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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 20, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79-00849A000300060006-9.pdf137.44 KB
Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDPcQOVdIJ kN 6060006-9 I COASTAL DEFENSE SITES HA TINH AREA. NORTH VIETNAM ATTACHMENT TO L-1583 20 AUGUST 1966 PAGE 1 1. SIGNIFICANCE: FIVE OCCUPIED COASTAL DEFENSE SITES ARE OBSERVED ALONG THE BEACH IN THE HA TINH AREA ON THE GULF OF TONKIN. 2. LOCATION: ALL FIVE SITES ARE LOCATED GENERALLY EAST OF HA TINH AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: SITE A--APPROXIMATELY 5.5 NM NORTHEAST OF HA TINH AT 18-24-12N 105-58-42E (UTM XF034349); SITE B--APPROXIMATELY SEVEN NM EAST OF HA TINH AT 18-20-32N 106-01-53E (UTM XFO88213); SITE C--APPROXIMATELY SEVEN NM EAST OF HA TINH AT 18-20-30N 106-01-57E (UTM XFO89281); SITE D--APPROXIMATELY TEN NM EAST-SOUTHEAST OF HA TINH AT 18-18-03N 106-o4-18E (UTM XF133237); SITE E--APPROXIMATELY TEN NM EAST-SOUTHEAST OF HA TINH AT 18-17-55N 106-o4-30E (UTM XF136234). 3. MISSION READOUT: These notes have been prepared for briefing purposes only and should not be used for detailed analytical work. Their use should be restricted to the particular briefing board(s) they were prepared for and must be considered valid only for the re- porting period as indicated by the date of issue. For information concerning these notes contact Chief, Collateral Support Division, NPIC. OUPI CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-R'NcpifP00060006-9 (c) NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER ATTACHMENT TO 1-1583 20 AUGUST 1966 PAGE 2 ALL UTM COORDINATES ARE TAKEN FROM AMS SERIES L701, SHEETS 6166 II J These notes have been prepared for briefing purposes only and should not be used for detailed analytical work. Their use should be restricted to the particular briefing board(s) they were prepared for and must be considered valid only for the re- porting period as indicated by the date of issue. For information concerning these notes contact Chief, Collateral Support el ' CONFIDENTIAL COASTAL DEFENSE SITES HA TINH AREA, NORTH VIETNAM SITE B SITE C 18-20N 106-OIE 18-20N 106-OIE