military aid to Turkey is in violation of my precincts and they are almost all Mr. SARBANES. Mr. Chairman, Mem- U.S. law. friends and supporters of mine and they bers of the Committee, I think that we An editorial on Sunday, December 8, are American citizens. They think of are indeed confronted here today with 1974, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, ob- themselves in that way, as they should the critical question of whether we are served: and as they do. I do not believe if they going to practice statecraft in its high- Axr.ss Fox Torrey were considering this amendment, and est understanding. We have before us the When the United States Senate threatened the facts were before them, that they Foreign Assistance Act, which, of course, in October to cut military aid to Turkey, the would be for it. I think they would be poses for each of us the fundamental White Rouse pleaded for more time and even- against it, because constitutionally the issue: Why foreign aid? What is its pur- tually managed to win two compromises. The President and the Secretary of State pose? Why are we engaged in such pro- termination date was postponed until Dec. need to be able to use foreign aid in the grams? 10 and President Ford was authorized to one legitimate way they can use foreign The law already on the books is very military provided ea i he e found fouhe "substantial progress" and pr assistance after that date aid, and that is as. a specific tool of clear on this issue with respect to the been made on the Cyprus Issue. Not only has American foreign policy to bring about providing of defense articles and defense there been no progress, but it does not seem some specific advantage to this Nation. services. That law says-that is existing to be forthcoming. Turkey remains as ada- Now, it is to our Nation's advantage to law, already placed on our statute books mant as ever about the maintenance of its get peace in Cyprus, because we need by a Congress and signed by a President: occupation force in Cyprus. peace in the whole Middle East area and Defense articles and defense services to Incredibly, the Senate voted Thursday in as to these two countries, we have no any country shall be furnished solely for in- favor of yet another extension of the dead- choice between them. ternal security, for legitimate self-defense, line, to Feb. 15. The extension, if sustained to permit the recipient country to partici- by the House, would mean that Congress Greece and Turkey are both allies of pate in regional or collective arrangements or has failed on significant questions of princi- ours. What we need is peace between measures consistent with the Charter of the . ple and policy. The laws of this country stip- them. The Turks, particularly, are hold- United Nations, or otherwise to permit the ulate that military assistance can be used by ing down the right end of the line against recipient country to participate in collec- the recipient only for purposes of national the Russians, and they are one of the tive measures requested by the United Na- defense. If there is a violation, as there cer- few peoples who have shown by the rec- tions for the purpose of maintaining or tainty was in the instance of Turkey's in- ord that they are willing to fight the restoring international peace and secu- House should rbe bound to uphold rt the law Russians if necessary. They even went to rity, . . . and, at the very least, terminate military as- Korea and fought there because they Clearly, Turkey has used American sistance. Secretary of State Kissinger has felt that strongly about it. supplied military equipment in contra- all but acknowledged that the law was vio- The President and the Secretary of vention of the above statutory provisions. lated yet he continues to insist that the State think-and they must have good To my knowledge, no one seriously con- principle of upholding the law should be reason-that they can work this thing tends that the Government of Turkey has overlooked in the national interest. out better if the 435 Members of this not violated that law. Such violation was As for the question of policy, there is no House, for parochial reasons or any conceded by Members of the Congress virtue in rewarding an aggressor and in see- other reasons, do not try to tie their who, during our prior consideration of driven ing the fuurthrtheeray dway away this from the conflict--Greece- western aeceGr ni- - hands. The?Members of the other body this matter, were seeking to continue aid s an Turkey. The State Department has ante. It has now been confirmed not only think that also. I think we ought to give to to forward with that U.S. military aid to Turkey continued the benefit of the doubt to them, been unwilling legal opinion to addressed come to this forward a after the invasion of Cyprus, but also that it It is said that this is illegal because increased sharply. Missouri's two senators the law says that arms we supply should lar question, and it is fairly clear that voted wisely to reject extension of the dead- be used only for defensive purposes. Is the reason for this reluctance is because line backed on the down again, a agthe he that if government the of Senate- - it defensive when the Israelis raid the it could not give a legal opinion which ey key would no longer pay serious attention to neutral country of Lebanon and kill would find that the law had not been violated. warnings from Capitol Hill. If the House women and children in their villages, We have been up and down this hill, fails to eliminate the extension amendment which they do with our arms? Well, stra- well know, many from the foreign aid bill, then it too will tegically it very likely is defensive, be- as times all before. the a Totlay Members we have the Omany have played the sorry role of actually post- t cause they are protecting themselves times to make it clear in the permanent ppning a solution to the conflict on Cyprus, against terrorism from the Palestinian Mr. Chairman, officials of the Depart- guerrillas, but tactically it is offensive. legislation that this House intends for ment of State today announced that the We say nothing about it, and I do not American foreign policy to have legal and moral content. It is time for the Con- will of the continuing resolution say that we should. grass to draw the line and to say that the will be fully and completely imple- But, here in this situation, the partic- law must be obeyed. Existing law requires mented and that military aid to Turkey ular problem started because a right- that nations violating its terms are to will be suspended. They have also indi- wing dictatorship in Greece overthrew become immediately ineligible for foreign cated that all military supplies now en- the regime in Cyprus, hoping to take assistance. route to Turkey will be returned to the over the country, and the Turks moved That requirement for immediate United States. In troops. Technically, tactically, that is termination of aid was compromised in Mr. Chairman, we must now write into offensive just like the raids into Lebanon, mid.-October and the application of the permanent law this aid cutoff provision but I suppose from the Turkish point of law was suspended for a period of time, Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 11111602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE December 11, 1974" that is, until the 10th of December. That But I do not think that is quite the defense? When Portugal may already be date has now come and passed, and I be- way we ought to handle foreign policy in the hands of the Communists, with lieve it is clearly time to invoke the pro- matters in this body, I think we ought to the undoubted result that the Azores- visions of the legislation which would discuss this issue, and I feel strongly It will not be available to us if there should require, in order for aid to continue, that would be a serious mistake to just allow ' be another flareup In the Middle East. Turkey be in compliance with the law this amendment to go through on the With all of these troubles, do we now and that substantial progress be made assumption that it is a bad amendment want to knock both Greece and Turkey toward an agreement. but HUBERT HUMPHREY Will take the rap out of the NATO too and let the whole Let us look, for a moment, at what is for getting it out in. conference. alliance blow up? That is what might happening on Cyprus so that we might I supported the cutoff aid to Turkey. well happen. better judge the assertion that further I also supported the effort that we made Let us not allow all the statesman- delay in the cut off of aid will contribute here, before we adjourned, to get a delay, ship to reside in the other body. Let us to a resolution of that situation. Turkish a delay we finally did get until. the 10th show Senator HUMPHREY that he has action in Cyprus now indicates a plan of December. some troops over in this Chamber, and and a design to incorporate under Turk- A lot has happened since we passed let us not force him to take the lead in ish control the 40 percent of the island that delay. In the first place, there has this effort all alone. which Turkish armed forces overran been an election in Greece and a mod- Mr. LONG of Maryland. Mr. Chairman., through aggressive military action last orate leader, Mr. Caramanlis, has been will the gentleman yield? summer. They have taken over homes elected overwhelmingly. The monarchy Mr. STRATTON. I yield to the gentle- and businesses; they have issued stamps; has also been rejected, and it looks as man from Maryland. they have set up a separate administra- though some of the extreme anti-Ameri- Mr. LONG of Maryland. Mr. Chairman, tive apparatus; they are requiring the can Attitudes that characterized some of why should we supply weapons to a reregistration of automobiles. Everything those people over there, Mr.Papandreou , is being done, in effect, to create the de for example, Miss Mercouri, and others, ernment? country I that suppps dort not the even eade amendme amendment. facto partition of the island of Cyprus. are not going to be controlling, policy, support The outlook looks good for an. intelli?- STRATTON. This a core They are becoming more and more en- taker ker regime, as the gentleman knows. . trenched in the domination of an area gent, reasonable approach on the part of It has no parliamentary backing to nego- gained through brutal aggression, an the Greek Government toward .a settle- area which represents 40 percent of the ment in Cyprus. tiate settlement terms on Cyprus. geography of Cyprus and 75 percent of In addition, Archbishop Makarios has Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Chairman, I move returned to Cyprus and has addressed a and strike the requisite number of words, its economy. aI rise in opposition to the amend- If the Congress is not to carry through mass rally. That does not seem to have on its created any turmoil over there either ment offered by the gentleman from New previously adopted requirement , Yes, the deadline has come and it has York (Mr. RO AL) . that our law be complied with or that I supported the the position of the gentle- aid be suspended, why should Turkey passed, and we have not accomplished' man from New York on a number of pay any attention to the position adopted anything. Why not? r Why has Secretary occasions. On the other hand, I am con- by the legislative branch -of our Govern- Kissinger not brought the parties to-? ul ment? Why shoud any other country gether? Simply because they are still: useful now that to order for us c to be pay attention to the requirements of our without a functioning government in. settlement helping to very a peaceful existing law with respect to the ImA of Turkey. It is just that simple. ent t of of the very difficult Cyprus .nave a the language the lesson that they can ignore the re- government? of the amendment offered strictions upon the use of that assistance So does it not make sense for us to by the gentleman from New York. and embark upon an aggressive enter- give the Secretary of State at least a Mr. Chairman, I am anxious to see a prise designed to achieve their objec- little time in the hope that maybe a gov- negotiated settlement of the Cyprus tives by force. ernment will finally be agreed on in Tur- question. I hold no brief for the Turks- I believe that it is long past time for key? How can we get anybody out of nor should it be concluded that the the United States to stop supplying Cyprus if there is no government to enter Greeks are entirely blameless. The inva- armaments to Turkey-a country which into meaningful negotiations. Sion and occupation of Cyprus by the has engaged Mr. Chairman, I think we ought, at Turks was wrong: A solution of the per- has shocking aggression upon the very least, to plexing Cyprus problem must be found. the Island of Cyprus. The integrity and give the President and Our Nation can be useful in hel the independence of that small republic the Secretary of State enough time. I ping to are at issue. American armaments and think we ought to give them the time find such a peaceful solution-only if we military supplies, paid for by American they have asked for. We ought to give avoid the implications of the Rosenthal taxpayers, have been used, contrary to them the time that HUBERT HUMPHREY, amendment. our law and contrary to any interna- a great liberal and one who supports all Mr. Chairman, the committee has pre- tional principles of justice, to subvert these causes, has asked for. sented to us language which suspends aid the freedom of that independent republic Certainly it is not for the purpose of to Turkey unless/and until the President and to bring death and destruction to oppression or the violation of law that determines and certifies to the Congress that tragic island. Senator HUMPHREY has done this. But he that the government of Turkey is making I urge the House to adopt the Rosen- has recognized there is a higher consid- a substantial good faith effort to achieve thal amendment. eration in this case and so he has taken a negotiated settlement with respect to Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Chairman, I the lead in the Senate and. said, "Of Cyprus. move to strike the requisite number of course, let us be sensible enough to give Mr. Chairman, in my opinion that Ian- words. the President of the United States some guage will enable the President to con- Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to more time in the hope that we will soon tinue the good offices of our Nation to the amendment. I have read the paper get a new Turkish government that can bring about a permanent and peaceful and I understand what the procedure is agree to a reasonable and a fair settle- settlement of the difficult Cyprus probs. supposed to be. We are not supposed to anent on Cyprus, and the withdrawal of lem. Accordingly, .1 hope that the Rosen- fight this amendment in the House; we Turkish troops from Cyprus. thal amendment- will be voted down. are supposed to let it go over to the con- By the time the new Congress is sworn Mr. Chairman, in my opinion the ex- ference and then hope that the Senate in maybe they will have agreed to a new isting language in the bill is in the best position will prevail over there because government,. If not, if Turkey can't re- interests of Greece itself-and both the the distinguished Senator from Minne- solve its parliamentary crisis in a couple Greek and Turkish Cypriots. Even. more sota, formerly the Vice President of the of months, then perhaps the whole effort important-the committee language is United States, took the lead in the Sen- will be hopeless. But will that really fa in the best interests of the United States ate in taking a responsible and states- cilitate a satisfactory solution? of America. manlike position; but we are not sup- Is the situation in NATO not bad (Mr. McCLORY asked and was given posed to put anybody on the spot here in enough already, when the British Gov- permission to revise and extend his re- the House. ernment is taking $11 billion cut of their marks.) Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 "December 11, 1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE H 11603 Mr. KOCH. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words, and I rise in support of the amendment. (Mr. KOCH asked and was given per- mission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. KOCH. Mr. Chairman, I support the Rosenthal amendment, as I did when it passed on October 16, and as did 194 Members of this House. I am not going to recite all of the facts leading to the passage of the amendment and all of the facts subsequent to that which have brought us to this point, ex- cept to say this: that when that amend- ment passed on October 16, as I recall the debate In the House, it was the Pres- ident himself who agreed to it albeit grudgingly. It was taken up with him. It was the result of compromise and con- ference, and it was ultimately acceptable to this House, and it was passed over- whelmingly. What is happening today, or at least what is intended to happen today by those who sought to subvert the original amendment is to engage in salami tac- tics. By that I mean if you cannot win on October 16, you give in, although you try to lessen the impact; when there is good faith on the other side, and you have lost you take the best they will give you and pass it. Then when the deadline comes, 'you come In and say, "Well, we want a new ball game. We want a new date. We do not want to abide by the amendment we agreed to on October 16." Mr. Chairman, we do that on too many occasions In this House. We too often permit the will of the House to be sub- verted in some particular way by a dif- ferent bill on a different occasion which is brought up under allegedly new cir- cumstances, and yet the circumstances are really exactly the same. The circum- stances on October 16 were exactly those that prevail today. There are close to 200,000 Greek Cyp- riot refugees in camps and in tents. We do not see the Turks moving out of the 40 percent of Cyprus that they occupied by force, which Is what we said they must do if we are to continue to give them aid. I What I am suggesting to the House is that if we go along with this proposition and extend the deadline, we are falling into the very trap that was probably set by the opponents of the amendment on October 16. And I am saying that If we do it today, we will do it tomorrow and the day after that. If we believed in the morality that we expressed on October 16 by passage of the Rosenthal amendment, that same moral principle applies on December 11. Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words, and rise in support of the amendment. (Mr. BIAGGI asked and was given per- mission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of this amendment which will continue the suspension of aid to Turkey until it is clearly demonstrated that Tur- key is in complete compliance with the terms of the Foreign Assistance Act, and substantial progress is being made to- ward effecting a complete withdrawal of Turkish forces'from the besieged Island Allowing this situation to go unre- ofCyprus. solved for as long as it has has repre- There are many of us here today who sented the ultimate compromise in the have an urge to say "I told you so" to the eyes of millions of loyal .Greek Ameri- majority of our colleagues who were so cans who view our clearly "Turkey tilt- convinced that a postponement until ing" policies with understandable bitter- December 10 of a decision to cut off aid ness. to Turkey would result in a solution to We owe nothing to Turkey. Over the the Cyprus crisis. Well, it is now Decem- years they have demonstrated their total ber 11. There is no peace and the Secre- unreliability as an ally. While Greece tary of State continues his nonprodue- has been a steadfast and loyal ally, and tive policy, her community in America has contrib- Despite a recent flurry of activity by uted much to the well-being of our Na- the Secretary, in reality he Is no closer tion. We owe it to them to put an end to to solving the Cyprus crisis than he was the killing of their brethern in Cyprus 5 months ago when Turkey first In. and allow them to live in peace. vaded Cyprus. We cannot afford to lose sight of the fact that what we are dealing with is a clear legal issue. Turkey was-is-and will continue to be in violation of the Foreign Assistance Act-as long as she maintains occupation forces on the Is- land. And it has clearly been this nation's failure to deal with this illegality which has perpetuated the suffering and misery of the Cypriot people. We have had ample opportunity to out off this aid. No less than four votes have been cast on this issue, and on each occasion I have maintained the position that an immediate and total cut off of aid was imperative to solving the Cyprus crisis. I firmly believe this and I hope that more of you will join me in this be- lief by supporting this amendment today. Thus far in this bill we have addressed ourselves more than adequately to the plight of other nations in the world where the basic rights of their citizens are in jeopardy. Yet unless we pass this amend- ment today, we will be failing to respond to the critical and tragic situation in Cyprus. We cannot ignore the fact that almost 40 percent of this nation is oc- cupied by a hostile foreign power, which is using our military aid illegally to main- tain their control. We cannot Ignore the fact that this 5-month crisis has resulted In the deaths of more than 4,000 Cypriots and has caused a $1 billion loss to the Cyprus economy. What we must do is respond by cut- ting off the military aid, the single biggest Item which has allowed the Turkish na- tion to control the nation and people of Cyprus against their will. The contention of this administration throughout the crisis and even up until the present has been that a cutoff of aid to Turkey would seriously jeopardize the prospects for peace on Cyprus. Yet de- spite an agreement between the Congress and the administration giving the admin- istration 60 days to work out an agree- ment on Cyprus, no substantive progress toward this goal has been recorded. It is therefore time for all of us to realize that a total and immediate cutoff of aid to Turkey is the only vehicle this Nation has left which will convince Turkey to release their stranglehold on Cyprus and allow the quarter of a million refugees to return to their homes and loved ones. The time for words and unfulfilled promises is over. It is time for this Con- be no more compromise. Compromise in The State Department, in reply to the past has only translated into con- Senator KENNEDY'S charge, has admitted cession. that U.S. arms shipments to Turkey We are once again being asked to cast a vote which could have historic implica- tions..A vote for this amendment will in- dicate to Turkey that her aggressions against the people of Cyprus must cease immediately. It will demonstrate to our friends and foes alike that this Nation will not tolerate military conquests of any nature. We must also show to the American people that we as the law- makers of this Nation expect full adher- ence to our laws by all whom they affect. But most importantly let this vote serve to show the Cypriot people that their future security and well-being is our immediate concern. Anything less than this amendment is totally unacceptable. We must firmly op- pose any further extensions of a cutoff date. The dismal record of this adminis- tration with respect to solving the Cyprus crisis speaks for itself. Their time is up- and we must tell them so today. Ms. ABZUG. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? - Mr. BIAGGI.' I yield to the gentle- woman from New York (Ms. Aszua). (Ms. ABZUG asked and was given per- mission to revise and extend her re- marks.) Ms. ABZUG. Mr. Chairman, I support the amendment to cut off military aid to Turkey until we are assured that real' progress is being made in solving the Cyprus tragedy, and that Turkey is in compliance with the Foreign Aid and Foreign Military Sales Acts. There is no excuse for continuing to break our own laws by allowing Turkey to use U.S. military supplies to maintain their take-over of Cyprus. A Library of Congress analysis states that the cut- off of aid- Is not discretionary as a matter of policy, but is mandatory under the terms of the Foreign Assistance Act. About 180,000 Greek Cypriots were displaced by Turkish forces who now oc- cupy 40 percent of Cyprus. Thousands are still living in cold tents or shacks. Another 20,000 Turkish Cypriots live in refugee camps in the occupied area. The human suffering is Incalculable. Yet it seems that little pressure is be- ing exerted by the United States for a prompt settlement. The best form of pressure we can exert-and must exert under our own laws-is to withhold fur- ther aid. The administration, on the con- Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 i iiov* CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE have Increased since the invasion. The ClamCy Hillis Randall Montgomery Department claims this Is within the law Clark Hinshaw Rangel Morgan because it "furthers negotiations Holt Rarick Nelsen for a Don H. Holtzman Rees: Nichols peaceful settlement" but that is a very Clawson, Del Horton Regulh Pettis curious interpretation. Clay Huber Reid: Poage Further, Secretary Kissinger's corre- Cleveland and H unHu gate Reuss Powell, Ohio spondence with Senator KENNEDY Riea Preyer giVeS Collins, III. Hunt at Rinaldo Price, Tex, little reassurance that the deadlock will Collins, Tex. Jarman Robinson, Va. Quie be broken, nor the refugees returned trl Conlon Johnson, Calif. Rodino Quillen Conte Jones, Ala. Roe Rhodes their homes. Conyers Jones Okla Ro , .s gers Robert Under these conditions, it is the clear Corman Jones, Tenn. Roncalio, Wyo. Robison, N.Y. duty of this body to clarify our intent cotter Jordan Rooney, Pa. Rupee Coughlin Korth Rose Ruth with a firm declaration that aid is beim , crane Kastenm i e e Satterfield Scheele Schroeder Seiberling Shipley Sisk Slack , r Rosenthal cut off until Turkey fulfills its oblige Cronin Kazen Rostenkowski NOT VOTING-39 bons. Culver Kemp Routh Armstrong Gialmo Mann Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Daniel, Dan King :Rousselot Barrett Goldwiter Math] to strike the AN. Mr. Chairman, ~morvo Daniel, Robert Kluczynski Roybal W., Jr. Koch Eta Brasco (Mr. MORGAN asked and was given Daniels, Kyros Runnels Dominick V. Lagotnarsino St Germain permission to revise and extend his Danielson Landgrebe Sandman remarks.) Davis, Ga. Landrum Sarasin not take but a moment or two. We have; Dela eyrza. considered this matter several times-.- Dell urns three times in October, and finally, a, Denllolm Dent has been said here, a compromise wa D erwinski reached suspending the aid cut-off until Diggs December 10. The administration has Dn Dingell strongly urged that we give them more Doowning time to try to work out the Cyprus issue. Drinan Since We adopted the December If,. Dulski peen u fl du Pont Madden that region. There ]s a Crisis in the gov- Eckhardt Maraziti ernment in Turkey, as has been men Edwards, Ala. Martin, N.C. Honed by the gentleman from New York. Edwards, Calif. Mathis, Ga. In Greece, the Greeks have voted to end Esch rg Maaynenaga the monarchy, and the Greek Parliament Evans, Colo. Meeds is meeting for the first time this week. Evins, Tenn, Melcher Fasceil Metcalfe The organs of government have just now Fish Mezvinsky Ken F.......- _ - - n ed an th FlOo Mill condition to negotiate right at this Flyn rs minute. Foley As the gentleman from New York (Mr. Ford the STRATTON) has pointed out, Archbishop Founts n Makarios has just returned to Cyprus. Fraser According to this morning's paper, it will Frenzel take him 2 weeks to review the situation Duet n before any serious talks can begin. Fuqua With all of this said, I think that fur- Gaydos ther debate on this is unnecessary. I hope Gibbons s the House will work its will. I assure the Gilman Members that I will take whatever prod- Ginn uct they come up with to conference. Gonzalez The CHAIRMAN. The question Is on Grayling the amendment offered by the gentleman Green, Pa, from New York (Mr. ROSENTHAL). Grover Gude The question was taken, and the Chair- Gunter man announced that the noes appeared Guyer to have it. Haley Hammer- RECORDED VOTE seb-midi Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Chairman, I Hanley Harrington demand a recorded v t o e , A recorded vote was ordered. The vote was taken by electronic de- vice, and there were-ayes 297, noes 98, not voting 39, as follows: [Roll No. 670] AYES-297 Abdnor Bafalis Brinkley Abzug Baker Brooks Adams Bauman Brown, Calif. Addabbo Bennett Brown, Mich. Alexander Brgland Broyhill, N.C. Anderson, Biaggi Broyhill, Va, Calif. Bingham Burgener Andrews, N.C. Blackburn Burke, Calif. Andrews, Blatnik Burke, Fla. N. Dak. Boggs Burke, Mass. Annunzio Boland Burton, John Archer Bolling Burton, Phillip Ashbrook Bowen Byron Ashley Brademas Carney, Ohio Aspin Breaux Casey, Tex. Badillo Breckinridge Chisholm Smith, Iowa Snyder Spence Staggers Stanton, James V. Stark Steele Steelinan Steiger, Ariz. Stephens Stokes Stubblefield Stuckey Studds Sullivan Symington Brotzman Brown, Ohio Camp Carey, N.Y. Chappell Collier Conable December 11, 1974? - Ryaz Schneebeli Sebelius Shoup Shriver Shuster Sikes Skubitz Stanton, J. William Tree:n Veysey Ware Wiggins Williams Wilson, Bob Wilson, Charles H., Calif. Winn Steed Wyatt Stratton Young, Fla, Symms Zablocki Taylor, Mo. Zion Thomson, Wis. Zwach Thone Hebert Passrnan Heinz Podel.l HolifleId Roncallo, N.Y, Howard Rooney, N.Y. Johnson, Colo, Smith, N.Y. Jones, N.C, Steiger, Wis. Kuykendall Tiernan Eshleman Litton Vander Jagt Fisher Luken Wyman So the amendment was agreed to. The result of the vote was announced as above recorded. AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. BINGHAM Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment. The Clerk read as follows: Amendment offered by Mr. BINGHAM: Pa"a 14, after line 4, insert the following: "(h) For each fiscal year, no funds au. thorized to be appropriated under the For- eign Assistance Act of 1981 may be Dbligat+?d or expended for the United Nations Educa- tional, Scientific, and Cultural Organization until the President certifies to the Con ress g Miller Talcott that such Organization (1) has adopted Mitnish Taylox?, N.C. policies which are fully consistent with its Mink Teague educational, scientific and cultural ob jec- Mitchell, N.Y. Thornton N.J. tives, and (2) has taken concrete steps to Mizell Towels, Nev. correct its recent actions of a primarily po- Moakley Traxler litical character." Mollohan Udall Moorhead, Ullman Calif. Van Deerlin Moorhead, Pa. Vander Veen Mosher Vanik Moss Vigorito Murphy, Ill. Waggonner Murphy, N.Y. waldle Murtha Walsh Myers Wampler Natcher Whalen Nedzi White Nix Whitelaurst Obey O'Brien O'Neill Owens Parris Patman Patten Pepper Perkins Page 13, line 24, strike out "subsection" and insert "subsections" in lieu thereof. Page 14, line 4, strike out the quotation marks. (Mr. BINGHAM 'asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Chairman, this amendment would provide that no funds under this act could be used to fund Whitten UNESCO so long as UNESCO continues wi gonll with the type of outrageously political Wright Wydler Wylie Yates Hawkins Peyser Yatron Heckler, W. Va. Pickle Young? A] asks Heckler, Mass. Pike Young, Ga. Helstoski Price, Ill. Young, 111. Henderson Pritchard Young, S,C. Hicks Railsback Young, Tex. NOES-98 Anderson, Ill. Arends Beard Bell Biester Bray Broomfield Buchanan Burleson, Tex. Burlison, Mo, Butler Carter Cederberg Chamberlain Cohen Davis, Wis. Dellenback Dennis Devine Hogan Dickinson Hosmer Dorn Hu.tchi;ason ErIenborn Ichord Findley Johnson, Pa, Frelinghuysen Ketchum Froehlich Latta Green, Oreg. Lott Griffiths McClory Gross McCloskey Gubser McFall Hamilton Madigan Hanna Mahon Hanrahan Mailary leg. This amendment is similar to the one proposed by Senator CASE that was adopted in the Senate. It differs in that it is limited to this act, which is appro- priate under House rules. The language of the amendment is, I think, somewhat perfected over the Senate version in that this amendment does not call for repeal of resolutions which may have no rele- vance today, For some time, the member states of UNESCO have been adopting clearly political resolutions aimed at the State of Israel. Recently these resolutions and related actions reached a hitherto un- known peak of outrageousness. For ex- ample, one of the resolutions called upon the UNESCO director general to seek the cooperation of the PLO in extending edu- cational programs n th o e West Bank of H =nsshea, Idaho Martini Nebr. the Jordan, the territories occupied by Hastings Michel Israel-If the Members can imagine any- Hays Minshall, Ohio thing more ridiculous than that. Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Lehman Lent Long, La. Long, Md. Lujan McCollister McCormack McDade McEwen McKay McKinney McSpadden Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A0001000200.19-8 December 11, 1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 1111605 The resolutions have also Invited the director general to suspend aid to Israel under UNESCO until Israel complies with some highly_ political resolutions with regard to archeological activities in Jerusalem which UNESCO, for political reasons, has criticized. Many Members have been to Jerusalem in recent years and have seen the extraordinary work being carried on there by Mayor Teddy Kollek and others in uncovering treasures, and they know that nothing is dearer to the hearts of Israelis than preserving the archeologi- cal finds and other historical and reli- gious antiquities. Some Members may be surprised that this amendment would come from me, because they know that I served for 3 years in the United Nations, and was for 1 year U.S. Representative on the Eco- nomic and Social Council, which has within its jurisdiction supervision over UNESCO. I do so, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, because I feel that if we do not take a firm stand now,. the politicizing of international organizations such as UNESCO is going to continue and worsen until, these orga- nizations are destroyed, and that would be a tragedy. My amendment is intended, in part, to help out a friend of ours which has suf- fered a humiliation, the State of Israel; even more importantly, my amendment is intended to try to save an organization which we helped found and which has great potential in the educational, cul- tural, and scientific fields, but which, un- fortunately, is now on the brink of de- stroying its potential. If UNESCO would stick to educational, cultural, and scien- tific projects it would be doing well, but when it gets itself embroiled in politics, it does itself considerable harm. Mr. REID. Mr_. Chairman, will the gen- tleman yield? Mr. BINGHAM.I will be glad to yield to the gentleman from New York: Mr. REID. Mr. Chairman, first let me commend the gentleman for his state- ment and reaffirm to the Members of this House that Israel has upheld to a remarkable degree maintenance and re- habilitation of holy places, including open access thereto. Much has been done to restore historical and archeological sites. They have worked closely, as the gentleman has said, with UNESCO in upholding the principles of the UNESCO constitution so very dear to Israel's deep commitment to scholarship, excellence in education, and intellectual exchange. Let me say, moreover, I think the fundamental point the gentleman is making'is, very basically, the United Na- tions today stands in some jeopardy. We saw a similar period in the 1930's in the League of Nations. Quite frankly, what has the action of the 18th session of the, UNESCO General Conference proved? The excluding of Israel from the or- iginal European groupings subject to a determination of the director general is in violation of UNESCO's own constitu- tion, particularly article I. Paragraph 1 of article I, for instance, states the purpose of UNESCO as con- tributing to peace and security by pro- moting collaboration among the nations through education, science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language, or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations. This action taken by the 18th session of UNESCO is, I think, violative not only of its own constitution, but of the U.N. Charter, as well, specifically of the preamble and articles I and II. If there is any concept that is paramount to the vitality and the integrity and the hon- esty of the United Nations, it is respect for all nations, "large and small," and avoidance of interference in internal af- fairs. It is very clear in paragraph 3 the UNESCO constitution that UNESCO is to deal solely with educational, scientific and cultural matters and not political matters. Specifically, article I, paragraph 3,' states: 3. With a view to preserving the independ- ence, integrity and fruitful diversity of the cultures and educational systems of the States Members of this Organisation, the Organisation is prohibited from intervening in matters which are essentially within their domestic jurisdiction. Accordingly, I think this is an oppor- tunity for this House and, indeed, our Government, speaking through this House, to say that this is a moral position and must be upheld. I am hopeful that the UNESCO Director General will deny implementation of the resolution. I would point out that although Israel contrib- uted $111,096 to UNESCO in 1974 and $98,496 in 1973, for the 1973-74 biennial, Israel received only $24,000. While Israel has been a leader in intellectual and cul- tural exchange, its monetary benefits from UNESCO have been minimal at best. The position we take here today is thus not an economic or financial one- it is purely a question of conscience. (By unanimous consent, Mr. BINGHAM was allowed to proceed fot 2 additional minutes.) Mr. REID. Mr. Chairman, I will con- clude with just one final thought, and that is that this House has an oppor- tunity here, in supporting the Bingham amendment, to make clear, before it is too late, that we do stand back of the UNESCO constitution and the charter of the United Nations, that the dangers of politicizing efforts in the education and cultural areas are serious, and that if politics of a narrow and partisan kind are to be permitted and respected and condoned by the United States and by the United Nations, mankind will suffer. if this amendment is supported, I hope that this warning will be heeded while there is yet time to restore the integrity to the U.N. Mr. BINGHAM. I thank the gentleman for his statement. Mr. LONG of Maryland. Mr. Chair- man, will the gentleman yield? Mr. BINGHAM. I yield to the gentle- man from Maryland. Mr. LONG of Maryland. Mr. Chair- man, I rise in support of the amendment of the gentleman from New York. It is if anything a restrained amendment. Many of us have became increasingly apprehensive for the way the United Na- tions has been used as a forum against the United States and its friends. Mr. Chairman, I think warning con- tained. in this amendment, is necessary and salutary and could hopefully avert an eventual movement for the United States to get out of the United Nations altogether or to otherwise act to control its operations at some time in the future. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Chair- man, will the gentleman yield? Mr. BINGHAM. I yield to the distin- guished ranking minority member of the committee. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Chair- man- I agree with the gentleman on his point that the politicizing of an inter- national organization such as UNESCO is very unwise. But is this amendment not an attempt to violate our own treaty obligations with respect to UNESCO, if we should withhold funds because we are offended by the action that has been taken in that body? Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Chairman, I think we have no alternative but to do this. If it means that we have to pull out of the organization, I would hope that pullout will be only temporary and that the members of that body will recognize that if they want participation by the United States, they will have to get themselves straightened out. Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words, and I rise in support of the amendment. (Mr. WOLFF asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Chairman, I take this time to say that I had intended to offer an amendment to cut the funds of all voluntary agencies of the U.N. back to the amount that we had appropriated for this year. However, in a discussion with the chairman of the Subcommittee on International Organizations, he agreed that there would be hearings held on our entire position within the. United Nations. I think that the time has long since passed for us to reexamine our position with the United Nations inasmuch as it seems to me the entire concept of the United Nations has been perverted from its original concept. Mr. Chairman, I do not think the United States can any longer stand by while we as a nation are pushed into a position of subservience to that of some of the independent states who have most recently joined the United Nations. Mr. Chairman, I will ask the chairman of the Subcommittee on International Organizations to confirm the fact that we will hold hearings reassessing our entire position in the United Nations. Mr. FRASER. Mr. Chairman, if the gentleman will yield, I think the gentle- man has made a very good point. I be- lieve there is enough concern about the recent actions of various U.N. bodies that seem to fall outside the scope of their regular and legitimate responsibilities that it is essential to take a very careful look ` at what they are doing and what kind of remedial action we may want to take in relation to those improvident acts. Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 ~`i H 11606 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --HOUSE December 11, 1974 Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. WOLFF. I yield to the gentleman from New York. (Mr. BIAGGI asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of the amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act offered by my good friend and distinguished colleague from New York (Mr. BINGHAM). The amendment seeks to withhold funds from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cul- tural Organization until the President can report to Congress that the funds will be used specifically for uses consist- ent with the objectives of UNESCO and that they will terminate their blatant political actions of recent weeks. Several weeks ago the Nation and the world reacted with shock and horror over the decision of the United Nations Gen- eral Assembly to allow the Palestine Lib- eration Organization to participate in a U.N. debate on the establishment of a Palestine State. It was apparent then as it is now that the United Nations and her organizations despite the noble hopes of their founders are no longer objective forums for the pursuit of international peace and justice in the world. As we consider our annual authoriza- tion for foreign assistance, we have been presented with numerous arguments about wasteful use of our tax dollars for foreign assistance. As the chief financial supporter of the United Nations and its subsidiaries it is incumbent that we impose at least these minimum conditions before we dole out our large annual sum to the United Nations. In a recent letter to the Presi- dent I called for him to withhold the U.S. 1975 contribution to the U.N. until her policies of the past several months are changed. I consider this amendment to be an important first step In this direction and I urge its support today. Mr. CONLAN. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words, and I rise in support of the amendment offered by the gentleman from New York (Mr. BINGHAM). (Mr. CONLAN asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. CONLAN. Mr. Chairman. I gather from news accounts that Communist and. Third World nations ignored or virtual- ly scorned Ambassador John Scali' warn- ing in the General Asembly last Friday that the United Nations is cuttingi.ts own throat with blatant political grandstand- ing and demagoguery. I believe many Americans are now looking to the Congress to put some teeth into Ambassador Scali's remarks. And there is no better way than by withhold- ing further contributions to UNESCO un- til that organization repeals resolutions designed to condemn and isolate member nations. Ambassador Scali warned U.N. mem- bers last year that the world body was undermining Its own credibility and base of support with one-sided, unrealistic resolutions. He noted on Friday that this headlong rush to hypocrisy and expedi- ence has since not only continued, but accelerated. The U.N. has acted callously and arbitrarily in violation of its own rules and charter by giving the blood-drenched terrorist Palestine Liberation Organiza- tion authority to participate in last month's Middle East debate, and by ex- pelling South Africa's Ambassador. In addition, UNESCO has illegally decided to fund the PLO and to bar Israel from assistance or participation in the group. Mr. Chairman, the American people have generously kept the U.N. alive by paying more than a third of all U.N. bills over the years. Americans have done this despite the refusal of most U.N. members to pay their own annual assessments, be- cause we hoped the U.N. would be an instrument of international peace and reconciliation. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case. As the world has now obviously noted, humanitarian and cultural U.N. orga- nizations like UNESCO have been turned into tools of political reprisal, violating both the letter and spirit of the U.N. Charter. So long as the U.N. continues to flaunt its central principles of toler- ance and harmony, it has ceased to have such a useful role in the world as to de- serve our continued support and partici- pation. I wholeheartedly support the Bingham amendment, prohibiting further U.S, contributions to UNESCO until all reso- lutions not of an educational, scientific, or cultural character have been repealed. I urge all my colleagues to join in adopt- ing this amendment. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. CONLAN. I yield to the gentleman from New York (Mr. GH.MAN). (Mr. GILMAN asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Chairman, I thank the gentleman for yielding and rise in support of the amendment by the gen- tleman from New York (Mr. BINGHAM.) in seeking to withhold funds for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization until such time as UNESCO corrects its political act of cutting off UNESCO funds to Israel. An act which was so offensive to the educational, scientific, and cultural com- munity throughout the world. Accordingly, I urge my colleagues to support this worthy amendment seeking to restore some responsible thinking in the U.N. Mr. FLOWERS. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words. Mr. Chairman, I will ask the author of the amendment, the gentleman from New York (Mr. BINGHAM), or some other Member, this question: I like the sound of the language in the amendment, but I may be over- pragmatic. I would like to know if the gentleman can tell us this: What nations would be affected by the gentleman's amendment as far as UNESCO's dealings In the world are concerned? Mr. BINGHAM. If the gentleman will yield, I have made it clear in my re- marks that this amendment is aimed at the situation as far as Israel is con- cerned. The recent events that are re- ferred to in the amendment have to do with the State of Israel; and if other situations arise, then the administra- tion should be guided accordingly. The object of this amendment is to re- quire that UNESCO stick to its purposes, which are educational, cultural, and scientific, and to stay away from political action. As my colleague, the gentleman from New York (Mr. REID) pointed out, in its own charter UNESCO is required to abstain from political action. The problem is that it is getting involved in politics. Mr. FLOWERS. I certainly agree with that program for UNESCO and that pro- gram for the rest of the United Nations. My only hope would be that the gentle- man who offered the amendment as well as the committee that has brought the bill before us would take a hard look Into the overall participation by the United States in the United Nations, certainly with a view toward recent hap- penings at the United Nations. I think that the people of the United States are demanding that we review and possibly rethink our participation in the United Nations. Mr. BINGHAM. If the gentleman will yield again, .I applaud the remarks that were made by Ambassador Scali the other day, and I think that most un- fortunate things have been happening at the United Nations. However, the sit- uation there is totally different from the UNESCO situation. We need the United Nations Forces that are on the ground in the Middle East. We certainly need to keep those forces there and we have to support the United Nations in that respect. Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield. Mr. FLOWERS. I yield to the gentle- man from New York. Mr. WOLFF. If the gentleman heard the colloquy I engaged in with the chair- man of the Subcommittee on Interna- tional Organization, the gentleman from Minnesota( Mr. FRASER) has indicated that he will hold hearings on our entire position within the United Nations, which I think are long overdue. Mr. FLOWERS. I certainly agree with the gentleman. I appreciate his com- ment, and I share the gentleman's in- terest in the Middle East situation. However, I think the problem with the United Nations extends far beyond the Middle East situation. If we perceive the United Nations only through eyes fixed on the Middle East and not the entire worldwide situation, we are not doing our job fairly as'representatives of all the people of America. Mr. WOLFF. If the gentleman will yield, my reference was not comparing, by any means, the Middle East situation to the entire posture of the United Na- tions and particularly the nations who have entered the United Nations and the use, by the way, of coercion by certain nations who are able to pay for votes within the United Nations. Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 December 11, 1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE Ms. HOLTZMAN. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? " Mr. FLOWERS. I yield to the gentle- woman from New York. Ms. HOLTZMAN. I thank the gentle- man for yielding. I would like to say I support fully the leadership of the gentleman from New York (Mr. BINGHAM) in offering his amendment on UNESCO. The action taken by UNESCO against Israel was blatantly political. Thus, it was not only illegal under UNESCO's own charter-which forbids it to engage in political activities-but it was also un- conscionable. UNESCO's action was prompted by Arab blackmail-pure and simple. It is outrageous that the Arab coun- tries are not only going to impoverish the world economically by their high oil prices, but are going to attempt to im- pose their own intellectual dictatorship on everybody. The United States cannot stand idly by while the Arab govern- ments-who themselves have barely con- tributed pennies to support educational, scientific, and cultural development in the world, much less in their own coun- tries-try to subvert the instruments of world peace into a weapon against Israel. The amendment offered by my col- league from New York (Mr. BINGHAM) puts the United States firmly on record against this Arab blackmail, I fully sup- port it. Mr. KOCH. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. FLOWERS. I yield to the gentle- man from New York. 1str. KOCH. I support the Bingham amendment. (Mr. KOCH asked and was given per- mission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. KOCH. Mr. Chairman, I want to state my support of the Bingham amend- ment which calls for the termination of all U.S. aid to UNESCO until that orga- nization repeals its anti-Israel resolu- tions, which deny cultural aid to Israel and exclude her from the agency's regional groupings. The Senate passed the Case amendment on December 4 to the foreign aid authorization bill which terminates U.S. aid to UNESCO, and we in the House must do the same. I believe it to be in the national interest of the United States as well as a moral impera- tive that we oppose the arbitrary, im- moral, and unjustified actions of UNESCO. Recent actions by the United Nations General Assembly can only be described as immoral when that body legitimized the terrorist Palestinian Liberation Or- ganization. At that time, I asked that the United States consider withdrawal from the United Nations General Assem- bly for we can no longer stand by and allow the United Nations to "justify in advance Israel's physical annihilation" to use the words of Raymond Aron and Jean-Paul Sartre. It is apparent that another body of the United Nations, the U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, which is chartered for nonpolitical activ- ities and dedicated to intellectual free- dom and cultural concerns, has approved H 11607 arbitrary and discriminatory political re- is no money in this bill for UNESCO, not prisals against the State of Israel. These one single dime. anti-Israel resolutions which were re- The gentleman from New York had cently adopted directly violate UNE- an amendment similar to the one SCO's raison d'etre and run counter to adopted in the Senate, but it would have the principles which the United Nations been subject to a point of order. purports to defend. The gentleman modified it, and di- In voting against these resolutions, the rected it to this bill. U.S. delegation to UNESCO described As the chairman of the comimttee, I them as "a completely unjustified sane- will be glad to take the amendment of- tion upon a member state of this Organi- fered by the gentleman from New York zation, for reasons that seem to us to be to the conference, and maybe we can largely motivated by political considera- perfect its form and language so as to tions." work the will of the House. ' Are we to support this organization Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Chairman, I that violates its own statutes and prin- move to strike the requisite number of ciples? It is a fact that the United States words. supplies almost a quarter of UNESCO's (Mr. DERWINSKI asked and was biennial budget of $170 million. Out- given permission to revise and extend standing European, Israeli, and United his remarks. States scholars in the sciences and hu- Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Chairman, let manities have already severed their ties me emphasize this area of concern. I with UNESCO. France's designated min- voted to increase the authorizations for ister for women, Francoise Giroud, re- Israel that are in this. bill. The diligent cently refused to appear at a UNESCO efforts of Secretary Kissinger have session, and the Government of Switzer- brought a cease-fire in the Middle East land has already reduced its contribu- but the danger of conflict still exists. tions to UNESCO. We in the United Israel. can only survive this difficult pe- States must not fail to take a strong riod of uneasy quiet if it is strong. The stand against actions that threaten the real danger to Israel comes from those existence of democratic principles. of her Arab neighbors whose radical Mr. KEMP. Mr. Chairman, will the governments are supplied by the Soviet gentleman yield? Union and from guerrilla groups inspired Mr. FLOWERS. I yield to the gentle- and supplied by the Chinese Conimu- man from New York. nists. Mr. KEMP. Mr. Chairman, I appre- The committee's commendable under- ciate my colleague's yielding. standing of Israel's position unfortu- I, too, support the amendment of my nattily did not carry over to other coun- friend, the gentleman from New York tries in other areas where the danger to (Mr. BINGHAM), and rise in support of it. national survival is no less pressing. The treatment of Israel by UNESCO and Consistency in policy would require con- the U.N. in general is deplorable 'and tinned strong support for South Viet- what is more, highly inconsistent with nam and Korea where the committee's the U.N. Charter, I would also like to action fell short of what I believe to be say that I certainly concur with the necessary, support. gentleman that the total funding of the And now, Mr. Chairman, let me ad- U.N. is an issue with this Congress and dress myself very specifically to the that if this House had the issue of fund- amendment before us: ing of the United Nations before it today, Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the rea- there would be some awfully surprised sons why this amendment has been of- members of the United Nations at what fared, and why the amendment has such our actions would be. I frankly am fed overwhelming support. But, just for the up with much of what goes on in the purpose of necessary clarification, I United Nations and this amendment is would like to have the Members keep a worthwhile attempt to bring some in mind the fact that there is a distinc- sanity and responsibility to that organi- tion-between the long-term goals of the zation.. I congratulate Mr. BINGHAM on United Nations and unfortunate unwise, his amendment and urge its adoption. short-term politics. (Mr. KEMP asked and was given per- What we really saw in the U.N. 3 MrL DAN DANIEL. Mr.Chairman, will rolling; in which the black African the gentleman yield? and the Arab States cooked up Mr. FLOWERS. I yield to the gentle- their :little deal, the deal was to expel South Africa from this General As- man from Virginia. sembly session, which the Arab States Mr. DAN DANIEL., I thank the gentle- supported for the support of the 'black man for yielding. African States on the move giving the Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of this PLO the floor to address the United Na- amendment. tions and discuss the situation in the Later on I will offer an amendment to Middle East. reduce the authorization for all United It is my hope that as a result of legiti- Nations agencies from last year's level. mate criticism, that this sort of action (Mr. FLOWERS asked and was given will be avoided at the next session of permission to revise and extend his the United Nations General Assembly. remarks.) The logrolling which'they engaged in Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Chairman, I a few weeks ago at the U.N. was de- should have said this before a lot of the plorabie. Members got up and spoke as' I do not I commend the objectives of the want them to be disappointed, but there amendment, even though I have doubts Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 H 11608 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? HOUSE December 11, 1974 as to whether it will achieve the pur- The Clerk read as follows: ment that the gentleman offered some pose of the sponsors. Amendment offered by Mr. FRASER: Page time ago in committee, to all nations Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, I move 24, strike out lines 3 through 10 and insert throughout the world who are repressing to strike the requisite number of words. in lieu thereof the following: their people. I oppose repression where- (Mr.. GROSS asked and was given per- SEC. 28. (a) The aggregate amount of- ever it exists and would hope that the mission to revise and extend his (1) funds obligated or reserved for mill- progress of lifting the decrees in Korea tary assistance, including supply operations, continues uninterrupted. It would be remarks.) under chapter 2 of part II of the Foreign. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, I wonder Assistance Act of 1961; tragic indeed if Korea misinterpreted if something could be done today about (2) the acquisition cost of excess defense the feelings of the American people re- the proposed pay increase for employees articles, if any, ordered under part II of the, garding the denial of human rights and of the United Nations? The bankrupt Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and not true democracy. It would be equally United Nations is about to put into ef- charged against appropriations for military tragic if this Nation turned its back on feet a pay increase that would provide assistance; Korea who has been a faithful ally. its employees with 42.6 percent above (3) credits, including participations- in In another area we have under the credits, extended pursuant to section 23 of military sales program engaged in mili- U.S. Federal workers. I would ask the the Foreign Military Sales Act; and gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. FRE- (4) the principal amount of loans guar- tary sales with the Government of LINGHIIYSEN) who has had a lot of con- anteed pursuant to section 24 (a) of the For- Britain. At present there exists in the 'tacts in the U.N., or the gentleman from eign military Sales Act; north of Ireland some 500 political Illinois (Mr. DERWINSKI) who is a former with respect to South Korea shall not exceed prisoners, men, women, and children Ambassador to the United Nations, $145,000,000? for fiscal year 1975 until the who have without trial and without whether they think we can do something President submits a report to the Congress charges, been incarcerated without any in this bill, or should do something in after the date of enactment of this Act stat- hope of their getting out of prison. Yet. this bill to stop such an outlandish pay ing that the government of South Korea is we do not single out a nation such as increase-an increase for which we would making substantial progress In the observ- this. Why is it we just take one or two ante of internationally recognised standards nations and single them out on the ques- Mr. 25 percent, and perhaps more. of human rights. Mr. DERWINSKI. Is the gentleman (b) After the submission of the report tion of repression or torture? We can- from Iowa advocating a 42-percent In- under subsection (a), the aggregate amount not condone this activity wherever it crease for the Federal Government em- described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and rears its ugly head. Amnesty Interna- ployees? (4) of such subsection with respect to South tional singled out some 60 nations that Mr. GROSS. No. It is your former as- Korea shall not exceed $165,000,000 for fiscal are guilty of torture. I think it is high sociates in the United Nation who are year 1975. - time that we as a nation stop our aid seeking a 42.6 percent increase. (c) The provisions of section 506 and sec.- to all countries or stop our assistance of tion 614 of the Foreign Assistance Act of Mr. DERWINSKI. No. The gentleman 1961, or of any other law, may not be.used any form to all countries that are guilty from Iowa has to please understand the to exceed the limitation under subsection of torture or repression. Singling one situation, and that is that the United (a) or (b). or two nations out of the myriad who States does not run the United Nations. Mr. FRASER. Mr. Chairman, in the practice this activity is a concession We do our level best to provide leader- bill as reported from committee there of approval to the others who continue ship, but we' cannot perform miracles, are two limitations placed on aid to Ko- repression. The more support, however, that Con- rea, $100 million for grant military aid, Mr. FRASER. I appreciate the con- gress gives those who work in the United and $15 million for excess defense ar- tern the gentleman has. One of the rea- Nations for the long-term objectives of sons it is of concern to us is because of the United Nations will help to provide titles, so that those two limitations However, the enormous investment of American a better world than the one we are pres- gether would be $115 million. However, lives and treasure in Korea. One thing ently living in. those two limitations do not cover for- we fear will happenif we do not rein- Mr. GROSS. Does the gentleman not eign. military sales, and In an effort to force a sense of decency and fair play think, as one who is skilled in the ma- work out an acceptable amendment in with both sides, we have by those leaders in Korea is that the nipulations and maneuverings of the consultation come to the amendment which has been nation of Korea will fall further away United Nations, that in some way we from those standards of fair play. We here today might pass another one of offered which would raise -that, amount must assure that our defense aid is in these sense-of-Congress resolutions stat- to $145 million for Korea, and If there behalf of the kind of government that ing that they should not increase the is improvement in the human rights sit- respects the basic rights of its people. pay of their employees in the United Na- uation, it would go to $165 million. I think the reasons for this are quite clear. We have an important relationship with tions to a point 42.6 percent above that the Korean people, one that goes back of workers for the Federal Government. When President Ford visited Korea, over two decades or more, and I just and who will pay for -that increase, or according to news accounts, he, himself, hope we find a way to encourage the at least 25 percent of it? . brought to the attention of the Korean leadership to act so as to encourage help Mr. DERWINSKI. The gentleman leadership quite forcefully the impor- from this Congress. I should try to un- from Iowa could offer such a sense-of- tance of that government's efforts to at- derscore the fact that we have tried to Congress resolution but, unfortunately, it tempt to improve their treatment to of work this out with the various parties will not have much effect. their own people with respect to prob- and I think we have achieved a basic lems of political repression and imprise understanding with respect to this. The real tragedy that we face today, onment. I think the amendment that we if I may be just a little personal, oc- have here is generally acceptable. It rep- Mr. WOLFF. I think the gentleman's curred when the gentleman from Iowa. resents a compromise from a number of point is very well taken. We cannot sit passed up the opportunity to serve in considerations, and unless there is an in- by while there is this tide of repression the United Nations, because had he done terest in further elaboration of the dif- that goes on but I would submit to the so I am sure that would have been to ficulties there, or the reasons for the gentleman we have this same type of the mutual benefit of both the. United amendment relationship existing with Britain and Nations and the gentleman from Iowa. Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Chairman, will the yet I do not find us in any manner, Mr. GROSS. I never made a better gentleman yield? shape or form standing up as a nation decision in my life than to step aside r and objecting to what is going on in the and let the gentleman from Illinois take Mr. FRASER. I will be glad to yield to North of Ireland. that job the among the gentleman Proms. the gentleman from New York. Mr. FRASER. The gentleman makes a . DERWINSKI. The gentleman Mr. WOLFF. I thank the gentleman point there are other countries that have Mr for yielding. problems and I have no doubt of that. missed. from Iowa has no idea what he CHAIRMAN. The question is on I must say that the gentleman cer- The CHAIRMAN. The time of the tainly has arrived at a compromise sit- gentleman from Minnesota has expired. The the amendment the t. on question by gentleman nation regarding the question of Korea, (On request of Mr. MATHIS of Georgia, from he he a a New York off but I find it very difficult to understand and by unanimous consent, Mr. FRASER The amendment was agreed to. singling out one or two nations in the was allowed to proceed for 2 additional AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. FRASER world on. the question of repression and minutes.) Mr. FRASER. Mr. Chairman, I offer political incarceration without address- Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- an amendment. ing o el s, as we have in the amend- man, will the gentleman yieia? Approved For Release 2 5/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 December 11, 1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE H 11609 Mr. FRASER. I yield to the. gentleman from Georgia. f Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- man, I rise in support of the gentleman's amendment and I think he has reached a compromise we can live with but I wonder about the terminology used on page 2 about the internationally recog- nized standards of human rights. I won- der If the gentleman can elaborate on human rights. Mr. FRASER. I think the statement of basic human rights that is most widely, accepted is contained in the Declaration of Human Rights passed by the U.N. General Assembly many years ago. It outlines very basic human rights respected by many nations now and accepted by some as part of international law. There are a number of other specific covenants and undertakings interna- tionally agreed to that spell out rights of people but those contained in the uni- versal declaration set forth the basic standards along with the United Nations charter itself. Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. If the gentleman will yield further, does the gentleman think the citizens of the Soviet Union and Red China and Com- lmunist Cuba and some of the other so-called Communist nations of the world enjoy those basic human rights? Mr. FRASER. In my judgment the Soviet citizens enjoy only limited rights which certainly do not conform to all the standards that are internationally recognized. I think our concern now should be that Korea should be different and not become a totalitarian state unrecognizable from other states that are totalitarian, such as the Soviet Union. Mr. MATHIS of Georgia. But there are some Russian. citizens who are producing chrome which we need in this country. Mr. FRASER. My basic line in relation to countries in general is that I am pre- pared to have normal commercial rela- tionships and normal diplomatic rela- tionships with a country no matter what I think of its failure to observe human' rights. . Mr. DE LA GARZA. Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to the amendment for many reasons, but mainly that I do not think the authors of this amendment and those who support it realize the lack of logic in their attempt to assert human rights for the individual by attacking the internal overall security of friendly nations and cutting their military assist- ance. I do not wish to debate in any way that there may have been infringements' upon the internationally recognized prin- ciples of human rights, but I do resent as one.who has served ruring our inter- vention in-that great country that we sit here, not with an overall purpose, not with an overall plan, but singling out this country and that country and this ethnic background or that ethnic back- ground or this religion or that religion and we only take affront at those that we are dissatisfied with at this moment, not necessarily yesterday or not neces- sarily tomorrow. Now, kindly permit me to tell this body something. Human rights as we know them in the United States, political lib- erty,freedom of the press, are unknown in other parts of the world, in the exact same context as we know them. I think one of the greatest mistakes we made in Vietnam is that we wanted them to have elections. We wanted them to have placards. We wanted them to have television. We wanted them to have a presidential election like we have. In the centuries of history of the people of South Vietnam, they could not have that. Now, with regard to Korea, if some have been to Panmunjom, as I have re- cently, they are looking into the face of ' an enemy in Korea that wants to en- slave all of Korea, not just the Park re- gime, but every single person there. Any- thing we do on this floor to curtail as- sistance militarily will be sacrificing all of the people, all of that free nation. If any are in jail today they will be in jail when the Communists take over; so we are playing with fire here. We are doing something illogical. We are doing some- thing against the wishes of those who died in Korea from our country. Korea is a friendly nation: Korea stood with us in Vietnam. I visited with the great- Korean soldiers there. To argue that we paid for their ammunition, yes, but every Korean soldied that died in Vietnam kept an American soldier from dying in Vietnam. They were there and they were dying side by side with ours. Then to come here and affront them by saying, "If you do not do this, we will reduce your military assistance," I think is a sham. I think it is an insult to a friendly people and a friendly country. Aside from that, my friends, the logic is not there. We are fixing to help those who would enslave all of South Korea. That is what we are trying to do if we pass this amendment. Let us stand by those who have stood by us, let us reason with them about our- problems, but I urge you, do not restrict their military, for if you do,' you will compromise the security of all the people of that great Nation. - Mr. GUYER. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words. Mr. Chairman and the Members of the Committee, I just want to say a few words, neither against or in favor of the amendment, because I think that Is a foregone conclusion; it will pass, at least in spirit if not in substance. I think it is high time that we have some words said as were said a moment ago in behalf of our friends in the Pa- cific, of whom we have very few. I received a letter from the Ambas- sador to South Korea today giving me photographs of a tunnel which they just discovered in November, also citing 23,- 000 violations of the cease-fire since the end of the war. Now, the very minister who talked to Jack Anderson and others who were in defense of the 12 religious leaders did admit that here we have 100 percent religious freedom. In South Korea it is only 80 percent. In North Korea it is zero. The so-called innocent student al- though not i of the 186 or so who were rounded up-turned out to be an ad- mitted enemy agent, who in trying to assassinate the president, killed his wife. I think we have to recognize one way and one time or another that we have some valiant people out there who are doing a ` pretty good job. They have tripled their per capita income and have a bustling economy. I think, as was said here, we should look to ourselves where crime is so ram- pant in the streets and where, as Paul Harvey said, we had more jurors locked up than we had prisoners in Cook County. - I want to say on behalf of the people of Korea that we have had a fine Ko- rean student come to our college in Find- lay, Ohio, Honcho Chris Kim. He has become an American citizen, and suc- cessful businessman and from this asso- ciation has come a fine relationship be- tween Korea and the United States. He provided 10,000 volumes of books for our college library in Findlay and as an am- bassador of good will for both countries, has brought mutual understanding. - James Wagonseller of Ohio, the- na- tional. commander of the American Le- gion, just returned from Korea and has a great deal of regard for these people. He lauded their courage and friendship. Of all. the places the President visited, he had no more glowing reception than in South Korea, where millions gave him an ovation. Mr. FRASER. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. GUYER. I yield to the gentleman from Minnesota. Mr.. FRASER. Mr. Chairman, I would like to point out to the gentleman that the Korean broadcasting networks used to rebroadcast the Voice of America broadcasts. They stopped them. We wrote to find out why. It turned out that.they broke off the transmission of the Voice of America broadcasts right during the time the Voice of America was reporting about the kidnaping out of the hotel in Tokyo of the last candidate to oppose President Park. I am sure the gentleman is well acquainted with that incident. Mr. GUYER. I am aware of all of it.. Mn FRASER. That was the political opposition leader who was taken by what appears to be the Korean CIA, and taken back to Korea. He is now in the country and not permitted to leave the country. Since that time the Voice of America has not been rebroadcast in Korea. I want to help the Korean people, and - I think the gentleman does also. Mr.. GUYER. I understand. Mr. FRASER. If we can encourage that government to ease up on the re- pression and imprisonment of its people, we would be helping them and helping ourselves. Mr. GUYER. I appreciate the opinion of the gentleman. I think we both know that -President Park was elected by a majority of 900,000 votes. Also, he dis- claimed any knowledge or connection with the kidnapping and did fire the head of the intelligence agency there who may have participated in that in- cident. I have reason to believe thr.t they, under their president, have made great progress in their economy, in achieving greater individual liberties-and in our peaceful partnership with them. Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A00010002001,9-8 1-111610 Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- HOUSE December 11, 197,x_ We have all too few friends in the Pacific, and I would hate to see them crippled by legislation here. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield? Mr. GUYER. I yield to the gentleman from Iowa. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, why does not the gentleman from Minnesota ap- ply this across the board to other na- tions, and there are some 60 in the list I have here, to which he referred not long ago? Why does he want to apply it only to some and not to all? Mr. GUYER. We have personal defini- tions on what constitutes either church members or Christians. I want to say that while it is always complimentary to be a member of a church, that by being a member does not make a person a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes a person an automobile. There are all kinds of people under all kinds of labels. Real Christian leaders are not causing problems in South Korea, nor are they being persecuted- Mr. FASCELL. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words. Mr. Chairman, the President of the 'United States indicated the concern of the United States in Korea to the whole issue of human rights. The Congress has indicated its concern already in the lan- guage of the bill. The pending amend- ment is a further compromise on the subject, As I recall, and I would like to ask the gentleman from Minnesota to help me refresh my memory. The program under the House bill would be $185 mil- lion. Would the cut under the gentle- man's. amendment be $20 million? Am I correct on that, if all the steps were to be taken? Since the amendment provides that after the President's report the ceiling would go from $145 million to $165 million. Mr. FRASER. The gentleman is cor- rect. And from last year, they would only be cut $10 million, but I have some reason to believe that even without the language in the bill, Korea would not get any more than that. Mr. FASCELL. So the real effect of the amendment is to be providing an in- centive for the country to take some cor- rective steps. Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Chairman, I rise In support of the amendment. Mr. Chairman, I would not discount the friendship the nation of Korea has shown for the United States or its people and, contrary to some of the arguments that have been made here today, I believe this is an expression of the friendship for the people of Korea that we provide In. this legislation, this incentive that the Government shall honor human rights within that country. What is special about that country? I will tell you what is special about it. A dear first cousin of mine who gave his life in that country is special about it. Many thousands of other Americans who died so that there might be freedom in Korea is special about it. The billions of dollars of the wealth of this republic that went into the cause of human freedom. In that country is special about it. I think we have a special obligation to lend our influence to the cause of free- dom and of human rights within. that society into which flowed so much of our wealth and for which so much American. blood flowed a few years ago. I cannot find fault in ]lending our influence to the cause of human rights and human freedom anywhere, and 3: hope this amendment will be adopted. Mr. MOIEGAN. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike out the requisite number of words. This. amendment would limit all mili- tary and supporting assistance to Korea, to $1.45 million in fiscal year 1975. This is only about 20 percent less than Korea received in the last fiscal year, where the figure was $175 million. The amendment would, however, pro vide an additional $20 million for Korea if, the President determined, and re- ported to Congress, that progress has been made in respect to human 'rights. It really brings it up to $165 million, which is only $10 million less than what Korea received last year. The committee debated this issue of aid to Korea during the markup of the foreign aid bill; and because of the re- ported gross violation of human :rights in that country, the committee itself put a limit of $17.5 million. on military aid and excess defense articles for Korea in fiscal 1975.. Afterwards, the committee rejected additional amendments further restrict- ing aid to Korea. It was before, of course, the President's trip and he got the re- suits. Mr. Chairman, I am now going to sup- port the Fraser amendment. It will not cripple Korea's ability to defend itself, and I feel if we look at the table for Korea that it is a compromise, a great compromise on the part of the gentle. man from. Minnesota. I intend to sup port the amendment and take it to the Senate, where the Senate has a much lower figure. This will be a good amend- ment on the part of the House, and :( strongly support the amendment offered by the gentleman from Minnesota. The CHAIRMAN. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentle- man from. Minnesota (Mr. FRASER). The question was taken; and on a di- vision (demanded by Mr. FIRASER) there were-ayes 64; noes 44. So the amendment was agreed to. AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR, GROSS Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment. The Clerk read as follows: Amendment offered by Mr. GRoss: Page 13, line 21, strike out "$154,400,000" and insert "$127,822,000" in lieu thereof. (Mr. GROSS asked and was given per- mission to revise and extend his re.- marks.) Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, I find it Incredible that this administration, which claims to be fighting inflation' and in view of the dire financial and eco- nomic conditions of the country, would call for a foreign handout bill of $2 bil- lion 600 million. I am just trying to cut a relatively small amount out of this bill and put this item back to where it was last year. It ought to be cut far- deeper. I am trying to appeal to just a little reason around here concerning the ex- penditure of the public's money. Last year Congress authorized $127.- 822,000 for voluntary contributions to international organizations, and that is what this is all about. It also authorized $150 million for fiscal year 1985. That figure was a shot in the dark. But the Executive was quick to live up to it and even increase it. Let us not forget that in the State De- partment authorization there is $151.- 132,000 for "assessed contributions" for the United Nations and its specialized agencies. That includes $19,617.000 for that organization. known as UNESCO. The main reason for the jump from $127.8 million to $154.4 million this year is the U.N. development program, which has gone up about $20 million. The so- called underdeveloped _ nations are run- ning the U.N. and setting the pace to determine how much the United States and other principal contributors should pay. One reason the underdeveloped countries are getting further underdevel- oped is because of the increased cost of oil. if the United Nations wants to court the leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization, it should encourage the Arabs to pick up more of the check. Mr. Chairman, my amendment; simply cuts $261/2 million and holds our contri- bution to last year's handout. I urge adoption of the amendment. Mr. FRASER. Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to the amendment. Mr. Chairman, I think it is important for the Committee to look at the reason for the difference in the figures between last year and this year. One of the sig- nificant changes is with respect to fund- ing for refugees in the Middle East. As I believe every Member here recog- nizes, the problems in the Middle East, including the refugee problem in the Middle East, have grown rather than de- creased as a result of events over the last year. One of the last things we need to do is to pull the rug out from under the Middle East refugee program. The amount of money we are talking about here is peanuts compared to the expenditure of $2.2 billion we became in- volved in, in an effort to resupply Israel following the last Middle East war. If we were to handicap or to cripple the capacity of UNRWA to deal effec- tively or more effectively-because it is a minimum program-with the people and the problems of the Middle East refugees, we would simply be pouring oil on an already burning fire. It would be the worst kind of penny-wise-pound-foolish act. It would force a reduction in the Mid- dle East funds at a time when peace in the Middle East Is precarious, when we have our Secretary of State working his head off in trying to find a way to bring about some resolution of the conflict. This miniscule amount, in comparison to the contingent liability we face in the Middle East if they go, back to war, sug- gests that this amendment should be defeated. I am not a great fan of what has been done recently in the U.N. with respect to Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 'December 11, 19nroved Fo CONGRESSIONAL6RECORDP7 HOUSE 000100020019-8 certain political issues, but this money, which is voluntary money, does not touch that problem. The money in this bill goes for such things as the Children's Fund, the U.N. development program. the population programs of the U.N., the U.N. Fund for Drug Abuse Control, et cetera. It reaches a wide range of matters of importance to our interests, and I would just plead with the committee not to cut these funds, particularly, as I say, when one of the significant reasons for the differ- ence between this year and last is to help the problem in the Middle East. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Chair- man, will the gentleman yield? Mr. FRASER. I yield to the gentleman from New Jersey. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Chair- man, I would like to point out also that if there should be a cut of this size, it would cut into funds that are needed for relief operations in Cyprus and the U.N. forces in Cyprus. It also would cut, quite probably, the funds available for disaster assistance. I would hope that the committee would not, for whatever reason, decide on a cut of this size, because inevitably the people who are going to.be short changed are those who need it most. Quite obviously, a major assistance program is needed for the refugees in the Middle East, which this inevitably would be cut if this amendment were adopted. As the gentleman from Minnesota has already pointed out, the reason for the increase this year is that almost $9 mil- lion which was made available in the form of Public Law 480 assistance last year will not be available this year. Therefore, I urge that this amendment be defeated. Mr. KOCH. Mr. Chairman, there will be surprise, I am sure, that I rise in sup- port of the Gross amendment to reduce U.N. funding. However, my vote on this question is predicated on the immoral and illegal actions taken by the United Nations General Assembly. As I have said to my colleagues on prior occasions, I believe the United States should con- sider withdrawal from the U.N. General Assembly. On December 6 our Ambassador John Scali addressed the U.N. Assembly and warned against its increased adoption of "one-sided, unrealistic resolutions that cannot be implemented" and its "arbi- trary disregard of U.N. rules, even of its charter." I think that Ambassador Scali's statement requires a supporting message from the Congress. One way to voice that sentiment is to reduce these funds. A major beneficiary of the moneys would be the alleged Arab refugees who, for political purposes, have been abandoned in their camps in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan by Arab nations whose treasuries are swollen with their,oil billions. If as- sistance is needed by the Arab refugees, let moneys extorted from the western countries by Arab oil sheiks be applied for that purpose. There will be some who say this par- ticular authorization Is not the place to start" cutting funds because it includes some worthwhile projects but the fact is that on every occasion concerning the U.N. and its funding we will be told "this is not the time nor the place." Every be- ginning is a difficult one but begin we must. The CHAIRMAN. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentle- man from Iowa (Mr. GROSS). The question was taken, and on a divi- sion (demanded by Mr. GROSS) there were-ayes 26, noes 57. RECORDED VOTE Mr. GROSS. Mr. Chairman, on that, I demand a recorded vote. A recorded vote was ordered. The vote was taken by electronic de- vice, and there were-ayes 165, noes 226, not voting 43, as follows: [Roll No. 671] AYES-165 Abdnor Froehlich Nichols Andrews, N.C. Fuqua O'Brien Archer Gaydos Pettis Armstrong Ginn Pike Ashbrook Goodling Poage Bafalis Gross Powell, Ohio Baker Gubser Price, Tex. Bauman Gunter Quillen Beard Haley Randall Bennett Hammer- Ra ick Bevill schmidt RoSinson, Va. Biaggi Hanrahan Rogers Blackburn Harsha Rose Bowen Hastings Roush Breaux Henderson Rousselot Brinkley Hicks Runnel's Broyhill, N.C. Holt Satterfield Broyhill, Va. Huber Scherle Burgener Hudnut Sebelius Burleson, Tex, Hutchinson Shipley Burlison, Mo, Ichord Shriver Butler Jarman Shuster Byron, Johnson, Pa. Skubitz Camp Jones, Okla. Snyder Carter Kemp Spence Casey, Tex. Ketchum Steed Chappell King Steelman Clancy Koch Steiger, Ariz. Clausen, Lagomarsino Stephens Don H. Land grebe Stubblefield Clawson, Del Landrum Stuckey Cleveland Latta Sullivan Cochran Lott Symms Collins, Tex. Lujan Talcott Conlan McCollister Taylor, Mo. Crane McEwen Taylor, N.C. Daniel, Dan McSpadden Teague Daniel, Robert Macdonald Thone W., Jr. Mahon Thornton Davis, S.C. Mann Towell, Nev. Delaney Maraziti Traxler Denholm Martin, Nebr. Treen Dent Martin, N.C. Veysey Devine Mathis, Ga. Vigorito Dickinson Mayne Waggonner Dingell Mazzola Whitten Donohue Melcher Wiggins Dorn Milford Wolff Downing Miller Wylie Duncan Mitchell, N.Y. Yatron du Pont Mizell Young, Alaska Edwards, Ala. Mollohan Young, Fla. Evins, Tenn. Montgomery Young, S.C. Flowers Moorhead, Zion Flynt Calif. Zwach Fountain Myers Frey Natcher NOES-226 Abzug Boland Chamberlain Adams Bolling Chisholm Addabbo Brademas Clark Anderson, Bray Clay Calif. Breckinridge Cohen Anderson, Ill. Brooks Collins, Ill. Andrews, Broomfield Conte N. Dak. Brotzman Conyers Annunzio Brown, Calif. Corman Arends Brown, Mich. Cotter Ashley Buchanan Coughlin A5pin Burke, Calif. Cronin Badillo Burke, Fla. Culver Bell Burke, Mass, Daniels, Bergland Burton, John Dominick V. Blester ' Burton, Phillip Danielson Bingham Carney, Ohio Davis, Ga. Boggs Cederberg Davis, Wis. H 11611' de la Garza Long, Md. Roybal Dellenback McClory Ruppe Dellums McCloskey Ruth Derwlnski McCormack Ryan Diggs McDade St Germain Drinan: McFall Sarasin Eckhardt McKay Sarbanes Edwards, Calif. McKinney Schneebeli Eilberg Madden Schroeder Erlenborn Madigan Seiberling Each Mallary Sikes Evans, Colo. Matsunaga Sisk Fascell Meeds Slack Findley Metcalfe Smith, Iowa Fish Mezvinsky Staggers Flood Michel Stanton, Foley Minish J. William Forsythe Mink Stanton, Fraser Mitchell, Md. James V. Frelinghuysen Moakley Stark Frenzel Moorhead, Pa. Steele Fulton Morgan Steiger, Wis. Gettys Mosher Stokes Gibbons Moss Stratton Gilman Murphy, Ill. Studds Gonzalez Murphy, N.Y. Symington Gray Murtha Thompson, N.J. Green, Oreg. Nedzi Thomson, Wis. Green, Pa. Nelsen Udall Grover Nix Ullman Gude Obey Van Deerlin Guyer O'Neill Vander Jagt Hamilton Owens Vander Veen Hanley Parris Vanik Hanna Patman Waldie Hansen, Wash. Patten Walsh Harrington Pepper Wampler Hawkins Perkins Ware Hechler, W. Va. Peyser Whalen Heckler, Mass. Pickle White Heinz Prayer Whitehurst Helstoski Price, ill. Widnall Hillis Pritchard Williams Hogan Quie Wilson, Bob Holtzman Railsback Wilson, Horton Rangel Charles H., Hosmer Rees Calif. Hunt Regula Wilson, Johnson, Calif. Reuss Charles, Tex. Jones, Ala. Rhodes Winn Jones, Tenn, Riegle Wright Jordan Rinaldo Wyatt Karth Roberts Wydler Kastenmeier Robison, N.Y. Yates Kazan Rodino Young, an. Kluczynski Roe Young, Ill. Kyros Roncalio, Wyo. Young, Tex. Leggett Rooney, Pa. Zablocki Lehman Rosenthal Lent Rostenkowski Long, La. Roy Alexander Grasso Mills Barrett Griffiths Minshall, Ohio Blatnik Hansen, Idaho O'Hara Brasco Hays Fassman Brown, Ohio Hebert Podell Carey, N.Y, Hinshaw Reid Collier Holifleld Roncalio, N.Y. Conable Howard Rooney, N.Y. Dennis Hungate Sandman Dulski Johnson, Colo. Shoup Eshleman Jones, N.C. Smith, N.Y. Fisher Kuykendall Tiernan Ford Litton Wyman Giaimo Luken Goldwater Mathias, Calif. So the amendment was rejected. The result of the vote was announced as above recorded. AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. CONTE Mr. CONTE. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment. The, Clerk read as follows: Amendment offered by Mr. CONTE: On page 16, strike lines 14 through 16, and insert in lieu thereof the following: (b) Section 655 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended as follows: (1) by striking out "$341,000,000" in sub- section (a) and inserting "$377,000,000" in lieu t'"hereof. (2) by striking out "1972" in subsection (a) and inserting "1975. Of that sum, there shall be available no more than $200,000,- 000 for military assistance." in lieu thereof. (3) by striking out "$341,000,000" In sub- Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 I311612 Approved For Release 2005/06/16: CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020019-8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--HOUSE December 11, 1974- section (b) and inserting "$377,000,000" in lieu thereof. (4) by striking out "1972" In subsection (b) and inserting "1975" in lieu thereof. Mr. CONTE. Mr. Chairman, I offer this amendment to place a definite ceil- ing on the amount of funds to be author- ized by this bill for assistance to Cam- bodia. I am pleased to state that this amend- ment is cosponsored by my friends and colleagues, Mr. ASPIN, Mr. Esc1I, Mr. GLIDE, Mr. RIEGLE, Mr. JOHNSON of Colo- rado, Mr. SEIBERLING, and Mr. McCLOS- xEY. I believe it is worthy of support by every Member of this body. The bill reported from committee does not contain a line item for Cambodia. It does not set ceilings or subceilings on aid to Cambodia. This lack of limitations disturbs us, Mr. Chairman, because the administration requested $578,000,000 for fiscal 1975, of which 68 percent was to be for military aid. This huge amount of money was requested for a country of only 71/2 million people and for a govern- ment that controls only a small part of the territory within the boundaries of Cambodia. I respectfully submit, Mr. Chairman, that aid to Cambodia is a prime area for reductions In the administration's budget. It is a place to save U.S. taxpay- ers' dollars in this time of severe eco- nomic stress. I also submit that, in act-. ing on this authorization, this body should clearly mandate these reductions and savings. We are asking for a ceiling on expen- ditures which now help to account for an estimated 30 Cambodians being killed or wounded every day, with no end to the bloodshed in sight. We are asking for a congressional re- sponse to and reduction in an adminis- tration request which would exceed U.S. economic aid to all African nations and all Latin American nations and which would be 10 times more than all taxes collected by the Cambodian Government,. Our amendment places a ceiling of $377 million on all U.S. aid to Cambodia,. It also places a $200 million subceiling on military aid. The action we are requesting is not unprecedented. The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended by the Foreign Assistance Act of 1971, contains, in sec- tion 655, a definite ceiling on direct or indirect economic or military assistance for Cambodia. Unfortunately, that ceil- ing pertained only to fiscal year 1972. Our amendment merely changes section 655 to set a similar ceiling for fiscal year 1975. The bill reported by the committee amends section 655, but only by waiving that section's requirements that funds for Cambodia be specifically authorized by law. Rather than waive such a re- quirement for specific authorization and thereby create an open-ended spending authorization, we should provide a firm ceiling on such expenditures. The amendment I have offered will provide such a ceiling as well as a sub- ceiling on military assistance. For the reasons I have stated and for those to be presented by the others who have joined me in this effort, the amendment de- serves to be adopted and I urge